How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally by Annie Taylor Copyright Š Vital Health. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author or publisher. Published by Vital Health in association with Annie Taylor.
Disclaimer This book has been written to provide the reader with helpful information about how to get rid of cellulite naturally. While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. The Author is not a medical doctor and makes no attempt to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this book should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of a doctor or health care professional. This publication is intended as an information product only. The reader of this publication assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials, and information. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The following information is based on personal experiences and may or may not be the best or most effective practice. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website. If you do not accept these terms, please close this publication and discontinue using it immediately.
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally Table of Contents What Is Cellulite? ........................................................ 4 Understanding cellulite ………………………………………….. 4 The Cause Of Cellulite ……………………………………………. 5 Only Women Get Cellulite? ……………………………………. 6 Myths About Cellulite……………………………………………… 6 Myth 1 – The Soda Pop Myth Myth 2 – The Over 40 Myth Myth 3 – The Buttocks and Thighs Myth Myth 4 – The Overweight Myth
Many Treatments Have Been Tried ……………………….. 7 1 – Gels, pills and creams? No proof so far. 2 – Liposuction? False hope. 3 – Massage? Not really. 4 – Drink water? Helps, but you need more
The Real Deal When It Comes To Cellulite ……………… 9
5 Critical Keys to KILL Your Cellulite ………………………… 10 Key 1 – Stop using creams Key 2 – Stop risky & expensive ‘medi-spa’ treatments key 3 – It’s not genetic Key 4 – You can get rid of it simply and naturally
Key 5 – The only proven way
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
What Is Cellulite? Most people don't really know what cellulite is... and so there are a lot of weird definitions out there, if you ask a bunch of people what they THINK it is. They know what it LOOKS like! They KNOW it is UNSIGHTLY (most women would think this is an understatement). What we do KNOW about it? ‘’Cellulite’’ is really just a description… there’s no actual ‘’condition’’. But it's definitely one of those things women want to banish (because more women than men do get cellulite). Women want to get rid of the ''orange peel'' look on butts and thighs; they want to get rid of the dimples, the shadows, the bumps and (excuse me) the wobbles. So join me to check out where to go and how to find the answer to FIX all of that. Here's to SMOOTHNESS!
Understanding cellulite Yup – it’s embarrassing and unsightly, and no one likes cellulite, on themselves or anyone else. But while most people have no trouble identifying it, very few understand exactly what cellulite is. Cellulite is fat that protrudes out from the lower layers of skin into the dermis, or outer layer of the skin. Cellulite gives a dimpled 4
appearance to the skin, often grotesquely described as a “cottage cheese” look. As WebMD i says: ‘’Its name makes it sound like a medical condition. But cellulite is nothing more than normal fat beneath the skin. The fat appears bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker.’’ Commonly cellulite is seen on the butt, thighs, and lower legs, though it can appear elsewhere. It’s more noticeable in areas that store more fat, such as the buttocks and thighs, although it can also sometimes be found on the stomach and arms.
The Cause Of Cellulite Surprisingly, modern science still knows very little about the cause or causes of cellulite. We do know, however that between 85% and 98% of women (that’s almost all women) have at least some cellulite somewhere on their bodies. So, contrary to popular misconception, then, and despite how used to seeing cellulite on obese people we may be, cellulite is not necessarily a result of being overweight. It forms when the body’s circulatory system becomes sluggish, allowing pockets of fat to build up and expand, squeezing on the surrounding connective tissues and pushing them out of shape. These pockets of fat then push up against the skin, giving it its characteristic dimpled appearance.
Only Women Get Cellulite? Not so. Men can get cellulite. However, science has observed that cellulite is far less common in men, leading many researchers to believe there is a hormonal component to the way the fat beneath the skin forms and creates the dimpled, orange peel appearance of cellulite. Dr Len Kravitz ii says: ‘’The reason cellulite is rarely seen in men (obese and non-obese) is because the epidermis, dermis and uppermost part of the subcutaneous tissue is different in males. Men have thicker epidermis and dermis tissue layers in the thighs and buttocks. More distinctively dissimilar, the first layer of fat, which is slightly thinner in men, is assembled into polygonal units separated by crisscrossing connective tissue .’’ Some theories suggest that the appearance of cellulite could be related to one’s diet, more specifically the ingestion of large amount of trans-fats as well as foods like pasta, white bread, and other foods heavy in white flour or heavily processed. Again, this is suspected, but not yet “known” or proven.
Myths About Cellulite Cellulite is surrounded by myths. There are many misleading “facts” about cellulite that have led women to desperately try to get rid of or avoid getting cellulite only to end up with it gracing their backsides. Weeding through the myths and spelling out the facts is important. This way people can really know the whole truth about cellulite. Here are just a few – you’ll get the idea. 1. The Soda Pop Myth A myth that, at the time, seemed almost believable is that soda pop causes cellulite. The theory was that the sodium in soda pop caused 6
fat cells to swell thus producing cellulite. This is not true. Cellulite is fat cells, but they have become deformed and trapped close to the skin in connective tissue. 2. The Over 40 Myth Another often accepted myth is that cellulite only happens to those over 40 years old. While cellulite may be more apparent in older people because the skin thins out as we age, it can occur at any age. 3. The Buttocks and Thighs Myth Cellulite is often misunderstood, so it isn’t surprising that many people believe the myth that cellulite can only occur on the thighs and buttocks. While this is the most common area for cellulite to occur, it can also appear on the arms, neck and stomach. 4. The Overweight Myth Perhaps one of the most common myths is that only overweight people get cellulite. This myth, when debunked, can be devastating to those who are not over weight. Unfortunately everyone has fat cells, even skinny people so they too are subject to cellulite.
Knowing the difference between myths and facts can help people deal better with cellulite issues.
Many Treatments Have Been Tried Gels, pills and creams? No proof so far.
As is the case whenever a perceived new problem arises in our culture, manufacturers scamper to produce and release countless products targeting the cellulite-afflicted. You’ll find gels, lotions, pills and more all promising to rid you of that unsightly cellulite. Do they work? So far there’s nothing but anecdotal evidence supporting these products at best. 7
Liposuction? False hope.
Another false hope in the battle against cellulite is liposuction, the removal of fat from the body through surgery. Liposuction does not suck out cellulite. Massage? Not really.
Some sufferers have found that certain kinds of massage may produce a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite on the body, but not a reduction in the actual existence of it. This is because there are no blood vessels in subcutaneous fat, so when the body is massaged and circulation below the skin is stimulated, the surface of the skin appears smoothed out. Massage, is only a superficial solution to cellulite, and one with only short term effects. Drink water? Helps, but you need more
Drinking good clean water helps almost every bodily process. So of course it helps to some degree with the elimination of cellulite. WebMD iii again: ‘’Water keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush wastes and stay at the right temperature. It can help prevent kidney stones and constipation. You lose water throughout the day—through your breath, sweat, urine, and bowel movements. If you live in a hot climate, you lose even more fluid. You need to replace this lost fluid to stay healthy. If you don't get enough water, you could become dehydrated. If you get very dehydrated, your body no longer has enough fluid to get blood to your organs. This is dangerous.’’ But you need more than water and hydration to get rid of this unsightly condition! Help is at hand – you CAN make a real and lasting reduction of cellulite and get rid of cellulite entirely, without chemicals or creams or machines… Read on… right to the end of the chapter below… this is where you can get excited! 8
The Real Deal When It Comes To Cellulite ‘’contributed by – Joey Atlas, Womens’ Body Enhancement Specialist — M.S., Exercise Physiology” "The word, “cellulite”, was cleverly made-up several decades ago, in a European beauty-spa, to DESCRIBE the bumpy, shadowy and dimpled appearance of skin in the lower body trouble zones of the female body (butt, hips, thighs, legs)" The beauty spas then started cashing-in and profiting big-time by marketing "beauty" services and products to get rid of "cellulite". And if you're like most women who've been challenged by this issue, then you probably already know all of those passive and superficial beauty treatments do not get rid of the dented shadows and mushy dimples on your buns, legs and thighs." In order to make your lower-body smooth, tight and attractive, there are 5 steps to follow, outlined below.
5 Critical Keys to KILL Your Cellulite (How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally) 1: You cannot get rid of the dimples and shadows (cellulite) by rubbing an odd gel, weird lotion or
gloopy cream on your trouble zones and problem spots.
So, stop using them – as some can actually make your cellulite worse.
Despite the fact that there are dozens of supposed ‘cellulite reduction creams’ on the market, there is no possible way for any one of them, no matter
how expensive, to get rid of your cellulite. Cellulite is not a skin problem. It’s an underlying structural issue that can only be corrected by reversing the
cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots."
Since the squishy dimples and shadows are a superficial symptom of a problem below the
surface; it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or
gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue…"
2: Risky and expensive ‘medi-spa treatments’ can only reduce your bank account – not your cellulite problems. And there are many consumer reports
about women being seriously scarred or injured as well.
Stay away from these as the FDA reports show
women who’ve been scarred or injured for life.
Painful, dangerous and uncomfortable services
ranging from ‘endermologie’ to body-wrapping
have been proven to be totally ineffective when it comes to treating cellulite. However, advertising
and marketing loopholes allow these services to be cleverly marketed to desperate women at their wits end with unattractive dimples and shadows on the lower-body problem areas."
3: The unattractive dimples, shadows and saggy
ripples known as cellulite are not ‘genetic’ and you are NOT stuck with them forever if you have them. Falsely believing this will prevent you from getting rid of your cellulite. So, don’t entertain this nonsense for 1 second.
These two ridiculous myths are often passed
around by ‘neighborhood know-it-alls’ – and many women actually believe these 2 myths – especially
if they haven’t found the right way to get rid of the cellulite naturally. What’s even more alarming are the number of doctors who also believe in and foster these 2 demoralizing falsehoods.
Yes – it is common to see a mother and daughter, both with the lower-body "orange peel" look, BUT this doesn't mean cellulite is genetic – it simply
means both women have not found a way to lift,
tone and firm the muscle layers under the dimpled, saggy skin."
4: You can get rid of cellulite naturally, regardless of your age – or when you began to notice it.
Since cellulite is a structural issue (muscle) – it can be fixed with simple and unique body movements which target the cellulite areas.
These types of moves can be followed by any
woman, regardless of her age or fitness level. And
it doesn’t matter if the cellulite started in the early teen years – or after pregnancy – or after
menopause – it’s still a structural issue that results from soft, un-toned muscles underneath the saggy, dimpled, shadowy skin."
5: The only proven way to permanently get rid of
the dimples and shadows of cellulite is through a series of simple, natural, yet specifically targeted lower-body movements"
These unique movements focus on lifting, shaping and toning the muscle layers so they gently push outward against the skin – to bring back the
smooth, tight and sexy appearance, while burning off any excess flab, if there is any."
This is how regular women reverse the cause of cellulite dimples and shadows… AND, if there
happens to be any excess fat in those zones – it will be burned off as fuel by the muscles. This
bonus of losing any unhealthy excess body-fat is nice because it reveals a great body and it works wonders for your health profile."
BUT you won’t learn about these unique slow-
tempo movements in the gym or your local health 13
club. "These body movements are NOT done with
typical weights and machine type exercises." Most regular fitness instructors don’t even know about this type of targeted cellulite-killing method (watch the video) EXTRA TIP 6: The Dimples, Ripples and Shadows of Cellulite Get Worse if They Are Not Taken Care of
Properly. And the worse it gets, the harder it is to reverse.
So, watch the video and then take the proven steps to get rid of your cellulite, to avoid further
frustration, disgust and anger. It’s your body so just do the right thing for it.
‘’The section above is contributed by – Joey Atlas, Womens’ Body Enhancement Specialist — M.S., Exercise Physiology” WebMD ii Dr Len Kravitz iii WebMD i