Prodec why all network firewalls are not created equal

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Why all Network Firewalls are not created equal Network firewalls are protective systems that prevent unauthorized access and use of your network. They analyze the data entering and exiting your network based on your network set up. They ignore information coming from unknown, unsecured or suspicious locations. Firewalls play a vital role on any network by providing a protective barrier against various attacks entering your network. However, all network firewalls are not created equally. Packet filters, stateful filters and application layer are different types of network firewalls that have been developed over a period of time to meet the demands of different types of end users. There are many reasons why there are different types of network firewalls.

Differences in end usage A cloud solution for average consumers is entirely different from that of the enterprise of a growing business. As a result, the level of security desired for an average consumer is limited compared to business enterprises. Such a user will obviously go for packet filters that transfer between computers on the net. Compared to folks who require coordination of family pictures and football game schedules, business enterprise applications can be highly sophisticated and much more challenging across the entire workforce. These differences between the desired level of security as well as the end usage are some of the reasons why all network firewalls are not created equal.

Level of threats An average user hardly stores very confidential data on his computer. Moreover, he browses few websites including social sites as well as shopping sites. As a result, he is exposed to less degree of threats in due course of time. Hence, such an individual is contented with a simple (packet filters) network firewall. On the other hand, a small business that operates locally is exposed to greater risks as compared to an individual user. Moreover, the amount of data as well as its confidentiality is at a higher risk online. Hence, such a business would like to install a better network such as stateful network firewall compared to an average consumer. In the case of a multi national organization, the level of security desired is very high. Such an organization has to deal with enormous amount of data on a daily basis. Moreover, the number of users visiting the organization from various locations is very Prodec Networks | Prodec House, Chancery Gate Business Centre, Ruscombe Park, Twyford, Berks RG10 9LT Office: 0118 960 2500 Fax: 0118 970 6835 Email:

Prodec Networks

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high. As a result, the company’s financial records and other pertinent data are exposed to higher degree of risks. Moreover, cyber criminals always target major corporations to rob their pertinent information as well as financial data. The stake and reputation of such a company is at bigger risks than any other user. Hence, such a business corporation will obviously go for application layer network firewalls that ensure top class security compared to any other user.

Advancement and the costs costs of firewalls firewalls When firewalls were originally created, they were simple and straightforward. However, the advent of the web as well as the usage of internet facilities by people at large has necessitated the need for a better security firewall. Companies engaged in designing network firewalls are constantly coming up with various new techniques in the area of network firewalls. This is yet another reason why all network firewalls are not created equal.

Moreover, the cost of buying and maintaining each firewall network varies greatly. An average consumer might not be able to afford the high cost of sophisticated network firewall used by multinational companies, and would prefer to have a simple network firewall. Due to these varying reasons, all network firewalls are not created equal.

Prodec Networks | Prodec House, Chancery Gate Business Centre, Ruscombe Park, Twyford, Berks RG10 9LT Office: 0118 960 2500 Fax: 0118 970 6835 Email:

Prodec Networks

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