The High Value Client Handbook - High Value Agency

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The High Value


How To Consistently Land Five Figure Deals While Working 50% Less

What You’re About to Learn Has Worked For Entrepreneurs Across All Different Niches. Here are just a few… "Amira, a billing administration expert, with minimal marketing experience, was able to have her first $35k month using this process… She went on to pass $114k in 4 months and was able to quit all her side jobs. Healthcare Consultant, Liz was trying a million different methods to get clients and not getting any results. Immediately after implementing the system she began bringing in consistent inbound leads, and landed her first contract within a few weeks….for $79,000! (with more in the pipeline!) Copywriter, Wendy was struggling to sell her services for $200. In just a few days she landed her first client at 30x the previous price and went on to sign that same client for a project worth more than $30,000. The best part? The client asked HER for the bigger sale. Credit Restorationist, Dee launched her ad and landed her first client the very same day. Licensed Carpenter, John launched his offer teaching how to start a cabinet restoration business. He made a $12,000 sale his first week and pulled in an additional $40,000 that same month. Marketing Expert, Taylor was able to invest less than $2k in advertising and make over $40k back providing done for you marketing services. To put that into perspective, that is A 20x return on investment, which is unheard of in even the most lucrative markets — That’s what we call legally printing money! However our client projects regular see numbers in excess of 500% ROI. But you don’t have to take my word for it, you can see these stories and more here.

WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SHARE WITH YOU IS WHAT’S WORKING RIGHT NOW TO BRING IN HIGH VALUE DEALS AND PRODUCE AMAZING RETURNS ON EFFORT, NOT ONLY FOR OUR COMPANY, BUT ALSO FOR OUR CLIENTS. What I’m about to show you is NOT theory, it’s solely based on real world, in the trenches results of years of experience. It doesn't matter what industry you're in or what experience you have, you possess knowledge right now that others are in desperate need of. Whether you can help people save time or money, or avoid frustration or mistakes, the lessons learned from the journey you've been on can change someone else's life in unimaginable ways. Packaging and selling that as a premium offer to those who find it most valuable makes it beyond simple to grow your business to 6 or 7 figures in revenue. This short guide is designed to provide you with all the steps you need to do exactly that. Hey, I’m Stefani Taylor, Founder of Thrivology Rapid Growth Academy™, a results based consultancy specializing in helping entrepreneurs build high value offers and sell them at scale. Our superpower is helping people craft an offer designed to serve the top 1% of their market, systemizing that offer so it can easily be delivered in large numbers, and implementing client attraction systems that result in 50+ laser targeted leads every day, a portion of which predictably turning into High Value Clients. What you’re reading right now is the formula us and our clients use to consistently and predictably land deals ranging from $12,000 - $80,000 and beyond…all with minimal advertising costs. The cool thing is that you do NOT have to be a marketing or tech expert to make this work. If you can follow simple instructions (which will be outlined in the next few pages,) you will have the keys to unlock the flood gates to consistently hitting your revenue goals each and every month. I'm excited to see you put it into action.

This has worked for experts in every niche you can think of: Business Marketing Healthcare Parenting Fitness Natural Care Trucking Speaking Authoring Contracting Finance Dating Dropshopping Career Counseling Credit Repair Real Estate Sports Copywriting Coaching Communication Relationships E-commerce Branding Import/Export And many more. The bottom line is this… If you want to get more leads and clients so you can impact more people, enjoy more profit and have more freedom, this is the blueprint to make it happen. If you have knowledge and experience that you can use to help people get a desired results — this can work for you. With that said, let’s hop right into it.

THE HIGH VALUE CONSULTING SYSTEM High Value Consulting is centered around packaging up your knowledge and expertise into a high-value, impactful offer that provides your clients a deeper, more effective experience. It's designed to serve the highest tier clients in your industry and is priced accordingly (we recommend a minimum of $12,000, but the right offer can sell for $100,000 or more.) So what exactly do you provide for that price? We find that when we talk to clients about charging $12,000, $25,000, $50,000 or more, they start thinking of what they could possibly create that would command that type of price tag — and they get very creative! That’s the goal! When you upgrade the clients you serve, you can upgrade your level of creativity and the level of service you offer, which means your clients get better results and you get more clients! If you’re in a competitive market, this instantly positions you as unique and authoritative and takes you out of the trap of being just another commodity.

Why this system is much more effective (and infinitely more profitable) than traditional consulting or coaching When it comes to high value consulting, standard coaching or consulting simply can’t compare. When you create your own lane, the competition becomes non-existent. With high value consulting you’re no longer competing with everyone else who does exactly what you do. A higher caliber of clients. Premium clients know what they want, are committed to results and make fast, decisive choices without complaining about price or requiring endless proposals. Larger paydays and more impact. Would you rather have 10 clients pay $2,000 or one pay $20,000? With larger upfront fees, you can provide a higher level of service which keeps your premium buyers RETURNING for more. This is one of the biggest differences in focusing on top tier clients - they spend with you over and over. When you focus on big clients and have a predictable way to keep them coming through the door, you easily make much more income in half as much time.

So now that you understand why turnkey consulting is so powerful, let’s look at what you need to do to get started.

A LUXURY OFFER A luxury offer is a high end offer designed for the very top tier buyer in your market. In order for a luxury offer to be effective it must met four criteria: 1) IT NEEDS TO BE IRRESISTIBLE An irresistible offer is a proprietary solution offered by YOU and only by you. It’s a system for generating a specific result which is owned by you rather than offering time or “stuff” for dollars. You want to focus on compiling an offer based on getting your client powerful results. Don’t restrict possibilities, the bigger the results, the bigger the offer and the bigger your fee. Desirable client outcome can include: saving time, saving money, avoiding frustration or mistakes, gaining something of value, etc. Pro Tip: The best offers combine several outcomes. 2) MUST BE GEARED TOWARD A PREMIUM AUDIENCE Don't waste time trying to build an offer that appeals to wide swaths of the market. A college student probably won't be able to afford or run a done for you home care agency, for example, but a nurse practitioner could. Take some to nail down the perfect audience for your top tier service. 3) NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO BE DELIVERED AT SCALE The ultimate goal of this system is create freedom. This means you need to be able to serve 10 clients with nearly the same effort as 1. Make sure the bulk of your offer can be systemized so that you aren’t required to handle every part of every project. 4) CAN'T CREATE DIRECT COMPETITION FOR YOU If you still make money in the industry you’ll be serving, package your offer in a way that doesn’t take money out of your own pocket. For example, if you’re a day care owner and your luxury offer is done for you daycare setup, you don’t want to set someone up in an area that creates competition for your primary business.

A CLIENT ATTRACTION SYSTEM With a strong offer in place, the next thing we need is a proven way to bring in predictable leads who actually become clients. This is where most people totally drop the ball. They spend way too much time and money building a pretty website, but not ensuring that it is an efficient one. They don’t focus on optimizing for lead generation or monetization and they have no way to track who visited so they can continue to market to them in the future. This results in tons of lost revenue and opportunity. I don’t want you to make that mistake, so here’s the conversion process we use.


If it's tough to understand from the image, you can watch this video for a breakdown, but the basic objective is to lead the prospects on a series of steps designed to educate them about our offer and illustrate that we can help. We do this in a way that is respectful of their time, because premium buyers value their time over money (which is great for us, because they don’t mind parting with it!) Interested prospects book a call directly to your calendar to discuss working with you. No chasing, no arm twisting.

A SEAMLESS CLOSING PROCESS You've built the offer and you have a consistent flow of high quality prospects, now all that's left is for you to collect the checks! The cool thing about the High Value Conversion Process is that when you implement it the right way, it does all the positioning and pre-selling for you, so prospects show up to the call ready to sell you on why you should allow them to purchase your offer. This is a really powerful position to be in! All that’s left is talk to the prospect, ensure they're a good fit for what you have to offer, and seamlessly transition to getting their payment (or deposit) over the phone. When you’ve done this all the right way, the next logical step is clear for your prospect and they are excitedly right to move forward on the call, just like these people:

WHAT NEXT? After reading this guide and preparing to put it into practice, many people decide they would rather fast track their success by having our team help them set this all up. Most people don't want to go through the pain and suffering that comes with trial and error because that's what usually keeps people from moving forward and inhibits their success. So we've created an offer designed to support you and shortcut around the learning curve so you can create fast results, instead of frustration. However, what we offer isn’t a good fit for everyone, because in my experience, there are only two types of people: Those who dream about building a sustainable business, but somehow always find an excuse to stay stuck in their comfort zone… And those who are so serious about their vision, they don’t hesitate to go all in when real opportunity presents itself. Those precious few action are the people who end up changing people’s lives - and perhaps the entire world. Since you’ve read this far, I think you’re one of those few special ones, and because you've invested your valuable to learn this process, my team and I are willing to invest our valuable time with you to help you and see if we might be able to work together. And we do that with what we call a Rapid Business Growth Strategy Session. On this call we see where you are now, where you want to go and help map out a game plan for how we can help you get there as fast as possible using our systems. At the end of that call, one of two things will happen: You'll either love the plan and want to enroll as a client right away so our team can help you implement every single part of this process to ensure fast results. Or, you’ll love the plan and decide to take it and implement it all on your own. Either way, we’ll provide amazing value and set you up to get powerful results. It’s a total win-win for you, so click here to schedule your strategy session. We look forward to seeing you on the call!

Stefani , e v lo th Wi

WHO IS STEFANI TAYLOR Stefani is a business consultant and success coach of more than 15 years. Known as “The Queen Of High Value Clients,” she specializes in developing high value offers and selling them at scale. She’s also the Founder Of High Value Agency, a business growth consultancy dedicated to helping entrepreneurs use their knowledge and expertise to grow to 6 and 7 figures. Her thought-leadership in the consulting and business space has been published in mediums such as Forbes, Huffington Post, and Thrive Global. A member of the Young Entrepreneur Council (an invite-only organization composed of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs) and contributor to, Stefani's leadership in business development is primarily directed toward helping our clients create businesses that will allow them to realize their dreams. Her and her team have built and consulted on High Value offers across dozens of different industries and she’s the secret weapon for entrepreneurs and experts who want to create automated systems that attract an endless flood of clients that are primed and ready to pay top dollar. When she isn’t in the trenches helping her clients implement her tested and proven methods to help them rapidly grow their income and build businesses that give them true financial freedom, Stefani is spending time with her family. A wife and mother of 4 girls, she enjoys baking, traveling the world, playing escape rooms and just being silly with her family. @HighValueAgency




Brainstorm an irresistible high value offer. Must appeal to the highest tier buyers in your market. GO BIG!

Review applications to guage fitness for your offer. Don't enroll those who aren't a good fit.

Implement a High Value Conversion System that's designed to convert while being respectful of your prospects time (their most valuable commodity!)

Collect payment from qualified buyers.

Refine, Streamline and Scale. Enjoy your new found freedom!

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