Zw soft presents its renowned cad cam solutions

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ZW Soft Presents Its Renowned CAD/CAM Solutions

Computer Aided Design (CAD) is essen al in most manufacturing industries such as automobiles, hardware, etc. Therefore, the more efficient and fast CAD so ware would be, the be er could be the produc vity of the firm. ZW So has established its business and has earned the reputa on as CAD solu on provider that gets men oned when CAD/CAM services are discussed. There may several resources that provideCAD free download but they may not have the proven record like that of ZW So . Only a few names from its client por olio, where Siemens, Sony Ericson, Panasonic, Saint Gobain, etc. are the most prominent, are enough to explain its commitment towards produc on and provision of CAD/CAM software. ZW So provides free architecture so ware named ZWCAD. It is professional design so ware for architectural industries. It considers the components of architecture as basic design units with features of virtualisa on, intelligen za on and humanisa on ZW sets engineering designs in 2D, their 3D representa on and the architecture informa on as whole to provide complete solu on to the architecture designers to complete the design of the task at hand. Like CAD Mechanical, ZWCAD architecture so ware also supports Windows 7b 64-bit opera ng system, on which it can provide its advantages of high memory and mul -core. Besides, it merges rich graph library and professional func on of architectural design sector. Thus, it prominently accelerates design efficiency as well as improves the design capability of architectural designers. The file formats and opera ng prac ces of mainstream architectural design so ware are compa ble at deep level in ZWCAD architecture so ware. The drawings of ZWCAD architecture so ware can be opened by any CAD so ware without plug-ins. It can adopt custom profile object to offer drawing tools more intelligent profile drawing and edi ng. In-place edi ng, smart grids cut, doors and windows finishing series and other typical func ons are integrated into it for quicker and more convenient architectural design. Users have to have essen al knowledge such as that of fadal emulator, dgn to dwg conversion, etc. Besides, ZW So not only provides architectural so ware but extensive ps, troubleshooting techniques and CAD support. One of the many important provisions of ZW So isfree DWG viewer provided by the company. DWG format is a graphics file generated by CAD so ware. DWG viewer must be installed for these files to be opened. ZWCAD also has DWG viewer to be downloaded for free. But, DWG is not the lone format provided by ZW So . DWF, DXF and Xref formats are also supported by ZWCAD architecture so ware by ZW So . The quality and standard of products and services of ZW So can be understood from the numerous awards that the company has been awarded with over last 8 years. The latest award was in “National Key Software Enterprise of 2010” awarded in 2011. About ZW Soft URL: ZW So is a renowned CAD/CAM so ware provider with more than 320,000 clients in about 80 countries. It has reputa on as a reliable and commi ed solu ons provider to MCAD and AEC industries. Some of the top mul -na onal organisations in the World are its clients. Company : ZWSOFT HQ Address : 4F, No. 886, Tianhe North Rd., Guangzhou, 510635, P. R. China Website :

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