Module 2 Study Calendar

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Study Calender Materials and Energy

Date Pre Feb 3rd

Topics Pre module reader (post assessment hand in)

Resource(s) JamesClark Pre reader

Feb 3rd 09.30

JamesClark lecture 1 Are we running out of materials? JamesClark lecture 2 Rethinking biological material waste

Record via Elluminate ? or podcast



2-3pm 3-4.00

4.00- 4.30

Study Period 1 6-18th February

Pre Lab tour enquiry challenge From the lab and or posters identify one ‘plant’ material (e.g wheat, wood, etc) and from a CE perspective identify 1) chemical and biological properties of material 2) potential ways in which material and intermediaries can be cascaded 3) The outputs and benefits of those uses compared to other current material choices 4) Any down sides or wider system ramifications of materials cascading or substitution Lunch Lab/biorefinery visit JamesSession 3 –plenary The life cycle of molecules Analysing and evaluating new products and processes Discussion about the Module assignment Close Resourcesand Technical Nutrient s

Record via Elluminate ? or podcast

Record via Elluminate ? or podcast

10 questions for study period to structure the 2 week period (sep attachment) including the readers ( Individual Blogs for reflection post visit to York Readers – (attached as primary docs)

Julian Allwood et al UN report on strategic metal stocks WRAPreport- metals in Household waste (via Roland) Wuppertal MASRES project report pp 8-17 Fig 2 and Table 5. External talk/webinar on Blackboard/Collaborate date and time tbc on plastics and BT: Matt Polaine – re-run his DEFRAproject presentation on plastics Additional External talk/webinar date tbc Ken Webster on ‘macroeconomic perspectives on Materials and Energy-an intro to a major report just launched by the Foundation (view this report in advance of the webianr -see link on Foundation home page Other resources to check out TEDTALKS– Mike Biddle- plastic feedstock MBA reprocessing facility v=lpq_Mum-kO0&feature=related Action learning set response to the 10 questions using wiki ? What did we learn ? what new questions ahve been generated ? Study Period 2 Feb 20th – March 3rd


10 questions for study period to structure the 2 week period External speaker webinar on Blackboard/Collaborate date and time tbc: Jean-marc Jancovici on Energy tbc You will need to view the new 10min Foundation/UoB film of Jean-marc before this webinar link Readers x 2 Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era

TBD– Amory Lovins Ch 1-3 Jeremy Leggett Half Gone: Oil, Gas, Hot Air and the Global Energy Crisis Ch 1-3 Individual tutorial to discussassessment Other resources TEDTalks: Amory Lovins reinventing fire

Prof Sally Benson Stanford - Solar Technology Study Period 3 March 5thMarch 16th

Biological nutrient and materials cascading

10 questions for study period to structure the 2 week period External speaker webinar on Blackboard/Collaborate date and time tbc katja Hansen of EPEA– Waste water treatment You will need to view the new 10min Foundation/UoB film of Katja before this webinar linkxxxxxx

Readers x 2 (short reader from mainstream contempory ecology literature on energy and material flows through an ecosystem ?? Howard odum ?) Gunter Pauli Pulp to protein, cascading models, multiple cash flows Mae Wan Ho Sustainable agriculture and circular economy and or living green and circular Braungart/EPEAperspective on cascading tbc (extension activity on Orange Peel from James C) Other resources

Mae Wan Ho and George Chan –food and farming and circular economy- see mae-wan from 10+1conference –view the film at linkxxxx

Study Period 4 March 19th – March 30th

Tools and certification

10 questions for study period to structure the 2 week period

External speaker webinar on Blackboard/Collaborate date and time tbc JamesClark for a reprise on Life cycle of molecules and complexity of analysis – a worked example Readers x 2 Cradle to Cradle paper from Braunghart and Mcdonagh (attached) Something on C2C certification process (raising question of what it is and how it works, use material from EPEAtraining event ) A simplified LCAreport for a product (to show the complexity) Other resources

LCAtalk shown at IoW weekend event (washing machine) Submit module assignment Monday April 2nd

Moudle review and Evaluation

Bristol survey On line conference March 29th

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