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Fourth Grade
A key component of our program is the use of models that are taught from three perspectives: the concrete, the pictorial, and the abstract. As students work through each of these models, they become proficient at representing their knowledge in multiple ways. They use manipulatives, both concrete and virtual, to explore topics when they are first introduced. They are then able to explain, both verbally and through writing, their thinking about different types of problems. In addition, students are taught to use the bar modeling approach to problem solving, an approach that emphasizes making representative drawings of a word problem before solving it. Mental math strategies are reinforced and encouraged throughout the year.
Fourth grade students continue to refine their skills to ask testable questions and create investigations, as they require less support. One topic students explore and investigate is electricity. Using materials such as wires, bulbs, batteries, and motors, students explore circuits, conductors/insulators, and switches. As part of a design project, students are challenged to create an electrical invention that lights up or moves. Other fourth grade science topics have included studies on landforms, simple machines, and food chemistry.
Social Studies
The theme of “How Communities and Societies Organize Themselves” is emphasized throughout the social studies units of fourth grade. Students learn about the different systems by which people organize communities and societies, and about the role and function of government. We begin by discussing the American Revolution. Specific emphasis is given to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Field trips enhance the learning experience. In the second half of the year, students participate in Mini Society, a simulation of real life experiences with economics and marketing. In the last unit of the year, students learn about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the birthplace of democracy in the Western world. They research different aspects of these civilizations such as daily life, government, the military, language and literature, art and architecture, and religion. Students develop research and information literacy skills in conjunction with technology such as google docs, databases, and websites. Their research is based on finding, evaluating, and synthesizing information to explore and express new understandings.
Continuing the focus on classroom and personal interactions, fourth grade students become more fluent in their comprehension and oral expression in Spanish. They begin to use adjectives and verbs in a more focused way in their conversation. Through extended activities to build an understanding of Spain—including an introduction to Spanish stories, art, history, and architecture—students learn about the influence of Spain throughout Hispanic America. ming environment; and partner programming is also a significant experience in fourth grade. Students experience learningby-design projects that incorporate a constructivist approach, which allows students to program something meaningful to themselves and/or their peers. They also program games and use external technology to control them. Students work with spreadsheets for data collection and graph analysis and begin to understand the comparative utility of bar, line, and pie graphs.
Performing Arts
As students progress in developing their musical Fourth and fifth understanding and skills, graders may choose to there is growing empha- participate (no audition sis on accuracy, facility, and clarity. In addition to refining their singing and required) in Kids Choir and/or band. instrumental techniques and undertaking more challenging pieces, fourth graders also learn to recognize a greater variety of instruments by name and family and a greater variety of musical styles (jazz, folk, classical, etc.) and forms such as fugue. They also develop their knowledge and use of musical notation and structure, working in a greater variety of meters, key signatures, forms, and harmonic combinations and changes. Their vocabularies continue to grow with symbols and terms like natural, Allegro, Andante, and fermata. Fourth graders have the option of participating in band and/or Kids Choir.
Physical Education
Fourth graders continue to participate in team sports with an emphasis on physical and social skills. Age-appropriate progressions allow fourth graders to develop accuracy while throwing, striking, and kicking from static and dynamic positions. They become more efficient in carrying and manipulating objects during skill and drill work and in lead-up games.
Visual Arts
Students in fourth grade continue working with multi-disciplinary themes for many of the studio projects. Working with both two and three-dimensional materials, students use their knowledge of visual arts structures and functions to compose works and communicate ideas. Students manipulate the elements of design in sculpture and on a picture plane, and organize the elements with thought given to the principles of unity, balance, scale, contrast, and rhythm. In fourth grade, students are beginning to recognize perspective drawing. Visual images of masterworks from a variety of cultures and time periods are used on an ongoing basis to inspire greater appreciation for artistic movements and techniques. This group of students also explores cultural symbols and patterns. All assignments are recorded in their student art journals while using proper vocabulary and terminology.