4 minute read
Theatre Arts
1/4 credit, 1 semester 3x per 7 days
This course covers the development of musical traditions in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, as well as other non-Western settings. It provides a general overview of some of the most significant characteristics of music that have evolved over many centuries on different continents. The role that music plays in each society, as an expression of sociological values, will be examined. Students will develop active listening and analytical skills, enabling them to make connections between the musics of distinct cultures. They will also undertake individual and group research projects throughout the semester. This course is strongly recommended for students who plan to pursue Music Major/IB SL. World Music, and Music and the Theater above, are offered in alternating years. This course will be offered in the 2022-23 school year.
611 Music Major (11,12, no IB credit) 611SL IB Music Standard Level (11,12) 611HL IB Music Higher Level, Year 1 (11) 612HL IB Music Higher Level, Year 2 (12)
1 credit, full year
This course affords an opportunity to study music in a thorough and comprehensive approach. It is intended for students who demonstrate a strong aptitude along with a keen interest in music as a serious avocation. It combines an intensive study of music history and literature with music theory, and enhances the literacy and musicianship skills of any performer or student of music theory and/or composition. All students are expected to be musically literate before undertaking this course of study. This course is a central component of the IB Music program. Students pursuing music within the IB curriculum must be actively involved in some performance discipline, and it is strongly recommended that they participate in a performing ensemble at WFS. Students who cannot be scheduled into an ensemble at WFS will need to perform as soloists or participate in creative projects in order to fulfill the performance portion of the IB requirement at the Standard Level. IB Higher Level students must perform as soloists as well as participate in creative projects.
649 Algo-Rhythms (10, 11, 12)
1/4 credit, 1 semester 3x per 7 days
How can we use computing to learn more about music? How can we use music to learn more about computing? This course provides students hands-on practice in the field of music technology. Students will explore topics such as digital composition, algorithmic music, sound analysis and manipulation, and relevant historical and cultural context. This one-semester course will satisfy 1/4 credit in either Computer Science OR Performing Arts. Placement in Chorale, Chamber Singers, and Jazz Band is based on auditions held mid-May through June, as determined by the director of the ensemble. Enrollment in performing ensembles is a year-long commitment (with the exception of the semester option, if scheduling does not allow for full-year participation, in Symphonic Band) since both the ensemble’s success and the student’s progress depend on consistent involvement.
601 Chorale (9,10,11,12)
1/2 credit, full year 3x per 7 days
Membership in Chorale is open by audition to students in grades 9-12. Students in this choir will perform in both accompanied and a cappella settings while honing musicianship skills and sight-reading. This choir is an ideal choice for the motivated singer with prior musical experience who plans to continue singing throughout his/her WFS upper school career. Participation in performances at WFS and in the community is required.
602 Chamber Singers (10,11,12) (Advanced)
1/2 credit, full year 3x per 7 days
Membership in Chamber Singers is open by audition to students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades who have participated in an upper school choral ensemble prior to auditioning. This choir concentrates primarily on challenging, unaccompanied works from all eras of choral literature. Students in this small group of approximately 20 students must demonstrate a serious interest in choral singing, good sight-reading skills, and a strong commitment to building a top-level performing ensemble. The choir serves as an ambassador for the school and frequently sings off campus as the schedule allows. Participation in performances at WFS and the community is required.
603 Symphonic Band (9,10,11,12)
1/2 credit full year 3x per 7 days
Symphonic Band is composed of wind, string, percussion, and brass musicians in grades 9-12. Students must be proficient on their instruments at a high-school level (grade 3 music or higher). The repertoire includes technical studies, chorales, sight-reading, and music composed for band and orchestra. Participation in performances at WFS are required.
604 Jazz Band (9,10,11,12) (Advanced)
1/2 credit, full year 3x per 7 days
Membership in Jazz Band is open by audition to students in 9th-12th grades. The program is designed to allow students the opportunity to experience and perform a wide range of American musical styles stemming from the jazz idiom. There is a lot of focus on the techniques of improvisation. Participation in performances at WFS and in the community are required.