1 minute read
From the Alumni Board Clerk
Dear Friends,
In October, we celebrated yet another fantastic Homecoming and Reunion weekend. I’ve had the opportunity to participate in many Homecomings while serving on the Alumni Board, and they just seem to get better every year. It’s always wonderful to see friends, family, classmates and members of the Friends School community reconnecting.
The weekend’s events kicked off on Friday with a luncheon honoring the 50th+ reunion classes and 1748 Planned Giving Society members at the DuPont Country Club. Bruce Baganz ’69 and Peter Isakoff ’69 represented the 50th reunion class and spoke about their experiences at WFS. Later that day, we cheered on alumni during the alumni soccer and field hockey games. It was great seeing so many alumni back on the field! Following the games, the celebrations moved to the Library Learning Commons as we honored the 2019 Alumni Awardees, as well as the School’s most loyal donors, at the True Blue and All Alumni reunion reception. Jeff Palmer ’04 received the Young Alumnus award, Janet Martin Yabroff ’64 received the Outstanding Service Award, and Peter Kelemen ’74 was the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. All three are truly inspirational and spoke eloquently about the impact of their WFS experiences. On Saturday, we had the opportunity to hear from Head of School Ken Aldridge, as he discussed the exciting opportunities on the School’s horizon.
For those of you who made it back, I hope you were able to see the lower, middle, and upper school campuses. Things might have looked quite different compared to when you were a student.
In closing, I would like to thank all the alumni who helped make Homecoming and Reunion Weekend a success. It was great to see the smiling faces of classmates catching up, exploring campus, and uniting to watch some Quaker athletics!
Thank you for all you do in support of WFS,
Matt Lang ’08
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