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Ethics and Code of Conduct
Our Ethics and Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy define and guide integrity, fairness, and accountability at Wilsonart. Every employee is required to review these documents when they are hired and at regular intervals during their employment.
We have zero tolerance for any unethical conduct, fraud, bribery, or corruption by employees or third-party agents. Any employee who suspects unethical conduct or policy violations can raise their concern directly with the Human Resources or Legal departments or anonymously through our EthicsPoint email and hotline.
Our whistleblower policy protects from retaliation any employee who reports misconduct in good faith.
• Health and Safety Policy • Environmental Policy • Regulatory Compliance • Ethics and Code of Conduct • Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment • Whistleblower Policy • Vendor/Customer Code • Supply Chain Social and Environmental Policy
We are committed to ethically engaging with our employees, communities, shareholders, and other stakeholders. In alignment with the ESG Policy of our major owner, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), we engage with a range of stakeholders on key ESG issues and foster transparency in our reporting.
We are dedicated to maintaining appropriate levels of oversight in the areas of audit, risk management, and potential conflicts of interest, and to maintaining strict policies to prohibit bribery. A best-in-class compliance monitoring and reporting system includes oversight by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors.
We respect human rights. There are no exceptions to this. We abhor any labor practices that discriminate against individuals, deprive them of personal freedoms, or use child labor or human trafficking. We comply with all applicable national, state, and local labor laws, including the rights of employees to engage in collective bargaining.