Avoca & Maroubra Driving School Welcome to Avoca Driving School Specialists in Motor Vehicle Training
Specialists in motor vehicle training
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About Us
Avoca Avoca Driving Driving School School brings brings you you the the most most trusted trusted and and affordable affordable driving driving schools schools inin Sydney Sydney and and Eastern Eastern Suburbs. Suburbs. Along Along with with this this we we also alsooffer offeraawide widerange rangeof ofservices servicesincluding includingdual dualcontrol, control,manual manualand and automatic automaticcars carsfor fordriving drivinglessons. lessons.
Services We Offer
CAR CARLESSONS LESSONS Dual Dualcontrolled, controlled,manual manualand andautomatic automaticcars cars Patient PatientInstructors Instructors Overseas Overseaslicence licenceconversions conversions Discount Discountpackages packagesand andgift giftvouchers vouchers Tuition Tuition77days daysaaweek week Early Earlystarts startsand andlate latefinishes finishes Pickup/drop Pickup/dropoff offfrom fromhome, home,office, office,school schoolor orlocation location organised organisedwith withInstructor Instructor
Areas We Serve
Alexandria, Alexandria, Bondi Bondi Bondi BondiJunction Junction Botany Botany Bronte Bronte Centennial CentennialPark Park Chifley Chifley Clovelly Clovelly Coogee Coogee Daceyville Daceyville Eastlakes Eastlakes Hillsdale Hillsdale Kensington Kensington Kingsford Kingsford La LaPerouse Perouse
Little LittleBay Bay Malabar Malabar Maroubra Maroubra Mascot Mascot Matraville Matraville Pagewood Pagewood Phillip PhillipBay Bay Queens QueensPark Park Randwick Randwick Rosebery Rosebery South SouthCoogee Coogee Tamarama Tamarama Waterloo Waterloo Waverley Waverley Zetland Zetland
Contact us
Avoca & Maroubra Driving School Address: 20 Bona Vista Avenue Maroubra NSW 2035 AU Phone No: (02) 9311 4555 Website: www.avocadriving.com.au