your own personal hell

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your own personal hell

a zine by andrew ramirez

your own personal hell is a zine on the past year or so of my life which dealt with a lot of negative feelings due to losing lots of friendships and connections w/ ppl whom i was very close with leading to a downward spiral filled with self destructive vices.

ultimately this is a zine about separating yourself from your past rejecting bitterness + growing in various ways forming new friendships + relationships + learning to appreciate the world around you. at times it can be contradictory but feelings don’t always have rationality.

dedicated to: din mrini aka @trashnymph jonathan desousa @lucifervibes tommy iacono @tmicn jason bard @jasonbard every dog in the world that guy on grindr who called me vaporwave full communism + myself

thank you all

only only only only only only only only only only only only only only only only only

in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your

absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence absence

did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel feel

your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your

presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence. presence.

i’ve felt more welcome i than i ever did in your

in abandoned homes company

sensory overload sensory sensoryoverload overload sensory overload sensorysensory overloadoverload sensory overload sensory overload sensory overload sensory overload


the way you manipulate people is so fucking funny i want to watch you burn

hahahahaha haha i am so deep wow

artwork by tmicn @tmicn on instagram

abandoned the concept i’m i’m i’m

of not not not

buildings breathing here here here

your last dying wish if it doesn’t hurt it’s not real romanticizing anything is stupid a list of things you don’t understand eventually it becomes rambling crying doesn’t solve anything but i feel more human with tears in my eyes i’m i’m i’m

not not not

here here here

do you hate me? do you want to use your hate to kill me? stab me and i’ll push the knife in deeper then i’ll stab you you’ve you

overstayed your can die

welcome now


--- yeah until -- seen toxic



you’re as the person.



they’re i guess the


rebuilding can’t s t a world


this in the past moves

house. forever. on.

i will move on too.

baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s

first first first first first first

time time time time time time

using using using using using using

baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s baby’s

first first first first first first

time time time time time time

using using using using using using

art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art art

as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as

a a a a a a

coping coping coping coping coping coping

mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism

:) :) :) :) :) :)

a a a a a a

coping coping coping coping coping coping

mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism

:) :) :) :) :) :)

nothing is i’m so happy i

really finally found

safe. myself.

i used probably


tell never

myself that let this

i’d go.

+ forgive me if i tend 2 romanticize the past, but if i’m being honest, i’m probably in a better place right now.
















+ everything comes full circle

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