2 minute read


By John Hayden


Wilton Manors’ slogan is, “Life’s just better here.” One of the people who elevated that from slogan to reality was Patrick Cann. He’s moving on after nearly 19 years as the city’s Director of Leisure Services, and leaves behind a department that’s bigger and more inclusive than he found it.

“It was the hardest decision I feel like I’ve ever made,” he said. “I didn’t even know I could make the decision until the day I drafted a letter I’d be leaving.”

Since taking the job in 2004, he’s guided the department through a major recession and a pandemic. But he’s done more than guide it — he’s grown it to levels unthinkable even in the best of times. When Cann took over, growth has included more than doubling facilities, square footage, boat ramps, and dog parks.

What makes those accomplishments even more impressive is that his budget has only risen about 16% and the staffing levels have remained stagnant. During an interview with SFGN, Cann took little credit for himself and instead heaped it on others.

“You can’t achieve all those things without a great team. Being able to visualize the future, organize the operation, and engage the team.”

Despite very visible and popular accomplishments, like the pickleball courts at Hagen Park, Cann says growing the department is his greatest achievement.

“I call it the MVP approach: mission, vision, and plan. That’s the catalyst to starting your organization. Implementing the leadership team. Recruiting, retaining, and growing top talent. Establishing a culture where people love to be here. They don’t have to be here, they want to be here.”

Helping The Community

If you spend over two minutes with Cann, it becomes obvious his job is his passion. His stoic humility is pierced when he talks about how citizens are impacted by his work.

“It was great that we could help families and parents in our community during COVID by opening our parks safely and still doing outdoor events like Taste of the Island.”

Cann also is proud of his work to include the most vulnerable people in the community: youth and seniors. “How do we reduce seniors being isolated? How do we teach our youth life-affirming skills? How do we educate our community and value and commit to it by reducing school dropout rate? Parks and recreation play a vital role in helping our culture in so many ways.”

He says the department succeeds because he gave his team room to make big decisions and then stood by them.

“You can’t achieve all those things without a great team. Being able to visualize the future, organize the operation, and engage the team. Not taking a risk is not an option. Not growing is not an option. You grow a lot by taking risks. Our failures will lead to more knowledge and wisdom and greater efficiency.”

Moving On

Cann is leaving to become the director of Parks and Recreation in North Lauderdale.

“It’s about the big picture. I’ve been given an opportunity to serve in a larger community with unique challenges.”

This is his third job as leader of a parks department, and that’s not an accident.

“We all are called to do something, and this was my call. There’s nothing more I’d rather do.”

Though he won’t be an official part of Wilton Manors, the city will remain in his heart.

“When I come to Stonewall, I’ll still act like I work here. I’ll look for things that need support and be that volunteer to help.”

He’s also proud of the department he leaves behind.

“We’re changing society. We’re improving the quality of life and making it as world-class as possible. “I love the community. It’s been an honor to be here.”

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