Wilton Manors Gazette 4/18/18

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WMG Volume 5 • Issue 7 April 18, 2018

Wilton Manors Gazette


Commission Tentatively Approves Pool but Concerned About Parking, Future Use By Michael d’Oliveira The facility will have 35 parking Wilton Manors commissioners are generally in support of the proposed spaces. Roberta Moore, director of pool facility at 550 E. Oakland Park Community Development Services, said Blvd. But concerns about parking and 151 were required but that there was no the possible future use of the property way that many could be incorporated may prevent them from approving into the site. The deck, parking, and the it. Whether or not the city approves possibility that the site could one day be the project will be determined at a purchased and turned into a bar were future meeting. The building has been concerns voiced by commissioners. “I hope they schedule unoccupied since at their events wisely. least 2011 after Goodwill Maybe Uber will have moved out. a lot of business,” said John Grzeszczak, head Commissioner Tom coach of Hammerhead Green. “I don’t know Aquatics, is requesting how you have any event that the city change with 35 spaces,” said the zoning from Light Commissioner Scott Industrial to General Newton. “For a city that Business [B-3]. He also talks about parking, wants to renovate the I am stunned,” said facility and expand it Commissioner Julie by 9,264 square feet. Carson. If approved, the total Newton also talked square feet would be about the noise that 30,945. Grzeszczak said - Tom Green would be generated by the facility will be named commissioner people using the rooftop after June Krauser, deck and how that known as the “Mother of Masters Swimming” who died in 2014. would impact the people living next “She wrote the rule book for masters and near to the property. Newton said swimming. She was world famous and he has to keep their quality of life in mind. “I need some assurances.” she lived right here in Wilton Manors.” The Planning & Zoning Board In addition to the main 50-meter pool, the renovated facility would approved the project on Feb. 12 with 10 include a therapy pool, office, gift/pro variances, including parking. Residents shop, locker room, outdoor kitchen, who have spoken about the project have mostly been supportive. The president and a 5,300 square foot rooftop deck.

“hope they schedule their events wisely. Maybe Uber will have a lot of business.”

of one of the condo associations that is next to the property said he and his board support the project. But one resident told The Gazette he’s worried about parking and noise. Grzeszczak said the parking and noise concerns were “unfounded” and that Hammerhead Aquatics has never had a noise complaint and has the backing of the adjacent condos. “This is a daytime business,” said Grzeszczak. Asked what the closing time of the facility would be, he estimated 8 or 9. He added that it would be later for holidays, like July 4th, but those would be rare and still not unreasonable. Mayor Gary Resnick brought up the possibility that the site, after it is rezoned, could eventually be sold to someone who wants to open a bar. “If it’s rezoned, it’s permanently rezoned,” he said.

To prevent that from happening, Resnick suggested the city place some kind of conditions on the property. City Attorney Kerry Ezrol suggested that restrictive covenants might be an option to prevent a future owner from opening a bar there or other unwanted use. Grzeszczak said he would own the facility for “forever and a day” and that “It’s going to be something that brings business into this city besides a bar.” Vice Mayor Justin Flippen asked about what kind of businesses could open at the site under its current zoning. Moore said a boat storage yard and laundry facility are two allowed uses. Flippen commented that if an industrial business were to be located there, instead of the pool, trucks could be coming in and out at all hours of the day. WMG

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April 18, 2018

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Taking the Plunge It’s time to address Robert Boo and Gary Resnick By Sal Torre

WMG April 18, 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 7 2520 N. Dixie Highway • Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • Norm Kent norm.kent@sfgn.com Chief Executive Officer • Pier Angelo Guidugli Associate publisher / Executive Editor • Jason Parsley jason.parsley@sfgn.com Copyeditor • Kerri Covington


Art Director • Brendon Lies artwork@sfgn.com Digital Content Director • Brittany Ferrendi Webmaster@sfgn.com News Editor • Michael d’Oliveira

Correspondents James Oaksun

For many reasons, I have chosen not to get involved with the Pride Center for over ten years, then some might see that as a noble Pride Center’s recent playground debacle. In addition, it seems like decision. People should be given the opportunity to serve their I have annoyed His Honor, Mayor Resnick, with my satirical piece time and to become better members of society. However, rather last month. Try, try as I might not to discuss the lack of leadership than limit children’s activities at the Pride Center, Robert Boo at the Pride Center and in our Island City, I fear that I can no longer actively courted corporate sponsors and LGBT family organizations hold back, despite cautionary appeals from within, from taking the for the new playground while knowing that this gentleman was employed at the Pride Center. plunge. “Ignorantia juris non excusat.” Readers not versed in legal Latin Having to endure weeks of public attacks from Robert Boo following my Op-Ed, “Pride Center Needs to Come Out of the might be scratching their heads, but Robert Boo should be well Closet,” and then having to spend time responding to claims of aware of this phrase as CEO of a major non-profit organization. “fake news” and more, I have been a bit disinclined to reopen that It translates, ‘”ignorance of the law excuses not.” Furthermore, whole chapter. Furthermore, I would rather not stroke the flames his explanation that he wasn’t aware of the severity of the crimes of those who claim that I have some type of vendetta against Robert committed does not make the matter any better. How does one rate the severity of a sex offense against a minor? Boo. My intent back then, as it is now, is just to ask Robert’s job is not to construe Florida law to fit his for honest answers, answers to questions I hear opinions, but to lead the Pride Center and to abide many in our community asking. If mistakes and bad Robert Boo had by the laws of the State of Florida, of which it seems judgement were made, then our community leaders should be held fully responsible, just like Clarence no problem with he might need some help understanding. One endearing characteristic of a good political Collins, the sex predator, who worked at the Pride SFGN when the leader is that you’re a person of your word, that you Center, should be held responsible for his actions paper awarded follow through with promised or stated intentions. and bad judgement. About two years ago, Mayor Resnick publically One shared attitude of both Robert Boo and him Activist stated at his victory celebration at the Triangle Gary Resnick is to blame others, be it my articles, of the Year or Building that he would not be seeking re-election SFGN, and others. Nobody likes to be put on the allowed him two and that this would be his last term. spot, especially in a public forum; but this is the Many residents took the Mayor at his word, reality both of these community leaders have full pages to encouraged others to run and have endorsed knowingly and willingly chosen by the positions rebuke my 750someone other than Resnick. Now back-paddling, they occupy. So instead of blaming unfavorable word article. His Honor has announced that he is again seeking press coverage, stomping your feet like a spoiled reelection and is wondering why no one is really too child, and publically stating that you no longer read excited about such news. the publication in question, it might be a better idea Gary Resnick has made his choice. Rather than pass the torch to to grow the hell up and deal with the issues with which you have a new generation and to be recognized as the long-serving Mayor been entrusted. Robert Boo had no problem with SFGN when the paper awarded of our Island City, he chose to go against his word and become him Activist of the Year or allowed him two full pages to rebuke embattled in what will no doubt be a tough election. He cites the my 750-word article. Now he can’t return SFGN’s phone calls or many issues that still need to be completed as the main reason he is answer requests for information regarding the playground debacle. seeking reelection. Gary has been in office well over 10 years. How Furthermore, he knew where to turn when he wanted to take full long does it take for something to get accomplished? Voters in our credit for the first Children’s Playground on a LGBT community Island City will make their choice this coming November. In closing, Heidi Seigal, the Pride Center board member who center’s campus, SFGN. In that news coverage, Robert Boo stated, “The playground is to provide a safe space for same-sex parents to resigned over the playground debacle, should be a shining beacon be able to bring their children.” Unfortunately, due to decisions to us all, demonstrating that doing what is right and not looking the other way takes courage, sacrifice, and the highest duty to the made by Robert Boo, that space now has a very dark cloud over it. If Robert Boo’s intent was to protect and help an elderly gentleman greater community at large. Thank you Heidi for making life just and known sex offender, who had worked and volunteered at the better here. WMG

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Sales Manager • Justin Wyse justin.wyse@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Edwin Neimann edwin.neimann@sfgn.com Advertising Sales Associate • Clark Rogers clark.rogers@sfgn.com Accounting Services by CG Bookkeeping South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law office, at Norm@NormKent.com. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. MEMBER


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April 18, 2018

Commission Will Place Water Quality on Next Agenda


“It only took four speeches,” said mayoral candidate Boyd Corbin By Michael d’Oliveira After months of criticizing the city at a previous meeting. “We have five times commission about the city’s water quality, more Chloroform than the EPA allows. We Boyd Corbin, who recently announced he is have nearly double the allowable maximum running for mayor, got the response he was contaminant level for Dichloroacetic Acid and two other contaminants looking for. that surpassed the EPA MCLs At the April 10 commission include Dichloroacedic Acid meeting, Mayor Gary Resnick told “The color of and Trichloroacedic Acid.” Corbin the issue of water quality Corbin said he got those would be on the April 24 commission my tap water results through a test he paid agenda. “It only took four speeches. has been for from a private company. Thank you very much,” responded tinted green/ In an email from the Corbin. Florida Department of Corbin, who has accused city brown for Health, Corbin was informed officials of lying about water quality, the last year that his water test was not has repeatedly called upon the city and a half.” acceptable because it did not commission to test the water it have a valid chain of custody. gets from Fort Lauderdale’s Fiveash - Tom Marten City Manager Leigh Regional Water Treatment Plant. resident Ann Henderson said the “Residents of the city want to water the city gets from know the truth about our water so we can do something about it, like buying the Fort Lauderdale’s Fiveash Regional Water right water filter systems. The city commission Treatment Plant is continually tested by is putting residents in harms way by lying to Fort Lauderdale and certified by the Florida us about our water, saying it tested fine. You Department of Health. In its 2016 Water know better,” Corbin told commissioners Quality Report posted on its website, the city

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claims all levels of chloramines, fluoride, arsenic, and other harmful chemicals and substances are within acceptable limits. Corbin has also talked several times about the green color of his water. But, until the March 13 commission meeting, officials mostly refrained from responding. “No one on this commission has ever heard that we have bad water. Ever. If I knew there was bad water in this city, I’m telling you right now, everyone on this commission would be screaming and yelling,” said Commissioner Scott Newton, who held up a glass of water. Other residents have also complained about the color of their water. “I am very concerned about the safety

April 18, 2018

of my bathing and drinking water. The color of my tap water has been tinted green/brown for the last year and a half. My situation is certainly not unique. There are many other residents I have been communicating with in person and online that have the same problem with their water,” wrote resident Tom Marten in an email. Vice Mayor Justin Flippen said there’s been “misinformation and blatant lies that are out there” and that the commission is here to ensure public health and safety. “We are here to address your issues, your concerns, particularly as they relate to public safety,” said Commissioner Julie Carson. WMG

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Commission Moves to Require Commission Denies Generators on New Condos Developer’s Flex Unit Request By Michael d’Oliveira With an eye towards hurricane season, Wilton Manors commissioners want to require new multi-unit residential buildings to install generators to ensure elevators can still operate in the event of a loss of electricity. The regulation was proposed by Commissioner Tom Green in September of last year and commissioners voted on it for the first time at their April 10 meeting. If approved during a second vote, new condominiums with public elevators that are at least two stories or up to 74.99 feet high would have to provide a permanent generator. The generator would have to be in use for at least seven days. The regulation would not apply to nursing homes or commercial buildings. Vice Mayor Justin Flippen said the state pre-empts local governments from regulating nursing homes. “The state pre-empts us on quite a bit. We did what we can with this. Maybe in the future [we can do more].” Green, who lives at The Metropolitan, said he came up with the idea when he saw his wheel-chair bound neighbor being carried down the stairs because Hurricane Irma knocked-out the power to the building. “He had to be carried down by a couple friends. I don’t ever want to see that again.” Green said it was “unfortunate”

By Michael d’Oliveira

Wilton Manors City Commission, via Facebook.

that the proposed regulation only requires a generator for new construction and he hopes the commission will eventually require existing multi-story residential buildings with elevators to install a generator. Commissioners also brought up the issues of cost and fuel storage. Commissioners asked city staff to find out how much it would cost for a developer to install a generator. They also discussed possibly requiring the installation of underground fuel tanks. WMG




Wednesday, April 18th Networking, Nosh, Exhibits, 5:30 -6:15 Program 6:15-7:30

At The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N. Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors RSVP Appreciated by April 13th 954-382-1997 or hjosephs@fl-elderlaw.com

Speakers: Stephanie L. Schneider, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Linda Bucilli, CLTC, Northwestern Mutual Dr. Leonard Hock, Jr, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Trustbridge Palliative Care Sponsors Law Office of Stephanie L. Schneider PA

Northwestern Mutual The Striano Financial Group


Coral Shores Realty Brian S. Bedigian PA, Realtor

Dependable Senior Care

Fort Lauderdale Behavioral Health Center

Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce

Neptune Memorial Reef


4 .18.2018

Most residents who spoke about the as he did at the Feb. 27 meeting, even proposed townhouse project at 549 NE 21 though commissioners said they wouldn’t Ct. were in favor of the project. But, citing approve that number, Hernandez said he density concerns, commissioners did not thought a conversation about 14 units approve the developer’s request for 12 would come up. Resnick countered, saying Hernandez hadn’t submitted any flex units. Tim Hernandez, owner of New Urban other plan besides the original. “Now, Communities, had requested 12 flex you’re dealing with a [time crunch] units for his proposed 16-unit townhome situation,” said Resnick. Before the number of flex units was development behind Gables Wilton Park. Only four are allowed under code but decreased, Hernandez said the project commissioners are allowed to award extra would be good for the city because it flex units if they choose and increase the would bring in more residents within walking business of Wilton Drive who number of units that can be built. would support local But for commissioners, businesses. Resident Ken 16 was just too many Stone told commissioners for the 0.8-acre piece to be careful. “We need of land. “I would never growth but we’ve got to be support 16 units on a very cautious.” piece of land that size,” The residents who said Commissioner supported the project Tom Green. Instead, cited an increase in tax commissioners voted revenue. One man against 4-0 to approve eight flex the project said it would units. Commissioner Julie ruin his privacy because Carson left the meeting - Tom Green people would be able before the vote took place commissioner to see over his fence. but voted no when the Hernandez disputed that, project first came to the saying there would be a lot of trees. commission on Feb. 27. Others in support said it would increase Commissioners tabled a separate related ordinance to their May 8 meeting the availability of housing that was to give Hernandez time to redesign his affordable by Wilton Manors standards. “I never said affordable,” said project and bring it back for approval. “I can’t make 12 units work,” said Hernandez. He estimated the cost to purchase the units, if built, would be in Hernandez. Asked by Mayor Gary Resnick why he the high $400,000 range. “Mid $500s, requested the same amount of flex units hopefully.” WMG

“I would never support 16 units on a piece of land that size.”

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Boyd Launches Long Shot Bid for Mayor By Michael d’Oliveira Boyd Corbin. Photo via Facebook.

In an emailed statement to The Gazette, with additional fees, no parking garage and Boyd Corbin said he’s running for mayor code enforcement Nazis. We pay a company to get rid of “mismanagement and a half million each year to read the parking corruption” by city officials. “Residents are meters the city paid for! 6 percent annual sick of being lied to by the city commission. city employee raises. The money will soon run out. Enough is enough. They are stealing millions I’m here to stop the lies and from our water bills. corruption.” They say your water is In addition to The ex-con Corbin not green and the tests the water issue, referred to is business run on it are just fine. We Corbin has owner Nick Berry. Berry is currently have five times also a member of multiple the EPA maximum level also accused city boards. His past was for chloroform which is the Wilton profiled by SFGN in a bad for your liver, kidneys previous issue. and brain. It can give you Manors Police In addition to the water cancer and is absorbed Department of issue, Corbin has also through your skin. Three accused the Wilton Manors other contaminant levels harassment and Police Department of are too high.” called for Chief harassment and called for He also talked about Chief Paul O’Connell to be other issues. Paul O’Connell fired. Corbin’s campaign “The Wilton Drive lane to be fired. against the police chief elimination project will started because he believes cost millions more than the grant plus another half million each year he was unfairly targeted by police over a for maintenance after it’s done since FDOT 2012 incident between him and celebrity won’t be footing the bill anymore. We need impersonator Michael L. Walters. Corbin a parking garage.” Asked about FDOT’s was wearing a KKK outfit [as a joke, he said] plans for Wilton Drive, a spokesperson said on Halloween and carrying a tiki torch. In the organization will continue to maintain the video, Walters can be seen grabbing Corbin’s torch, struggling, and lunging at the road at its own expense. Corbin continued, “The planning and him. Corbin was charged in the incident zoning board is run by an ex-con [major but eventually cleared of the charges. drug trafficking]. Businesses are suffering WMG

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Check out what’s happening

Around Town By Michael d’Oliveira

Art Expo returns The next Art Expo will be held on Saturday, April 21 from 6 to 9 p.m. along Wilton Drive. Art Expo is a monthly event where business owners host local artists. Visit wmae.org for more information. At the same time, local gallery owner Aster da Fonseca will host IN OPEN AIR, an exhibition depicting paintings focused on Florida’s landscapes. It features works by Ted Matz, Janet Onofrey, and Dunny Potter. The gallery is at 2201 Wilton Drive. WMG

Fire station roof bid Wilton Manors is now accepting bids for the renovation of the Fire Station roof. Bids must be submitted by May 15. A pre-bid meeting will take place at city hall on Thursday, April 26 at 10 a.m. “The work will include but not be limited to site preparation, earthwork, the cutting, removing all existing roofing down to the metal deck and replace with new roofing system on existing roof and overhangs.” WMG

Citizens Police Academy Graduates of the 6th Wilton Manors Citizens Police Academy pose with police and city officials at the April 10 commission meeting. The Academy is a 10week course that aims to teach participants about code compliance, the K9 unit, road patrol, the detective bureau, drug enforcement, and other aspects of the police department. The next course will begin on Jan. 31, 2019 and end on April 5. Email info@wmpd.org for more information or call 954-390-2162. This year’s graduates are John Attilus, Garrett Brian, Linden Cheney, Joan Coniglio, James Cunningham, Concettina Koenig, Michael Miranda, Joseph Pallant, Inez Pasher, Gudrun Rhoads, Miguel Sarquis, Ron Shimshilashvili, Robert Shore, Paul Sterl, Andrew Walker Vazquez, and William Zilligen. WMG Citizens Police Acadamy.

Tip-A-Cop Tip-A-Cop, a dining event where Wilton Manors police officers serve as “celebrity waiters,” will be held on Thursday, April 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. at Rumors Bar & Grill, 2426 Wilton Drive. The money raised will be donated to Special Olympics Florida. WMG

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