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Meeting 27 October 2010 TS and MB pre meet. Reviewed actions outstanding from minutes of previous full WAP meeting; actions arising from 22 October Conference Call which identified a need to draw together the’ suite of current WAP business documents’ so that the WAP Exec can review progress against these and make a future-facing plan; and current budget position. ACTIONS ARISING: TS to prioritise bringing together two working groups: One for Programmers around Cultural Olympiad activity and the other for Key Priorities for WAP over next 2-3 years which will also inform a G4A application. TS to discuss with KN whether the Analysis of Block Spending doc is to be shared or whether WAP decided this was to remain an internal doc due to some concern over integrity of data. TS to add Strategic Action Plan to suite of Docs TS to access a soft copy of Wiltshire’s Joint Strategic Plan to suite of Docs TS to share full suite of docs with Core group in the first instance for views, then to the wider WAP group before a proposed ‘away day’ planning session, which was mooted in 22 October conference call. TS has not been in a position to complete a full bank reconciliation against the management accounts because despite requests, statements from the bank have not been forthcoming. TS to request copies of statements for the last couple of years from the bank again in order to provide a 100% accurate update on WAP’s current financial position, and to identify any remaining ACSW funds to be drawn down. TS report to WAP Exec, by the end of November.

Main meeting Objective: To scope the potential for WAP in the support it could offer Wiltshire Council’s Arts Service, and to use this to inform the decision about content for a WAP G4A application Present: Maria Bota (MB) – current rolling Chair Keith Nimmo (KN) Peter Tyas (PT) Tracy Sullivan (TS) Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com

This meeting was organised swiftly into the time slot already in the diary for some members of the WAP Exec. to meet with Caroline Corfe from ACSW – that meeting had been postponed until mid November to enable more clarity to emerge around impacts of ACE cuts. A WAP Exec conference call held on Friday 22nd highlighted the need for WAP to focus further on its role over the next 2-3 years in order to make a decision about use of current funds and a further G4A application. As some members of the Core Group had ring fenced a meeting time on 27 October, it was thought ideal to try to meet with Peter Tyas, who was kindly able to make himself available, in order to establish WC priorities, using this to help inform a potential WAP G4A application. Update from Peter Tyas: PT expressed both a challenge and an opportunity in an environment where the streams of communication are likely to be changed within WC when the results of the Spending Review are implemented. Where people who have been the key contacts with and knowledgeable about the arts are made redundant, there will be a loss of internal advocacy. There may be an opportunity to give a direct solution to remaining post holders who may welcome the arts offer. However ‘HOW’ we ensure that we are in the conversations where this offer can be made is a challenge, as we may not be in the loop about what is happening and what needs to be addressed Time line of WC changes: End Oct All WC department budgets are to be submitted 1st and 2nd Nov post holders at risk of redundancy or increased remit will be advised 10 Nov New structure presented End of Nov new budgets likely to be confirmed WAP ACTION: TS to stay close to the impacts of the redundancies and WAP Exec to identify ways of staying in the loop Areas of focus for WC which have potential overlap with arts: PT identified several possible effects and opportunities. For example, a redirection, coming from national government, around the projects for which Section 106 planning monies can be utilised. Artists are often engaged to work with local communities utilising planning 106 monies. At present, it appears these funds may be redirected towards the social housing budget. A focus, coming from national government, with funds attached:  Implementing Super Fast Broadband across Wiltshire  Improving Children’s attainment within school and the local community  Protecting the vulnerable, particularly within Adult Social Care. PT cited the Suffolk Circle model (www.suffolkcircle.org.uk) where older people put money into a pot and then use this collective fund to support social and cultural activity. Arts has an opportunity to provide this leisure and entertainment activity and also to help to form the social groups. PT has met with Sian Walker (Service Director, Adult Social Care) and will have a further meeting with the heads of commissioning re: how the arts offer is signposted and Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com

supported. He is interested in identifying where artists can be placed into the system to shadow processes and to develop models of working. As an overall function of WAP, PT would value the opportunity to liaise with WAP from time to time in order to acquire a quick and informed response about the current opportunities. In the short term, PT has requested WAP to collate feedback from its members in response to several questions: ‘What difference Super Fast Broadband would have on the work that is undertaken now and on additional, entrepreneurial ways of working which a ‘super fast broadband’ might enable, particularly moving into profit-making work, in the future’ Through the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), there is clear agreement that the Creative and Tourism industries have been identified as key areas for development and growth (but with no additional funds available to the LEPs to achieve this). Growth could come through business and marketing training, and skill sharing (this links closely with ACSW’s Caroline Corfe’s objective of identifying effective methods for knowledge transfer). PT asked WAP to ask its members: ‘What is the potential of arts organisation to partner with heritage to grow the tourism offer? In addition, PT has been asked by Alun Williams from visit Wiltshire to identify any existing projects, fully funded, which could sit under the overall umbrella ‘Art in the Landscape’ and are taking place from May 2011 ACTION: TS to include ’WAP as a sounding board for WC’ in future docs for discussion about this role with WAP Exec. ACTION: TS to ask WAP members PT’s question above, collate the feedback and provide to PT by 20 November ACTION TS to work with the Programming and the WAP business plan groups to identify ways in which the arts in Wiltshire can partner with heritage to grow the tourism offer. To feed this back to PT ACTION: TS to collate details of Art in the Landscape projects amongst WAP members and feed through to PT ACTION: TS to broker a meeting with Alun Williams re how WAP may be able to work more closely with him and Visit Wiltshire, particularly on longer lead in times to marketing ideas. KN highlighted the importance for as much advanced warning as is possible on such projects as programming can have as much as a 2 year lead time. PT agreed that there needs to be both an ability for a quick response from the arts sector, maybe where existing work fits into wider projects, as well as that longer term planning. PT raised the point that 500,000 public sector works may be made redundant over the next four years and that some pundits have claimed that there will be at least one private sector job lost for each public sector post that disappears. That equates to one million within a working population of 30 million; there will be a huge number of people who will be looking at new careers and retraining. There will be time rich money poor people that the arts can capitalise on. Convince people that it is valuable Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com

for them to support the arts sector with that time through which the arts provides upskilling, raised aspirations, improved moral etc. The arts part in the Future Jobs Fund initiative which is widely thought to be successful is useful in proving the arts has already responding to a similar need. LEP has discussed a Creative Industries Forum, which PT has argued is what WAP could be, however we are aware that WAP is limited by it’s ‘not for profit’ dominated membership, and does not really include the wider 11 industry areas widely thought to be the ‘creative industries’. In the future there may be some direct commissioning work coming out of the arts service within Public Art. Current projects include: o Hilperton, £30,000 for public Art Intervention o Melksham £110,000 come out of work with developers o Trowbridge a £50,000 and a £60,000 project in the future. The Arts team is sorting out a system to ensure that we can make people aware of the opportunities as they arise. PT advised that Peter Kemp from Wiltshire and Swindon Learning Resources is the contact for the 200 school that subscribe to his network, as mentioned at the last WAP full meeting. They have an effective website http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/wslr/main_menu.php ACTION: TS to broker a mtg between Peter Kemp and core group if WAP are keen to explore. WAP may be able to offer a new dimension to the resources offered to schools, a button that says ‘would you be interested in taking part in a live experience to support your project work?’ that would link schools directly to WAP’s website that the sorts of arts offer available. ACTION: Cultural Olympiad WAP group to let PT know what activity is planned ACTION: PT to see whether there is any remaining budget that he may be able to pledge as partnership funding for WAP to support a G4A bid. Wrapping up: KN expressed how useful the mtg was to give us ‘ingredients’ for an away day and that WAP may benefit to now looking outward at other models such as LARC in how WAP goes forward. Auditing amongst WAP, for expertise and skills as well as where the spheres of influence, will ultimately help us to work more efficiently in partnership, moving forward into a time of yet more challenges over capacity.

Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email wiltshireartspromoters@gmail.com

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