Automatic Transmission In it’s very simplest terms this project is about readying the arts sector to respond to the commissioning process, advocating to commissioners the value that the arts has in delivering to its objectives and that young people are at the heart of identifying the need and ways to respond to the needs of young people. All of this funded work is to be within the Children and Young People’s service however it has resonance throughout all services where commissioning happens and the learning gained can be used to deliver to a wide range of sectors. I have copied the opening of the Automatic Transmission G4A that WYAP have submitted as part of their wider application to provide more detail if helpful. Automatic Transmission Wiltshire To date Automatic Transmission Wiltshire has been driven by Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership and Wiltshire Arts Promoters (WAP) with the purpose of developing a strategy using an action research model that will make a deep and long-term impact on how the local authority perceives the value of the art sector's contribution in achieving strategic objectives for children and young people. A tender was submitted to the Arts Council and once successful, seed funding was used to develop this into a business plan which is currently in the process of being revised and re-focused so that it responds more rigorously to the needs of Wiltshire’s youth arts sector with the increasing moves toward commissioning and in the light of increasing competition for funding to deliver youth arts work. Currently the Development Manager for Wiltshire Arts Promoters and the Youth Arts Coordinator for WYAP are leading on supporting a steering group of key arts and local authority partners. If fundraising is successful, our proposal for delivering this piece of work is that it will be led by the WAP Development Manager. The WYAP Creative Producer will continue to sit on the steering group and will also be nominated to sit on the executive group for Wiltshire Arts Promoters who as a group have the direct line of accountability for the WAP Development Manager’s role. The aims of Automatic Transmission Wiltshire are: 1. To provide criteria for defining excellence and guidance on best practice in the delivery of arts activity that achieves strategic objectives for children and young people. 2. To advocate for the arts as a key resource in delivering strategic objectives for Children and Young People and to prepare the ground for an empowered arts sector to continue to build strong relationships with the Local Authority and the broader public sector beyond the life of this project.
Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email
3. To achieve and promote a shared framework of evaluation that is accepted as an industry standard by both artists and Local Authority/public sector partners. 4. To develop mechanisms for ensuring the central involvement of young people in making the case for the value of arts in achieving local objectives important to them. 5. To identify skills gaps within the Wiltshire arts sector in delivering arts work that achieves strategic objectives for children and young people and to develop methods for up-skilling the sector appropriately. 6. To promote transparency in working arrangements with commissioning and partners in sharing good practice both aspirationally and practically. 7. Building partnerships to managing risk and increasing effectiveness in delivering services. 8. To promote “cross mentoring� for new and existing partners which encourages consistency and coherence across departments.
Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email