WAP Full Meeting Summary

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Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day 3rd March 2011 Summary The aim of the session was to summarise what has been achieved already by WAP; to execute a SWOT analysis; explore the vision that WAP has

for the future and identify challenges that may be presented during this process. Unfortunately, whilst many of these areas were touched upon, full resolution was not accomplished. There were many interesting points raised from this day, but what became apparent was the need to take a step back and address some fundamental questions regarding the aims, objectives and structure of the collective. These should be considered before looking to the future. Issues that kept on arising throughout the session included:          

Who is WAP representing? (Professional, Voluntary, Amateur) Does WAP need to be a focussed organisation or a more inclusive wider membership? What is WAP promoting and who is it promoting to? What are the benefits of being part of the network? Should the fee structure remain the same? Should the structure remain the same – core group/ wider group / working groups? How can WAP members better communicate and understand each other to work effectively? What are its aims and objectives for the next 3 years? Is the language of these aims accessible? How can the toolkit be utilized for maximum effect? Does this replace previous actions in the Communications Strategy?

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

Issues arising from the Communications Strategy Activity This activity was to highlight what had been completed and what had yet to be done from the Communications Strategy. The complete breakdown is attached in the appendix showing how many people gave red, amber or green status to each point but below are some of the comments: Toolkit: Tools produced – not widely used Elevator speech: This is not ”owned “ or used by the wider membership - Needs to be punchier, more memorable. Has been written. Needs to feature on website – people need to feel confident in using it. To establish regular meetings with Cllr Stuart Wheeler to prepare the ground for Wiltshire Councils budget setting for 2011/12 onwards – this is happening but needs to maintain momentum. Community Area Partnerships - To seek representation – further action required Online Petition - Not sure that we have a need for this now- to do for the future? To plan event invitations to key stakeholders (especially Wiltshire Council) and keep record of attendance/engagement - No – not collectively planned We should all do this more often; Great idea must implement – also is there a will to engage? Some of the actions were considered no longer necessary due to the success of the first phase. Proposed Actions (by WAP Members) for Moving Forward Actions were suggested by members and placed on a timeline between 2011 and 2013. All comments are included in the appendix, but some of the suggestions to address each of the three current aims are listed below: “Offer real partnership and support to strategic arts development in Wiltshire”        

Identify current priorities Organisation development / Redefining structure Sub groups created from open meetings dependent on need / Run pilot projects addressing service delivery needs of Wiltshire council Quarterly meetings that involve all members. Core group no longer required. Identify where we are not represented and why people are not engaging / Widen network Develop concepts on potential need e.g. G.P. commissions sounding board for concept – plan for 3 years ahead. Coordinate a response to commissioning challenge Bid for service delivery to Wiltshire council Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

“To deliver a collective and coherent voice advocating for the arts in Wiltshire”         

Simplify wording of aims / objectives Mapping exercise Clarify purpose of WAP / Make clear WAP’s offer Peer review Young people consultation Identify key issues / areas of interest Revise communications plan Make toolkit more available and show how to use it Revisit and continue to develop “case of support”

“To provide action led forums leading to positive outcomes and shared objectives”        

Programming the Cultural Olympiad Web site working group + artist co-opted on Web to push events out, promote partner sites Connecting all ‘what’s on’ Establishing groups and steering Web site working and widely accessed by members and artist involved in development To consult with and hear opinions of arts organisations Digital content: creative engagement with web site

Appendices 

Appendix A - SWOT Analysis and Comments

Appendix B - Timeline

Appendix C - Evaluation of Communications Strategy Feb 2010 to April 2011 Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

Appendix A - SWOT Analysis Strengths              

Having a Development Manager acting in a central role Networking has been made possible across Wiltshire Bank of knowledge within the network The views of voluntary and amateur groups are being considered through WAP members Shared advocacy for each other and the network Potential to tap into the skill base across organisations Effective practice when focussed Potential is a positive Strong voice / relationship with the council Peer support and sharing Easy networking – open door policy Talking globally Equal voice Supporting arts ecology for Wiltshire

Weaknesses      

Reliant upon a single funder (ACE) Fee barrier excludes individuals and voluntary / amateur organisations Distance between partners Dominated by Regularly Funded Organisations Lack of voice for individual artists Antipathy (audiences) – how does WAP engage audiences? Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

      

Capacity – single development office and member capacity (time and revenue) Identity and offer – how wide is the organisation known? How approachable is the network? Not involving people in own organisations – 1 person representing each organisation Poor internal communication – especially between core group and wider group Lack of understanding of each other What is WAP doing that compliments and does not compete?

Opportunities  Local Authority looking to arts to provide provision  WAP to have input into Wiltshire Cultural Strategy  WAP Collective toolkit powerful for leverage of funding and further activities  Arts Council priorities  WAP could become a model for other counties  Embed impact of arts across county  How it supports changes of arts landscape  Voice to external bodies and each other –how can it be stronger and how can we maximise this?  Competition  Extending participation – including audience development  Cultural Olympiad  Develop opportunities for families / armed services  WAP to be available as quick, ready consultation for local authority and ACE  Signposting  Champion and challenge quality  WAP as shop window for artists and broker of relationships  WAP to offer services / experience to area partnerships around commissioning and working with artists  Collaboration and skill sharing both between WAP members and within wider community Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

   

Promotion of what is happening around county BME project White Horses project Great Wiltshire Tour project

Threats  Unrepresentative – who are we trying to represent?  Danger of over complicating – keep it simple – a network is about sharing  Clarity of purpose – Whole arts sector? Just professionals? Just promoters?  Network may become incapable of adapting the needs of the time – as it should  Funding  Should WAP be driving the actions or just providing the network?  Risk of not being seen as valuable enough to invest the time  Danger of trying to do too much or become too big  Who is it serving? Are we trying to network too diverse a group of people?  National Portfolio decisions / outcomes  Shifts of power  Protectionism (of own organisation) SILO effect

Questions and issues that arose from members during this process (within the four sections):  Who are we trying to represent?  Clarity of purpose – Whole arts sector? Just professionals? Just promoters?  Should WAP be driving the actions or just providing the network?  What’s the point of being part of the network?  Who is it serving? Are we trying to network too diverse a group of people?  How wide is / should the network be? Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

             

Tangible outputs – what does WAP have to offer? Antipathy (audiences) – how does WAP engage audiences? Identity and offer – how wide is the organisation known? How approachable is the network? What is WAP doing that compliments and does not compete? Strong voice in some ways (to the council) – how can it be strengthened between each other? Can council be accessed through small groups? WAP – a testing place for conversations before going wider (eg council) Equal voice – but salaried voice versus freelance places constraints Split in opinion – fees – do they demonstrate commitment or are they a barrier? Would no fees create a wider network? Do we need to be a focussed organisation or a more inclusive wider membership? What does ‘promoter’ mean? Commissioning artists – drawing in new areas of income – signposting

Does WAP wish to:  Continue to work with Local Authorities and Arts Council England  Be louder and prouder of Wiltshire offer  Communicate with broader members  Embrace and respond to the changes in the arts landscape

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

Appendix B - Timeline Timeline of activities as suggested at the strategic planning day – March 3rd 2011 2011 March / April* Offer real partnership and support to strategic arts development in Wiltshire

To deliver collective and coherent voice advocating for the arts in Wiltshire

Identify current priorities – useful for groups Organisation development Redefining structure Still need structure in meetings, time limited agenda, sharing between all, high level strategy thinking, Meetings structured differently. Simplify wording of aims / objectives Mapping exercise Clarify purpose of WAP

2012 May / June

July / August

Sub groups created from open meetings dependent on need. Opportunity to seek opinion.

Impact of cultural strategy of Wilts

Quarterly meetings that involve all members. Core group no longer required.

Peer review Young people consultation

Identify where we are not represented and why people are not engaging Widen network

September / October Develop concepts on potential need e.g. G.P. commissions sounding board for concept – plan for 3 years ahead.

November / December Partnership information sharing.


Bid for service delivery to Wilts council

Run some pilot projects addressing service delivery needs of Wilts council Coordinate a response to commissioning challenge.

Make clear WAP’s offer e.g. networking / account funders attract wider network

Revise comms plan

Identify key issues / areas of interest.

Renew the membership of WAP

Register of attendance at area boards

Revisit and continue to develop “case of support” Make it worthwhile for people to join action led forum

Bids for service delivery to Wilts council During projects, refining legacy, building future projects

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

To provide action led forums leading to positive outcomes and shared objectives

Programming the cultural Olympiad To make it easy to understand – jargon free accessible language

Web site working group + artist co-opted on Challenges – time and focus for development

Web site working and widely accessed by members + artist involved in development

Make toolkit more available and show how to use it To consult with and hear opinions of arts organisations

Networks to facilitate shared interests

Public facing – what’s on, building e lists and marketing Digital content: creative engagement with web site

Web to push events out, promote / partner sites Connecting all + what’s on Marketing and IT working together Establishing groups and steering

*Months are estimated according to where people put them on the timeline

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

Appendix C: Evaluation of Communications Strategy Feb 2010 to April 2011 February 2010 – August 2010 (quiet diplomacy) – the number indicates the number of post it notes of that colour that was placed on each item Objective To produce a mini-manifesto for the arts in Wiltshire, via an advocacy pack (with DVD) to be produced and circulated to key stakeholders, especially Wiltshire Council.

Red No. 9

Amber No. Tools produced – not widely used 2 How far and to who?



Elevator speech: This is not ”owned “ or used by the wide membership Needs embedding by WAP members April 2011 Ongoing More needed Needs to be punchier, more memorable Has been written. Needs to feature on website – people need to feel confident in using it.





Arts team does represent WAP to Cllr Wheeler but may be necessary to be more direct? Did meet initially – perhaps Peter is our “regular” conduit? But do we need to touch base again? Needs sustaining and next meeting fixed. This is happening he is visiting ? but need to maintain momentum Starting to happen in certain areas; relies on all WAP members playing an active role and engaging with their area boards To seek representation – further action reqd.

To continue to develop the Elevator Speech for both politicians and public that makes the case for arts funding in Wiltshire in plain English.

To establish regular meetings with Cllr Stuart Wheeler to prepare the ground for Wiltshire Councils budget setting for 2011/12 onwards.

To seek representation on as many Community Area Partnerships as possible, and to attend the Wiltshire Assembly meetings in Mar & Oct.

Green No. We did this but how widely 4 has it been seen? Created – still needs to be used. Yes DVD and Elevator Speech – how widely used and circulated? Was presented – arts create to wilts ? + Nikki + Wilts assembly 0


The Arts team has a cultural portfolio meeting every month. This is an internal session but with the space for gentle lobbying.

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

12 To map out the best way to achieve influence for the arts within all 18 Area Boards.

This would be overkill for Harvfest. Can this be done collectively? Needs to happen asap x2 As an organisation we want to know about this!


Possibly happening but not yet written down – by April TS to lead Some areas stronger than others – sharing of group approaches maybe? More needed? Have started through key hubs so many – can’t get to all. Starting to happen – more needed In process Some areas stronger than others Focusing on key hub areas through wc

February – August 2010 (profile raising) Objective To ensure that all of WAPs members start using the WAP logo and name on marketing materials, with links to the WAP website from their own websites.

Red No. 12

Good idea – needs to happen asap. Are members in possession of the logo? TS and WAP members by April Not felt ready to push externally until web site is ready Need info on own website

Amber Green No. Underway No. 4 Underway – a logo will be used on HAFEST brochure and advertising both ? and web

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips



To plan and issue regular (quarterly?) press releases celebrating work undertaken and planned within the County. Also, to make contact with the most influential press people (e.g. newspaper Editors) to get them on-side.


External profile raising not happened yet Excellent idea – let’s do it! Good idea – who? Tell me how – I would love to



Where is this? No – not collectively planned We should all do this more often Yes please – how can this be done? – great idea. Great idea must implement – also is there a will to engage? Good idea but when? Didn’t realise I could love to – how?


To secure a feature in Wiltshire Magazine (via Wiltshire Council Communications Team) with a good-news story about the benefits of the arts to Wiltshire.

To plan event invitations to key stakeholders (especially Wiltshire Council) and keep record of attendance/engagement

3 To seek to be recognised and included on Wiltshire Councils list of partner sites on the Useful Links section of their website.


Is this your newsletter? Press releases started B and WAP members especially marketing teams Unsure this would work collectively – newsletter is good for internal communication Underway but perhaps more could be done PR went out for this event This is planned for submission late summer Dialogue with comms ongoing – some successes but difficult to achieve a “regular slot” Some individual features – more major features needed. Tricky! news events listing in next issue. The Arts service at Wilts Council could help to coordinate this More councillor engagement? Individual organisations may have. WAP not keeping register – do we have LAB register?

Not aware this is happening



Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

September 2010 – April 2011 (hearts and minds) Objective To start an online petition seeking support for arts in Wiltshire, publicised by WAPs members throughout the coming year. Start by contacting Friends groups and encouraging them to pass it onto five other people in their address book. This can also be supported by a Facebook campaign especially for younger audiences and participants.

Red No. 13

May not be relevant due to horse already bolting re irreversible funding decisions This was only in the event of a “somerset” style “exit” from the arts by the council which has not happened.

Amber No. Not sure that we have a need 2 for this now- to do for the future?

Green No.

13 To investigate the possibility of a ‘send a postcard to your MP/Councillor’ campaign to launch in spring 2011. 13


To get all WAP members to ask their sponsors and corporate patrons to write open letters of support, to be published on the website. This should also be extended to include expressions of support from other influential individuals, such as high profile arts advocates, Trustees and Patrons of WAP members, as well as Trusts and Foundations that currently support the arts in Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Arts Promoters – Strategic Planning Day March 2011 – Facilitated by Magic Parsnips

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