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Lackham courses 2019–2020


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Contents Agriculture, Animals and Land-based


Foundation Studies and Life Skills


Life Sciences


Sport and Public Services


ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages


Farm guide


Our Campuses




Entry Requirements and Qualifications




University Level courses


How to apply


Student Support


Student Life




For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Ofsted 2018 “You and your staff have created a welcoming family atmosphere.”

“The achievement of adult students and apprentices has remained high.”

“The guidance for students in their tutorial programme complements the very good resources and extensive careers service for all students.”

“Safeguarding procedures and practices are comprehensive and thorough. Students feel safe at college.”

I am delighted to introduce you to our 2019–20 Lackham prospectus. Here at Wiltshire College & University Centre we pride ourselves on being the county’s launch pad from which to start your dream career. As you’ll see from the following pages, we offer a vast array of courses at a range of levels meaning there really is something for everyone. Every year thousands of people just like you come to Lackham and then progress on to the workplace, to university, or to further study here. In fact, you can study with us all the way through to degree level, where the College works with a number of leading universities. We are also a major provider of apprenticeships, working closely with hundreds of employers in the region. Last year apprenticeship applications were up 76% on the previous year, proving that more and more students are seizing this great opportunity to earn while you learn.

“Teachers’ careful monitoring of the progress of students motivates students, who work enthusiastically towards achieving their goals.”


Welcome to the 2019–20 Lackham prospectus for Wiltshire College & University Centre

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Over the next few years more than £20million is being invested into facilities at our Salisbury and Lackham campuses, bringing both sites up to date and keeping the College on its forward journey. Developments at Lackham include an agricultural technology centre and milking parlour. So it’s an exciting time here, and by choosing Lackham you will benefit from expert teaching from our industry-trained staff, study in realistic environments within our excellent facilities, and have access to our comprehensive support network with links to a range of employers. I’m sure you’ll find the course for you in this prospectus, and we are happy to provide advice and guidance as to what is best for you at whatever point you need it. I look forward to seeing you at one of our Open Events throughout the year when you can get a real flavour of the courses and facilities on offer.

Amanda Burnside Principal

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Lackham Farm guide Student Projects Students explore a wide range of subjects through live projects on the farm such as looking at the benefits of treating ewes with a mineral drench before lambing and then following these lambs born from those ewes, right through to sale to see if there are any financial benefits

or health benefits for the sheep. We have also had a group of students investigating the same process in beef systems. Through projects undertaken in their 2nd year on the Extended Diploma in Agriculture, students develop skills in working in teams, budget

responsibility, leadership and negotiation, customer care and many other aspects of management. They also work with industry feed companies, slaughterhouses, marketing and suppliers of stock. In addition to these projects, students will investigate various aspects of the farm such as fertility, mastitis and lameness within the dairy herd; showing animals, designing a breeding programme, looking into carcasses and studying the meat to bone ratios of various purebreds or crosses, and looking after a flock and recording results and problems associated with the flock. Students will have the opportunity to monitor all aspects of these enterprises, looking at records and concluding with a way forward or recommendation and giving presentations on these subjects. First year students on the Extended Diploma in Agriculture, engage in practical routine duties, spending a week with staff in two main areas namely Dairy and calf rearing. Practical sessions will revolv e around work associated with the Sheep, Beef and Pig enterprises. Although the


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arable unit is a seasonal one, students from the Extended Diploma Farm Mechanisation spend a day a week with the tractor driver and Level 2 Agriculture students spend some afternoons with the stockman each week, providing each student with experience in each area to complement their theory work. Dairy students are involved with milking and its related activities including tractor driving when scraping out feed passages and working with feeding and bedding once they have a Loadall certificate. Students will also be involved with the weekly visits by the farm appointed vet. If they are on beef duties, students could be feeding calves or feeding housed animals at Home Farm in the morning and in the

afternoon handling animals – weighing, injecting, fencing, disbudding or any other tasks associated on the units. Practical sessions with lecturers and farm staff range from tasks on tractors, manure hauling and field operations, to all livestock tasks where students get hands-on as a group with detailed explanations on the task in hand, why they have to be done, consequences if they are not and the need for accuracy when doing the task. We aim to impress on students the importance of accurate record keeping across the whole of the business, as well as instilling a tidy, safe and thorough way of working in our industry.

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always as quickly and efficiently as possible. The liveweight range will be 520kgs to 650kgs, killing out % varies on the breeds so the deadweight target is 280kgs to 420kgs.

Home Farm Dairy The facilities at the College farm include an Alpha Laval 16:16 Herringbone direct to line parlour with fabdec cluster flush and loose housing for a maximum of 180 cows. The herd is managed by the herdsman with assistance relief milking and feeding. Feeding during the winter period with a complete diet feeder using grass and maize silage combined with straights (soya, rapeseed meal, soya hulls, crimped maize, minerals and fats). During the summer the emphasis is on producing milk from grass. The breeding policy is aimed at longevity so type is important. The cows are bred with Holstein/Friesian bulls up to the end of March and with Limousin semen to the end of June to produce beef calves to rear in our beef unit. Cogents Pinpoint service provides the semen and Cogent technicians serve the cows. The health of the herd is very important so the vets visit on a weekly basis to monitor health issues like mastitis, fertility and lameness.

We currently have 170 Friesian Holstein cows producing 10,200 litres per cow per year, milk quality at 4% BF and 3.2% protein with Cell Counts averaging 150 and Bactoscan averages10, the herd uses home bred replacements to maintain cow numbers. The milk is sold to through our membership of the Selkley vale group of 90 farmers. Dairy Replacements 50 herd replacements are homebred using sexed semen from Cogent and Semex bred bulls. The breeding aim is to improve longevity by breeding for type, legs and udder. The herd introduces replacement heifers at the rate of between 15% and 25% each year. Calves are fed for four days with dam’s colostrum then reared on whole milk for a further four weeks before being fed once per day on milk replacer. They are weaned when at 75kgs bodyweight or seven to eight weeks and eating at least 1kg of concentrates. The farm sets annual targets for growth rates with the aim of calving them at 2 years of age. Beef Production A range of both intensive and semi-intensive systems are used to provide a wide range of farming practice for beef production. Examples: 16-18-month intensive system using Limousin X 1/2 breds from dairy 18-20 month semi-intensive grass using 1/2 bred Hereford or Beef shorthorn crosses.


Forage/concentrate system The farm produces beef from three principal breeds, the Limousin, (a continental breed) Beef Shorthorns and Hereford, (both traditional British breeds). These breeds have different characteristics in many aspects from docility to growth rates and carcase confirmation. The pedigree herds provide a facility for the students to look beyond just producing beef. Students experience: ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

Following a system of production Selecting breeding animals Carcase selection and grading Growth rates and K.O % Meat processing Selling of the product Marketing live animals Marketing meat

The beef finishing unit takes calves from the dairy unit, additional calves are purchased from Meadow Quality calves to rear the same way as the home bred calves, this enables us to supply local outlets at regular times throughout the year. During the rearing and finishing stages the animals are fed a range of diets, protein content starts at 18% and reduces to 14%, this allows the bones and structure to develop at an early stage. As the animal matures the energy in the diet increases and lays down the muscle and fat ready for sale. The target is to finish the animals according to their ability to mature depending on breed but

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Pedigree Limousins This project was started in 1999 in conjunction with the British Limousin Cattle Society. The aim of the project is to breed heifers and monitor traits of the breed. This enterprise also produces pedigree offspring for replacements and sale. The use of AI has had a significant role to play in the last few years to develop the herd. A selection of bulls with good qualities will improve the herd profitability. Bulls used are Grahams Poncho, Haltcliffe Ullswater, Brontemoor Illkley, Sympa, Imperial, Nobel, Ionesco, Otan Ronick Hawk, Ronick Member, Sarkley Topknot and Mynach Sporty, more recent bulls used have been Wildoge Fastrack, Regal, Wilodge Cerberus, Oxygene, Gerrygullinane Glen, Mereside Lorenzo, Tomschoice Jet, Powerful Louis and more recently purchased Foxhillfarm Jumpingjackflash to serve cows not taken to AI. Students are encouraged to gain experience by working with the herd to develop their skills within the various breeds. The different breeds have different temperaments and require different handling. Showing at

local shows is a target for the students to aim for, recently shown at the Bath and West show and gained several rosettes for the herd. The herd won the best medium sized herd in the south west competition. The herd is managed along commercial lines as groups but some individuals will be selected for additional handling and showing at shows such as The Bath and West and Berkshire Agricultural Show.

The objective of the herd is to produce beef from cheap feed and utilise permanent pasture on the farm because the Hereford is renowned for converting grass to meat. Comparisons can be made on various levels, from temperament to conversion rates and killing out % to meat: bone ratios and flavour of meat. The herd is a mix of polled and horned females; a home bred bull Lackham Park Nacho is used on all the cows except one.

Pedigree Herefords Following the successful establishment of the Limousins as a continental breed it was decided to have a traditional breed alongside in order to make comparisons and demonstrate to students the difference between breeds. The Hereford was the chosen breed for its ability to convert forage to meat and we were delighted to work with a group of enthusiastic local breeders who donated the 10 heifers and a bull for its establishment.

Pedigree Beef Shorthorns The herd has been purchased by Whitehall for supplying their outlets with shorthorn or shorthorn crosses. They are showing quality and will be shown by the students with the Limousins. Calving this year was successful with some well-bred calves born, hence the same bull Diamond Lord Belmont has been used to serve them. Whitehall purchased a new Bull from Carlisle, he has been running with the cows to cover those not served with AI.

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Notton Farm We have 900 ewes - home-reared Lleyns, half of which are owned by Whitehall. The flock lambs in March, to Lleyn, Charolais, Beltex and Berrichon Rams. High health status is paramount for the flock, no reported cases of Enzootic abortions, Maedi Visna Accredited, vaccinated with Heptavac P for clostridial diseases and vaccinated for Orf. The ewes are bred for prolificacy and meat quality to supply Whitehall, local butchers and high quality supermarkets and to have fresh young lamb available all year round.

The rams are introduced to the ewes on the 5th October for 34 days; any ewes not in lamb after that date are sold as culls. The ewes and lambs are turned out after lambing onto grass for finishing from 12 weeks of age; any remaining lambs are weaned at 14 weeks and can stay on the farm for a further 16 weeks until finished. January and March ewes are housed in winter and fed on forage and concentrates. Lambs are sold at 36-40kg live weight aiming for an 18-20kg lamb on the hook. All lambs are graded at the abattoir the majority of our lamb’s grade at O and R’s 2 and 3L.

Pigs The pig herd consists of 15 sows and a boar. AI is practiced with the boar covering repeats.

Lackham’s Lambing weekends occur during March when the flock is open for public viewing. Up to 10,000 visitors visit the ewes to see lambs born. During their visit they can also see cows milked and other animals kept at the farm. Dates can be seen at under ‘forthcoming events’. The flocks provide excellent hands-on practical experience for a wide range of courses as well as agriculture. This includes lambing, foot trimming, injecting vaccines, fitting rubber rings and shearing.


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The unit is based at the Home Farm site where we now have 15 sows which will breed pigs for slaughter all to be sold on contract to Downland produce. The sows are artificially inseminated using semen from Heritage Seaborough (but a boar is on hand to cover repeats), to produce heavy weight pigs at 110kg - smaller pigs will be sold for hog roasts.

A mix of breeds is used in the herd such as Large White, Landrace, Duroc and some Pietrain. The herd is housed outdoors as long as conditions allow. The weaners are housed in small paddocks with shelters. Once the finishers get close to their weight they are brought indoors for closer monitoring.

Machinery It is essential to have a wide range of machinery available on the farm in order to guarantee the smooth operation of farm enterprises and to provide students with up to date modern machinery to use which will enhance their experience and prepare them for when they work in the industry.

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The students are trained on site in order to ensure they have hands on practical skills and experience on all the machinery whilst here at the College. Campaigns are designed to get them working as a team with all the equipment, examples being; ⚫ Autumn cultivations and drilling ⚫ Maize harvest ⚫ Manure spreading ⚫ Grass silage 1st and 2nd cuts ⚫ Spring cultivations and Maize ground preparation


Crops The Agronomy at Lackham centres on a long-term sound but flexible rotation, with the aim of maximising the areas of highest margin crops namely winter wheat and winter Barley. Maize is an essential part of the dairy ration and incorporates conveniently into the rotation on some soil types. On heavier more difficult fields where maize could present a harvesting problem, grass leys and stubble turnips are also incorporated into the arable rotation and there are areas suitable only as permanent pasture. Being a ‘teaching establishment’ occasionally unusual crops are tried out for student interest and red wheat, soya, OSR

have been grown in recent years. The field/cropping has been blocked for more efficient planning and management of labour and machinery, especially important at peak times. A well-planned rotation should be able to maintain itself whilst allowing for unforeseen requirements and area changes. These changes occur largely to accommodate the movement of livestock and their requirements. As well as preventing diseases such as ‘take-all’ in cereals and sclerotinia in OSR/pulses, a sound rotation aids

cultural weed control. The loss of long established and valuable agrochemicals means that cultural techniques will become increasingly important. Finally long term use of inputs can be planned and targeted at the most effective point in the rotation. These inputs include for example ‘Roundup’ pre-harvest in OSR, organic manures prior to maize and lime as grass is ploughed out. Agronomic advice is provided by John Clark of Agronomy One and is independent from commercial purchasing. Arable inputs are purchased through Crop Advisors, an independent buying group. 267 hectares are rented on a farm business tenancy, enabling the farm to grow a wider range of crops.


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The Animal Resource Centre Lackham also trains the next generation of animal practitioners in Animal Care, Welfare and Management industries. The Animal Resource Centre offers an extraordinary range of exotic and domestic animals, kept in enriched habitats mimicking those seen in zoos. The collection meets the requirements of students’ courses and progression into industry. The Centre is actively involved in animal rearing programmes, supporting professional animal collections and zoos. We also have a number of projects to breed and re-habilitate native wildlife to further engage students with conservation and ecology.

The ARC has a wide range of reptiles, small mammals and Chelonia. These support the teaching of handling techniques and introduce students to the environmental needs and husbandry skills required to maintain these interesting and popular animals. To introduce students to skills related to handling, transporting and even grooming animals we also maintain a collection of popular and common pet animals including rabbits, guinea pigs and rodents. We have a well-equipped dog grooming parlour, a practical facility used to instruct the many hands-on aspects of grooming required to work with not just dog breeds, but also cats and other small mammals. Extensive laboratory resources and experimental/research equipment also support learning. Our cat re-homing unit (run in association with The Blue Cross) provides students with experience of working directly with cats throughout the adoption and rehoming process exactly as they would in industry whilst supported by a dedicated staff. The Lackham Farm, supports students who have ambitions to work at Rare Breed centres or to enrol on our popular ‘small holders’ and ‘keeping backyard poultry’ courses. In addition to the commercial farm we have rare breed farm livestock including donkeys, goats and poultry. The ARC provides an excellent place in which to study all aspects of Animal Management.


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Deer Park Alongside our traditional agricultural students, growing numbers are studying gamekeeping and wild deer management, making a farmed deer herd an obvious opportunity for diversification at Lackham. During 2008 a deer park was built to allow students access to deer all year round and to learn management techniques for the husbandry of what remain essentially ‘wild’ animals. They provide students with opportunities for experience of: ⚫ Livestock husbandry ⚫ Record keeping ⚫ Genetics - the colour varieties follow Mendel’s laws (more or less) ⚫ Animal behaviour (especially during the rut) ⚫ Higher Education Research projects ⚫ Studies into wild deer management ⚫ Game hygiene and carcass preparation

On less than 40.5 hectares (100 acres) deer would seldom be profitable. However we can cover our running costs on an annual basis by the sale of venison, which has to go as “park and wild”, since we have no expensive facility to handle or load deer. Sales of venison are growing, it is recognised as a healthy red meat (with high protein, only 1% fat and free from saturated fatty acids), which is produced in a welfare friendly manner. Our management system is as simple as any livestock enterprise could be. During June students walk the Deer Park daily to capture and tag as many new born fawns as possible. Each year’s crop of fawns will be ear tagged with different coloured tags which informs later culling. Some winter feeding is necessary; however we try to manage the herd so that the grass remains the principal source of food.

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Animals to go for venison are culled using a rifle from a specially erected shooting tower achieving with almost unnoticeable stress to the remaining animals. Does will be culled at 12 years automatically and young stock kept to replace them. All other homebred animals are culled at 18 months, processed by gamekeeping students at the College who are undertaking their Game Meat Hygiene Training and then sold through the farm shop. In deer farming the financial return itself is often dependent on a secondary aspect of the business, for example tourism, direct sales from the farmgate, or live sales of breeding stock. In our case, as a College, our aim is to provide outstanding teaching resources which cover their own costs. As a teaching resource where husbandry is challenging and as an “attraction” to the many school and day visits which Lackham receives, the success of the enterprise has been unrivalled and these fascinating and graceful animals add diversity to our curriculum.


The Lackham Shoot The running of a commercial shoot underpins the curriculum in Game and Wildlife Management. The students buy-in pheasant poults and rear their own ducks or partridges which are released in the summer. The birds are well fed to prevent straying prior to the start of shooting. We also ensure our birds are fully mature before shooting begins.

Managing Lackham’s natural environment Lackham Estate and its farm holding have a well-documented manorial heritage which dates back to Saxon times. The management of the Farm and the wider Lackham Estate is a live and ongoing 21st century case study in countryside and rural land management. Located in the crook of the Bristol Avon near historic Lacock, in the heart of rural Wiltshire, the estate has a range of natural and seminatural habitats and landscape features of benefit to wildlife and wildlife conservation. Lackham Farm is in the DEFRA Countryside Stewardship Scheme at Entry Level. Lackham Farm is actively involved in promoting good agricultural land practices and is engaged with landowners and employers across the West Country to share and maintain industry standards.


Areas of work undertaken: ⚫ Wildlife conservation and habitat creation ⚫ Game management and the running of a shoot ⚫ Water resource management and fisheries ⚫ Woodland management ⚫ Parkland landscaping ⚫ Managing and planting hedgerows ⚫ Coppice management ⚫ Orchard maintenance ⚫ Wet woodland management– Alder Carr area ⚫ Woodland rides and wildlife corridors ⚫ Built heritage maintenance All activities including the use of, and access to, the Farm and Estate are considered carefully to avoid damage to habitats caused by the trampling of herbage, erosion of pathways and the inappropriate disturbance of wildlife and game.

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A number of days shooting are sold on the open market via the ‘Guns on Pegs’ website. Guests enjoy a full day’s shooting, which is organised by the students and includes a formal lunch in Lackham House. Students undertake the management of habitats to benefit the released and wild game and also control pest species such as magpies, foxes and mink which predate game. It is essential on such a busy estate that these practices follow the highest standards of safety and welfare. The season ends with a traditional ‘beater’s day’ for the students who enthusiastically take part in the shoot. This gives the student keepers a chance to experience the day from the ‘guns end’ and see how hard the birds can be to hit!

The final event is the Shoot Dinner, a formal meal and a chance to thank our sponsors, award prizes (serious ones as well as light hearted ones) and relax. Game Management students are assessed practically on shoot days however, they are expected to also carry out some of their written assessments based on what they have learned through the process of running the commercial shoot. For more information please contact the shoot manager Neil Bianchi at

Lackham Grounds and Gardens The gardens at Lackham have evolved to support the training of our students studying Horticulture. The extensive and varied grounds form an integral part of our training provision and as such are always changing as a result of student projects and developments. Lackham also boasts numerous plant collections, a plant nursery, five large glasshouses, sports pitches and ornamental ponds as well as a

sensory garden designed for people with disabilities. Horticultural machinery and equipment is demonstrated and utilised throughout the curriculum within Garden Design and Landscaping, and Construction skills support the plant-related skills and knowledge required of a modern horticulturalist.

show gardens, regularly winning prestigious awards and prizes as well as appearing on TV and in the local and national press.

In addition to the Lackham grounds, students have the opportunity to work on exciting projects such as

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Lackham Lackham is our land-based campus and is home to a wealth of courses such as agriculture, animal care, horticulture and much more. Facilities at Lackham include two working farms, dedicated exotic and domestic animal centre, walled garden and glasshouses. Within the 1600 acres, there are vast woodlands, and a river frontage.

Castle Combe Castle Combe circuit is the home of our purpose-built dedicated motorsport learning centre. The Castle Combe centre is the first circuit-based motorsport engineering centre in the UK. The centre offers you the opportunity to work in an industry standard environment, on cars that compete regularly, enabling you to experience the real life challenges of working in motorsport.

Campus Development… The College has been awarded more than £20million to invest in its Salisbury and Lackham campuses. The plans include redeveloping the Salisbury campus and introducing a new Life Science curriculum there, while Lackham will see the construction of an Agricultural Technology Centre and the introduction of a higher education centre.

Wiltshire College & University Centre, Lacock, near Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 2NY *SatNav use SN15 2NX

Wiltshire College & University Centre, Castle Combe, Wiltshire, SN14 7EY

Chippenham Our £21million Chippenham campus opened in November 2015, welcoming hundreds of new and returning students into a fantastic, state-of-the-art facility. The new campus is located just behind the old college buildings, opposite the railway station and just 10 minutes’ walk from Chippenham bus station. The site also boasts a Technology Centre for our trade courses.

Trowbridge The Trowbridge campus is located just a short walk from Trowbridge town centre and the railway station – there are also buses which stop directly outside the college. There are a wide range of courses available at Trowbridge, including catering in the student-run White Horse Restaurant and a number of trade courses delivered from our state-of-the-art Construction Skills Centre.

Salisbury Our Salisbury campus is just a 10-minute walk from the city centre. It offers a wide range of industry standard facilities such as dedicated music studios, student run Wessex Restaurant, gaming and IT computer suites, fully equipped workshops and much more. It is home to our renowned film and photography studios that are recognised within the industry.

Wiltshire College & University Centre, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3QD

Wiltshire College & University Centre, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES

Wiltshire College & University Centre, Southampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2LW

Our Campuses Wiltshire College & University Centre has five campuses across the county, located in Chippenham, Lacock (Lackham), Salisbury, Trowbridge and Castle Combe. Each campus is home to industry standard and specialist teaching facilities, as well as: ⚫ Refectories offering hot and cold meals and drinks ⚫ A Student Life Hub ⚫ Sport and fitness facilities ⚫ Free on-site parking ⚫ Learning Resources Centres ⚫ Free Wi-Fi ⚫ Costa or Starbucks coffee outlets ⚫ Student-run restaurants at Salisbury and Trowbridge ⚫ Aspire Hair and Beauty Salons ⚫ Student accommodation at Lackham and Salisbury


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containing a shower, toilet and wash basin. The small kitchenette includes a sink, fridge/freezer, microwave, toaster, kettle and generous storage space for food. Ridgeway now has a brand new communal kitchen and dining area to be shared by residents. The accommodation includes heating, lighting, unlimited wired and wireless internet access, 7 days a week accommodation (term time only) and limited cleaning.

Accommodation Applying for accommodation All students who have received an offer of a place to study at Wiltshire College, Lackham via the Admissions Team/UCAS can apply for a room in Halls of Residence accommodation. For further information please contact the Residential Accommodation Manager on or call 01249 466876/466896. Ridgeway Hall of Residence for over 18s Ridgeway Hall of Residence contains 45 en-suite rooms, including designated adapted units. Each room has a single bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, desk and a bathroom


Self-catered Accommodation Fees: £110.00 pwk*. Half board Accommodation Fees: £120.00 pwk*, this fee includes 10 meals pwk. Kennet, Stonehenge, Avebury Halls of Residence Refurbished Rooms Kennet, Stonehenge and Avebury Halls of Residence comprise 8 refurbished rooms in each Hall. In addition to a complete re-decoration and new furniture in the bedrooms, communal facilities have been upgraded to include a new fully fitted kitchen and communal area. The accommodation includes heating, lighting, unlimited wireless internet access, 7 days a week accommodation (term time only) and limited cleaning. Half board Accommodation Fees: £100.00 pwk*, this fee includes 10 meals pwk.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Standard Halls of Residence Standard Halls of Residence comprise 76 rooms, each room has a wash basin, single bed, bedside cabinet, wardrobe, desk and chair. Communal baths, showers, toilets and additional wash basins are shared between rooms on each floor. Each Hall has a kitchen and communal area furbished with sink, fridge/freezer, microwave, kettle, toaster and limited food storage facilities. The accommodation includes heating, lighting, unlimited wireless internet access, 7 days a week accommodation (term time only) and limited cleaning. Half board Accommodation Fees : £133.00 pwk*, this fee includes 10 meals per week. Accommodation Off Campus Students over the age of 18 that require accommodation off campus can contact the Accommodation Team for details of accommodation in the local area. It is the responsibility of parents of under 18s to find suitable accommodation off campus and the College cannot take responsibility. Student Supervision The comprehensive Accommodation Team provide pastoral support and supervision 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (term time only). The staff are dedicated to safeguarding and the welfare and safety of all residential students. The Accommodation Office is open and the Accommodation Officers are on duty from 8.30–1.30am.

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University level These courses are classed as Higher Education. They will provide a much deeper level of knowledge in your chosen subject area and enable you to develop independent and critical thinking skills.

Entry requirements and qualifications At Wiltshire College & University Centre we offer a wide range of subjects from entry level through to university level. This is a guide to the types of qualifications available and the standard entry requirements.

Level 1 These courses are the first step towards a vocational qualification, designed to help you develop knowledge of a specific job or industry.

Entry level foundation These courses are designed for a wide range of learners and aim to provide support to encourage independence and enable progression onto further study or employment.

Types of qualification ⚫ BTEC Level 1 ⚫ Introductory Diploma ⚫ Skills Pathway

Types of qualification ⚫ Vocational Skills ⚫ Employability Skills ⚫ Personal Achievement Award Standard entry requirements No formal entry requirements – applicants will be required to attend an interview and initial assessment.

Standard entry requirements 4 GCSEs at E or 2 (above or equivalent) including English and Maths. Level 2 These courses will expand on any existing knowledge or experience gained from your Level 1 course or GCSEs. The courses will include a range of activities and allow you to take responsibility for your own learning. Types of qualification ⚫ Level 2 Diploma ⚫ Intermediate Apprenticeships ⚫ Level 2 Extended Certificate

Types of qualification ⚫ HNC/HND ⚫ Foundation Degree ⚫ Honours Degree ⚫ Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Standard entry requirements To enter a university level qualification you will need a relevant Level 3 qualification, A Levels or an Access to HE qualification and GCSE English and Maths (or equivalent) at Grade C or 4 or above. Requirements will vary between courses and institutions. Visit to apply.

Level 3 These courses will enable you to develop a broader knowledge of your chosen subject area and prepare you for employment or progression to university level study. The range of activities and level of study is more demanding. Types of qualification ⚫ Level 3 Diploma ⚫ Level 3 Extended Diploma ⚫ Advanced Apprenticeships

Additional requirements In addition to the standard entry requirements, some courses may have additional, specific qualification entry criteria. You can visit our website and individual course information sheets for specific entry requirements. Mature Students Mature student entrants are considered on a case-by-case basis if relevant skills and work experience can be demonstrated.

Standard entry requirements 4 GCSEs A*–C or 9–4 (or equivalent) including English and Maths. Merit or Distinction in a related subject at Level 2.

Standard entry requirements 4 GCSEs at grade D or 3 (above or equivalent) including English and Maths. Successful completion of a relevant subject at Level 1.


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Why should you choose an apprenticeship? ⚫ Employers recognise and value apprenticeships as they ensure that you have been trained with the skills they need. ⚫ You will start earning a wage straight away as well as gaining qualifications, industry experience and professional contacts to last a lifetime. ⚫ After finishing their apprenticeship, two thirds of apprentices stay with their original employer, with 1/3 receiving a promotion within 12 months of completing.

Apprenticeships What is an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are a great alternative to traditional learning. They are a paid job with structured training, giving you the opportunity to get recognised qualifications while you work. They can take between one and four years to complete depending upon the subject and are available in a range of areas.

Every apprentice will complete a minimum of 20% ‘off the job’ training to help them gain the skills and knowledge required for their chosen occupation. Depending on your chosen apprenticeship, you may be required to attend college via day or block release however, many apprenticeships can now be delivered entirely at your place of work.

Apprenticeships are available at different levels; Intermediate (Level 2), Advanced (Level 3) and Higher and Degree level (Levels 4–7) - each with their own entry requirements just like our full-time courses.

If you have not already achieved a grade A–C GCSE (9–4 or equivalent) in Maths, English and ICT, you will be required to undertake functional skills alongside your apprenticeship.

As an apprentice, you will receive a wage agreed with your employer and you will work at least 30 hours per week, which can include studying at college.


⚫ Many of the skills you learn will be

Once you complete your apprenticeship, the next move is up to you. You can progress to the next apprenticeship level, study for additional qualifications, collect UCAS points, go on to university level qualifications or work towards a promotion with your employer. Many apprenticeship programmes are now available at degree level.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

transferable to other job roles should you decide to change career direction.

⚫ Game & Wildlife Management ⚫ Hairdressing & Barbering ⚫ Health & Social Care ⚫ Horse Care and Management ⚫ Horticulture ⚫ IT & Telecoms ⚫ Land-based Engineering ⚫ Leadership & Management ⚫ Light/Heavy Motor Vehicle Repair & Maintenance ⚫ L ive Events & Promotion ⚫ Painting & Decorating ⚫ Plumbing & Heating ⚫ Science Manufacturing ⚫ Supporting Teaching & Learning ⚫ Social Media & Digital Marketing ⚫ Warehousing & Storage ⚫ Veterinary Nursing Many of our apprentices work with industry leading employers in a wide range of roles, including; Cooper Tires, NHS, Center Parcs, Wessex Water Services, Babcock, Wiltshire Council and Longleat.

⚫ Government research suggests that advanced apprentices earn on average £100,000 more over the course of their career than their colleagues.

You can contact our apprenticeship team on apprenticeships@wiltshire., or call us on 0845 345 2235

Apprenticeships at Wiltshire College & University Centre are available in the following areas: ⚫ Accounting ⚫ Agriculture ⚫ Bricklaying ⚫ Business Administration ⚫ Carpentry & Joinery ⚫ Catering & Hospitality ⚫ Children & Young Peoples Workforce ⚫ Civil Engineering ⚫ Creative & Cultural ⚫ Construction Plant Maintenance ⚫ Customer Service & Sales ⚫ Design ⚫ Electrical Installation ⚫ Engineering, Manufacturing & Welding

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Career Progression Wiltshire College & University Centre FE provision can lead you to progress onto university courses around the UK and abroad including our own HE courses. It is also a direct route into employment or apprenticeship.

University Level At Wiltshire College & University Centre you are much more than just a number. Our smaller class sizes give you more contact time with supportive and highly knowledgeable staff.

⚫ Agriculture ⚫ Animal Science and Management ⚫ Business ⚫ Computing ⚫ Computer Games Animation ⚫ Early Years ⚫ Film Production and

Our university level courses are partnered by esteemed institutions including Bournemouth University, Oxford Brookes University, University of Greenwich, The Royal Agricultural University and Pearson, so you can be confident in the value of your qualification. We focus on preparing you for your chosen career, providing industry standard facilities, practical assignments and valuable work placements.

Cinematography ⚫ General Engineering ⚫ Life Sciences ⚫ Social and Community Work ⚫ Motorsport Engineering ⚫ Photography ⚫ Criminology and Criminal Justice ⚫ Sports Coaching and Sports Development ⚫ Higher and Degree Apprenticeships ⚫ PGCE

Find out more in this prospectus about progressing onto our university level courses, which include:


For more information about university level courses including funding, fees, entry requirements and how to apply, visit universitylevel, call our HE admissions team on 01225 756200 or email HEAdmissions@wiltshire.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756200

The College offers you opportunities to kick start your career from certificates and diplomas all the way to Degree level. Here are some examples of progression routes that could be taken to achieve the following job roles:

Air Cabin Crew ⚫ Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Travel & Tourism ⚫ Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism Plumbing and Heating Engineer ⚫ Level 1/2 Diploma in Plumbing Studies / Intermediate Apprenticeship in Plumbing and Heating ⚫ Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Plumbing and Heating

Veterinary Nurse ⚫ Level 1/2/3 Animal Care ⚫ FdSc Animal Science & Management ⚫ BSc (Hons) Animal Science & Management (Top up)

Pit Crew Member ⚫ Level 2 Diploma in Motorsport Maintenance ⚫ Level 3 Extended Diploma in Motorsport Maintenance and Repair ⚫ FdEng Motorsport Engineering ⚫ BA (Hons) Motorsport Engineering (Top up) Hair & Make-up Artist ⚫ Level 1 Diploma in Hair & Beauty ⚫ Level 2 Technical Certificate in Make-up Artistry ⚫ Level 3 Technical Diploma in Make-up Artistry Police Officer ⚫ Level 1 Diploma in Sport and Active Leisure ⚫ Level 2 Diploma Entry to Uniformed Public Services ⚫ Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services ⚫ HND Criminology and Criminal Justice in the Public Services Lab Technician ⚫ Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Forensic and Criminal Investigation / Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science ⚫ FdSc Biomedical Science / FdSc Applied Science

Accounting Technician: ⚫ Level 2/3 Accountancy ⚫ Professional Diploma in Accounting (AAT) Film Director ⚫ Level 3 TV & Film ⚫ BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300



Agriculture, Animals and Land-based

Our courses are for students looking to work on farms using the latest agritechnology techniques. Students studying these courses will gain hands on experience of all the latest equipment and will be provided with the tools required to follow multiple career paths and opportunities.



This course will give you foundation knowledge and skills in growing crops, working with livestock, driving tractors and using other agricultural machinery.

Previous students have progressed onto university level study including Engineering at Oxford Brookes and an HND in Agricultural Engineering.

The College farm enterprises include sheep, dairy, pigs, beef and arable cropping, and as an agriculture student you will be involved in them all. These valuable learning resources provide students with opportunities to gain practical experience, within an agricultural setting. The course also includes a minimum of 120 hours of work experience with a relevant employer to help develop your practical skills. You do not necessarily need to have a farming background to study this course as this course offers a real opportunity to specialise and develop your skills throughout the course.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Stock Person ⚫ Dairy Person

Last year 98% of the students progressed straight into further training, education or employment after finishing their course


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Tractor Driver ⚫ Farmer

The land-based engineering industries are worth £4 billion a year in the UK alone

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

The average age of workers in the industry is over 40 years old, meaning there are plenty of opportunities for younger, qualified engineers


George Crame Agriculture

“I’d love to be a dairy farmer and Lackham has equipped me with the skills and knowledge I need to achieve this.”

Level 1 Land-based Studies (Agriculture) Covering topics such as effective tractor operations, caring for livestock, maintenance of fences and hedges and health and safety working practices on a farm, this course provides an introduction to those looking to start a career within the agriculture sector. Students are able to progress onto the City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Agriculture, an intermediate apprenticeship in Agriculture or pursue a career within the industry.

Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Agriculture An apprenticeship in Agriculture is not just about muddy wellies and long hours outside. The apprenticeship offers a huge range of opportunities for those working on livestock or arable farms, from rural hill farms to mechanised crop growing businesses. You can progress onto the Level 3 Apprenticeship in Agriculture or move into employment within job roles which may include

arable farm worker, assistant stockman, assistant herdsperson, contract worker, trainee fieldsman, egg collector, livestock technician. Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Agriculture Agriculture includes the production of primary food and managing the land for environmental and sustainable development. Employers within the agricultural industry report a skills gap when recruiting, particularly in technical, environmental, literacy, numeracy and business skills. Therefore, because of the nature of agricultural businesses, work-based learning through apprenticeships is a good way for those entering the sector to learn the necessary skills and knowledge. On completion you can progress into employment within the industry in areas such as crop production, livestock production, mixed farming or poultry production to name but a few. Level 3 Agriculture With our farm facilities and estate as your classroom, this course provides you with specialist technical and practical skills and knowledge

Level 2 Agriculture This course is designed to give you foundation knowledge and skills in crop establishment, working with livestock, machine operations, farm animal production, estate maintenance, physiology of plants and animals and health and safety. On successful completion, you could progress on to the City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Agriculture, City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Farm Mechanisation or onto an intermediate apprenticeship in Agriculture.


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

required to work within the agriculture industry. You’ll learn about livestock production, agricultural crop production, land-based machinery operations, business management, diversification within the land-based sector, estate skills, animal health and nutrition, as well as spreaders and sprayers and plant and soil science. In addition to core activities, all students are required to undertake farm duties. Upon completion, students can progress onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture and then onto a Higher Apprenticeship in Agriculture or an alternative Higher Education institution to further your studies or into employment with companies such as Cogent, ForFarmers, Agri-Lloyd, Wynnstay and other industry contractors.

role within the farming industry. This level is ideal if you are working with livestock or in crop production, ideally in a supervisory role and are looking to take the next step into management - or perhaps start your own business. The course places an emphasis on practical business skills together with management theory and understanding. On completion you can progress into employment within the industry in areas such as crop production, livestock production, mixed farming or poultry production.

Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Agricultural Management The Level 4 apprenticeship is designed to meet the needs of those looking to progress into a more senior





Final Qualification

Land Based Studies (Agriculture)




C&G Level 1 Diploma in Land-based Studies (Agriculture)

Level 2 Agriculture




C&G Level 2 Technical Certificate in Agriculture

Intermediate Apprenticeship in Agriculture




Apprenticeship in Agriculture

Advanced Apprenticeship in Agriculture




Apprenticeship in Agriculture

Level 3 Agriculture




Yr 1 -C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Agriculture/Yr 2 C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Agriculture Yr 2

Higher Apprenticeship in Agriculture




Apprenticeship in Agriculture

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


ANIMAL CARE AND MANAGEMENT Our animal care courses are all run from our Lackham campus, home to a purpose built Animal Resource Centre and Zoological Garden, which continues to develop with the help of staff and students to meet ever increasing expectations of animal welfare. We have a large number of species within the animal collection, enabling students to develop handling, welfare and husbandry techniques with both domestic and exotic animals such as lemurs and snakes.



The Animal Resource Centre is home to a wide variety of bird species including small aviary birds, rare breed poultry and peacocks. It also features a large collection of reptiles including snakes, lizards, amphibians and chelonia such as tortoises.

Previous students have progressed onto university to study in areas such as; Animal Science at Wiltshire College & University Centre, Zoology at University of Wales, Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Hartpury, Zoology at University of Lincoln, Animal Behaviour at Plymouth University and Veterinary Nursing at the Royal Veterinary College.

In addition, Lackham is home to a number of exotic and domestic mammals including otters, raccoon, marmosets, brown lemurs, wallabies, donkeys, goats and rare breeds of sheep. There is also a small mammal centre which is home to rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters as well as a well-stocked aquatics room and spider collection.

Learners attend a number of local and Internationale field trips which enrich the curriculum and wider life skills.

In the first year of the Level 3 courses in this area, you will be guided to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Zookeeper ⚫ Veterinary Nurse ⚫ Rescue Centre Staff

Last year 88% of students progressed straight into further training, education or employment


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Conservation Researcher ⚫ Pet Retail Assistant ⚫ Animal Welfare Officer

There are over 78,000 employees and volunteers working in the UK animal care industry

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Over 47% of the UK population have a pet, meaning there are over 24 million pets that need care and attention every day


Level 1 Land-based Studies (Animal Care) During this course you will gain hands-on experience in our Animal Resource Centre, learning how to care for a wide range of animals as well as doing theory and practical lessons covering subjects such as animal feeding, welfare, animal behaviour and handling. You will also have the opportunity to get involved in a number of exciting projects such as our dog grooming parlour and Blue Cross rehoming cattery. Upon completion, you can progress onto the City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care or City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Horse Care. Level 2 Animal Care This course will enable you to develop your experience and knowledge further by covering areas such as animal feeding, animal health and welfare, behaviour and handling, exotics and biology. You will work with a wide variety of animals including dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, farm livestock, ponies, donkeys and exotic species such as racoon’s, raccoon dogs and lemurs. Upon completion, you can progress onto the City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Animal Management. Level 2 Animal Nursing This full-time study programme covers a number of animal nursing units including Anatomy and Physiology, the Principles of Infection


career opportunities including animal conservation, welfare, research and management. All modules are work-based and include animal anatomy & physiology, nutrition & dietetics, animal husbandry, breeding management and genetics, animal law, ecology & conservation, biodiversity, evolution & taxonomy underpinned by scientific study skills. On successful completion of the FdSc students may progress to the BSc (Hons) Animal Science and Management. Final year students will complete a dissertation and go on an international study tour. Control and Parasitology, and Zoonosis. It is designed for school leavers with insufficient GCSEs to register as a student veterinary nurse, allowing learners to work confidently and committedly in veterinary environments as a veterinary nursing assistant. In addition, it may provide progression onto the Level 3 Technical Diploma in Animal Management, Full time employment or the Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Vet Nursing. Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing The Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing provides progression opportunities to students wanting to work as Veterinary Nurses in the Veterinary Nursing sector. Delivered over three years, it has been designed to support the preparation of veterinary nurses for professional registration on the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Register of Veterinary Nurses. It is also mandatory for those seeking entry to the RCVS Register to be in possession of an ‘approved qualification’ which the Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing falls into.

Level 3 Animal Management This Level 3 Advanced course is designed to enhance your animal management experience and develop your skills in routine animal handling as well as the various competences associated with animal management work. You’ll carry out an investigative project and learn about animal handling and safe working practice, animal nursing, wildlife management and rehabilitation, nutrition, animal health, biology, anatomy and physiology, scheduling feeding, animal accommodation, animal behaviour, exotics, animal welfare and breed development, ecology breeding and genetics and animal training. Upon completion, you can progress to the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management and then onto our Foundation Degree Animal Science & Management (FdSc) and continue to our BSc (Hons) in Animal Science and Management degree. Level 4 & 5 Animal Science and Management (FdSc) Foundation Degree The course will provide the learner with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge for a range of

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Level 6 Animal Science and Management BSc (Hons) (Top-up) Students will benefit from links to industry, preparing them for postgraduate studies such as MScs or PhDs, or for employment opportunities within the industry. Modules may vary but currently

Chloe Read Animal Management

“I went on the amazing Borneo trip earlier in the year and I’m looking forward to the Costa Rica trip as they are such incredible opportunities.”

include Immuno-Epidemiology, Behavioural Ecology, Anthrozoology and Animal Psychology and Behaviour. There is also an opportunity to participate on an International Study Tour where students can survey large carnivores and experience field research.





Final Qualification

Land-Based Studies (Animal Care)




ABC Awards Level 1 Diploma in Landbased Studies (Animal Care)

Animal Care




Level 2 Technical Certificate In Animal Care (VRQ)

Animal Nursing




Level 2 Certificate for Animal Nursing Assistants (CQ)

Advanced Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing




Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing

Animal Management




Yr 1 - Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Animal Management/ Yr 2 -C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma

Animal Science and Management (FdSc) Foundation Degree




FdSc Animal Science and Management

Animal Science and Management BSc (Hons) (Top-up)




BSc Animal Science and Management

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


HORSE CARE AND MANAGEMENT Our equine courses cater for all levels of interest and riding abilities and provide training from industry experienced and qualified lecturers at a wide range of successful competition centres, eventing, livery and polo yards. As well as developing a sound theoretical understanding of equine management and business, you will spend a large portion of your timetabled sessions at professional yards and stud facilities across Wiltshire, learning from industry leaders and working with horses on a weekly basis.

Facilities The course offers a riding and non-riding route allowing learners to focus on working horses from the ground, however we can accommodate novice riders who wish to develop their riding skills alongside their course. Equine students benefit from some of the best equestrian facilities from external providers such as; Grovely Riding School in Sailsbury, Rein & Shine in Swindon and Stonar School in Melksham. Technical qualifications are rigorous, advanced and are on par with A Levels and recognised by employers. We have high expectations of students, who benefit from teachers’ strong technical knowledge and vocational expertise. There is an opportunity to be actively involved in a number of blue-chip events such as; West Wilts

Equestrian Centre, Badminton Horse Trials, Olympia and Hartpury Dressage Championships. In the first year of the Level 3 courses in this area, you will be guided to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Progression All students are supported in seeking employment within the equine and land based sector on course completion. Students are being approached by employers for employment at the end of the course. Previous students have progressed onto study at university level including Animal Science and Management at Lackham and Equine Science at Hartpury.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Groom ⚫ Equine Nursing ⚫ Yard Manager ⚫ Performance Training

Over £4billion is spent each year on equestrianism


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Stud Management ⚫ Instructor/Teacher ⚫ Supply Industry Work

100% pass rate on the L2 and L3 Technical qualifications

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Over 720,000 people in the UK own their own horses


Matilda Parry Horse Management

“The course not only has a nice mix of theory and practical, it develops you to be ready to work in the industry.�

Level 2 Horse Care Your studies will be enriched with experiences at local equestrian centres where you will develop skills in caring for and riding horses. You will learn about feeding and watering, routine stable duties, horse handling, grooming, trimming, plating, horse behaviour and horse biology. You can progress onto the Level 3 Horse Management course or Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Horse Care. Level 3 Horse Management You will be have the opportunity to develop a range of practical experiences and academic skills needed for a management role in a


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

professional equine environment. As well as learning about key areas such as anatomy and physiology, event and yard management, nutrition, welfare and business management. There is a non-riding route available if you do not ride. On completion, you can progress on to the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Horse Care and then onto a Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Horse Care or our Foundation Degree Animal Science & Management (FdSc) and then continue to our BSc (Hons) in Animal Science and Management degree or straight into industry in roles such as professional groom, veterinary assistant, riding instructor, events coordinator, welfare officer.





Final Qualification

Horse Care




C&G Level 2 Technical Certificate In Equine Care

Horse Management




Yr 1 - C&G Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Equine Management/Yr 2 - C&G Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Equine Management

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING The horticulture industry is one of the largest sectors in the UK. A career in horticulture could be anything from a hands-on gardener to a research scientist – there are so many opportunities.



The beautiful Lackham estate is home to the historic Lackham House and gardens, the current house dating back to 1793. As well as manicured lawns to the rear of the manor house, horticulture students also learn their trade in the Walled Garden, tropical glasshouses, polytunnels and in a dedicated Zoological Garden. On top of this, students have access to 50 acres of woodlands to learn arboriculture skills, playing fields for sports ground and turf management, gravelled walks, brooks and riverside wetland areas. The landscaped lawns, ornamental gardens and decorative beds provide acres of inspiration for budding gardeners, arborists and horticulturalists, providing a wide range of experiences and opportunities to learn skills in hard and soft landscaping.

Previous Lackham students have gone on to work for well known enterprises including the National Trust, Professional Gardening Guild and The Eden Project as well as local authority parks and gardens and their own businesses.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Tree Surgeon ⚫ Plant Nursery Supervisor ⚫ Professional Grower and Seller ⚫ Garden Designer

Last year 92% of the students progressed straight into further training, education or employment after finishing their course


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Head Gardener or Estate Manager ⚫ Greenkeeper ⚫ Turf/Sports Land Manager

Home to current WorldSkills UK Hard Landscaping Gold medal winner Adam McGarry

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Head greenkeeper or course manager salaries range from a minimum of £33,757 to £50,611 in the UK


Level 1 Land-based Studies (Horticulture) This highly practical course is an ideal starting point for those students who have few formal qualifications and want to pursue a career in horticulture. You will be introduced to plants, learn how to identify a number of them and be shown the correct way to care for them. As part of the course you will be expected to grow plants from seed, take cuttings and look after them whilst they develop. Upon completion, you can progress onto the City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture or Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Horticulture. Level 2 Horticulture The Level 2 Diploma is a practically based course covering a wide range of topics and tasks, such as landscaping and garden maintenance, using horticultural machinery such as tractors and mowers, growing plants and knowing how to care for them and decorative planting. Educational visits form an integral part of the course. For example, you may have the opportunity to visit Kew Gardens, RHS Wisley and the National Trust gardens at Stourhead. On completion, you can progress onto the Level 3 Extended BTEC Diploma in Horticulture or the Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Horticulture.

Phil Nicholls Horticulture

“I’d always been told Lackham is the place to go to study Horticulture and I couldn’t agree more. I absolutely love working here - everyday is completely different!”

Level 2 Horticulture and Landscape Operative Apprenticeship Horticulture and Landscape Operatives can be employed to work in public parks and gardens, green spaces and historic gardens, private gardens and estates or in production nurseries and retail outlets. Many businesses will be specialised in their activities, such as grounds maintenance (soft-landscape) or landscape construction (hardlandscape). Soft- landscaping includes the establishment and maintenance of plants and cultivated areas. Hard-landscaping includes establishment of hard surfaces and structures in addition to the establishment of plants in cultivated areas.You will study areas including:principles of plant growth and development; plant nutrition requirements; ways to reduce waste; how to use equipment correctly; cultivating soils for differing purposes; controlling plant pests and diseases and identifying plants. Level 2 Sports Turf Operative Apprenticeship As a Sports turf apprentice, you will be responsible for the maintenance, renovation and overall appearance of


one or more sports turf surfaces in accordance with the needs of a particular sport. You will learn how to identify and apply the correct materials and equipment for a particular job on a field and develop an excellent knowledge of different grasses, soil types, weeds, pests, diseases, turf disorders, artificial surfacing material, underlays, infill material, turf and soil reinforcement material. You will also be instructed in how to assess the impact of weather, ground conditions and usage on the pitch and on playing quality. Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Horticulture The horticulture industry values the apprenticeship as an entry route into the sector as it offers apprentices the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge required to work within the industry. This will ensure that employees within horticulture have the skills required to be competent in their employment. You can progress into the industry in a range of roles depending on your employer,

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

perhaps working in a nursery for a landscaping or design company or working as a horticultural technician, deputy head greenkeeper, deputy head groundsman, garden designer, landscape manager, senior gardener, gardener, parks officer. Level 3 Horticulture This course covers a wide range of practical topics as well as knowledge and understanding of various horticultural concepts. You will also complete a period of work experience as part of the course, on campus. Facilities on campus include horticultural and machinery workshops, a range of glasshouses and polythene tunnels, landscaped grounds with a vast range of plants, trees and shrubs, not forgetting the extensive walled garden, the zoological garden, mixed woodlands and a range of sports pitches.

Level 3 Horticulture and Landscape Supervisor Apprenticeship Horticulture and Landscape Supervisors can be employed to oversee work in public parks and gardens, green spaces and historic gardens, private gardens and estates or in production nurseries and retail outlets. Many businesses will be specialised in their activities, such as

grounds maintenance (softlandscape) or landscape construction (hard-landscape). Soft-landscaping includes the establishment and maintenance of plants and cultivated areas. Hard-landscaping includes establishment of hard surfaces and structures in addition to the establishment of plants in cultivated areas.





Final Qualification

Land-Based Studies (Horticulture)




C&G Level 1 Diploma in Land-based Studies (Horticulture)





C&G Level 2 Technical Certificate in Horticulture

Horticulture and Landscape Operative Apprenticeship




Horticulture and Landscape Operative Apprenticeship

Sports Turf Operative Apprenticeship




Sports Turf Operative Apprenticeship

Advanced Apprenticeship in Horticulture




Apprenticeship in Horticulture





Yr 1 C&G Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Horticulture (Landscaping)/

Horticulture and Landscape Supervisor Apprenticeship




Horticulture and Landscape Supervisor Apprenticeship

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


LAND, WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AND GAMEKEEPING Our estate spans over 1600 acres and is home to a range of typical lowland environments, from river frontage and wetlands to ancient woodland, farmland and a dedicated deer park with a herd of fallow deer. Lackham is also home to its own commercial shoot, which runs throughout the shooting season. Gamekeeping students are actively involved in the management of the shoot and are able to run the shoot days during their studies.



Lackham is set in the middle of the Wiltshire countryside, providing the perfect natural habitat for students to learn the necessary skills and experience needed to launch their career in this ever expanding market.

Previous students have progressed onto university level study including Wildlife Conservation at Harper Adams, Rural Land Management at the Royal Agricultural University or an apprenticeship at Wiltshire College & University Centre Lackham.

Conservation students are actively involved in the development and management of the Lackham estate, creating and cultivating habitats for British wildlife and learning green woodcraft skills at the dedicated outdoor education facility. Students also undertake field projects and surveys for deer, birds, fish and other native British mammals all found on the Lackham estate. In the first year of the Level 3 courses in this area, you will be guided to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Career Opportunities


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Conservation Consultant/Officer ⚫ Reserve Warden/Manager ⚫ Development Officer

⚫ Landscape Conservationist ⚫ Countryside Management Officer ⚫ Gamekeeper/Game Rearing Manager

87% of our students progressed onto further study, demonstrating how important qualifications are considered in this industry

90% of the industry is qualified at Level 2 or above, with over 75% qualified at degree level, compared to a UK average of 22%

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Level 1 Land-Based Studies (Countryside Management) If you are looking for a route into an ‘outdoor’ career working with animals, plants or machinery then this course will give you the experience and knowledge you need. Providing a practical approach to learning and developing the basic skills and knowledge needed for work in the land and environmental sectors, it includes the practical care of small animals, farm livestock and plants including trees and shrubs. You will also learn how to work in subjects such as conservation, estate work and how to use equipment and machinery such as mowers and strimmers. Once completed, you can progress onto the City & Guilds Level 2 Technical Certificate in Land and Wildlife. Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management (Lowland) Because of the nature of the game and wildlife businesses, work-based learning through apprenticeships is a good way for those entering the

Tom Watts Land and Wildlife Management

“Lackham was the perfect campus to learn all the skills I needed and I’m thrilled to have secured a job as a gamekeeper in the Czech Republic.”

sector to learn the necessary skills and knowledge required by the industry. As a gamekeeper your role would involve maintaining the estate as well as ensuring that there is enough game for clients to shoot, such as deer, pheasant, partridges or grouse. Other tasks could include breeding game for the estate, controlling predators such as foxes and rats, arranging shoots, training and working with gun dogs and arranging the sale of game after shoots.

Level 2 Land and Wildlife Gain foundation knowledge in all aspects of land and wildlife management including gamekeeping, conservation and woodland management. You will explore the Lackham estate learning about managing British habitats, using tools and machinery and gaining an introduction to game and deer management. You can progress onto the Level 3 Land and Wildlife Management course with either a focus in gamekeeping or conservation. Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management (Gamekeeping) Because of the nature of the game and wildlife businesses, work-based learning through apprenticeships is a good way for those entering the sector to learn the necessary skills and knowledge required by the industry. The Game and Wildlife framework at both Level 2 and 3 reflect the job roles within the industries and allow apprentices to take units in Upland/Grouse, Lowland, Deer or Game Rearing depending on the type of business/ environment they are working in. Job roles at Level 3 (Advanced


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Apprenticeship) may include: single handed gamekeeper, head keeper, game farm manager or stalker.

can progress onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Land and Wildlife Management.

Level 3 Land and Wildlife Management (Countryside Management) This course will provide you with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to progress to higher level study in countryside and environment related fields, or to secure direct employment within the industry. You’ll undertake a wide range of practical activities on the Lackham campus, from species surveying to tree planting and coppicing as well as being involved in managing the College’s extensive farm and estate in the heart of the Wiltshire countryside. Upon completion, you

Level 3 Land and Wildlife Management (Gamekeeping) On this programme you will develop a range of estate skills with a focus on the management of the Lackham shoot, a commercial enterprise located on the Lackham farm and estate, which provides the range of habitats typical of a lowland estate. On completion you can progress onto our Level 3 Extended Diploma in Land and Wildlife Management. Previous students have gone on to pursue higher university level studies and into exciting careers such as beat keeper, estate manager or shoot manager.





Final Qualification

Land-Based Studies (Countryside Management)




C&G Level 1 Diploma in Land-based Studies (Countryside Management)

Intermediate Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management (Lowland or Deer)




Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management

Land and Wildlife




C&G Level 2 Technical Certificate in Land and Wildlife - LAT200Level 3F0/ Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Game and Wildlife Management

Advanced Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management (Gamekeeping)




Apprenticeship in Game and Wildlife Management

Land and Wildlife Management (Countryside Management)




Yr 1 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Land and Wildlife Management (Countryside) /Yr 2 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Countryside Management Land and Wildlife (Countryside)

Land and Wildlife Management (Gamekeeping)




Yr 1 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Land and Wildlife Management (Gamekeeping)/Yr 2 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Countryside Management Land and Wildlife (Gamekeeping)

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


LAND-BASED ENGINEERING AND FARM MECHANISATION Our courses are for students looking to work on and with industry relevant machinery and equipment. Students studying these courses will gain hands on experience of all the latest equipment and will be provided with the tools required to follow multiple career paths and opportunities.

Facilities You will benefit from unrivalled access to machinery from industry leaders such as CLAAS UK, New Holland, JCB, Marshall Trailers, Massey Ferguson, John Deere, Krone and Valtra. Our facilities are also home to purpose built welding and fabrication workshops, machinery diagnostic equipment and a wide range of tractors and other large and small land-based machinery. With a large arable farming area as part of the Lackham estate, students develop machinery and cultivation skills as part of the course, taking part in ploughing, tillage, sowing and spreading amongst other farm duties.

In the first year of the Level 3 courses in this area, you will be guided to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Progression Previous students have progressed onto university to study Engineering at Oxford Brookes.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Precision Farming Engineer ⚫ Technical Service Engineer ⚫ Design and Development Engineer

Last year 98% of the students progressed straight into further training, education or employment after finishing their course


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Overseas Product Development ⚫ Technical Sales Manager

The land-based engineering industries are worth £4 billion a year in the UK alone

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

The average age of workers in the industry is over 40 years old, meaning there are plenty of opportunities for younger, qualified engineers


completion of this apprenticeship standard, you may decide to progress onto the Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Construction Plant and Maintenance, the Level 3 Land-based Service Engineering Technician standard, or you may decide to seek further employment.

Level 1 Land-based Studies (Vehicle Systems Maintenance Land-based Machinery) This course introduces vehicle engine operating principles, which will enable you to learn how land-based engines (a range of machinery from chainsaws to tractors and selfpropelled foragers) work. You will develop key skills and understanding of motor vehicle systems and acquire the basics needed to apply for an automotive apprenticeship or similar engineering pathway. You can progress into employment or a Level 2 study programme.


Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance This intermediate apprenticeship in Construction Plant and Maintenance could secure you employment in construction civil engineering or as a plant mechanic or engineer, utilising equipment such as: excavators, earth movers, forklift trucks, telescopic handlers and dumper trucks. It will also equip you with all the necessary skills, knowledge and experience you need to cover a wide range of occupations including the repair and maintenance of engines, transmissions, hydraulics and electrical systems and mechanical repairs and welding. After successful

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Level 2 Land-based Service Engineer Apprenticeship Land-based service engineers work under supervision and where appropriate on their own initiative upon a diverse range of machinery, plant, equipment and tasks specific to their industry sector. These operations may take place in the workplace or on the customer’s site, often outdoors. The nature of the job role presents challenges ranging from simple fabrication to the repair of mechanical faults. This requires a diverse blend of skills, industry underpinning knowledge and the disciplines required for environmental and safe working practice. After

successful completion of this apprenticeship standard you may decide to progress onto the Level 3 Advanced Land-based Service Engineering Technician Apprenticeship standard, or you may decide to seek further employment.

Andy Isaac Land-based Engineering

“Lackham’s reputation and the variety of machinery and equipment we get to work on makes it stand out from other colleges.”

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Level 2 Land-based Technology This course introduces vehicle engine operating principles, which will enable you to learn how land-based engines (a range of machinery from chainsaws to tractors and selfpropelled foragers) work. You will develop key skills and understanding of motor vehicle systems and acquire the basics needed to apply for an automotive apprenticeship or similar engineering pathway. You can progress into employment or a Level 3 study programme. Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance This advanced apprenticeship in Construction and Plant Maintenance is a one-year programme that succeeds your Level 2 apprenticeship. Achievement could secure you employment in


Construction Civil Engineering or as a Plant Mechanic or Engineer, utilising equipment such as: excavators, earth movers, forklift trucks, telescopic handlers and dumper trucks. It will also equip you with all the necessary skills, knowledge and experience you need to cover a wide range of occupations. Upon completion, you could secure employment in construction civil engineering or as a plant mechanic or engineer. Level 3 Farm Mechanisation During this course you will develop the key skills required to work in a variety of agricultural settings including contracting, general farm worker and crop production. Areas of study will include machinery operations, workshop practice, crop


production, principles of soil cultivation and nutrient application (organic and artificial). You will also study livestock production, estate skills, pollution and waste, grassland, business management, principles of cutting and lifting and processing. You can progress onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Farm Mechanisation and then onto an HNC or HND in Agricultural Engineering or a foundation degree. Career opportunities could include working as a tractor driver, agricultural contractor, machinery demonstrator, arable or workshop technician

Level 3 Land-Based Engineering This course will give you a detailed understanding of the design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery, including tractors, combines, harvesters and construction plant equipment. You will develop the key skills to enable you to work on a variety of agricultural based machines. Areas of study will include engine technology, hydraulics, chassis, suspension and brake design, transmissions including hydrostatic, power shift, CVT and synchromesh. You will also learn

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

about vehicle electronics, diagnostics, workshop practice, principles of crop cutting and processing, welding (including MMA, MIG and TIG) principles of cultivating and machine use. Upon successful completion of this course, you can progress onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Land-based technology or onto a related HNC, HND, foundation degree or degree course. Alternatively, you can go into the industry in a range of roles such as dealership or self-employed engineer, a field service engineer, service manager or sales/project manager.

Level 3 Land-based Service Engineering Technician Apprenticeship As part of the advanced apprenticeship you will learn about following procedures and reducing risk, customer care, thermal joining processes, servicing and repair of engines, hydraulic systems and power shift and hydrostatic CVT transmissions, maintaining electronic control and monitoring systems and inspecting and testing machinery and equipment. This apprenticeship can lead to roles in the industry such as demonstrator, installation engineer, technician and workshop supervisor.





Final Qualification

Land-based Studies (Vehicle Systems Maintenance Land-based Machinery)




C&G Level 1 Diploma in Vehicle Systems Maintenance (Land Based Machinery)

Intermediate Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance




Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance

Land-based Service Engineer Apprenticeship




Land-based Service Engineer Apprenticeship

Land-based Technology




C&G Level 2 Technical Certicate in Land-based Technology

Advanced Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance




Apprenticeship in Construction Plant Maintenance

Farm Mechanisation




Yr 1 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Farm Mechanisation/ Yr 2 - C&G Level Level 3 Extended Diploma in Farm Mechanisation

Land-Based Technology




Yr 1 - C&G Level Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Land Based Technology/Yr 2 C&G Level Level 3 Extended Diploma in Land Based Technology

Land-based Service Engineering Technician Apprenticeship




Land-based Service Engineering Technician Apprenticeship

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300



Foundation Studies and Life Skills

The Wiltshire College and University Centre prides itself on its range of Entry Level courses, each designed to enable learners of varying abilities to acquire meaningful qualifications and experience, helping them progress into further study, employment or independent living.

Foundation Studies

Life Skills

Our Foundation Step-up courses are aimed at vocational learners looking to further their learning at College, or learners seeking an introduction into the real-world work environment.

Our Life Skills courses are designed to prepare students for independent and semi-independent living. Based around the provision of communication and life skills, we encourage the development of social and community awareness as well as independence and decision-making through a range of practical activities including cookery, art and music.

Step-up Vocational courses are designed to prepare learners for further learning at College, giving them the understanding and confidence required to succeed in their chosen area of study. For those looking to prepare themselves for employment, our Step-up Work courses help learners gain an understanding of working life, and of their suitability for particular careers. Learners acquire authentic practical knowledge of what real work involves, alongside some of the skills and knowledge needed to become a valued employee in the workplace.

Learners will have a personal tutor and use of specialist facilities to meet their individual development and learning needs.

The Apple Project The College prides itself on its project work with Foundation Students and in 2017 celebrated a cash windfall of £17,000 to grow its pioneering Apple Project. The Foundation Studies department was thrilled to be the only college in the UK to have been given the funding by NUS Student Eats, a sustainable food programme supporting students to grow food and develop food-based social enterprises. The Apple Project launched in September 2017 at the Trowbridge campus with the aim of eliminating food waste by producing natural and


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

healthy food. Students are able to use apples that would have otherwise gone to waste at Roundway Orchard in Devizes, run by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, to make juice and chutneys, which are then sold at different college events including the annual Lambing weekends at Lackham. Students will have the opportunity to undertake additional courses in food hygiene and staff will benefit from training to lead and grow the project further. Foundation Studies lecturer Liz Green said: “This has been a

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

fantastic opportunity for our students, some of whom haven’t always got on so well in education or life so far, but have enjoyed being part of something so special. “They have learned some incredible employability and entrepreneurial skills as well as grown in confidence and it’s been lovely to see. “They are thrilled that we will not only be able to continue the project, but grow it. It’s an exciting time for the College and we look forward to working with students across all the campuses to get involved.”


Entry Level Step-up Vocation This course prepares you for further learning at College, giving you the understanding and confidence you will need to succeed in your chosen area of study. It gives you the practical skills for you to thrive in the College environment and will help you decide on the next stage of your education.

Entry Level Life Skills This course prepares you for developing your own independent lifestyle. It gives you the practical skills for you to learn how to make healthy, positive choices and will help you develop the skills and confidence to live independently or semiindependently.


Entry Level Step-up Work This course gives you an introduction to the real-world work environment, helping you gain an understanding of working life and your suitability for particular careers. You will gain practical knowledge of what real work involves and some of the skills and knowledge that you need to become a successful employee in the workplace. Level 1 Retail This qualification is intended to provide learners with a broad introduction to the retail sector, equipping learners with underpinning knowledge and skills specific to the sector alongside a range of

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Lewis Murray Foundation Studies

“I love the combination of learning outdoors as well as in the classrooms and sports hall. I’ve made new friends and gained confidence; it’s such a friendly environment.” transferable employability skills. They are designed to support progression to further learning and ultimately to work in retail or other related sectors. Entry Level 3 Progression This is a bridging course designed for learners who have not achieved the grades they expected to gain direct access to a Level 1 or Level 2 course. It may also be suitable for learners who need a gradual introduction to college life. During this course you will gain work-related and vocational skills in an area of youir choice as well as develop personal, social skills and employability.





Final Qualification

Life Skills




Wiltshire College & University Centre certificate of Achievement* *non regulated

Step-up Vocation




Entry Level Level 3 Award, Certificate or Diploma in Skills Towards Enabling Progression (Step-UP)

Step-up Work




Entry Level 3 or Level 1 Work Internship (Step Up) Award in Skills for Employment





Level 1 Award, Certificate or Diploma in Retail Skills

Routes To




Routes To - ASCENTIS Level 1 Award or Certificate in Progression

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300



Life Sciences

For those who have an enquiring mind, have attention to detail and love science, our forensic and life science courses are an excellent starting point for a future in forensic investigation or other fields of life science. From investigating forensic procedures and analysing evidence collected, to investigating the cause and development of disease, the opportunities available within these areas are truly exciting. In fact, Forensic Science is fast becoming a popular career choice for students as there are now more than 100 forensic science courses on offer at universities.



The College has been awarded £22million to redevlop its Salisbury and Lackham campuses and will benefit from our new purpose-built Life Sciences study centres at each campus.

After completing any of our Life Sciences Level 3 Extended Diploma courses, you will have the opportunity to progress on to studying a range of science-based higher education qualifications such as; Forensic Science, Health and Nutrition, Biomedical Science, or Pharmaceuticals.

In the first year of the Level 3 Life Science courses, you will be required to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Career Opportunities


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Biomedical Scientist ⚫ Biotechnologist ⚫ Biochemist

⚫ Microbiologist ⚫ Forensic Scientist ⚫ Toxicologist

£39,000 is the average salary for a Life Sciences job

£28,783 is the average salary for a Forensic Scientist job

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


forensic procedures, to analysing evidence collected the course will give you a grounding in this exciting area of science.

tests, research and investigations. The apprentice will train as a laboratory technician and learn practical scientific skills. The nature of the work will depend on the employer, but whether working for a pharmaceutical company or a university, the apprentice will most likely be working with a team of scientists and technicians. Level 3 Forensic Investigation This course is aimed at those students who wish to pursue a career in forensic science and crime scene investigation. Covering different theoretical and practical aspects of forensic science, this course is an excellent starting point for a future in forensic investigation or other fields of life science. From investigating

Level 3 Applied Science This course is aimed at those students who wish to begin one of a range of careers in the varied and ever-changing world of life science. Covering different theoretical and practical aspects of science, this course is an excellent starting point for a future in life science. It focuses on scientific practical techniques, analytical techniques, scientific investigation and a broad coverage of


Foundation Year in Applied Science The Foundation Year in Applied Science forms an integral part of the FdSc suite. This Foundation course will enable learners to access Foundation Degrees in Life Sciences if they don’t have the required entry requirements. Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Applied Science First, the aim of the programme is to prepare the student for working in a scientific environment be it a Biological, Biochemical, Chemical or Forensic environment. The FdSc in Applied Science will give the student sufficient vocational skills and knowledge to be attractive to employers at the end of the two years study. An additional third year on the top-up course to achieve a full BSc degree would place all the knowledge gained and skills developed to good use in the scientific field.

Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Biomedical Science The FdSc in Biomedical Science will appeal to those who have an interest in science and who also want to have maximum flexibility in terms of career progression in science industries and place of study. The programme has been designed to be highly practical and as such provide a wide range of skills which are transferable and relevant to several areas of science. Recruitment for the FdSc in Biomedical Science is also to be targeted to school leavers having achieved a level 3 qualification but who do not want to leave the locality to achieve higher qualifications. Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Environmental Science and Sustainability The FdSc in Environmental Science and Sustainability will appeal to those who have an interest in environmental

Biology, Chemistry and Physics through external examination. Main focus will be on Chemistry, Human Physiology and Genetic Engineering as optional module choices. Level 3 Laboratory Technician Apprenticeship This apprenticeship is suitable for those interested in working in a laboratory setting, supporting scientists and helping to carry out

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


science, biodiversity, conservation and sustainability and who also want to have maximum flexibility in terms of career progression in science industries and place of study. The programme has been designed to be highly practical and as such provide a wide range of skills which are transferable and relevant to several areas of science.


Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Forensic Science First, the aim of the programme is to prepare the student for working in a forensics or related environment. The FdSc in Forensic Science will give the student sufficient vocational skills and knowledge to be attractive to employers at the end of the two years study. An additional third year on the top-up course to achieve a full BSc degree would place all the knowledge gained and skills developed to good use in the Forensic Science fields where specialisations can take place. Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Health and Nutrition First, the aim of the programme is to prepare the student for working with the health sector specifically in the

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

nutritional field. The FdSc in Health and Nutrition will give the student sufficient vocational skills and knowledge to be attractive to employers at the end of the two years study. An additional third year on the top-up course to achieve a full BSc degree would place all the knowledge gained and skills developed to good use in the scientific field.

academic qualification plus the added vocational / employability factors that future employers seek which are embedded throughout the programme.

Level 4/5 Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Pharmaceuticals This programme will support students who have a strong interest in Pharmaceutical Science and know they want to pursue a career in the Pharmaceutical Science industry. The overarching aim of the programme is that students complete the programme and gain a recognised





Final Qualification

Applied Science




BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Applied Science

Laboratory Technician Apprenticeship




Laboratory Technician Apprenticeship

Forensic Investigation




BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Forensic Investigation

Foundation Year in Applied Science




Foundation Year in Applied Science

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Applied Science




FdSc Applied Science

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Biomedical Science




FdSc Biomedical Science

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Environmental Science and Sustainability




FdSc Environmental Science and Sustainability

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Forensic Science




FdSc Forensic Science

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Health and Nutrition




FdSc Health and Nutrition

Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Pharmaceuticals




FdSc Pharmaceuticals

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300



Sport and Public Services

Uniformed public services offer a wide variety of career options often with excellent benefits and progression opportunities. Taught by experts, our Public Services courses provide you with the skills, experience and knowledge needed to help you develop your own career in one of these sectors including the fire service, ambulance, police or armed forces. You will develop practical and theory skills for management, dealing with major incidents, the legal system, and the effects of crime, as well as taking part in a range of sports, fitness training and teambuilding activities.



You will develop a range of new personal skills and qualities required to be successful in finding a job or progressing to university such as communication, responsibility, team working, organisation, leadership and independent thinking.

Previous students have progressed onto study at university level on courses including Rescue and Emergency Management, Criminology, Criminal Justice, Fire and Rescue Service Management and Disaster Management and Emergency Planning. Other students have progressed into employment in the industry or into the Armed Forces.

We work in partnership with Wiltshire Police which provide basic training to their staff onsite at the Salisbury campus. Our Military Preparation courses are ideal for anybody wishing to prepare themselves for the entrance tests required for joining the Armed Forces. During your course you will develop the skills and knowledge you need to not only succeed on passing the entrance tests but also to help you progress through your career in the British Army, Royal Marines, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Fire Service ⚫ Police Service

Last year, 96% of Level 3 students progressed onto further study or employment


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Armed Forces ⚫ Ambulance Service

£45 billion was spent on defence in the UK in 2015

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

There are over 200 roles in the British Army


Will Sinclair Public Services

“This course really helps you prepare for the outside world and I’m really pleased to have become a Special Constable.”

Level 2 Military and Uniformed Services Preparing you for entry into the armed forces, this course will teach you about physical fitness levels, team working, communication and problem solving skills. You will carry out map reading and navigation exercises, and be encouraged to

participate in outdoor adventure activities allowing you to become familiar with the equipment and skills required for a range of activities. You can also continue your studies and progress onto either the Level 3 Public Services or Sport courses. Level 3 Public Services You will learn about a range of different public services and how their role applies to society by studying the legal system and Government policies, citizenship and diversity, crime and planning for major incidents, social and political influences, war, conflict and terrorism, and international institutions and human rights. You will also develop your practical, physical, leadership and team working skills through expeditions, outdoor pursuits, and by completing a period of work experience with the British Army. On completion, you can progress onto our Public Services (Criminal Justice) HNC or HND course and on to university. Alternatively, you will also be prepared for entry into a range of public services such as the police, fire and rescue, ambulance services, armed forces, security and prison services and HM Revenue and Customs. Level 4/5 HND Crime and Criminal Justice (Public Services) This course is designed for learners wanting to work in either the criminal justice sector or in public services.


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

The course includes knowledge of law, criminological theory, psychology of criminal behaviour, justice and punishment and custodial care. Through the course learners will meet people working within the criminal justice system, providing an

understanding of current issues and the necessary skills and competencies required to work within those organisations, enhancing your employability prospects. On successful completion of the HNC students can progress onto the HND.





Final Qualification

Military and Uniformed Services




Level 2 Diploma Entry to the Uniformed Services

Public Services




Yr 1 - BTEC Level Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Public Services/Yr 2 - BTEC Level Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services

HND Crime and Criminal Justice (Public Services)




HND Crime and Criminal Justice

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


SPORT Everybody knows how important it is to keep active and healthy and there is always the need for qualified sports people to train, coach, teach and entertain the public to help improve their lives. Employment opportunities range from nutrition, coaching and personal training through to rehabilitation and physiotherapy. People in the South West are keen to improve their lifestyles, so the sport, leisure and fitness sector is expected to grow over the next few years.

Facilities Our facilities enable you to learn in a practical environment with access to gyms, sports halls, outdoor sports areas and much more. Sport students have the opportunity to take part in a range of competitions and enrichment activities and also have the opportunity to achieve additional qualifications such as National Pool Lifesavers qualification, First Aid, and coaching and leadership courses. You will be able to take part in relevant trips and visits across the UK to Swanage, Snowdonia and Weymouth, taking part in a range of practical activities including power kiting, rock climbing, surfing and kayaking.

In the first year of the Level 3 courses in this area, you will be required to complete a compulsory 50-day work placement with an employer in an industry related to your course of study.

Progression Previous students have progressed onto prestigious sports focused courses at university including Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Sports Biomedicine, Exercise Science, Sports Therapy, Outdoor Education, Sports Development and School Sport at universities such as Bournemouth, Cardiff Metropolitan, Brighton, Southampton Solent, Exeter, Chichester and here at Wiltshire College & University Centre.

Students on our Football Development Scheme benefit from training at Chippenham’s Stanley Park Sports Ground, which is Wiltshire’s largest outdoor sports facility and home to 17 sports pitches and a 3G artificial pitch, whilst receiving professional coaching from specialist football staff.

Career Opportunities ⚫ Coach/Instructor ⚫ Sports Therapist ⚫ Nutritionist

Last year, 95% of Level 3 students progressed onto further study or employment


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Sports Scientist ⚫ PE Teacher ⚫ Talent Identification Manager

There are over 3000 sports and leisure businesses in the South West

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Coaches, Teachers and Instructors make up 40% of the South West’s workforce


Level 2 Sport with Football The ‘Football Development Scheme’ is an exciting programme that offers players the opportunity to combine full-time academic study with football coaching. You will learn about anatomy and physiology in sport, the physiology of fitness, risk assessments, fitness training and programming, sports coaching and sports development, as well as playing competitive football. You can progress onto the Level 3 Sport with Football Development Scheme.

Level 1 Sport, Fitness and Preperation for the Uniformed Services Gain an introduction to the sport and uniformed public service industries with a range of practical and theory based exercises. You will learn how to plan, coach and deliver fitness sessions, understand how exercise affects the body, play competitive sport, organise and manage a sporting event, as well as developing your teamwork, leadership, management and organisational skills. You can progress onto the Level 2 Public Services or Sport courses. You should also be prepared for the entrance tests into the sport industry and the public services. Level 2 Sport Develop your knowledge of the sports industry with an introduction to sports development and fitness. You will learn about nutrition, athlete lifestyles and injuries in sport, fitness


testing and training, anatomy and physiology, as well as having a go at planning and leading a sports activity, and participating in an expedition experience. You can progress onto the Level 3 Sport course or find employment in the industry working for a sports club, NGB, leisure centre, private gym, health club and much more.

Level 3 Sport (Developing, Coaching & Fitness) Delivered through a mixture of practical and theory based exercises, you will learn about the principles of anatomy and physiology in sport and fitness, risk assessments, fitness training, testing and programming, and sports coaching and development. You will also have the opportunity to study sports nutrition, exercise, health and lifestyle, talent identification and development, analysis of sports performance, organising sporting events, and gain further qualifications such as coaching awards, first aid and fitness instructing. On completion, you can progress onto our Sports Coaching &

Dylan Hatt Sport

“The Football Academy has given me a much better understanding of the game and I’ve been able to do a coaching qualification.”

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Development HND and then onto university to study areas such as sports development, leisure management and sports science. You could go straight into the industry in roles such as a sports coach, personal trainer and sports development. Level 3 Sport (Football Development Scheme) Enhance your experience of the sports and fitness industry combining your course with a specialist football programme. The course will assist players in their development through two training sessions per week consisting of technical and tactical elements. You will also have access to a full strength and conditioning programme. Students will be able to

reflect on performance through our new video analysis programme that will be used post and pre match to enhance performance. On completion, you can progress onto our Sports Coaching & Development HND and then onto university to study areas such as sports development, leisure management and sports science or apply for a scholarship programme within the United States of America. You could progress into a career in sports coaching, personal training, officiating or sports development.

programme. You will play in competitive fixtures every Wednesday with home games at our Lackham campus. You will also have access to a full strength and conditioning programme. Students will be able to reflect on performance through our new video analysis programme that will be used post and pre match to enhance performance.

Level 3 Sport (Rugby Development Scheme) Enhance your experience of the sports and fitness industry combining your course with a specialist rugby





Final Qualification

Sport, Fitness and Preperation for the Uniformed Services




BTEC Introductory Diploma in Sport





BTEC Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Sport

Sport with Football




BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Sport (with football)

Sport (Developing, Coaching & Fitness)




Yr 1 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Sport/ Yr 2 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Extended Diploma in Sport

Sport (Football Development Scheme)




Yr 1 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Sport with Football Development Scheme/Yr 2 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Extended Diploma in Sport with Football Development Scheme

Sport (Rugby Development Scheme)




Yr 1 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Sport with Rugby Development Scheme/Yr 2 - BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Extended Diploma in Sport with Rugby Development Scheme

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Ready to apply? 14–16 school links and Foundation Studies students, will be invited to attend a relaxed, informal meeting to discuss your application and how we can best support you here at the College. Offer After your interview or meeting, you will be offered a place to study at Wiltshire College & University Centre. Your offer may be either conditional or unconditional depending on your exam results.

Full-time Apply online at or complete an application form and return it to us via post or drop it in to any of our campuses. University Level See next page. 14–16 School Links Apply through your school or speak to us at SchoolLiaison@wiltshire. We will contact you to let you know that we have received your application and you will then be invited to attend an interview. Some subjects may include an assessment or audition - full details will be included in your interview letter.


Welcome Day Usually held during the summer, this is an opportunity to meet your tutor and classmates and find out more about the course and campus before you start in September. Grade check & enrolment You will be invited into college on or soon after results days to complete your enrolment and to check that your grades meet the requirements of your chosen course. Don’t worry if your grades are better or worse than expected, we will work with you to ensure that you are on the right course whatever your results. For more information contact our Admissions team on 01225 756300 or email

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Apply for a University Level course with us Full-time courses All applications for full-time higher education courses are required to go through the UCAS system. 1. Know your codes: UCAS give each institution and course a unique code. The code for our institution is W74, Oxford Brookes University is O66 and Bournemouth University is B50. The course code will vary depending on the course you choose. You will find the code on each of the course pages at 2. Head to the UCAS site: Visit the UCAS Apply and Track page and choose in which year you would like to start your course. 3. Complete your application: You will then need to register or log in to UCAS to complete your application.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Part–time courses All applications for part-time higher education or foundation degree courses, such as HNCs and HNDs, are completed directly with the College or university and do not go through UCAS. Please request a part-time HE application form from the HE Admissions team. Once you have returned the form to us, we will invite you into the College for an interview. If you have all the information you need it is time to apply for a university level course here at Wiltshire College & University Centre. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact our HE Admissions team who will be happy to help you. T: 01225 756200 E:


Work Experience Work experience is an integral part of all full-time study programmes at Wiltshire College & University Centre. There are dedicated teams of work experience co-ordinators who support students and employers to make all work placements and business/community projects a rewarding and positive experience. The hours required vary according to each course and tutors will clearly explain the process and requirements for work experience during induction.

Wiltshire College & University Centre is committed to supporting students to develop their personal and employability skills as well as their industry and technical abilities. We are supported in achieving this by having positive relationships with our extensive network of local, national and international employers, who support our students in offering meaningful work experience opportunities. We recognise and value the support of parents and carers as well as members of the local community, charities, chambers of commerce, businesses and entrepreneurs.


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

50-day Industry Placements All students applying for the first year in a Level 3 course will now have the opportunity to gain valuable skills in a real working environment through a compulsory 50-day, high quality industry placement. These 50-day placements will enable you to develop highly desirable, professional communication skills that employers are seeking, as well as confidence and hands-on industry experience. For more information visit our website workexperience


Choosing your pathway to success Level 1 These courses take one year to complete with the opportunity to progress onto a Level 2 course or apprenticeship once you have finished. They are equivalent to achieving 5 GCSEs at Grades D–G or 3–1.

Raising the participation age Since 2014, all students have to stay in education or training until at least their 18th birthday. This Government policy is referred to as ‘Raising the Participation Age’. This does not mean that young people have to stay in school or Sixth Form but can choose: ⚫ Full-time education ⚫ Work based learning, such as an apprenticeship ⚫ Part-time education or training if they are employed, self-employed or volunteering for more than 20 hours per week.


In other words, you have to do something and we are here to help you make the right choice on your journey to success. Vocational courses at Wiltshire College & University Centre All of the courses we offer at the College are vocational, meaning they are work related, from foundation right through to university level. The level at which you study will depend on the grades that you achieve in your school exams. You can start on one level and work your way up in a particular subject, which in some cases includes university level courses and degrees.

Level 2 These courses also take one year to complete with the opportunity to progress onto a Level 3 course or apprenticeship once you have finished. Full Level 2 courses are equivalent to gaining 5 GCSEs at Grade A*–C or 9–4. Level 3 - Extended Diplomas Level 3 courses can take two years to complete and can lead to employment, apprenticeships or study at university level. They are equivalent to A Levels. Students complete a 90 credit Diploma in the first year, progressing to the Extended Diploma in year two. These qualifications are equivalent to A Levels.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

English and Maths Employers, universities and the government all require you to have a good understanding and command of English and Maths. We are committed to supporting all of our students, no matter which course or level, to continually improve these skills. Both subjects form an essential part of all Wiltshire College & University Centre study programmes and good attendance and maximum effort are critical to ensuring your success whilst here. If you have not achieved a Grade C or 4 and above in GCSE English and maths by the time you start your course, you must work towards achieving these qualifications while you study at college alongside your main subject. When you enrol and start your course we will assess your level of English and/or Maths and decide how we can best help you to progress and succeed. We offer both GCSE and functional skills.

Careers and Progression The College’s careers advisors provide impartial, high quality careers advice and progression support to help students prepare for the next step, whether that’s further study in college, at university level or into employment. Learning to Earning As part of the Learning to Earning programme, the careers team work with students to prepare them for their transition into employment. As well as learning in realistic working environments, students also take part in work experience and we work with them to develop general employability skills.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

These include job searching, CV writing and interview skills as well as helping them to understand and develop the attributes that employers look for, such as punctuality, reliability and respect for others. Heading Higher With over 25 higher education courses available at the College, you don’t need to go far to gain a university level qualification! We are committed to ensuring that all students who are considering higher education receive the support and guidance they need to prepare them for university level study. This includes dedicated progression events, visits to UCAS events and universities, support with UCAS applications and information about student finance.


14–16 School Links Wiltshire College & University Centre works in partnership with local secondary schools to offer options for part-time vocational study. Pupils can choose the subjects they’re interested in and attend college as part of their school timetable, usually for a two-year period. College courses are vocational, which means they help prepare you for a particular career. Our facilities are modern and match those that you will find in industry when you move on to work. We offer a welcoming and friendly environment and we have a great reputation for delivering courses to school-aged students. It’s not just about the practical skills you will learn either, you’ll also gain social and personal skills, preparing you to be successful in whatever you do when you leave school.

Working with Parents The support and encouragement that you give your child at home makes a big difference to their success at college. We work closely with parents, guardians and carers every step of the way, from attending an open event through to the day your child receives their final qualification. We recognise that it is just as important for you to understand the College processes, procedures and expectations as it is for your children, and that your guidance will help to shape their experience at college. You can contact us at any time to discuss your child’s progress and ask any questions.


What you can expect from us: ⚫ We will keep you updated. We will keep you informed about your child’s behaviour, attendance, assignments, assessments, exams and their successes. ⚫ We will provide personal guidance and support. Each student has a personal tutor who is on hand to provide them with support and help with any difficulties they may experience. ⚫ We will be ambitious for your child. We are committed to working with you and your child to ensure that they get the support they need to achieve their full potential. We will celebrate their successes and let you know so you can celebrate too!

Your role: ⚫ Encourage your child to complete homework and assignments on time, it is an important part of independent learning. ⚫ Make sure your child attends regularly and on time. Being late or missing classes can significantly affect your child’s chances of success. If they are ill, please let us know. ⚫ Talk to us. You will be invited to regular learner review days giving you the chance to meet your child’s tutors, discuss progress, ask questions and share opinions and ideas to help shape a successful future for your child.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

We can offer: ⚫ Subjects and facilities which are not available at school or sixth form ⚫ Expertise to deliver qualifications in a range of subjects that are popular with students ⚫ An opportunity to learn in an educational environment that is different from school ⚫ The chance to benefit from different styles of teaching and learning ⚫ A wide range of vocational and applied learning courses alongside an established GCSE programme ⚫ Strong pastoral care and student support

Subject Areas: ⚫ Hairdressing & Beauty ⚫ Motor Vehicle ⚫ Construction ⚫ Animal Care ⚫ Agriculture ⚫ Health & Social Care ⚫ Catering ⚫ Land-based Engineering ⚫ Sport & Public Services To find out more about these exciting opportunities contact our School Liaison Team by emailing or speak to your school.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


Learning & Skills Development Service Our expert Learning & Skills Development Service is dedicated to helping learners have equal opportunities regardless of any physical disability or learning difficulty. They will help you with:

Student Support

⚫ Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyscalculia ⚫ Hearing or visual impairment or disability affecting your mobility ⚫ Mental health or emotional difficulties ⚫ AD(H)D, Dyspraxia, Autistic

Here at Wiltshire College & University Centre we are ambitious for all of our learners and committed to ensuring that every student gets the support that they need to succeed. Personal tutors Every student is allocated a personal tutor. Whether you need advice about your assignments and deadlines or just a chat about your course or life at college, your personal tutor is on hand to help. Staying safe At the College we are committed to safeguarding the welfare of all of our students. Our staff are on hand to help if you have concerns about the safety of yourself or others. Your personal tutor is available to support you if you have any problems or concerns. You can also contact us by email using


Money matters Our Student Services team are able to answer any questions you may have about financial matters and information on support that you may be eligible for: ⚫ If you are under 19 you do not need to pay tuition fees (further education courses only) ⚫ If you live in a household with a low income or are in receipt of means-tested benefits you may be eligible for a bursary to help with costs such as travel, course books, trips and uniform. ⚫ Students aged 19 and over studying on a Level 3 or 4 course may be eligible to apply for a 19+ Advanced Learning Loan. ⚫ 19+ students can also apply for means tested support with travel and childcare. ⚫ University level students can apply to the Student Loan Company for a loan to pay for their tuition fees as well as a loan to help with living costs.

Spectrum Disorders or Asperger Syndrome ⚫ Exam access arrangements If you think you may need additional support during your course, please let us know on your application form. You will have the opportunity to discuss your support needs during your interview. For university level students we offer extra support to help you make a Disabled Student’s Allowance application. Lunch vouchers Students under 19 years from households with low income or who receive means-tested benefits may be eligible for free lunches while at college. Please apply for a college bursary and we will allocate lunch vouchers if eligible. Travel Students on a further education full-time course who are under the age of 19, and live more than three miles from campus are usually entitled to subsidised transport from Wiltshire Council, or through the College if living outside of Wiltshire.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Student Life Your experience at Wiltshire College & University Centre is about much more than your course. Part of being a student here is having the opportunity to get involved in a huge range of activities, events and trips to make your time here fun and enjoyable. Each campus has its own Student Life Hub where you can chill out between lessons, catch up with your mates, get involved in the latest activities, fundraising events and meet new people. Staff are on hand in the Student Life Hub to tell you what is going on, how to get involved and information and advice on health and general welfare issues. The Hubs are also home to our Sports Development Officers who organise and run sports and activities for you

to take part in. You can speak to them about arranging any activities or clubs you might be interested in. Activities you could get involved in include: ⚫ Become a paid student ambassador ⚫ Freshers Fair at the start of the year ⚫ Have your say as part of the Student Union ⚫ Clothes Show Live ⚫ Rag week ⚫ Student parties ⚫ Eurogamer ⚫ Music gigs ⚫ Campus magazine ⚫ Trips ⚫ Gaming society

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

⚫ Fundraising events ⚫ Random Acts of Kindness week ⚫ Health and Wellbeing week ⚫ Gyms ⚫ Weekly sports and activities


The Student Union & Student Reps Course Student Reps Whilst here you can represent student views on life at the College and make suggestions on how things could be changed or improved. Whether that’s extra sports, activities or trips, organising parties or clubs or requesting new equipment, you will meet with your campus Senior Management Team four times a year to give your views and opinions and represent all students on your course. Find out more about how to become a Student Representative from your tutor.

Student Union Executive All Wiltshire College & University Centre students, both full-time and part-time, are members of the Student Union unless they opt out. You can choose to run in the Student Executive election for your campus, and if elected, join together with other members to organise events within the College. You will represent all students on your campus and be actively involved in:

Campus maps

⚫ Offering support to other students ⚫ Organising and running student events and activities ⚫ Working closely with the Student Life team ⚫ Speaking on behalf of other

Chippenham Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, SN15 3QD

Trowbridge College Road, Trowbridge BA14 0ES

Salisbury Southampton Road, Salisbury SP1 2LW

Lackham Lacock, Chippenham SN15 2NY *SatNav use SN15 2NX

Castle Combe Castle Combe, Chippenham SN14 7EY

Corsham Methuen Centre, South Place, Corsham, SN13 9HR

students at meetings and relay information back to them ⚫ Being a good role model and encouraging other students to get involved Become a Student Ambassador! We would like for you to join us and help with events and activities on your campus. Student Ambassadors get paid for helping during Open Events, Taster Days and more, all fitting around your availability. This is a great opportunity to earn a bit of extra money and get experience to show on your CV or university application. Speak to your tutor for more information.


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Our ESOL study programme helps you develop your English speaking, reading and writing skills, which will help you to progress to other vocational courses available in the College. The study programme also develops maths and computer skills in preparation for future employment. Facilities Improving your English will make it easier to: ⚫ Help you find work or develop your career ⚫ Talk to doctors and teachers ⚫ Understand the laws and customs of the UK ⚫ Enrol on a course and get a qualification ⚫ Apply to become a British citizen


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses are designed for people whose first language is not English. Our classes are friendly and welcoming and include a great mix of nationalities where everyone is encouraged to use the English they know in class. Our students also enjoy learning about other cultures, as well as learning about living in the UK.

Students can use our ESOL courses to gain qualifications to get a different job, study other subjects available at Wiltshire College & University Centre or progress onto a university level course. The study programme also includes classes in maths and Computing.

Nauka Angielskiego – Zajęcia ESOL Program ESOL pomoże państwu w nauce mówienia, czytania i pisania po Angielsku, co z kolei umożliwi państwu rozpoczęcie innych kursów oferowanych przez naszą Szkołę. Program ten pomoże również rozwinąć państwa umiejętności z zakresu matematyki i obsługi komputera. ⚫ Znalezienie pracy lub rozwijanie

We understand how important it is to practise reading, writing, speaking and listening, so you will learn these skills as well as learning new words and English grammar. We attract a variety of ESOL students, ranging from beginners who only speak a little English, to more advanced speakers who understand English, but want to learn at a higher level.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

obecnej kariery ⚫ Rozmowy z lekarzem lub nauczycielem ⚫ Zrozumienie praw i zwyczajów

Nasze kursy językowe ESOL zostały zaprojektowane z myślą o ludziach, których językiem ojczystym nie jest Angielski. Nasze grupy są przyjazne i stanowią mieszankę narodowości gdzie każdy zachęcany jest do mówienia po angielsku. Nasi uczniowie uczą się też o innych kulturach i życiu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Rozumiemy jak ważna jest praktyka w czytaniu, pisaniu, mówieniu i słuchaniu, więc kładziemy nacisk na te umiejętności jak również na naukę słownictwa oraz gramatykę.

panujących w UK ⚫ Zapisy na inne kursy w celu zdobycia kwalifikacji ⚫ Proces aplikacji o obywatelstwo brytyjskie

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Nasze kursy ESOL zaczynają się na poziomie podstawowym dla tych, którzy dopiero zaczynają naukę, i rozciągają się poprzez kursy bardziej zaawansowane, dla tych którzy chcieliby uczyć się języka na wyższym poziomie. Kursy ESOL dają kwalifikacje pomocne w znalezieniu nowej pracy bądź kontynuowaniu nauki innych przedmiotów w Wiltshire College & University Centre lub na uniwersytecie. Program nauki przewiduje zajęcia z matematyki i informatyki.


FAQs Q: Do students have to pay any fees? A: Students under the age of 19 do not have to pay any Further Education tuition fees. They may be required to pay for course materials, trips or uniforms but this will be explained before the start of the course and financial support may be available to help pay for these costs. Q: How will I get to college? A: We always encourage students to make their journeys to college as environmentally friendly as possible, through public transport, car sharing or walking where possible and safe. Students that live in Wiltshire can apply for a Wiltshire Council bus pass and may be eligible for a subsidised fee depending on financial circumstances. Those who are not eligible for a Wiltshire Council bus pass (e.g. students from outside of Wiltshire) may be able to apply to the College for travel support by way of a subsidised bus pass or help with train costs.

Q: How can I be sure that I am enrolled on the right course? A: Once your child has applied for a course, they will be invited into college for an interview to discuss their application, predicted exam results and suitability for the course. An interview also gives students the opportunity to meet the tutors, ask any questions and get more detailed information about the course. Parents and carers are welcome to attend. Once your child has had an interview, if they decide they would like to apply for another course, please contact Admissions, who will be happy to arrange another interview. Q: Will studying a vocational course affect my chances of getting into university? A: Level 3 vocational qualifications such as BTECs are recognised as equivalent to A Levels and are accepted by universities. In some cases, a vocational qualification may be preferred by universities for entry onto specialist courses. Wiltshire College & University Centre also offers a range of university level courses including degrees and Higher National qualifications. Q: Do I have to be in college when I don’t have a lesson? A: Students are expected to supplement class time with selfdirected study. Most students study in the Learning Resource Centres, open on each campus, which has a comprehensive range of learning materials available. Q: How will I be supported at Wiltshire College & University Centre? A: Whilst we feel that giving students the freedom to be individuals is very important, we do offer a full range of support facilities to each and every


one of our students. These range from personal tutors, careers advisors and well-being advisors to learning support teams and financial assistance. In addition, there are a wide range of activities that take place during the induction process and throughout the year, all designed to help students settle into and enjoy college life. Q: What additional learning support is available? A: Our expert Learning & Skills Development Service is dedicated to providing tailored support to individuals while they study at college. They can provide help with everything from planning assignments, research, essay writing, exam techniques and specialist support for students with specific learning difficulties. They are always available at our Open Events and at interviews, allowing students and parents the opportunity to discuss their needs before starting their course. Q: Can I continue to receive Child Benefit while my son/daughter is at college? A: The parent or carer of any student under the age of 19 can continue to receive Child Benefit while they remain in full time education. For further information speak to the Admissions team on 01225 756300 or email

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Transport to Lackham Students travelling to Lackham who live in Swindon, Bath, Somerset and North East Somerset should download and complete a Wiltshire College Lackham transport application form and return it to Student Services Lackham with payment as soon as possible. FE Students who are not eligible for any of the above passes and who are travelling from other locations

If you are not eligible for the above bus passes and are coming by train or other method of transport, you can download and complete a College Public Transport Award form and you will be given a cash award to help with your travel costs. All students who apply and are eligible for a bursary, will automatically be assessed for transport help and may receive some funding towards the above transport costs. You will be notified of any award made.

For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300



14–16 School Links

Foundation Studies and Life Skills


Accommodation 22

Horse Care and Management




Horticulture and Landscape Gardening


Animal Care and Management


Land-based Engineering and Farm Mechanisation


Apply for a University Level course with us 75

Land, Wildlife Management and Gamekeeping



Life Sciences


Campus maps 85

Public Services


Campuses 20

Ready to apply?


Career Progression




Choosing your pathway to success


Student Life 83

English and Maths 79

Student Support 82

Entry Requirements and Qualifications


The Student Union & Student Reps 84

ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages


University Level 28

Farm guide


Work Experience 77



Working with Parents




Disclaimer This full-time prospectus was issued in September 2018 and all content and courses were correct at the time of publication. Whilst Wiltshire College & University Centre makes every effort to ensure that the contents and statements made in this publication are fair and accurate, it can accept no liability for omission, errors or subsequent changes. The statements made, and information provided, are a general guide and there may be changes following publication which affect the contents. Programmes or modules may be altered or withdrawn without notice and fees and financial support mechanisms may similarly change. Please note, also, that the information provided on entry requirements for particular courses as cited in the course information pages, is intended for guidance only. The conditions attached to offers may vary from year to year and from applicant to applicant. Further to this, should you be offered and accept a place on any programme at Wiltshire College & University Centre, neither you nor the College shall be liable for any delay in performing or non-performance of any kind, other than an obligation to make a payment, if caused by circumstances beyond your reasonable control.


For more information and to apply visit or call 01225 756300

Open Events Chippenham Wed 16th January 2019 5–7pm Wed 24th April 2019 5–7pm Lackham Sat 26th January 2019 10–12noon Sat 27th April 2019 10–12noon Salisbury Thur 17th January 2019 5–7pm Wed 3rd April 2019 5–7pm Trowbridge Thur 24th January 2019 5–7pm Thur 25th April 2019 5–7pm


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