Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027

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We Are Making Things Happen

All underpinned by a focus on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability and Digital Excellence. Strategic ThemesVision We will build on our strong technical and vocational skills background to create an inclusive, studentcentred learning environment where everyone can fulfil their potential. We will do this by providing accessible education programmes that create andemployable,highly-skilled,imaginativeempoweredpeople. Mission To be recognised as an outstanding College, loved by our students, employees and communities. Respectful We will continue to develop our safe and respectful culture; value our community, our environment, each other's opinions and embrace difference. Values Collaborative We will work together as a learning community on shared priorities and goals, through effective communication, raising aspirations and celebrating success. Curious We will lead, inspire and encourage everyone to explore, investigate and innovate. ExcellenceAspiration& Inclusivity & Student Experience People Culture& Community Partnerships& Growth Productivity& 1

Our Plans For The Next Five Years

This Strategic Plan sets out our direction over the next five years and how we will continue to expand and align our curriculum to meet our student needs and those of our regional and national employers and the communities they serve. We will deliver the skills required to meet the demands of today's employers and improve productivity in the face of economic challenges and post-pandemic recovery. We will aim for every activity delivered within the College to link to this Strategic Plan and contribute to our success. The plan will establish a decision-making and evaluation framework for the Governors, the Senior Leadership Team and the College Management Group to operate within and be judged against. This Strategic Plan is set in an environment of significant reform in the Further Education sector alongside increased financial pressure and scrutiny and a more visible profile within Government. (In addition, changes to apprenticeships, adult training, and the need for more skilled workers trained to Level 4 and 5 are all in the spotlight.) We anticipate further changes and challenges over the lifespan of the Strategic Plan, and we will need to remain agile over the coming years to proactively address and overcome these. We will maximise opportunities to further develop our reputation, both regionally and nationally, ensuring at all times that our students are actively involved in supporting College success. Key to our success will be the development of robust partnerships and this is an important focus for the new plan. We will work holistically and collaboratively with stakeholders within an education and skills system that will positively impact and influence the local economy and help improve Employersproductivity.willhavegreater involvement in our course design as we expand and develop our successful curriculum provision, positioning employers as key strategic partners. Our physical space will ensure that our campuses can provide scale and quality with each one being self-sufficient, whilst providing a balanced curriculum portfolio on each campus developed through partnership working. We will sign up to and adopt the Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleges to help prepare the College, our students and our community to meet the challenges of the climate emergency. We have a responsibility to prepare our students to live and work in a sustainable low carbon environment. We will embrace a ‘Digital Excellence’ strategy by investing in excellent digital facilities and resources to enable and complement new and innovative ways of working and learning for our staff and students, increase our agility to respond to changing needs at a greater pace, enhance collaboration and increase student and staff satisfaction. Success will be defined in the first instance by student voice and satisfaction with their experience with us. We will combine this with the outcomes of our annual progress reports, delivery of key performance indicators and quality improvement plans, increased participation in skills learning and progression to positive destinations. We will increase our appeal as an employer of choice, to recruit and retain the best staff who are committed to our Strategic Plan.


Create a spirit of excellence in all that we do, encouraging innovation and continuous improvement where best practice is valued and shared. Deliver consistently high student outcomes and successful progression for all.


We will seek to create a spirit of excellence and aspiration to deliver the very best in everything we do.

Objectives Strategic Themes &ExcellenceAspiration

To be recognised as a positive influencer in our communities. Be the first choice for students, employers and staff. Ensure that teaching, learning and assessment are consistently good or better, underpinned by effective quality assurance.

Celebrate and promote the success of our past, current and future students. Become a ‘leading’ College within the Climate Action Roadmap for FE Colleges framework. Invest in excellent digital facilities and resources to facilitate and complement teaching, learning and assessment.

An excellent reputation in all communities. Holding ourselves to the highest standards, knowing that we can always improve. Being recognised as an outstanding College by our students, staff, employers and our wider College community. Student feedback, customer satisfaction surveys, external recognition and financial indicators evidence our sustainability and reputation. Engaging employers to address industry needs and enhance teaching, learning and assessment. Sector-leading digital learning and engagement technologies are being used effectively.


Strategic Themes

What Will Success Look Like?

Our campuses will be centres of engagement, creativity and innovation, where all students can work in a safe environment.

Provide excellent digital facilities and resources to enable high-quality teaching, learning and assessment.

Offer an excellent, inclusive educational experience for all our students and ensure that the College fully equips students to excel in whatever they choose to do. Provide outstanding quality of education with the flexibility to meet the needs of all our students and employers.

Students and employers have the opportunities to impact and shape the learning experience.

Offer a diverse in-person and online curriculum portfolio, enabling students from all backgrounds to gain the experiences and qualifications they need to be successful. Provide an education that promotes the development of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to enable a more sustainable and fairer society.


We will enable and support our students to flourish and develop the skills they need for the future as they explore their journey with us.


Strategic Themes Inclusivity & Student Experience

All students and staff understand how to keep themselves safe and feel safe within our community. The student experience is at the heart of our College, evidenced through the impact of the quality of Weeducation.regularly listen and respond to the student voice, ensuring that students enjoy the wider experience of College Achievementlife.rates for full-time and higher education students continue to improve and are in the 90 th percentile for comparable Colleges. Apprenticeship success rates are 10% above the national provider average. Programmes of study meet and go beyond the needs and interests of students and employers, as evidenced by regular perception surveys. Progression rates to employment and further study are above the 95 th percentile. All our students rate information, advice and guidance as consistently outstanding. Themes Will Success Look Like?





People & Culture Strategic Themes

We will recruit, develop, retain and reward our staff, celebrating and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Support our staff to be digitally confident through high-quality training. Encourage our students and staff to look after their health and wellbeing, and that of others. Actively promote and enable sustainable decisions and choices from our staff and students.

Objectives Ensure our culture reflects a College where staff and students feel valued and empowered, prioritising the health and wellbeing of our community. Recognise and reward staff in line with their responsibilities, abilities and contribution to the College Strategic Plan, ensuring that we develop further the culture of valuing equality, diversity and Maintaininclusion.apositive leadership culture where ownership, accountability and involvement in decision-making are promoted.Celebrate and increase the diversity of our community and governance. Develop and support our staff to fulfil their potential and meet their career aspirations.


Establishing ambitious and innovative approaches to recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse range of staff who are committed to our College Strategic Plan. There is an aspirational and fully inclusive culture where outstanding performance is rewarded. Leaders and managers proactively support, engage, and direct their colleagues in their work, performance and development. A culture of continuous improvement with sustainable practices that encourage staff to develop new ideas and new ways of working. Creation of, and increased participation in, a more coherent approach to health and wellbeing across the StaffCollege.survey outcomes and focus group feedback confirm that staff feel valued and supported. Introduction of excellence and long service awards for staff which celebrate their success and commitment to the College. Staff are confident digital champions with high levels of digital literacy and are confident to explore new methods of teaching, learning and assessment.

Strategic Themes

What Will Success Look Like?

&CommunityPartnerships Strategic Themes



We will strengthen existing relationships with key partners and employers, and promote targeted new relationships to enhance our reach, relevance and reputation. Deliver a vibrant student recruitment strategy, working with schools to deliver individualised transition routes for young people together with a work-relevant and flexible offer for adult students. Increase the range and number of staff and students involved in external engagement. Identify and develop new partnerships where there is clear mutual benefit. Raise our community presence and influence through long-term robust partnerships. Create an inclusive digital community that provides for and encourages collaborative working. Support the local economy and community wherever we can through purchasing our supplies and services locally. Provide a fit-for-purpose, responsive curriculum that meets the needs and priorities of employers and students in our communities.

What Will Success Look Like?


Our partnerships will be meaningful and productive for the benefit of our College, our staff, our students and have improved links to our local communities. The economic impact and value of our College are understood by all and local economic skills’ priorities are being addressed. We have a strong reputation with schools, employers and other stakeholders, and are seen as a key part of the landscape. We continually assess student and employer demand and review and refresh our curriculum offer, ceasing, changing or replacing provision that fails to recruit, perform or support student progression. Consistently working collaboratively with local schools to develop vocational pathways for Key Stage 4 students. Our students are an asset to employers and the wider community – volunteering, undertaking work placements, work experience and starting businesses and social enterprises. We will maximise the opportunities for alumni and the community to play active roles in College life.

Strategic Themes

Strategic Themes


Integrate digital infrastructure at the heart of our curriculum and estates’ strategies. To create and promote an inclusive environment for work and study where everyone feels valued and respected.

Objectives Achieve a £40m turnover in five years, meeting College and sector financial objectives. Deliver sufficient financial contribution to meet ongoing costs and sustain future investment.

Generate growth through a range of activities aligned to local skills’ priorities, diversifying funding streams where appropriate.


We will build a resilient, viable organisation that makes financially sound decisions and is business-minded in its decision-making about investing for growth and productivity.

Prioritise investment in key areas of specialism aligned to local economic growth priorities and student demand. Achieve campuses of the right scale and quality, each one being self-sufficient.

Campuses to provide flexible futureproofed space and scope for new curriculum opportunities. Provide a balanced portfolio on each campus developed through partnership working with key stakeholders and employers.


Strategic Themes What Will Success Look Like?

A robust College that has a secure future, with good practices embedded in all we do. Our integrated curriculum and business planning model is used effectively to support decision-making and drive curriculum innovation. All our estate is well maintained and relevant for 21 st-century learning and continues to be developed in line with curriculum growth, with specialism within each campus. Increased student volumes and market share across Wiltshire and surrounding areas. We will be engaged with employers and deliver skills required for sustainable growth in the Adaptedregion.working environments for our students and staff which maximise collaboration, productivity and contribution.

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