1 minute read
by wimmio
Wimz is the publication arm of Wsecl, which is a social enterprise dedicated to the empowerment and rise for women every where, in business or those needing access to education online through free courses, to up skill and create better opportunitys for them, family or community.
Wsecl speciliases in digital content cms websites content branding promotional videos for business solutions.
We understand that setting up a new business, is not a easy thing to do. We have dedicated our business to support female entrepreneurs and women in business to have access to cutting edge designs for less through our business module.

WSECL treats your business like its our very own. What is important to YOU, is important to WSECL. Delivery on time to meet your marketing and promotional needs. and its with this mindset of your needs that the Idea for WIMZ magazine was concieved.
To create a free digital publication allowing followers to promote showcase their brand, products services and tell their story for free no cost to promote or to purchase,
WIMZ is unique to how magazines are normally published duetoo the content is submitted by the followers of our Wimmio social network brand and is on first come first basis , we appreaciate all submissions and rollover any late entrys to the next monthly edition. WSECL is commited to build a network of women from around the world working together building together and educating each other .
You the reader are the most important piece not only to us but to every digital company delivering any app or social medium platform. be inspired and join us on building each other .