From the Editor We have a saying in our house...well, I have a saying and its ‘Don’t be in a hurry to grow up! You’ll never be (insert age) again.” However being a ‘woman of a certain age’, I have failed to see that translate into my own life and circumstance until very, very recently. A couple of Sundays ago, I heard a song in which God was described as a Father ‘watching me grow up’ and it hit me that even as I begin to slide down the hill of age, I am still considered by God as a child growing up. So, all the stages that I have walked through and are yet to travel - they’re okay, so long as I’m moving forward and learning to lean more and more on the grace and wisdom that God gives. To be honest, the world would be a confusing place if we were born into it as adults. Each step of infancy, childhood and adulthood having a place in shaping and instilling foundations for maturity. I love Hebrews 12:1 for the fact that I have a race (a purpose) set before me, that is uniquely mine. I have no right to compare with another, because their race is their own and mine is mine. It is also something to ponder that within the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ there are my family and my friends and that when I draw my last breath, hopefully they will have seen my race as a good race and feel encouraged in their own. So, as we say goodbye to some of those around us, wind the year down and prepare for the Olympics and holidays, our prayer for you is that you will ‘run your race with perserverance’ amongst your own personal ‘cloud of witnesses’.
Meet the Member
Carolyn’s Kitchen
Winbap Family News
Wayne’s World
Purposeful Parenting
Healing Testimony
Ewen’s Final Word
Pilgrim’s Progress - the Journey continues
Summer Puzzles
The Manns The Tufts
7 26
Welcome back Tim from your Sabbatical and Happy Holidays to everyone from the Winbap Magazine Team.
The Huffmans
My last magazine article. What do I say? I was going to write some ‘parting instructions’ but feel that would be out of place. I’ll just save a couple for the end of this and whet your appetite that I hope to do a sermon entitled ‘five things I learned from Winchester Baptist Church’ before I leave. Listen out for that. Thank you for the privilege and pleasure of serving the Lord alongside you for almost fourteen years (see photo). It has been a privilege and predominantly a pleasure. You are the most fabulous lot and we feel we have made friends for life. If you are down near Taunton please drop in on us: we are just off the A303 and M5. We will always be contactable on ewen @ huffman. and pam @ uk . So, instead of ‘parting instructions’, I thought I’d share some special memories. One of the earliest is during my ‘whole church interview day’ when I sat up the front with a teapot with tea and milk in ready for the hours of discussion and grilling. At that point I felt a strong call to the church, but I knew it was ‘in the bag’ when the family came up the front and little Charlotte, unprompted, ran up and gave
Alice the biggest hug on stage. There was a big ‘aaaaah’ from everyone! I knew we’d be coming here! There was interesting language floating around in those early days and it was used in ‘Church Council’ (as it was before Leadership Team) and Church Meetings for a while: it was ‘how scared we all were when we saw the monster we had created on paper in the flesh!’. Referring to me fitting the profile and how scary it (I?) was! Perhaps I was. Certainly it was a match. I’ve mellowed a lot. There were occasional tense moments and a small number left. I remember an organist slamming the lid and walking out half way through the service on my second Sunday. To this day I have no idea why. There was very little leaving and fall-out, though. There were fantastic memories of the girls coming back from COGS laden with drawings and excitement. It has been such a good time for them. I remember Charlotte, when she was very little, watching a baptism and exclaiming, amidst chuckles: ‘There’s Jesus in that water!’. I have often asked them if there have ever been any problems being a PK (Pastor’s Kid). Both 1
have always said ‘no, we love it!’. You have been so good to them. There are great memories of working with all the team: Robin & Liz (there were only three of us back then), David Butt (as a volunteer- remember Butzki? What a character!), Interns: Hannah Wood, Jo Story (as was), Ali Tuft (now off to Bible College! Well done, Ali!), Becca Wellburn (as was, now staff and a Baxter) and the current superb team: my mate Tim, Judy, Eunice, Eli, David and Hannah, Melissa and most recently joined, Ali. And all the great volunteers in the office and so many areas. Alongside this it has been so exciting to be involved in the city: chairing Mission Winchester for ten years and all those outreach events we did (Carol services, Citywide calls to prayer and fasting, Feasts, Winchester Passion, Just 10, HOTS, Street Pastors, City Centre Chaplain etc). A particular pleasure has been working with people like David Williams and Howard Mellor who have become close friends. There were seasons when I spent more time with them than I did our own team! Laughter has played a bit part in our journey together. Thank you so much for accepting
(tolerating?) my sense of humour! The laughing we have done together is a sign of health, I believe. I’ll let you into a secret, now: Years ago (2002?) the Leadership Team (or Council?) were praying before the morning service at 9am. One of us (I can’t remember if it was me or the then Church Secretary - a lovely, somewhat dignified, lady) meant to pray for ‘Hearts on Fire’, but by mistake did a spoonerism swapping the two first letters. We were beside ourselves! The more we tried to compose ourselves the harder we laughed! In the end we had to abandon prayers and came out into the congregation to ‘meet and greet’. I remember everyone noting our great joy and returning our smiles: ‘see how they love one another!’, ‘how spiritual our leaders are!’. I thought ‘if only you knew!’. As I remember the worship was stunning that morning! There have been other occasions. I’ll mention just one. The evening service when we were ‘waiting on the Lord’ and one of our much loved special guests quietly piped up with a question ‘Urine, can I….’ I had never corrected them over the pronunciation of my name. I thought it kind of sweet! But the shoulders started shaking and the ripples and questions (‘what did they call Ewen?!’) went further and further back. Until we all had to abandon ship and say ‘let’s sing something then go eat cakes!’. Maybe the Lord had spoken as we waited on Him? He has a great sense of humour! There are memories of great holidays with a good number of you. Deep friendships and talks. Deep relationships with elders and LT members who became close friends. Memories of LT
meetings going into the night: a rainy half-night of prayer when God spoke to us about starting a work with Seniors. Scary stuff but look at it now! And times and seasons of simply persevering and renewal. Healings: inside and out. The Lord’s Presence. A knowledge that there is so much more yet to experience and come. I could go on but must finish. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for the journey, privilege and friendship. Two final words in closing: look after the leaders who serve you (especially that good man, Tim, who is making himself vulnerable to you) and love one another deeply from the heart. That’s what it’s all about. Much love to you all,
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein 2
Top 5 Answering Machine Messages for the holidays.
5. This is not an answering
machine -- this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling, and a number where I can reach you, and I’ll think about returning your call.
4. (Drawling granny voice:)
Way back inna winner of fiftytwo, we didn’ have fanshy gadjets like no ansherin’ machine. You jusht had to call and call until shummbody got home. Now, shum people, dey shay dey don’ like ‘em, but I shay it’ll shave you a lotta trouble if you jusht leave a meshage. Thanksh a lot.
3. I’m not at home today, and
I might not be home tomorrow. So please leave a message after the tone. I didn’t take a shower today, and I might not take one tomorrow. So if you don’t leave a message after the tone, you might have to deal with me in person.
2.This call may be recorded
or monitored for quality and training purposes. If you don’t wish this call to be monitored or recorded, then please let the answering machine know when you leave your message.
1.My time is billed at £125 per
hour. Please begin your message with your MasterCard or Visa number, card type, and date of expiration. I’ll get back to you pending credit approval.
The story so far: I have been working with Christians in India for 15 years, predominantly in Tamil Nadu. Two years ago, on a flight back from India, I realised that the ability for the church in India to continue financing its mission was going to be seriously challenged in the coming years. With a booming economy, support from the west increasingly drying up in real terms and inflation running at 8% it was clear that the Indian church needed to prepare for economic change. The time is coming when the Indian church will need to meet its own needs and in time the needs of others. For generations much of the primary support for Christian ministry in India has come from the West. Despite the phenomenal growth of the Indian economy, there is limited positive engagement between the Church and business. Few churches have a culture of encouraging Christians into business or recognise this as a calling, central to the purposes of God’s work and equal to any ministry in its potential for fruit.
There is a fast emerging middle class in India and this provides a significant opportunity and many challenges for the church - How to inspire and equip this new generation of Christians to actively engage in their emerging economy whilst remaining faithful to the Great Commission. God has inspired me to do something about this and gave me a vision to help prepare the churches for change. God opened my eyes to see something of His heart for business and just how much the Bible has to teach on the subject. He has given me a passion to see a generation of Christian business leaders and entrepreneurs enter the market place, equipped to prosper God’s Kingdom through the faithful application of Kingdom Business. On my return from India I wrote material for a two day training conference and made arrangements to return to India to begin implementing the vision. I have since returned three times and delivered the course in five cities across South India. It has been well received and I have been blessed with some strategic relationships that are allowing me to progress the vision across the whole state of Tamil Nadu. During my last trip a Tamil/English film of my conference was made and this is due to be distributed via the web. I am also in the process of writing a book on Kingdom Business. The core of my vision remains however the equipping of pastors and business people on the ground in India. Long term this is however unsustainable and my intention is to now begin equipping a small group of individuals to take up the work of equipping the Church to equip the Christians for Kingdom Business. From 7th-22nd July I will be returning to India with Robin Penfold. We will be delivering three conferences to church leaders and business people in new cities, as well as training the small group to use my resources in their own church networks. My hope is that they will then be able to begin equipping a wider audience and begin embedding Kingdom Business in their own churches and, most importantly, their local business communities. It is exciting to be at the stage where others are willing to take up the vision. I hope we are able, in the short time available, to equip them with enough understanding to take up the vision and run with it. We would value your prayers and any financial support towards the costs of the conferences, travel and training. If you would like to find out more about the trip or if you are in business, and not currently a member of a cluster, please consider joining the Kingdom Business Cluster. Contact Paul Bulkeley to find out more.
“I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of a man is to live, not to exist.� Jack London
We now have less than 10 days to go before we head off to the mountains of Lesotho. Looking back we have been on an amazing journey over the past 16 months. It has had its highs as well as its lows. God has spoken to us, challenged us and caused us to question things that we once held dear. He has stretched us, tested us, revealed himself to us and provided for us in ways that we could never have imagined. All of this has happened in His time frame yet at a pace with which we have been able to cope with, even when we it didn’t feel like it! This is however not the end of the journey. We are just entering the next phase of our journey with Him, one that we could never have imagined two years ago and we laughed at when it was suggested to us (remember Sarah laughing at being told she would have children!). We are discovering more and more that God really does have a sense of humour. The fact that we are heading off to Africa to follow God’s calling on our lives though doesn’t make us special (or should we say any more special than all of us are in God’s eyes). We are all called to serve Him in many different ways, to live lives that honour Him and to demonstrate His love to others. The challenge for us all is are we prepared to listen to God’s calling on our lives and then have the courage to obey that calling
wherever and whatever that may be, or are we running in the opposite direction, like Jonah? We know that we are following God’s call on our lives as we head off to Lesotho to work with Growing Nations for the next twoyears but equally we know that there will be times when it will not be easy. We are however trusting in God and His promises that ‘He will never leave us or forsake us’ (Deut 31:6), that ‘He equips us for the tasks that lie ahead’ (Heb 13:21) and that ‘we know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose’ (Rom 8:28) We go, knowing that we have a loving and supportive God as well as a loving and supportive church behind us. We praise God for that and want to thank you again for all the practical ways in which you have demonstrated this. It has truly been an encouragement and blessing to us and we know that God will bless you through this too. We would value your ongoing prayers as we step out, not quite into the unknown, but into a radically different life & culture. As we leave, please pray that: • We deal with everything that we need to before we depart. 7
• God continues to prepare our hearts for the work that He has for us to do with Growing Nations. • We build good relationships with fellow AIM missionaries during our training in Kenya and we are receptive to that training. • We transition well into both the Growing Nations & AIM teams. • We stay spiritually strong and that we find people that we can study the Bible and pray together with. • We quickly develop relationships with the local community and learn Sesotho (as neither of us our natural linguists!). • God will strengthen & bless our family and friends that we are leaving behind. • Above all, that we continue to follow God, obey His promptings and demonstrate His love to all those we come in contact with. In the early stages communication may be difficult but as far as we know these are our key dates: 10 July Fly to Jo’burg (S.Africa). 12 July Fly to Nairobi (Kenya). 13 July With August & Anita in Kenya visiting Growing Nations Conservation Agriculture projects. 14 July Attending August (Jnr)
and Gustav’s graduation from Rift Valley Academy. 15 July Seeing August, August (Jnr) & Gustav start their motorbike trip from Kenya to Lesotho 16 July A day off! 17 July – 7 August Attending AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO) course at Scott Theological College in Machakos, Kenya 8 August - Fly to Jo’burg & pick up the Land Rover 9 August - Drive down into Lesotho 10 – 24 August - Village stay with a family somewhere in Lesotho 25 August - Move into our house in Maphutseng and start work with Growing Nations. Please do stay in touch. We would love to hear all your news as well as telling you what is going on in our lives. We are planning to do a blog & send regular newsletters but we will also be able to pick up our e-mails ( , barry@ or ) Alteratively you can speak to our advocates, Paul & Carolyn Breakwell. If any of you are brave enough you are more than welcome to come and visit us in Lesotho. In fact you will get a 2 for 1 deal… Not only can you visit us but you will also be able to see August & Anita too. A deal not to be missed! Sala hantle (stay well) God Bless
eather Barry &and H
Editor’s Note: The MAG board at the back of the church over the summer holidays will be displaying the work of August and Anita Basson with Growing Nations in Lesotho. It will also highlight some of the areas Barry and Heather will be involved in within their time in Lesotho.
™Unless you put yourself in a position to serve, you won't know what He has been doing in you.∫
Bill Johnson 8
One set of parents Where thewho have tried the Love and Logic Spirit of example the approach gave this When we hadis ourthere first child, we Lord were constantly trying to get him is freedom. to wear his coat on cold days. Tired of these battles, we left the COR 3:14 NIV house one cold2 winter day with his coat in the trunk of the car… not on the trunk of his body. Fortunately, our car was quite old at the time and the heater only half-worked. It was amazing how much faster he learned from atmospheric conditions than from our lectures! This is the Love and Logic Way: Love them as they learn from the struggles they encounter and equip them for life. I would like to introduce you to a new type of parenting course, something I feel is a different approach, and a new way of thinking from anything I have encountered before. This is a course that has the potential to change your life and bring peace to your home. Presenting ‘Loving your kids on purpose’ by Danny Silk This course is for everyone, no matter what age your children, for toddlers to teenagers. We have stories from different families with children of different age’s, this course is not here to say anyone is a bad parent or indeed that anyone needs help with parenting, but I believe it will open your heart to more of God and shed new light on old ways. We all have room for improvement. Let me assure you that I am not a perfect parent, and this is and will be, a learning experience for all of us, yes I’m on the journey, we all have so much to learn and I hope we can enjoy learning together and growing together and worshiping more of God together.
o you know parents who believe that it’s their job to prepare the world for their children…so that their kids never experience any struggle, discomfort, or disappointment? Maybe you know a slightly different variety…those who try to micromanage their children into being successful. Both types love their kids. Nevertheless, both types make it much harder for their children to develop personal responsibility and self-esteem. Parents dedicated to removing all discomfort, rescue their children from the consequences of their poor decisions. They cannot do that forever. Rescuing creates insecure kids, who grow to doubt their ability to face the world without our constant protection. Those who try to control success, at worst bark orders and tell their kids exactly what to think, choose, and do. Trying to ensure success can leave kids believing that they can’t succeed on their own. Parents who understand the Love and Logic approach allow their children to learn from plenty of affordable mistakes. Unless these mistakes pose serious risk to life, limb, or spirit, they resist the urge to step in. This is never the easy choice. The result is that when we allow our children to face struggles and encourage them with love, they become capable and responsible, equipped to make their own way in the world.
One set of parents who have tried the Love and Logic approach gave this example - When we had our first child, we were constantly trying to get him to wear his coat on cold days. Tired of these battles, we left the house one cold winter day with his coat in the trunk of the car…not on the trunk of his body. Fortunately, our car was quite old at the time and the heater only half-worked. It was amazing how much faster he learned from atmospheric conditions than from our lectures! This is the Love and Logic Way: Love them as they learn from the struggles they encounter and equip them for life. I would like to introduce you to a new type of parenting course, something I feel is a different approach, and a new way of thinking from anything I have encountered before. This is a course that has the potential to change your life and bring peace to your home. Presenting ‘Loving your kids on purpose’ by Danny Silk. This course is for everyone, no matter what age your children, for toddlers to teenagers. We have stories from different families with children of different ages, this course is not here to say anyone is a bad parent or indeed that anyone needs help with parenting, but I believe it will open your heart to more of God and shed new light on old ways. We all have room for improvement.
Let me assure you that I am not a perfect parent, and this is and will be, a learning experience for all of us. Yes I’m on the journey, we all have so much to learn and I hope we can enjoy learning together and growing together and worshiping more of God together. This parenting course is most of all about our children, about strengthening the hearts of our children so they can fulfil their destiny by instilling the principles of the kingdom of God and a heart for the Lord. The course gives you the tools to raise your children in the joy of the Lord Jesus, manage their freedoms and protect our relationship with them. The course is a mind set changer, moving away from the control and compliance of our children to cultivating a heart to heart connection that enables them to make wise choices and prepares them for the world. This course is about us, as parents, seeking the Father’s heart and in so doing showing our children how to seek the Father. It is about our own self control, and gaining control of our lives as individuals and as a family. It will bring peace to your home and show parents and children alike the heart of God like never before. You will, I hope, come to know the peace and joy that you have always deserved as a parent. Love drives out fear. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” ( 1 John 4:18 NKJV) 10
The course will explore how powerful your children were designed to be and amaze at how responsible, respectful, and self controlled your children can become. This is a learning process with some quick results while other aspects will need to be worked on. This course is about empowering our children. I will also be looking for some spiritual God parents to aid, pray and look out for the parents on the course. The involvement of the spiritual God parents will depend on the couples but as a God parent you would be required to pray for your family. The aim would be that spiritual God parents will help the younger families grow up in the church and in faith. If this appeals to you the next course will start on: Monday the 10th September 2012 from 7:45-9.45pm and will run for 6 weeks. If you would like to join the course as either a parent or a spiritual God parent, OR if you just want to know more, Please contact me, Naomi Bulkeley, catch me in church, on the phone 07734679364, or email me bulkeleys @ btinternet . com Looking forward to hearing from you :)
Naomi Bulkeley
Instead of showing anger, instead of getting frustrated, instead of saying, “I told you so,” great parents provide loving empathy: “This is so sad. What a shame this happened. I love you, but what are you going to do?”
Intense love does not measure, it just gives. Mother Teresa
I just wanted to give you some feedback from the city-wide clergy retreat we had on the 17th and 18th April. I did mention this at the end of my morning sermon on Sun 22nd April - so if you’d prefer to hear an audio rendition of it please go to . Just to make clear - this is not a vision to be imposed on us at Winbap. Rather - this is the direction the City Clergy are thinking of for the future as they look at the whole City picture and individual churches, yourselves, will have to decide what bits of it you are on board with, if any or all. However - the overall picture is very encouraging, I feel. Firstly - prayer is, again, a priority to us. Everything comes out of it and we are wanting a prayer rhythm for the city. Daily: a number of churches are going to start doing the Celtic Daily Prayer rhythm we do here. So, in one sense, we will be linked spiritually in that same rhythm. Weekly: local churches and their teams are going to join together in prayer for the midday prayer. So our team will be joining with St Peters, United Church, City Church, St Paul’s, Harvest Church and the Salvation Army to pray each Thursday lunchtime at 12.15pm. This will be in St Peter’s new Pastoral Centre. Other leaders nearer toclergy their retreat locality.weIthad willonbe17th short and sharp andI did just wanted to give you some feedbackwill frommeet the city-wide and 18th April. mention this at the end of my morningfocussed. sermon on Sun 22nd April - so if you’d prefer to hear an audio rendition of it please go to . Monthly - all city clergy will meet to lunch and pray on the third Tuesday 12.30pm theisVineyard Centre. Mission Just to make clear - this is not a vision to be imposedofoneach us atmonth, Winbap. Rather at - this the direction the City Clergy are Winchester used to meet for lunch on those days but now we are thinking of for the future as they look at the whole City picture and individual churches, yourselves, will have to decide prioritising the wider what bits of it you are on board with. If any or all. However - thegathering. overall picture is very encouraging, I feel.
Of course - folks won’t be able to make every meeting but if the rhythm is there it will be sustained, sustainable and effective. The wellbeing of the city How did I miss this for so long? We are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11 ‘I know the plans I have for you…’ but prior to that in verses 5-7 God says to the Jews in Exile (when they are thinking ‘should we get tucked in to city life, get polluted or avoid it?’) Something like: ‘settle down, get tucked in, pray for the prosperity of the city because if it prospers so will you’. To invest in city life (and for Barton Farm, mentioned in a mo) the churches need to interact with civic life through a broad and fully constituted body. Mission Winchester has done much good, has much life in it and has significantly contributed to the life of the city. Now, however, it is time for the clergy to put their energies into Churches Together - invest in it and serve it. This is the constituted body that can serve the wellbeing of our city. Not least this is necessary for what might happen at Barton Farm. In fact - what will almost certainly happen at Barton Farm. It’s gonna - and now is the time for the Churches to get tucked in there. Phil Cochran, the new Vicar of St Barnabas, Weeke, will spearhead this11(along with the Anglican Diocese) but others will be
invited to join in behind this leadership as much as they would like to…and sell up and move into any development to be part of the community there! So - the bar is raised high. We are looking to do a Faith/ Action Audit of the city. Ed Jackson came up with this excellent idea 18 months ago - ‘how much are the churches/ volunteers in the city contributing to its life?’. Now we are really behind finding out. Plymouth did this and valued the contribution of the churches to city life (at minimum wage) as millions of pounds per annum. Let me tell you - the civic authorities stood up and took note! And they would in Winchester, as well. About 4,500 Christians worship in our churches on a Sunday. As far as I know we are by far the largest ‘minority group’ and I bet when our stats come out the Civic authorities will draw breath. We thank God for the relationship we already have with them (mainly grown by The Winchester Passion and Street Pastors). We pray it’s the shape of things to come. The YMCA also wants to work with churches to run Youth Alpha. Missional Communities A number of the clergy said they were interested in looking into Missional Communities (sometimes called Mid Sized Groups or in our case – Clusters). I said ‘I know just the man who can help you!’ and, of course (in his absence!) volunteered Tim to consult with them on this. So when he gets back off Sabbatical there are four or five other leaders waiting to talk and learn more about this. We discussed groups reaching out to their communities from their
churches, serving, with a purpose. Then the idea came to us that if churches were doing the same outreach separately - why could they not do it together? Why couldn’t the ‘Favour Clusters’, for example, from each church combine in some way? Of course this was a very tentative (but open) discussion and immediately there were issues raised: e.g. ‘who would the Cluster be accountable to?’ but we concluded that none of these issues were insurmountable. It could work. If we wanted it. And it would be glorifying to God (and personally, a dream come true for me as that was one of the conclusions of my MA Thesis in 2005). We’ll see. Or, should I say - you’ll see! Proclamation Finally we revisited the question as to whether there was still a place for proclamation events in Winchester? United Mission events of the kind we have done in the past. We approached this with caution as some of us remember the work involved, though we have been thrilled with how they have ‘raised the spiritual water table’ of the city. (The Passion was an extra 40 hours a week for me for six months. I loved it. But it nearly killed us!) We thought that there was still a place for these kinds of events, spaced out more than in the past, rooted in prayer first and coming out of that. Maybe something like a ‘Feast 3’, first, as this would test the waters, see if the workers and will were contacts and a resource base. Then, maybe, after that some kind of ‘narrative event’ (maybe a Nativity?).
Blessings 12
“So - watch and pray. And, in time, decide how many of these ideas you are on board with as a Church. My heart will be with you!”
CREATION FEST If you’re looking for somewhere to go and enjoy great music, an amazing atmosphere and meet new people...all on a tight budget, then Creation Fest might just be the ticket for you! This free...yes, free, Christian Music Festival and Bible Week is being held in the Royal Cornwall Showground in Wadebridge, Cornwall from August 4-10th. The line up for this year is full from Leeland, Lou Fellingham and Phatfish and Brenton Brown to name a few as well as an full teaching schedule. Pro-skater Jud Heald has confirmed he’s returning this year to hold skating clinics, workshops and demonstrations in the undercover skate park. This is a great area to try out those new tricks whether it be on your skateboard, BMX or rollerblades! This years morning teachings will be following the theme: Running the race of faith (Hebrews 12:12). While the actual Creation Festival is free, you may want to hunt round for accomodation or for a cheaper option, camp. You can book your camping online. For more information you please go to
RIVER CAMP If you haven’t been to Rivercamp, you would almost certainly have heard of it. Every year on the August Bank Holiday, 22-27 August, a group from Winbap make the trip to the beautiful surrounds in Evesham for up to a week of socialising and teaching. There is the usual line up of teachers include Mark Stibbe and the hilarious Kevin Peat and David Campbell with guest speakers thrown into the mix. This year the guest speaker is Heidi Baker. Children and youth are catered for with their own groups under their own big top. These sessions include a lot of fun, worship and teaching aimed at them. The relaxed half-day programme leaves plenty of time to explore the surroundings, join in the fun activities of the afternoon or just sit and catch up at a slower pace with other attendees. Accomodation onsite is restricted to caravans or tents. You’ll need to pre-book for these sites, but you can ask to be put with your church. If you get in early enough, electrical hook up is also available. For more information on Rivercamp you can go to: 13
GREEN PASTURES RETREAT For those of you looking for a completely different pace of life, then you may want to look at the Green Pastures Christian Centre in Branksome Park, Poole, Dorset. Green Pastures is a ‘place of prayer and retreat’, which holds special days throughout the year. Although people are welcome to come anytime, there are scheduled ‘Quiet Days’, Art Days and Prayer Walks. There is a twelve station prayer walk in well maintained gardens, where you will find prayerful prompts and suggestions and a Coffee Lounge where you are welcome to just come and sit. Prayer rooms that can be booked for an hour. Space to pray is available on request any day of the week. For more information on prices, activities and dates please go to:
To our Winbap family, Wherever you end up this Summer, we pray it will be exactly what you need and you will return safely, refreshed and energised for what the coming year will bring. Winbap Magazine Team Phillipians 1:3-6
Where did you grow up? My father was in the RAF and my mother in the WRAF, so we moved a great deal as a family. I’d lived in fifty-seven places for more than three months by the time I was thirty! In 1974 that also included three different countries because I got caught up in the Turkish invasion of Cyprus! I was closer to my maternal grandparents and aunt than my parents. With all that travelling, how was your school life? I left my ninth school in 1966. Apart from just under two months at the small village school in Broughton I didn’t go to ANY school till I was seven years old because my father was posted to Malta in early 1955 just before I was five and we returned to the UK in 1957. I left with no qualifications so did a secretarial course. What jobs have you done? My jobs have been varied. The first was as a Junior Typist in 1967. My ex-husband built a
computer in the early 80’s and I learned to use it, teaching myself BASIC programming and word processing. I took in typing for people who couldn’t type. I later did a City & Guilds Technical Authorship Course and then a BA in English. I also started a Master’s in IT and then work became a succession of short term temp jobs. My favourite being translating in 1996/97. I ended up learning Flemish from scratch to commercial translation standard in 6 months! What about your family? I was in the WRAF (teleprinter operator) and I met my exhusband in the bar on the base in RAF Cosford. We married in 1972 and have two children. Life was very difficult after the divorce and it led to a breakdown. I now have two young grandsons from my daughter who lives in the South West. My son is married and lives in the Black Forest in Germany. What has been your best holiday? Going to Los Angeles four times to visit my friend Joel, who very recently died. When did you come to live in Winchester? I’ve lived in my current little flat for fifteen years. My mother’s family come from this area and I spent most of my early years and 14
Sunday morning isn’t enough time to find out about the people who sit beside, behind or in front of you in church. So, we’ve decided to bring those people to you! In our new segment we’ll be interviewing those who call Winbap home and trying to dig a little deeper than just a ‘Sunday” conversation. Our first interview is with Caroline Andrews. all school holidays with my grandparents. So, it made sense to me that I would come down here at the end of 1994. When you’ve faced difficulties in your life, what has helped you through? I was flat broke for years, I was literally living on handouts from friends and WBC was absolutely brilliant to me. I can’t thank them enough. I clung on to two verses during that time: “I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten” and “For I know the plans I have for you”. They kept me going. WBC is amazingly friendly and welcoming and compassionate. Truly bible-based - act it as well as preach it. What are your hobbies? I’m a keen photographer and passionate about singing. Do you volunteer anywhere? I’ve set up and maintain the website for Winchester Basics Bank and I have a voluntary job on Monday mornings teaching basic computing to seniors through Age Concern at Winnall Community Centre. I am also on the reading rota at WBC.
you k n a h T e Carolin
Healing Testimony
For nine weeks I suffered from inflamed vocal chords, three of which I could only squeak. On Pentecostal Sunday we had a visit from some Canadians, Jeremy and Connie Sinnott. Near the end of the service we were asked to hold hands in groups of three, four or five. I held Ewen and Eileen’s hands and Eileen had Sally next to her. I closed my eyes and started to shake, then I felt myself tipping over. I felt the Holy Spirit in me so strongly it made me weep. When we sat down I was still shaking and weeping. Eileen held on to me. I realised I was weeping with joy. The whole church was completely filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt so high that I could have floated. Ewen and Clare prayed for the healing of my vocal chords. I still couldn’t speak, but it didn’t matter. I went home quickly so that I could get these amazing feelings written in my diary. After I’d done that I had to go for a long walk. I went to the evening service still on a high. It was another American with a great big voice, who I thought of as a ‘Ministerial Stand Up Comedian’. Despite sadness in his life, he could always laugh at himself.
Near the end I had to ‘pop out to the loo’. Someone was in there. I called out ‘Hurry up, I’m desperate!’ As I ‘stooped to conquer’ I realised I had spoken in my normal voice. The Holy Spirit had healed me! Praise the Lord! When non-Christians asked me “How did you get your voice back? Was it antibiotics?” I said “No, it was the Holy Spirit.” Some friends said “Well, whatever it’s good to hear you speak.” Even the guests in the Night Shelter were very concerned about me and were so pleased to hear me speak again. Bless them. I felt very touched. No more writing in notepads. Quite often by the time I had written something down, the subject had been changed twice. What did make me laugh was people whispering to me. Once lady said I must bring a notepad with me so we can have a proper conversation. That was a Senior having one of those ‘moments’. Thank you for all the prayers. Roz Gearon
I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbour. Do you know your next door neighbour? Mother Teresa
aving a belief in healing prayer, I have seen wonderful healing in the WBC. Despite this I didn’t believe in it for me personally. I look back at all the negative things that have happened to me and most of them became a positive - a great learning curve. I don’t like that expression, but that’s how its been.
Favour Cluster Prayer Walks
he Favour Cluster would like to invite you to join us on some summer prayer walks around different areas of our city. By the time you read this we will have already completed prayer walks in Highcliffe and Winnall. Over the coming weeks, we will be praying for the following areas of Winchester: STANMORE - Tuesday 24th July . Meet at the Carroll Centre 7.45pm (followed by a trip to the Queen Inn). WEEKE and HARESTOCK - Sunday 12th August . 3pm. Contact Catherine Bartlett for more details. If you live in these areas it would be great if you could join us, but EVERYONE IS WELCOME, including children, dogs, etc. It is intended that we will spend about an hour walking around and praying for the community, longer if we stay to play with the kids in the park! If you are unsure about how a prayer walk works, it doesn’t need to be WEIRD!! We usually go around the area in small groups, sometimes praying out loud as we go, sometimes silently, observing the needs of the community and asking God to show us how we might reach out to the area, particularly showing God’s love in practical ways (following the focus of the Favour cluster). It’s a very sociable occasion and is also a challenging and inspiring time! If you would like your area of Winchester to be included in our prayer walks, do get in touch and please join us. Catherine Bartlett
I said I would not give any ‘parting instructions’ in my lead article but when I mentioned that to a number of our leaders they said ‘oh go on!’, knowing what I was going to say. Acts 20 and 21 come to mind with Paul saying farewell to the Ephesian and Tyre leaders, kneeling on the beach to pray, in tears, and having to ‘tear themselves away’ at the end. It feels a bit like that. He gave some parting thoughts - so here goes with mine. Love one another Ok. So this will be one of the points in that (‘five things I learned from Winchester Baptist Church’) sermon, too - but I dare not miss it here! When leaving the Ephesian elders Paul urges them to be ‘shepherds of the flock’: to pastor and care for one another. There is a word particularly to leaders – but it applies to all of us. In the end, if you don’t love - it’s all a waste of time. Love each other deeply from the heart (which will cover every mistake and blemish) and be kind to one another. Honour each other. This is your greatest strength. Never lose it! Give the benefit of the doubt It’s hard to give a proof-text for this, although it is true that ‘love always thinks the best’ (1 Cor 13).
However - I’m aware that when change happens we all get a bit insecure and sometimes paranoid. Often it’s unconscious. So we ‘hear what we fear’. I just want to remind you of the security you have in one another and that I know with all my heart none of our folks are trying to do anything else but serve the Lord and you. So, remember that. Push paranoia and lies away. Give one another the benefit of the doubt - particularly if the interregnum goes on a while and folks get tired! Honour your leaders (Heb 13:17) This ‘giving the benefit of the doubt’ applies particularly to your leaders. I’m telling you- leading a church is complex! Particularly in a time of change. Believe me - you do not want to be in their shoes! So - remember how much they have done for you, how you have known them for years and honour them. Make their job easy. We, as individuals, may feel we hear from the Lord - but only together do we hear and test His voice and so be prepared to listen together and yield to the common voice. It is most often the Lord! Don’t argue over disputable matters (Roms 14:1) We’ve learned a lot about this over the years. I have. Seriously - life’s too short! The need for fun and friendship is too great! None of us has that hotline, are ‘Mr Objectivity’, are infallible or know all the minutiae of scripture or God’s ways. We gather around Jesus and the core, central, creedal, historic, Trinitarian, orthodox truthsbut the edges are fuzzy. All are welcome at the edges and we don’t waste time,
energy or love disagreeing over the unclear, peripheral things. Jesus unites us - let no person divide! Keep it that way. Pursue the Presence (Ex 33:15) In closing let me remind you why we do this thing called ‘church’, ‘gathering’: it’s to glorify Him, encourage one another and pursue the Presence. The temptation is to settle for much less. Religion and ritual pacify us and give a semblance of satiation - and Baptist Churches settle into that so easily! It is our default state (or becomes it within months) unless we consciously pursue the Presence. Don’t settle for that default state. The Lord Jesus Christ dynamically Present is our goal and glory. Everything else comes from that. From overflow. If you seek first the Presence of the King and His kingdom - everything else will come. Everything. With lots of love to you my dear friends, and so many good memories
As I travel far from kinships As I wander far from home May He grace you with His favour And breathe the fragrance of His love Michelle Tumes.
carolyn’s kitchen This is a great recipe for summer picnics or a light meal.
T u rkey B u rge rs Serves 6 wh at you nee d : 1lb turkey mince 2 garlic cloves 1tbs coriander 2tsp root ginger
ho w you do i t : • Mix all together • Press into 5 burgers • Fry or bake in the oven Serve with natural yoghurt mixed with coriander or sweet chilli sauce.
Banana Slush Punch wh at you nee d : 4 ripe bananas 2 cups white sugar 3 cups water 1 can (46 fluid ounces) pineapple juice 1 can (12 fluid ounces) frozen orange concentrate 12 fluid ounces Lemonade 3 litres ginger ale 6 cups water how yo u d o i t : • In a blender, combine bananas, sugar and 3 cups of water. When smooth pour into a large bowl and add pineapple juice. Blend in orange concentrate, lemonade and 3 cups of water. Freeze until solid. Remove from freezer 3-4 hours before use and pour 3 litres of ginger ale over it. 17
Fiction With the holiday season approaching we thought we’d put in some light holiday reading. This is a taster from the first chapter of ‘Blue’ - an advnture based on Ephesians 6.
looked across at a mass of standing skeletons. The red visor fell covering his eyes and through his tears came the Artist’s words.
For I was born to pull down strongholds, I was born to be a foe, I was born to follow footsteps and dreams Of those who came long ago.
“Here is your army. Lead it well, re-igniting passion, restoring hope and reviving dreams to those who without will perish. Do not allow fear to rise, but go in the confidence that it is for this reason Tarrant, you were born. You, who serve those who have died from within. “
And the wilderness may come, And the desert streams run dry, But in You my Mighty One, I will be as an eagle born to fly.
Chapter One - Invasion
So lift me up where dreams are born, And giants run like ants, For only when I’m found in You, Can I fulfill my destiny – Your plan. The sweet smell enveloped him like a thick mist, as he clung to the lifeless form of the deadwood tree. Every nerve tingled with anticipation. Hope lay behind him, fear lay ahead and courage mingled with his sweat. Strength grew with every step, determination became the ground he walked on and as he did – he saw the crystals of the desert sand give up a mass of dried sunbleached bones. The mighty groan echoed up from the valley so loud that his ears fell silent from pain. Finally, when the last bone had been surrendered – there was silence. Such a mass of broken dreams and hope lay quietly disjointed before him. Grief overcame him and falling to his knees with a wail of anguish, a single tear fell. It trickled over the brokenness below. The surrounding silence became as loud as a ticking clock in an empty hall and yet there was something; something was beginning to stir beneath the bones. A movement here, a movement there and then suddenly and terrifyingly a loud cracking filled the valley. With a mixture of horror and astonishment, Tarrant saw them re-assemble bone to bone until he
The moon rose, cold and full, powerful in its intention. Finger-like shadows purposefully casting themselves over the sleeping town below and all that lay under the clammy lunar hand tossed and turned restlessly. The uneasy scent of danger wafted in on the still air – yet the intruders remained invisible. So it was that the unsuspecting people of Serenity began to share their town with the very unsavoury rebel gang – the Dream Stealers. Weather Hog was their esteemed leader. He held tightly to the reigns of his wayward group using fear and hate to keep them under his command. A rounded man who had too much of a liking for cream doughnuts, he prided himself on his penguin like appearance. His stubby fingers were rarely empty and his trademark ooze of jam dripped off the front of his white shirt like a red fluorescent glow-worm. Weather Hog quietly surveyed the idyllic scene from a mountainous peak nearby. This was quite possibly the loveliest town he had ever had the privilege of invading. ‘What a shame’, he thought for about two seconds and then with an evil sneer that showed his yellowing, misshapen teeth he turned to his second in command. “Get the men assembled. At dusk, we go hunting. They’re here. We know,” he said pausing for dramatic effect “of at least one. We get in, get out and take
as many as we can carry.” Ferocity coating his husky voice. Snarkle Toad, a well-built reptilian snake slithered menacingly towards the resting bodies below on the rock shelf. For many years, he had served as secondin-command and he harboured a growing desire to overthrow his lord and master, Weather Hog. Only the thick volcanic amulet that swung ominously from Weather Hog’s equally thick neck prevented Snarkle Toad from trying a ‘leadership challenge’. Its power was legendary, having the ability to reduce any opponent to ash with the utterance of just one word. So, Snarkle Toad told no one of his devious planning for one day Weather Hog would meet with an untimely accident and then it would only seem natural for Snarkle Toad, the dutiful officer, to squeeze his way to the top. “All right ssoldiers!” he hissed hypnotically. “We assemble for rrecon at 1800 hoursss. I don’t want anyone turning up late, like Wheezer, do you all understand?” He glared at them, his green slitted eyes glinting with the memory of his last meal. The assembled riff raff looked to the ground mostly out of fear, some out of anger as they remembered their fallen comrade. No one said a word and Snarkle Toad slithered away, the huge bulge in his torso bumping roughly along the ground as he went. Watching the sinister figure from a safe distance was Weather Hog. Something bothered him about Snarkle Toad’s manner. He couldn’t put his finger on it, partly because it was once again full of cream doughnuts, but something was not right. He had noticed for
some time a cold menacing in his second-in-command’s lizard eyes. A shiver ran down his spine as watched the rounded bump bang its way over the rough ground. He would have to watch Snarkle Toad, he thought to himself. Weather Hog failed to notice at the very base of the mountain a tumble-down worker’s cottage. At first glance it looked deserted, debris littering the overgrown yard, but on closer inspection a thin trail of smoke whispered up from the blackened chimney. Perhaps it did not stand out to Weather Hog, because it seemed as though his inky shadow messengers had already singed it with their ever-searching tentacles. Darkness touched every corner, but had he taken a second glance with his thermal starimaging device, he would have had the shock of his life. Below him, the Red Star, a prize above all prizes, ebbed with life, be it ever so faintly. The Shadows reached down through the streets of Serenity, slimy slivers of unending blackness stretching over darkened rows of houses. At number 32 Tranquility Avenue, the restlessness found its mark and stopped. This was the Gilmartin family home. Inside both Mr and Mrs Gilmartin twitched and turned, dreams running through their minds dragging and pulling their imagination with them. Upstairs, seventeen year old Nicole was having her own ground hog day. She re-lived the failed driving exam, the fight with her best friend and the very gorgeous Max Sullivan seeing her with a bright white milk moustache. Unsatisfied, the Shadows crept
through the house dividing into searching strands, uniting when they found their target. They covered the window of the youngest member of the family, disrupting his dreams and filling them with the evil desires of Snarkle Toad. Ten year old Adrian’s small body began to toss dramatically, sweat dampening his mop of disheveled brown hair. His dream took on an immediate and sinister turn for the worse. The grand adventure he had been on quickly became his worst nightmare. In his mind he stood at the edge of the forest, the mountain was in plain sight, when suddenly a dozen men of different sizes menacingly jumped from behind the surrounding boulders cutting off his only chance for escape. Adrian turned and ran, he ran as fast as he could stumbling blindly up the mountainside. Behind him he could hear the men close on his heels, and they were getting closer- his small legs trying desperately to outrun their long ones. “Help!” he soundlessly cried out in terror. The words felt dry in his throat and tried again, willing them to be heard as fear gripped him. “Help! Help!” he yelled as loud as he could and not a sound could be heard. He ducked around a boulder and started running down the dip and then he saw it. Tired and terrified, Adrian stood gazing into the hypnotic reptilian eyes. It was a snake, a very large snake that looked as though it could swallow a horse and still have room for more. In his dream, Adrian noticed that the sun seemed to bounce off the scaly head, which was now partially raised in anticipation. Even through his fear, the beautiful
colours of each scale had a mesmerizing effect. Exhaustion crept up on the small boy and snatched him away by surprise. As Adrian fell to the ground he could hear the unmistakeable slithering sound of grass being crushed. It was headed towards him. “This is it” he thought and blacked out.
out. His great jaw unhinged itself to make room just as a huge arm scooped up the exhausted child wrenching the unconscious cargo from his precarious position between snake and men.
Part-time Work Wanted
The Shadows had done their job well, very well. They had flushed out the newest addition to the Tool Raiders covert operation, the Snarkle Toad watched the pathetic Blue Tool Raider. attempts of the schoolboy to resist his hypno-stare. It was just a And hidden deep in rugged matter of time. Snarkle Toad was bushland, a small seedling began patient. No one had been able to grow. to fight its overwhelming power. Well, no one that was with the exception of an old foe. It was Catherine Bullock funny, and not in a hilarious way, he thought briefly, that he should come to mind at a time like this. His eyelids flickered open and closed angrily at the memory of their last encounter. For the briefest of moments he took his mind of his small prey. It was a bad move. A very bad move, for suddenly he had the unshakeable feeling of being watched. “Bah, foolish thoughts!” he told himself, vainly trying to banish the intrusive thought, yet a glimmer of doubt lingered. He had waited eagerly for the human agents of the Tool Raiders to arrive, dragged by the Shadows into his real life nightmare. He had been surprised that they had flushed out only one and he was young, very young. Snarkle Toad snorted in contempt at his age. “Ah well”, he quietly hissed to himself, the child would make a lovely snack. Patiently, he waited until the small morsel fainted and then began his slimy climb from the gully, his forked tongue flickering in and out eagerly as he imagined how tender he would be. He didn’t get the chance to find
Holiday Accomodation
Green Pastures Christian Centre A place of prayer and retreat in Branksome, Poole, Dorset. If you’re looking for something a little more unusual to do on these holidays then you might want to consider a visit to Green Pastures Christian Centre for an art day, prayer walk, time of contemplation or to listen to a guest speaker. For more information please visit their website: 22
Mark and Maggie Smith are renting their French cottage at the more than reasonable price of £30 per night from mid-July. If you’re interested in renting their cottage please contact Mark or Maggie on smithfamily8a @ hotmail . com
British aid worker who drew on her faith to help women victims of the world’s worst war since 1945. LYN LUSI, who has died of cancer aged 62, founded, with her husband Jo, Heal Africa, a charity that provides medical social care services in Goma in eastern Congo, one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Known as “Mama Lyn”, she was the organisation’s programmed director and specialised in supporting women victims of violent rape. The Democratic Republic of Congo has been called the “worst humanitarian disaster since the Second World War” by the International Rescue Committee. Following years of economic and political decline beginning in the mid-1990s, two wars led to population displacement and widespread and systematic use of rape. Despite several formal peace agreements, violence and rape continue to be used against civilians in eastern Congo. By one estimate, more than 1,000 women are assaulted every day; by another, the problem affects some 12 per cent (one in eight) of Congolese women. Last year Congo, a country the size of western Europe with a population of 70 miliion, was rated last in the world in terms of life expectancy, education, standard of living and key health indicators such as maternal and child mortality. Lyn McKenzie, as she then was, first travelled from England to the Congo (or Zaire, as it soon became) in 1971 to work as a teacher with the Baptist Missionary Society. In 1974 she fell in love with and married a Congolese physician, Kasereka “Jo” Lusi, like her a devout Christian. Together they served for many years in north-eastern
Congo’s Nyankunde Hospital, as well as in local schools. They dedicated much effort to training young local doctors - a commitment that would eventurally lead them to build a hospital in Goma and to found Heal Africa in 2000 (“heal” stands for health, education, action and leadership). By 2011 they had trained 30 doctors there, setting up programmes to serve the health and social needs of eight million people. In 2002 a sobbing young woman came to Lyn’s office and painted a picture of an epidemic of sexual violence taking place in villages around Goma. Women working in the fields, even girls as young as five, would be abducted by militiamen and repeatedly raped, then often violated again with sticks and guns, some of which were fired. The hideously wounded victims would often be disowned by their families. At the hospital, repairing the physical damage was only the first stage (since its foundation Heal Africa, under the supervision of Jo Lusi, has performed more than 1,500 post-rape fistula repair surgeries). Lyn, who was not medically trained, threw her energies into meeting wider social needs by seeking to develop the natural desire of village communities to care for their own.
She established 31 safe houses and a range of development projects, recruiting an army of local “Mamas” to comfort the women and set about teaching them to read, write or use a sewing machine. With the help of the American Bar Association and local lawyers she established a network of legal clinics in an effort to apprehend rape suspects and to encourage a culture of “zero tolerance” of sexual violence. More than 40,000 women have been helped by Heal Africa’s primary care and counselling services, while 90,000 community activists have been trained in HIV/Aids prevention and care. Heal Africa has a Congolese staff of 28 doctors, 54 nurses, 340plus community development advocates and educators, a small administrative team and hundreds of Congoleses volunteers. Lyn Lusi is survived by her husband and by their son and daughter. The rest of this excerpt can be found obituaries/9311072/Lyn-Lusi.html
Lyn Lusi, born June 26 1949, died March 18 2012 24
If you are not already aware: Ali Tuft will be going off to Moorlands Bible College this autumn and Nai and Lily will be going with him! This comes as no surprise and has been in their hearts for many years and the pipeline since Ali finished his
internship with us two years ago. The May Church Meeting voted to support them in this adventure and we will be putting some money in their kitty for this but also asking them to raise some of their own support so they receive the affirmation and witness of others to this new calling of theirs. Ali is going to train to be the equivalent of an Associate Pastor at this stage and will eventually most likely seek accreditation within the Baptist Union. Nai has given up her local teaching job and will be starting as a teacher in the Bournemouth ‘St Clements and St Johns’ primary school she went to as a child! Her Mum and Dad live just around the corner so child-minding will be on tap. At the moment it is anticipated that they will all worship at Boscombe Baptist Church where Ali will be a student trainee pastor involved in all areas of church life and the appointment of a children’s worker.
W hen asked to describe the Tufts the first words that come to mind are words like: fun, friendly, caring, welcoming, talented, clever and happy. The Williamson’s lov e you all so much, you are going to be greatly missed, especially by our litt le ones. It has been such a privilege to walk this part of your journey with you and to see you grow and develop . You will continue to be ver y special to us and part of our hearts and lives, just from a bit further away. Love and prayers all the Williamsons
Family Tuft- you are we shall just fabulous folks and ys! Thank miss you in so many wa endships you so much for your fri ch won’t over these last years (whi th done to end) and all you have bo us here: build the kingdom with ing, playing leading worship, preach r student instruments, leading ou uster, work and Transition Cl g an Intern, helping with Edge, bein , helping in mentoring, counselling om, hard Crèche, hospitality, wisd ving us work…. and of course gi lovely Lily! Ewen.
I was sad when I heard from Ali that he and his family were preparing to leave Winchester…after ten years of being here. I have fond memories of Ali and Nai since my time at secondary school (around 2003). They clearly have a real passion for young people, and helping them to grow as Christians! I’m particularly grateful for their work in leading Transition Cluster over the last few years. Though it’s sad to see them go, I wish Ali, Nai. and Lily all the best for the future. I’m sure that God has plans to prosper each of them! James
Ali, Nai and Lily, here’s some things the students wanted to say to you... Music We thank you that God has given both of you the gift of playing music and leading worship. We always smile when we see on the service sheet that one of you are leading or playing even if Lily sometimes interrupts one of you and joins in for a dance!! Please continue to give this great gift to God. Mentoring Many of us have been mentored by one of you, and those conversations have helped to discern God’s plans and directions for us and helped us through difficult patches in our student careers. Coffee has been regularly drunk with you and we can always smell Ali on a Sunday morning as he creeps into our student circle to have a chat. Thanks Ali for always being up for “blokey, blokey” chats, walking home to Stanmore after the evening service. We know that you remember, understand and appreciate the pressures of being a Christian at University and you have helped us through it. Nai has been happy to lend invaluable advice on Primary school teaching, what to do, what not to do and what the University really mean in their placement and essay feedback!! Some of us have also had the privilege of
working with either of you in a school setting and that has been enjoyable. Transition We would all like to thank you for giving up your time organising social events , bible study, the student meals at the beginning of the year and pairing us up with host families. This has made us feel so welcome in the church. Highlights of Transition have been McDonald’s trips after the evening service , trips to the pub and visits to your house in Stanmore. There was never a dull moment at Transition!!! Moorlands Ali we enjoy your intelligent thoughts shared in talks at the CU, sermons at the Winbap evening service and your thoughts shared at bring and share services. They are usually linked to a book or a film that you have recently read or watched. However what you share makes sense from a theological and biblical viewpoint. We know that Moorlands will be a place where this can be challenged further. Lily Thank you to both of you for teaching us a little bit about the fun way to bring up a baby. Many 27
of us learnt previously unknown new facts about bringing up a baby and Lily has provided giggles and smiles to many of us. A Sunday morning wouldn’t be complete without her coming to say “Hello” to all her students. Most importantly thank you for praying for us, individually and as a group of students. We have been blessed by you both and we pray that this next journey will bless all three of you abundantly! Compiled by Tom Guy with inputs from Students, Past and Present: Nicola Langdon, Katy Wood, Naomi Godden, Natalie Stephenson, Amy Topping, Will Blackburn, Jo and Tom Vaux, Becky McGovern. Clare Cronin, Sophie Payne, Liz Ford, Rosie Adkins, Lucy Tennant, Jen Pringle, Ruth Cossou, James Findlow, Kelsie Shingler, Pippa Jolley, and others from Winchester University Christian Union.
Recently I was asked, “How is Pilgrim’s Progress progressing? Now the book is complete and printed is that it?” Half an hour later I think my kind enquirers may have been sorry they asked… but they encouraged me to let the church know what has been happening. So here it is - a report of all the marvellous opportunities that have been happening since I retired in August 2010.
answer to my prayer?
I already felt the Lord was guiding me in this direction, but having some confirmation from complete strangers was an encouragement. Two men from WBC congregation had already given me some words of encouragement after the morning service when I passed the baton of ‘Ministry to Seniors’ on to Hannah in September 2011. They said they felt the Lord was saying, “This was not the end of I spent a couple of months with my family in Sydney, Australia in your work with Seniors but the December 2010 & January 2011 beginning of something new.” I and was able to extend my stay to knew that I still felt passionate to include the birth of twin grandreach older people with God’s love daughters before my return to UK. and that I had also gained experience and insight into some of the When in Australia I went to a lo- difficulties older people face. I cal morning service. I hadn’t met wanted to use my experience to any of the people before and was benefit them in some way and asked my name and welcomed asked the Lord to guide me by takto the service. At the end of the ing the passion away or showing sermon the speaker gave a proph- me what to do with it. esy to two of the younger people in the service, but you can imagine My first opportunity to share my surprise when he went to on about the Pilgrim’s Progress was say, at an Outlook Conference in 2009 “Liz from UK, the Lord is pleased when I explained how the story of with what you have been dothe Pilgrim’s Progress (used in my ing and even although you have own church as part of a seniors’ enjoyed the ‘hands on’ work with study group) had given me the older people, I feel the Lord is chance to talk to Seniors about the saying that you will be less ‘hands Christian faith journey and in paron’ and more involved in teaching, ticular about death and dying and sharing and training. The work the wonderful provision God has you have been doing is going to made for eternal life through His increase and get bigger and lots of Son Jesus. Afterwards about 30 atpeople are going to get involved. tendees asked me if I could make Just keep on doing what you are the resource available for others to doing. The Lord has it all in use. I felt this was perhaps an 28
(For those of you who are not familiar with John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress I encourage you to read it for yourself. The story is about a pilgrim called Christian who journeys from the city of destruction (earth) to the City of Gold (heaven). It was originally written in old English which is not so easy to read or understand. Therefore, may I recommend ‘A Pilgrim’s Progress’ retold by Geraldine McCaughrean, Published by Hodder Children’s Books ISBN 978 0340 844106 which you can order from Amazon or any good bookshop or get it from your local library. This book won a Blue Peter Award and is one of the best translations I have read.) So when I returned from Australia in January 2011 I started to re-write the material for the PILGRIM’S PROGRESS INTERACTIVE STUDY GUIDE to make it suitable for others to use. This took longer than I anticipated but with encouragement and help I finally got the material printed. Outlook Trust Conference October 2011 was my very first event. I was to run two workshops entitled ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress and other Creative Ways of sharing the Good News to Seniors’ There was great excitement during and after the workshops as people began to ‘catch the vision’ as to how they could use this material to reach
to create quite a sensation as people kept talking to me about it every time I saw them over the two and a half days. Those who bought it have kept in touch by email, informing me of their progress which has all been very encouraging and positive. I have listed some of the groups who are using the material and any comments that have been shared to show what I believe is The Lord’s hand in this work. In Redhill Surrey a group of 38 are meeting. I am told there is a great sense of anticipation and excitement and they particularly enjoy the drama They also hosted an Outlook Mini Conference in March 2012 and I had another successful workshop on Pilgrim’s Progress & other Creative Ways of Sharing the Good News. Farnham ASSIST is a drop in centre for older people in the middle of the town. The group have completed the nine sessions and report that the resource has been very helpful and has been enjoyed by the older people. Interestingly, there were a few church people in attendance who having attended church all their lives, didn’t understand or know of a personal commitment to the Lord. The sessions helped to make that clear and gave opportunity for open discussion. St John’s Church – Harborne is a large church in the centre of Birmingham with a very active Senior’s programme. They have a group of 30 people all over 70, some with church experience but who have made no commitment and others with no church experience whatsoever. The leaders report that the drama helps to keep the study light-
hearted and good fun as well as thought-provoking and exciting and it has become obvious to them that the material can be used for encouraging discipleship as well as finding faith. Others who bought and intend using the material are from Selsden, Oxford, Milford Haven, Poole, Emsworth, Lincoln, High Wycombe, Headington, Wakefield, Stockport, Penarth, Wymondham, Welshpool, Holmes Chapel, East Hampstead, Thame, Leyland, Tywyn Orwynedd, Newbury, London, Guildford, Rugby, Redbourn, Glossop and others. Over the year I have taken workshops in the following churches. These have had a focus on the wider aspects of mission to seniors as well as looking at ways of sharing the Gospel in Residential Homes and using The Pilgrim’s Progress, Selsden Baptist Church wanted to look at ways of taking their ‘Ministry to Seniors’ a step further. Farnham Assist asked for a workshop for their Worship Leaders on interactive and creative ways of leading services in Residential Homes. I am due to meet with a prayer group from Oxford on the 14 June who are just starting reaching out to Seniors. BU & BMS After a visit to Paraguay the Rev Kathryn Morgan, Mission Co-ordinator for the BU (now retired) asked if I would let BMS translate the Pilgrim’s Progress for use in Paraguay. I was delighted for this to happen and I understand this has now been completed. 29
The material was shared recently at the BU Baby Boomers Conference. In a mixed audience were several Baptist and Methodist Ministers, many of whom bought the material for their church groups. Scripture Union has shown an interest in the Pilgrim’s Progress and I was encouraged by their very positive response. Green Pastures Conference Centre, Poole sent for a copy of the Pilgrim’s Progress Interactive Study Guide and have asked if I would lead a 3 day Retreat in 2013. Maria Luckhurst rang me from Croatia to say someone from Estonia, working with Operation Mobilisation (OM) would like to contact me and find out more about what I have been doing with older people. Barry Mann is busy setting up a website for me before going to Lesotho, and this should be in operation shortly. Thank you Barry. At a personal level I have recently been appointed a trustee for the Outlook Trust organisation and have taken on the editorship of the magazine and will be involved with publicity. What happens next I have absolutely no idea, but I am constantly amazed and overwhelmed by the many opportunities that present themselves. The Lord is good! The exciting thing is that more and more people are beginning to catch the vision of reaching older people for Jesus and want to be involved in sharing the Good news of God’s love. Encouraging
others to do this and providing resources for them to do so is what I feel the Lord has laid on my heart and it is wonderful the way He is opening doors. Thank you for your part in making this happen, for your encouragement and prayers, and for trusting me to share this message and give away what we have got. Love and blessings,
New Addresses Gary and Sys Aitkenhead Woodpeckers Larg Drive Winchester SO22 6NU Joy Davies new email address
davidandjoydavies @ virginmedia . com
Isaac and Thomas were dedicated on the 24th June What this dedication means to us. Having Isaac and Thomas dedicated is a chance for us to show our thanks to God for the gift of children and for the blessing they bring. It is also a sign of our commitment to them, to God and to the church family that we will give them every opportunity to know about God through worship, teaching and the example of our own lives.
“It is not flesh and blood but the hearrt which makes us fathers and sons.� Johann Stiller
Jack, Jemima and Faith were baptised May 6th
BMS Birthdays
July 10th 15th
Liz Stacey Jean Sweetenham
August 4th
Time for a change this month, so as a special edition, we have “Tracks Of My Years” with special guest Ewen!
Wayne: So, Ewen, why is music so important to you? Ewen: Music has always been part of my life. It connects with our souls, and makes us want to dance. Music is a gift from God, and there is a song for every important moment throughout life. In fact, music got me my first job. I used to run a mobile disco, a business that started in 1976 and ran until 1987. As I was technical, I made my own disco console and equipment, and a friend’s neighbour saw them and offered me a job with STL, designing audio systems. In fact they even sponsored me through university. Wayne: So, do you think that all music has a spiritual element to it? Ewen: Well, it can be neutral, but actually exceedingly powerful. It is a gift from God, and as such should be used primarily for His purpose. Music can be a spiritual battleground. Wayne: So, what is your first choice? Ewen: I was introduced to The Beatles by my older siblings, who had all their records. It is a soulful track about moving on, and how memories are such powerful things. So, it is especially appropriate as we are leaving Winchester, with so many memories to take with us. My first track is therefore “In My Life” by the Beatles. It was a track that I liked before I was a Christian, especially in my more melancholy, thoughtful moments.
Wayne: Yes, very moving lyrics, especially as Lennon was only 25 when he wrote it, very mature for someone so young. They wrote some amazing lyrics, telling complete stories in a short song. Ewen: Yes, they were very spiritual, although misguided of course. This was about 1976, and I was into Elvis, The Beatles, and The Beach Boys. If we go forward to 1982, we get to when my second song was playing – Too Good To Be True, by the Boys Town Gang (not Andy Williams!!) This was around the time when the New Romantics were around. I came back to the Lord at this time, and I played the 12” version all the time, and to me it seemed that it applied to God. He was too good to be true to me at this time, and I found that my attitudes were changed by the Spirit. I started refusing to play certain records at discos when requests were made, and it gave me real evangelistic opportunities to talk to people and explain why I found some bands and records inappropriate. Wayne: Ok, so we’re in the 80’s, you’re still running the disco, was Pam around then or not? Ewen : Well my next song is my romantic one! This was the song certain records at discos when that I remember from when Pam and I fell in love, and we got engaged, The Bangles with “Eternal Flame”. It’s amazing how these songs can take you right back to your past, to the precise moments when you were listening 31
o s w ' e n ay
to them. Ewen: Probably the most important one to me is “Faithful One” from 1990. This was when the Vineyard influence was growing, although I was rather sceptical of the worship music coming along in those days. At our wedding, Jason Clark and some others played this song as people were coming in. After we were married, we flew to California for our honeymoon, and went to Wimber’s church in Anaheim where he was preaching. There was a sadness in the service as he was getting so much flack for what he stood for. Having preached he sat down at the piano and sang this song. I thought ‘I recognise taht song!’ It was an amazing service, and people prophesised over us, and our lives were pretty much changed from then on. Wayne: And so what of the future, what part will music play? Ewen: Well at Creech I think I will be leading worship a lot more, as I did here when I first started. Then as the worship ministry is built, I’ll let those who are better at it than me take over! We have such strength in our worship teams here and so much talent, and that needs to built there as well. You can listen to any of these on Youtube.
Word Search Word Search Puzzle #O058MZ
Bereft Carts
Cashews Cavalier Cedes Chime Circa
Mothball Outed
Thumbed Trace Trios
Wests Wicks Wiper
Solutions can be found at: Wordsearch number is O058MZ
Copyright Š Puzzle Baron June 8, 2012 - Go to for Hints and Solutions!
crossword puzzle
Go to for hints and solutions!
Across 1. Whaleboat captain of fiction
Puzzle ID: #Z981OT
10. The "G" in EKG
18 21 23
14. "___ smile be your umbrella..."
5. "Don't let these guys escape!"
15. Battery connection 27
16. Kelly of morning talk and daytime drama
17. Newest 500-home-run club member
19. They're worth 1 or 11 in blackjack
20. Valli of "The Third Man"
42 46
47 50
21. Perfumes 51
23. "___ only trying to help" 26. Rabbit Angstrom's creator
27. Fruity, flaky dessert 32. Actress Julie from Norway 33. Poor grade 34. "Love Story" author 38. Wooden strip
58 64
40. Low and Thomas 42. Kemo___ (the Lone Ranger) 43. Memorable impresario
45. Town employee
29. Within reach
59. Device for the modern-day couch potato
1. Actress Jessica of "Dark Angel"
30. Other, in Orleans
60. "___o'clock scholar"
31. Top to go with shorts
61. "Comin'___the rye"
35. Less than a hurricane
64. Former Soviet spy agcy.
36. NASA, e.g.
65. She-bear:Sp.
47. Wall St. takeover
28. Arctic abode
48. His friends visited his Neighborhood
2. Recuperate
51. Resident of Nebraska's most populous city
4. Of epic poetry
54. Dot on a map
3. Italian town 5. Go on and on 6. Roxy Music artist Brian
37. Most people born in August
7. Apt anagram for note
39. Oscar actor for "Forrest Gump"
8. Byrnes and Hall
41. Virologist's comb. form
9. Botch
44. Some Korean cars
10. Spanish nobles
46. Year's second crop of hay
11. Designer Nina ___
49. Quick gulps of liquor
12. Take ___ (glance)
50. Chewed like a beaver
13. Curving shot
51. Disney's Darby
18. Zigged from a course
52. Outdated copier
22. Protestant religious org.
53. A fire sign
70. Disney lion
24. Bandstand boosters
56. City on Utah Lake
71. "___ harm" (medical maxim)
25. Handpick
57. Dross
55. Fire opals 58. Worry 62. Words from one calling a bet 63. Consider 66. Cousin of an onion 67. Hoodlums 68. "... happily ___ after" 69. Any Buffalo Bills Super Bowl result
27. Wire screen
Solutions can be found at Crossword number: Z981OT
Church Secretary’s Report The AGM We have just had our AGM which requires a huge amount of work by many people in finalising all of the reports and accounts that are sent out. Perhaps I can thank them all on behalf of the membership. In the covering email which I sent to members with the agenda for the AGM I said this: “The Annual Report is pretty comprehensive..., you will find that as a Church, or as members, we are involved in, amongst other things, 2 Sunday services, a youth congregation (Edge), Silver Service, Ladies Fellowship and other seniors work, a full children’s programme, Friday Fun, Clusters, house groups, Alpha, CAP money courses, Woman2Woman, men’s events, offering prayer for healing on the streets, Olive Branch counselling, the Churches Night Shelter, the Basics Bank, the Winchester Churches Family Project, overseas work, intercession, a parenting course, students, Treasure Hunting and the Churches Housing Group. People are involved in Boaz and Gideons and Naomi House, in Community Responders, Street Pastors and Winchester Prison, Winchester Bereavement Support, in Pregnancy Counselling, in supporting the children of armed forces personnel
and working with people with special needs, in the YMCA. The list goes on and I have not attempted to be exhaustive - there are many things I have not listed and I know many people do things that they keep to themselves - but my basic point is this; as a relative newcomer, certainly to the Leadership Team, it seems to me that we are in a great church, a church to be excited by, a church to believe in, a church worth talking about”
appropriate, to take a vote on it; if the church profile is agreed by the Meeting, then a draft person specification will be presented to the Leadership Team on September 12th. • After this the time frame is a bit more fluid: all being well the Church Meeting will be presented with the person specification on September 19th; depending on that meeting, the person specification will be put to the vote on October 3rd at If anyone would like to be another Special Church Meeting, involved with anything that we • When the profile is agreed do, either as a volunteer or a then it will go to Tim Williamson participant please feel free to grab to consider if he wishes to apply one of the leadership team and for the post. At this point dates we will be delighted to help you. for November meetings will be The annual report is available to given. anyone who would like to see it; • Carol also pointed out please feel free to ask me or Alan the following: the FDG will be Gregory for a copy. prayerfully considering all the listening they have done during ef June; there is no decision to be At the AGM a lot of ground was made about Tim now as it is covered including (...but these are the process that is important at not the official minutes...) this stage; if Tim wants to be considered for the post, then we Successor for Ewen - Update adopt the same Baptist Union process as always, the only • All groups are being difference being he is an internal visited by a member of the Future candidate. This means therefore Direction Group (FDG) and that the Leadership Team will put individuals are being visited at a recommendation to the Church their request; questions sheets are Meeting in the same way as for being completed which are to be all candidates; Andy Baker will back to the FDG by the end of be involved right through the May. process, not just until the profiles • In early June the views are done – he is going to support of the Leadership Team will be us even during his 3 month sought; on July 4th the FDG will sabbatical at the end of the year; present the draft church profile to everyone is encouraged to keep the Leadership Team to consider; praying; all being well this draft church profile will come to the Church The Accounts Meeting to consider, along with a process update, on July 11th so • Peter Howes took the that everyone has the summer to meeting through the accounts pray and consider the draft church for the last financial year and the profile; a Special Church Meeting budget for the next financial year. will be called on September 5th to discuss the profile, and, if 34
Review of Policies and Risks • These have been revised and updated and were brought to the meeting. Annual Affirmations • The meeting affirmed the list of non-employed members of the church who hold areas of responsibility. Cluster and Advocacy Reports • Children: There have been a number of children’s events, opportunities to hang out together, for example the Disney Party (Hallowe’en alternative) had over 80 children attending. A Parenting Course “Loving Our Kids On Purpose” from Bethel has been piloted, led by Naomi and Paul Bulkeley which it is hoped to roll out in September. Eli is also looking to developing a rolling curriculum throughout the whole COGS age range and making it culturally relevant to each age group. • Youth: In Fresh, material called “The Art of Connecting” is going to be used from September and there could be a call for members of the congregation to come and tell their stories of faith. Becca told the meeting that the Edgers are keen to serve and so look out for them in worship groups etc. The Edge are beginning to organise a band for themselves. On July 1st there will be another baptismal service of three young people from the Edge • Seniors: . Approximately 60 people attend the monthly Silver Service each month but if everyone came at the same time, it would be a struggle to accommodate everyone. Hannah and David are thinking about increasing the Songs of Praise event to become quarterly. With
regard to the Women’s Fellowship group, it would be great if more people were to join and someone step forward into the Leadership role. Much of Hannah’s work this year has been about advocacy for particular members. Investigating helping people face their future with faith (Church of the 3rd Age) is something Hannah and David will be looking at. • Mission Action: Joanne Meharg reported that the new Monday evening missionary prayer meetings, were going well. Joanne told the meeting to look out for ‘looking back’ at our missionary activity and its effects in the church magazine and other places. Dan Myers has been accepted to go to Toronto for six months • Community: Carol Bailey reported that with regard to the Building a Community leadership role, we felt to take a pause. However, Marie Davey and Helen Revans have offered to do our next Church Weekend Away. Our speaker is New Wine speaker Paul Maconochie and the dates for the Weekend Away are 22nd -24th March 2013. • Secretary: Gareth Bartlett’s term of office on the Leadership Team comes to an end in July 2012. The Leadership Team are currently looking at what is needed during this period of transition, how to cover our vision and to liaise with the city, big society etc which may translate into a newly named Leadership Team role.
MEMBERSHIP All of our services and public activities are open to everyone, regardless of their faith or any other characteristic they have. However the Church and its activities are run by a group of Christians who have chosen to become members together in the thing we call Winchester Baptist Church. It is the members who, either directly or through the leadership team they elect, decide what activities the Church is involved in and what the direction of the Church is. We have some particularly important decisions coming up in future months as we look to select a new senior pastor. If you have been coming to the church for a while and see yourself as committed to it, why not consider becoming a member? Membership gives you more of a chance to have a say in our future direction and in our current issues. Have a chat with me for further details. PRAYER MEETINGS Psalm 127 says “If the Lord does not build a house, then those who build it work in vain...It is vain for you to rise early, come home late and work so hard for your food...”. If we believe in God and we believe he answers prayer, imagine the impact that earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer could have. Our prayer meetings are on the first Tuesday evening of every month!
“... it seems to me that we are in a great church, a church to be excited by, a church to believe in, a church worth talking about” 35
PM Communion Service
AM Communion Service
Re:store Ladies Group
Church Prayer Silver Service Meeting 8pm
Re:store Ladies Group
Re:store Ladies Group
Prayer Meeting 7-8am
Prayer Meeting 7-8am
Prayer Meeting 7-8am
D AT E S F O R Y O U R D I A R Y July
Andrew Breakwell, Rachel Jones and Dan Myers’ Baptismal Service pm
3rd July Prayer and Praise Evening
7th July Trailblazer’s Sleepover
The Edge Silver Service
19 26
Silver Service
Friday Fun
Friday Fun
Friday Fun
1st July Barry and Heather Mann’s Commisioning Service am
8th July COGS picnic 10th July COGS course begins for three weeks 11th July Olympic Torch run through Kings Worthy and Winchester
Prayer Meeting 7-8am
PM Communion Service
AM Communion Service
Prayer and Praise Meeting 8pm
Prayer Meeting 7-8am Prayer Meeting 7-8am Prayer Meeting 7-8am
Prayer Meeting 7-8am
13th July Huffman’s Leaving Do at Littleton Hall 17th July COGS Leader’s Meeting 21st July Edge Summer Residential begins 22nd July Ewen’s last day August 4th August Creation Fest week begins 22nd August Rivercamp 2012 begins 24th August Greenbelt begins