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©WindBlowerTM Karima Lachtane Copenhagen Denmark 2009 ISBN 87-991527-9-7
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Reviews of the book AUC Press - The American University in Cairo Press said;
Interesting topic and Impressive research!
DORRANCE Publishing Co Inc; Jean Wahlborg said, Karima Lachtane's "The Secret of Anubis: The Winter Triangle" is a treatise that investigates how the ancient Egyptians viewed the heavens. At the age of twenty-seven, the author worked as a tour leader between Luxor and Aswan in Egypt. Always interested in astrology, she studied it in Denmark and continued with her fascination with ancient cultures. This work examines the winter hexagon, also referred to as the winter triangle, and how the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor that form it may have a direct link to the god Anubis in ancient Egyptian religion. Evidence in the Dendara Temple implies that this connection, which was popularized by the Greeks, is an ancient one. When the Greeks moved into Egypt, they did not destroy the temples of the Egyptians. On the Contrary, Alexander the Great respected the science and arts of the Egyptians. Even in the middle ages, astronomy and astrology was built on the symbolism and observations of the Egyptians, one of the greatest civilizations in history.
This work contains an in-depth discussion of the gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian religion, and how their presence was used by Egyptians to explain the world around them, including the stars in the heavens. Monks and later scientists used the compilation of Egyptian understanding of the heavens to demonstrate how astronomy can be viewed.
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This fascinating work is exhaustively researched, and notes at the end of "The Secret of Anubis: The Winter Triangle" offer further elucidation of this complex topic. Karima Lachtane's considerable knowledge of the subject is evident throughout, and she uses a clear style to present her hypothesis. Anyone who has marveled at the mysteries of the stars or has an interest in ancient Egyptian religion should find this work engrossing.
Tehuti Research Foundation; Moustafa Gadalla said, The book "The Secret of Anubis: The Winter Triangle" shows the passion and talent of the author. The book sheds some interesting light on the subject of astronomy/astrology in Ancient Egypt. There is a lack of good writing available today on this subject, and Karima's work is a necessary step in this process of enlightening the world in this area.
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Book Content
Chapter 1)
The Secret of Anubis, The procession of Anubis.
Chapter 2)
Hieroglyphs, A short explanation.
Chapter 3)
Duamutef/Tuamutef, The heavenly brother of Anubis.
Chapter 4)
From Egypt to Macedonian and the Greeks, Greek constellations.
Chapter 5)
The Winter Triangle, The three that becomes one.
Chapter 6)
Sah and Septit, Wife and husband.
Chapter 7)
Orion and Sirius Everlasting, From one comes two, and from the two the third is born, Osiris.
Chapter 8)
The 7 divine beings, The guardians of the souls and life.
Chapter 9)
Conclusion of this book.
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Side 6
Synopsis There have been thousands of books made about the mysteries of ancient Egypt, but none like this book called ‘the secret of Anubis’. From the beginning it gives you a clear idea of how complex the ancient really were, and how even the word in itself carried a deeper meaning than ever thought of before. The subtitle alludes to the connections between ‘the above’ and ‘the below’, Sirius is known as an important Star to the ancients, but the reasons for its impotency seems to always be connected to the Nile, and here people tend to end the story.
‘The secret of Anubis – the winter triangle’, goes into depths about who Sirius was, and you will read the name on the walls of the tombs. As Karima starts in Duamuted (also known as Tuamutef).
the ancient days, she makes parallel through time, showing you how astronomy and astrology became divided into two subjects, but in a much more detailed
manner. Many manuscripts have now been found, and we can suddenly see a new Patten emerging from the mist.
Never have there been a book going into such details about the four protectors of the coffins, Who were called Duamuted, and Qebhsennuf, and Hapi, and Mestha. But did you know that this group of protectors are actually a group of seven divine beings? There are three more which are never mentioned, but now the secret of Anubis brings light to these protectors, and present a much deeper picture of the ancient Egyptian culture. Now karima has turned a key among the ancients and in this book she gives you her research about these themes’ which should shine some new light upon a lot of subjects.
Celestial map from 1440 from Oesterreichishe
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I would personally state that everything in this book is new, or rather the thought process behind the book is a new angle, which I personally believe is both needed and will indeed be appreciated. Karima does not try to disprove other peoples opinions, she merely adds another angel which was last presented in 1884 by Sir Norman Lockyer in the book called ‘The dawn of Astronomy’, which is a book she really adores.
Many authors have tried to connect the Pyramids to Orion’s belt, Karima believes that these authors went right by the real mysteries of ancient Egypt. Neglecting to see what was right under our noses, and this has made people able to make all sorts of theories, but apparently missing a basis of proof to just make them plausible. Karima has collected all sorts of proof of something much deeper. The different subjects included in this exciting book are not few, and yet they offer their own deep connection. Different manuscripts of the ‘book of the dead’ -scenes are analyzed and compared, furthermore she visually links the stars to the tomb chamber itself.
Anubis chest found in Tut-ankh-amuns tomb.
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Ancient Egyptian Astronomy Is one of the hardest subject of ancient Egypt, and yet it is vital for the understanding of their belief, of life and death and the after world. Very interesting fact exist around the subject of astronomy, which clearly date much further back than anyone ever thought. The Egyptian left us their knowledge, which changed through the century, and now help people to have their horoscopes made. But the Egyptian did not use that much time on individual horoscopes, at least not in the sense that we use them today. They seem to have almost the same knowledge, that we have through our modern satellites, but this should be impossible. Their knowledge about the stars and their placement, seem to reach fare beyond our ‘modern’ knowledge. Sirius foretold the Niles flooding, and she also brought the New Year.
Through Sirius and other stars, they were able to ‘tell time’ something we defiantly take for granted in our modern world. Many people tend to look at their watches , to see what time it is. They tend to forget, that it is not the clock that detriments the time, but rather the movement of our own planet and other factors. In this book we start out by looking deeper to Anubis’ character. And reveal his heavenly brother known as ’Duamutef’ one of the Seven divine beings. This is the introduction into their perception of the stars, giving each a name a divinity, and a character that portrayed that given entity. So is Duamutef a protective star, that was very important. You will find him portrayed in the tombs and upon the temples. Most notable is the lack of information explaining these beings or why they are important.
This Product—Book • Fabric Hard Cover • Book bound by the author • Colour illustrations and pictures • Un-edited, Raw and completely as the author wanted it.
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Sample of chapter six (6)
Sah and Septit, Wife and husband.
The canopic jaws (picture above), are only one part of the funeral ritual. Sirius was a goddess and she was also known as the ‘Queen of the Decans’ and she was the wife of Orion.
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The most common information people know about the Egyptian skies, is that the star Sirius was of great importance to them, because when it raised the Nile floods would begin, making it the mistress of Sirius. The Egyptians called Sirius “Septit/Sopdet”, at the time of Alexandria the great Ptolemaic probably changed this (instead of interpreting it wrong) 4, because the Greeks later called this star “Sothis”. Another clue which give away this idea that the Greek/Romans changed things, is in the visual image of ‘the great dog’, where in ancient Egypt this star constellation was shown as a cow (the heavenly cow probably).
Septit/Sopdet/Sothis was also at this time referred to as the ’dog star’, The queen of the 36 Dekans also making her, queen over Orion/Osiris. But here the star’s name is “Septit”, indicating that even this word is more complex then first viewed. In the book “The Complete Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt” by Richard H. Wilkinson were it is written, that She was believed to be depicture in ancient times, as the Cow with a plant emblem between her horns.
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Sopdet /Sothis was referred to as, “the bringer of the new year and the Nile flood”. In the ancient times she was Sah’s (page 55) wife. What the funny part about her name is, that it is not really mentioned in the Book of the Dead. But Sirius is mentioned in the Pyramid texts, which again are older than the Book of the Dead. But let us take a closer look, at the pyramid texts; Utterance 265 – 573 from the Pyramid texts; Line 357a The sister of N. (probably the deceased’s name) is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star Line 357b N. is that (star) which is with Ré (Ra) on the under (side) of the body of the sky.
Line 341c His sister is Sothis; His mother is in DwTt (Morning star)
Line 458a To say: Heaven is serene (?); Sothis lives, for it is N. who lives the son of Sothis.
Line 449b Sothis caused N. to fly to heaven among his brothers the gods.
Line 632c That thy seed may go into her, (while) it is pointed like Sothis.
Line 632d Horus the pointed has come forth from thee as Horus who was in Sothis.
Line 723a Thou shalt tiptoe heaven like s (the toe-star): Thy soul shall be pointed like Sothis (the pointed star) - Page 61 -
Side 15 Line 822a Your third is Sothis of the pure places.
Line 822b She is your leader (or, who will lead you) by the beautiful ways in heaven.
Line 965a It is Sothis, thy daughter, who loves thee,
Line 965b Who secures thy livelihood (or, makes thy yearly offerings), in this her name of “Year”.
Line 1123b His sister is Sothis; his guide is the morning star;
Line 1428b – 1428e Sothis washed the hands of N., at his birth, on that day, o gods. N. knows (remembers)? Not his first mother whom he knew; it is Nut who has borne N., with Osiris.
After reading these lines from the Pyramid texts, one can again conclude that Sothis (Sirius, Septit Sopdet) was somehow among the stars. She appears to have been seen as a guider among the stars, to the place of the pure. And she is also named “Years” as the Pyramid texts states, which suddenly…..
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Details which will give the reader a clear visual image, of who the Egyptian saw the dark heaven at night.
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How to read a book for FREE •
Would you like to read a book, any book, but you might not be able to afford it under these economy crises? Then here is the tip for you, and also one that I use myself. - You go to the library near you, and just request it by its ISBN-number. The awesome thing about this way of reading a book, is that other people will also be able to read it, after your done with it.
This is a short sample of the book ’The secret of Anubis, The winter Triangle’. Which is a book about ancient Egyptian astronomy and astrology. The author present her ideas and thoughts in a clear manner, and with pictures and illustrations. Anyone interested in ancient Egypt, should find this book more than fulfilling. The book explains in detail how the gods and goddess of ancient Egypt, were linked directly to the stars. After you have read this book, you will be able to recognize the names of stars, upon the ancient temple walls. The ancient Egyptian’s belief will unfold in a completely new way.
This Product—Book • Fabric Hard Cover • Book bound by the author • Colour illustrations and pictures • World Wide FREE Shipping and Handling!
ON SALE! Copenhagen, Denmark www.windblower.dk E-mail: windy@mail.dk
Price: $ 50.00 Type: Hard Cover Book
ISBN 87-991527-9-7