Kindergarten Information Night
Is my child ready?
Why is kindergarten important?
What will my child learn?
What does the Windermere ELC kinder program offer?
Is there a financial impact on my family? How do I choose the right kinder for my child?
We get asked these questions all the time, so we thought we’d hold a kinder information night. We’ll give you:
• An insight into why kindergarten is an important opportunity for children
6:00pm – 7.30pm (light refreshments provided)
• Explain how the government rebates work
Conference room, Windermere Early Learning Frankston 1A Holmes Street, Frankston
• Discuss the question of ‘stand alone’ or ‘centre based’ kinder
Monday, 26 October 2015
Time: Where:
• Look at how to combine your child care needs with the kinder program
• Discuss any other questions you care to ask. (Send it through with your RSVP or keep it for the night, but don’t forget to ask!) This is your time to find out all you need to know.
Please RSVP via email
View our indoor and outdoor program areas and state of the art facility while you are there
or phone 9784 5300
by Wednesday 21st October.