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Windermere NEWS Flipping
Family Violence on its Head
Cally & Makrem need your help this Christmas Keeping more
kids on track
CEO’s message Welcome to our Windermere News. As another year draws to an end, I reflect on the many great achievements we at Windermere have been able to achieve, with thanks to your very generous support.
On behalf of everyone who works at Windermere and from those who receive our support, I wish you and your family a happy and safe festive season. Thank you for putting up your hand and saying yes to being part of our community. I look forward to sharing more great news about the impact we make together in 2017. Dr Lynette Buoy
Delving into topics including drug and alcohol awareness, cyber bullying and safety, anger management and anxiety and depression: this year alone the 8 week program has reached over 120 grade 5 and 6 students, giving them the skills to make better informed choices. Even at this young age, many students are experiencing and displaying anti-social behaviours that bring trouble to their day to day lives. Our Kids on Track programs aims to help them overcome this and have a better future.
After completing the Kids on Track, ALL of the students at Seaford North Primary School indicated they would do things differently in the futu re. 23%
At Kananook Primary students felt that the way they managed their anger improved by 50% “I learnt that there are other ways to deal with anger instead of taking it out on someone.”
Students at Mahogany Rise Primary School felt their knowledge and understanding about privacy and what they should and shouldn’t post online improved by 40% “You can’t delete stuff from the internet once it’s posted, so don’t put up pictures you don’t want to be shared or your personal details.”
This program works with teens aged 13–15 and aims to create and build positive perspectives and behaviours around gender based violence. Read more about how your support is making a difference to their lives on pages 2 & 3. As we head into 2017, we will once again be kicking off the AFL premiership season in style with our Bounce of the Ball luncheon. Join us on March 21 on the hallowed turf of the G, as we rub shoulders with legends of the game, and get the inside word on the upcoming season, all to support mums & bubs doing it tough.
Cranbourne Park and Seaford North Primary schools who have both been with us since 2011 continued to be involved, as they believe the program is critical.
Every single day, with thanks to your support, we help 31 people get back on their feet. 50% of those we help are accessing our services around family violence. To counter this in future generations your donations also help fund our work around developing a culture of respectful relationships through our Building Respectful Relationships schools program.
We are so pleased to announce that with thanks to your generous support, we have been able to expand our Kids on Track program. In 2016 we delivered the service to an additional four schools including Aldercourt, Bonbeach, Kananook & Mahogany Rise Primary Schools.
With thanks to your generosity, together we really do make a positive impact on the lives of many.
Keeping more kids on track
For many of us Christmas is a precious and happy time, but for some in our community it can be difficult and lonely. Our Merry Mission campaign aims to bring joy and happiness to children and families in your local community who receive support from Windermere. Many have experienced extreme disadvantage, trauma and vulnerability and may not be able to afford food and necessities, let alone Christmas gifts. If you haven’t already given this year, now is as good a time as any. Check out pages 4–5 for details on our Merry Mission Appeal and how you can help other local children like Cally and Makrem.
How your support is helping Flipping Family Violence on its head Our Building Respectful Relationships program creates and builds positive perspectives and behaviours in students around gender. The program has seen great success since its inception and this year alone we have reached over 170 Year 9 students at Cranbourne Secondary College.
st powerful “Your program has been one of the mo y are positive influences on our students…The another one displaying greater tolerance towards llenge others and are more resilient and willing to cha who exhibit harmful behaviours.” ndary College Martin Cash, Principal – Cranbourne Seco
The program topics of respectful relationships help define violence and abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment, and communication and consent. Throughout the program there have been a number of students who have identified with the topics covered as they have reflected personal experiences; our expert facilitators have been able to link these students with individual supports and counselling funded through local philanthropist The Garry White Foundation.
Newsboys continues to build respect
With thanks to their generosity, we are able to provide weekly ongoing counselling assistance located at the school for students in the program. Since being involved in the program, two-thirds of students felt they had changed the way they related towards other people. Additionally, out of the 38% of students who indicated they did not know about sexual harassment prior to the program, almost all indicated they were going to change how they treated other people.
Did you know?
Sandy Shaw, CEO Newsboys Foundation
Two women are killed every week as a result of family violence – across our work with families, schools and community groups we strive to drive this number down
For more information about how you can support these programs or to make a tax deductible donation.
Please call 1300 946 337 or use the coupon on the back page.
A big THANKS to Newsboys Foundation for funding the program at Cranbourne Secondary College, for a second year in a row. Together we really have made a difference in the lives of our young people.
“We are delighted the program has been such a success to date and we are pleased to support the second year of the Building Respectful Relationships Program.”
The City of Casey has the highest number of family violence incidents in Victoria. 50% of the people we work every day are experiencing family violence.
Help Cally & Makrem this Christmas
tter By giving a gift this Christmas, no ma the size, you will be helping children gift and their families in real need. Your those provides assistance and support to r, who most need our services every yea just like Cally and Makrem.
Cally is the middle child from a family of 7. At school, they’re getting ready for the end of term making decorations and cards for their families. This year even though Cally will have her whole family around her, it will be her sole responsibility to make sure Christmas happens. You see, her mum has cancer and her siblings have a variety of illnesses including mutism, blindness and ADHD, as well as mental health problems. At 12 years old Cally dreams about how wonderful Christmas might be, she even imagines receiving her perfect gift – The Magical Christmas: A Colouring Book with a new set of pencils. Instead, the daily reality for Cally is worrying about grocery shopping, paying bills and making sure dinner is on the table each night for her family. Cally wishes Christmas was fun and exciting for her family too but knows this isn’t possible.
This Christmas, Makrem wants to hang out with his dad. Sadly, after the last time he saw him, Makrem confided to his mum “Dad tried to hurt me with a knife”. Understandably, Makrem’s world is confusing and full of sadness. He’s afraid of feeling lonely when Christmas is supposed to be a happy time spent with family. With no belongings and little money, but protected within a safe house away from his dad, the best Makrem can hope for this Christmas, is a small present and chocolate crackles for dessert.
You can create a Merry Moment for Makrem by donating today at christmas
With your help Cally’s wishes can come true, making things a little easier for the family and bringing some Christmas cheer to their lives.
Want to know more?
Why our Merry Mission Appeal?
Christmas is not so much about opening presents, as opening our hearts
For most of us Christmas is a precious and happy time, but for some in our community it can be a difficult and lonely time. Circumstances can mean families find themselves needing the most basic of items – food, money to pay bills and gifts for children and many have experienced extreme disadvantage, trauma and vulnerability. Throughout the year we work in your local community assisting those experiencing adversity.
Become a Merry Maker and donate today. This Christmas, together we can give children like Cally and Makrem the gift of a better life.
How your tax-deductible donation can help create Merry Moments this Christmas:
$25,000 Donation target
A gift of $200 this Christmas will ensure children dealing with crisis, trauma or assault, are provided with highly specialised counselling.
A $100 donation will provide a family like Cally’s with a hamper of essentials this Christmas, items such as pasta, stir through sauces, tinned tuna, washing powder and personal toiletries.
This Christmas a $50 donation can provide a sensory toy for an intellectually disabled child.
How do donate 1. Fill in the coupon on the back page and return to: Windermere Reply Paid 84615 Narre Warren VIC 3805
2. Online at: 3. Call the Fundraising Team on 9705 3286
Make this Christmas one they want to remember. Visit or email
Partnering with
Windermere While some of our services receive state and federal funding, we rely on our sponsors and supporters to provide additional support, allowing us to respond quickly to community demands. We could not do what we do on our own so thank you! We absolutely know that together we make a positive difference to so many lives.
Community Helping Community
ilia’s Primary School Thank you to the Grade 6’s at St Cec in Glen Iris! Involvement Project, As part of their grade 6 Community r old Juliet Bond the ‘Windermere Group’ led by 12 yea cake sale to raise organised donation tins, a raffle and e’s programs. funds and awareness for Windermer my dad’s work, “ I know about Windermere through children so our team agreed we wanted to help as”, said Juliet. who weren’t going to have a Christm
The Good Gu ys Doing Goo d initiatives se $1 million do e over nated back to more than 10 charities, like 0 local Windermere Child and Fam through The ily Services, Good Guys Lo cal Giving Pro More than $5 g ra 00,000 in-kin d giving is also m. each year to d more than 1,0 onated 00 local com and families. munity group s The Good Gu ys Narre Warre n Store Execu Manager, Mat tive thew Sheedy, said he is pro able to suppo ud to be rt Windermere Child and Fam Services. ily “We strongly believe in stre ngthening ou by supportin r community g essential pro grams, servic projects at a e s and grassroots le vel. “Doing good and making a difference in community is the local an integral p art of what it a Good Guy,” means to be Matthew said . The Good Gu ys have been supporting u very generou s since 2010, sly contributi ng more than Windermere $30,000 to and local fam ilies in need.
Crazy Colours for Homelessness Over the last two years Berwick Fields Primary School have contributed more than $2,000 to Windermere, allowing us to provide vital services to those in need. Most recently, they held a crazy hair & dress day, to raise funds and awareness of homelessness. “ The students at Berwick Fields PS were pleased to be able to support homeless people living in the City of Casey, through Windermere’s programs. Everyone had lots of fun on our dress up day wearing ‘crazy hair and crazy dress!” Sue Johnston & Stephen Gilbert | Junior School Council Coveners Thank you Berwick Fields!
What’s on Save the Date
Tuesday 21st March Members Dining Room MCG
If the thought of the first siren of the AFL season can’t come soon enough, then you can’t afford to miss our 2017 Bounce of the Ball luncheon.
Tuesday 21st March | Members Dining Room @ the G
Join us once again on the hallowed turf of the ‘G’ as we get the ball bouncing on 2017. Or call the fundraising team on (03) 9705 3286
For those of you who came, you’ll know the afternoon of Sunday 9th October had it all! Champagne, delicious food, wonderful company, 100km gale force winds and two very contrasting guest speakers. Herald Sun columnist Susie O’Brien lived up to her reputation of being contentious and divisive, while past Windermere consumer Krystal showed tremendous courage in sharing her story – taking out intervention order after order and fleeing property after property, doing everything in her power to protect her children from their mentally ill and abusive father.
Kick off the 2017 AFL Premiership season in style, register your interest NOW!
With thanks to you and Zagames, we raised over $13,000 giving us the opportunity to help 4 other women and their children, in situations similar to Krystal’s and fleeing domestic violence. THANK YOU!!
Home is where the HeART is This year local Berwick resident and creative Amber Bulte embarked on a one of a kind project. In response to the mass housing shortage and sense of loss of community, rather than knock down and rebuild units, Amber chose to celebrate a great home in a great community. The renewed property was opened as a gallery home, featuring various arts and crafts pieces from local artists. Through the successful sale of the home and various pieces of art – and thanks to the generous support of Peake Real Estate and local artists – Amber was able to donate thousands of dollars back into the community. This included a very generous $3500 donation to Windermere, helping us to continue providing essential services to local families and children in need. House images from @amberbulte on Instagram
Thank You Amber!
Amber Bulte with Dr Lynett e Buoy
We would like to acknowledge our valued supporters
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PAYMENT DETAILS All donations $2 and over are tax deductible My cheque/money order is enclosed and made payable to Windermere Child and Family Services OR Please debit this card:
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Windermere Reply Paid 84615 Narre Warren VIC 3805
Donate online at Phone 1300 946 337