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A World of Wildlife, Waterfalls and Wonder

America’s rst national park is out of this world, equally mesmerizing for kids and adults alike. Think steaming geysers (like Old Faithful), thermal pools, boiling mudpots, the Grand Prismatic Spring, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces.

Stand On Top Of The World

One of the most amazing ways to travel into the park is by way of the Beartooth Highway. From the quaint and vibrant town of Red Lodge, this All American Roads scenic byway covers switchbacks for 69 miles to the northeast entrance of the park, 6 miles past Cooke City. But, at about 38 miles from Red Lodge you’ll be at the Top of the World. Step out for a family sel e and some refreshment at the Top of the World Store.

Wild animals are just that—wild. It’s important to follow wildlife safety, never feed wildlife, and always keep a safe distance from wildlife.

75 feet is around two school buses.

Explore all the wild and wonderful adventures in Montana, and learn how to recreate responsibly, too.

1. When it’s time to retreat to your tent for the night, it’s important to extinguish your camp re completely.

2. It’s okay to leave trash on trails; rangers will pick it up.

3. On a clear night, you can see the Milky Way in Montana’s night sky.

4. Family dogs are allowed on all trails in Yellowstone National Park, and it’s okay to keep them off leash.

5. There’s a T. rex skeleton in Bozeman, Montana.

6. The world’s tallest active geyser is in Yellowstone National Park.

6. TRUE. Steamboat Geyser in the Norris Geyser Basin can erupt over 380 feet high.

5. TRUE. You can see a fully mounted T. rex skeleton at the Museum of the Rockies.

4. FALSE. Dogs are not allowed on trails in the park; also, please respect leash laws in other parts of the state.

3. TRUE. And if you’re lucky you may even see the northern lights.

2. FALSE. It’s never okay to litter anywhere. Pack out everything you pack in.

1. TRUE. Never leave a camp re unattended and always put it out completely.


Stay 75 feet away from elk, bighorn sheep, deer and most other wildlife.

Stay 100 feet away from bison. Stay 150 feet away from bears.

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