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Shopping is an inevitable part of the adventure, and it’s alive and well in Montana. Whether you’re looking for a new fly rod and brand-name outdoor gear or just want to stroll the eclectic boutiques, local shops and galleries of Montana’s downtown communities, retail and recreation go hand in hand here in Yellowstone Country. Our full-service towns have everything you’ll need on the road and on the trail, and all the other good stuff too…like huckleberry jam and your new favorite Montana T-shirt.
Made In Montana
In Big Sky Country, we value genuine Montana-made products. When we buy from our friends, neighbors and community members, we’re supporting our local economy and a culture of people doing what they love in a place they love. You’ll be surprised just how many artisans are creating here—crafting everything from jewelry and apparel, to artwork, pottery and furniture, to fly rods, candles, soaps, foods and finds. Here’s a handful of our favorite authentic Yellowstone Country products. Be sure to take something home with you to remember us by (though it’s not likely you’d forget us anyway). Made in Montana treasures can be found in local shops and galleries as well as at farmers markets, arts and crafts shows, festivals and online.