The best and simplest example of Tuning Element Technology can be demonstrated with two tuning forks of the same frequency. If the first one is held silent, unmoving, and untouched, and the second one is struck, the first tuning fork will begin to resonate, hum, or "sing" in harmony and balance with the one which has actually been struck. Your Tuning Element Bracelet acts as that necessary outside "reference point" for your body. This characteristic is described as resonance.
Tuning Element Technology has its roots in the work of Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer and has been in use since the earliest days of Space Exploration. Lakhovsky correctly theorized that all living cells have three things in common which typically are associated with electronic circuitry. These characteristics include resistance, capacitance, and inductance. . These characteristics, when functioning correctly, will allow the cells to resonate without dissonance, "reference point" from an outside source, a T