DUP R221 // 2022 DUP Wake Catalogue

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DUP WAKE 221 our boards. no variation struction across all of We have a standard con mium grade suppre g everyone. Only usin on materials is good for control and more e to stress about quality plies, means we dont hav about shit breaking rry wo to e er, don’t hav importantly, YOU, the rid sustainably sourced our plied Polyurethane to down. From our USA sup our boards individual g is finely tuned to keep Paulonia cores, everythin ity. egr and maintain int shapes unique, responsive

OW; Here’s the deal.


inu e to be th e s is an d wi ll alw ay s co nt DU P; Alwa ys wa s, alw ay ou r sle ev es bo ar din g. W e we ar it on ke wa re co of on iti fin de ev er y da y. IN G so lid. En d of sto ry. Ou r pr od uc t, It’ s FU CK wh at we pu t u ar e go ing to fin d ou t If yo u re ad fu rt he r, yo in: ’s wh at we DO N’ T pu t int o ou r pr od uc ts. He re bu zz an d d to ge ne ra te ma rk eti ng US EL ES S TE CH , de sig ne do nt ex ist, at th tr y to so lve pr ob lem s ind us tr y Hy pe . W e do nt ht. we jus t bu ild ou r sh it rig go ch an gin g ke y tea m dr ive n. W e do n’t FA D TR EN DS , W e ar e a tr en d. If ou r ca us e we ar e fo llo wi ng spe cs in ou r pr od uc t be it, yo u wi ll e kn ow if th e tea m lo ve W in. es go it it, nt wa tea m an d ma ke su re ke th e tim e to de ve lo p to o. W e wi ll alw ay s ta we hit th e GO bu tto n. so me th ing wo rk s be fo re ga nic ally lly yo u wi ll to o. W e or fu pe ho it e lik we if T, SA FE AR es, we ta ke ts. Fo r us , we ar e cr ea tiv cu ra te ou r ar t an d ar tis ’s th e po int. t fo r ev er yo ne , an d th at no s It’ t. ar r ou in ide pr

Lightweight .3mm TPU top sheet. Light weight and protective sheet allowing the profiled core and glass to flex true to form.

inated Pualonia A grade vertically lam Sustainably sourced flex, while le tab dic pre es the most timber core. This giv and rebound. providing great pop

Single wrap 600g TRAIX glass. Triax glass not only allows us to reduce weight by using less glass and epoxy overall, but also gives ultimate torsional and lineal strength without sacrificing flex.

#t ru ew ak e. If yo u kn ow, yo u kn ow. Pe ac e. W W W.D UP W AK E.C OM

Poured Polyurethane side walls. PU creates a lower durometer to a more traditional ABS marterial, allowing the sidewalls to absob impact and flex with the board .

.6mm Sintered PTEX base. The denser properties in the Sintered base; protect against longer term wear and day-to -day impact.

RRP $1099

YANNIK PATON CASTANO PRO SAP PAR OD 144 / 148 / 152 / 156 to mat ch the Wit h clin ical prec isio n and tech nica lity rs ride r. ride true best of the best, Yan nik Pato ns is a e and flex Our boa rd eng inee rs hav e com bine d shap s of Yan niks to crea te a boa rd that mee ts the dem and row est tip nar our rail ridi ng tale nt. Star ting with amo unt of flex and tail , we hav e appl ied the max imum l main tain ing for smo oth exte nde d pres sing , whi le stil hea vy rail to rail soli d stre ngt h betw een you r feet for and nar row est s tran sfer s. Com ing in our larg est size the mod ern rail stan ce the Sapp aro d is the true king of of a kind art wor k era. All coa ted with @So lrac _rs one for ulti mat e pun ch. Key Feat ures Dyn a6 base form ula Dro pped Edg e pro file Flat line Hul l PU Side Wal ls 600 G TriA X layu p Stra tegi c CNC pro file d cor e 100 % Pau lon ia Timb er Cor e

Length (cm) 144 148 152 156 Width (cm) 43 44 44.5 45 Rocker (cm) 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 Stance / Foot placement (cm) 49 - 59 49 - 59 52 - 62 52 - 62 Insert Placement Spread (cm) 34 - 75 34 - 75 37 - 77 37 - 77 SKU-221wDUPSAP


O LIOR SOFER PR 2 / 14 6 AT LA S 13 8 / 14

si gn er s an d r So fe r. O ur de o Li n o pi am ch to Li o r’ s X w o rl d d co n st ru ct io n an e ap D es ig n ed fo r 3 sh as tl o m is ed th e A A tl as h as en gi n ee rs cu st e lo ad in g. Th e n li up ed er w es . Ta pe re d d po o th er D U P sh ap sm o o th st yl e an in en se t o n g re le as e. su bt le ty t w h il e cr ea ti n gh ei w co m pl ex it y an d g in sw s lo ad ed. fi le re du ce yo u lo ck ed an d ts ge il ti p an d ta il pr o ra n w bi n in g le n gt h st ep do t la n di n g. C o m es vi ea h e th Th re e q ua rt er s en e A tl as ve an d ve e so ft as e fo rm ul a. Th B B le n de d co n ca a6 yn D ew n a h o ur al l al l o f th is w it rs at il it y. Sa bb ab ve d ar o eb ak w in is th e st an da rd K ey Fe at ur es rm ul a D yn a6 ba se fo St ep D o w n ra il l ee B le n de d H ul C o n ca ve an d V P U Si de Wal ls yu p 6 0 0 G Tr iA X la il pr o fi le Ta Length (cm) 138 142 Ta pe re d Ti p / Width (cm) 42 43 Rocker (cm) 7.3 7.3 Stance / Foot placement (cm) Insert Placement Spread (cm)

146 44 7.3 50 - 60 52 - 62 52 - 62 34 - 75 37 - 77 37 - 77



RRP $849

TOBIAS MICHEL PRO CHI L V 137 / 141 / 145 / 149 / 153 d cor e and as a reThe Chi lV has our mos t hea vily pro file tail whi le main tain sult, it has ulti mat e flex in the tip and ssab le with grea t ing THE sign atur e DUP dur abil ity. Pre and effo rtle ss on rele ase and incr edib le swin g weig ht. Fast as Tob ias has rede the wat er and butt er soft land ings . Just ally rede fine d the fine d park ridi ng the Chi l V has con tinu stan dar d for a park boa rd. Key Feat ures

Length (cm Dyn a6 base form ula ) 137 Width (cm 141 Dro pped Edg e pro file 145 ) 42 149 Rocker (cm 43 153 Flat line Hul l 4 4 ) 7 4 .3 4 .5 ls Wal Stance / F 7.3 7.3 4 PU Side oot placem 7.3 5 ent (cm) Insert Pla 7 600 G TriA X layu p .3 49 - 59 49 cement Sp - 59 52 - 6 read (cm) Stra tegi c CNC pro file d cor e 2 52 - 62 5 34 - 75 34 2 - 62 - 75 37 - 7 100 % Pau lon ia Timb er Cor e 7 37 - 77 3 7 - 77



RRP $949


SDR 141 / 145 / 15

truction, UP flat line cons D d ve lo y ad re al ok the diet. Solid Our designers to e tip and tail on a th t pu en th d e an the tip and tail. Th added reverse vee in r te gh li d an er but soft ced swing between the feet tter but with redu hi y av he a of el fe in the tip and SDR has the solid p. Edge concaves po e li ol d an s il es weight, extra pr ging power and ra ed te ea cr e ve e rs e reve ards and each tail and signatur ams, favourite bo te r ou of e on is ition unique limited ed control.The SDR a r fo r de ri t en ahrt a differ of DUP @yeah_N r ne w year we pair with O o C d an sident artist al graphic. SDR. This year, re is multi dimension th on m ha ra G worked with Cam Key Features mber Core 100% Paulonia Ti tion Flat line construc Dyna6 Base Walls Polyurethane Side p e Fibreglass layu 600 Gram Tri Axl filed Core Strategically Pro Reverse Vee Hull Length (cm) 141 145 Width (cm) 43 44 Rocker (cm) 7.3 7.3 Stance / Foot placement (cm) Insert Placement Spread (cm)



150 44.5 7.3 49 -59 49 - 59 52 - 62 52 - 62 37 - 77 37 - 77 39 - 80 39 - 80


RRP $949

THE TEAM FAVOURITE SD R 14 1 / 14 5 / 15 0 t lin e alr ea dy lo ve d DU P fla Ou r de sig ne rs to ok th e tip e rs e ve e an d th en pu t th co str uc tio n ad de d re ve fte r be tw een th e fee t bu t so an d ta il on a die t So lid so lid e th s ha d ta il. Th e SD R an d lig ht er in th e tip an igh t, we t wi th re du ce d sw ing fee l of a he av y hit ter bu tip p. Ed ge co nc av es in th e ex tr a pr ess an d ol lie po po wg gin ed te re ve rs e ve e cr ea an d ta il an d sig na tu re er an d ra il co nt ro l. Ke y Fe at ur es Co re 10 0% Pa ul on ia Tim be r Fl at lin e co ns tr uc tio n Dy na 6 Ba se PU Sid e Wall s p 60 0G Tr iA x gl as s la yu re Co St ra teg icPro fil ed Re ve rs e Ve e Hu ll

Length (cm) 137 141 145 150 Width (cm) 42 43 44 44.5 Rocker (cm) 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 Stance / Foot placement (cm ) 49 -59 49 - 59 52 - 62 52 - 62 Insert Placement Spread (cm ) 37 - 77 37 - 77 39 - 80 39 - 80 SKU-221wDUPSDP




The heavy hitter of the DUP range. The Anti Pro used a more consistent flex than ou r other boards and this pays off for the rider who demand s power and durability. Dual rocker lines and vee hull kee p the Anti Pro fast and powerful on edge but softer on landing. Subtle strategic co re profiling allows for rail co ntrol and effortless press without sacrificing the solid feel and strength. Antoni’s progressive rail style demand s a board that consistently delivers in the park. If Anto ni puts his name too it, you know it will deliver for you. Key Features All new Dyna6 base formula 100% Paulonia Timber Core Flat line construction Polyurethane Side Walls 600 Gram Tri Axle Fibreglas s layup Adjusted flex profile Strategically Profiled Core V Hull

139 143 147 Length (cm) 136 44 44 43 Width (cm) 42 7.3 7.3 7.3 3 - 64 7. ) m (c er ck Ro 52 - 62 54 - 64 54 62 52 ) m (c t en em 39 - 80 Stance / Foot plac - 77 37 - 77 39 - 80 37 ) m (c ad re Sp t Insert Placemen



RRP $799

DELTA 136 / 139 / 143 / 14




True to the Double Up root s, the Delta combines the bes t of our new technology with the freeride feel Double Up has been famous for since ’96 . Designed to perform both in the park and behind the bo at, the Delta features 600 Gram Tri Axle glass & strate gically profiled timber core. Wide tip and Tail profile, wi th channelling that gives yo u just enough hold for a solid edge, but not feel like you are on railroad tracks, allow ing you to break free on demand, V hull for super so ft landings. Key Features 100% Paulonia Timber Core Flat line construction Dyna6 Base Polyurethane Side Walls 600 Gram Tri Axle Fibreglas s Strategically Profiled timber core Dropped Edge Profile V Hull 3 Stage Rocker

139 143 147 Length (cm) 136 44 44 43 42 ) m (c th id W 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 - 64 54 - 64 Rocker (cm) ) 52 - 62 52 - 62 54 m (c t en em ac - 80 pl Stance / Foot 37 - 77 39 - 80 39 77 37 ) m (c ad Spre Insert Placement



CLICHE 133 / 137 / 142 / 147 No need to break the brank for all-round performance! The Cliche is for everyone. Th e tip and tail feature cup rails and minor in mold fins for incredible edge hold wh ile the V hull gives great lift, so ft landings, and increases ollie power. Combine all this with the 3 stage rocker and flat base you will find out wh y this board is the basis for so many shapes on the marke t today. Key Features – V.E.D. (Variable Edge Desig n) – V Hull (V Shaped Hull) – S.C.R (Step Cap Rail Desig n) – 3 Stage rocker – CUP Rails – PBT (Deck Material) – Reverse V Hull – Flat line construction

Length (cm) 133 Width (cm) 40

137 41

142 42.5

DUP WAKE 221 RRP $449

RODEO 124 BIG performance for little shredders. The Rodeo is designed for the sm aller rider looking to progress. The Su btle 3 Stage rocker combined with the wi de Tip/tail profile and exit slots give this board a consistent lift off the wake. While the In-mo ld fins and full length step down rail give it great Edge hold for full control into the wa ke. Size 124 Flat Line Construction Nexus Base PBT (Deck Material) Wide tip and tail profile V Hull (V Shaped Hull) Exit Channels In Mould fins


stages, both of bindings. Available in 2 The foundation of all our n allowing the tio ruc tst con on/16% Glass which feature; 84% Nyl r board while you h the flex and shape of binding to articulate wit se. pon res t giving fas

The removable boot liner features a soft cusion feel directly under foot while the Stage II Chassis has an in-built dense durometer to dampen Impact. The Stage I Chassis features a lot of the same dynamics as the stage II Chassis, without the removable liner. Relying more heavily on the Chassis to provide form and responsive feel.

sion feel ures a soft cu boot liner feat assis has an Ch II e The removable ag St e foot while th The fixed directly under Liner gives mpen impact. rometer to da the optio du reducing e ns de n in build moving m ovement pr of a fixed liner tradition oviding a al feel, w more h ile keeping tight. Pre you locked moulded upper and in struction dual densi for maxim ty um life an d response con.

All bindings contain a unique multi densit y durometer liner all ing for super cusion owed landings on down ward pressure, while more dense duromer the closest to the board soaks up the shock by absorbing pressure com ing up through the board and chassis.

Moldable toe box. Pressure from your toes gradually molds over time to give a perfect fit, that articulates to your riding, not in the shop. Giving you instant response and a longer lasting fit.

Neoprene lined flex points in the outer shell allow the binding to articulate in every direction, giving the outer textiles a longer life and more comfortable ride.

Length (cm) 124 Width (cm) 41

From fully customizable velcro straps to dual locking laces, we have spent years refining anchor points to give a maximum variety of unique and comfortable fit formats.


r a supeRRP $649 that allows fo l, el sh p u ce la great comfort feature is the a y e d ke vi A o . pr ce ly an n orm ill not o nylon for fit and perf nature 84/16 veable liner, w g o si m s re P y U ll D fu h Purely designed a it ith d are the 2 chassis w ne the shell, w o incorporate ls rmance. Stage o A . rf ex pe fl rior fit. Combi re d pu an nes r so provide fo eoprene flex zo ion of response N at , n A bi V m E co ty t si able fit, but al ec rf Dual Den end for that pe en known for, be e av h s to fibreglass bl g in d that DUP bin key ingredients and perfect fit. Key Features nd - Nylon Shell pening - 84/16 Nylon fibreglass ble dam r ete rom Du i ult -M is ass Ch al II Stage es - Plyable Toe Box - Pre shaped Du Zon x Fle ne pre Neo ign Des Toe - EVA Sole - Closed strap closure - Removeable liner Density EVA - Dual Lace w/ Krank

Sizes: 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12


bD SKU-221

RRP $649

The Mojito is the new standard in bindings, focusing on three points; Style, function and support. Full removeable liner with waffle sole, for ultimate fit and greater connection to your board. The nylon overlay now features a fully customisable Velcro closure that, not only gives the Mojito a unique look, but also provides protection from day to day use. Stage II chassis with DUPs signature 84/16 nylon to fibreglass blend for that perfect combination of response and flex. Also incorporated are the key ingredients that DUP bindings have been known for, Dual Density Eva, Neoprene flex zones and perfect fit. Key Features Stage II Chassis -Multi Durometer dampening - 84/16 Nylon fibreglass blend - Nylon Shell EVA Sole - Closed Toe Design - Neoprene Flex Zones - Plyable Toe Box - Pre shaped Dual Density EVA - Customizable velcro closures - Removeable liner Sizes: 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12






RRP $599

New shape, new lines – combining all the traditional features our bindings have been known for. New contoured fixed liner; with this the newly designed PU upper, for longer life and instant response while the all new Krank strap forces the heel back into the cup, reducing heel lift and forward slide. Other features include Neoprene flex zones for flexibility, redesigned toe box to reduce cramping and improve fit and DUPs Stage I baseless chassis to give you a true feel with maximum impact absorbsion.

RRP $549

. For the rider who likes to keep it simple. The Same popular fit and function with a new look ium bindings, but with the ease of entry & exit, program offers all the same support as our prem e r shell, an all-new PU upper designed for mor oute t eigh htw a-lig Ultr r. offe ures clos ro that Velc Other features include Neoprene flex zones for lateral movement without sacrificing support. flexibility, true ove fit and DUPs Stage I Chassis to give you a impr and ping cram ce redu to box toe ed sign rede feel with maximum impact absorbsion.

Key Features

Key Features

es - ALL sed Toe Design - Neoprene Flex Zon Clo ll she er out t eigh htw Lig is Stage I Chass ap - Dual Lace Closity EVA - Hi fit support - Krank str Den al Du ed Lin ra Lyc Box Toe New sure

Stage I Chassis - Lightweight outer shell - Closed Toe Design - Neoprene Flex Zones - ALL New Toe Box - Lycra Lined Dual Density EVA - Hi fit support - Krank strap - Dual Lace Closure

Sizes: 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12

Sizes: 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12



ank to allow u like. We created the Kr yo as r fa as h tc re st terys doesn’t alwa ur wallet for the bar af yo in sh ca gh Sometimes your budget ou en ing ort. While the board while still leav up your leg for full supp h you full control of you hig s me co n sig de d g, r Costa bindin th your buddies. Top an wi e ar sh to u yo wards. Modelled off ou ng wi lo p locks in u a 4 to 5 size range, al ile the ankle Velcro stra wh , et fe floating tongue gives yo r de wi d an s e Krank is dedifferent sized leg ight, tough materials th we bottom laces adjust for ht lig th wi d ine mb Co lted down. that heel to keep you bo down. signed to never let you RRP $449


ding. typical price point OT bin ur yo t no is S IA AL e th , e adjustability Premium fit with ultimat with a soft truction and fusing them ns co g din bin in s ar ye e sizes. ve learnt over th ss a variety of different ro Taking everything we ha ac ot bo g tin fit t ea gr makes this a floating tongue design er / Shell, mfortable integrated Lin co d an s ne zo x fle ne re pact PU Upper, Neop ue feel with maximum im tr a u yo e giv Featuring medium Soft sis as Ch 1 mfort while the Stage provides support and co absorbsion

Key Features

Key Features

Stage I Chassis – 84/16 Nylon fibreglass blend – Nylon Shell – Open Toe Design – Neoprene Flex Zones - Lycra Lined Dual Density EVA

Stage I Chassis – 84/16 Nylon fibreglass blend – Nylon Shell – Open Toe Design – Neoprene Flex Zones - Lycra Lined Dual Density EVA

Available sizes: 5-9 / 7-11 / 10-14

Available sizes: 1-4 / 5-9 / 7-11 / 10-14



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