August 2019 NV Rancher Magazine

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Oldest Independent Livestock Monthly in Nevada $2.00




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Read back issues digitally: The Nevada Rancher (ISSN 0047-9489) (USPS #003-257) Published monthly at Winnemucca Publishing, 1022 S. Grass Valley Road, Winnemucca, NV 89445

Ranch rodeos, haying, and lots of ice- cold lemonade is what our summer has consisted of! When I think of August, I think of county fairs, moving cows in the early mornings to beat the heat and lots of fresh veggies. This year our August adventures will include the Superior LivePhoto By: Rocking Lazy A Photography stock Grand Royale sale, Elko Fair, BobiRose has been riding in a local barrel racing series! Tri-County Fair and a trip to Alaska to fair, and your garden produces a boutiful visit my sister and her family! harvest (because mine has stalled out). I pray the storms roll by without a trace of fire, your children enjoy your local I hope you enjoy this issue. -Ashley

Inside This Issue:

Call us toll free at (866) 644-5011 Periodical Postage Paid at Winnemucca, 89445

Publisher, Peter Bernhard Editor and Layout, Ashley Buckingham Staff Writer, Jennifer Whiteley Contributors, Heather Smith Thomas, David Glaser, Norma Elliot, Sarah Hummel, and Jolyn Young. Sales Representative Ashley Buckingham Office Manager, Tracy Wadley Production Manager, Joe Plummer Advertising Designer, Emily Swindle The Nevada Rancher does not assume responsibility for statements by advertisers nor products advertised within, and The Nevada Rancher does not assume responsibility for opinions expressed in articles submitted for publication. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication. Contents in The Nevada Rancher may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including, but not limited to original contents and original composition of all ads (layout and artwork) without prior written permission. Subscription rate: $16.00 per year.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Nevada Rancher, Winnemucca Publishing, 1022 S. Grass Valley Road, Winnemucca, NV 89445



Cover Photo By: Emily Fuhriman Trevor Fuhriman, “Jim” and “Burk” mowing hay in Southeast Idaho. Read more on pg 22

Non- Traditional Ag in Nevada- pg 10 Big Bear Ranch- A Unique Opperation - pg 14 Improving Soil Health Using Cattle- pg 16 Meet Suzanne Montero- A Cattlewomen Series pg 20 Matching Hay Quality to Cow Needs- pg 26

........and more!

Hello from Cow Country By Sam Mori President, NV Cattlemen’s Assoc.

I hope your hot August nights are going well. We are in the time of the year that the wet spring we were blessed with can start to be evaluated from a production standpoint. The reason I mention this is that our industry is doing such an excellent job of producing large tonnage of high-quality beef that the supply side of things is getting a little bit challenging. Exports year to date are lagging slightly behind last year and production is mostly consistent with last year, thus plenty of product is on the market. These figures are showing up in the prices that we are seeing for our cattle here at the ranch. There are two things that could improve this situation for us. The first being the approval by Congress of the USMCA (the new NAFTA) agreement with Canada and Mexico. As our congressmen and congresswomen take their summer recess, it is very important that we send them the message that we need and expect their support and vote on this matter! The second thing that may help is the African Swine Fever outbreak in the Pacific Rim region of the world that is killing millions of pigs. We certainly do not wish bad luck on our fellow protein producers in any way, but I mention this as a fact that total protein production will

be affected by this catastrophic die off. My friends, we are in the part of one of the many cattle cycles that some of us with a little (or a lot) of silver in our hair have seen several times in our lives. Cattle numbers, domestic and worldwide have risen to the point that the market is not much fun. As this continues, we see heifer retention in our herds starts down and the resulting cow inventory goes down to the point that production is no longer cumbersome, and prices start back up. This is no more than history repeating itself. The important thing to remember is that we are a resilient group of people that I am so honored and humbled to be a part of. Cattlemen and Women are tough and strong individuals, the kind of people that made America. We pull on the rope collectively and make it through the challenges whatever they may be. The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association wants to be an asset to your operation whenever you may need assistance. Don’t hesitate to let us know if we can help. Till next time, Sam Mori President, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association

August Update By Kaley (Sproul) Chapin Executive Director, NV Cattlemen’s Assoc.

Happy August Nevada Cattlemen and Women, The end of July marked four years that I have been at the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association (NCA). Time has flown by and I am still very grateful for this wonderful opportunity to work for all of you. Within this past year, I have learned more about the cattle industry from pasture to plate, how to effectively communicate on behalf of Nevada ranchers and maintain an open line of communication with our state representatives. A recent change at the NCA includes our change of location. A few months ago, we moved the NCA office to the upstairs of the Cowboy Arts and Gear Museum located at 542 Commercial St., Suite 2A, Elko, NV 89801. Since moving in, we have held the Summer Board of Directors meeting in our office’s board room. We had the opportunity to hear from members of the NV Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, NV Department of Wildlife, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. During July we have been busy preparing for our upcoming 84th Annual NCA Convention and Tradeshow. It will be held on November 20-23, 2019 at the Elko Convention Center in Elko, NV. As NCA members around the state gather in Elko, we will celebrate a lifetime of traditions, revise and review policies, hear from guest speakers and take a chance to enjoy our friends and neighbors. Registration for the convention will be on our website and will also be sent out by mail and email at the end of this month. If you are interested in attending and would like more information, please call the office at 1-775-738-9214 or email to The forms for exhibit booths and sponsorships have been sent out and are on our webpage. If you did not receive of these forms and wish to receive one please contact us, we would be happy to send one to you. The NCA would like to thank the sponsors and exhibitors for their continued support because they help make our event a success. Along with planning for the convention, we have already been preparing for the Annual Fallon All Breeds Bull Sale in Fallon, NV on February 15, 2020. Consignments are open to NCA members starting August 1st and for non-NCA members on September 1st. The consignment packets can be found on our NCA Webpage at If you have any questions or concerns about some of our upcoming events, please feel free to contact us, as we work for you. I appreciate your hard work and contributions to the industry. I hope you have a great rest of the summer and thank you for four great years working at the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association!




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wednesday saLe sCHedULe Butcher Cows ........................................ 8:30 a.m. Cow-Calf Pairs/Bred Cows .......... 11:30 a.m. Feeder Cattle .............................................12 p.m.

aUCtion MaRket Address .....12495 Stockton Blvd., Galt, CA Office.............................................209-745-1515 Fax ................................................. 209-745-1582 Website/Market Report Web Broadcast

Call to Consign to UPCoMing Western video Market sales September 10 • October 24

CattLeMen’s speCiaL feedeR saLes wednesday, aUgUst 14, 12 p.M. wednesday, septeMbeR 11, 12 p.M.

Follow Us on Facebook or Visit Us on the Web at for Additional Fall Special Feeder Sale Dates

tHoMas angUs RanCH CaLifoRnia bULL saLe tUesday, septeMbeR 17, 12 p.M.

Featuring Angus Bulls from Thomas Angus Ranch, Baker City, OR

aReLLano bRavo/diabLo vaLLey angUs pRodUCtion saLe satURday, septeMbeR 21, 12 p.M.

Featuring Angus Bulls and Females from California Seedstock Producers Arellano Bravo Angus, Galt, CA and Diablo Valley Angus, Byron, CA

LoRenzen RanCHes' bULL saLe tUesday, oCtobeR 1, 12 p.M.

Featuring Red Angus & Angus Bulls from Lorenzen Ranches, Bend, OR

CLM annUaL bRed Cow & RepLaCeMent feMaLe saLe and annUaL CLM soCiaL fRiday, noveMbeR 1, 2 p.M.

Featuring Females from Reputable Ranches and the Annaul CLM Social

51st annUaL CentRaL CaLifoRnia ‘woRLd of bULLs’ saLe satURday, noveMbeR 2, 12 p.M.

Featuring Top Angus, SimAngus, Hereford, Red Angus and Charolais Bulls from throughout the West   THE NEVADA California RANCHER and – AUGUST 2019 7

Jo Woodward Bidart Jo Woodward Bidart was born on June 24, 1943, in Winnemucca, Nevada to Adelle Scott Woodward and Harold Woodward. She was supposed to be a boy, thus, her given name was Arthuretta. She did not use it often and many did not realize that was her legal name. Those that did, enjoyed teasing her a little bit (maybe a lot) about it which she took in good humor. She grew up on Woodward Ranch and attended school through the 8th grade in a one room school house switching between Leonard Creek and Woodward Ranch. She developed many special lifelong friendships/family relationships through this experience. She then attended high school in Winnemucca in the old high school which is now the junior high school. She had an incredible class filled with many special classmates that she has remained lifelong friends with. She lived with Uncle Ray and Aunt Alda Woodward while attending school and formed a sister/ brother relationship with her cousin, Dennis, through this arrangement. She was blessed to also have her Mother’s family in Winnemucca and was watched over by Felix and Irene Scott and Dugan and Josie Twichell. After high school graduation she jumped right in to the work force. She was blessed to work with Mickey Richards in his office and also started working in banking. The love of ranching was in her blood. In 1963, she chased her cowboy, Frank Bidart, all the way to Soda Springs, Idaho, where they were married on May 29th, 1963. Frank and Jo managed the Budge Ranch for the Bidart/Montero family corporation while in Soda Springs. They made some amazing friendships and enjoyed a little bit of paradise while there. They also learned to withstand some extreme winters. It was a challenge feeding cattle in those conditions. They welcomed their children, Frank, Andree and Robert while in Soda Springs and introduced them to the ranching lifestyle with Frank taking care of

outside chores and Jo taking care of feeding the hired men. All the while, the kids followed along which created an appreciation of an amazing way of life. In 1971, the family decided to sell the ranch and Frank and Jo moved to Weiser, Idaho to work for Howard Raney. Again, in Weiser, Idaho, some amazing friendships were gained even though it was 2 short years. Frank and Jo decided to move back home to Winnemucca in 1973 to make Winnemucca their lifelong home. Jo worked in banking again, helped at Scott Shady Court when available and when needed, later with the Railroad and finally with Nevada State Welfare. In all of her jobs, she gave the best of herself and gained some amazing friendships and fulfillment. Her job with welfare was very challenging due to her client circumstances. She chose to go above and beyond and worked hard and gave of herself to help her clients make life changes for their own betterment. She retired in 2003 and devoted her time to fishing, travelling the backroads of Northern Nevada, spending time with family and friends, continuing to make her children and grandchildren her priority by attending any and every event of theirs. She has been a member of Euskaldunak Danak Bat, St. Paul’s Catholic Church, a passionate member of St. Paul’s Altar Society, and in recent years a passionate volunteer for the Senior Center here in Winnemucca. She gave of herself by providing compassion and service where ever she could. She is preceded in death by her parents, the love of her life, her husband, Frank Bidart of 55 years, and her grandson, Joshua Rose. She is survived by her sisters, Haroldine (Roger) Searle of Missouri, Delia (Rob) Nuffer and Miriam (Don) Toland of Winnemucca, Nevada, her sons, Frank (Tracy) Bidart, Robert (Kelly) Bidart, daughter Andree (Carl) Rose, grandchildren Dylan and Ali Miller, Vinnie and Marissa Depaoli, Angelo Bidart and Elise Rose, great granddaughter, Brooklyn Depaoli, many adopted sons and daughters that are too numerous to list but know who they are, numerous nieces and nephews that she holds dear and numerous Scott, Woodward, Bidart, Montero, Larragueta, Rauscher, Etchart, Etchegoyen, Urrutia and Esparza cousins. We want to provide a huge thanks to Sonoma Funeral Home, Humboldt Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Dr. Dana Marks, Echo Mathews, Jessica Grannis and everyone at Humboldt General Hospital for taking such great care of our Mom and her family in her last hours. Please bring a recipe, anecdote for life, or remedy that reminds you of or was shared with you by Frank or Jo. You may also mail them to Andree at the address below. All of them will be compiled and shared at a later date. In lieu of flowers or food, the family has requested donations be made to Lowry High School for the Joshua Rose Memorial Scholarship, Acct 551, c/o Andree Rose, 3289 Great Basin Avenue, Winnemucca, Nevada 89445.

Louis Richard Jaca EArl Morgan Elsner Louis (Louie) Richard Jaca, 92, passed away June 30, 2019, in Nampa, ID. Louie was born in McDermitt, NV on September 27, 1926 to Joe and Vicenta (Bea) Jaca. He attended school in McDermitt and Jordan Valley, OR, where in graduated in 1946. After graduation he returned to McDermitt, residing there until his health prompted him to reside in Nampa, ID. Louie began driving in 1939 at age 13 and worked in the trucking industry with his father until Joe’s death in 1984. Louie carried on the family business, running Jaca Truck Lines until he sold the business and officially retired from his semi-trucking career in 1992. Louie continued to serve his clients and friends by hauling cargo with his diesel pickup and trailer. One of Louie’s favorite contributions was donating his services to the 4-H kids and their chaperones, transporting them to camp every summer. He also hauled their livestock after the annual Labor Day sale. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joe and Bea, sister Irene and brother Jess. He is survived by his sister Jacqueline Weber, his sister-in-law Aurelia Jaca, nieces Joyce (John) Williams, Jan (Dennis) Harvey, Kathi (Butch) Schaffeld, Lisa (Steve) Harvey, Robin (Shane) Evans and nephew Gary (Trina) Weber, several great and great-great nieces and nephews, aunt Benita Anderson, uncle Lazaro Mendieta, numerous cousins and friends, and his close friend Horacio Delatorre and family. A private burial will be held at a later date at the McDermitt Cemetery. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice.

Earl Morgan Elsner was born 11/15/1929 and left this world 6/19/2019. He was the son of George Stewart Elsner and Thelma Fulkerson Elsner. Earl graduated from Gooding High in 1947, then served for a time in the Army National Guard. He married Marygrace Smith and they spent 65 years together. A cattleman, Earl and family lived on multiple ranches throughout Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. He is survived by his wife Marygrace, son George (Chris) of Jordan Valley, OR; son Roy (Connie) of Spring Creek, NV; daughter Cindy Patterson (Pat) of Boise, ID; son Joe (Paulette) of Castleford, ID; 15 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

Melvin “Marx” Hintze Mackay, Idaho-Melvin “Marx” Hintze, 80, died Monday July 15, 2019 after a battle with cancer. He was born September 24, 1938 and raised in Mackay, Idaho the son of Melvin and Eulale Hintze. A resident of Mackay, Idaho and active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattter-day Saints. He was married in the Los Angeles LDS temple to his wife, Darla Ann (Feighner) on July 27, 1963 for time and all eternity. After graduating from the University of Idaho with a degree in Electrical Engineering, living in California, and then Denver, Colorado, Marx and his family returned to Mackay and began again to farm the Hintze Ranch in 1977, after the passing of his father, Mel Hintze. Marx worked both the ranch and his job on the Idaho National Laboratory. While ranching times were tough, and often didn’t result in a profit, Marx left a legacy with his children of honesty and hard work. In his engineering community, Marx was well known for his contributions in the space age. He led teams and engineered critical components for the very first spacecraft that landed on Mars, Viking 1 & 2. He also engineered critical components of the Voyager 1 & 2 spacecraft in 1977 which to this day are still operating and have left the solar system. Traveling at speeds faster than 38,000 M_H through interstellar space, they contain a gold record of the sounds and pictures of the people of earth. He was often seen wearing a NASA hat that said, “Failure is not an option”. Marx loved Mackay and the people of the Lost River Valleys. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Darla (Feighner) Hintze along with his children, Karan Hintze of Arizona, Shauna Nelson of Meridian, ID, Margaret McKelvey (Jack) of Idaho Falls, ID. ,Matthew Hintze (Renee) of Spokane, WA., his brother, Stanley Hintze (David) of Anchorage, Alaska, sister Susan Lee (Milton) of Pleasant Grove, UT; 12 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, sister, Marcia Hintze and brother, Donne Hintze. Condolences may be sent to the family at

Non-traditional agriculture provides unique opportunities in Nevada Words By By Dillon Davidson, Industry & Global Trade Coordinator Most people think of Nevada agriculture in terms of traditional livestock and hay, rather than small, niche non-traditional producers. One example of non-traditional farming in Nevada includes unique products such as teff, a small grain high in protein and fiber that has been extensively researched to create the best version of the product before being produced commercially. Other examples of non-traditional farming reflect changes in technology. This includes indoor agriculture facilities using techniques like hydroponics (crops grown without soil), aquaponics (a hybrid of aquaculture and hydroponics), and vertical growing. These methods offer opportunities for production in small areas, ideal for urban agriculture in more densely populated areas. The products stemming from non-traditional agriculture practices can be found throughout the state. A quick trip to a local farmers’ market will show displays of unique products, and products that were grown in these new and innovative ways. As the demand for food increases, the role of traditional large-scale agricultural production will continue to play a major role. However, there are opportunities for non-traditional food production. Production opportunities in abandoned buildings, high-rise farms, urban gardens and other innovative and technological systems, where these products can be produced right in the epicenters of growing cities, have their own benefits.

Why Nevada is an essential state for non-traditional agriculture According to the USDA Nevada Agricultural Statistics from 2016, only 9 percent of the land in Nevada is used for agriculture. In a state with a unique environment transitioning dramatically from mountains to valleys to deserts, farmers and ranchers must think outside of the box to make the most of small amounts of workable land. That is what makes non-traditional farming great for rural Nevada farmers and ranchers. However, these non-traditional practices aren’t limited to rural communities. Innovative farming practices also offer more growing opportunities within larger cities like Las Vegas and the Reno-Sparks area. The unique selling point of non-traditional agriculture in an urban setting is that the distance from farm to table is often smaller

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than with traditional agriculture. When food is grown within the city it’s sold, there is less travel time and distance between when and where it was harvested, and where it’s processed, bought or served. Many of these non-traditional agriculture productions are producing and harvesting all year long. To do so, this requires the implementation of new technology like vertical, hydroponic or aquaponic growing. New technologies often come with some added risks compared to traditional food systems, but they also often come with greater financial rewards. These non-traditional methods of growing offer longer growing seasons and many producers are opting to grow more high-value crops like vegetables or fruits. This means producers are able to sell more high-value products for longer and with more consistency, which is important in any market, including the global market.

Exporting non-traditional agricultural products The global market for non-traditional agricultural products is both valuable and dynamic. The technology within non-traditional agriculture gives producers the ability to provide better products year-round, which is a unique benefit to the global market. Supermarkets have played an important role in increasing opportunities for farmers and ranchers to produce and supply valuable and innovative non-traditional agricultural exports. Major distributors work with these producers to create partnerships to assist in getting their products in store fronts. Many of these supermarkets create displays, special signage, sales and other prompts to increase sales. However, the greatest challenge for existing and new entrants to the non-traditional agricultural export market is meeting the high standards of compliance set by these supermarkets, large retailers and distributors. Tariffs, phytosanitary rules and other measures tend to be the overarching barriers to trade for non-traditional agricultural products, but the NDA has many resources to help overcome these obstacles.

Contact us for more information The non-traditional agricultural market is an exciting venture that can make a positive impact on any producer and the Nevada economy. If you are an existing non-traditional agriculture producer thinking about diversifying your operations, or are looking at becoming one, contact me at ddavidson@ for more resources and information to help you along the way. Dillon Davidson is the Industry & Global Trade Coordinator for the Nevada Department of Agriculture. He assists Nevada companies through the detailed process of exporting agricultural products into international markets. Davidson holds a Bachelor of Science in international agricultural business from Wilmington College of Ohio and a Master of Science in international agricultural trade and development from Oklahoma State University.

AI, ET, IVF - ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES IN BOVINE REPRODUCTION Words By Sarah P Hummel, DVM In today’s world there is more than one way to get a cow bred. I would argue that the old-fashioned way of matching a good bull with a good cow or heifer is the easiest and safest way to get the job done. But with the fast-paced society of today, our goals as producers may be to increase marketable genetics quickly. And that is the ultimate goal of these advanced technologies. The main ways to do so include: artificial insemination (AI),embryo transfer (ET) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Artificial insemination is the oldest, most common and well-known of the technologies. AI is depositing semen directly into the uterus of a cow. The semen is collected from bulls and frozen and stored in large liquid nitrogen tanks until it is ready to be used. The AI technician then thaws the semen and places it into a cow or heifer that is in heat. This is the main method of breeding cows in the dairy world and is used extensively in the beef world including the Nevada/ Oregon area. This allows for a very good bull to sire more calves then he would be able to by natural cover. It also decreases the cost of these genetics as we are able to transport the semen relatively easily. Embryo transfer is a technology that has been around since the 1980’s. ET is performed by super-ovulating a cow, generally a proven cow with excellent genetics. A cow is given multiple doses of hormones so that instead of releasing one egg from an ovary, she releases multiple eggs from both ovaries. The cow is then bred using artificial insemination which results in multiple embryos (fertilized eggs), in her uterus. A fluid is instilled into the uterus to wash the embryos into a filter. Then a veterinarian or embryo technician finds the embryos and places them into other females (generally with poorer genetics) to carry the calves with amazing genetics. In summary, you take a really good cow, breed her to a really

good bull and you can produce several offspring with identical genetic makeups. In-Vitro Fertilization literally means fertilizing an egg in the lab (as opposed to in-vivo fertilization which is fertilization in a live animal). IVF is performed by collecting eggs from a good cow directly from her ovaries. Generally, no super-ovulation or hormone therapy is required. Eggs (or ova) are collected using a special ultra-sound probe. These unfertilized eggs are then sent to a lab where they are fertilized with semen from a good bull which then become embryos. These embryos are shipped back and placed in females to carry the calves. The average pregnancy rates of IVF embryos are slightly lower then ET embryos, and IVF embryos do not freeze as well nor are they as consistent. With IVF though, you do not have to give several doses of hormones to a cow so it can be substantially more convenient then ET. Also, you can perform IVF on a pregnant cow, which you can not do in ET. So, there you have the nitty-gritty about the advanced reproductive technologies that are being employed in the beef market today. You see these being used extensively for raising bulls, pure-bred operations and show cattle. These are all some-what available in our area, and I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or interest in the subject, as it is my special interest. These technologies all entail planning and coordination to get decent results so it is good to get an idea of what is required before embarking on that journey. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Sarah P Hummel 775-530-4137

Labor Day Weekend August 30 - September 1, 2019 Around these parts, Labor Day means just one thing; it's time for a fabulous weekend dedicated to some serious, end-of-summer fun. Great food, good times and plenty of spectacular entertainment!

Bulls & Broncs Rodeo - Carnival Midway Livestock Show & Sale - Reptile Show Western Art Roundup - Fun & Food 12   THE NEVADA RANCHER – AUGUST 2019

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Big Bear Ranch

A Unique Operation Producing Grassfed/Grass Finished Beef, Lamb and Pork Words and Photos By Heather Smith Thomas Rainer Krumsiek found a growing market for the grassfed meat he produces on Big Bear Ranch, in British Columbia. He and his wife and children came to Canada from Germany in 1993, where she was a physician’s assistant and he was a landscape architect. “My wife and I had spent several holidays in Canada with our three children and decided to move there. I was 47 and thought this would be a good time to retire and live off the land,” says Krumsiek. They immigrated to British Columbia and looked for land. After 2 years looking for the ideal place, they purchased Big Bear Ranch. This is cattle country, and land prices were more affordable than in the other areas they considered. “We felt it was the perfect place to create something special and sustainable,” he says. The ranch was homesteaded in 1950 (originally 164 acres) and increased to 2,250 acres by the time the Krumsieks purchased it. Everything had been logged and most of it cleared. “There was just a perimeter barbed-wire fence, and no way to do intensive grazing management, with no internal fences or roads. We needed access to the back part of the ranch, and had to put in a lot of infrastructure,” says Krumsiek. “We got 106 cows our first year, but the only thing I knew about cows was what I learned as a kid going to my uncle’s dairy farm during holiday. After we got our cattle, I learned a lot more, and how to handle them with low-stress methods,” he says. Grazing management had to be adapted to the previous owner’s logging. He’d pushed and piled all the logging leftovers (stumps, rocks) into more than 50 huge windrows and many smaller ones. Rather than try to remove the windrows so pastures and fields could be completely cleared, Krumsiek left them to serve as windbreaks and shelter for wildlife. With good grazing management, bio-diversity improved, and the windbreaks have been beneficial. Shelter from winter wind helped reduced nutritional needs of the cattle, and winter feed inputs. Windrow berms also hold moisture and slow run-off for snow melt. Moisture retention improved forage production. Then in 2003 Canada experienced Mad Cow Disease and a crash in cattle prices. “At


that time we had 250 cow-calf pairs and were running the ranch like everyone does with a cow-calf operation. The only difference was that we kept our calves and grazed them the next year, to sell as yearlings, making more money by growing them bigger--which more than paid for their extra feed,” says Krumsiek. “We also did a lot of custom grazing. In 1999 I attended Dave Pratt’s Ranching for Profit School. I had a friend who went to Olds College—a 2-year university program for agriculture. He told me that in one week he learned more at Dave Pratt’s school in terms of what he really needs to know than he did in 2 years of college. For me, as a landscape architect, my experience at the Ranching for Profit School was also an eye-opener. I came back from that conference and told my wife we needed to sell our haying equipment, and do custom grazing, and buy the hay for our cows.” Krumsiek invested a lot of effort and money building permanent electric fence for rotational grazing among the windrows and the open pastures. “A few years later we invested even more to put in an underground water line. It’s like a city water system with 3-inch pipe, providing water in every pasture, with moveable water troughs,” he explains. Water for this system is pumped into to an elevated 5,000-gallon storage tank. Water from that tank is then gravity-fed through all the underground pipes--to standpipes which supply water troughs (winter and summer) located all over the property. The frost-proof system facilitates optimal pasture management while limiting livestock access to riparian areas. With the help of a cost-share program (funded in part by Duck’s Unlimited) three Thermosink waterers were installed (utilizing belowground storage that circulates the water and keeps it from freezing in winter). One is gravity-fed by a pond and extends the grazing season in that area for 3 months. Without this waterer, the only cattle water access would have been directly from the pond. “We sold our haying equipment, and from 1999 until 2004 did custom grazing, taking in between 500 and 800 animals annually. The custom-grazing income was more than

enough to buy the hay for our 250 cow-calf pairs,” says Krumsiek. With grazing instead of haying, steady improvements were made in pastures. Other ranchers began to notice, and in 2010 the ranch was nominated for the British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association environmental stewardship award. Big Bear Ranch received the award, partly because Krumsiek’s management is pro-wildlife. The un-cleared areas provide wildlife habitat, with ponds and riparian areas. The ranch is a patchwork of forested and cleared land. Krumsiek believes in environmental sustainability and regenerative agriculture. Wetland areas have been fenced to maximize water quality protection and maintain waterfowl habitat, but are grazed to appropriate levels at certain times throughout the year. Many things are done differently on this ranch because of its unique environment. “In other regions ranchers stockpile grass to graze later. Stockpiling doesn’t work here, however. We can graze for a while, because our cows can graze through a foot or more of fresh snow—until it becomes dense and crusted. We get warm winds and the snow melts on top then freezes. It snows again and then we have all many ice layers. The cows get bloody noses and don’t want to graze. We usually have to stop grazing sometime in December,” he says. “We also have so much snow that even if you leave a nice stand of grass for winter or early spring grazing, it becomes so compressed that when snow melts away, the grass

problems connected with salt-based fertilizer, and the fact we could improve our soil just with proper grazing. We got certified organic because that’s how we were raising our cattle after 1999,” he explains. He started using Galloway bulls on the Hereford-Angus cows about 16 years ago. “Since then we’ve only purchased 2 new Galloway bulls because we’ve been raising our own replacement bulls. Currently my bulls are 7/8th Galloway, so their calves are 15/16 Galloway and the Hereford and Angus influence in our herd is diminished. Some of the cows still look like Herefords but have the Galloway frame—short and deep bodied. Viewed from the front they are round.” They are very efficient, with a big rumen. “Today we are able to finish cattle on grass in 24 to 30 months, partly due to the high plane of nutrition in our naturally-grown forages, but also their genetics--something that’s not possible with big-framed, inefficient cows. Our cattle are adapted to our climate and forage,” he says. That means raising their own breeding stock rather than buying “better” bulls or so-called superior genetics from many miles away. Krumsiek strongly feels there was a reason for all the different livestock breeds in Europe where each one had adapted to their local environment over a long period of time.

is totally gone.” Pressed against the ground all winter, the grass is eaten up by soil life and earthworms. Because of the snow protection/insulation, worms are able to work at the soil surface. When the snow melts, there’s no grass left—just a layer of earthworm droppings/castings covering the soil. This is tremendous fertilizer; the grass regrows beautifully, but there’s no old grass to graze. “After the crash in our cattle market, we attended a conference hosted by Stockman Grass Farmer with Gearld Fry (a stockman in Arkansas who studied cattle nutrition and genetics) about linear measurement. There was also an article in Stockman Grass Farmer about linear measurement and how you can tell from the hair coat about the butterfat in the milk, etc. Using what we learned there, we selected from our 250 cows 20 that had proper frame and body type to finish on grass. We sold the rest of the herd, and these 20 cows were the start of our new venture in cattle raising,” says Krumsiek. He always keeps the best heifers, to increase the herd, but sells the rest of the calves by the pound (cut, wrapped and frozen) to private customers--doing direct marketing since 2004. The cattle herd had been grassfed since 1999, Certified Organic since 2004 and Animal Welfare Approved since 2014. With the intensive grazing management, the cattle have also been improving the soil. The first four years, from 1995 to 1999, the ranch used commercial fertilizer according to results of soil tests. “Then the Ranching for Profit School opened my eyes to all the

“Our meat is tested by Dr. John Church at Thompson River University in Kamloops. He has written research papers about advantages of grassfed versus grain-fed. Our meat tested second best of all the samples he’s ever tested, and had one of the best values for CLA, omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, Vitamin A, etc. Our omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is 1.8 to 1,” says Krumsiek. He has steadily increased his meat business since 2004, and also sells lamb and pork. The ranch raises heritage pigs (Tamworth and Large English Black crosses) that stay on pastures year round except when farrowing. The sows stay in the barn in winter the first 3-4 weeks after farrowing. “I have a Tamworth boar and a Large English Black boar and 2 sows from each breed. I cross them so all the pigs I sell are F1 cross, which grows better and faster,” he says. They live their entire lives free-ranging at pasture and are fed certified organic hog grower in addition to what they find rooting. The lambs that are raised and sold as meat are a hair sheep cross and are also pasture-raised. There is a high demand for the beef, pork and lamb produced on this ranch, and Krumsiek feels that direct marketing has made his livestock operation more profitable.


Improving Grasslands’ Soil Health by Using Cattle Words and Photos By Heather Smith Thomas Modern farming and livestock-raising methods generally take more from the soil than is added back. Without commercial fertilizers, most soils continue decline in productivity. Hayfields—and even pastureland--tend to lose productivity unless we add fertility, and the best way is with animal impact to return nutrients to the soil by grazing and/or feeding hay on those fields to add litter and manure. Grazing crop residues improves farmland by adding manure, and properly managed grazing aids pasture health, often increasing carrying capacity. Soils, plants and grazing animals have a beneficial relationship. A growing number of farmers/ranchers are moving back toward the pre-technology wisdom of our great-grandfathers, using animals to improve the land--to re-establish healthy soils and pastures. Jeff Goodwin (Noble Research Institute, and Technical Advisory Committee Chairman for the Texas Grazing Land Coalition) says that managing for soil health is the new frontier for the agriculture industry. “Most farmers and ranchers are not keeping their soils healthy. We have focused on managing above-ground production in pastures but have not paid attention to what’s happening below ground. The Natural Resources Conservation Service has focused on the physical and chemical aspect of soils, the pH,


soil structure, soil texture, etc. all of which are very important. However, until the past few years, we haven’t been focused on a very critical component--the soil’s biological activity,” he says. Soil needs to be covered, with forage or crop residue. Bare ground is detrimental to soil health because it allows soil temperature to increase to a level that limits biological activity and also allows soil organic matter to be lost. “In my opinion, the reason our soils are so degraded is because we’ve lost or severely reduced the biological activity. We’ve lost the right combination of microbes that need to be there,” says Goodwin. Why are they gone? “The answer is that there’s no longer enough organic matter. Carbon in organic matter is food for soil organisms. Soil organic matter is increased if we keep the soil covered and minimize soil disturbance. If we keep plowing, we keep releasing the carbon. This is why we now try to use reduced tillage methods in cropping systems to keep a cover on them. In pastures we try to stop haying them and start grazing them instead,” he says.

Doug Peterson, Iowa/Missouri Regional Soil Health Specialist, National Soil Health Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service says his primary experience with grazing comes from his own operation, with 250 cow-calf beef animals and sometimes another 100 contract cows. “I have a strong interest in soils and have been a student of Jim Gerrish’s management-intensive grazing and a student of holistic management and Allan Savory. Savory taught me about animal impact. This is a phenomenal tool to heal and build up worn out degraded soils,” he says. “Soils in this country have been seriously degraded. Here in northern Missouri, historically (pre-European settlement) soils were probably close to 8% organic matter. We’ve mined organic matter out of these soils with tillage and overgrazing. Cropland is down to about 1.5% and well managed pastures about 2.5 to 3.5%. We have a long way to go, to correct this,” says Peterson. “In my training, in agronomy and soil science, we were taught that it takes hundreds of years to build or restore soil. But we started seeing some interesting things with intensive grazing and trampling, adding carbon to the soil surface, feeding the soil biology. We now know that we can do this a lot quicker,” he explains. “I went on a personal quest to learn everything I could about soil health, the water cycle, mineral cycle, soil biology, etc. and came across a number of people who were doing the same thing, and making incredible improvements in soil health. I recognized this as a tool to restore the land and productivity of soil. There are many great examples of people who have done that,” says Peterson. “Some producers have restored their soil organic matter to 6, 7 and even 8% in just a few years. Historically we thought all soil organic matter came from plants. Now research shows that maybe as much as half of the carbon-based organic matter is a living organism. Along with the increase in plant and organism-based organic matter comes a tremendous increase in productivity. Trampling is a way to purposely feed the soil biology. We feed our cows but we don’t always think about soil needs. Any time we do something to remove the soil’s food source (via crops or haying), we’ve taken something away. Even if we feed the hay back on the same land, we don’t get full benefit. We might keep the minerals in the same field, but there’s no way we can spread it across that field as uniformly as by grazing it, to feed all the soil biology. If we don’t leave nutrients for the soil biology, we can’t keep things functioning optimally,” he explains. By keeping a taller canopy through a longer portion of the year, soil temperatures stay much cooler. “We are creating a microclimate from the surface of the soil upward. We’ve checked soil temperatures in fields of tall grass, and across the fence in a shorter pasture, and have seen as much as a 20-degree difference in soil temperature at 2-inch depth,” he says. “We’ve known that soil cover was important, for water infiltration and to retard erosion, but I don’t think we realized how important canopy height was. We might have a good layer of mulch on the surface, but we didn’t know how important having a 2 to 3-foot tall canopy is, versus a 3 to 8-inch canopy in a typical quick rotation (management-intensive grazing--MIG) system,” says Peterson. There is a tremendous difference in evaporation and soil temperature in the taller canopy, and air temperature above ground. A 6-inch grass canopy in a MIG system has soil temperature similar to that of a 2-foot canopy on a piece that has been rested for a longer period, but air temperature at 6 to 8 inches above the ground will not be the same in the two fields. “Some people give a longer rest period and might have a 4 to 5-foot tall canopy. I’ve seen some fields with such a tall canopy that the operators have to chop it down where fences go, so cattle can see where the temporary fence is. There are some tremendous soil benefits when you can let it grow that high,” he says. With tall plants there is more trampling/litter; cattle trample a lot more than they eat. “We have to rethink our definition of waste. Most people feel that if they don’t completely use a pasture, they are poor managers and wasting something. We need to think in terms of this “waste” as an investment in the future. If we want our land to truly be sustainable, we need to rethink this; there is very little in a commodity agriculture production system that is sustainable,” says Peterson. The trampling effect is important. “Did we get enough material on the ground to protect the soil and feed the soil organisms? What was the animal impact? If you didn’t get enough impact on thistles or some other weed, you must use a higher stock density, which means cattle in a smaller area, which means moving them more times per day.”


Grazing management is an art as well as a science, and it takes some experience to figure it out. “The thing we should be looking at most however, is improving soil health. We need to understand how our management and the livestock positively impact the soil and soil biology. Also, our management has to be more adaptive. “We continue to learn about soil health and how our management influences it—how different stock density at different times of year influences the biologic community. If we graze too short in summer and expose soil life to the killing rays of the sun, it can be devastating. Yet there may be other times you might use livestock as a tool to control invasive plants. Stock density is an incredible tool,” he says.

healthy soil system. Now Thiele is trying to help producers understand that the main consequence to the way we farmed is unhealthy soil. In his part of Manitoba, originally there were rich, fertile soils with 10 to 14% organic matter. “But those soils are now between 2 and 4%. We’ve made withdrawals from the soil carbon ‘bank’ for 100 years, not realizing we’ve been robbing the soil in order to make money farming.” There hasn’t been enough given back to the soil. “Now some soils are highly depleted, and it’s difficult to grow a crop without adding NPK every year,” he says. This is partly because we have removed grazing animals on soils formed by thousands of years of grazing.

If people learn how to manipulate grazing and use cattle as a tool—without sacrificing cattle performance—different plants can be influenced the way we want. Cattle performance is usually fairly good with higher stock density grazing because they are eating the “cream” off the top of those plants and moving on, but this can also depend on what you are trying to do. “That’s the adaptive part. There are times you might leave a group of cattle in a certain pasture longer, to manipulate the plants,” says Peterson.

Thiele has been working on a project to regenerate a depleted pasture that had been farmed for many decades and then owned by the Brandon research station and used for plot work—and later sold to a local farmer who put it into hay. “He grew hay for 7 years, then started grazing. The land was greatly depleted. For our project, we just changed the grazing management over the past 3 years and monitored organic matter, soil biology, nutrients, forage quality, water infiltration, profitability, and bird species.”

One benefit of adaptively-grazed systems is that during drought there is more chance to catch whatever moisture comes; if plants are dense/healthy, not overgrazed, the soil is covered and no rain runs off. It is all captured and goes into the ground.

Thiele helped spearhead the three-year project with the farmer, Brian Harper of Circle H Farms, using high-density grazing, short grazing periods and adequate recovery. “On average, we are now pumping 7.5 tons of carbon per acre per year into the soil measuring down to 40 centimeters. Total biomass of biology (bacteria, fungi, protozoa) is increasing and we are also improving the fungal/bacteria ratio closer to 1 to 1. Brian has doubled the pounds of beef produced per acre,” Thiele says. Grazing is a wonderful tool if we use it properly.

“This becomes very evident during drought. It is easy to see the pastures that have been taken care of, and pastures that are overgrazed.” Good grazing management provides a buffer and insurance against drought because the land and plants can weather it better and recover more quickly.

GRAZING STUDIES IN MANITOBA Michael Thiele grew up on a grain farm near Dauphin, Manitoba. His father also had a few cows. “We were busy trying to farm and make a living and like other farmers around us, we were creating a monoculture of grain crops – mostly wheat, canola, oats and barley,” says Thiele. His mission today is to acquaint farmers and ranchers with a bigger picture. “I am trying to help producers work with Nature instead of fight against her. The consequences of high input agriculture is high emissions, high costs/low profits, loss of biodiversity.” People like Allan Savory were the pioneers of what we now call regenerative agriculture, systems theory, holism, etc. These ideas are starting to come together and make sense for producers who are realizing the benefits. “When I went to university, I thought soil was simply dirt,” he says. People didn’t realize how alive soil is, teeming with activity, and how much we depend on a


Comparing this highly-managed pasture to a typically rotationally grazed and often overgrazed system, we have doubled the number of bird species, and have 5 times the total number of birds you’d find in a typically grazed pasture—in just 3 years. We turned the system around in a short time, and all we did was change how we managed cows,” says Thiele. “We are growing more grass, improving the soil, making more money; it’s like buying the quarter section next door without having to actually buy it. Proper grazing enables us to produce more on the same acreage. Land is expensive, and for Brian to purchase a quarter section next door would cost almost a million dollars. Yet in spite of projects like this, showing how a person can produce this much more without having to buy additional land, most people still say they don’t have time to move cows! I find it incredible that they don’t have time to save themselves a million dollars—to grow twice the amount per acre that they are growing now--and make that system resilient so that when it’s dry it is still growing grass, and when it’s wet the moisture infiltrates instead of running off,” he says.

PRODUCERS’ EXPERIENCES Art McElroy has farmed in southern Saskatchewan since 1996. He started seeding some of his place back to grass in 1998. “When we came here we had only ½ of a percent organic matter in the first soil tests. The early farming efforts here had probably reduced soil fertility,” Art says. “When we came, there wasn’t enough organic matter for any biological life to live on. As we began to think about the critters below ground, versus the livestock above the ground, we realized that continuous cropping was better than summer fallowing, but would not build soil organic matter and biological life in the soil. In 2006 my wife and I and one of our sons took a Holistic Resource Management course and decided we had to seed the entire place back to grass,” he says. Along with their own cows, they started custom grazing, bringing in 1200 yearlings from a neighbor. This helped add manure to the soil. In 2008 they started putting 1200 head on 2.7 acres for 2 to 3 hours, moving them up to 6 times a day. “We had done some rotational grazing, but not to the extent of what we are doing now,” Art explains. “Right now the real progress with our grazing is because many of our pastures are only grazed for 2 to 3 hours each year. They have a very long period of rest. Some of this land goes to seed every year.” Grass has an amazing ability to spread and cover the bare spots if it has a chance. A few years ago he asked the Soil Carbon Coalition to come take soil samples to measure the level of organic matter/carbon in the soil. “Every 5 years now we will do a test to see what kind of advances we are making in storing carbon in the ground— to see if we are really making progress,” he says. Chad and Amanda Njos are ranching holistically near Bowman, North Dakota and have seen tremendous response in their pastures since. 2010 when they started focusing on the whole rather than just parts—trying to improve soil health and ranch profitability with use of intensive grazing and winter bale grazing. “Up until then, I was looking at the livestock, and the grass that I could see— rather than soil health and the root systems and biology of the soil,” Chad says. During the prior decade, their region suffered many drought years. “We had to start moving our cattle more often. Before that, I moved the cattle every 5 to 10

days, based on looking at the plants above the ground and not thinking about recovery time and soil health. After we started moving the cattle more often, due to shortage of grass and worrying about dust pneumonia, I started seeing a response in the plants. I realized we needed to take this a little more seriously,” he says. He and Amanda took courses in holistic management and in 2011 initiated a more intensive grazing system. “We run about 200 cow-calf pairs. We started moving our cow herd twice a day, giving the cattle just enough forage for half a day, and saw amazing response after leaving more cover and a longer rest period.” Another example of improving soil health in a short time with cattle has taken place on the historic Blue Ranch in Texas. Great strides in restoring some of the native grasses have been accomplished in a few short years, according to Mike Turner, present manager. For more than 100 years this ranch had been managed with traditional practices—with 50 to 100 cows per pasture and continuous grazing, with no rest. One of the first things Turner did was put the cattle herds together to run as one herd unit, to create more animal impact with more cattle on smaller pastures. Now the cattle are utilizing more of the forage. “They are not just cherry-picking preferred plants; they are eating a little bit of everything. Many pastures have fragile soil and bare ground and one of the things I’m seeing now, due to more animal impact and hoof action, is a lot of transitional grasses coming back in. They may not be ideal forage, but they are covering the ground, providing armor for the soil. We’re making progress,” he says. “Once we can protect the soil, the native grass species will come back. The seeds are there. We just have to manage the grass so that the seedbank can have a chance. In some areas the eastern gamma grass is already coming back in. The eastern gamma and many of the other tall species grasses are the ones that are generally grazed out on any ranches that are continuously grazed (without rest periods). We are fortunate in that there were still some remnants of these tall grasses on some of our watersheds,” says Turner. All it needs is rest, and animal impact at the right time, helping Mother Nature.


MEET SUZANNE MONTERO A CattleWomen Series Produced by Ruby Uhart We run a Red Angus cow/ calf operation here at Leonard Creek ranch, 90 miles north of Winnemucca. I live in the middle of nowhere on a wonderful hidden paradise away from cell phone service and people. I like to call it God’s country. I enjoy being somewhere, where I can get off my horse and pee if I want to without anyone seeing. My two sons Glynn Montero and Leonard Montero have homes at Leonard Creek and are full time employees. Glynn is the manager of the ranch. His wife Susan is an aide at the Denio, Nevada rural school. The school has 9 students in various grades; from kindergarten to 8th grade. He has three kids: Trenten, Savannah and Caden. Caden is in 8th grade and loves science, Trenten is 27 and competes professionally in bareback riding and Savannah just returned from traveling all over Asia and Australia. Leonard works and also runs a separate business of selling horses; his business is called Broken Heart Quarter Horses. Leonard has his wife Jennifer out here. She is a school teacher in Winnemucca. Leonard has two sons Jake and Colt. My other two sons Daniel and Mike Montero have part time homes out here. Mike Montero is the Humboldt country judge and Daniel is my son who loves nature, enjoys hiking, the company of his two dogs and spends time traveling the world and playing Frisbee. Mike’s daughter Madison, 20, is a part time employee here at the ranch. I have a daughter who just had a baby boy. Her name is Suzanne Montero; she is a rodeo coach and university teacher. We have two other ranch employees: Jake and Mike. Mike is from Missouri and has been working with us for a while now. He owns a white Chihuahua named Jake (not the other employee lol) that rides in the tractor with him and the four-wheeler. Jake is our new employee that is a younger cowboy. Other than that we have various and way too many dogs at the ranch; everything from Huskies to Great Danes. I have four dogs (a cow dog, a purebred Chihuahua, and two other Chihuahua crosses that are a bit larger, that are with me at all times. They ride my four-wheeler with me, move cows with me, go to my doctor’s appointments along my side and are my very best friends. We have a pet deer that roams free and follows our help wanting grain. She has babies every year and brings more and more deer into our home. We also have an infestation of cats at the moment from a lose tomcat that is strongly racking up the numbers of offspring. I grew up in Hollywood, California. My daddy owned a stable below the Hollywood sign. As a little girl I worked there and fed the horses and maintained the business. I was always raised to work hard from the very beginning of time. I would never leave a job until it was done well. Everyday I would walk across the Hollywood stars going to school. When I was older I traveled to visit my brother in Kings River Valley, Nevada at Kings River Ranch. I met Frenchy Montero on that trip. The evening I met him, we went to Leonard Creek Ranch to spend the night. At the time Frenchy had a girlfriend. The night I went there we were traveling out in the middle of nowhere on a long stretch of dirt road, in order to get


to Leonard Creek. I remember telling myself that there was no way anyone could possibly live down that road… and I ended up spending the next 56 years of my life there. I returned to visit Nevada and went to the Battle Mountain rodeo and at that time started dating Frenchy Montero. Everything moved quickly after that. We were engaged by December and married by February at the Winnemucca Catholic church. The wedding reception was at the Sonoma Inn, which is now called the Winners Inn. I married into a ranching family and that is how my career in the beef industry all began. I have been involved with ranching for 56 years, and plan on staying here in God’s country until I die. My husband French passed away in 2006 of a fatal brain tumor. My husband was never a cowboy and when I first came out here women and children always had the backseat, we held the bunch, pushed and dragged and never got promoted. I finally had the opportunity to work cows instead of holding the bunch after my husband passed away. I work as hard as anybody and I can mother up cows and calves as good as anybody, but it was just not a woman’s place. I hold the bunch, because my son who is the manager works the herd. I do a better job than him. My son is too aggressive and makes the whole heard explode. I worked full time out here and just started receiving a paycheck after my husband died. When I was raising my children out here, I would pack a kid in front of my horse with me and lead another. The others would be loose on their horses around me. I would always worry where my children went. I would worry myself sick over where my kids were. My oldest Glynn, disappeared once when we were moving cattle at the age of ten. He finally showed up hours later with a baby burro in front of his horse and found it alone. My children were always causing trouble and making me worry. In the summer I go out about 6:30 and spend all day in a tractor and I spend off days moving cattle in the mountains and working on my garden daily. In the fall we are branding, gathering cattle and weaning calves. Winter months are spent feeding cattle and watching the herds and of course in the spring we start calving, watching heifers, checking cows and still feeding. I love all the seasons, and I love the variety of works that comes with every season. I do really enjoy haying season at the moment, I never used to do it, but with age I have started to take more of an interest in driving tractors and helping in the fields. It is a unique change for me. I can tell you my least favorite: fall. That is when all of my grandchildren head off to college or back to school. It is when my allergies break out and it is the time of the year when my son Julian Montero passed away at the age of 11. My son owned a steer that he loved and would ride with a saddle. One day when he was picking apples in the orchard, he was standing up in his saddle on his pet steer and the steer spooked. My son’s foot got caught in his stirrup and he was drug to practical death. We rushed him to the Winnemucca hospital; however, we were an hour and a half away.

For 90 minutes I attempted to keep my son alive on a hell bent trip to the nearest hospital. He died later in the emergency room. My son and I had a great relationship. Every spring when I started the garden, all of my children would complain of the gardening work, besides Julian. He loved helping me with that project. My favorite thing about ranch life is the various seasons. From calving, haying, irrigating you never get tired on the ranching lifestyle and duties because they constantly are changing. The hardest part about ranch life is the death loss; I can’t stand the death loss of baby calves in the spring. It’s hard to see anything die, and I fight for the lives of those calves during Nevada’s sometimes very cold springs. I am really hard on my employees during that time, because we must be checking them constantly and making sure they have every ingredient to become one-hundred percent healthy. We will carry calves off a mountain that are motherless on the back of our horses. If a mother loses her calf and in another cow-calf pair the mother dies we will skin the dead calf and tie on the skin to the motherless calf. This allows the calfless mother to be able to smell her original calf on the new baby and take it under her wing, thinking it is her original calf. We give every cow and calf shots to prevent diseases. My workers, sons and I watch them every day and ride horses through the herds checking on cows. We are constantly moving cattle. We take them up in the mountains, but cows never want to stay. They prefer the flats. We separate our heifers with calves from the mass of cows so we can keep a better eye on them. I don’t have anything to do when machinery breaks down. However, I do break them down more often than not. I am constantly getting stranded out in the desert because the tractor got stuck in a mud hole or my truck did. My sons or grandchildren will find me walking home long distances every once in a while. Just the other day Glynn asked me how I already broke down the new four-wheeler. We found out later it was out of oil. When my worker was fixing the problem, the cap blew off because it was not tightened. Oil shot everywhere and even got on my powdered milk for the calves. I was covered in it. A couple of years ago, I had a really good employee working for me. Well, one day we were getting ready to go feed cows and police officers showed up and arrested my employee. He had a serious record and was on a wanted list. I asked the cops if they would let him finish feeding cows first, but they declined my offer! Another time one of my employees was a bit crazy and decided he wanted me dead. The man shot a handgun at me and hit me in the hand. I ran at full speed towards my house, where all of my kids had pulled out their guns and hid in the house with me. We called the cops and he was later arrested. Another time a man that you may have heard of named Ronald Bristlewolf, murdered a few people and lived in holes in the ground near some natural hot springs not too far from my ranch. He was bat shit crazy and would eat on our dead cows. When he was trialed for murder, I testified with others that he was insane. Bristlewolf died in prison. The day we bought out the ranch from the Bidart family, that we originally split Leonard Creek with was a huge moment that stands out to me. Owning the ranch all Montero was very special to us. Shortly after that things took a dark turn for a while. My son Julian died that fall, we were in a terrible drought and one of our windmills went out causing a bunch of cows to die. I would go out alone and move cows that were alive out of the area. I would get so dehydrated on these cattle drives and it was before plastic water bottles were invented, that I would drink out of cow imprints of water. The cows would step

on dried up springs and their imprints would bring a little bit of water up to ground level. I always knew that if bugs were floating in the water then the water was safe to drink. Ranch life isn’t any more stressful than any other life.. You know your seasons, you know your responsibilities and you are around animals and God’s wonderful creations. If I was new to ranching, it would be very stressful. It was actually extremely stressful for me when I first jumped into the way of a being a cattlewoman. I came from the city lights of Los Angeles to the huge open rural starry skies of Northern Nevada. I had to learn a new way of life. The life out here was not easy for a woman at first. Everyone and everything would try to run you off. The strong women stayed; I stayed. You had to be strong willed. I learned how to cook everything. Everything was homemade. You never dared buy a loaf of bread. We made everything. Of course in these modern times, I have gotten over that. My husband Frenchy, would cut meat. I never liked to kill and I never watched when animals were butchered. The only part I would participate in was gutting and plucking chickens. I have never killed anything on purpose. Occasionally, we have those awful days when a dog gets run over, a horse colics or a cow dies and it makes me sick to my stomach. Those who live in the depths of the cities will never understand the way of life we live and the peace of it; not having a neighbor within 20 miles of us and the quietness of living in the middle of nowhere. It is good for the mindset to escape the noise of the world and live peaceful in the mountains. It is hard for urban life community members to wrap their minds around the things we do out here. For example, impaling a bloated cow with a knife and sticking a straw in the wound to save a cow’s existence. I once watched a bull shove a pregnant cow off of a cliff. My crew and I rushed to the bottom only to find a cow that was slowly dying, taking in shorter and shorter breaths. I jumped off my horse, pulled out a knife and cut the calf out. Today the calf’s name is Tumbleweed and is our pet. The whole world needs to know our story and appreciate what ranchers and farmers do. We don’t want to share the number of cows we run because that is private. Our stories need to be shared. The world needs to acknowledge that ranchers and farmers are just as much heroes when compared to firefighters, police officers, doctors, etc. We keep the world fed. A lot of individuals do not appreciate us, many even protest us. We may be selling animals for the food market, but I can tell you one thing, I love animals more than people. I care for them; I save and fight for their lives. I won’t let our workers move certain hay bales sometimes because a bird will have a nest built on one. I have had a vet tell me to put down one of my old and sick dogs. I refused and healed the dog myself. That dog lived another few years. My neighbor was going to put down a horse that had an extreme leg wound from getting caught in a barbed wire fence. I said I would take the horse, and now today that horse is one of my favorite long day mountain riding horses.

If you want to make your way in ranching just do it. Be confident. Don’t over think it. You have to be brave and stubborn and say you won’t give up on your dream. It will be hard at first but very rewarding later. The ranching life is an unforgettable one, a unique one. If your dreams don’t scare you, then you are not making the most of your life.


The Dubois Parade Team

For Mindy and her Dad, everything turns into a good story! Words By: Mindy Hoggan

Clark County, Idaho--9:08 am the phone rings...Jay Hoggan calling, (this is usually how a great story starts)! I am headed out the door before our rodeo to go do the neighbors chores. Leisurely morning, I have left myself plenty of time to get everything done and be ready to go at 9:30. My phone rings as I am walking out the door. It is my Dad and he needs help getting the team ready for the parade. Last night, he decided that he wanted to take the team up to the parade in Dubois. Technically, I don’t have to be to Dubois until after the parade for my rodeo job. I head to Dad’s place. J2 & Dad have the mares caught and harnessed already. They are in the middle of a matted mess of cockle burrs in the forelocks. WD40 & a brush I take to picking clumps out too. (The entire time I am thinking of the “Unbranded” video of the guy trying to get the cactus off of the horse & getting pawed in the head) Lucky for me, these mares are super nice, the ol’ girl just dropped her head and let me work on her. I hear screaming from outside! Mindy!...McKinlee!....Mindy!....McKinlee!.....Nope no one was mortally wounded. Dad and J2 just needed help pushing the wagon to the trailer. Well, I gained a deep appreciation for air today. Two of the 4 tires were flat...and air sure makes tires roll easier. Tires aired up, wagon loaded, horses cleanish & loaded. We are off! I hopped in the truck and trailer with Dad, north bound and headed to the Dubois Parade! We are rolling in hot. All of the other teams are in line and ready. Unload the horses, roll out the wagon, hook and go! Dad is rolling the team around the gas station parking lot, greeting everyone like he’s running for mayor and simultaneously warming up the horses. Keep in mind that these mares have not been touched since last fall. They are traveling out like champs! We even got there in time to get a number and line up in order for the parade progression, which is progress for us! There are four wagons entered in the parade. The wagon in front of us is the prettiest set of matched grey mules, painted red wagon with freshly shined is truly parade worthy!

Well...then there is us. Our team is GORGEOUS! They are a big blue set of mares with the Quarter Circle V on them and a number brand 0 for the year born, remnants of the old bucking horse string. Dad has his fanciest harness on them, all spotted up by Monte Piquet. The wagon in desperate need of a paint job, the seat is ripped...and there is no shine left on the ol gal. I wouldn’t say that Dad & I are really in our Sunday best either. (In my defense, I was going to catch candy at the parade that morning...not going to be in the parade)! The parade progression begins. The fancy team in front of us is doing turns. (We are all channeling our inner Preifert team hitch.) Well, Dad’s wagon isn’t fancy, but his horses are. We are barely a block into the parade, and smack dab in the middle of main street, Dad starts a fancy turn in the middle of the street whirling the big gals around on a dime..... SNAP!....the wagon tongue snaps in half! The remaining piece is no jagged and jabbing one of the mares in the legs! This is where our wreck begins! We are mildly out of control and headed for a little girl getting candy in the street. Dad tells me to jump out and get a hold of them. I get to the front and get them stopped. The tongue is still poking the one mare. (I am now super grateful for spraying WD40 cans at their face this morning because I know they are pretty dang gentle) My Aunt Nancy & Connie come from the crowd to help unhook the chains from the wagon. This is where my logically thinking exits. After we get them unhooked, my Dad says come up here and take the lines. Go with them. So....I take the lines and set out...on the parade down main street...driving the team! It made for a great story. Farther down the road, the parade goers would holler...You lost your wagon. I smiled and said...You are right! I really did lose my wagon! I went from a Preifert hitch teamster to a plow boy in a matter of seconds, but we walked the entire parade. (Yes, pavement and cowboy boots will make you a little sore-footed at a trot) I thought the cherry on top was when they announced that we won the Wagon Category. (It probably should have went to the team in front of us but if they had a Best Wreck category, we would have rocked it!) The best part though was tonight on the phone...My Dad said something to me that he has never said before....”You did good today!” Thank you, Dad, for always making EVERYTHING a good story!


Mindy is a full time mom and wellness advocate who loves to tell stories and share her journey with others. You can follow her on Facebook on her page Lil’ Red Roan.




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Ranching Scrapbook Words by Jennifer Whiteley Photos By Emily Fuhriman

Trevor and Emily Fuhriman used horsepower for about 80% of the work putting up hay this year. Here “Dolly” and “Polly” pull the Buck Rake.

A Buck rake is a wide, horse-drawn long-toothed rake for gathering hay from a windrow and carrying it. Here Trevor Fuhriman uses Clydesdale mares“Dolly” and “Polly” on a John Deer Buck Rake.

Winnemucca, Nev.—I find it ironic that my iPhone autocorrects “Haying” to “Hating!” It’s almost like my phone is smarter than me or something! Actually, I really don’t mind haying season that much. Partly because my haying involvement anymore is driving down the road to see where the hay contractors are! I have done my share of haying though, growing up. I think I was about 11 when I started raking hay with the dump rake. We had 2 antique Massey-Ferguson tractors, that looked more like toys than actual farm equipment. The paint had long worn off, and I’m pretty sure they were both older than my dad! I had to pack an old tin coffee can with me because in the afternoons, the tractor would overheat, and I would have to refill the radiator with water from a ditch, or if I was close, a creek running through the field. It had a hard metal seat, that got hot when I returned from lunch. No shade, no radio, no air conditioning, just me, the sun, a hot seat, and grass dust and pollen, and I would drive around and around and around with just my thoughts to keep me company. One of the best gifts I ever received was a Sony Walkman, at least then I could sing along with The Judds, George Straight, and Clay Walker, and if I got going fast enough and there was a breeze, I could get a little cool mist off the radiator! With all of this wonderful technology, with cabbed over tractors with radios and air conditioning, and smart phones, (at the risk of sounding old), kids these days will never know the struggle of scatter raking when the batteries died in the Walkman! I imagine my dad thought the same thing about my sister and I with our Walkman’s while he grew up using a team of horses to put up hay. One of my favorites stories from my dad was when he was a little boy, haying for the first time for his grandparents. He was running the dump rake, using a team of horses, and he came across a big puddle of water in the field. To his delight, it was full of tadpoles! When he went to grandma’s at lunch time, he asked her if she had a little tub or container he could have. She gave him something, and as soon as he got back to the field, he and his team hightailed it to the puddle and he went to catching tadpoles. Who knows how long he had been at it, but eventually his dad showed up and my dad was in TROUBLE! You see, when grandpa was driving past on the highway, all he could see was that team stopped in the middle of the field not working, and he couldn’t see dad anywhere. He automatically thought the worst, that dad had been in an accident of some sort and was hurt, so to find dad playing in the mud puddle, lets just say it did not go over well! Riding on that hard metal seat all afternoon was pretty uncomfortable after his paddling, but the worst of the punishment was having to turn all of those tadpoles loose! The 1956 and 1957 Ferguson 40 wore this paint scheme. The Ferguson 40 was mechanically equivalent to the Massey Harris 50 and the Massey Ferguson 50. In the initial years after the Massy-Harris and Ferguson merger, Massey-Harris and Ferguson maintained separate model lines.


Clydesdales “Dolly” and “Polly” pull a Mccormic Dump Rake. These mares were raised and trained by Trevor and his wife Emily Fuhriman. (Below Photo By: Marva Slagowski Smith): Riley Smith of Spring Creek, Nevada drives the truck through the field, picking up hay to stack. Riley is the 14-year-old son of Josh and Marva Smith who have a custom hay business, serving Northern Nevada.

Trevor Fuhriman purchased “Burk” as a trained Clydesdale, and trained “Jim” to mow with him.


Matching Hay Quality to Cow Needs An exerpt from the Intermountain Pasture and Hay Meadow Handbook: Pasture, Hay and Profit By: Ron Torell, Northeast Area Livestock Specialist Jason C. Davison, Central Area Plants and Soils Specialist

Feeding range cattle through the winter is the most costly aspect of many livestock operations in Nevada. However, if hay quality is matched to the nutritional demands of cattle, the purchase of supplements can be reduced and herd production can be increased. This can be accomplished by simply planning the sequence of hay feeding. Improving hay quality through fertilization, water management, species composition and time of harvest may also reduce the cost of winter feeding. A nutritional analysis of 302 grass hay samples harvested from 70 northeastern Nevada ranches between 1946 and 1987 supports the above statements.

cows in the last three months of pregnancy when a phosphorous supplement is added. An energy-based supplement may be necessary under conditions of cold stress because the total digestible nutrient (TDN) values for these hays come close to meeting the cow’s minimum energy requirements.

Critical Months for Nutrition

Minimize Costly Supplements

In northern Nevada, January, February and March are nutritionally critical months for the cows that will calve at the beginning of April. Nutritional demands are approximately 10 percent greater during the last third of pregnancy. Allowing cows to lose excessive condition prior to calving will delay birth the following year. This is due to delayed estrous5 . Inadequate nutrition during the three months after calving (April, May and June) is also detrimental to reproduction the following year. During these three months, nutritional demands are 20 percent higher than pre-calving requirements for cows and 25 percent higher for first-calf heifers. If the nutritional demands of the cows are not met during these critical six months (January through June), conception rates can be greatly reduced or delayed5. The same effect has been demonstrated with bred yearling heifers.

By efficiently managing the winter feeding program it is possible to meet nutritional demands of the cow herd and minimize supplementation. Hay quality statistics listed in this publication are averages for hays produced on Nevada ranches during the past 40 years. An average figure can only be used as a guide because nutritional value varies from field to field and from one year to the next. Because of this, testing is essential in order to minimize supplement feed costs. The costs of forage testing are minimal compared to the costs of most protein and/or energy supplements.

First Three Months After Calving The early cut, fertilized hay (Table 5) is the only feed listed that meet all the cow’s requirements following calving. Nutritional demands are the highest during this time because of lactation.

Importance of Forage Quantity

A feeding plan based on the nutritional demands of cattle and quality of feed on hand can easily be developed for hay listed in Table 1. Table 1 allows comparison of the nutritional values of the hay to the nutritional needs of the 1,000-pound cow for nine months (from the middle of pregnancy to three months after calving.) For the purpose of discussion it is assumed that there is an adequate supply of each hay listed.

Cattle require quantities of nutrients not percentages of nutrients. The percentage of nutrients needed to balance the rations discussed in this chapter will be incorrect when the amount of hay fed is less or more than the quantity required (depending on the weight and physiological condition of the animal). Cattle can suffer from “hollow belly” when insufficient forage is fed no matter what the forage nutrient density. Generally, an animal’s dry matter intake ranges from 1 to 3 percent of its body weight depending on the forage quality. The higher the forage quality the greater the intake. Also, it is important to remember that environmental conditions often create the need for additional forage intake during winter months.

Middle Third of Pregnancy

Purchasing Hay

The poorest quality hay of the four listed is the late cut, non-fertilized hay (Table 2). Producers should feed this hay during the middle third of pregnancy when the cow’s nutritional demands are low. Late cut hay falls just short of meeting requirements for protein and phosphorous, but meets or exceeds requirements for energy and calcium during the middle term of pregnancy. Last Third of Pregnancy

Purchasing additional feed based on the quality and quantity of feed on hand can save money. Northern Nevada livestock producers have access to alfalfa hay markets in southern Idaho and northern Nevada. Hay that does not meet dairy industry specifications can be purchased cheaper than processed supplements on the basis of actual protein per pound. A combination of homegrown hay, purchased alfalfa hay and a phosphorous supplement will usually balance the nutritional needs of the cow herd during critical periods of the year. The best way to purchase feed, and balance a ration with feed on hand, is through nutritional chemical analysis and least cost ration formulation.

Matching Hay Quality

The early cut non-fertilized hay (Table 3) and the late cut, fertilized hay (Table 4) exceed the requirements for a cow in the middle third of pregnancy. The increased nutritional value of these hays will supply adequate nutrition for


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Beef. It’s Still What’s For Dinner. These monthly updates provided by the Nevada Beef Council are not just intended to keep Nevada ranchers and beef producers abreast of what’s happening on a state level with their checkoff investment, but also share some of the broader efforts happening on a national level through the checkoff. This month, we’re happy to share a couple of recent efforts to keep Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. top-of-mind for both consumers and influencers. Earlier this summer, the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand helped keep consumers craving beef through a release of the latest in a series of drool-worthy creative digital advertisements. The new collection features videos of beef being cooked with popular techniques, including grilling, smoking, stir-fry, sous vide, and with cast iron. The advertisement collection – dubbed “Keep Sizzlin” – was inspired by the success of the original “Sizzle” video created last year, which caught the attention of consumers by stimulating their eyes and ears with the look and sound of a juicy strip steak cracking and popping as it cooked to perfection in a cast iron skillet. The original video was intended to be a fun “extra” on the brand’s YouTube page, but it has been viewed more than 2 million times, exceeding expectations. Thus, the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. team sought to capture additional “sizzle” moments that create the mouthwatering experience beef-lovers crave. In addition to providing consumers with enticing content, the new advertisements have an educational component leading consumers to a section on cooking lessons on, where they can learn everything they need to cook the perfect beef meal. The cooking lessons offer basic information on cooking techniques as well as pro tips from the chefs at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff. The new “Keep Sizzlin’” videos will anchor the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. advertising efforts and utilize the slogan “Nicely done, beef.” This approach is meant to appeal to today’s older millennial consumers by highlighting the one attribute that consumers say distinguish it from other protein options: Beef’s great taste. Twenty-five years after Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. first became a household brand, beef farmers and ranchers are inspiring a new generation of millennials to explore their culinary talents and share meals that satisfy, making sure beef continues to be what’s for dinner.

Beef: Bringing Influencers Together in NYC On June 26th, the Beef Checkoff brought some serious beef to New York City with an event focusing on entertaining with beef, held for food and lifestyle influencers and members of the media. The event brought together 14 local and national influencers for an exclusive hands-on experience that included cooking and butchery demonstrations and networking. During the three-hour long event, attendees learned how to entertain with beef from an acclaimed New York City chef and restaurateur. The educational portion of the evening included how to prepare a Korean-style beef appetizer, how to breakdown a whole strip loin, how to cook the perfect steak in a cast-iron skillet, and additional tips for entertaining with beef. Throughout the cooking demonstrations, the chef explained the inspiration behind the dishes, the flavor profiles of different cuts of beef, the benefits of at home fabrication as well as the use of a cast-iron skillet and tips and tricks for making the perfect steak. In addition to the hands-on cooking experience, influencers had the opportunity to learn more about how beef is raised from Laurie Munns, a cattle rancher from Hansel Valley, Utah and Federation Division Chairman, at the National Cattle-

men’s Beef Association. Munns attended the event to represent cattle farmers and ranchers across the United States. “Seeing firsthand the work that is done with influencers on behalf of the Beef Checkoff, was insightful,” said Munns. “It was a great experience watching these influencers learn about how to entertain with beef and I am looking forward to seeing how they extend this to their followers.” The exclusive evening of beef served as an opportunity for the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand to build relationships with top-tier influencers and learn how it can assist these individuals in sharing the craveability of beef with new audiences in the future. In total, the social media coverage of the event had a reach of 1.2 million, with just under 1,000 engagements, which included content from Instagram and Facebook. The event also inspired content for the blogs of attendees. To see content inspired by this event and additional beef recipe inspiration, visit the @beefitswhatsfordinner on Instagram. For more on these and other efforts underway thanks to your Beef Checkoff, visit or

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Campfire Chili with Cornbread Words and Photo By Jennifer Whiteley

Mountain City, Nev.—It has become a tradition for my family and my sister’s family to go on a camping trip for the 4th of July. The boys love the time they get to spend with their cousins. The Cowboss and my brother in law enjoy being able to disconnect from the world for just a couple of days, and my sister and I like being able to just hang out and not have to think about laundry, dishes, or cleaning our houses! We cook over a campfire, gorge ourselves on roasted marshmallows, and after 30 minutes camping, our kids look like they have been homeless for 6 months. We like to stay until we run out of ice! We try to go somewhere without cell service, and after that, our camp requirements are pretty minimal. We want shade, water, and a somewhat level place to pitch our tents. We also try and go somewhere new with uncharted territory for us all to explore. This year we ended up at the head of McCall Creek, between Mountain City and Petan. We were able to find a place that hadn’t been too

damaged by the South Sugarloaf Fire of 2018, that met all of our requirements. It was in a little copse of trees, with a creek running nearby. It really is a pretty little spot. The first day is designated as camp set up. We let the kids pick their own spot and pitch their own tent. They also dug their own fire pit not too far from their front door, where they could hang out and roast marshmallows. When they woke up the next morning, a spring had come up right under their tent, and completely flooded their fire pit! Fortunately, the tent floor was pretty watertight, so none of their bedding was wet! They promptly moved camp after they woke up! One of my favorite things about camping, is cooking with a Dutch oven, using coals. Our camping trip is a great time to try out new recipes. We’ve made peach cobbler, sprite chicken, and various stews and biscuits in years past. This year I tried Campfire Chili with Cornbread. It did not disappoint!

Campfire Chili with Cornbread

Instructions In a fire ring or other fire-safe container add 35 charcoal briquettes. Light the briquettes and allow to heat up for approximately 20-30 minutes. When flames are down and coals are hot, place over the hot coals a 10-inch cast iron Dutch oven. Add olive oil into Dutch oven. Stir in diced onions, bell peppers, Anaheim chili and jalapeño pepper. Cook until vegetables start to soften, approximately 5 minutes. Add ground turkey and garlic cloves to the vegetables and cook until meat is mostly browned. Season with chili powder, cumin and salt. Mix in beans, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, chipotle chili and canned green chilis. If your coals are too hot you might need more water. Allow chili to simmer for at least 30 min or up to several hours. The longer the chili cooks, the more flavor the chili will have. If you are simmering the chili for hours, remove 10-15 coals from underneath the Dutch oven. Keep an eye on the coals and the heat while it cooks. You may need to add new coals if the old ones die out.

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Ingredients 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil 1 onion, diced 1 red bell pepper, seeded & diced 1 Anaheim chili, seeded & diced 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded & diced 1 1/2 lb ground beef 4 garlic cloves, minced 2 TBS chili powder 1 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp salt 15 oz canned black beans, drained and rinsed 15 oz canned tomato sauce 15 oz canned diced tomatoes 3 oz chipotle chili in adobo sauce 4 oz green chili, canned, drained & diced 1/2 cup water, if needed 1 box of cornbread mix

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Mix together (per package directions) 1 box of cornbread mix, or your favorite recipe. There are brands that only require water to be added. Spread cornbread batter evenly over the top of your chili. Cover Dutch oven with lid and place approximately 16 hot coals on the lid. Allow chili and cornbread to cook until cornbread is browned and done, THE minutes. NEVADA RANCHER – AUGUST 2019 29 approximately  20-30

Open Range Words By: Jolyn Young

Photo book portrays authentic cowboy life AUSTIN, Tex. – Acclaimed photographer John Langmore’s latest photo book, Open Range, far surpasses all expectations of quality coverage of the working cowboy and his lifestyle. Langmore has long photographed ranches around the West, some of which he worked on as a cowboy in his younger years. His work is known worldwide for accurately depicting the American cowboy at work, leisure, and home – usually in a bunkhouse.

Included within Open Range‘s 144 pages are 30 pages of text that simultaneously educate and entertain. Langmore’s writing is rooted in his childhood summers spent working as a cowboy on a Montana ranch, making him uniquely positioned to tell the story of the modern-day big outfits. He hung up his spurs in his twenties, choosing to use his freshly-earned law degree to make a living. Throughout the ensuing decades, Langmore has actively maintained his ties to ranches and the cowboy community at large.

For Open Range, Langmore spent 6 years shooting all 4 seasons on 14 of the nation’s most historic ranches. Among others, he visited the O RO in Arizona; Tongue River Ranch in Texas; and the Padlock Ranch in Montana/Wyoming. While at these famous locales, Langmore used his analog camera and cowboy intuition to capture more than what meets the eye. A scene of two cowboys standing beside their saddled horses, covered in sweat and dirt, conveys the tiredness felt by all four. In another image, longsleeve shirts and blue jeans decorate a tree while a nearby dirt tank welcomes a crew of cowboy-hat-clad swimmers. All his pictures were made with black and white film, a medium that preserves the timeless nature of the working cowboy’s lifestyle.

In his book, Langmore writes about branding calves, cutting colts, camping out with the wagon, running mustangs, eating in the cookhouse, and buck-offs he survived. He explains the modern cowboy code in a way that merits the cowboys’ approval and remedies the city slicker’s ignorance.

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The next rule you’re likely to confront is more contemporary than traditional, as it governs the order in which horses are loaded into a trailer. First, deference is given to where in the lineup the cow boss or buckaroo boss wants his horse. You basically look to him to tell you it’s okay to load your horse…To understand the rule’s significance, imagine a bunch of siblings stuck in the back seat of a car kicking and biting each other with a thousand pounds of force. The cowboy/photographer/lawyer deftly weaves humor into his stories as well. Another time, I ill-advisedly got on a horse I had no chance of riding. He made that point by bucking me off in two jumps and then kicking me in the chest for good measure. Afterwards, Benny begrudgingly drove me to the Miles City hospital. After examining me, the doctor said that if the kick had landed a few inches differently in either direction, the results might have been altogether more disastrous. Benny dismissively replied, “Ah, those doctors always say it could have been worse.” Langmore optimistically chronicles the cowboy’s enduring presence in American society. New technology…may alleviate the need for some long rides, but nothing can track a cow like a horse. And no amount of modern breeding can remove a cow’s unique ability to hide in a stand of brush or turn on a dime in an effort to undermine man’s efforts to control her destiny.

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For more information or to order a copy of Open Range directly from the publisher, visit Twin Palms Publishers’ website at Some photos from this books also appear in the upcoming feature movie Cowboys: A Documentary Portrait, which Langmore co-directed with filmmaker Bud Force. To learn more and watch the trailer, visit

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Photo By: Lorretta Reed

Elko County Ag in the Classroom Photo & Words By: Sidney Wintermote Elko County Ag in the Classroom

As ranchers and livestock producers, we all know how important it is to “AgVocate” for our industry and way of life. We have different passions and perspectives regarding the industry but, I think we can all agree that educating the importance of agriculture is paramount and there is no better place to start than in our own communities. This past year, members of the Elko Co. Cattlewomen worked together with the Nevada Ag in the Classroom (AITC) program and the Nevada Department of Agriculture to provide several fun-filled and educational days for Elko County teachers and students. After nearly losing AITC in our county, a small group of volunteers collaborated and were able to recruit several individuals who were eager to reestablish the program. Without their love for the industry and ambition to educate our community, this would not have been possible. “The mission of Agriculture in the Classroom is to “increase agricultural literacy through K-12 education.” An agriculturally literate person is defined as “one who understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life.” Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) programs seek to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts and nutrition. By encouraging teachers to embed agriculture into their classroom, AITC cultivates an understanding and appreciation of the food and fiber system that we all rely on every day. AITC’s vision that “agriculture is valued by all” is unique within the agricultural education community and positions itself as the lead organization to serve the full spectrum of K-12 formal education.” -http:// The Ag in the Classroom program provides continuing education credits for teachers once they complete 15 hours of classroom time through the program. This year, teachers met at the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Maggie Creek Ranch in Elko. A host of lessons were provided to implement in their classroom including 360 Agriculture-Virtual Reality; this is a series of dynamic virtual experiences that offer an exclusive behind the scenes pass to locations that bring agriculture innovation to life. Time spent at the Maggie Creek Ranch gave them a new “life on the ranch” perspective that included several hands-on activities ranging from Nevada Water & Agriculture, Irrigation Engineering, Sagebrush Ecosystem, Soils and a ranch tour that focused on the Beef Cattle and Farming portion of ranching as well as Environmental Stewardship. Elko County Ranchers, Jon Griggs, Pete Paris, Neil McQueary and Jeff Knight joined the group in the afternoon for the “Ask an Agriculturist” panel. This panel discussion gave teachers the opportunity to ask questions that would help them better understand Positive Impacts and Current Events Effecting Ranching. Panelists elaborated on where their love for the industry began and how they maintain a successful business despite the challenges they face each day. Kevin and Kristi Tomera generously volunteered the Six Bar Ranch in Spring Creek, NV to host over 500 students, teachers, parents and volunteers who visited the ranch over a 4-day period. Each day, attendees were divided into several groups where they learned about Rangeland Stewardship and Farm Safety, Beef Byproducts, Bees, Pigs, Chickens, Cows, Sheep/Wool and Livestock Brands. They started their day on a hay ride around the ranch and finished with a picnic where they got to roast their own hot dog.


With average consumers being removed from the farm by many generations, it is more important now than ever to connect students to agriculture. Whether realized or not, agriculture plays a role in all our lives every single day. When students are given the opportunity to experience life on the ranch or farm, they are then taking it home and unintentionally informing their family and friends about what they have learned. Therefore, we are not only connecting children to their food source, but we are starting a chain-linked response in to their homes. After so much positive feedback, the Elko Co. AITC Committee is ambitious for next years event. If you have a passion for Agriculture and are interested in implementing the program in your community, please contact myself at 775-3974750 or David Voth at 775-738-8076.



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Old-time Nevada/Oregon desert ranch with deeded land and BLM permit in both states. Great irrigation water, turnout for 450+ cows. A true desert ranch out in big country.

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Save the Dates: Carlin Ranch Rodeo (Grant Gerber Memorial) : August 16th (7pm) & 17th (4pm), 2019. More info: Outlaw Broncs Facebook or Tommy Stowell Memorial Horse and Muley Roping: August 18th, 2019 starting at 9am Carlin Equestrian Center We are so excited to honor Tommy Stowell with a horse and muley roping the Sunday after the Carlin Ranch Rodeo. Nevada Stockmanship School: Sept. 26-29, 2019 at the Cottonwood Ranch More info:


3305 Potato Rd, WINNEMUCCA


Let’s Rodeo

2019 Jake Eary Memorial Rodeo Results Words and Photo By Jennifer Whiteley

Elko, Nev.—The 9th Annual Jake Eary Memorial Rodeo was held June 22nd-23rd at the Elko County Fairgrounds in Elko, Nevada. Contestants tried their skills in the Branding, PeeWee Events, Jr Events, Barrels, Muley Roping, and all Roughstock including Ranch Broncs (WSRRA sanctioned) events.

Sheep Riding (Only qualified scores): 1st: Leta Anderson 2nd: Jade Anderson 3rd: Hadley Malotte Stickhorse Barrels: 1st: Hadley Malotte 2nd: Ruby Jo Kelly 3rd: Jett Freeman 4th: Anna Matson 5th: Austyn Hale Dummy Roping: 1st: Hadley Malotte 2nd: Emmit Knaub 3rd: Jett Freeman 4th: Ruby Jo Kelly 5th: Riata Kerr Jr. Barrels: 1st: Italy Jo Holman 2nd: Maggie Van Norman 3rd: Quil Filippini 4th: Raelee Christian

1st: Riata Goemmer 2nd: Jayce Blake 3rd: Sami Webb 4th: Anna Van Norman

Jr. Team Roping: 1st: Tyler Miller 2nd: Logan Cummins 3rd: Walker Jones 4th: Robert Gibson Steer Riding (only qualified rides): 1st: Tator Nez 2nd: Zach Oros Rescue Race: 1st: Tony Steele/Emmett Knaub 2nd: Chad Steele/Hadley Steele

Muley Roping: 1st: Daniel Eary/Jason Jones 2nd: Austin Iveson/Austin Carrasco 3rd: Hanes Holman/Quinn Mori 4th: Tate Else/Leo Ramone 5th: Alan Malotte/Dalton Jim 6th: Hanes Holman/Michael Mori

Ladies Steer Stopping: 1st: Taryn Hayes 2nd: Robbin Rowley 3rd: Payton Feyder 4th: Brynn Lehman

Kid’s Branding: 1st: Robert Gibson 2nd: Hannah Rose Kelly 3rd: Italy Jo Holman 4th: Maggie Van Norman

Open Steer Stopping: 1st: Casey Felton 2nd: Barak Freeman 3rd: Trevor Carrasco 4th: Tony Steele

Mix Branding: 1st: Flying M Ranch 2nd: Cool Cats 3rd: Flying Q 4th: Circle N

Barrel Racing:

Open Branding:

1st: Flying Q 2nd: OE Bar 3rd: Jim Ranch 4th: Deadman Team Bareback Riding: 1st: Colton Clemens 2nd: Cooper Clemens Saddle Bronc Riding: 1st: Luke Logan 2nd: Shaun Mentaberry 3rd: Shaun Mentaberry Ranch Bronc Riding (4 way tie): Junior Harney, Wyatt Williams, Tegan Nevarez, Sutton Jepson

Bull Riding (only qualified rides): 1st: Will Morris 2nd: Pete Bradshaw Youth Girl High Point: Hadley Malotte Youth Girl Reserve: Ruby Jo Kelly Youth Boy High Point: Jett Freeman Youth Boy Reserve: Emmett Knaub Junior Girl High Point: Italy Jo Holman Junior Girl Reserve: Maggie Van Norman Junior Boy High Point: Robert Gibson Junior Boy Reserve: Quinn Filippini Woman’s High Point: Payton Feyder Woman’s Reserve: Riata Goemmer Men’s High Point: Barak Freeman Men’s Reserve: Alan Malotte



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Find info and dates for upcoming TEAM ROPINGS & RANCH RODEOS on our website!

Special Feeder Sales: Second Tuesday of Each Month August 13UI * September 10 Special All Breeds Sheep & Goat Sale

September 21


McDermitt Ranch Rodeo Results

Championship Team – Little h Little y – Hyland & Staheli Wilkinson, Victor Ugalde, Katlen Schimmelphenig, Nick Eiguren. 2nd Place Team – Maher Ranch – Steve & Tim Maher, TJ Thompson, Charlie Smit, Kyla Rianda 3rd Place Team – 06 Livestock – Lee & Wyatt Stanford, Brandi & Jess Lisle, Nathan Easterday 4th Place Team – Spud’s Ranch Team – Cole Stremler, Eddie Solis, Desi Dotson, Josh Harrer 5th Place Team – Tub’s Team- Tub Blantorne, Josh Prom, Hannah Ballantyne, Joe Aquiso, Michael Casey Youth Division Championship Team – King’s River Team - TJ & Nate Thompson, Tom Baird & Damian McGarva. 2nd Place Team – Desert Rats – Dusty & Will Wolverton, Jake & Blake Powers This year the McDermitt Ranch Rodeo had 5 talented photographers present. We encourage you to view more images on their Facebook and website platforms. Top Left Photo By Mary Williams Hyde, Buckaroo Country Photography. Cody Williams riding the bronc for the HS Ranch Team.


Bottom Left: Photo By Kathy Bengoa, Cowboy Life Photography. Nick Eiguren and Victor Ugalde of the Little h Little y team in the Team roping.

Event Champions Ranch Bronc Riding Champion – Tim Maher Steer Stopping Champion – Staheli Wilkinson Team Roping Champions – Little h Little y Horse Roping Champions – Spud’s Ranch Team Cow Roping Champions – Blossom Ranch Team Branding Champions – Little h Little y Division Event Champions Youth Team Roping – Desert Rats (Dusty & Will Wolverton, Jake & Blake Powers) Big Loop Steer Roping – King’s River Ranch (TJ & Nate Thompson, Damian McGarva & Tom Baird) Team Branding – Rose Creek Ranch (Danielle, Amanda, & Miranda Draper, Cody Barkdull Ranch Bronc Riding Ride -Off (Winner Take All) – Tim Maher Ranch Horse Race – Bonnie Dory

Top Right Photo By Ashley Rose Williams, Rocking Lazy A Photography Desi Dotson breakaway roping for Spud’s team. Middle Left: Photo By Victoria Jackson, V Hanging Heart Media Damian McGarva roping for the King’s River Ranch Youth Division. Bottom Right Photo By Nicole Poyo, Nicole Poyo Photography Nick Eiguren and Victor Ugalde horse roping for the Little h Little y team.


Nevada Fire Board’s online resources go live for 2019 RENO, NV. – Following a year with over a million acres burned in fire season, the Nevada Fire Board, made up of representatives from federal, state and local fire agencies and organizations, has built a website to provide all wildland fire information for Nevada in one place. This site,, hosts near real-time interactive fire and fire risk maps, updates on fire restrictions, information on large active fires and links to University of Nevada, Reno’s Seismology Lab ALERT Wildfire cameras. The newest feature in testing is an interactive map with a dashboard of important statistics, updat-

ed in real time from a variety of services. The Nevada Wildfire Information Map has existed for two years, but these dashboards (built for both desktop and mobile) are only weeks out of development. The public is encouraged to use these resources to stay informed of incidents as well as find helpful fire prevention information. During the fire season Nevada Fire Info will be primarily used for sharing up to date fire information and in the winter, it will also have career information for those interested in pursuing a future in wildland fire.

TREASURE VALLEY STEEL, INC. NV Wildfire Information Map, NV Wildfire Info Dashboard (Mobile Version) are shown. There is also a desktop version.


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THERE’S STILL TIME. Don’t let poor water distribution ruin your yield.

Call Agri-Lines, we can design you a sprinkler package to meet your specific needs and ask about our Newest Technology!


Ready for a New pivot? We can install between cuttings if order is placed two weeks before cutting.

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“Agri-Lines - Keepin’ You Wet, Helpin’ Ag Grow.” Looking down from 30,000 feet on Nevada’s craggy, arid landscape doesn’t evoke an image of what most people think of as rangeland. But this vast and seemingly desolate place as viewed from five miles high actually supports a vital and healthy livestock industry. In an environment which receives an average 7.5 inches of precipitation a year, careful and constant management of these particular rangelands is crucial. More than 85 percent of nevada is managed by the federal government under the supervision of the bureau of land management, the u.s. forest service, and the military. Because private land is very limited, ranchers need to use some of these public lands, as well as their own, for grazing herds of cattle and sheep. ranchers are given an allotment and a predetermined number of livestock are allowed to graze at a per-head fee.

This has been an agreeable partnership for close to a hundred years, with both parties active in managing the land to accommodate many uses such as wildlife habitat and recreation as well as grazing. The health of our rangeland is in everyone’s best interest. Land has always been the foundation of our nation’s wealth and the men and women who work that land are the traditional caretakers. land management and conservation science have advanced greatly over the last decades and modern ranchers keep up, or are in the lead.

Carefully grazed rangeland has been shown to be healthier and more productive than ungrazed land separated by only a wire fence. Grazing animals control invasive species and organic matter that fuels destructive wildfires. Like most of the west, nevada has been impacted by urban growth, especially by the increased demands on a limited water supply. Natural resources are under pressure so it becomes increasingly critical to manage our rangelands to benefit not only our livestock industry, but the very place we call home.

4780 East Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89801 • 775-738-4082

This ad is funded through the NRRC’s assessment of 10¢ per AUM paid byRANCHER public land–ranchers.   THE NEVADA AUGUST 2019 39

We’ve gotta try something different By Norma Elliott

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

We get use to doing things the same ole way time and time again. We also do this because of tradition, habit, or lack of knowledge. For us, that happened in the way we gather cattle in the creek pasture. It has a diverse landscape, creeks, mesas, and lots of brush. We gathered it the same way for years, missing cattle, or having them run off in deep ravines if we weren’t prepared. When arriving at the pens, the cattle had soured to going through the same ole’ gate. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I dreaded this pasture. After years of doing it this way, we asked ourselves…”Is there any other way?” Perhaps another route to take, another gate, a fresh way?... And yes, there was. We could push them the opposite direction from the pens, take them along the highway and down the ranch road. It wasn’t much further than we were going and it just might work. This would also give them a new gate to go through when arriving at the pens. We saddled up, started our drive pushing everything towards the highway. First group of cows, a little high headed at first, relaxed as we pushed, as if questioning what was happening. Next group fell into line, and so it went with the rest. Now, you cattlemen know the running off cattle are always going to give you a bit of a test and a new way doesn’t immediately take the run outta them. No doubt, the opposite direction had less brush and there old avenues weren’t handy for escape. Once we got to the ranch road, it’s flanked by fence on both sides and we approached the pens from the opposite side. Would they go through with ease, or booger at a new concept? We do this with our jobs, at the ranch, in how we produce, and how we manage our lives. We get use to the same old way of doing things even though they may not work. Why do we do that? We can’t expect different if we never give it a try. Sure we don’t know what the results will be and it’s a little scary to try something new, especially when it comes to our jobs. It could all break loose at the gate. The cattle could all panic, run off in this open pasture, and we could spend the next two days gathering them. But, they could pause, look at the gate, and walk thru. That’s exactly what happened. Once the fence to the ranch road ended, the pens are surrounded by a big brushy house pasture and deep creek. We flanked them on both sides, keeping some distance and not pushing to hard to make them anxious. They walked out nice, some even trotted a bit, but when they got to the open gate, they stopped and took a look. A sniff to the ground, and then an easy walk into the pens! It worked! Ever since that day we have taken the cattle this direction because it made the drive so much easier. I think about if we would have done it the old way, still frustrated, chasing cattle and perhaps even cussing a little along the way. I’m thrilled we tried something new that made the work easier. So how about you, is there a new way of doing it? Is there something we can learn from someone else? Is there someone we need to turn to when we just don’t see anyway?


This may not pertain to ranching at all, it may mean you need to try something new in your marriage, with your kids, with an old habit you should have lost a long time ago. There’s never been a time when I haven’t been able to ask God for the good sense to figure something out. We’ve sure been at the point where we didn’t see a way either and provided one. Have you ever been there? God wants us to look to Him for direction and to show us a new way if we let Him. I will leave you with this to keep in mind when the old way just isn’t working. Thank you for reading! Follow thecowboypastorswife on Facebook and Instagram

ALLIE BEAR REAL ESTATE Specializing in Hunting, Ranching and Horse Properties Gavica Ranch

10750 Gavica Lane, ParadiseValley. Beautiful 48 acre ranchette near the base of Santa Rosa Mountains. A clean updated home with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, stucco exterior, metal roof, covered patio, spacious garage, carport, lawn and mature trees.The acreage produces approximately 60 ton of prime grass hay.There are 39.36 acres of water rights .There is a shop and corrals.

Clear Creek Ranch

Year round cattle ranch with 10,400 Deeded Acres, parcels in Humboldt and Pershing Counties, plus BLM allotment. 6 pivots, 790 irrigated acres, 3 irrigation wells, ranch manager's home and equipment yard, Log Cottage. Excellent surface and under ground water rights with one of the longest perennial streams in the Great Basin. Equipment and cattle included.

279.93 Acres Lamoille

Beautiful Property wih Ruby Mountain Views and seasonal creek. Access is from Lower Lamoille Road.

Diamond Valley Farm

Nice family farm with three homes all with yards and trees.The farm is 1,080 acres in Eureka County with CertificatedWater Rights, six pivots, 2 alfalfa, 1Timothy, 1 wheat and 2 in permanent. Fescue and Garrison.Two hay barns, 2 feedlots, working corrals, loading chute, arena, large equipment shop with stalls. Farm runs 350 to 400 head from May through November.

Flying M Ranch

One of Nevada Great Ranches. Over 23,480 acres of deeded land which includes 23 miles of River Front on the Humboldt River. Property features 3 homes. Main home is a large 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home that includes a walk in cooler. Exceptional working cattle facility with large scale and covered hydraulic chute 2479 water righted acres with old water rights first used by Wells Fargo Stage to pasture. Private and federal grazing land. Cattle are turned out in Oct and come in to lush meadows in July.

Starr Valley Farm/Ranch

33 Upper StarrValley Road with 38 water-righted acres. Main house 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, front porch and large back deck, attached 2 car garage with storage. Cozy guest house with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with enclosed porch. Barn with loft/studio, nice horse stalls, hay storage, work shop area, and access to East Humboldt.

Paradise Valley Farm/Ranch

This Farm/Ranch is a total of 1048.43 acres, w/two homes, amazing piped arena, working pens, scale house Shop, Feedlot and much much more! Farm Currently has approx 400 acres in production 85 acres is alfalfa/grass mix, and the rest is straight alfalfa approximately 1800-2000 tons a yr. There is a gorgeous 2726 sq ft 4 bedroom 2.5 bath ranch style kit home fully landscaped yard w/trees. This Farm is a must-see! View Complete listings at

775-738-8535 • 775-777-6416 • 775-455-6748 Allie Bear, Broker/Realtor Dawn Mitton, Broker/Realtor Kelly Draper, Agent

Grazing in the Yard NOT SO

“Hey, Canoe has a butt crack!” exclaimed my little boy, Milo. “Does Teaks have a butt crack?”

I was bumming out the other day, because the extent of my horse activities these days is pitching hay and filling the water trough. My husband took 6 of our horses with him to day work at a ranch 400 miles away, and I’m taking care of the 2 kids’ horses in his absence. I haven’t saddled them up and ridden with the kids, though, because I don’t feel comfortable being Commentary by the only pair of eyes supervising a 6-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a Jolyn Young baby during a riding session. So, I drove past Canoe and Teaks every time I left home and felt sorry for myself for several weeks. Then I told myself to quit feeling sad and do something fun with those two old geldings. I strapped the baby to my chest and took my kid crew out to the horse pen. I caught the horses, and each kid led one to the front yard. I instructed them to drop the lead ropes and we’d let them mow the lawn for me. I really hate mowing the lawn, but and I love watching – and listening – to grazing horses. The kids and I sat in a shady corner of the yard and chatted while we watched our 2-horsepower lawnmowers eagerly cut the grass. I watched their ears flick forward and back. From time to time, they blew briskly through their noses, which is one of my top two favorite sounds. Their teeth ground together rhythmically as they moved around the yard, looking for the tastiest stems. We watched their tails

“Yes, all horses have butt cracks,” I replied. “Just like all people do.”

All In A Day’s Ride

#4 - My people skills are just fine. It’s my tolerance for idiots that needs work.

Desolate Ranch Wife

I have been on the road, with horses and High School cutters for 18 days. Idaho High School finals in Pocatello for 6 days, home for 3 days. Change horses and underwear, head to Winnemucca to the Silver State Invitationals, 6 days there. Home Thursday, headed to a cutting in Ellensburg, WA. on Friday. More new horses, and kids, didn’t have time to do laundry. One young Commentary by lady said, “Dave you need a shower, you stink” ???? Hey, I’m a Road David W. Glaser Warrior??? Four days in Ellensburg, where they had a $1000.00 added scholarship cutting for the youth; they had 14 youth, two go rounds, loud Music, announcer was revving up the crowd, which was screaming an yelling. I was so proud of my kids, who were getting ready to go to the National Finals in Rock Springs, WY. So, it is Thursday night, after 3 days at home, 10:43pm I’m writing this article for Ashley Buckingham, the Jigger Boss for the Nevada Rancher. I do have to say she is one of the best bosses I ever worked for. As soon as I finish this, I’m off to bed, duty calls at 4:00 am, Rock Springs or Bust! As I set here and think about all the old friends, I had the privilege to visit with in this wild trip. In Winnemucca, I was blessed to see so many friends, Joe Marvel, John Delong, and one of my all-time favorites Genie King. She has mellowed a lot, but she will probably kick me in the shins for screwing up her name. Also, John & Sharon Falen. It was so good to see all of these old friends, which bought me to this piece, author unknown. As I get older, I realize:

#1 - I talk to myself, because there are times I need expert advice. #2 - I consider “In Style” to be the clothes that still fit. #3 - I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.

“And dogs?” “Yes.” “And dinosaurs?” “Yes.” “And everyping?” Because he’s only 3, and his “th” still sounds like “p.” “Yes, just like everything.” Then we yelled “I see a butt crack!” every time a horse swished his tail. And we giggled in the dappled shade of our maple tree. The next time I caught my lawnmowers, I grabbed a spray bottle of mane detanlger and a brush. My son sprayed the bottom part and I sprayed the top, then I combed out the witches’ knots that had shamefully formed in my favorite horse’s mane. We discussed the differences between mares and geldings. Milo puzzled over their chestnuts, asking me why they had such big owies on their legs. I said I didn’t know, but they didn’t hurt. Sometimes, we drop the lead ropes and shade up in the house while the horses meander around the grassy areas. They wander in and out of the yard, across the driveway to the non-fruit bearing fruit trees (a plant species that makes me go “huh???”), and poke around the dog kennels just to make sure I’m not hiding the tallest timothy back there. When they start to munch on the hay stack, I pick up the lead ropes and return them to their pen. Then I admire how my rosebushes and flowering shrubs stand out so much more with all the grass neatly trimmed around them. The horses are very tidy and thorough. Plus, now they meet me at the gate and all but tie their own halter. And I love the excuse to pet their soft shoulders, smell their manes, and listen to their hoofbeats following me down the driveway.

#5 - The biggest lie I tell myself is, “I don’t need to write that down “You’ll remember it.” #6 - I have days when my life is just a tent away from a circus. #7 - These days, “on time” is when I get there. #8 - Even duct tape can’t fix stupid - but it sure does muffle the sound.

#9 - Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller? #10 - Lately, I’ve noticed people my age are so much older than me. #11 - “Getting lucky” means walking into a room and remembering why I’m there.

#12 - When I was a child, I thought nap time was punishment. Now it feels like a mini vacation. #13 - Some days I have no idea what I’m doing out of bed. #14 - I thought growing old would take longer. #15 - Aging sure has slowed me down, but it hasn’t shut me up. #16 - I still haven’t learned to act my age. It’s all in a Day’s Ride! David W Glaser Contact David to purchase his book or call 208-989-5404


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Small Balers

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2016 Case IH Farmall 110 U 93 hp, CAB, MFD, 250 Hrs., loader ready ........................ CALL 2014 CaseIH Magnum 235CVT, 1700 hrs, 195 hp, GPS, Luxury cab.........................…..$134,000

2014 Magnum 280CVT, 235 PTO HP, GPS, suspended axle, 380R54, 1400 hrs ......... $167,033 1994 Case IH Maxxum 5250, 2wd, rebuilt engine ............................................................ $37,500

2014 CaseIH Magnum 260CVT, 1200 hrs, 215 hp, GPS, Luxury cab........................……ON RENT 2014 Maxxum 125, 105 PTO HP, MFD, 1863 hrs.......................................................……$60,800

MISCELLANEOUS Koenig 450 Subsoiler, 5 shanks, steel wheels, hitch……...................................................$17,263 Parma 15 ft. Double Roller, Hydraulic Lift, Gooseneck Hitch ..........................................$19,096 Case IH 530C, Ecolotiger, One Pass Tillage, 5 Shanks ..................................................$39,590

Horsch MT-15 Joker, 3pt, high speed disc, 13’4” working width….................................…$31,770

Great Plains 18 ft, TurboMax, Hydraulic Adjustable Turbo Coulters ................................ON RENT Kuhn SR112 Rakes - 4 in inventory ..............................................................................$4,600-4,800 Great Plains 1500 Notill Drill with precision vert. hitch….....................................................Call Elston GA800 Heavy Duty, Gopher Killer ............................................................................$4,725 Koenig Finish Ripper with Wings, Rear Crumbler, Hitch .....................................................$18,995 Koenig Ring Rollers, 14 and 16 foot, In Stock ....................................................................CALL Twinstar 2030 Hydraulic Rake, 12 ft baskets, new teeth, upgraded star wheels ...............$8,000 Mil-Stak pull type 6 bale stacker, model 1850.....................................................................$61,276 Twinstar 2027 Hydraulic Rake, good condition...................................................................$6,800 2019 Darf and Rowse wheel rakes.....................................................................................IN STOCK

Summer is Coming. Stay cool and save big with Carrier Cool Cash!

Antelope Peak Ranch​: 5,300 deeded plus BLM permit attached to ranch. 5 center pivot’s irrigating approx. 583 acres plus another 28 acres with surface water rights out of large spring. Three homes plus shop and other outbuildings. This Elko Co. ranch offered at $3,900,000.

TO p U Mason Mountain Ranch: ​3782 deeded acres plus small BLM permit.​ ​Summers up to 300 pair F F In

O 0 $ 16 5

the past. Recent improvements to stock watering sources and new set of you by when sshowing tem Landowner Elk Tag(s). This is good summer range! $1,750,000. ​PENDING tesStill t reba omfort Sy n ta s in ome C /19 h s a and back-up offers considered! ol C 6/18 cy H r® Co fficien rough h-e arrie d th with Califying Higrrier® Vali u Ca q a surface water rights

Ruby Valley Ranch​: 1,023 Acres at foot of the Rubies with for approx.. 300 acres and permits for 375 acres of underground water for irrigation. On paved road. Some improvements Price: ​ ​$750./acre. White Flats:​ Approx. 2560 deeded acres, all contiguous, approx.. 15 miles South of Elko with fence for 4 miles already. Would make a good seeding! Price: $499,500.

6 2 5 - 1 6 5 4

SEVERAL NO INTEREST FINANCING PLANS AVAILABLE o.a.c. or low interest in-house financing plans available with no credit application needed.

Jiggs, Nevada Smith Creek Property​: ​ 2 ​ 20 deeded acres with approx.. 126 with surface water NV 24522 • CA 652354 • MHD-A0073 rights out of Smith Creek. Great homesite already carved out of the hill above the meadows with well and trees planted. On county maintained road approx.. 30 miles out of Elko. Price: $700,000. Paul D. Bo�ari, Broker Ranch properties now available through E-mail: • Bus. 775-752-3040 • Res. 775-752-3809 Bottari and Associates Realty • Fax 775-752-3021 • 122 8th Street • P.O. Box 368 • Wells, NV 89835

Bottari & Associates Realty



Antelope Peak Ranch

Smith Creek Property, Jiggs, Nevada

5,300 deeded plus BLM permit attached to ranch. 5 center pivot’s irrigating approx. 583 acres plus another 28 acres with surface water rights out of large spring. Three homes plus shop and other outbuildings. 1 land owner Elk Tag. This Elko Co. ranch offered.

220 deeded acres with approx. 126 with surface water rights out of Smith Creek. Great homesite already carved out of the hill above the meadows with well and trees planted. On county maintained road approx. 30 miles out of Elko.

Price: $3,900,000.

REDUCED Price: $650,000.

Elko Area River Property with Water Rights

650 deeded acres of which approximately 300 acres have surface water rights out of the Humboldt. Humboldt River splits it. Access at the Ryndon Exit. Price: $950,000.

NEW LISTING: Wells ranch property for sale 3796 deeded acres in several pastures plus an underground irrigation permit for 125 acres.

Need More Ranch Listings For additional information on these properties go to:


Market Report


Auction Directory Get the most up-to-date market reports by visiting these websites NEVADA Nevada Livestock Marketing LLC Sale every Wednesday 1025 North Allen Road, Fallon, Nevada Office: (775) 423-7760 Fax: (775) 423-1813 • Fallon Livestock LLC Sale every Tuesday 2055 Trento Lane, Fallon, Nevada Office: (775) 867-2020 Fax: (775) 867-2021 • Superior Livestock Auction Load-lots of cattle sold via satellite and the Internet Northern Nevada

Representative Allie Bear (775) 738-8534

CALIFORNIA Shasta Livestock Auction Yard Sale every Friday Cottonwood, California Office: (530) 347-3793 Fax: (530) 347-0329 • Cattlemen’s Livestock Market Sale every Wednesday 12495 E. Stockton Blvd., Galt, California Office: (209) 745-1515

IDAHO Producers Livestock Marketing Assn.

11 South 100 West, Jerome, Idaho Office: (208) 324-4345 Cattle auction every Tuesday; dairy auction every-other Wednesday • Treasure Valley Livestock Auction Beef sale every Friday; General sale every other Saturday 1901 E. Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho Office: (208) 459-7475; (800) 788-4429 • Twin Falls Livestock Commission Office: (208) 733-7474 630 Commercial Ave. Twin Falls, ID

OREGON Producers Livestock Marketing Sale every Wednesday P.O. Box 67, Vale, Oregon Office: (541) 473-3136 • Central Oregon Livestock Auction Sale Every Monday 3457 S.W. Hwy. 97 Madras, Oregon Office: (541) 475-3851 www.centraloregonlivestock

Livestock Auction Services SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY! Jack Payne, Mgr.: 775-217-9273 Carey Hawkins: 208-724-6712 Office: 775-423-7760

SALE EVERY TUESDAY 2055Trento Lane, Fallon, NV 89406 (775) 867-2020 - Fax (775) 867-2021 - Email Tommy Lee, Owner (775) 741-4523 office (775) 217-2259


July 29-Aug. 2 Video Royale XXVII $POTJHONFOU %FBEMJOF July 13 "VHVTU -23 Big Horn Classic CoOTJHONFOU %FBEMJOF "VH 3

September 11-12, 2019 Labor Day XXXV Consigment Deadline Aug.26


2018 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity Open Champions, Metallic Flame & Justin Wright

Presented by

September 8 – 15, 2019

Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, Reno, Nevada Event schedule & Ticket Information online at RENO SNAFFLE BIT SALES

Selling Performance & Ranch Horses, 2-Year-Olds, Yearlings & Broodmares Sale Preview: Friday, September 13 at 2 p.m. Sale Day: Saturday, September 14 at 10 a.m.

Sherri Gilkerson Memorial Scholarship Youth Limited and Youth Bridle Classes Champion buckles and saddles, and scholarships awarded in both divisions.

46   THE NEVADA RANCHER – AUGUST 2019 Friday, September 13 • 6 p.m.

Youth Limited: Thursday, September 12, 2019 Youth Bridle: Saturday, September 14, 2019 Entries due August 15, 2019


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EZ Angus RAnch bull sAlE selling 175 bulls: sat., september 7

eZ angus' tejas ranch • Farmington, Ca lunch: 11:30 a.m. • sale: 12:30 p.m.

We will be selling 175 performance-tested bulls with complete DNA evaluation. Bulls are vaccinated for anaplas and tested PI-negative for BVD. We offer FREE DELIVERY in California and Nevada. Every bull selling is backed by the EZ Angus Breeding Guarantee! don’t miSS theSe BullS & more FeAturing Breed-leAding genetiCS Selling the 1St SAturdAy in SePtemBer!

EZAR bonus 8213

EZAR PAychEck 8226

SiRE: Basin Bonus 4345 MGS: VAR Discovery 2240

SiRE: Basin Paycheck 5249 MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55 CED +6

BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C -3.5 +68 +122 +32 +55 +.61 +.91 +67 +170 +287

EZAR PAywEight 8169

CED +7

BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C -0.2 +66 +121 +33 +53 +.63 +.59 +72 +147 +263

CED BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +0 +3.8 +79 +146 +24 +65 +.87 +.71 +46 +171 +268

EZAR PAywEight 8139

SiRE: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55

SiRE: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55

CED BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +5 +2.1 +73 +134 +32 +48 +1.03 +.55 +$46 +145 +278

CED BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +2 +1.9 +75 +128 +36 +52 +.80 +.50 +68 +135 +243

EZAR PAywEight 8249

EZAR discovERy 8142

SiRE: V A R Discovery 2240 MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55

EZAR PAywEight 8275

SiRE: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55

SiRE: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: EXAR EZX 3772B

CED BW BW WW WW YW YW Milk Milk CW CW MA MA RE RE $M $M $B $B $C $C CED 10 +2.3 2.3 +69 69 +123 123 +36 36 +50 50 +.84 .84 +.61 .61 +74 $74 +143 $143 +259 $259 +10

CED BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +3 +2.8 +77 +121 +21 +49 +.37 +.58 +74 +123 +234

EZAR stud 8236

SiRE: EXAR Stud 4658B MGS: Basin Payweight 006S CED +10

BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +.1 +63 +120 +19 +62 +.99 +.46 +46 +186 +287

EZAR MonuMEntAl 8176

SiRE: EXAR Monumental 6056B MGS: Riverbend none Better Y095 CED +11

BW WW YW Milk CW MA RE $M $B $C +.8 +71 +125 +24 +51 +.94 +.38 +32 +162 +242

SAlE Book AnD Bull ViDEoS: and SAlE BRoADCASt:




tim & Marilyn Callison ................................................................. owners Chad Davis .................................................................... 559 333-0362 travis Coy ..................................................................... 559 392-8772 Justin Schmidt .............................................................. 209 585-6533 John Dickinson, Sale Management.....................................916 806-1919 Jake Parnell, Sale Management .........................................916 662-1298

21984 Avenue 160

Porterville, CA 93257

Follow uS on FACeBook For SAle inFormAtion & uPdAteS

AnnuAl fEMAlE SAlE: MonDAY, oCtoBER 14 Porterville, CA • Brunch 10 a.m. • Sale 11 a.m.

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