Health and Wellness Fall 2017

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Health& Wellness

Packed with useful information to inspire good physical and mental health

FALL 2017 INSIDE: Staying Fit after 60 Managing Diabetes Walking works! Honey is a Historic Cure Controlling Pain Without Medications What you need to know about Human Papillomia Virus And much more information from our advertisers!

September 2017

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Organically Grown Produce Stocked Daily



1041 Grass Valley Road • Winnemucca, NV (775) 625-8200 • 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Daily Information in this publication is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

2 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing the motivation to stay active and engaged at our ideal fitness level tends to diminish. Combine this with a tendency to eat larger, heartier hot meals and holiday desserts and it’s easy to see why we gain weight in the colder months of the year. Staying active and committed to maintaining your ideal weight year-round promotes long term health benefits and reduces your risk to various ailments, including heart disease and diabetes. The following are a handful of strategies that I like to employ to maintain my ideal weight over the winter months. Set some new goals: Setting some new fitness goals before winter will help keep you from falling back into bad habits. Stay active and tie your new goals into the season to help improve your chance of success. Resolve to walk or run outdoors for a certain amount of time or distance while the weather is still cooperative. When the snow flies and exercising outdoors is no longer an option, commit to an As we celebrate our secindoor training program or attend a few fitness classes at ond edition of Health and your local gym. Wellness, and the weather Switch up your routine: Staying with the same exercise turns cooler, I’m getting routine for months on end can get boring and mind-numbing. excited for a change in the The body can also become accustomed to the same workout temperature and in my rouroutine, meaning you won’t be deriving as much value as you tine. might if you switch things up. If you find your daily workouts Most people find it eastaking a turn for the mundane, switch up your routine by ier to stay active during changing your exercise routine or signing up for a new class the scorching hot days of that excites you. summer. Warmer weather Find some healthy foods: Make a commitment to eat encourages us to get off more leafy greens, fruits and vegetables as we move into the couch and enjoy the fall. Apples and pumpkins may be the most popular fruits great outdoors. We also and veggies associated with this time of year, but autumn is Matt Dierlam prefer to eat lighter meals Winnemucca Publishing also a peak season for leafy greens. Kale, spinach, chard and during this time of year, other green veggies have an impeccable reputation in the General Manager which help us maintain our nutritional world — and for good reason. They provide key ideal body weight. vitamins and minerals to keep you in optimum mental and Unfortunately, Old Man Winter rolls around again, and physical health over the winter months.

Don’t let winter derail your goals

Cardio vs Weight Lifting For Fat Burning Sponsored by The Fitness Zone By Justin Greyling

The Benefits of Cardio There are many forms of cardio out there, but as I’m sure you know the most popular form of cardio is jogging. Jogging is a great way to get the blood pumping as it has the ability to increase your lung capacity and the health of your heart! On average, a 15 minute jog will burn about 220 calories; however I do realize that it isn’t the most exciting form of exercise out there. If you are like me and you get bored quickly, the best thing that you can do is mix it up with a bit of interval training. Interval training is simply mixing standard cardio with short interval of high intensity bursts! So next time you are out jogging, try adding a few sprints to your routine.

The Good News About Weight lifting Now don’t worry, when I say weight lifting, I necessarily mean that you have to be Mr. Muscle in order to burn a few calories! Weight lifting can accomplish many long-term and short-term goals like losing weight. A weight lifting session can burn about 200 Calories a hour

Interval Training Builds Up Benefits Sixteen subjects divided into two groups were used in a study that was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2005. Eight of the people were a control group that did nothing over two weeks, and the other eight people did sprint intervals for two weeks. Before the two weeks, and after the two weeks, both of the groups were tested for their endurance. In this short period of time, the interval group doubled their endurance capacity.

Endurance Benefits Better Than Endurance Exercise depending on the intensity of your work out. It’s no secret, muscle helps to burn extra body fat! It’s not the only reason, but is why a lot of people fall into a ‘plateau’ because they focus only on their diets and neglect exercise altogether! The best way to start weight lifting is to start slowly and build your way up to heavier weights. A good rule of thumb is when you are ready to move on, increase you weights by about 10% at a time! So which is better for weight loss, cardio or weight lifting? Here is the answer: the one that you enjoy the most! After all you aren’t going to see any results if you give up after one week because you didn’t enjoy the activity. Both cardio and weight lifting burn similar amounts of calories if you are using the most efficient version of each. Also there is nothing that says you can’t do both! So if you want to keep your exercise routine exciting, try switching it up by doing both cardio and weight lifting. Just remember to give yourself at least one rest day a week! ——— The Fitness Zone has the trainers and the classes to help you achieve your fitness goals. Give them a call for current specials! Visit them at 591 Anderson St., Winnemucca. Call (775) 625-2020 or on Facebook: FitnessZoneWinnemucca. F

Good luck and stay warm, — Matt

What Works Better Than Endurance Exercise? Exciting Results With The Interval Training Study

Special to Winnemucca Publishing

When it comes to burning fat everyone wants to know one thing, what is the best way to do it? Losing that extra stubborn body fat will help in one of two ways, to either turn your lifestyle around or to prepare your body for the beach this summer. However, besides just to look good, losing that stubborn body fat also has heart health benefits such as preventing heart disease! I’ve been there myself and I know what it feels like, it can seem like an impossible task at first, to burn that weight off! But believe me when I say that you can do it, as there are so many ways in which you can burn fat like running, swimming and even by lifting weights. Losing weight boils down to one thing, burning more calories than you consume. And yes, some ways are more efficient than others, but which is better for losing weight, cardio or weight lifting?

Join a fitness club or sports league: The buddy system is a great way to stay committed to any fitness regimen or sports program. If you can’t find a partner or family member to brave the cold with you, consider joining a gym, exercise class or competitive sports league. These groups and activities will get you off the couch and provide a great opportunity to meet like minded people who have made a commitment to staying fit during the winter months.

Now we are aware that HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training does improve endurance better than people that do nothing, so now we need to know what happens to people who do endurance exercise. The results of the interval study, according to researchers, is that they are better or comparable, to aerobicbased training studies that lasted the same amount of time. The endurance capacity was increased by the subjects involved in the study, more than an endurance study, in which the participants did endurance exercises for 20 hours in total, over a period of two weeks (5 days a week, 2 hours per day).

2 Hours of Normal Cardio vs 15 Minutes of HIIT? When thinking that endurance exercises themselves, have less benefit to increase endurance than by doing HIIT, it is quite mind boggling.

For many people out there, this is a huge paradigm shift. The information that is contained in the study isn’t new, but it has yet to reach the mainstream audience. Even now, when I go to the gym, I hardly ever see anyone doing interval work. This is something that makes no real sense at all! For more than 15 years, we have been aware that HIIT is better at burning fat, and for the last 5 years, we have found that one of the ultimate ways to boost endurance, is by doing interval training.

How Can This Help Endurance Athletes? If you are an endurance athlete, then to get the most benefit from your workout, you have to use endurance exercise. To be able to withstand the pain that comes from endurance exercise, the tendons and muscles must be strengthened. The best thing to do, is to do a mix of intervals along with your endurance training. By doing it this way, you get the benefits from both exercises.

How Does This Help Everyone Else? By doing steady state cardio after HIIT, you can get more fat burning from the exercises. Also, when you have to run for a long period of time, this is great for conditioning your joints and body. It is wonderful when you can run for 20-30 minutes, and not have to suffer through body aches for a few days afterward. Right now, I only do this 1-2 times a week. When what you are after is slimming down, then there isn’t great need for extended periods of steady state cardio. F

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4 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing

Why walking works for me

Tips for Walking

By Joyce Sheen

I walk. A lot. I walk to work and home from work virtually every day all year long. I prefer to walk on dirt rather than asphalt or cement. I walk in athletic shoes, then, when I get to work, I change into sandals in summer and boots or regular shoes in winter. I usually exceed 10,000 steps, or between four to six miles. I walk weekends too. But despite my love of walking, there are limits. In summertime, particularly this summer, I only walk to work and not home, because my upper limit is 86 degrees. I walk all winter too. In winter, the lower limit is 6 degrees below zero. Walking is also out if the streets are icy. Snow is ok — I have a short pair of boots that are great for walking in the snow. Wind is ok. Rain is not a problem, I love to walk in the rain, probably because it’s so rare here. A few times this spring I had to take an extra pair of pants in my backpack to change once I got to work because it was raining horizontally. I have walked before dawn and after dark, often. I have walked with a friend many times but more often by myself. It’s just easier for me not to have to coordinate with someone else’s schedule. But I like to walk with other people — more than I can find other people to walk with. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve asked someone to go for a walk with me and been turned down, I could have retired several years ago. I think one reason I like to walk is because my mother walked. I grew up walking with her. My children have grown up the same way. I remember days when I told them I would pick them up from school and they looked pretty disappointed when I showed up on foot. Technically, I was picking them up, just not with a car. I did carry their band instrument home. People ask me about why I walk all the time. I really can’t brag about it like it’s something admirable — like it’s something I do because I know I should. It’s something I do because I absolutely love it. It’s my mental health program. And it has to be out-

In summer heat, walking in a gym, on a treadmill or in the pool is recommended. But if you’re determined to continue to enjoy your walks outside, do it early morning. Because we have low humidity, the air begins to cool as soon as the sun sets and a walk later in the evening will be cooler than at midday but still not as cool as the early morning. Wearing loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing helps. There are trademarked workout clothes that promise they can evaporate perspiration to aid in keeping cool. I’m old-school and like to wear loose lightweight clothing I already own. Remember sunscreen if you have areas of exposed skin. And protect your eyes from the sun with good UV protective sunglasses and a hat or visor. Drinking ice water helps lower your temperature from the inside. I like to wear two pairs of thin socks. They rub against each other rather than rubbing against my feet. When I’m walking on streets, I wear a more ventilated lightweight shoe. But that’s not practical on sandy trails as the shoes fill up with dirt and sand. If you can find shady tree-lined streets in northern Nevada, they’re great to help reduce the temperature, at least temporarily. You can buy a neck kerchief and other similar articles that absorb and hold water and can even be frozen. Prevention magazine advises using a heart-rate monitor to ensure you don’t push too hard on hot days. I walk through sprinklers whenever the opportunity presents itself, being careful not to trample anyone’s lawn. In winter, several layers of light jackets are better than one big coat. The layers do a great job of trapping body heat and you can adjust my temperature by opening a jacket or two on the way up a hill when I’m producing a lot of body heat and buttoning up again on the downhill. Perspiration produced when your body is hot going uphill cools quickly on the downhill side and can make you really cold. If your hairstyle doesn’t do well with a hat, wear ear poppers - earmuffs that have no connecting band. When you pop them on, they’re gently held in place over each ear. Get good gloves and good shoes; stay dry. There are some amazing umbrellas. Enjoy your walk.

Alzheimer's Support Group

Myths about Alzheimer’s Disease Provided by the Alzheimer’s Support Group

1 — Memory loss is a natural part of aging. Reality: As people age, it’s normal to have occasional memory problems, such as forgetting the name of a person you’ve recently met. However, Alzheimer’s is more than occasional memory loss. It’s a disease that causes brain cells to malfunction and ultimately die. If you or a loved one has memory problems or other problems with thinking and learning that concern you, contact a physician. Sometimes the problems are caused by medication side effects, vitamin deficiencies or other conditions and can be reversed with treatment.

2 — Alzheimer’s disease is not fatal. Reality: Alzheimer’s disease has no survivors. It destroys brain cells and causes memory changes, erratic behaviors and loss of body functions. It slowly and painfully takes away a person’s identity, ability to connect with others, think, eat, talk, walk and find his or her way home.

3 — Only older people can get Alzheimer’s.

Meets every 2nd Wednesday of each month 12:00 PM at Humboldt General Hospital, Lunch is served. For more info Contact: Gini Cunningham

side. Walking inside on a treadmill or even in Walmart or some other place indoors doesn’t do it for me. I get irritable and restless without exercise. It is honestly the part of my day I most look forward to. I listen to books when I walk, all kinds of books. I like biographies, science fiction, religion, books about political intrigue, spies, orphans, animals, fantasy. I read a great series with zombies in it that I really liked. Walking home from work helps me unwind. I work at a desk all day most days. Sometimes I sit in court for much of the day. Other times I’m in meetings listening and typing for several hours. Then I go back to my office and organize my notes, compose and type an article that will run in the newspaper. It’s a fairly challenging job for me and I get tired doing it. I’m always under a time crunch. So, walking is important to me. My husband knows it’s good for me to walk. It’s also good for him if I walk. He supports my walking fully as he knows I will be a nicer person if I have been able to walk. When I need my car for work, I drive it to my office the night before and my husband follows me in his car and drives me back home so I can walk the next morning, but still have my car at work. I’ve had some less active times of my life. At one point, I was 40 pounds overweight and hadn’t been walking much. My friend wanted to walk. She was very motivated and pushed me. When we were walking, she would say, “Oh! lets go walk that hill; I love hills!” I would think “UGH! I hate hills and I am going to die. Why does she want to walk up hills? What is wrong with her?” As I got into better shape, I stopped minding so much. I love hills now. I go where there will be hills to walk and I have figured out a route to work that involves very little time on paved streets. I walk in the dirt and I love hills. I like the way I feel when I’m pushing to get up the hill. I like to talk to my children on the phone when I’m walking and there are times I am panting significantly and they may wonder if I’m going to make it, but it feels good. Once, when I was walking on a dark winter morning, the snow plow operator stopped and asked me if I was all right. I told him I was but he did not look convinced. I don’t know for sure, but I think most people who hate to exercise, need to do it until they stop hating it — need to try everything and hope to find something they enjoy. Call me if you’d like to go for a walk. F

Reality: Alzheimer’s can strike people in their 30s, 40s and even 50s. It is estimated that there are more than 5 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. This includes 5.2 million people age 65 and older and 200,000 people younger than age 65.

4 — Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. Studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s.

5 — Aspartame causes memory loss. Reality: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, marketed under such brand names as Nutrasweet and Equal. According to the FDA, as of May 2006, the agency had not been presented with any scientific evidence that would lead to

change its conclusions on the safety of aspartame for most people.

6 —Flu shots increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Reality: Several mainstream studies link flu shots and other vaccinations to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and overall better health.

7 — Silver dental fillings increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Reality: According to the best available scientific evidence, there is no relationship between silver dental fillings and Alzheimer’s. The concern that there could be a link arose because “silver” fillings are made of an amalgam (mixture) that typically contains about 50 percent mercury, a heavy metal that, in certain forms, is known to be toxic to the brain.

8 — There are treatments available to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Reality: At this time, there is no treatment to cure, delay or stop the progression of Alzheimer›s disease. FDAapproved drugs temporarily slow worsening of symptoms for about 6 to 12 months, on average, for about half of the individuals who take them. F

Support Systems for You Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca and Humboldt County Project Monthly meetings to discuss wants, needs, and how to improve life for all ages in Winnemucca and Humboldt County Humboldt General Hospital – 5 p.m. October 16 November 20 December 11 Winnemucca Alzheimer’s Awareness Turkey Trot Fund Raiser for Respite and Education Thanksgiving Morning, November 24, 7:30 am registration/ sign in at Jerry Tobin Field at Lowry High School

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Sponsored by Ridley’s Market in Winnemucca

10 Prescription Drug Safety Tips That Can Save Your Life By Justin Palmer Special to Winnemucca Publishing

Prescription drugs are supposed to make our lives better. But if not properly used, these life-savers can become silent killers. Follow these 10 vital tips for safe prescription drug use. Tell Your Doctor & Pharmacist What Else You’re Taking Harmful drug interactions are surprisingly common, and extremely dangerous. Before going to the doctor’s or a pharmacy, make a list of all the drugs and supplements you’re currently taking and present this list to your health care provider. It just might save your life. Review the Side Effects Before popping that first pill, take a few minutes to read the warning labels provided with every prescription. These warnings are there for a reason. Don’t Take Drug Given by Others Well meaning friends and family members may think they know what you need, but don’t trust a drug given to you by anyone besides your pharmacist. Get Your Pharmacist’ Advice Recently while filling a prescription for an anti-dandruff shampoo, my pharmacist gave me a tip. “Don’t just rinse it out of your hair in the shower,” he said, “Apply it after a shower and let it soak in your scalp.” I took his advice and couldn’t believe the difference it made. The drug

went from being slightly effective to 100% effective. It’s easy to forget that Pharmacists can pass on valuable information that your doctor doesn’t know. Scratch the Alcohol Don’t drink alcohol while taking a prescription or over the counter drug. Alcohol tends to exacerbate the side effects, especially drowsiness. Don’t Use Expired Drugs It’s tempting to keep drugs beyond their expiration date in order to save money. Make it a habit to go through your medicine cabinet on a regular basis to purge expired drugs. If you make this a habit when you’re well, you’ll never be tempted to take an expired drug when you’re ill. Don’t Divide Doses It’s tempting to save money by dividing doses. However, some drugs are intended to be taken whole, and can have serious side effects if split or crushed. Store Drugs Properly Always store drugs in a cool, dark, and dry place. Avoid using bathroom cabinets which are prone to moisture. Dispose of Drugs Properly In the past, experts have recommended flushing drugs down the toilet in order to prevent scavenging in the trash. However, recent environmental evidence suggests this isn’t a good idea. Instead, consider concealing old drugs in a bag of coffee grounds or something that wouldn’t be rummaged through. F

Gluten-Free Apple Spice Cupcakes Sponsored by Ridley’s Market in Winnemucca These delicious cupcakes are perfect for a holiday dessert, or to sweeten up any weeknight. Yield: 16 Cupcakes Ingredients 1 Box Betty Crocker Gluten-Free Yellow Cake Mix 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon 1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg 2/3 Cup Water 1/2 Cup Butter, softened 2 tsp Vanilla Extract 3 Eggs 1 Cup Apple, chopped and peeled 1/2 Cup Butter, unsalted, softened 6 oz Cream Cheese, softened 3 1/2 Tbsp Maple Syrup 2 Cups Powdered Sugar 1/4 Cup Walnuts, glazed, chopped Instructions Heat oven to 350°F. Place Reynolds Baking Cup in each of 16 regular-size muffin cups. In large bowl, beat cake mix, cinnamon, nutmeg, water, 1/2 cup butter, the vanilla and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds,

then on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in chopped apple. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups. Bake 18 to 23 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes; remove from pan to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes. In large bowl, beat 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cream cheese and maple syrup with electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy. Add powdered sugar; beat until smooth. Pipe frosting onto cooled cupcakes. Sprinkle with glazed walnuts. Store loosely covered in refrigerator for up to six days.

6 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing provided as a stand alone treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. Dr Pappas and his team offer treatments that include PRP, screened amniotic fluid, and fatty tissue transfer via a system called Lipogems. These materials are thought to contain growth factors and new undifferentiated cells (IE. Stem cells) that produce reduced pain and improved function. The most common application for biologics in Dr Pappas' practice is for degenerative joint disease (arthritis) but biologics can be used for muscle and tendon injuries and fractures. These treatments are done without anesthesia (Lipogems uses local anesthetic at the harvest site). PRP and amniotic fluid injections are done in the office while in the case of Lipogem treatments; Dr Pappas has opted to use a procedure room in an

Dr. Jim Pappas

Regenerative medicine is a game-changer for healing tissues, organs Use of biologic materials for treating injury (or Regenerative Medicine as the process has come to be called) is becoming a world wide hot topic in medicine. The concept is simple, use the body's own cells and chemical messengers to reduce symptoms and heal injuries. Regenerative medicine, like most disciplines in medicine, has a much greater application outside the U.S. However, even in our country where medical treatment are closely regulated biologic treatments like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and fatty tissue transfers are being recognized for use in orthopedic disease. Dr Jim Pappas has been studying and applying Regenerative medicine principles for over three years. Some are used in conjunction with conventional surgical repairs. Others are

What is Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)? Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries. Platelet-rich Plasma is plasma with many more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets — and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors — can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual.

How does PRP work? Although it is not exactly clear how Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy works, laboratory studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP can potentially speed up the healing process. To speed healing, the injury site is treated with the PRP preparation. This can be done in one of two ways: PRP can be carefully injected into the injured area. For example, in Achilles tendonitis, a condition commonly seen in runners and tennis players, the heel cord can become swollen, inflamed, and painful. A mixture of PRP and local anesthetic can be injected directly into this inflamed tissue. Afterwards, the pain at the area of injection may actually increase for the first week or two, and it may be several weeks before the patient feels a beneficial effect. PRP may also be used to improve healing after surgery for some injuries. For example, an athlete with a completely torn heel cord may require surgery to repair the tendon. Healing of the torn tendon can possibly be improved by treating the injured area with PRP during surgery. This is done by preparing the PRP in a special way that allows it to actually be stitched into torn tissues.

ambulatory surgical center. Like any medical procedure, there are no guarantees when biologics are applied and there are minimal risks that have to be considered. However, the risks are few and uncommon and the benefits have a huge upside potential. None of the procedures require prolonged immobilization or a period of restricted activities. Contact Dr Pappas to find out more about biologic treatments. Active Sports Medicine welcomes patients at offices in Reno and Elko. The Elko Clinic is located at 2113 N. 5th St. The Reno Clinic is located at 5255 Longley Lane, #140. For an appointment at either location call (775) 322-1200 or email: active@activesportsmed. com. Visit online at F

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Donated leaf lettuce a hit at Pershing County senior center Fresh, natural produce grown in Lovelock By Debra Reid

There’s a growing market in northern Nevada for healthy vegetables like those produced inside two hydroponic greenhouses at the south end of Lovelock. Nile Valley Foods distributes a variety of fresh lettuce, kale and tomatoes to restaurants and customers are noticing the improved flavor and texture. Produce not sold to the Reno eateries is available at Nile Valley’s weekly markets in Lovelock but the inventory disappears fast. Anyone craving cherry and yellow roma tomatoes had better get there early. The Black Rock Grill in Lovelock now features Nile Valley salad ingredients and you can taste the difference. Other Lovelock restaurants have added the local greens to their wraps and sandwiches. At a recent county commission meeting, Commissioner Rob McDougal, also a spokesman for Nile Valley Foods, announced the company may soon be the main source of greens for the Pershing County Senior Center. The facility serves a daily lunch menu and delivers meals to home

bound senior citizens. Senior Center Director Jordan McKinney said Nile Valley Foods has contributed free greens to the facility when it’s available and a formal arrangement could be in the works with the grower. If the cost is comparable to her normal supplier’s lettuce prices, Nile Valley will have another Lovelock customer. “Right now, they are donating lettuce to the center whenever they can,” she said. “We are in the process of working out with them the cost-effectiveness of ordering our lettuce and tomatoes through them.” Salads are on the lunch menu a couple of times a week and the Lovelock romaine and other leaf lettuce have been a big hit with her clients, McKinney said. Roma tomatoes don’t normally fit the dining hall’s lunch schedule and kale would not work with many of her senior’s dietary restrictions, she said. “The seniors are loving the lettuce. The romaine, Tropicana and butter head are crisper and fresher and they taste a lot better than regular iceberg lettuce,” she said. “We got one little case of roma tomatoes for the cook to try out but we don’t use them very often. We normally use the slicing tomatoes unless there’s something special

What is Kaia FIT?

What separates Kaia FIT from other programs is the combination of our intense muscle confusion workouts, nutritional guidance along with constant support from our certified coaches. Kaia FIT will help you achieve fast, dramatic results. Our whole-body approach to fitness and healthy living will make you leaner, stronger, more flexible, and give you the energy to be more effective in your daily life. Our Kaia classes are built on a foundation of progressions. We looked at full body sports (gymnastics, running, weightlifting) and developed a program that molds your body gradually into the athlete you were intended to be. What does it take to live strong and FIT? We start with cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and rest; THEN we add personal training in a group atmosphere to make you feel safe and comfortable at any level. With busy lives and a limited amount of time for exercise, we must be creative in our workouts, keeping you engaged and your body guessing. We never repeat workouts, since routine is the enemy to muscle growth and weight loss. But a healthy life doesn’t stop there. We target health and weight loss from a nutritional standpoint as well. We give you the tools to build a healthy relationship with food through our creative meal plans. We teach you all about healthy food choices and how to eat lean and green. For more information, check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and F


Lettuce, kale, tomatoes and other produce absorb minerals and nutrients from water instead of soil at the Nile Valley Foods hydroponic greenhouses in the Lovelock Industrial Park. we’re doing different.” McKinney doesn’t think the local produce will reduce senior center food costs but it will be a healthier alternative for her clients. Romaine and other leaf lettuce are more nutritious than iceberg with higher amounts of beta carotene, vitamin C, folic acid and calcium. In addition, no pesticides or herbicides are needed in the enclosed, hydroponic greenhouses and that’s another

health benefit for consumers. “It probably won’t be a money saver but it will be comparable to what we are already paying and if we get an opportunity to go local then that’s what we are going to do,” McKinney said. “It’s healthier because they’re getting a lot more nutrition from the romaine lettuce and the other greens we get from here instead of the supplier. Hopefully, the price is right.”

McKinney confirmed that she’s one of the regular customers who goes early to the Nile Valley Foods weekly markets to be one of the first in line to buy fresh lettuce and tomatoes for her family. “I’ve been there. I was there ten minutes before they opened to make sure that I got what I needed,” she said. “We just got a couple of heads of lettuce and some tomatoes for us personally.” F


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5330 Grass Valley Rd Unit B 775.304.3355

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Indoor Cycling and Spin Classes:

How to Get the Most From Your Workout Sponsored by Flex Fitness By Jim Hofman Special to Winnemucca Publishing

If you’re looking for a low-impact cardio workout, indoor cycling is one of your best options. But just like any fitness activity, you’ll want to make sure you’re stacking the deck in your favor for the best odds of success. There are a few essentials to consider if you want to get the most benefit from your cycling workout. The first time I participated in a spin class, I’ll admit to being just a bit intimidated. All of my fears were unfounded though, just as soon as I embraced a few key concepts. In fact, most people I’ve talked to who didn’t enjoy the classes ultimately didn’t get the most from their workout, leading to disappointment and not trying again. Here’s three tips for indoor cycling participants: 1. Make sure you’re wearing proper clothing, and keep that water bottle handy. Running shorts and sweats are not designed for indoor cycling. Get yourself some biking shorts, or at least wear shorts with extra padding and comfort in the inner thigh area to prevent discomfort. As for water, you’ll want to be ready to consume plenty, both during and after class. 2. Remember, this workout is about you and not what other participants are doing. All too often, it’s easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of the class, despite what your body might be telling you. Listen to your body and follow suit. Make adjustments as necessary. 3. Make sure your seat is adjusted properly. This is the most common mistake in spinning class-

es. Your seat should be at a height where your knee angle is about 85% straight during the downstroke. If your seat is too high or too low, you’ll risk injury and you won’t get the most from your workout either. If you need help determining the proper height of your seat, ask your instructor for guidance. Finally, ask yourself about your fitness level, and be honest with your response. Intensity levels in spin classes vary, and some can be too intense for beginners. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, modify the workout to your level and make a goal to increase your capabilities over the following weeks and months. If you’re just starting, consider working on your form and conditioning on a stationary bike before participating in a spinning class. This way, you can increase your fitness level and get acclimated to indoor cycling. In just a few short weeks, you’ll be ready for a great spin class workout! F

Full Commercial Quality Cardio & Strength Equipment

Spinning is an Unmatched Way to Lose Weight To lose weight spinning is ideal, especially if you stay in your fat-burning zone. Surely losing weight cannot be such a simple issue, can it? Spinning has become one of the most popular ways to increase cardiovascular health and burn calories in a fun environment. Consistent riders report more energy, feeling great, being more “awake”, improved cardiovascular health, losing weight, more strength and looking better. If you are serious about losing weight or reaching your full potential as a rider, the following workout, geared for any level of experience, will burn between 500 and 800 calories an hour. Spinning is a cardiovascular cycling workout on a stationary bike on which the tension can be increased, decreased, mileage and lapsed time is kept by a small computer, and calories burned and heart rate can be tracked by using an inexpensive additional heart monitor. When starting a training program, it is recommended to do a cycling-specific fitness test, to determine your maximum heart rate, lung capacity, power and/or lactate threshold. Utilizing a specially designed stationary bike,spinning classes target both the body and mind in a unique exercise program. Unlike a regular exercise bike workout, spinning involves a variety of movements and speeds, with spinners sometimes standing on the pedals and other times sitting like normal, sometimes pedaling at top speed and other times recovering at a slower pace.


And unlike most modern exercise bikes, a spinner has a large flywheel front wheel, meaning there is real momentum and resistance. But mainly you don’t stop pedalling, even for a second, because aerobic exercise brings the greatest positive effects. A Spinning bike is a great addition to your home gym as it offers incredible cardiovascular exercise and muscle toning capabilities. Unlike other exercises, you can stick with spinning through out the year, there is no stopping you be it rain or shine. Most importantly be patient as this great exercise takes some time to get the basic movements and form whilst working at an increased level. Like other exercise classes, spinning is led by an instructor, who barks out commands throughout the 40- to 60-minute session. And like most other exercise classes, spinning starts out with a warm-up and stretching. Each instructor will lead you on an exciting cycling journey accompanied with inspiring music that will challenge you both mentally and physically. In the main zone, you are taken through various speeds and positions of cycling which ensure your back, feet and stomach get excellent exercise, keeping in mind your capacity and body type. Keep an eye on the other spinners around you for tips on how to move -- that’s a nice feature about being in a class, is that you are in a big motivated group all working together to burn calories and get fit. F




Unlimited Spin Classes

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Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing - 9

10 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing

A taste of honey: Not a miracle, but pretty close! Incredible edible has a wealth of benefits for humans By Peggy Jones

Sponsored by Khoury's Market in Winnemucca

Ancient Egyptian soldiers dressed their wounds as best they could. Many used a substance so sticky they could lick it off their fingers. Maybe the taste of honey reminded them of home. Today scientists know that honey releases trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide into cuts and gashes. It also sucks out contamination. Gouty Greeks drank oenomel, made of honey and unfermented grape juice. Hippocrates prescribed vinegar and honey for pain. Recently deciphered stone tablets recommend honey for coughs and throat irritations. There are no miracle foods. Myths grow around the powers of each new superstar on the horizon. Snopes debunks the claim that eating carrots improves vision. Beet root probably doesn’t fight dementia. Honey has its limits. And there’s a fly in every ointment. The National Honey Board says to avoid giving even a taste of honey to a child under the age of one year. Wild honey is a potential source of C. botulinum, they say. A baby’s immature digestive tract can’t kill the spores. Botulism is potentially fatal. Cereal containing

Choose fresh fish for a delicious, healthy meal

honey is safe because it has been cooked. The danger lurks within the honey jar. And sugar is sugar when it comes to diabetes. Dieticians say honey is no better for dieters and diabetics than ordinary white or brown sugar. On the positive side, honey acts like a trooper in the lab. It checkmates food borne pathogens, like E . Coli and salmonella. And it fights bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus. The darker the honey, the better it performs. The FDA approved Medihoney for treating wounds and skin ulcers ten years ago. It is not used on burns because it can cause pain. Medihoney contains Manuka honey. Bees in New Zealand and Australia collect nectar from Manuka trees to make the substance.

Fast facts about honey

Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or the “good” fats. Visit the fish case at Khoury’s Market for the freshest selection of salmon, cod, tilapia and other popular varieties.

(Adapted from Mental Floss)

Cider and Herb Salmon

Humans eat only one food produced by an insect – honey.

This recipe is perfect for the fall. Mix delicious apple cider with herbs for a marinade that will have the whole family running to the table. This serves 4.

Once sealed in an airtight container, honey never spoils. A colony of honeybees must collect nectar from about 2 million flowers to produce one pound of honey. In some studies, honey quiets coughs better than commercial cough syrup. More research is needed. Any volunteers? F

Ingredients: 1 cup apple cider 1/4 cup soy sauce 1/4 cup butter 2 minced garlic cloves 1 bay leaf 1 tsp. rosemary 1 tsp. thyme 1 tsp. black pepper 1 small red onion or 1 shallot, sliced thinly 1 lb. salmon fillet

Directions: Choose a large glass baking pan (9x13) and mix the marinade right inside of it. Place the salmon skin-side up to coat the meat, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes. Before baking, flip the salmon so that it is skin-side down. Bake in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until it is cooked through. Options: You can also grill the fish, but since it will not cook in the marinade, it will absorb more flavors if it spends at lest 60 minutes in the marinade. MAKE IT A MEAL: Use the remaining space in your baking pan to add some small potatoes, asparagus, green beans or other vegetables around the sides. You may need to increase the baking time by 5 - 10 minutes.

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Securing suitable health insurance is fast, easy and affordable! By Alicia Davis Cramer Licensed Insurance Agent, Davis Insurance

When it comes to Health Care plans, YOU HAVE CHOICES! I invite you to find out more about YOUR health insurance options. There is a lot of confusion about healthcare reform, Medicare Supplement Insurance plans, and additional insurance options. Healthcare can be confusing. Our office represents several companies, so we can help you obtain health care coverage that meets your needs. As a licensed insurance agent, I have the knowledge to assist you with your Medicare Supplement health insurance needs. I will explain the available Medicare plans, answer your Medicare health insurance questions, and put your mind at ease.

Plus, there is no obligation or cost to use my services. We can help you sign up with and assist in choosing the plan that best fits your medical and financial needs. Open enrollment for individuals is November 1 December 15, 2017. If you have been insured through the Health Insurance Market Place, it is important to review your coverage, as there are changes for the 2018 year. If you are interested in receiving more information, or if you have family or friends who might need assistance in navigating health insurance options, please call me at 775 623-2478. Davis Insurance has been a part of the Winnemucca community for over 50 years. We are happy to help you with all your insurance needs Auto, Home, Life, Commercial, and Health. F

Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing - 11

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Vision and Learning Sponsored by Bengoa Eye Care Learning is all about vision: 80% of what child learns in school is presented visually. Unfortunately, studies show that only 31% of children ages 6-16 have an annual eye examination, and 70% of children under the age of 6 have never had an eye exam. As a result, 1 in 4 children will go back to school this year with an undiagnosed vision problem that could interfere with learning. Also, according to The Vision Council: "It may be common sense that poor vision interferes with a child's ability to learn. But what is lesser known is that vision problems are the fourth most prevalent class

of disability in the United States and one of the most prevalent conditions in childhood.” The Rotary Club of Winnemucca and Dr. Cody Bengoa will be holding their 10th annual free vision screening on Saturday, Oct. 7 from 9 a.m. — noon at the Winnemucca Grammar School for all school-aged children. They’ll be testing such skills and distance and near clarity of vision, depth perception, color vision, visual tracking, and more. This will not be a comprehensive eye health examination and glasses will not be prescribed, but it is a chance to have your child’s vision screening and Dr. Bengoa will be available to answer questions about vision and learning. Call the Grammar School at 775-6238160 to schedule your child.F


This institution is an equal opportunity provider

Humboldt Volunteer Hospice is seeking Hospice Volunteers.

Have you Volunteered Lately? Volunteers are an essential part of our Hospice team filling critical roles for patients and their families. Volunteers can help with many tasks within our Hospice team. The desire to give time and talents freely to those on the end-of-life journey emanates from a heart of compassion and a spirit of giving. If you have time and compassion to give please join our organization. “We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill For information on how to become a volunteer and help others in your community please call hospice at 775-625-4263 or email


12 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing

Managing pain without medication Complementary health approaches to treat pain By Lindsey Howell

TRAVIS MASTERSON • Winnemucca Publishing

Splash pad at the Lander County Recreational Center.

Battle Mountain lifts the bar on healthy living Health and wellness opportunities grow with new Rec Center By Travis Masterson

Fitness opportunities continue to grow throughout Lander County. Recreation centers and gymnasiums represent the tip of the iceberg of health and wellness for county residents. Battle Mountain residents have enjoyed growing fitness opportunities in the town. With the new Lander County Recreational Center and Next Level Fitness taking the lead on health and wellness in the county. Next Level Fitness reached out to the county commission about agreeing to a deal that would provide county employees with the option to explore their fitness. The gym offers a 24-hour membership that could be useful to law enforcement, mine workers or anyone on shift work. The Lander County Recreational Center also presents the opportunity for locals to enjoy a good workout. The recreational center offers several adult classes and is looking to expand providing more classes like Zumba. Classes are helpful to build a routine that is easy to follow with

instructors to help keep the patrons on track to their goals. These two establishments offer several more featured opportunities, but fitness is not limited to those facilities. Living in rural Nevada is a wild adventure for locals who can regularly go hiking or biking in the hills. Austin hiking and bike trails in the Toiyabe Forest are some of the most recognized among the cycling community. According to, the Pony Express Loop labeled as a beginner trail. The trail head is located one mile south of the Austin Summit along the Cahill Canyon and a perfect opportunity for locals to explore the environment they live. Healthy activities do not have to involve rigorous activity either, something as simple as walking the track at Tom Norris Field or golfing at the Mountain View Golf Course. These activities can be enjoyable low impact workout for participants. Lander County residents can enjoy a healthy lifestyle in rural Nevada and can do so by staying active for a portion of the day. The formula for losing weight is simple, eat healthy proportioned meals and find some time to be active. Battle Mountain, Austin and Kingston provided several opportunities to explore those avenues. F

Winnemucca Food Bank 150 S. Bridge St.

Open M-W-F 9-4 Closed 12-1

All servies are provided by the generosity of our community

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Relief for pain doesn’t necessarily have to come from a bottle of pills. The following lists a couple of cheap, simple treatments that for the most part, can be done from the comfort of one’s own home.

Temperature therapy

For mild pain, relief can come from cryotherapy and thermotherapy. According to a article entitled “The Great Ice vs. Heat Confusion Debacle,” ice is generally used for the inflammation that results from injuries such as sprains and breaks. Heat is used for stress, chronic pain or as a muscle relaxant. However, the same article notes that personal preference is also a matter of importance. Cryotherapy and thermotherapy are as easy as putting a towelwrapped ice pack over an injury or taking a hot bath to relieve cramps. Many people have tried this treatment at least once.

Mindfulness and meditation

This activity is primarily geared towards sufferers of chronic pain. A 2007 article (“Meditation a Hit for Pain Management”) described

a mindfulness activity that offered a fresh perspective on pain. In this activity, participants focused on one part of the body at a time — what sorts of things were touching the body part, what each individual section of the body part felt like, etc. Then participants focused on the whole body. The article quoted Trish Magyar, who taught this activity: “At the very end, we’re lying with the awareness of our wholeness in that moment. We’re not thinking about what’s right or wrong with us, our state of health, but just that sense of physical wholeness.” According to the article, the mindfulness training Magyar conducted might not erase physical symptoms, but may help mitigate psychological distress. A quick research session offers similar activities.


It’s the last thing many pain sufferers want to do. However, for chronic pain especially, exercise may help in the long run. In fact, it may be necessary. According to an article published by (“The secret to joint pain relief — exercise”), reducing movement invites whole host of other issues, such as weakened muscle and worsened posture, which may cause still more problems. But exercise does the opposite. The article stated that the right workout routine could reduce shoulder, ankle, knee or hip pain, and went on to suggest that exercise might allow joint pain sufferers to postpone or avoid a surgery. However, before beginning exercise, speak with a medical professional to find out what you can do safely. F

What does a Health Coach do, anyway? By Hayley Roberts Baumgartner Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach

A lot of people have been asking me lately, “What is a Health Coach and what do you do?” And so I tell them…. In the fast paced world that we live in; full of stress, pressure and instant gratification, there’s no doubt these factors can be detrimental to our everyday health. Not only our physical health but our emotional and mental health as well. People are tired and stressed and reaching for quick fixes, stimulants, or the next great miracle cure. There are thousands of online programs and medical websites that claim they can treat every ailment known to man. If taking care of our wellbeing were that easy or if information was all that we needed, then everybody would be living a healthy and satisfying life. But what usually happens is we find that the fad diets, supplements or exercise videos leave us feeling defeated. We soon find ourselves right back where we started. Have you ever been caught in this cycle? Deeply ingrained habits cannot be undone overnight. We often give up on change when results

Consider this: If you continue in this present state of health, what will your health look like five years down the road? How will you feel? It’s time to take control of your health today; slow down, drop the stress, and live a life you’ve always dreamed of. aren’t immediate. But there’s no quick fix when it comes to our health if we want these changes to last. Our bodies definitely didn’t arrive in the state they’re in overnight, so why do we expect them to heal any faster? A Health Coach’s goal is to support each client through a personalized program for the his/her unique situation. Whether it’s weight management or stress management, or maybe just overall time management. A Health Coach can be the

support needed for clients to be the best version of themselves. Being held accountable enables the client to optimize individual results and stretches the client to achieve things they never dreamed possible. Factors that are no longer benefitting each client are brought to the forefront. Through small habit change, the coach and client work together to find empowering steps in moving forward. What would your next step be if anything were possible? F

Hayley Roberts Baumgartner Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach WellnessNV, Inc. (775)813-0206 @WellnessNV.17 @WellnessNV.17

Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing - 13

14 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing

Fit after 60 By Joyce Sheen

Weight rooms and zumba classes are not filled with people age 60 and over. Although there are a few older folks exercising, they are the exception. Maybe that should not be the case. Staying fit after 60 doesn’t happen without significant effort in a combination of two closely related areas — exercise and weight control. While all the effort required might be the bad news, the good news is that being fit after 60 pays dividends that are very much worth the effort. Loss of muscle, loss of bone density, side effects from medications, as well as the general stiffness and fatigue that seem to be increasingly noticeable at this stage of life all work against the fitness goal. But bodies still respond to the same formulas that have always yielded positive results, including taking in fewer calories than are burned and building strength and stamina from exercise. Eating less isn’t enough. Staying fit after 60 will require eating smarter to get what’s needed from fewer calories. There are thousands of articles from that many sources. They differ on a few points but the bottom line is more fruits and vegetables, fewer grains and fat, protein in moderation. Desserts and empty calories have to be few and

Manage your family’s health with pure essential oils By Kat Hall Essential Oils and More

The use of Essential Oils for their therapeutic benefits have been an important role in human civilizations. They have been used for religious, marriage, and burial ceremonies, as well as for cosmetics and medicine. Not just the Egyptians and ancient Chinese but Romans, Greeks, Europeans, Arabs and Israelites have all used aromatic plants in their cultures. Essential Oils increased in demand in the mid 19th century mostly because of their fragrances. Essential Oils are used today in cosmetics, soaps, and food. However, these essential oils aren’t typically therapeutic grade. As an essential oil user for over 20 years I can honestly say that doTerra’s Essential Oils are the purest on the market. This company has put in the time, the research, and testing to ensure the product they offer is the absolute purest. doTERRA says “Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature’s most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates. “ I have been a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA for about five years and it is most exciting to see people come back, call, or email a message to me about the amazing experiences

Using doTerra oils: Aromatic: Diffusion is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. Topical: Because essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid soluble, they easily penetrate the skin. Internal: Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions. and results they are having with using these essential oils for a variety of support in their life. There is a reason for all this hype about essential oils and if you haven’t yet explored them or didn’t know where to start I’m ready to help you get started. The greatest thing about these pure essential oils is that they can be used effectively with topical, aromatic, or internal use. If you started with just three oils, for example, a popular trio Lemon, Lavendar, and Peppermint, I’ve got 101 ways to used them! Safe for kids and your fur babies too! Give me a call for free wellness consultation and start your journey. Let me help empower you in managing your health. F

far between for the formula to work. As far as movement, there are as many ways to do what it takes as there are people who want to stay fit after 60. It may take some experimentation to find the right mix of activities. Some people enjoy exercising with a friend or in a group, others would rather do it solo. If TV is more enjoyable than exercise, combine the two and watch TV while riding an exercise bike or walking on a treadmill. If you love to read, listen to a book on an iPod or any MP3 player while you exercise. The time passes quickly and the entertainment is something to look forward to. Weight-bearing activities, from walking to actual weight-lifting will help strengthen bones, counteract muscle loss, and improve posture. But it is true that people 60+ who keep their weight down and find a way to exercise regularly will be in a better position to do the things they want to do than those who are overweight and sedentary. Some adaptations will be necessary if arthritis or other health problems make exercise more difficult. It’s worth finding a way to adapt while determining to do what it takes to stay fit after 60. It’s likely that there has not been one thing in this article that you haven’t read before, perhaps even tried before. If we’re not as fit as we wish we were, the answer is not to go looking for some amazing truth no one has ever come up with before. F

Essential Oils and More 341 S. Bridge Street • Winnemucca, NV Open Monday through Friday. 10:30 am - 5:30 pm

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Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing - 15

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month Every year in October domestic violence advocates, community organizations and others across our country come together to help end abuse for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This is a time for everyone to come together and focus attention on the epidemic of domestic violence and to help become a part of the solution. Domestic violence is a national problem, it’s a big city problem AND it’s a small town problem. Every week all you have to do is open the local newspaper to see arrests for domestic violence here in Winnemucca. According to the CDC one in four women and one in seven men have been a victim of domestic violence. Nationwide an average of 3 women are murdered by a current or former intimate partner every day. Here in Humboldt County, Winnemucca Domestic Violence Services assisted 285 victims of domestic & sexual violence, including men, women and their children in 2016. Domestic violence IS everyone’s business. It affects all of us. It affects our children, their friends, every workplace, churches, our families and our friends. Each one of us can play a role in stopping domestic violence. Every action against violence is making a difference. Even small actions add up to ending domestic violence in our community. Actions can be as simple as donating to your local domestic violence shelter, talking to your children about healthy relationships and

Winnemucca Domestic Violence Services

“Safety. Independence. Success.”





775-625-1313 50 Melarkey St Suite A Winnemucca, NV 89445

A Dental Perspective on HPV:

The Bad News and the Good By Jeremy M. Keener DDS

You may or may not have heard of Human Papillomavirus or HPV. What is HPV you ask? Here’s the bad news, HPV is one of the most common infections spread by sexual activity, so much so that nearly all sexually active men and women will be infected at some point in their lives. There are more than 40 types of HPV. More bad news: oral HPV is associated with a variety of oral lesions, cancers of the mouth and oropharyngeal cancers (OPC). OPC includes cancers involving tonsils, base of tongue, and soft palate. The good news is there is a vaccine available. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that routine HPV vaccinations be initiated at age 11 or 12 in both males and females. Vaccination is also recommended for females age 13 to 26 and for males age 13 to 21 who have not been vaccinated previously. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the vaccine is safe, effective and offers long-lasting

protection against HPV and the cancers it is associated with. The vaccine is recommended because the benefits, such as cancer prevention, far outweigh the side effect risks. For those past the age of vaccination it is important to get regular checkups with your dentist. Oral cancer screening should be part of your regular office visit. It is especially important for people that frequently use tobacco and/or alcohol. This is a complicated topic that we can’t possibly hope to cover in this short column; therefore, our office highly recommends speaking to your dentist or family care provider about HPV and learning all that you can about it and how it can be prevented. F References:; Decisions in Dentistry July 2017;

educating yourself on the signs and effects of domestic violence. On October 13th 2017 Winnemucca Domestic Violence Services will hold our annual fundraiser, The Mayor’s Ball. The Mayor’s Ball is a tribute to Winnemucca’s first woman Mayor, Di An Putnam. Di An has served on the WDVS board for several years and has made many contributions to the organization through great ideas, supporting events, making executive decisions along with monetary support. The Mayor’s Ball not only honors Di An but also celebrates Winnemucca’s dedication to ending domestic violence. The Mayor’s Ball will be a fun night with a semi-formal dinner and dance. Along with special speakers, there will be an auction where guests will be able to bid on items such as trips to get away destinations and locally donated items. Tickets are $35 per person, $60 per couple or $300 for a table that seats 8. To purchase tickets contact WDVS at 625-1313 or come by the office at 50 Melarkey St Suite A. Funds raised will go to providing direct services to local victims of domestic and sexual violence. Services include counseling, relocation, food, shelter, gas, clothing and more. F

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15 Paradise Ave, Winnemucca

16 - Health & Wellness, a Fall 2017 publication of Winnemucca Publishing

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