Unfold - The Brooklyn Textile Academy

Page 1

Unfold T h e B ro ok lyn Text ile Aca de my

Win n ie Ng Tu to r: Jayn e Ba rlo w


1 Project Overview 1-19

2 Proposal 21-57 3 Structures & Tectonics 59-73 4 Environmental Design 75-80 5 Regulatory Compliance 91-97 6

Design Development 99-111

Project Overview



Project Overview | Industry Context

The Textile & Apparel Industry

Loading of garments in the Garment District, Manhattan, 1967.

A Brief History

New York: Fashion Capital

The textile industry was the very first sector in which the Industrial Revolution took hold in 18th century Britain. Silk, wool and linen fabrics were gradually eclipsed by cotton and synthetic textiles made viable on a mass scale following the emergence of the spinning wheel and loom.

As the US was beginning to industrialise in the mid-1800s, NYC served as a port of arrival welcoming a steady stream of immigrant labour into its ever-growing garment manufacturing sector, meeting a surge in consumer demand at a time of rapid urbanisation. In contrast to that of haute couture in Paris, the clothing industry in New York City has its origins in ready-to-wear. While the invention of the sewing machine in 1846 by Elias Howe enabled volume production, the dawn of mail-order catalogues, fashion magazines and prominent department stores has helped achieve an equlibrium on the consumption end of the economy. Marketing campaigns and adverts propagated distinct trends so as to homogenise interests and tastes in a popular audience, effectively sustaining a ready-made fashion retail industry.

Between 1994 and 2014, the production of garments has increased four-fold as a result of new technologies and more efficient methods of manufacturing. As prices fell and disposable incomes grew, the volume of garment manufacturing and consumption simultaneously rose to an all-time high. The scale at which the $3 trillion global industry operates today is second only to the information technology and tourism sectors.


Project Overview | Industry Context

Fashion’s Environmental Cost



of global emissions are derived from the fashion industry



of global waste water is contributed by the fashion industry

barrels of oil a year is used to manufacture polyester, currently the world’s most commonly used fibre


of microplastics in the oceans comes from synthetic textiles

“The fashion supply chain is lubricated by cheap oil and cheap credit, and driven by the capitalist imperative to grow.” (Vogue, 2015)


Globally, just



of the material used for clothing ends up being recycled

of textile waste in the US goes to landfill or is incinerated

The average American discards


of clothing each year

It takes


litres of water to make one cotton t-shirt, enough for one person to drink for 900 days


Project Overview | Industry Context

Material Innovations

Top and bottom left: Kelp-derived bioyarn developed by AlgiKnit, founded by students at the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC. Top right: Mycelium-based bioleather by California-based Bolt Threads. Bottom right: Sketches for an algae bioplastic sequinned dress for the One x One Incubator Programme by Slow Factory Foundation.


Industry Context

The Future of Fashion & Textiles

Textile production, from start to finish, involves copious amounts of water, energy use and hazardous chemicals in the process. The dyeing, printing and finishing stages in particular are responsible for a disproportionately large amount of environmental damage, most of which is completely avoidable (Shishoo, 2012).

Recent innovations in biofabrication have radically reimagined traditional textile processing and manufacturing practices. Synthetic biology fixes colours onto garments without the use of heavy metals and toxins that would otherwise contaminate waterways, while bio-based alternatives to polyester such as lab-grown spider silk are able to reduce the fashion industry’s dependency on petroleum-based oil.

Project Overview | Industry Context

The Way Forward

to consumption

from conception

clean production

waste reduction


Project Overview | Industry Context

Material Recovery

Textile mill in NYC. Image by Chris Payne.

Closing the Loop On top of scientific progress, there is a humble call to increase textile resource efficiency by improving local collection systems for reusing and recycling. Currently just 13.6% of garments discarded in the US end up being recycled, in stark comparison to that of paper, glass and plastic, which have recyling rates of 66%, 27% and 29% respectively. (BBC, 2020).


Large amounts of textile waste have been cumulatively generated from the rise of fast fashion, shaping consumers to prize quantity over quality with the perpetual incentive of low prices to keep up with the latest trends. With minimal utility gained in the life cycle of discarded garments ending up in landfills, the fashion industry is tending towards selfdestruction insofar as it remains resistant to the urgency of the climate crisis.

Project Overview | Industry Context

The Textile Recycling Process 1. Textile Waste Sanitisation 2. Hardware Removal 3. Automatic Sorting 4. Storage of pre-sorted textiles 5. Fibre Processing 6. UV Light Sanitisation 7. Carding 8. Sliver Processing 9. Blending 10. Re-spinning

Process adapted from The Billie System by Novetex Textiles Ltd., Available from: https://thebillieupcycling.com/ 7

Project Overview | Brief

Brief Description

One x One participant Dr Theanne Schiros, assistant professor at FIT and research scientist at Columbia University, creating her labgrown “leather” for a sneaker prototype.

Executive Summary As an extension of the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)’s Manhattan campus, the new textile academy will be state-funded and run by FIT in collaboration with the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), who has overseen the development of the garment manufacturing hub - Made in NY Campus at Bush Terminal - as well as the Sunset Park Waterfront Vision Plan (2009).


The One x One apprenticeship programme equips low-income immigrant trainees with a six-week course on technical design, career skills and wellness to further their economic advancement in the fashion industry.

FIT will run its new specialised textile campus in partnership with Slow Factory Foundation to deliver their One x One Conscious Design Initiative - fashion’s first science incubator. To challenge industry standards on circularity and closed loop production, the new textile academy will run an in-house recycling facility to recapture the fibres of textile waste on a pre-industrial scale. This signals to the future of sustainable textile manufacturing techniques and sets a precedent for the wider industry.

Project Overview | Brief

Manhattan Metropolitan Museum of Art

Museum of Modern Art

New J er sey

Garment District Fashion Institute of Technology


Parsons School of Design

Lower East Side Garment Cluster

N ew Y o rk

Brooklyn Sewing Academy City College of Technology

Textile Arts Center


Sunset Park Material Recovery Faility Industry City

Made in NY Campus

Project Site 9

Project Overview | Regional Context

The Garment District

Evolution of New York’s Garment Manufacturing Sector

From Midtown Manhattan to Sunset Park, Brooklyn

At its peak, NYC’s Garment District manufactured 95% of America’s clothing back in the 1960s; today, it is a mere 3% (2015). Garment companies have been closing shop over the last few decades due to high competition from low-wage producers overseas, property redevelopment and a lack of enforcement by the city of zoning requirements. (Moin, 2018)

In place of the restrictive land use regulations previously enforced, the city now adopts a tax incentive programme to enlist more owners, upgrade the industry and train workers to preserve the long-term vitality of the Garment District. The city’s rezoning plan also covers real estate and programmatic support for fashion manufacturers, allocating significant investments in city-owned assets to create a 200,000 square-foot garment manufacturing hub at the Made in NY Campus in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

Since 1987, landlords in the Garment District were legally obliged to add a square foot of garment space for every square foot removed for other uses. This parameter was superseded in a landmark vote for the rezoning of the Garment District in 2018, allowing for greater diversification into a thriving and responsive mixed-use hub.


Sunset Park’s existing Industrial Business Zone is characterised by a linear strip along the South Brooklyn waterfront, with the established presence of Industry City and a host of local warehouses and wholesalers.

Project Overview | Regional Context

Top & middle: Renders of the Made in NY Campus, a garment manufacuring hub at Bush Terminal in Sunset Park, Brooklyn by WXY Architects. Anticipated to open in 2022, the campus will provide small white-box spaces ranging from 2,000 to 40,000 square feet to companies working in pattern making, marking and grading, cutting and sewing, and sample making.

Bottom: Industry City (formerly Bush Terminal) - view from the south, looking towards the Lower Manhattan skyline - a historic intermodal shipping, warehousing, and manufacturing complex on the Sunset Park waterfront in Brooklyn. The Made in NY Campus will soon open south of this complex.


Project Overview | Regional Context

Regional Context

Motorway Railway Subway

Transport Infrastructure


Significant Maritime and Industrial Area (SMIA)

Waterfront Access

Project Overview | Regional Context

Sunset Park, Brooklyn CD7

Parks & Recreation

Residential District

Sunset Park Waterfront Vision Plan


Project Overview | District Context

District Context

Sims Municipal Recycling

Made in NY Campus




Maximising Resource Efficiency

Industrial Conglomeration

Revitalisation of Disused Piers

Sims Municipal Recycling processes NYC’s curbside metal, plastic and glass waste, but there remains a gap in the textile industry for better resource efficiency.

The Made in NY campus is a garment manufacturing hub scheduled to open in 2021, supporting the relocation of Manhattan’s Garment District into the industrial hub of Sunset Park.

Shoreline Elevation


Bush Terminal Piers Park

The Sunset Park waterfront is lined with disused piers from the historic intermodal shipping & warehousing industry at Bush Terminal - one of which has been converted into a park.



1. Industrial infrastructure – The Sunset Park waterfront is well suited for continued maritime and/ or industrial use. It has an extensive industrial infrastructure, developed over more than 100 years.

Prospect Expy

Sunset Industrial Park

Gowanus Bay


2. Local labour force – Sunset Park’s industrial area lies in close proximity to a large labour pool, comprised of both skilled and unskilled workers, many of them recent immigrants in search of entry level jobs.

Gowanus Expy


3. Waterfront views – Sunset Park’s two-and-a-half miles of waterfront provides expansive views of Lower Manhattan and the New York Harbour.

Greenwood Cemetery

Sims Municipal Recycling

4. Proximity of sub-contractors, suppliers and support services – especially for the garment industry, one of Sunset Park’s primary manufacturing sectors.

Industry City South Brooklyn Marine Terminal


Bay Ridge Channel


Made in NY Campus

1. Access to jobs – CD7 has a large immigrant population with relatively low levels of education. There is a widespread need for job training and job readiness programs.


43rd St

Industrial Business Zone

51st St

Note: All other areas not highlighted are predominantly of residential land use.


Brooklyn Meat Market




7th Ave

Site Boundary

Bush Terminal Piers Park

5th Ave


1st Ave


3rd Ave

Site Location Plan Sunset Park, Brooklyn

2. Limited waterfront access - The BAT pier and ferry landing at 58th Street currently provides the only public access to the waterfront. It has limited provision for recreational activities and is poorly publicized. 3. Lack of community facilities and services - residents have expressed the need for community centers that could be used for meetings, recreation and cultural events. 4. Environmental justice – residents are concerned about the environmental impact of proposed maritime and industrial development, including the potential for increased truck traffic and therefore, increased emissions. 15

Project Overview | Site

The Site at Bush Terminal

1 9 50

2 0 10


Approach views to the site

Project Overview | Site

Site Strategy

Maximise waterfront access and open space opportunities in combination with industrial and waterfront redevelopment

Reconnect upland residential communities to the water’s edge


Views towards Lower Manhattan & Statue of Liberty

Deliveries by barge substantially minimise carbon emissions from road travel

Seaweed cultivation restores marine ecology in historically polluted waters and serves as a carbon & nutrient sink

Rail infrastructure promotes the efficient movement of goods


Project Overview | Programme

Schedule of Accommodation

Textile Academy

Design studios Workshops (weave, knit) Workshops (dye, print) Biofabrication lab Lab prep Classrooms Textile library Cafeteria Gallery

432 m2 418 m2 965 m2 167 m2 50 m2 217 m2 605 m2 155 m2 940 m2

Faculty & staff offices Reception/Foyer WCs Storage Kitchen Plant Circulation

178 m2 340 m2 84 m2 60 m2 75 m2 388 m2 880 m2

5,895 m2

Textile Recovery Facility

Seaweed Harvesting 950 m2 Loading Bay 220 m2 Tipping & Sanitisation 2556 m2 Sorting 1,000 m2 Fibre Processing 500 m2 Re-spinning 500 m2 Fabric storage 250 m2 Utilities 560 m2 WC/Locker room 98 m2 Visitor’s Cafe 186 m2 Viewing platform 302 m2 Terrace 165 m2 7,028 m2

Gross Internal Area (GIA): 12,363 m2

External Landscaping

Public Promenade 1350 m2 Service Promenade 1540 m2

Gross External Area (GEA): 2890 m2


Project Overview | Programme

Bridging Education & Industry

For the longest time, consumers have been shielded from the grave consequences of their purchasing habits. While recycling and more sustainable fabrics will be a key part of the solution, consumers too will need to change their behaviour in hopes of partaking in a more sustainable fashion ecosystem - buying less, knowing where their clothes were made and ideally the conditions under which they were made.

The new textile academy and in-house recycling facility collectively aims to facilitate the intersection of fashion design and biotechnology, as part of FIT’s initiatives to expand their textile design curriculum into the Sunset Park industrial zone. A joint institution for students, educators, practitioners and community members as proposed will steer the destructive industry in favour of long-term sustainability and circularity.





Part I: General Arrangement Part II: User Experience & Key Spaces


Proposal | General Arrangement

Site Plan N



Key: 1. Made in NY Campus (garment manufacturing hub) 2. South Brooklyn Railway 3. Light-industrial warehouses 4. Tidal pool 5. Bush Terminal Piers Park





3 22

Proposal | General Arrangement

View of the Textile Academy from Bush Terminal Piers Park, looking north towards Lower Manhattan.


Proposal | General Arrangement

Design Intent

merging of two typologies under one roof


linear production sequence and user progression

raw to refined process

Proposal | General Arrangement

artistic and industrial production

true north orientation

the roof and facade as one


Proposal | General Arrangement

Ground Floor Plan 1:500 10






Key: 1. Entrance Plaza 2. Reception/Foyer 3. Canteen 4. Kitchen 5. Loading Bay 6. Dyeing Workshop 7. Seaweed Harvesting 8. Boat Docking 9. Seaweed Farm 10. Waste Tipping & Sanitisation 11. Barge Unloading 9 26

Proposal | General Arrangement







3 8


Proposal | General Arrangement


First Floor Plan 0






18 20 19

KEY: 12. Classroom 13. Staff Room 14. Gallery/Event space 15. Textile Library 16. Mechanical [Recycling Facility] 17. Hardware Removal 18. Automatic Sorting 19. Storage 20. Fibre Processing 21. Re-spinning




Proposal | General Arrangement








Proposal | General Arrangement


Second Floor Plan 0






KEY: 16. Mechanical 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


Knitting Workshop Lab Prep Biofabrication Lab Design Studio Printmaking Studio Weaving Workshop Cafe Viewing Deck Terrace


Proposal | General Arrangement










Proposal | General Arrangement

Landscaping Strategy

Barge deliveries of textile recyclables are handled at the end of the building 32

Docking piers with stepped access for seaweed harvesting boats

Ground floor canteen spills out onto promenade in warmer months

Accessible waterfront edge with separate lanes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles

Proposal | General Arrangement

North approach along the Bush Terminal shoreline.


Proposal | General Arrangement

The Long Edge

wet vs. dry processes

Southwest Elevation

sequence of heights

NW-SE Section

goods vs. user circulation






framing views

Roof Plan

Proposal | General Arrangement


Proposal | General Arrangement


concrete piers & steel sheet piling

steel frame & composite slab

corrugated & perforated steel

A Language of Folds The building’s folded appearance is echoed at varying scales with the use of corrugated and perforated steel - as a retaining substructure, a permanent formwork for floor slabs, and as a cladding material. What appears to be something solid from afar begins to unravel into a fine and textured facade as one approaches the building.





Proposal | General Arrangement

The Short Edge 0



Northwest Elevation (Barge Deliveries)

Southeast Elevation (Entrance)


Proposal | General Arrangement

Sectional Perspective

Sectional Perspective SW-NE Key: 1. Canteen 2. Staff Room 3. Design Studio 4. Biofabrication Lab 5. Classroom 6. Loading Bay 7. Entrance Foyer 8. Gallery 9. Workshop public - private

3 Studios, Workshops & Labs

skeleton & skin

2 Admin & Gallery


box within a box

Promenade & Foyer

Seaweed Farm sectional progression


Proposal | General Arrangement

+19.0m FRL Roof: +17.5m

4 Level 2: +13.0m FFL



Level 1: +8.5m FFL




Level 0: +2.5m FFL

Mean Sea Level: 0m

Seabed: -2.0m




Part I: General Arrangement Part II: User Experience & Key Spaces


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Visitor’s Journey

Arrival at entrance hall into triple-height space unveils the building’s full structure and volumetric layout.


The gallery space begins where the stepped seating ends, where textiles produced by students of the academy are hung for display.

Stairs leading from the open gallery onto the second floor gives occupants glimpses into the workshops, where fabrics are being woven or knitted.

Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Elevated platforms overlook the in-house recycling facility that processes textile waste into recycled fibres, serving as an educational tool for students, staff and the wider public.

The linear experience through the building is concluded with views across the New York Bay as occupants arrive at the terrace, looking towards the Statue of Liberty and the Lower Manhattan skyline.

The top floor cafe serves light refreshments for visitors, staff and students and overlooks the Bush Terminal Piers Park to the south.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Entrance Hall & Gallery

Exhibition Space The introduction of diffuse north light into a double-height space creates the optimal environment for the display of fine fabrics and textiles produced by students of the academy. The exposed primary beams act as a substrate from which textiles can be hung.

End-of-term Show The open-plan configuration enables a level of flexbility and adaptability required in a campus setting, catering for different events throughout the academic year.

Textile Fair / Marketplace The generous circulation space allows for conventions and expos to take place, connecting industry suppliers of sustainable fabrics to potential clients and creatives.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Entrance hall and gallery, viewed from first floor.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Day in the Life: Student





Attend lectures and seminars in first floor classroom.

Lunch break in ground floor canteen overlooking Bush Terminal Piers Park to the south.

Work on textile design drawings in design studios upstairs.

Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces


Make fabric design in weaving/knitting workshop.


Develop GMO colours in biofabrication lab to naturally dye fabrics by fermentation. Dyed fabrics are hung up to dry in south-facing perimeter bays.

end of term

Finished fabric design is attached onto a pulley system that lowers the textile down from the design studios to the gallery below for display.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Weaving Workshop

Precedent Royal College of Arts, Battersea Campus / Serie Architects

“A spatial model that encourages creative collaboration across academic disciplines.” Image reference

The weaving workshop on the top floor of the textile academy is reminiscent of industrial spaces often adapted for artistic production. The expressed fixings of partitioning sreens are dropped to below the primary beam, maintaining a level of privacy and security without compromising on the visibility, openness and flexibility of the central floor plan (14m span). Serie Architects’ RCA proposal adopts a ‘tables, shelves and ladder’ approach in systematically organising their studio spaces, services and circulation without clearly defined boundaries. The decision to position the workshop space in the textile academy overlooking the doubleheight gallery and main line of circulation draws upon this programmatic clarity and layering of different zones.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Weaving Workshop

Polycarbonate screens loosely partition flexible wiorkshop spaces, with north-facing rooflights to optimise visual comfort for intricate tasks such as drawing, weaving or needlework.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Textile Library

The textile library archives the academy’s growing collection of sustainable yarns and fabrics for use by students in their project work.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Design Studios

Afternoon light is filtered into the design studios through the perforated steel cladding, with views orientated towards the Bush Terminal Piers Park.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Day in the Life: Recycling Facility Operator

Arrive at work, place belongings in locker rooms.


Operate gantry crane system to unload termly deliveries of textile recyclables by barge.

Oversee processing plant operations for quality assurance and health & safety.

Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Organise private tours of the recycling facility for clients, educational groups and the wider public.

Manage and audit the academy’s textile and yarn inventory on a weekly basis.

Communal dining facilities shared with design school.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Recycling Facility

Textile Fibre Recovery Process


2.Textile Waste Sanitisation

4. Automatic Sorting

5. Storage

7. UV Light Sanitisation

10a. Weaving

3. Hardware Removal

6. Fibre Processing

8. Sliver Processing

10b. Knitting

9. Re-spinning

11. Sewing

Fabrication & Finishing


12. Dyeing

Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

The recycling facility serves as an educational tool for students, staff and the wider public - an extension of the building’s continuous route of exhibition.


Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

A Linear Process

Reycling Facility Section

gantry crane unloading system




finished fabric is stored in the textile library. 56

Proposal | User Experience & Key Spaces

Night time view of southwest elevation from onshore pedestrian pathway.



Structure & Tectonics



Structure | Structural Strategy

Structural Strategy

Steel Roof Modules

Steel Frame & Composite Slab

Steel Sheet Piles

Reinforced Concrete Piers

The Orthogonal & The Oblique The scheme employs a primary steel frame system adhering to the existing 14x14m foundation grid on site. The sawtooth roof frame is laid at a N-S orientation, fixed to the primary structural beams using pinned connections. This oblique geometry forms the framework onto which the building envelope is attached, creating rhythmic projections along the facade.


Structure | Structural Strategy

Structural Grid


Level 2 Slab

Level 1 Slab







Structure | Substructure Design

Substructure Design

existing foundations

historic warehouse structure

proposed intervention



MSL seabed


Foundation Details @ 1:50 A


Adaptive Reuse The scheme builds upon a series of preexisting concrete piers and 100mm sheet piling, formerly upholding a single-storey intermodal shipping warehouse. These existing foundations and compacted sand infill will be retained and reinforced with an additional layer of steel sheet piling designed to support the new 3-storey building. The building’s edge will be lined with reinforced concrete piers and decking to create a durable and robust promenade structure.


steel column to steel sheet pile

steel column to concrete pier

Structure | Substructur

Site images of existing concrete pier foundations

existing concrete piers


Structure | Superstructure

Exploded Structural Skeleton

Two Systems and a Whole The building has a visually homogenous facade externally, but is experienced internally as two separate systems. 1. The Folded Facade The projecting bays along the perimeter are inhabitable pockets of workspaces in the design studios or for exhibition purposes. 2. The Box Within a Box The recycling facility is inset from the folded geometry, adopting a rectangular floor plan due to the difference in scale of machinery and activity from the design school. The modular roof system stitches the two volumes together to form a unified whole. 64

Structure | Superstructure

Steel Frame

Steel Frame Tectonic

Composite Slab Build-Up



3 Key: 1. Primary beam 700mm 2. Secondary beam 250mm 3. ‘Holorib’ steel profile decking 80mm; Shear studs welded through to top flange of primary beam 4. Reinforced concrete topping 150mm 5. Universal column 300mm

2 1

Steel Member Profiles

Transverse Beam Connection

Key Considerations The choice of steel was due to its relative capacity for larger spans in comparison to timber or RC beams of the same depth. This maximises the flexibility of the internal programme, creating a permanent skeleton that can be infilled or adapted in various ways throughout the building’s lifetime. The nature of the project’s site enables the transportation of long-spanning beams (14m) via barge.

- Primary beam: 300 x 700mm - Transverse beam / Universal Column: 300 x 300mm - Secondary beams: 150 x 250mm - Oblique roof beam (RHS): 150 x 250mm


Structure & Tectonics | Facade

1. The Folded Facade


10 6 5 4


11 8 8

Isometric Bay Detail @ 1:50

2 1




Floor Build-up: 1. Transverse beam, 300mm 2. ‘Holorib’ steel profile decking 80mm; Shear studs welded through to top flange of steel beam 3. Reinforced concrete topping 150mm 4. Slab opening for MEP penetration and floor diffuser 5. Impact sound insulation, 20mm 6. Vapour barrier, 1mm 7. Polished screed with UHP, 60mm Building Envelope: 8. Corrugated steel cladding 9. Double-glazed unit 10. Perforated corrugated steel screen over double-glazed unit 11. Galvanised steel soffit

Structure & Tectonics | Facade

solar panels on corrugated steel roof

Designing for light filtration & controlled views

perforated steel screen over double-glazed unit

corrugated steel cladding

galvanised steel soffit

corrugated steel cladding

double-glazed unit

Elevation Detail @ 1:50

galvanised steel soffit corrugated steel cladding


perforated steel screen over double-glazed unit Plan Detail @ 1:50


Structure & Tectonics | Facade

2. The Box Within A Box

Section Detail @ 1:50 Ground Floor Slab: 1. Steel sheet pile, 300mm 2. Pile cap 3. Concrete pedestal, 100mm 4. Thermal break, 250mm 5. Universal column, 300x300mm 6. EPDM vapour barrier 7. Insulation, 250mm 8. Geotextile between slab and top of insulation 9. Reinforced concrete slab, 300mm 10. Polished screed, 60mm 11. Existing concrete footing, 500mm First Floor Slab: 1. Primary beam, 700mm 2. ‘Holorib’ steel profile decking 80mm; Shear studs welded through to top flange of steel beam 3. Reinforced concrete topping 150mm 4. Impact sound insulation, 20mm 5. Thermal insulation, 100mm 6. Polished screed, 60mm Walls 1. Insulated bifold shutters 2. Sliding track 3. Polycarbonate, 150mm 4. Double-glazed unit 5. Pulley system for drying seaweed 6. Thermal insulation, 100mm 7. Roof frame 8. Corrugated steel roof


Structure & Tectonics | Facade

solar panels on corrugated steel roof

double glazed unit

corrugated steel cladding

heated internal space

naturally ventilated cavity

naturally ventilated internal space

secondary thermal line (polycarbonate/glass)

building envelope

sliding track

Elevation Detail @ 1:50


bifold shutters

Plan Detail @ 1:50


Structure & Tectonics | Roof

The Oblique Roof

Sawtooth Roof Detail @ 1:60 S


Key: 1. Solar panel 2. Corrugated steel roof panel, 50mm 3. Gutter section 4. Breather membrane 5. Double-glazed unit 6. Thermal insulation in galvanised steel sheet trays, 150mm 7. Acoustic insulation, 50mm 8. Perforated metal acoustic ceiling panel with vapour barrier 9. Universal beam, 150x250mm 10. RHS roof beam, 150x250mm 11. Pin connection to top flange of primary beam

Perspective Roof Section Cut N



Structure & Tectonics | Roof

Node Connection Detail @ 1:10 oblique roof beam to orthogonal primary beam

Detail Precedent Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin / Mies van der Rohe

Image reference

1 5

2 4








Structural Articulation The roof is expressed as secondary to the primary structural frame through the use of pinned connections, lifting the roof up by 100mm to alleviate the building’s facades and partitioning walls. This visually articulates the two grids as separate systems. The Neue Nationalgalerie is referenced for the structural honesty it conveys with the geometry of each steel profile employed. The cruciform columns place emphasis on the building’s two-way roof slab, while splices indicate its structural gridlines on elevation.


Tectonics | Internal Finishes

Internal Finishes Wall Type 1: Demountable Partitions Open-plan workshops and studios

Floor Finish polished screed

Internal Partitions polycarbonate & glass

Ceiling Finish perforated metal acoustic panels

Internal Detail Elevation @ 1:100

Aluminium fixings 450mm service zone Glass double-leaf doors Polycarbonate screens


Section Detail Key: 1. Light steel separating wall 2. Polished screed 3. Mineral wool packing 4. Dense mineral wool between primary steel beam and light steel channel 5. Steel channel & deflection head 6. 2 layers of gypsum-based board 7. Suspended ceiling, flush with 700mm primary beam

Tectonics | Internal Finishes

Wall Type 2: Fire Protected Enclosures Plant rooms, escape stairs and other areas with fire hazards

Detail Precedent Filter Life Factory, Taiwan / Waterfrom Design

Section Detail @ 1:20

Image reference



3 4

5 6


Plan Detail @ 1:20

Internal Materiality The exposed screed floor finish provides a hardwearing surface suitable for light industrial uses, contrasting with the lightness of the polycarbonate partitioning screens that loosely define workshops and studios on the top floor. Its fixings to the transverse beam are droppeed down to express its separation from the primary frame, while perforated acoustic ceiling panels continue the language of the external facade into the inhabitable spaces for better sound absorption.



Environmental Design



Environmental Design | Overview

Systems Overview Part L: Conservation of Fuel & Power


Environmental Design | Overview

Environmental Conditions Zoning





Thermal Separation

The building’s systems and services are fully electric and powered by solar PVs throughout the year, with excess energy generated in the summer months stored in battery banks to be utilised in winter when there are fewer sunlight hours (or sold back to the grid).

Within an overarching airtight building envelope, the scheme is subdivided into three zones of different environmental conditions.

Water The availablility of seawater all around the site presents the opportunity to minimise the building’s overall demand for freshwater, particularly in processes such as toilet flushing and textile dyeing. Its high speific heat capacity also allows for effective heat exchange in a WSHP system to condition the building.

1. The waste tipping and seaweed harvesting rooms are unconditioned and naturally cross-ventilated. 2. The elevated recycling facility is conditioned and thermally separated from the floor below as well as the design school. 3. The design school is conditioned and serviced by its own HVAC plant.


Environmental Design | Zoning

Zoning Strategy Environmental Conditions: Heating, Cooling & Ventilation

Level 2

Level 1

Ground Floor



Natural Ventilation

Mixed Mode

Environmental Design | Zoning

Acoustics: Acceptable Room/Space Sound Levels



Classrooms, Libraries


Offices, Private Work Rooms


Corridors, Lobbies, Bathrooms, Reception


Common spaces, Dining Halls, Kitchens, Workshops


Level 2

Level 1

Ground Floor


Environmental Design | Design School Strategies

Section: Design School Passive Design Strategies

Perforated screens provide shading without compromising views out



External soffits prevent overheating in summer; south glazing maximises sunlight penetration in winter

N-S roof orientation optimises daylighting, minimises heat gains and maximises PV efficiency

Operable windows allow for single-sided nat vent in localised areas for 26% of the year


Environmental Design | Design School Strategies

Distribution of Services

Level 2 Plan: Air Supply N

Enclosed Plant Room Plant Room

The plant room will be enclosed in a fireproof stud wall and false ceiling construction, adopting the ‘box-in-abox’ system to separate itself (as a potential fire hazard) from the openness of the rest of the building.

Underfloor heating & cooling pipes and fresh air supply ductwork


Level 2 Plan: Air Extracts

Plant Room

Ceiling mounted air extracts

Fresh air is supplied via underfloor vents at frequent intervals in order to maximise thermal comfort and ventilation efficiency within the large open-plan spaces. Warm, stale air is extracted at ceiling level. The residual heat is recovered by air handling units to pre-heat fresh air, reducing the building’s heating demand and thus, operational costs.


Environmental Design | Reycling Facility Strategies

Section: Recycling Facility Passive & Active Design Strategies

Elevated processing plant mitigates potential damage to equipment from flooding



Thermal separation between naturally ventilated ground floor and conditioned workspaces above

Louvres at roof level enable stack ventilation in perimeter cavities to dry harvested seaweed

Folding shutters allow for vehicular entry and the circulation of fresh air for natural cross ventilation


Environmental Design | Reycling Facility Strategies

Distribution of Services


Level 1/2 Plan: Air Supply

Plant Zone




Exposed Services The plant equipment that services the recycling facility is left unenclosed, as are all the other machinery that handles textile waste within the same thermal environment.

Controlled Air Flow The recycling process is partitioned into respective zones based on their relative cleanliness and dust production levels. By introducing localised air handling units in each zone, this ensures that dirty air from one process does not get circulated across the entire facility.


Level 1/2 Plan: Air Extracts

Plant Zone




Moisture Control Although the ground floor tipping zone is designed to be unconditioned, the accumulation of textile waste material will require dehumidification in order to prevent mould growth. Ozone Production Textile waste is purified via an ozone sanitisation system. The ozone is produced onsite, then disposed as oxygen into the air.


Environmental Design | Solar & Energy Use

Energy Consumption

Summary: Estimated Annual Energy Demand: 1.28GWh/an (Electric: 820MWh/an; Electric Heating: 457MWh/an)

Estimated Annual PV Output: 1.48GWh/an (assuming full roof area installed with PV)

Roof Area Available: 5200 m2 Area of 1 PV panel: 2 m2 Max. no. of PV panels for roof area available: 2600 PV panel rating: 450W Max. PV output (2600 panels): 1170kW NY average annual amount of sunhours: 2540 hours Average annual PV output (with 50% reduction factor): 1485kWh/an

Harnessing Solar Energy The mechanical recycling process is one that demands a high level of electricity use throughout the year. In order to avoid a dependence on fuel, solar energy is harnessed to supply the building’s electricity, as well as to power the water-source heat pump (WSHP) that conditions the building. WSHPs are 300-400% efficient (for every unit of electricity used by the heat pump, three to four units of heat are captured and transferred). This will mean a 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions than for a gas boiler system. Assuming the full area of the roof is covered in PV panels, the annual solar energy output is able to cover the building’s overall energy demand for electricity and heating. The PV array is linked to an inverter and battery bank in the plant room, which then distributes power across the building.


Environmental Design | Solar & Energy Use

Roof Form Analysis Solar Energy in New York

Average: 3.79kWh/m2/day

Average: 4.62kWh/m2/day

Average: 3.93kWh/m2/day

7 6


5 4

ATaL in New York 3

DNI in New York


GHI in New York

1 0







DNI in New York



GHI in New York

Time of Year





ATaL in New York

Data Source: Solar Energy Local, 2021. Solar Power in New York, NY. Available from: https://www.solarenergylocal.com/states/new-york/new-york/#positioning





Average Tilt at Latitude (ATaL)

Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI)

Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)

PV surface is fixed and tilted towards the equator at an angle equal to the current latitude.

PV surface is always perpendicular to sun rays (dynamic tracking).

PV surface is fixed and horizontal.

[Brooklyn NY: 40.6° N, 74.0° W]

Optimum Energy Output


less average daily output than option 1.


less average daily output than option 1.


Environmental Design | Embodied Eenergy

Embodied Energy

Material Specifications

The building’s programmatic use as a recycling facility inspired reuse throughout the scheme.


of steel sections and purlins from end-of-life buildings get recycled.

It takes

1/5 1/15

the amount of energy to manufacture GGBS than it does for Portland cement and produces less than

the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Concrete A 50% GGBS cement mix reduces not only the amount of energy-intensive Portland cement required in concrete manufacturing, but also offers increased resistance to thermal cracking and corrosion to further protect the steel reinforcements within. A 50% ratio of GGBS provides an optimum blend for greatest strength at 28 days. Steel Recycled steel is used for the building’s primary and secondary structural frames. It is also introduced in composite action with concrete as a permanent formwork (profiled decking) in the floor slabs, minimising the deadweight of the structure and thereby maximising material efficiency.

Designing for Reuse

The use of long-span beams allows an increased flexibility of use and to be resusable by cutting the beam into a new kength at the end of the building’s life.



The standardisation of the building’s 7x14x7m structural grid across its length facilitates future reuse, along with the use of standard, bolted connecitions between steel members and demountable sheer studs that enable the ease of deconstruction.

Environmental Design | Embodied Energy

Transport Emissions Factors for different modes of transport


TEF (gCO2e/kg/km)


Road transport emissions


(BEIS, 2020) [1]

Sea transport emissions


(BEIS, 2020) [2]

Rail transport emissions


(BEIS, 2020) [3]

Freight transport emissions


(BEIS, 2020) [4]

Strategic port location at Bush Terminal makes use of barge and rail connectivity, saving up to 10x the emissions of road travel and up to 60x the emissions of air freight for the distribution of building material, as well as of textile waste to be processed when the building is in operation.

Sourcing Locally Stage A4 Embodied Carbon Factors for typical transport scenarios (UK) A4 Transport Scenario

km travelled by road

A4 ECF (kgCO2e/kg)

Locally manufactured



Nationally manufactured



European manufactured



The building’s primary building materials are sourced locally from NYC-based suppliers via shipment along the New York Bay and via rail transport on the South Brooklyn Railway.


HB Steel is selected for all structural steel members as well as sheet metal cladding and profile decking elements. These will be shipped from 7.5 miles away. NY Concrete will be supplying the building’s 50% GGBS cement mix for the structural floor slabs from within South Brooklyn. Although polycarbonate elements will be delivered by road travel from Queens, its locality still means that its embodied carbon would be 6x lower than materials sourced from somewhere further in the country or internationally (10x), based on a broad comparison with UK transport scenarios above.


Environmental Design | Seaweed Cultivation

Seaweed Cultivation


tonnes of CO2 sequestered every year by seaweed globally

Grows up to


cm (2ft) a day


faster CO2 uptake than land plants

Carbon & Ecology Kelp is a fast-growing seaweed that acts as a carbon and nutrient sink. By elevating pH levels and supplying oxygen to the waters, it can reduce effects of ocean acidification in the historically polluted brownfield site at Bush Terminal. From Fibre to Fabric Seaweed aquaculture requires zero onshore land use, fertilisers, pesticides and freshwater irrigation requirements, as opposed to cotton or energy-intensive polyester. Seaweed fabric uses cellulose fibre and it is made using the same lyocell process as Tencel and some bamboo, but with seaweed as the plant source. This provides a highly renewable source of natural fibres for the research and development of innovative textiles within the academy. Growing & Harvesting The kelp is grown out between November to June, and it is then harvested to be chopped and processed into yarn. The kelp is attached to floating rafts that are anchored to the seabed.


Environmental Design | Seaweed Cultivation

Harvesting Season Seaweed is harvested into the building via fishing boats and a tracked conveyor system.

New York Daily Sea Temperature

Temperature (C)

Harvesting season

Growing season

optimum growing temp range

Time of Year



Regulatory Compliance



Regulatory Compliance | Part B

Part B: Fire Safety

B1 - Means of Warning/Escape Enclosed staircase shafts are located at frequent intervals along the linear building, such that worst case escape distances do not exceed 45m in compliance with Part B regulations for low-risk industrial and educational building types. B2/3 - Internal Fire Spread Structural steel members are coated with a thin film intumescent paint for up to 60 min of fire protection. Areas containing fire hazards such as the plant room and kitchen are enclosed in fire-resisting partitions and dropped ceilings to prevent its spread to surrounding spaces. Sprinkler systems and hand-held fire extinguishers are specified in areas deemed higher-risk, such as the biofabrication lab and recycling facility. B4 - External Fire Spread Structural steel members with thin-film intumescent coating. (steel - primer - intumescent - top coat)

The building’s external walls are sufficiently distant from the closest development or potential for future developments due to its water-based site. B5 - Access & Facilities for the Fire Service The east approach from 43rd St as well as the north strip of the building is designed for general vehicular access (5.5m width) and can be accessed by fire engines. This covers more than 50% of the building’s perimeter, as outlined in Table 15.1 for buildings with a GIA between 8,000-16,000m2.

1-hour fire-rated enclosures - wall build-up.


Regulatory Compliance | Part B

Emergency Escape Strategy

Fire protected enclosure (60 min)

Vertical means of escape

Escape distance (worst case)

Final exit

Assembly Point

Fire Vehicle Access

Level 2

Level 1

Ground Floor


Regulatory Compliance | Part M

Part M: Access to and Use of Buildings

1. Access to & into Building The external pier/promenade is lined with handrails to the south for pedestrian access. The north edge of the pier is lined with concrete dividers for the safety of vehicular travel, with security gates to control access. Folding shutters enable vehicular entry into the loading bay and waste tipping space. Anticipating a high volume of visitors, access to private facilities such as the workshops, labs and studios is managed with key card access doors. An entrance lobby controls draughts, limits air infiltration and provides transitional lighting prior to entering the triple-height foyer/gallery space. Accessible locker room layout

2. Horizontal & Vertical Circulation Internal lobbies and corridors are min. 2m wide with enough clearance for wheelchair users. Passenger lifts are located at strategic intervals in the building such that Stepped access is centrally located in key circulation routes for ease of navigation. 3. Sanitary Provision

Turning radius in escape stairs accounts for wheelchair refuge points


Wheelchair accessible unisex toilets are provided on each floor of the building. The recycling facility has dedicated locker rooms with showers provided for industrial workers.

Regulatory Compliance | Part M

Plan of Access & Security

Public Entry

Private Entry

Private access

Managed Public Access

Accessible WC

Vertical Circulation

Key Card Access Point

Level 2

Level 1

Ground Floor


Regulatory Compliance | CDM

CDM - Health & Safety Considerations

Existing foundations and infill retained

Site Office

Material Storage / Delivery Yard

Vehicle Entry Point

Barge & Rail Deliveries

Building Works Boundary

Pre-Construction Deteriorated concrete platform decking cleared from site

Under the CDM regulations a principal designer must be appointed, whose role in the preconstruction phase is to carry out the following: 1. Contractor Mobilisation: - risk assessment register - define site curtilage & delivery/storage area - site offices setup - establish site protocols 2. Enabling Works - archaeological/ecological surveys of existing pier foundations and immediate site conditions - protection of existing pier foundations to be retained - site clearance Construction (see next page for construction sequence) Handover - handover to client, including O+M (operations and maintenance) manual & training. - begin defects liability period

Site Plan @ 1:5000


Regulatory Compliance | CDM

6. Wall and roof cladding to watertight condition. 5. Secondary frames (roof and cladding) assembled.


7. MEP 2nd fix, internal finishes & fit-out.

3. Steel frame delivered by barge and assembled. MEP 1st fix.


4. Steel profile decking, sheer studs and reinforcements fixed onto steel frame. Concrete topping cast in-situ.

2. Reinforced concrete topping cast insitu over existing compacted sand infill.

1b.. Steel sheet piling and reinforced concrete piers + footings driven into seabed.

1a. Protection of existing building fabric to be retained.


Perimeter edge slabs are connected to RC piers with steel reinforcements.

Construction Sequence



Design Development



Design Development | Early Concepts

Stage 1: Form, Function & Concepts

The project began with exploring the potential for overlaps between two seemingly disparate programmes (design school & processing plant), encouraging students and innovators to experiment with more sustainable textile production methods for economic scalability. One of the main requirements that both the typologies share is the need for diffuse lighting for the intricate work that takes place in fabricating textiles - from processing to fabrication & finishing. The sawtooth roof was explored further to create a lightness and fluidity that signals the delicate textiles that are handled within the building, whilst also recalling the architypal massing of industrial buildings. The idea that students and professionals can interact, collaborate and engage with the makings of modern fabrics under one roof was tested and explored in the following images. Refining the traditional sawtooth roof form to express lightness in both an artisanal and industrial setting.


Design Development | Early Concepts

2. The linear process from raw to refined.

1. Education wraps around industry, circulation bridges the two

5. Finely textured facades express the intricacy of textile craftsmanship

4. Stepped massing expresses movement and programmatic definition.

3. The solid vs. the permeable

6. Passive daylighting strategies

Exploring Key Adjacencies

Massing & Elevation Studies


Design Development | Site Strategy

Stage 2: Between Land & Sea

The choice of an expansive waterfront site in Brooklyn’s industrial business zone created endless opportunities for the building’s landscaping, massing and zoning strategies, with minimal context to which to respond. The flexibility that the site provided was a real asset but also one of the biggest challenges to design around. Thresholds The initial response was to build onshore on an existing carpark site, bordered by the entrance to Bush Terminal Park and a pedestrian and cyclist path. The attempt to masterplan this site was challenging due to the risk of the building creating a cul-de-sac on an otherwise continuous waterfront promenade. It also inhibits one of the main access routes to the park from 43rd St. The decision to move offshore and build upon a disused pier adjacent to the initial site creates a much stronger presence for the scheme, engaging with the water for cultivating marine aquaculture and handling goods deliveries by barge. It leaves the shoreline open and free for pedestrian movement and capitalises on the views and resources already present on site by reaching out into the sea.


Design Development | Site Strategy

The woven roof floods the building with natural light, stitching industrial and educaitonal workspaces together to make a unified whole.

public & private

solid anchor volume for learning tall central volume for production flexible framework for growing


Design Development | Programmatic Zoning

Stage 3: Zoning & Hierarchy

Elevated studio spaces that overlook the double height industrial space adjacent.

Taking into account the flood risks of the offshore site, the main processing plant and workshops of the scheme are elevated to mitigate any potential water damage to equipment. This frees up the ground floor for messier tasks, wet processes and increased circulation space for both users and vehicles. The decision to maintain a N-S oriented roof despite a NW-SE oriented primary structural grid was retained as a constituent part of the building’s passive solar design.

Initial detail drawings of timber-concrete elements.

A vertical hierarchy of programmatic zoning is established, along with a horizontal layering of industrial and educational spaces, and lastly a structural hierarchy of primary and secondary elements, visually expressed with pinned connections to the roof beams and lightweight screens that infill the permanent skeleton of the ‘flexbile shed’.

Initial sketch of processing space with folded roof form.


Design Development | Programmatic Zoning

Relationship between seaweed farming and harvesting at ground floor; public entry and exhibition above; studios on top floor and exhibition below for hanging displays of textiles.

The arrival of textile waste at ground level and the processing of it above.

The recycling process as an educational tool for visitors and students.


Design Development | Form and Facade

Stage 4: The Roof and Facade as One

The decision to have the elevations meet the geometry of the roof gables was key to introducing a richness in texture and shading, simply by alternating the material used on each side of the ‘pleats’. The folded facade creates minor projections along the building’s edge that are inhabitable within the design school, varying the treatment of large open flexible workspaces with more intimate and personal moments. The recycling facility was designed to interact differently with the facade, maintaining its programmatic efficiency as a rectangular boxed shed, and leaving the perimeter projections as cavities in which harvested seaweed is hung and dried prior to being processed in the facility. Externally, the building maintains a uniform visual identity, with minor distinguishments made in the treatment of soffits/brises soleil on the design school to define each floor and act as shading for the inhabited walls; while the verticality of the building is emphasised on the industrial portion to indicate scale and a larger floor-ceiling height.


Design Development | Form and Facade





Design Development | Experience & Materiality

Stage 5: Internal Experience & Materiality

Final Review At the final review the project was well-received for its simplicity in structural resolution. It was suggested that there might have been a missed opportunity not to provide a space in which the full beauty of the building’s roof form is shown and celebrated, which, as depicted in the section on the right, does not make the most of the building’s tectonic composition. The workshop space over the foyer was then shifted to distinguish a hierarchy of spaces that gradually journeyed from the generous, expansive entrance hall, filtering through to the spaces beyond. It was highlighted that the wall to roof detail was a key junction to interrogate further as this is where the scheme really comes together. The subtle decision to lift the roof beams up to distinguish the primary from the secondary made the biggest difference in establishing a clear order and structural delineation of each element.


“Low-tech, high tectonic”

Design Development | Experience & Materiality

Designing in section


Design Development | Reflective Summary

Reflective Summary

To conclude, this project has been the most complex and technical one I have experienced thus far and I am pleased with the degree of resolution achieved within the time frame. It has been challenging but equally as rewarding to juggle between designing at an urban scale, on the threshold of land and sea and on a human scale. Overall, there had been a high level of attention directed to resolving the building’s geometry that I feel could have enriched the project further if it had been channelled towards exploring the materiality of internal spaces and how this relates to the finer attributes of textile fabrication and the tactility of the craft. The project has also pushed me to experiment with different styles and media of graphical representation to visually convey the breadth and scope of the proposal. The weekly support and guidance from my tutor Jayne Barlow was vital to extrapolate the ideas in my head into a ‘reality’, with invaluable consultant insight to elevate and refine the project’s ambition on an operational level.


Design Development | Reflective Summary



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