Portfolio_ Winnie Sanna Sahara Westerlund currently student at Bergen School of Architecture (BAHS) Professional intrests: Architecture , carpentry and furniture design, Set design / Public space performance. Work I would say that my school projects has a playfulness with the tools I choose to work with and a curiosity and studiousness to the theme. The projects develops sometimes with a strong thought of what I want to find out about, sometimes I let the material itself stir the direction of the process. Developing a concept and a title or some key words, takes often an early and important role in my working processes, both when it comes architecture projects as well as from my experiences from furniture design. The idea for concept developments can come out of analyzes of the site itself as well as from something out of context like literature or objects. For me , one of the beutiful thing with architecture is to get to know different sorts of enviroments
Contents BAHS_year_ 3 _2
The Hospital as City Urban Gearboxes Innsailing Community Living Climatic Shelter
Lemstova Material / Model Set design Furnitures Acousticspace
The Hospital as City Group work with 3 fellow students Teachers: Deans Sompson Gunvor Bakke Kvinlog, Andrea Sprecifico Course: To research among the 8 largest hospitals in the world and to build them in models 1:1000 . This course was the start of the bachelor examen course, complex building, which focus on hospital architecture. “Defining the chosen hospitals from different geographical regions - as the biggest - we have used statistics of the total built floor area, the footprints of building and the area of land its covers, the number of patient beds, employees etc. A definition of Big is not to be done by one parameter, its done by several. Followed by words such as plurality, multiplicity, complexity and size, bigness asks us to think about what happens when it becomes impossible for a person to use himself as the measurement of a building he is standing before. They are all definitely big, but many of them have their own way of being so.”
Nordnes Mini Urban Utopias 3rd year, 1st sem. BAHS Teachers: Thomas Wiesner Professor DAV Eli Goldstein, Christian Stefanescou. Course description: Architectural foundation course/ Urban design course with special emphasis on development of conceptual architectural/urban design approaches via rigorous and constant creative production of varied, conceptual architectural material(s) Context: Bergen, Nordnes peninsula.
Urban Gearbox The project Urban Gearboxes looks at five public spaces - so called ”Allmenning”, that stretches a hundred meters from sea line up to the spine of Nordnes. Each of this Allmenning was studied, analyzed and presented as simple machinery -The Gearbox “a self-contained spatial system, a bit like a Labyrinth, where the edges of its particles create borders and enclosures, in a unexpected order. Therefore one cannot always know how to direct through the Allmenningarna; there is the physical, visible, as well as the invisible, the Thought of (idea) -disorder.” (From the manual of the gearboxes)
Mini Urban Utopias
/Embedded Location Transmitting zone: Embedded by concrete walls, 21 steps lead up and down from the no more used parking space, under the football plan. 1500km2 of underground space.
Plan on circulation Allmenning V , NMUU.
Community Living 2nd year, 2nd sem. BAHS Teachers: Inga LindstrØm, Héctor Piña Barrios Course: To develop a community living program through studies of user group, floor plans and analyses of the given site and situation. Groupwork of 4 students
The Fishmarket_ Damsgårdsveien 99 “The Fishmarket is a housing project in a industrial harbor area along Puddefjorden in Bergen. New apartment blocks pops up in this area, one by one on the lots of former industries and yards. The housing project at Damsgårdsveien 99, a community living, aims to connect with the industrial identity and strengthen. Our projects at this site is open building structure with housing units in different sizes with space for a small-scale fish industry + market on the ground level”
Climatic Shelter 2 nd year, 1st sem. BAHS Teachers: Espen Folgerö APP May- Elin Bjerck DAV Course: To create a shelter for a small group of people on specific site in the mountain area, aiming to last for 6-12 months. The course focus on site analyses, climate , material and development of agenda.
”The fixed and the flexible” Agenda: The fixed element creates an horizontal plan in relation to the sloping hillside and is to be created by material from the surrounding, here stones. The flexible material shall be as light as possible, an membrane hat becomes the roof and walls in the construction. The light construction is brought to the place , works as a shelter – a home- for at least 4 season and can then be ported to a new site and a new foundation.
Complexbuilding , Haukeland Hospital, Bergen . BAHS Spring 2013
Lemstova 1st year, 2nd sem .BAHS Teachers: Bertram Brochman, Bjarne Ringstad, Trudi Jaeger Course: Re-construction/addition to- and Re-program a traditional wooden house.
“Dispelling the shadows of the farthest corners” Program: Focusing on creating different zones with of the barns existing structure: open/ closed, private/ common, inside / outside, Addition: The old Barn is added a new part with the same constructing technic, lafting. A new “ soft shell” roof construction with multiple windows of different dimensions enhances the daylight to seep in to the building, finding its way to the darkest corners.
Wood- Materialcourse, Kvamsรถy Sept. 2011 With 3 fellow students
Iceforming competition , vinter 2011 !st prize With Matilda Wallsten, Mira Brekke and Tryggve Sollรถs
Scenography Orlando Nico and the Navigators, Opern Haus Halle, June 2010 Set design assistant
Immaturus Student theater , fall 2012 Concept sketch
Stenebyskolan , Exhibited at Stockholm Furniture fair 2009
Riktat Bord / Directed Table
5 legged table in birch , Stenebyskolan 2009.
Acousticspace Teacher : Sang Lee BAHS Jan/Feb. 2012 Psychogeographical mapping / drawing
Sound performing device
Winnie Sanna Sahara Westerlund
Education 2010-2015 Bergen School of Architecture. 2007-2009 Wooden Handcraft and furniture design. Foundation Steneby School, Sweden. 2006 – Studies in French language and art. ESSPA/ Aix- en – Provence, France. 1 semester. 2002-2005 High School. Kristofferskolan , Stockholm. Other: “Public space as Art” form, 6 p., Gothenburgs University. “ Language and Culture History” .Södertörns University.
Date of birth_ 30-03-1986 Nationality_ Swedish Current address_ Nikolaikirkeallmenningen 2, 5003 B Bergen, Norway Email_ winniewesterlund@yahoo.com Phone_ +4748349182
Work experience (selected) 2012Smakverket, café and barista service. Part-time 2011/2012 The Royal court. Park- and environmental service, part-time ( summer) 2009-2010 Munchs Catering, Nordic embassy, Berlin. Part-time. 2006 – Fryshuset restaurant and café, Stockholm. Full-time 6 months 2005- 2007 Carema, group home/ healthcare, Stockholm. Part-time 2003-2006 Posten AB, Stockholm. Post service. Part-time (Summer) Internship 2010Grotest Maru Streettheater company, Berlin. 4 months. Props and Costume . 2010Nico and the Navigators free theater company / Opera house Halle, Berlin. 2 months. 2009. Volksbuhne Theatre , Berlin. Theater décor carpentry.
Scenografer assistant.
Organization engagements: Fälbiologerna- Nature and Youth ,Sweden. Workshops and field studies related to environmental issues Language Skills : Swedish, English (fluent)), German and French (basic) Computer Skills : Microsoft Office Suite, Photoshop Driving License: yes Travelled countries (selected): Russia, Mongolia, China, Nepal (2007), Tanzania(2003), Marocco (2010) ,