Winona State University
-2 0 12 Basketball Camps
Coach Mike Leaf
2006 & 2008 National Champions 2011 NSIC Tournament Champs Camp 1 (Ind.) Camp 2 (Ind.) Camp 3 (Ind.)
DATE June 18-21 June 25-28 June 25-28
GRADES 7-12 1-3 4-6
TIME 9:00-3:00 8:00-9:30 9:45-11:45
PRICE $145 daily meal $30 $40
For Registration and information call or email Tom Brown 507-457-5218 ***Confirmation of enrollment of camp via cashed check***
WARRIOR BOY’S BASKETBALL CAMPS (Please circle camp planning on attending- grade entering) Camp #1: June18-21 (7-12) (T-shirt, daily meal & treat)
Camp #2: June 25- June 28 (1-3) (T-shirt & daily treat)
Camp #3: June 25-June 28 (4-6) (Camp t-shirt & daily treat)
Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ HomePhone:_____________________________Email________________________________ Grade (Entering Fall 2011)__________ T-Shirt Size (Adult): S
Emergency #_____________________________ XXL
(Youth): S
*Checks payable to Mike Leaf, WSU Basketball, 175 W. Mark St., Winona, MN 55987. *Sorry no refunds once you are signed up. ***Confirmation of enrollment of camp via cashed check*** I understand that Winona State University and the Warrior Basketball Camp Staff are not legally responsible for any injury or illness incurred while participating in this camp.
Parents / Coach Signature____________________________________ Date______________