HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Employer demand for Hospitality Management occupations has remained fairly consistent in Michigan over the past 5 years. Recovering from recession low-posting levels (1,579 online job ads in 2010-2011), employer demand has hovered around the 2,000 job postings per year mark. Employment in these occupations is not expected to grow over the next 5 years but replacement hiring is essential in this large field. Less than 20% of the hospitality management workforce is under 20 or over 55, so young and older workers represent a largely untapped talent pool for hospitality employers to begin hiring from. Minorities also make up only 18% of the hospitality managers in the state. These underrepresented groups of workers are likely to be targeted for hiring, especially if employer demand increases beyond its relatively stable current state.
Hospitality job experience, along with education or training programs, is most important to employers hiring for hospitality management positions. This is especially salient to older job seekers who may bring more experience and are currently underrepresented in these jobs. Compensation rises dramatically with more experience. A typical starting salary in these types of positions is $30,000, slightly below median family income in the state. However, with experience, that annual salary can grow to $92,000.
>20% Less than 20% of the workforce is under 20 or over 55.
jOB postings
Consistent employer demand for these positions.
Experience preferred
$30,000 starting salary
18% Only 18% of the workers currently in this fiel are minorities.
For more information on how to start your career in hospitality management visit your local community college.