The Winston-Salem Foundation Annual Report

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The Wins ton- Salem F Oundation 2011 Report to the Community | 2010 Annual Report



Front and inside covers: 2011-2012 Youth Grantmakers in Action



Leadership, at its best, is the collaborative focus of many.

A community needs many leaders coming together —

Civic and political and spiritual leaders.

Grassroots and mission-specific leaders.

while also inspiring its young people to develop their own leadership potential —

each sharing his or her unique experiences and insights,

the most innovative ideas and solutions are born.

And as people discover the power of shared responsibilities and rewards,

a community becomes stronger

the more successfully it will face challenges and respond to opportunities.

When diverse individuals work in concert,

Indeed, the more a community can engage its various leaders —

and living in it becomes more satisfying.

This is how trust weaves itself throughout one neighborhood and into the next.

This is how positive impact gains traction and then momentum.

Leaders working with other leaders —

when the very best human resources of a community connect and grow,

so, too, does progress for all.

Y ea r in Revi ew


communit y l ea d er ship g rowing le ad er ship Grants



Fun d s an d Don or s F in a n cial Over vi ew

32 54

Foun d ati on Comm itt ees Staff




our Mission: To invest in our community by making philanthropy and its benefits available to all. The Foundation’s efforts are inspired by four core values:

Generosity – To support sharing in all its forms, linking resources with ideas that improve community life.

Inclusion – T o embrace the contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and perspectives.

Integrity –­­ To operate with respect, honesty, accountability, and fairness to all.­

Excellence – To aspire to the highest standards in everything we do.

message to the Community


ROWING LEADERSHIP is vital to our community’s future.

Since The Winston-Salem Foundation was established in 1919,

the face of leadership in our community has changed dramatically. Today, Forsyth County is quite a different place — we’re growing

Today we are approaching $300 million in assets, with over 1,300 funds established by charitable individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. Winston-Salem’s early leaders never could have imagined not only the growth that the Foundation has experienced, but also the diversity in our community’s

leadership as never before. In this 2011 Report to the Community we celebrate

leadership and purposeful collaborations among groups that have taken us to

the stories of only a few of the thousands of leaders in our community.

where we are today.

They are volunteers, students, philanthropists, and community nonprofits —

We look forward to providing many more years of leadership support to

and all reflect the rich diversity that we are so lucky to have here. Our cover

this community. Let us know your ideas for Growing Leadership together —

is reflective of this in the faces of our Youth Grantmakers in Action group,

we’re here as a resource for the entire community!

a Foundation program for growing youth leadership through philanthropy. The Foundation strives to grow leadership in Forsyth County by encouraging partnerships among existing community resources. Given these challenging economic times, collaborations will be crucial to addressing community challenges. Later in this report you will hear one inspiring example in the Youth in Transition Community Initiative. Committed to improving the often negative outcomes for youth transitioning out of foster care, a diverse collaborative has worked closely together since 2009 to develop a comprehensive initiative that will give these youth the support they deserve to live successful adult lives. In 2010 the Foundation made more than $18.8 million in charitable grants — more than $2.6 million of which were directed through our Community

Kay D. Lord

Scott F. Wierman



The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee

The Winston-Salem Foundation

Grants program. These grants provide funding assistance to nonprofit programs with the potential to have the most positive long-term impact on our community — improving lives through education, the arts, community development, health, and human services programs. In the 2010-2011 school year, the Foundation helped more than 500 students with over $1 million in student aid for college — and we are happy to report, for the second year in a row!

the winston-salem foundation annual report

overview [ 2 – 3 ]

year in review

2011 community



N ENERGETIC CROWD OF more than 900 community

members gathered at the Benton Convention Center on May 4 for the Foundation’s 2011 Community Luncheon. During the program, The Winston-Salem Foundation Award was presented to Beth and Sandy Baldwin, and the 2011 ECHO Awards were presented to Mary Dame, Ed Hanes, and Cheryl Lindsay. (full stories on page 6) Forsyth County’s Youth in Transition Community Initiative was announced publicly for the first time through speakers and a video presentation. Youth in Transition is the result of a community collaborative of foundations, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, and interested individuals. This program will give youth transitioning out of foster care the support they need to move successfully into adulthood. (for more information, see page 10)

Keynote speaker Patrick T. McCarthy, president and chief executive officer of the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, emphasized the importance of growing local community leadership and stressed that Forsyth County has many resources already in place with which to solve its challenges — he noted that collaboration will be the key to the community’s success. The Foundation appreciates the 57 generous sponsors who signed on to be Community Investors, Community Builders, and Community Supporters — their support enabled the Foundation to provide greater community access to the event, which is what the Community Luncheon is all about! We look forward to hosting next year’s Community Luncheon on May 2, 2012.

George Bryan of The Children’s Home responds to the program

Community members network before the luncheon

Shannon Thompson delivers luncheon invocation

Keynote speaker Patrick T. McCarthy

the winston-salem foundation annual report

year in review [4–5]

year in review



he Winston-Salem Foundation Award is the Foundation’s

highest honor. First given in 1996, the award recognizes individuals who demonstrate the Foundation’s values of generosity, excellence, inclusion, and integrity, along with visionary leadership in a community activity or on behalf of a community organization. The 2011 Winston-Salem Foundation Award was presented to Beth and Sandy Baldwin. The Baldwins were honored for their determined efforts to establish the State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Family House on the Richard J. Reynolds III and Marie M. Reynolds Campus, a collaborative community effort to establish a Hospital Hospitality House in WinstonSalem for out-of-town caregivers and adult patients undergoing treatment in local hospitals. The facility will be a 45-room “home away from home” where visitors will experience support from staff and volunteers in a residential setting. The Overnight Program will serve more than 2,000 families a year, and a Day Respite Program will offer patients and caregivers a relaxing environment during daytime hours.

WSF Award recipients Beth and Sandy Baldwin with Scott Wierman and Kay Lord

This award is selected by a committee comprised of members of various Foundation committees as well as the community-at-large. With this very well-deserved recognition comes a $10,000 Foundation grant which the Baldwins have designated to the SECU Family House.

the ECHO awards


(l-r) Scott Wierman; Cheryl Lindsay; Ed Hanes; Mary Dame; and Kay Lord

[6–7] year in review

the winston-salem foundation annual report

he ECHO Awards were established in 2001 to honor individuals or groups who are connecting and building trust in our community. ECHO (“Everyone Can Help Out”) recipients have created bridging social capital by building trusting connections among people, which contributes to a safer, stronger, and more understanding community. The 2011 ECHO Awards were jointly presented by the Foundation and the ECHO Network to Mary Dame, Ed Hanes, and Cheryl Lindsay for uniquely connecting people and building trust — and making our community a better place for all. ECHO Awards are selected annually by a committee representing the Foundation, the ECHO Network, and the community-at-large. Each recipient receives $1,000 to grant to a nonprofit organization of his or her choice.

the LEGACY SOciety


n November 2010, the Foundation hosted 230 Legacy Society members

at a dinner at Wake Forest University’s Bridger Field House. Legacy members heard how the Antony Swider Art Education Award is giving local art teachers professional development opportunities that they would not otherwise have had by funding sessions at the renowned Penland School of Crafts in Penland, N.C. Jan Detter, a Swider fund advocate, and Shawn Beard, a teacher recipient, spoke about the power of the Penland experience, emphasizing how it will pay itself forward for local students for many years to come. Guests also learned more about the Foundation’s role in collaborating on community initiatives, with an introduction to the Youth in Transition Community Initiative for youth transitioning out of foster care. Joe Raymond, director of the Forsyth County Department of Social Services, and Maureen Jackson, a young adult who grew up in the foster care system (and who is profiled on page 14), spoke about the substantial impact that the program will have in improving outcomes for these youth. The Legacy Society honors individuals and couples who have established permanent endowments in their lifetimes or have made a charitable bequest or other planned gift of $10,000 or more. Their generosity contributes to the quality of life in our community, both now and in the future.

WSF Committee member Janet Wheeler enjoys the dinner program

scholarship celebration


Scholarship recipients at the Celebration Breakfast

he foundation hosted a Scholarship Celebration Breakfast in early August 2011 to honor 2011-2012 scholarship recipients as well as the donors who made their scholarships possible. More than 150 people gathered at the Anderson Conference Center on the campus of Winston-Salem State University to celebrate more than $1 million in student aid that was provided by the Foundation in the school year. Program speakers included Dr. Karen McNeil-Miller, president of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, who addressed the importance of higher education and her foundation’s support through the Kate B. Reynolds Scholarships held at the Foundation. Students and donors also heard from Alex Collette, a Pfefferkorn Scholarship recipient and rising sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill, as he gave his thoughts on his college experience and his gratitude for the scholarship support he has received.

community leadership


philanthropy Black philanthropy initiative


he Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI) has built philan-

thropic relationships in the African-American community through education and engagement since 2000. Led by an advisory committee of African-American volunteers, BPI established the Black Philanthropy Fund in 2007 to support issues that impact the black community, with a special focus on education, financial literacy, and parenting and life skills training. A very successful BPI fundraising event was held in October 2010 at the home of Committee member Janet Wheeler and her husband Butch. In attendance were over 150 community members who were treated to delicious food and fellowship, as well as an update on BPI and its latest grants impact in the community.

An enthusiastic crowd gathered at BPI’s October fundraising dinner

BPI announced grants totaling $23,500 in their third grant cycle at a breakfast event in February 2011. Grant recipients included Exchange/ SCAN, Family Services Head Start, Flat Rock Middle School PTSA, Josh Howard Foundation, and the Ministers Conference of WinstonSalem and Vicinity for programs that focused on parenting skills development in the African-American community. BPI announced its fourth grant cycle in late summer 2011 by requesting proposals for programming focusing on education. Grant recipients will be announced in early 2012. For more information on BPI, go to the “Community Leadership” section of

Representatives from grantees Exchange/SCAN; Family Services Head Start; Flat Rock Middle School PTSA; and Minister’s Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity (not pictured: Josh Howard Foundation)

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem


n November 2010, The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem

celebrated its fifth anniversary at its annual luncheon by honoring the vision and leadership of its founders, the “Fab Five,” for their important role in establishing and building The Fund from 80 members to more than 800 members currently. The Fund’s success was recognized by local and statewide leaders, as Mayor Pro-Tempore Vivian Burke presented Michelle Cook with a proclamation from the Office of the Mayor that outlined the success of The Women’s Fund and declared November 3 to be “Women Empowering Women Day.” Jill Dinwiddie, Executive Director of the North Carolina Council for Women, presented the five founders with personal letters and certificates of acknowledgement as well as congratulations from Governor Beverly Perdue. At the luncheon, The Women’s Fund also announced $142,725 in grants to seven local nonprofit organizations to address the economic security of women and girls in Forsyth County. The grants were responsive to the issues and recommendations outlined in The Fund’s groundbreaking 2010 report Through a Gender Lens: The Economic Security of Women and Girls in Forsyth County.

The “Fab Five”: Mary Jamis; Michelle Cook; Sarah Holthouser; Wanda Starke, emcee; Lynn Eisenberg; and Janie Wilson

The Women’s Fund Board kicked off 2011 with a strategic planning retreat to begin working toward building the long-term sustainability of The Fund and engaging the community and its members as advocates for issues impacting women and girls. More information about The Women’s Fund may be accessed at

Youth Grantmakers in Action


outh Grantmakers in Action (YGA) is a diverse group of teenagers who work together to develop guidelines, solicit proposals, and make grants to youth-led projects in Forsyth County. YGA grants are funded through the Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Initiative Fund; the endowment fund grows each year through YGA participants’ fundraising as well as donor contributions.

YGA members and grantees at the March 2011 grant celebration

Representing 10 different area high schools in the 2010-2011 school year, YGA members kicked off the year with a team building retreat in August. YGA members met regularly throughout the year to organize their grant application and selection process as well as to discuss fundraising strategies. In March 2011, YGA hosted a celebration at The Enrichment Center to announce grants totaling $2,006 to five youth-led programs. Grantees included the National Art Honor Society of East Forsyth High School to host a community art event; the Winston-Salem Youth Council to create a public art space for self-expression; the Cancer Awareness and Research for Everyone Club to raise breast cancer awareness and encourage students to join a high school Race for the Cure team; the Youth Leadership Board to offer a week-long day camp for high school youth in foster care; and the Forsyth Country Day School Cooking Club to prepare meals for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. For more information on YGA, go to the winston-salem foundation annual report

c o m m u n it y l e a d e r s h i p [ 8 – 9 ]

community leadership


community issues the Foundation plays an important role in our community as an impartial convener of agencies as they come together to help solve community issues on topics as varied as improving mental health services, expanding educational opportunities, and revitalizing neighborhoods.

Youth in Transition


ne community issue that came to the Foundation’s attention in 2009 was the predominantly negative outcomes of young adults who were transitioning out of foster care. From 2002 to 2008, 149 children in foster care in Forsyth County turned 18. For many, that milestone meant they were now alone, without a support network to help them move forward in life. According to local and national studies, for youth transitioning out of the foster care system, 42 percent experienced homelessness, 45 percent did not complete high school or achieve a GED, 29 percent were single parents, and 68 percent had no natural support system — not surprising statistics given their circumstances. Beamer Aston, chair of YIT Youth Leadership Board

A few members of the Youth in Transition Governing Board: (l-r) George Bryan of The Children’s Home; Nancy Young of Winston-Salem State University; Joe Raymond of Forsyth County Dept. of Social Services; Danielle McConaga of NC Dept. of Social Services; Michael Clements of The Winston-Salem Foundation; Joe Crocker of Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust; and Art Gibel of Goodwill Industries of NWNC

The Foundation has served as the coordinator for the Youth in Transition Community Initiative since late 2009. A group of diverse organizations such as the Forsyth County Department of Social Services, The Children’s Home, and Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina, as well as individuals, including youth previously and currently in foster care, have worked together to identify the challenges for these young people, to research existing programs that can meet those challenges, and to identify service gaps that might exist in the community. “Kids have a need for ‘door openers,’” says Michael Clements, the Foundation’s Vice President, Community Investment. “You’re talking about creating relationships. As a community, we can make a difference.” Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina is serving as the program’s lead agency based on its existing resources and experience in implementing supportive youth programs, such as mentoring, housing support, and financial literacy training. Youth in Transition has received invaluable program support from the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, which has worked with 11 other U.S. communities to improve outcomes for youth aging out of foster care. Substantial financial support has been provided by The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust with a threeyear grant totaling $486,565 and The Duke Endowment, which is providing a two-year grant of $594,793. “Without the proper support, we cannot expect these young people to become contributing members of the community,” Foundation President Scott Wierman adds. “We believe the Initiative can meet a great many of their needs by leveraging the programs that already exist in Forsyth County and by providing the coaching and support needed to help create the sense of permanence that has been missing throughout their lives.” Key members of both the Initiative’s Governing Committee and Youth Board are youth who have aged out of foster care, and they have contributed greatly while gaining invaluable experience by taking an active role in solving this community issue. “The fact that they’re willing to go back and help people they’re not related to is genuine philanthropy,” Clements says.

Youth Leadership Board member Maureen Jackson with Michael Clements scan QR code with your Smart device

Youth in transition: A video Hear more about issues and solutions for Forsyth County’s youth transitioning out of foster care. (or access at

Support Community leadErship! by supporting the Foundation’s Community Leadership Fund (or visit leadershipfund)

the winston-salem foundation annual report

co m m u n i t y l e a d e r s h i p [ 1 0 – 1 1 ]



There is a changing face of leadership in our community today. Old faces and new faces. People

from different backgrounds, coming from different places, passionate about different causes. All with the common interest of making our community the best that it can be. As you read through the following pages, we hope you will enjoy hearing the stories of just a few of the many leaders who every day effect positive change here in Forsyth County. Since 1919, the Foundation has been privileged to support and collaborate with all types of leaders, and we look forward to continuing to work together purposefully and diligently to ensure a brighter future for all of us.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p [ 1 2 – 1 3 ]

initiatives scommunity e v i t a i t i n i COMMUNITY

providing the support

to succeed


The Youth in Transition Community Initiative of Forsyth County

hen she was 14, Maureen Jackson was placed in foster care, and for the next four years she lived with five different foster families and in a group home. She wasn’t happy, she admits, and she saw many ways in which the foster care system could be improved. Like other foster children, at age 18, she was deemed legally old enough to leave. As such, many foster children just like Maureen are left without a support network when they need it the most. “When you age out at 18, most of the kids are left flat on their own,” Maureen says. She was attending Winston-Salem State University when her social worker asked if she would like to be involved with the Youth in Transition Community Initiative, along with The Winston-Salem Foundation and other community collaborators. She and three other youth helped form the Youth in Transition Youth Leadership Board, and they recruited other youth who had been or still were in foster care to gather regularly to brainstorm ways to improve the system. They looked at the different struggles of foster youth transitioning to adulthood in Winston-Salem and strategized, “What can we do to help better it?”

[ 1 4 – 1 5 ] g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p

the winston-salem foundation annual report

The youth identified key things that would help make the transition easier: more stable housing and help with education and employment. “Without a stable home and having somewhere to lay your head,” she says, “it’s difficult to go out and apply for a job.” Maureen also serves as a youth representative on the larger Youth in Transition Governing Board. “We’re always equal partners at the table,” she says. “We’re all here to put our heads together to see how we can find the different resources out in the community,” Maureen continues. “We need all the partners at the table; each person can offer different things.” Maureen is an exception to the very negative statistics facing most young adults who age out of foster care. By using state grants for foster youth as well as loans, she was able to graduate cum laude from Winston-Salem State University in Birth to Kindergarten Education, and she currently teaches Pre-Kindergarten in the Stokes County Schools. “Education, to me, that’s the key to your future,” she says. And though she grew up shy and had not thought of herself as a leader before, the experience with Youth in Transition has nurtured those abilities. In this volunteer role, she was able to attend training sessions with the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative in St. Louis. “It helped bring out leadership skills I didn’t know were there.” At 23, she’s well beyond any regulation that requires her to continue to interact with the foster care system, yet she feels compelled to contribute her knowledge. “I’m trying to change it and make it better for other youth coming after me so that they won’t have to struggle and move around so much,” she says. “I do this from the heart.”

Since 2009, the Foundation has provided staff and leadership support to the Youth in Transition Community Initiative of Forsyth County. Maureen Jackson serves on its Youth Leadership Board as well as on its Governing Board to help make a better future for youth transitioning out of foster care.

The shepherd’s center has received many Community Grants in its history, including grants in 2008, 2009, and 2010 to support a full-time coordinator for the Congregational Nurse and Health Ministry Program. Prior grants have included support for a part-time case manager, for transportation costs for the elderly, and for the Intergenerational Reading Program. Barbara Carter (l) and Gwen Stewart

community grants

the road to

Better Health Shepherd’s Center Congregational Nurse and Health Ministry Program


very Sunday, members at St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church know where to look in the pews for congregational nurse Gwen Stewart. After all, this volunteer nurse knows who has diabetes and might need a snack to balance blood sugar during the service. “If you are a nurse, you always want to help people,” says Gwen, a volunteer at St. Stephen who retired after working in nursing for 32 years. Her typical day might include organizing regular exercise classes that are open to both the church and community. She teaches children why it’s important to wash their hands, organizes dental health contests, and composes safety tips that will be hidden in Easter eggs. Her church has partnered with the nursing program at Winston-Salem State University to conduct body mass index screenings, and she has organized flu clinics and stroke screenings that have also been open to the community. “They need to know you care as a person,” Gwen adds. “It feels like it brought us closer together as a church.” Members of Kernersville Moravian Church keep congregational nurse Barbara Carter informed about who might need to borrow a set of crutches or a wheelchair, or who might appreciate a visit in the hospital. She arranges CPR courses for ushers, nursery workers and office staff, provides first aid kits for teachers during Vacation Bible School, and writes an article for the church newsletter each month. For Barbara, this volunteer role is an extension of her public health background. “We try to work with the community,” she reflects. Both of their congregations were among the 20 churches that participated in the Shepherd’s Center’s “Walk to Bethlehem” in 2010. For 12 weeks, church members logged miles for the 6,175-mile “walk” from Winston-Salem to Bethlehem that was also tied to their own faith journeys. During the trek, many church members established healthy habits that have continued to this day.

“We had people who loved it and started exercising,” Barbara says. The Congregational Nurse and Health Ministry Program was begun in 2009 by the Shepherd’s Center after they and an advisory committee comprised of Forsyth Medical Center, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Hospice and Palliative CareCenter, Salemtowne Retirement Community, and Winston-Salem State University all saw value in the program. By the end of 2010, the Shepherd’s Center had established partnerships with 47 congregations, and through their collaborative efforts, had reached 8,990 people in Forsyth County, according to Shepherd’s Center Executive Director Sam Matthews. Judy Iannuzzi, program director, adds, “The faith community partners in the program are offering not only health education and activities, but they are serving people on a personal level, which is having an impact, in a holistic manner, by addressing the needs of the mind, body and spirit of the individuals they reach. Having such a large number of congregations in our community has allowed us to begin this innovative, community-based program that impacts health and wellness at the grassroots level.” St. Stephen hosts twice-weekly exercise classes in their church hall

the winston-salem foundation annual report

g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p [ 1 6 – 1 7 ]

foundation donors

making a

difference The reaves family


hen BB&T Senior Vice President James Reaves was eight years old, he wanted to play football, but in Durham the local football league was all the way across town. “There was a gentleman named Leon Goldston, and he started a community-based football team for those of us who couldn’t travel across town,” recalls James, 40. “Leon worked as a waiter. He saw a need in the community; he acted upon that need. We had an opportunity to play a game we all loved and wouldn’t have been able to do on an organized basis otherwise.” “That ended up being my admission ticket to college,” James says. “It just showed how somebody can plant a seed, and it can change a life.”

[ 1 8 – 1 9 ] g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Reaves earned a football scholarship to Appalachian State University where he was a running back and team captain for two years. He graduated in 1993 from Appalachian’s Walker College of Business, where he majored in finance and risk management. He later earned a Master of Science degree in financial services from The American College. In 2010, he was honored with the ASU Alumni Association’s Young Alumnus Award. James’s parents taught him a strong work ethic: his father worked for the U.S. Postal Service, his mother was a physical therapist, and together they raised five children. “Church, that was always important to us,” James says, and his family tithed. “That’s probably my first lesson in giving.” James and his wife, Winnie, have two young daughters, and they want their community to continue to thrive for their children. Despite their busy schedules, they feel compelled to give now in both time and resources. “I think a true leader is one who can inspire others to reach limits they wouldn’t have reached otherwise, to instill the belief in someone that he or she can do something,” he says. He serves on the Foundation’s Asset Development Committee and has served in the past on the Black Philanthropy Initiative Advisory Committee. He also is on the United Way Campaign Committee. “The Foundation is going to help the community continue to thrive and to grow,” James says. “They’re inclusive of the entire community. They find people from all walks of life. Everybody has a chance to be philanthropic.” “I want to be able to help somebody like I’ve been helped. All of us have benefited from the generosity of others.”

James and Winnie Reaves established the Reaves Family Charitable Trust in 2005, and they are also Legacy Society members. Their non-endowed advised fund focuses on education and supports numerous scholarships at Durham’s Hillside High School and Appalachian State University.

The Pleasants family has a longstanding relationship with the Foundation, including the establishment of a number of charitable remainder trusts, donor-advised funds, field of interest funds, and unrestricted funds. Nancy, Ed, and Ruth (center) are also members of the Foundation’s Legacy Society. Their generous legacy also extends to the next generation, as both of Ed and Nancy’s daughters have established endowed advised funds at the Foundation.

foundation donors

leadership through

generations The Pleasants Family


d Pleasants grew up in a family where he saw giving back to the

community modeled for him every day. “This was and still is a very special community,” Ed says. His family’s business began in 1913 as the Townsend Buggy Company on 5th Street. In 1925 it was renamed Pleasants Hardware Company and moved to Trade Street. “Growing up in the late 40s and 50s, this was a hopping place with fast-growing businesses, and the community was interested in the arts. People wanted to make it a better place.” As his mother, Ruth, balanced her volunteerism with her family commitments, her many contributions to the community paved the way for Winston-Salem to be called the “City of the Arts.” It seems only fitting that the Downtown Arts District winds down Trade Street, and the old Pleasants Hardware building now houses Piedmont Craftsmen. A former president and member of the Junior League of Winston-Salem since 1944, Ruth supported the Winston-Salem Symphony and was a found-

ing member of Piedmont Opera. She also helped establish the Winston-Salem Arts Council and served as its president in 1958, a role her son took on later. When Ed returned to lead the family business into its third generation, he felt compelled to contribute to his community as his parents had. He helped found Leadership Winston-Salem, which educates leaders in the community and builds social capital by connecting people who can have an impact by working together. His wife, Nancy, says her experience with Leadership Winston-Salem was part of the reason she chose to run for the Winston-Salem Board of Aldermen, serving for eight years during one of the city’s most economically-challenging times. In Washington, N.C., where she grew up, Nancy’s father had served as chairman of the school board, and she saw how important it is to be involved in her community. She has volunteered in Winston-Salem in many handson roles, including service on the boards of Reynolda House, the University of North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation, and the Downtown Development Corporation. She, like Ruth, also served as president of the Junior League of Winston-Salem. Yet, she credits Ed and his family with expanding her knowledge of the philanthropic aspect of community service. In 2008, she established a community development fund at the Foundation that focuses on leadership development, long-range planning, regional planning, historic preservation, and economic development. The Foundation is a good mechanism through which to direct philanthropic assets, explains Ed, who has served on the Foundation Committee and currently volunteers on the Foundation’s Asset Development Committee. “You have people in the community who want to see the community prosper,” he says.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p [ 2 0 – 2 1 ]

student aid program

a dynamic duo Jasmine and Jaelynn Pitt


or Wake Forest University senior Jasmine Pitt, the definition of

a good leader is straightforward: “You have to be somebody who’s worth following.” Her sister, Jaelynn, a Wake Forest University sophomore, adds that focus and teamwork are important traits of any leader. Both young women exhibited those characteristics while attending West Forsyth High School in Clemmons. Their parents, Michael and Debra Pitt, taught their daughters to focus on their passions. The sisters learned how important it is to contribute to what you care about because that is how you will be most effective; both have positive memories of their parents’ volunteerism, such as their mother serving as PTA President at Moore Elementary School and their father managing Jaelynn’s soccer team.

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the winston-salem foundation annual report

Jasmine was vice president of the Multi-Cultural Society and secretary of the Girl’s Service Club in high school. At Wake Forest, she is on the Varsity Dance Team, and has served as a Girl Scout leader, a student mentor, and an orientation leader for incoming freshmen. She has studied Spanish for several years and spent a semester in Spain participating in a language immersion program while also volunteering at a local elementary school there. Both young women were Crosby Scholars. Jaelynn was junior class secretary at West Forsyth and was a member of the Multi-Cultural Society and the Student Leadership Council. She received a Dean Prim Scholarship from The Winston-Salem Foundation to travel to China, where for a month she attended classes, traveled, and explored. That adventure in a country where she did not speak the language clearly appealed to Jaelynn. “It was the best experience of my life,” she says with an infectious smile. Not one to be intimidated, she learned to communicate despite the language barrier, and she hopes to return some day. She plans to focus on a career that capitalizes on her strength in math. Jasmine admits that she had been introverted, but during high school she actively sought to develop her leadership skills by attending the General Shelton Leadership Center at North Carolina State University. She’s now considering graduate studies in law. “I like working with different groups of people,” Jasmine says. She’s seen there are many opportunities to help those who may not have resources available to them. She recognizes the importance of listening to other people to develop the best approaches to solving problems. Both young women have benefited from scholarships housed at The Winston-Salem Foundation. The Pitt sisters say they appreciate their scholarships to Wake Forest because those resources reduce the financial burden of attending a private university and enable them to focus on their studies. “I knew this is where I wanted to be,” Jaelynn says.

Jasmine Pitt received The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship as well as a Kate B. Reynolds Scholarship. Her sister Jaelynn received scholarships from both the William H. and Lena M. Petree Trust and the Dean Prim Scholarship, which also incorporates summer travel to China. In the 2010-2011 school year, the Foundation’s 143 student aid funds provided 522 student awards totaling over a million dollars in scholarships, grants, and low-interest loans. Jasmine (l) and Jaelynn Pitt

In 2009 the Foundation awarded a Community Grant for $42,000 to the Forsyth Technical Community College Foundation to support the establishment of a permanent 4,300-square-foot Analytical Center in the BioNetwork Pharmaceutical Center, located in the Richard H. Dean Biomedical Research Building in downtown Winston-Salem. The Center offers education for students and training for workers of all levels in pharmaceutical and other life sciences industries. Stephen Faircloth (pictured)

community grants

a bright

new future Forsyth Technical Community College and the BioNetwork’s Analytical Training Center


randfather Stephen Faircloth borrowed his daughter’s book

bag after she graduated from UNC Greensboro, and all of his grown children helped him with computers and studying algebra and English when he started school at Forsyth Tech to be retrained as a lab technician. “They’re proud of me,” Stephen says. Since he was 16, he had worked full-time at Cone Mills and was a lead technician repairing looms used to make denim. When that machinery was phased out, so was Faircloth’s position. He was 52. “If it’s an industry that’s gone or downsizing, you need to discover something that’s growing, something that’s the future,” Stephen says, and that’s why he turned to Forsyth Tech. “Sometimes if you’re comfortable in a job for many years, it’s easy not to learn new things. These new things will pass you by. I feel like they’re training us for future jobs.” The Analytical Training Center is a component of the Pharmaceutical Center, which is one of seven BioNetwork centers in the state, explains Doug Drabble, Director of BioNetwork and Life Science Initiatives for the North Carolina Community College system. The Center supports training in a variety of disciplines throughout the state, but is centric to Winston-Salem and has been used as a model of success both within the system, and even throughout the country, thanks to the attention given to Forsyth Tech’s biotech program by President Obama. “The Center is a showcase of advanced analytical training,” Drabble says. “It supports all life science programs at Forsyth Tech and draws positive attention to the region. With the Analytical Training Center closely tied to Forsyth Tech, they can boast having access to some of the best equipment in the industry for training their students.” At the Analytical Training Center, Stephen learned about gas chromatography using a sample of Texas Pete hot sauce. “There are lots of things I know now that I had no idea about,” Stephen says.

Now, when Stephen heads to his internship at Wake Forest Baptist Health assisting a doctor who is conducting vascular research, he dons a white lab coat instead of the dark T-shirts and jeans that he wore to work for more than three decades so that machine oil stains wouldn’t ruin his clothing. “It’s a big change,” he says. His wife supported the family when he went back to school, and his evenings were often busy with homework. The biotechnology field is making strides to improve people’s lives in many different ways, he says, and he’s thankful for Forsyth Tech’s role in his new future. An added bonus was that he was able to shake President Obama’s hand when he visited the campus in 2010. When Stephen started at Forsyth Tech, his advisor sat down with him, and Stephen says, “I followed his plan, and here I am. I’ve had some great instructors. I feel like I was lucky to have the opportunity.” And, he says, he’s ready to get back to work.

“Sometimes if you’re comfortable in a job for many years, it’s easy not to learn new things. These new things will pass you by. I feel like they’re training us for future jobs.”

the winston-salem foundation annual report

g r o wi n g l e a d e r s h i p [ 2 4 – 2 5 ]

Grants 2010 SINCE OUR ESTABLISHMENT IN 1919, the Foundation and nonprofit

organizations have been essential partners in making this a healthier place to call home. In 2010, the Foundation awarded more than $18 million in grants, including $2.6 million in Community Grants to local nonprofits. The Foundation’s Student Aid Program provided 522 student awards in the 2010-2011 school year, with more than $890,000 distributed in scholarships and grants and $143,000 in low-interest loans.

Types of Grants COMMUNITY GRANTS from the Foundation’s unrestricted and field

DESIGNATED GRANTS ensure long-term annual support from a fund’s

of interest funds are focused in seven program areas: Arts and Culture, Education and Recreation, Health, Human Services, Older Adults, Public Interest, and Youth. A comprehensive list of 2010 Community Grants is provided on the pages that follow. For information on the Community Grants application process, please refer to the “Grant Seekers” section of the Foundation’s Web site at

income for one or more organizations identified by the donor at the time the designated fund is created.

ADVISED GRANTS connect donors with the power of philanthropy

through advised funds and funds that are advised by committees and others. While final grant decisions rest with the Foundation Committee, donors’ preferences are considered carefully in awarding grants from these funds.


through the Foundation’s Student Aid Program to assist individuals in their post-secondary education. For additional information on Student Aid application procedures, go to the “Students” section of

Grants The following organizations received funding for Community Grants from the Foundation in 2010. These organizations, listed by

program area, cross geographic, cultural, and racial divides as they serve our community. Grant totals also have been provided by program area for 2010 grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds, and advised funds.

Arts and Culture Organization Name

Grant Amount


Fund name(S)

Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County


to help support landscaping at the new Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts

Anne Hanes Willis Fund

Associated Artists of Winston-Salem


to support a marketing and development coordinator

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Ava Gardner Museum


for historical markers on the Ava Gardner Heritage Trail

Ava Gardner Fund

Carolina Music Ways


to educate students about the region’s music heritage

Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund

Downtown Arts District Association


to provide an educational enrichment experience for middle school art students

J. C. Tise Fund, Pauline and Norwood Robinson Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Piedmont Chamber Singers


for a professional marketing consultant to assist with marketing for a second year

Community Arts Fund

Piedmont Opera


to hire a development consultant

Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund

RiverRun International Film Festival


to help support a development professional

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Sawtooth School for Visual Art


for a store manager and gallery curator

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

University of North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation


to support the expansion of the preparatory dance program for a third year

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts


to support a development consultant

James and Deborah Millis, Jr. Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Winston-Salem Symphony


to support a Web site administrator

James and Deborah Millis, Jr. Fund, Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund

Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance


to fund a marketing and development consultant and advertising materials for a second year

Martha Albertson Fund, James and Deborah Millis, Jr. Fund, Debra Sizemore Fund, Community Arts Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants Committed from Designated and Agency Endowment Funds


Grants Committed from Advised Funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to arts and culture


religion Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to religion


the winston-salem foundation annual report

Grants [26–27]

GRANTS Education and recreation Organization Name

Grant Amount

project description

Fund name(S)

Carter G. Woodson School of Challenge


to fund a library media specialist for a second year

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund, A. F. Clement Trust Fund, Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund

Crosby Scholars Community Partnership


to support a part-time senior advisor

Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund

The Enrichment Center


to help support two artist residencies

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust for Mentally Handicapped

Group Homes of Forsyth


to support the Adult Daily Living Skills classroom for a second year

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust for Mentally Handicapped

Northwest Child Development Centers


to implement strategies in the strategic plan

Joseph G. Gordon Fund

Promise Neighborhood Community Collaborative


for planning assistance

Katherine W. Otterbourg Fund, Christopher Richard Eagan Fund, J. C. Tise Fund, James and Deborah Millis, Jr. Fund

The Centers for Exceptional Children


to support an additional nurse for the children

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

The Centers for Exceptional Children


to fund a development and donor relations officer for a third year

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to fund three eco-friendly learning centers

J. C. Tise Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to education and recreation


health Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund name(s)

AIDS Care Service


to fund HIV medication assistance through collaborative funding with United Way of Forsyth County and Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

AIDS Care Service


to continue a mental health support service for HIV+ individuals for a fourth year

Christopher Richard Eagan Fund, Ralph H. Womble Advised Fund, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Forsyth Medical Center Foundation


to help support costs for 24-hour call center counselors at the Behavioral Health Center

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Horizons Residential Care Center


to assist with three property improvements to increase safety

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust for Mentally Handicapped

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Central North Carolina


to support case management services

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition


to support a multi-dimensional hepatitis project

John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds

Positive Wellness Alliance


to support the Many Men, Many Voices program

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Positive Wellness Alliance


to support the HIV Case Management Program in Forsyth County for a fourth year

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem


for a congregational nurse and health ministry program for a third year

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to health


Human services Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund name(s)

Catholic Social Services


to support a part-time bilingual counselor for the Host Homes program

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Christopher Richard Eagan Fund, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Crisis Control Ministry


to fund emergency client assistance through collaborative funding with United Way and Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Emma Jane Skinner Fund

Family Promise of Forsyth County


to support a case management position for a second year

Craven Family Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services, William D. and Jane F. Hobbs Fund, William and Allan Hollan Charitable Fund

Family Services


to support a victim screener and victim advocate for Safe on Seven

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund, FinleyAnderson Fund, Etta Mae Pope Trust, Stokes Ivey and Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Family Trust, Albert L. Butler, Jr. Fund, William D. and Jane F. Hobbs Fund, Fenwick-Rice Fund, James A. Gray Family Fund, Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services

Family Services


to provide direct assistance to victims of violent crime

Chrissy Gallaher Victim’s Assistance Fund

Family Services


for a grant services manager

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Bank of America Fund, Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund

North Carolina Victim Assistance Network


to support the NCVAN training conference

Chrissy Gallaher Victim’s Assistance Fund

Prodigals Community


to help support the internship program and the healthy living program

Shepherding Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, James and Deborah Mills, Jr. Fund, John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds, James A. Gray Family Fund

Samaritan Ministries


to support the Project Cornerstone transition project

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund

United Way of Forsyth County


to fund the director of the Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness

Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services

Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind


to help convert jobs for sighted employees to jobs for individuals with visual impairments

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund, Edward and Mary Alice Tarulli Fund

Winston-Salem Rescue Mission


to assist with providing warm shelter for program participants

Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services

YMCA of Northwest North Carolina


to purchase a chair lift to provide pool access at the Kernersville Family YMCA for individuals who are disabled

Aubrey Marcus Zimmerman Fund for Recreation for the Handicapped

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to human services


older adults Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund NAME(S)

Lutheran Services for the Aging


to help construct Trinity Glen, a skilled nursing facility in Forsyth County

Salemtowne Continuing Care Retirement Community, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Senior Services


to provide nutritious food to homebound older adults through the Meals-on-Wheels program

Otis B. and Genevieve Parrish Fund, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund, Sturmer Samaritan Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to older adults


the winston-salem foundation annual report

Grants [28–29]

GRANTS public interest Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund NAME(S)



to support a new fellow position and to expand the office manager position

Donna Germain Rader and Martin H. Rader Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund

The Children’s Home


to care for the animals in the barnyard

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Forsyth County


to support the foreclosure program for a second year

Marian G. and Charles W. DeBell Trust, Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Discretionary Fund

Darryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice


to support re-entry work with formerly incarcerated individuals for a third year

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund

Darryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice


for a capacity-building project

The Community Fund

Democracy North Carolina


for advocacy workshops and youth civic engagement trainings

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Dr. Calvin and Ruth H. Ogburn Trust

ECHO Awards


2010 ECHO Awards Designation

Carolina Steel Endowment Fund

ECHO Network


to foster enriching, trusting, and long-lasting relationships among diverse people

The Community Fund, Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund, Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust

Experiment in Self-Reliance


to support the capital campaign

Katherine W. Otterbourg Fund, Margaret W. Parker Fund, D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust

Experiment in Self-Reliance


to support the Individual Management Program for Advancement, Counseling, and Training (IMPACT)

Craven Family Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, James and Barbara Corrigan Advised Fund, Warren David Ashburn Fund, D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust, Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund

Forgotten Felines of Forsyth


to provide spay/neuter services for feral cats

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund

Forsyth Futures


to fund a community collaborative to improve positive outcomes for children, adults, and families

Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust, R. Edward Lasater Endowment Fund, Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund

Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem


to build social capital by expanding community gardens in Forsyth County

Drane V. McCall Fund for Winston-Salem Beautiful, Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust

Gateway Environmental Initiative


to support the purchase of 19 acres of land in the Southeast Gateway

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund, The Community Fund

HandsOn Northwest North Carolina


to support capacity-building for nonprofits and increase volunteerism

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Peggy and Ralph Stockton Fund, Isabel McRae Fund

Hispanics in Philanthropy


to strengthen Latino-led nonprofit organizations through a third phase of the North Carolina Funders’ Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities

Lillian S. Stultz Fund, James R. Hankins Fund, Robert Edwin Taylor and Margaret Long Taylor Memorial Fund, Howard Gray Endowment

Institute for Dismantling Racism


to support a program manager for a third year

Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund

Michigan State University College of Law


to support the North Carolina Racial Justice Act Study Project

The Community Fund

Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods


to support the development of community assets in neighborhoods

Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund

Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods


to support the development of community assets in neighborhoods

Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund

North Carolina Center for International Understanding


to support the Global Leaders Initiative: Sustainable Energy and Green Jobs

J. C. Tise Fund

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Forsyth County


to support the community garden resource program

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund, ARC Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund, Frank E. Llewellyn T.B. Fund, Anne Hanes Willis Fund

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Forsyth County


to continue funding the restoration of the Arboretum at Tanglewood

Anne Hanes Willis Fund

One Economy Corporation


to support the Digital Connectors program

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund, Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund

Rufus Dalton Awards


to award the Rufus Dalton Award to three officers who were injured or killed in the line of duty

Sam N. Carter and Pauline H. Carter Fund, Rufus W. Dalton Trust

The Winston-Salem Foundation Award


2010 Winston-Salem Foundation Award Designation

The Community Fund

UJIMA Community Development Corporation


for board training

Anonymous Trust #2

Wake Forest University Health Sciences


to fund an environmental scan of the information ecosystem in Forsyth County

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund



for an information technology project manager

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Public Interest Grants – continued on next page

Public Interest Grants – continued from previous page Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund NAME(S)

Winston-Salem Community Development Support Collaborative


to help support a pool of funds for operating costs and technical assistance for mature and emerging CDC’s

Nancy T. Pleasants Community Development Fund, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Fund, The Community Fund

Yadkin Riverkeeper


to support a director of operations and programs position

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund $1,131,600 $xxx

Grants Grants Committed Committed from from unrestricted unrestricted and and field field of of interest interest funds funds Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to public interest


youth Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description

Fund name(s)

Big Brothers Big Sisters Services


to support a case manager position for the Teen Mother Program for a second year

J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund, Mary Neil Henderson Rice Fund, Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund, J. C. Tise Fund, John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust

Carolina Tide Basketball


to fund registration fees for youth who cannot afford to participate

Youth Activities Fund

The Children’s Home


to support the capital campaign

Marieanne and Jerry Long Advised Fund, Christopher Richard Eagan Fund, Richard and Wendel Stockton Fund, Pauline and Norwood Robinson Fund, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund, Mary Kay Tucker Advised Fund, Ann and Clay Ring Fund, John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Children’s Law Center of Central North Carolina


to fund a part-time development professional

John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund, Craven Family Fund

Children’s Museum of Winston-Salem


to help support a development and marketing position

Thomas H. Davis Advised Trust, Camp Robert Vaughn Fund, Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund-Unrestricted, Jessica T. Fogle Fund

Cub Scout Pack 801


for start-up expenses for the pack

Youth Activities Fund

Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina


to support a youth intervention manager

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund, Mae W. Hubbard Trust, Louis and Gretchen Klaff Trust, Nancy R. Baity Trust, J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund

Greater Faith Empowerment Church


to support youth enrichment activities

Youth Activities Fund

Kappa League of Winston-Salem


to fund a historical enrichment experience for young men

Youth Activities Fund

Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful


to support a graffiti and gang prevention program

John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust

Louise Smith Summer Adventure Camp


for support of a summer enrichment program

Allan M. Hutcherson Fund

Next Level Youth Enrichment Program


to support the youth enrichment program

Youth Activities Fund

South Fork Panthers


to fund registration fees for youth who cannot afford to participate

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem Indians


to fund registration fees for youth who cannot afford to participate

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem Jaycees


to support Forsyth County youth to attend the 2010 HOBY program

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem Mavericks Youth Basketball


to fund registration fees for youth who cannot afford to participate

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem Tiny Vikings


to fund registration fees for youth who cannot afford to participate

Youth Activities Fund

YMCA of Northwest North Carolina


to support the Y Sail program for a third year

Sandehill Recreation Fund, Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund

YMCA of Northwest North Carolina


for the Ledges afterschool program for a second year

A. F. Clement Trust Fund

Youth In Transition Task Force


to support the Youth In Transition Task Force

Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund

YWCA of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County


to support a development professional

Bess Gray Plumly Fund, Louise and Sam Adams Community Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2010 Grants committed to youth


the winston-salem foundation annual report

Grants [30–31]

FUNDS and donors committed donors have invested generously in the current and future health of our community. These charitable individuals, families, and organizations constitute the more than 1,300 charitable funds currently administered by the Foundation that are supporting many causes and enriching the lives of our neighbors in all life stages — from youth to older adults. Since the Foundation’s establishment in 1919,

Knowing that they cannot predict future opportunities to help

in our community, many donors demonstrate the highest level of trust in the integrity of the Foundation by establishing endowed unrestricted and field of interest funds that support timely Community Grants such as those profiled and listed earlier in this report. Community Grants, to programs as varied as The Shepherd’s Center’s Congregational Nursing Program and the BioNetwork’s Analytical Training Center, will continue to impact our community positively and substantially for many years to come — and the Foundation’s ability to

provide Community Grants has been crucial in supporting integral programs over time. The Foundation also administers both endowed and non-endowed donor funds, matching individuals, families and organizations with fund types that will help them accomplish their giving goals. We are eternally grateful for all of our donors, and we look forward to serving as a resource for many more philanthropic journeys in the years to come.

types of Funds Endowed Funds:

STUDENT AID FUNDS provide students with the resources to pursue

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS offer the broadest option for charitable giving.

their academic goals. Donors may establish funds to support students

Income from these funds will be used to meet changing funding oppor-

from a particular high school, church, or county, or those who attend

tunities in our community over time through Community Grants.

a specific college or university.

FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS give donors the opportunity to provide

real estate funds are properties designated for a charitable use

Community Grantmaking support within a broad area of interest

and titled in the Foundation’s name. The Foundation has continuing

(e.g., human services, health, arts and culture, etc.)

oversight of the use and care of the property as well as responsibility for disposition should the designated use become impractical or undesirable.

DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS enable up to two family generations of

donors or outside committees to make charitable grant recommenda-

non-endowed Funds:

tions. Foundation staff can assist donors with background information

NON-ENDOWED ADVISED FUNDS offer donors a simple and efficient

on charities or help identify pressing community needs. These funds

process in which to fulfill their annual charitable giving goals.

are a convenient method of simplifying charitable giving and are an attractive alternative to a private foundation.

TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL FUNDS give the Foundation the ability

to hold a limited number of funds for organizations and individuals for DESIGNATED FUNDS are established by donors who wish to provide

charitable projects.

annual support to specific charities. Should the organization(s) cease to exist, the Foundation has the responsibility to ensure that a donor’s original intent is met.

HOW TO ESTABLISH A FUND: Setting up a fund and establishing your giving legacy is simple. Our Philanthropic Services staff will walk you through the steps to make

AGENCY FUNDS are established by charitable organizations. The orga-

sure that the fund you establish meets your charitable giving goals.

nization benefits from the Foundation’s professional investment manage-

Please contact us at or call us at (336) 725-2382

ment administration, allowing the agency’s staff and board to focus on

for more information.

providing necessary services to its constituents.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [32–33]

Endowed funds

Unrestricted and Field of Interest funds UNRESTRICTED FUNDS offer the broadest option for charitable giving. Income from these endowed funds is used to meet the changing needs of our

community over time through Community Grants. FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS give donors the opportunity to provide Community Grantmaking support within a broad interest area (e.g., human services, health, arts and culture, etc.). new funds in 2010


Clifton E. and Ruth Brewer Beck Memorial Fund

Established through the estates of Clifton and Ruth Beck

George and Edna Blanton Fund

Established with the remainder of the George and Edna Blanton Charitable Annuity Trust

Blount Fund

Established by Frederick A. Blount, MD to support programs for high-risk youth and single teen parents

Richard and Becky Davis Fund for Education

Established by Richard N. Davis with a grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust to honor his board service

Louis and Gretchen Klaff Trust

Established by bequest from Louis and Gretchen Klaff to support at-risk children

Edna Motsinger Wooten Fund

Established by bequest for unrestricted purposes


year endowed


Louise and Sam Adams Community Fund


Established through a remainder trust to support the charitable needs of the community

Lena Albright Memorial Fund


Established by family and friends for organizations that provide comfort and benefit to those suffering from cancer, especially leukemia

R. Worth Allen and Atha J. Allen Fund


Established by Mrs. Atha Allen in 1989 in memory of her husband and later endowed

John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds


Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh to provide health care to underprivileged people

John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust


Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh in memory of his parents to support programs for disadvantaged youth

Anonymous Trust #2


Established by an anonymous donor as an unrestricted fund

Richard E. Ashburn Trust


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Warren David Ashburn Fund


Established for charitable purposes of the Foundation

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund


Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his lifelong support of emerging and changing community needs

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund


Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his lifelong interest in arts and culture in the community

Mary Reynolds Babcock Cultural Improvement Fund


Established for grants and loans to cultural and arts groups in the community

Nancy R. Baity Trust


Established in memory of her husband Ira W. Baity, Jr. to support programs for disadvantaged children and youth

William P. and Katharine T. Baldridge Endowment


Established as an unrestricted fund

Bank of America Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation’s 75th Anniversary

BB&T Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation’s 75th Anniversary

Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

John W. Burress Community Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Albert L. Butler, Jr. Fund


Established by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in memory of Mr. Butler to support the poor and needy

Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund – Unrestricted


Established by the estate as an unrestricted fund

Camp Robert Vaughn Fund


Established from the proceeds of the sale of Camp Robert Vaughn to support grants for children and youth

Carolina Steel Endowment Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to support worthy public purposes

Henry M. Carter, Jr. Fund


Established by friends of Mr. Carter at his retirement as president of The Winston-Salem Foundation as an unrestricted fund

A. F. Clement Trust Fund


Established by bequest to provide funds for education of orphans and other Forsyth County youth

D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund by D. Elwood Clinard, Jr. in memory of his father

Community Arts Fund


Established to support programs of arts organizations

The Community Fund


Established by Col. F.H. Fries to address the changing needs of our community

Franklin Cromer Cordell Fund


Established by family and friends to support programs that assist individuals who suffer from substance abuse problems Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued on next page

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


Rufus W. Dalton Trust


Established by bequest to assist injured law enforcement officers and the spouses and children of officers killed in the performance of their duties

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust for Mentally Handicapped


Established by the estate of Bobby A. Daniels to benefit mentally handicapped people of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County

Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. G. Franklin Davis in memory of his son

Thomas H. Davis Advised Trust


Established with special emphasis on programs for youth

James R. Deadrick Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Marian G. and Charles W. DeBell Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund.

John and Julia Denham Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Eisenberg Family Fund for Arts and Culture


Established as a field of interest fund to support arts and culture

Emergency Loan Fund of Northwest N.C.


Established by the Donors Forum of Forsyth County to provide emergency loans to nonprofits in Northwest North Carolina

Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund


Established to support educational programs

Fenwick-Rice Fund


Established from the Ron and Muriel Rice Fund and the Elizabeth Fenwick Fund for the Downtown Church Center to support the homeless, elderly, children, and the underserved in the community

Victor I. Flow, Jr. Family Fund


Established by Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr. as an unrestricted fund

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund


Established by bequest to benefit the handicapped, the elderly, or others with disabilities

Jessica T. Fogle Fund


Established by bequest to support the education and development of North Carolina children

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund


Established by family and friends for the benefit of physically disabled individuals in North Carolina

Louise Futrell Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Chrissy Gallaher Victim’s Assistance Fund


Established in honor of Chrissy Gallaher by family and friends to support victims of violent crimes

Ava Gardner Fund


Established by the Ava Gardner Trust for community grantmaking

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund


Established by bequest to benefit domestic animals

Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund


Established by bequest to benefit disadvantaged youth

Vera Goldberg Memorial Fund


Established by Milton Goldberg in memory of his wife as an unrestricted fund

Joseph G. Gordon Fund


Established by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in memory of Dr. Gordon to benefit disadvantaged youth

Vergil and Vicki Gough Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund.

Howard Gray Endowment


Established as an unrestricted fund

James A. Gray Family Fund


Established as an advised fund, then converted to an unrestricted fund at Mr. Gray’s death

William N. Hailey Fund


Established with the remainder interest from the William N. Hailey CRT

Bill and Helene Halverson Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund from a bequest by John W. Halverson

Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Trust


Established by Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. as an unrestricted fund

James R. Hankins Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Carl W. and Annie M. Harris Endowment Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special interest in music education

Vicki Van Liere Helms Art Fund


Established in memory of Vicki Van Liere Helms by her family and friends to support organizations and programs serving aspiring painters, sculptors, and other artists

Bob and Ruth Herring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. B. J. Herring

Margaret and Harrell Hill Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

William D. and Jane F. Hobbs Fund


Established by charitable bequest to support the poor and needy of the community

William and Allan Hollan Charitable Fund


Established with memorial gifts to William E. Hollan, Sr. to support human services

Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund – Unrestricted


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Mae W. Hubbard Trust


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special consideration for the development, welfare, and education of underprivileged and handicapped children

Allan M. Hutcherson Fund


Established by bequest for Forsyth County youth programs with special consideration to those affecting underserved minority children Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [34–35]

Endowed funds

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


Earline heath King Fund


Established to support art and art-related endeavors of the Foundation within North Carolina

Martha K. Knott Fund


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

R. Edward Lasater Endowment Fund


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

Lassiter Animal Welfare Fund


Established with an estate gift from Allene D. Lassiter for the benefit of animals in Forsyth County

Lipscomb Fund


Established in honor of Guy and Margaret Lipscomb by their granddaughter

Frank E. Llewellyn T.B. Fund


Established by bequest by Elizabeth P. Llewellyn for general health purposes with preference for tuberculosis-related grants

Elsie Ann Long Memorial Fund


Established through an estate gift for programs and activities benefiting needy persons living in the Appalachian region

John C. Long, M.D. Fund


Established by friends of Dr. Long for support in the area of health

Elizabeth Lovett Education Endowment


Established as a fund to support education

Thomas Jack Lynch Memorial Fund


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Harvey Seward Martin Fund


Established by bequest by Mrs. Martin for educational purposes at the discretion of the Foundation Committee

Masich Fund


Established by Jane and Tony Masich as an unrestricted fund

Drane V. McCall Fund for Winston-Salem Beautiful


Established by Dr. Bill McCall in honor of his wife, Drane V. McCall

John Alexander McClung, DDS-FACD Trust


Established by Mary Louise Gray in memory of her father to support Christian-related programs or organizations in the local community

Isabel McRae Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Michalove Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund with 41 consecutive years of contributions to the General Endowment Fund

J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund


Established through a charitable remainder trust for the benefit of needy children in Forsyth County

Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund


Established by Algine Neely Ogburn in honor of her parents for empowering and encouraging individuals to improve their lives and the lives of their families

Charles E. Norfleet Memorial Fund


Established by Grizzelle M. Norfleet in memory of her brother, who served as secretary of the Foundation during its early years

Jeannette Norfleet Fund


Established by family and friends to support health and medical programs, with special consideration for programs that benefit people suffering from cancer

Dr. Calvin and Ruth H. Ogburn Trust


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

Margaret W. Parker Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Otis B. and Genevieve Parrish Fund


Established to support programs for older adults with debilitating health conditions, especially Alzheimer’s disease

Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund for Human Services


Established by the Mary Ann Payne Revocable Charitable Trust to benefit human services

Thomas R. and Georgia L. Pepper Family Fund


Established by Dr. Francis D. Pepper in memory of his grandparents as an unrestricted fund

Pfafftown Jaycees Community Fund


Established by the Pfafftown Jaycees

Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Discretionary Fund


Established by a testamentary trust created by Naomi Ingram Pinnix to provide financial counseling and advice

Pleasants Hardware Company Trust


Established for general charitable purposes

Nancy T. Pleasants Community Development Fund


Established to support economic development, education and training, leadership development, community long-range planning, community appearance, historic preservation, and regional cooperation

Virginia S. Pleasants Fund


Established by an estate gift as a discretionary fund

Bess Gray Plumly Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes of the Foundation

Etta Mae Pope Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his sister to support the poor and needy

Stokes Ivey and Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Family Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his parents to support the poor and needy

Donna Germain Rader and Martin H. Rader Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to honor the memory of Donna Rader’s parents, Owen E. Germain and Emilie Drapalski Germain

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Fund


Established as a part of the company’s 100th anniversary celebration

Mary Neil Henderson Rice Fund


Established by Thomas B. Rice, III in memory of his mother as an unrestricted fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice Memorial Fund


Established by family and friends for general charitable purposes

Ann and Clay Ring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund


Established by bequest by Samuel M. Rose to support general charitable purposes

Sarah Shore Ruffin Fund


Established by beneficiary designation of the Sarah S. Ruffin IRA

Kenard Eugene Sales Memorial Fund


Established in memory of Kenard E. Sales by family and friends to support programs benefiting disadvantaged youth

Sandehill Recreation Fund


Established to promote competitive swimming and water sports in Forsyth County Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued on next page

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


Louis and Jane Shaffner Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Shepherding Fund


Established to support local human service agencies

Emma Jane Skinner Fund


Established by Frank B. Hanes to support human service organizations

Peggy and Ralph Stockton Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Ralph and Frances Stockton Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund

Colin and Mary Louise Stokes Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to support charitable purposes in Forsyth County

Lillian S. Stultz Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes

Sturmer Samaritan Fund


Established by Martha M. Sturmer in honor of her in-laws, Charles A. and Ernestine Hill Sturmer, to provide support for financially needy patients and residents in nursing homes in Forsyth County

The Sunshine Fund


Established by Robert Jasinkiewicz to benefit domestic animals in Forsyth County

Edward and Mary Alice Tarulli Fund


Established with the remainder of a charitable trust to provide services or programs that benefit individuals who are visually handicapped

Robert Edwin Taylor and Margaret Long Taylor Memorial Fund


Established with the remainder of the Margaret Long Taylor Charitable Remainder Unitrust

J. C. Tise Fund


Established by bequest to support general educational purposes with an emphasis on programs providing enrichment and outreach

Nelson and Dorothy Tomlinson Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Twin City Hospital Funds


Established by the executive board of the Hospital by bequest from John W. Alspaugh to benefit projects on behalf of the medically indigent in the community

Wachovia Bank of North Carolina Fund


Established with a gift for unrestricted use and added to in 1994 in honor of all former and current Wachovia employees and in memory of Herbert Brenner

Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund – Unrestricted


Established through the estate of Nell Kerns Waggoner

Hayes and Amy Wauford Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Art and Dannie Weber Education Fund


Established as a field of interest fund for education

Anne Hanes Willis Fund


Established by Frank B. Hanes in memory of his sister to assist landscaping, gardening, and beautification in the city when public funding is not available

Bobby Ray Wilson Human Fund


Established to benefit incarcerated persons in Forsyth County

Nancy H. Wilson Fund


Established by bequest for unrestricted purposes

Winston-Salem Foundation Staff Endowment


Established by B. Thomas Lawson in honor of his former Winston-Salem Foundation colleagues

Aubrey Marcus Zimmerman Fund for Recreation for the Handicapped


Established to provide recreational opportunities for the handicapped

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [36–37]

Endowed funds

Donor-Advised funds DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS ENABLE UP TO TWO FAMILY GENERATIONS of donors or outside committees to make charitable grant recommendations.

Foundation staff can also assist donors with background information on charities or help identify pressing community needs. These endowed funds are a convenient method of simplifying charitable giving and are an attractive alternative to a private foundation. year endowed


Andrew Beattie Endowment

Christopher David Budd Fund


Christopher Richard Eagan Fund

Douglas and Marilyn Cardwell Fund

Joseph R. Budd Family Trust


EHI Fund


Chapman Family Fund

Nathan, Jordan, and Nicholas Budd Fund


Lynn and Barry Eisenberg Endowed Fund


Gaddy Educator Fund

Richard P. and Sylvia S. Budd Fund


Elkin Community Trust


Annie Bennett Glenn Fund

Burr Family Trust


C. B. Eller Education Fund


Madlon and Kirk Glenn Family Fund

John W. Burress Advised Fund


Grace H. Emken Fund


Molly Millis Hedgecock Fund

Cardwell-Archer Charitable Fund


Ann and John Faris Community Fund


Emily Millis Hiatt Fund

Mary J. and Kenneth P. Carlson Advised Fund


John H. Felts, M.D. Fund


Morgan Family Charitable Trust

Carr Family Advised Fund


Finley-Anderson Fund


Frances and Steve Porter Family Fund

Sam N. Carter and Pauline H. Carter Fund


Firetree Fund


Roaring Gap Fund Endowment

Cawood Charitable Fund


Robert and Carol Ford Charitable Trust


Jonathan Mark Spaugh Memorial Charitable Fund

Lee Chadwell Fund


James A. and Elizabeth K. Fyock Trust


William A. and Eleanor W. Starbuck Advised Fund

Chuck and Bobbie Chambers Advised Trust


Dr. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr. Family Charitable Fund


William A. and Eleanor W. Starbuck Charitable Fund

Charley Fund I


Thad W., Mildred B. and Kathryn W. Garner Trust


Maytrice Walton Fund

Charley Fund II


Genesis Fund


Lucy Hanes Chatham Fund


Glade Valley School Fund


Lucy Hanes Chatham Library Fund




Alice O’Kelley Goodson and William A. Goodson, Jr. Family Trust

Lynn and Jeff Young Charitable Fund FUND

year endowed

year endowed


new funds in 2010


William T. and Sylvia F. Alderson Fund


Richard T. Chatham Fund

Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust


Thomas Lenoir and Anna Hanes Chatham Fund


William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund


Robert G. Auchincloss Fund


Gerald and Lee Ann Chrisco Family Trust


Louis and Marcia Gottlieb Family Fund


Philip S. Auchincloss Fund


Robert Clark Family Fund


Grace Court Trust



Phillip M. Clifton, M.D. Memorial Fund for Children


Margaret N. Graham Art Fund


Bartlett and Wyatt Bassett Fund


Brenda Kulynych Cline Fund


Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund for the Community


Marshall B Bass Children’s Fund Endowment Ted and Charlotte Blount Fund


Clover Street Fund


Karla Bolen Memorial Fund


Ron and Jeff Coppage Cancer Fund


Eleanor and Sam Booke, Jr. Fund


A. Robert Cordell Family Trust


Elizabeth E. and Henry M. Booke Trust


Joan R. and David L. Cotterill Advised Trust


Sam and Anne Booke Family Trust


CP3 Charitable Foundation


Julian R. and Mary P. Bossong Fund


Credence Fund


Skip and Beth Boswell Trust


Bill and Betty Gray Davis Fund


Braswell Family Charitable Fund


John and Terrie Davis Family Fund


Herbert and Ann Brenner Fund


DeForest Family Fund


Mike and Wendy Brenner Trust


Ashley Holland Dozier Charitable Fund


Paul and Judy Moore Briggs Family Fund


Driscoll Family Fund


Royall and Alice Brown Advised Trust


Joseph B. and Mary M. Dudley Advised Fund


Royall R. Brown, Jr. Advised Trust


Nancy W. Dunn Trust for Spiritual Development


Budd Group Foundation


Mignon Durham Charitable Fund


Green Angel Fund


J.T. Greene, Jr. Charitable Trust


Emily Grousbeck Fund


Hanes Family Downtown Fund


R. Philip and Charlotte M. Hanes Community Trust


Harrison Family Fund


Sam and Kathryn Hauser Fund


Thomasine Herring Hayes Fund


Hege Trust


L. Stephen Hendrix Fund


Bill and Leslie Hollan Fund


Judith Hoots Family Fund


B.F. Huntley and Josephine Huntley Trust


Donor-Advised Funds – continued on next page

Donor-Advised Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


year endowed

David A. and Roberta W. Irvin Fund


Harry O. and Margaret W. Parker Family Trust


Janeway Family Fund


Nathan E. and Lisa J. Parrish Advised Fund


W.T. and Mary Cobb Jenkins Family Fund


Eugene and Ann Paschold Fund


Bill Johnson Trust to Benefit Stokes County


Bob Pate Memorial Fund


Florinda C. Johnson Charitable Fund


Pauline Davis Perry Fund

Garland Johnson Fund for the Benefit of Elkin Public Library


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Trust

J. Michael Johnston Memorial Fund


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Trust-2

Jones Family Fund



year endowed

Thompson/Rotary Club of Winston-Salem Educational Fund


Thornton Family Fund


Tuttle Family Charitable Fund



Harry and Nancy Underwood Advised Trust



Margaret M. Urquhart Advised Fund



Carolyn H. Vaughn Fund

1997 1992

Piedmont Federal Fund


Wake Forest Baptist Church Fund

Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Trust


Wall Family Trust


Michael J. Pollak Trust


Ward Family Advised Trust


Julia Davis Pollard Memorial Fund


Sharon L. Washington-McBryde Memorial Fund


Ashburn Wright Wall Pollock Charitable Trust


Jean and Phil Waugh Family Trust


Christopher and Lucinda Kellam Jones Fund


Thad and Catherine Jones Charitable Fund


Leon and Renee Kaplan Fund


Dale and Mary King Fund


Billy D. and Deborah Prim Donor Advised Fund


Edward Kent Welch Memorial Fund


L. Andrew Koman and Leigh E. Koman Fund


Gladys Cain Pulliam and Grady R. Pulliam, Jr. Fund


A.T. Williams Oil Company Fund


Thomas J. and Lynne Koontz Charitable Trust


Purcell Family Fund


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Crime Prevention Fund


A. Thad and Margaret W. Lewallen Advised Trust


Realty-Analytix Triad Stewardship Fund


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Public Education Fund


A.J. Linville Memorial Fund


David and Deborah Rice Fund


Catherine R. Williams Family Fund


Lowy Family Fund


T. Wayne Robertson Memorial Fund


John W. and Donna H. Willingham Advised Fund


Lydia Phillips McCabe Advised Fund


Roslyn Trust


Diana Dyer Wilson Endowment Fund


McGowen Charitable Fund





Jane Butler and J.D. Wilson Family Trust

McGuirt Family Fund

Rubin Family Fund




Tom and Kathy Rucker Charitable Trust

Paula Wimmer Memorial Fund

J. Frank and Laura Turnage McNair Charitable Trust




William and Kim Means Charitable Fund

Guy and Liz Rudisill Fund

Ann King Windham Fund




Winston-Salem Dash Baseball Community Trust

Medlin Charitable Fund

Benjamin and Avon Ruffin Family Fund



Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Economic Development Fund


John and Kelly Merritt Family Charitable Fund

Jack and Betty Runnion Fund

Henry S. and Martha S. Miller Advised Fund


James and Deborah Millis, Jr. Fund


Dr. John H. and Elizabeth B. Monroe Fund


Elsie L. Morris Fund


Gene and Margaret Motsinger Family Fund


Michael Andrew Nachman Fund


Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund


Neal Family Fund


Lucian and Robie Neal Fund


Stephen L. Neal Advised Fund


T. David Neill Family Fund


O’Brien Family Fund


Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. and Mary Ceile F. Ogburn Fund


Orr Family Charitable Trust


Katherine W. Otterbourg Fund


C.T. Overby Youth Golf Fund


Marlene and Craven Page Trust


Dwight E. and Annie E. Pardue Advised Fund


Pearl and Ray Sams Family Trust


Phoebe B. and William M. Satterwhite, Jr. Fund


Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Excellence in Education Fund


Daniel and Linda Sayers Charitable Fund


Winston-Salem Police Benefit Fund


Margaret Scales and Graydon Pleasants Endowment



Andrew J. and Ellen N. Schindler Advised Fund


Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS Charitable Fund

Adrian R. and Robert D. Shore Trust

1999 2004

Winston-Salem Twin City Host Lions Club Endowment Fund


SKM Charitable Fund Katie Sleap Memorial Fund


Wolfe Family Fund


Zach Smith Fund


F. Conard and Jean Snyder Fund


Morris and Lillian Sosnik Memorial Fund

Woman’s Club of Winston-Salem


Women’s Fund Endowment



Women’s Fund – Grants


Rufus T. Stedman Memorial Fund


Rick and Lyn Worf Fund


Emily P. and Scott F. Sternberg Family Fund


Elizabeth L. Wyeth Fund


Nealie Belk Stevens Fund


Bryan D. and JoAnn M. Yates Fund


Richard and Wendel Stockton Fund


Yasser and Georgia Youssef Family Trust


Janice Kulynych Story Fund


Youth Philanthropy Initiative


Charles V. Taft Family Charitable Trust


Blanche Raper Zimmerman Fund


John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund


the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [38–39]

Endowed funds

Designated and Agency funds DESIGNATED FUNDS ARE ESTABLISHED by donors who wish to provide annual support to specific charities. Should the organization(s) cease to exist, the

Foundation has the responsibility to ensure that a donor’s original intent is met. Charitable organizations can establish AGENCY FUNDS to benefit from the Foundation’s professional investment management administration, thus allowing their staff and board to focus on providing necessary services to its constituents. new funds in 2010


Bill and Hallie Beckerdite Trust Fund

Established by the estate of Bill Olin Beckerdite to support Ardmore United Methodist Church

The Centers for Exceptional Children Endowment

Established by the Centers for Exceptional Children to support the mission of the Center

Forsyth County Dental Society Endowment

Established by the Forsyth County Dental Society to benefit Forsyth Technical Community College

Thomas K. Hearn, Jr.-Leadership Winston-Salem Scholarship

Established as an agency endowment to provide scholarships for participants in the Agency’s programs

Henderson Endowment for Galloway Memorial Episcopal Church

Established as an agency endowment by charitable bequest to support capital expenditure needs of the church

Louis and Gretchen Klaff Trust-Designated

Established by bequest from Louis and Gretchen Klaff to support various charities

Peace Haven Baptist Church of Winston-Salem Endowment

Established by the church as an agency endowment

Penland Endowment for Art Education

Established by Penland School of Crafts to provide financial assistance for art educators

Jimmy Roddick Fund

Established with the remainder of a charitable trust to benefit three designated charities

Dorothy E. Wolf Charitable Fund

Established by bequest to support the Salvation Army of Winston-Salem and the San Francisco SPCA

Jane Gilbert Womble Fund

Established with the remainder of the Jane Gilbert Womble Charitable Remainder Trust to support St. Leo the Great Catholic Church

William F. and Jane Gilbert Womble Fund for Arbor Acres

Established by William F. and Jane Gilbert Womble to support Arbor Acres

William F. and Jane Gilbert Womble Fund for Senior Services

Established with the remainder of the Jane Gilbert Womble Charitable Remainder Trust to support Senior Services


year endowed

Louise and Sam Adams Designated Fund


Joyce Adger Endowment for Bethesda Center


Emily Allen Wildflower Preserve Protection and Management Endowment


John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust


American Red Cross (Northwest NC Chapter) Endowment Fund


Amos Cottage – Harry O. Parker Wing Fund


Arts Council Endowment Fund


Arts for Life Endowment


Ashburn Trust – Bowery Mission and Young Men’s Home


Ashburn Trust – World Vision


Associated Charities Fund


Sarah Austin Child Development Center Trust


Sarah Austin Family Services Shelter Trust


Mary Ruth B. Barrett Fund


Celestine Pate Bass Memorial Hospice Fund


Marshall B Bass Best Choice Center Endowment Fund


Marshall B Bass Fund for Senior Services


Marshall B and Celestine P. Bass Endowment for St. Anne’s Episcopal Church


Nathalie L. Bernard Fund


Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. Endowment Mary Leight Booe Fund


year endowed

Daniel and Jo Ann Boucher Industries for the Blind Endowment


Gertrude and Morris Brenner Fund


Hal Brownfield Endowment


Nick Bunce Friendship Fund


Bryon Tyler Burdick Memorial Fund


Bess Lee Burke Memorial Fund


Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund – Designated


Calvary Baptist Church Fund


Camp Civitan Fund


Camp Dogwood Endowment Fund Dorothy M. Carpenter Fund


year endowed

Crisis Control Ministry, Inc. Endowment Fund


Crosby Endowment Fund


Crosby Scholars Endowment Fund


Cundiff Memorial Trust of AIDS Care Service


Bunny and Bill Davis Highland Scouting Fund


Enrichment Center Endowment


Alex C. Ewing North Carolina School of the Arts Campus Fund


Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries Endowment


Friendship Force of Central North Carolina Fund


Guy R. and Florence M. Fulp Charitable Trust



Galloway Memorial Episcopal Church Endowment



Germanton United Methodist Church Fund


Carr Family Fund – Designated


J. Kirk Glenn Jr. Endowment for Crisis Control Ministry


Centenary United Methodist Church Sunday School Fund


Goodwill Industries of NW NC, Inc. Endowment


Perry B. Clark Memorial Fund of Leadership Winston-Salem



Joel and Blanche Clingman Charitable Trust


William & Maggie Gordon Memorial Fund for Haw Pond Church of Christ

Community Care Center for Forsyth County, Inc. Endowment


Bowman and Gordon Gray Trust


Bowman Gray Trust – Bowman Gray School of Medicine


Community Marrow Donor Program-Forsyth County Area Endowment


Gordon Gray Trust – Bowman Gray School of Medicine


James A. Gray Endowment


Nottie Riddle Cook Fund


James A. Gray Foreign Mission Fund


Ray and Jackie Cope Scholarship Fund



Group Homes of Forsyth, Inc. Endowment


Planned Parenthood Dewitt Cordell Education Endowment




Crimestoppers Endowment Fund


Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County Endowment Fund-II

Designated and Agency Funds – continued on next page

Designated and Agency Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


year endowed


year endowed

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Designated Trust


Old Hickory Council/Camp Raven Knob Endowment


Siloam Baptist Church Endowment Fund


Gordon Hanes Memorial Endowment for Crisis Control Ministry


Old Hickory Council Endowment Fund


Paul and Sara Sinal Fund


Jacob F. Hanes Fund for The Children’s Home


Harry O. and Margaret W. Parker Ophthalmology Research Fund


Frances Horne Smith and Howard H. Smith Memorial Fund


Jacob F. Hanes Fund for Superannuated Methodist Ministers


Margaret W. Parker Fund for Amos Cottage – Discretionary


Gilbert W. and Gail S. Spencer Fund


Joan H. Hanes Fund


Margaret W. Parker Fund for Amos Cottage – Operations


Sprinkle Mission Fund


Lewis Lee and Suzanne Ellis Hawley Memorial Fund




Charles E. and Pauline L. Hayworth Fund


Margaret W. Parker – Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem Endowment Fund

Lucy L. Stedman Memorial Fund Ruth Stevenson Stewardship Endowment


Ada Hill and Jesse Davis Powers Fund


Otis B. and Genevieve W. Parrish Endowment Fund II


Ralph and Peggy Stockton Arbor Acres Fund


Mary Hill Habitat for Humanity Fund


Mary A. Payne Charitable Fund


Sturmer Spay and Neuter Fund


William D. & Jane F. Hobbs Rector’s Discretionary Fund of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church


Lucy Paynter Fund


Summit School Endowment Fund


Fred Taylor Peden Trust of St. Paul’s Wilkesboro


Robert E. Taylor Memorial Fund


James E., Jr. and Betty Jones Holmes Fund


Penland School of Crafts Fund


William Mills and Margaret Parks Taylor Fund


Lawrence Byerly Holt, MD Memorial Fund


Francis D. and Fannie Byrd Smith Pepper, Sr. Fund


Tower Fund


Francis D. and Phyllis Canup Pepper, Jr. Fund


Trinity Center Endowment Fund


Bynum E Tudor Fund for Reynolda House Museum of American Art


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Endowment


United Way Caring Shares Endowment


Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund – Designated


Hope Harbor Fund


Louise A. Peterson Trust


Hope Trust of Crisis Control Ministry


Pfafftown Jaycees Designated Fund


Judith and Marbry Hopkins Endowment


Piedmont Opera Endowment Fund

Louise S. Hunter Fund


Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Designated Fund

1987 2006

Institute for Dismantling Racism Endowment


Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Fund


Viola and Dwight Jackson Memorial Fund


Richard and Barbara Pope Trust


Ella Mae Johnson Fund


Larriston Hill Powers Memorial Fund


Johnson Family Cemetery Trust Fund

1999 2005

Preservation North Carolina – Winston-Salem Regional Office Endowment


Jimmy Johnson Memorial Fund June Porter Johnson Fund for Salem Academy and College


Kenneth O. Raschke Literacy Initiative Trust


Trey Jones Philmont Scholarship Fund


Mary Neil Henderson Rice Designated Fund


Stephen G. Richey Memorial Fund

Peter R. Kellogg Fund of Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center


Jane R. Kennedy Endowment Fund


Petro Kulynych/Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Endowment


John W. Landingham Fund



Peggy Bowen Leight Fund


Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem, Inc. Endowment Fund

Maintenance Trust for Lewisville United Methodist Church


Lorraine Flynt Rudolph Endowment Fund


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Endowment

Lloyd Presbyterian Church Fund


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Mission Fund


Regina Derwin Lofland Fund


St. Paul’s Wilkesboro Endowment Fund


Love’s UMC Capital Needs Fund


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Fund


Love’s United Methodist Church Memorial Fund


St. Stephens Episcopal Church Endowment


Jennifer Lowy-Dock Fund


Samaritan Ministries Endowment Fund


Lowy Fund – Shepherd’s Center


Sawtooth Center for Visual Art Endowment


Jerome Madans Assistance Fund


Sawtooth Center for Visual Art Scholarship Fund


Anne and Bill Magness Meals-on-Wheels Fund



G.L. Millsaps Memorial Trust


Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina Fund

J. William Moir Charitable Trust


Senior Services, Inc. Endowment

Montague Scholarship Medal Fund


R.Y. and Eileen Sharpe Fund James Reynolds Sheffield, Sr. and Jr. Trust


Junior League of Winston-Salem Endowment Fund

Little Theatre Endowment Fund

United Way Joel A. Weston, Jr. Memorial Endowment


Forrest and Gene Vogler Arts Endowment


H. and E. Vogler Fund


Voluntary Action Center Training Endowment Fund


Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund-Designated


John and Pauline Hoots Waller Trust



Ina B. Watson Trust



Wilkes Library Endowment


Wood Richmond Memorial Fund


Wilkes Playmakers Inc. Endowment


Golding H. Riddle Fund


Mr. and Mrs. A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund


Golding H. Riddle St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Fund


A.T. Williams, Jr. Family Fund for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church


Right Turns for Youth Endowment


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for the Salvation Army of Winston-Salem


A. Tab Williams, Jr. St. Paul’s Building Fund



LuTelle Sherrill Williams Fund



Willow and Woody Memorial Trust for Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center


Diana Dyer Wilson Organ Maintenance Fund


Winston-Salem Civitan Fund


Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts, Inc. Endowment Fund


Winston-Salem National Little League Endowment


Winston-Salem Piedmont Triad Symphony Heritage Fund


Winston-Salem Symphony Chair Endowment Fund


Wolfe Family Charitable Fund


Wolfe-Steele Young Life Trust



World Law Fund



Bland and Ada Worley/Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Trust


Chris Yarborough Memorial Sawtooth Center Library Trust


YMCA of Greater Winston-Salem Heritage Club Endowment


Special Children’s School-Jacqueline Styers Young Fund


William G. Montgomery, MD Fund for Senior Services


National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States


Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem Endowment Trust


North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants Endowment


Irving and Minnie Sheppard Memorial Fund


George S. Norfleet Bible Fund


Sloan S. Sherrill Fund


Elizabeth C. and Ralph B. Ogburn Fund


Richard Edmund Shore Memorial Fund

2003 the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [40–41]

Endowed funds

Student Aid funds Since 1923 the foundation’s student aid funds have provided local students with the resources to pursue their academic goals. Donors may

establish named funds with a minimum of $20,000 to support students from a particular high school, church, or county, or for those who attend a specific college or university. new funds in 2010


Kate Allred Education Grant

Established by bequest to provide aid to undergraduate students

Carver High School Alumni Association Scholarship

Established by the Carver High School Alumni Association, Inc. of Winston-Salem to provide financial support for graduating Carver High School seniors to attend accredited post-secondary institutions

Digestive Health Specialists Scholarship

Established by the physicians of Digestive Health Specialists, P.A. to provide scholarships to the children and grandchildren of the employees of Digestive Health Specialists

James M. and Mary P. Edwards Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Edwards family in memory of James and Mary to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors who attend Pisgah High School in Canton, NC

William Ragsdale Froelich Memorial Scholarship

Established with memorial gifts from friends and family to support scholarships for students from Alleghany County

Claire Tillson Gladding Scholarship

Established by Dr. Samuel T. Gladding in honor of his wife to provide scholarships to graduating seniors who intend to continue contributing personally in the areas of fine arts or performing arts while in college

Josh Gray Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2005 and endowed in 2010 in memory of Josh Gray to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are varsity soccer team members at Mt. Tabor High School

A. Ruth Hutchins Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family of Ruth Hutchins for students from Yadkin and Forsyth Counties

R. Bruce Matthews Student Assistance Fund

Established in 1991 by Jimmie R. Hutchens and Mr. Matthews’ friends and family and later endowed

Willis H. Overby Scholarship

Established in 1984 honor of Mr. Overby upon his retirement as Assistant Superintendent of the Stokes County School System and endowed in 2010

Jonathan LaRon Skinner Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors


year endowed


year endowed


year endowed

Annie S. Alexander Memorial Scholarship


Bunny and Bill Davis Highland Scholarship Fund


Elizabeth Loving James Memorial Scholarship

William H. Andrews/HAWS Scholarship Fund



John Russell Jarman Scholarship Fund


Zack H. Bacon IV Scholarship


Delta Fine Arts - Lois B. and Simona A. Allen Scholarship Fund

Flora Royall Johnson Scholarship Fund


Marshall B Bass Endowed Scholars Program at Winston-Salem State University


Oliver Joel and Ellen Pell Denny Student Loan Fund


Stella B. Johnson Scholarship Fund


Joyce and Jim Dickerson Scholarship Fund


Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Program at Forsyth Technical Community College


Tripp Joye Memorial Scholarship Fund


Wade and Marcelene Duncan Scholarship Fund


Kapp-Weaver Scholarship Fund-Greensboro College


Marshall B Bass Scholars Fund at Voorhees College


East Forsyth High School Alumni Scholarship



Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Fund at Livingstone College


James L. Einstein College Scholarship Fund


Kapp-Weaver Scholarship Fund-R.J. Reynolds High School

F. A. and Charlotte Blount Scholarship


Sam L. Booke, Sr. Scholarship Fund


Boyles-Eidson Scholarship Fund


Jeanna Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund


Tien Bui Memorial Scholarship


Wes Burton Memorial Scholarship


Ray S. Church Memorial Scholarship Fund


Gwenn Steward Clements Scholarship


Elmer and Rosa Lee Collins Scholarship


Lloyd E. and Rachel S. Collins Scholarship Fund


Mary Rowena Cooper Scholarship Fund


D. C. Cornelius Memorial Scholarship Fund


Serena D. Dalton Scholarship Fund


Joseph E. Davies Scholarship Fund



Marlene Marie Pope Flinchum Scholarship


J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Family Fund


Forsyth County Nursing Scholarship Fund


Douglas Gray Kimel Scholarship Fund


Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. and Margaret W. Gaddy Scholarship



Garden Club Council of W-S and Forsyth County Scholarship


Andrew Lane Memorial / R.J. Reynolds Soccer Scholarship Law Enforcement Benefit Fund


Matthew Alan Gfeller Memorial Scholarship


Law Enforcement Family Scholarship Fund


James A. Gray High School Alumni Scholarship


Leinbach Chain-Breaker Scholarship Fund


Claude B. Hart Memorial Scholarship



William T. Hatch and Mabel P. Hatch Scholarship Fund


William H. Lester Packaging and Graphics Scholarship Fund

Fred and Mozelle L. Hinshaw Scholarship Fund


Johnny Lineberry Memorial Scholarship Fund


Walter R. Hoag Scholarship Fund


L. D. and Elsie Long Student Scholarship Fund


Fred Colby Hobson Scholarship Fund


Love’s UMC Scholarship for Christian Education


Jack and Barbara Holt Memorial Scholarship Fund


Love’s United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund


Brevard R. Hoover, Jr. Leadership Award


Edwin E. and Grace Kimrey Maddrey Scholarship Fund


I. W. Hughes Scholarship Fund


Mary Speer Martin Scholarship Trust


Sergeant Mickey Hutchens Leadership Scholarship


Mark James Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship Fund


Student Aid Funds – continued on next page

Student Aid Funds – continued from previous page FUND

year endowed


year endowed


year endowed

Millennium Charter Academy College Scholarship


Robert G. Prongay Memorial Scholarship


Julia Yokeley Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund


Patty Brendle Redway Fund


Virginia Elizabeth and Alma Vane Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund

N. W. Mitchell/Piedmont Federal Endowed Scholarship Fund


Reynolda Rotary Memorial/Clarence “Big House” Gaines Scholarship Fund


Jeff Turner-Forsyth Audubon Scholarship Fund


Nell and Spencer Waggoner Scholarship Fund


Gray W. Mock Family Scholarship


Kate B. Reynolds Scholarship Fund


Art and Dannie Weber Scholarship


Chester Arzell and Helen Miller Montgomery Scholarship Fund


R.J. Reynolds High School Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund


Art and Dannie Weber Fund for Forsyth Technical Community College


Paul Holcomb Murphy Memorial Fund


John S. and Jacqueline P. Rider Scholarship


Erma Drum Webster Fund


Murray Supply Company Scholarship


Evelyn Ripple Winston-Salem Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship Fund


A.T. Williams Oil Company Fund II-H. Frank Steelman Scholarship


Dr. Eugene Rossitch, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund


A.T. Williams Oil Company Scholarship Fund


Samuel K. Rowland Trust


Elizabeth T. Williams Memorial Scholarship


Ray and Pearl Sams Scholarship Fund


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Scholarship Fund


Samuel Griffin Seawell and Patsy Moore Seawell Memorial Fund


Edwin H. and Louise N. Williamson Endowed Scholarship


NC USSSA Scholarship


Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund


Orthopaedic Specialists of the Carolinas Nursing Scholarship


Jeannette Anderson Parker Memorial Scholarship Fund



Otis B. and Genevieve W. Parrish Scholarship


Alice Conger Patterson Scholarship


Roy Eugene and Collie Byrd Sebastian Memorial Scholarship Fund


The Winston-Salem Foundation Student Loan Fund


William H. and Lena M. Petree Trust


Sharpe Student Loan Fund


Winston-Salem Hospitals Consortium Nursing Student Loan Fund


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship


Bruce Shelton Scholarship Fund


Erica Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Fund


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship for Forsyth Technical Community College


Thomas E. Shown, MD Scholarship Fund



Paul and Evelyn Snow Scholarship Fund


Yadkin County Association of Educators (YCAE) Scholarship Fund

Ann Lewallen Spencer Scholarship Fund


Marcus Raper Zimmerman Scholarship Fund


Stultz Scholarship Fund


Summit School Opportunity Fund


Philo ABC Memorial Scholarship Fund


Pfafftown Jaycees/Lynn Canada Memorial Scholarship Fund


Dean Prim Scholarship Fund


the winston-salem foundation

Scholarship and Education Grant

Component Fund Guy J. Bridges, Jr. Educational Fund Leo Caldwell Memorial Student Loan Fund

Year Established 2006 1923

the winston-salem foundation Scholarship and Education

Stanley Michael Elrod Scholarship Fund

Grant, established in 2008, provides scholarships and grants to

Emergency Loan Fund


John L. Gilmer Student Loan Fund


outstanding Forsyth County students as they pursue post-secondary education. Recipients must demonstrate exceptional leadership, school service and community involvement. The Foundation greatly appreciates the previously established student aid funds listed here that were combined to provide the initial funding for The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship and Education Grant. Contributions to the fund from the public are welcomed as we seek to make our community stronger through the higher education of our youth.


John Gold Memorial Fund


Anna Hodgins Hanes Student Loan Fund


Stanley D. Hartgrove Memorial Scholarship Fund


Keith Jackson Memorial Fund


Lasater Student Loan Fund


Rachel Tolson Law Memorial Scholarship Fund


Norfleet Memorial Fund


Lucy Simmons Puryear Memorial Scholarship Fund


W. N. Reynolds Student Loan Fund


M. D. Stockton Education Fund


N. D. Sullivan Charitable Trust


George B. Whitaker Memorial Student Loan Fund


the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [42–43]

non-endowed funds

Advised funds NON-ENDOWED ADVISED FUNDS allow donors to make grant recommendations from the principal of their fund. Because of the simplicity and

efficiency of these funds, many donors use them for annual charitable giving purposes. new funds in 2010 Callahan Family Fund

Mark and Betsy Hoppe Family Fund

Roddick Benevolence Gift Trust

Susan Cobb Carson Advised Fund

John F. and Annette P. Lynch Fund

Charles and Courtney Rowe Charitable Fund

Virginia L. Carson Advised Fund

Nancy Davis McGlothlin Fund

Bruce W. and Sara C. Smith Advised Fund

Perry and Kelli Clark Charitable Fund

Murphy-Smith Family Fund

Sutton Family Fund

Teresa L. Conrad Fund

Joellen Parks Charitable Fund

Jack and Cindy Sutton Fund

Richard and Mary Dean Family Fund

Jane and Joe Potter Fund

Lee Wallace Fund

Mary M. Eagan Fund

Nan and Tim Prout Charitable Fund

Gary Flower Advised Fund

Roaring Gap Fund

Tom and Jean Adams Fund

James T. and Betty S. Brewer Fund

Gary W. and Virginia F. Cole Advised Fund

David and Liz Albertson Fund

Bridgeford Charity Fund

David Collins Fund

Hannah Albertson Fund

Michael Britt Family Fund

Barry and Dottie Cook Fund

Martha Albertson Fund

Dr. Richard A. Brodkin Advised Fund

Harry Corpening Fund

Elms and Harriet Allen Advised Fund

Brookfield Fund

James and Barbara Corrigan Advised Fund

Gayle Anderson/Carey Hedgpeth Fund

Grace and Jimmy Broughton Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan Advised Fund

Dr. Stephen G. and Cynthia Anderson Advised Fund

Henrietta Dibrell Brown Advised Fund

Nancy and Scott Cramer Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Andrews Fund

Kenton and Amy Brown Fund

Craven Family Fund

ARC Fund

Kirby C. Brown Fund

Jane and Penn Craver Advised Fund

Marie and Guy Arcuri Family Fund

Patty and Malcolm Brown Fund

Mrs. Elizabeth W. Crockett Advised Fund

Douglas D. Arnold and Lynn E. Calhoun Advised Fund

Rodney C. and Martha R. Brown Fund

O.K. Crouch Family Fund

Dan and Margaret Austell Fund

Canary Fund

Rick and Sara Crowder Charitable Fund

Dr. Khosrow Bahrani Advised Fund

Angela and William Carr Advised Fund

Grace L. Cullinan Advised Fund

Charles S. and Beth D. Baldwin Advised Fund

Anne S. Carr Advised Fund

Julia C. Cullinan Advised Fund

Pam and Bill Ball Advised Fund

Thomas A. and Kay B. Carter Advised Fund

Walker M. Cullinan Advised Fund

R. Barrett Family Fund

David and Deborah Cassels Fund

S. G. Dale Fund

Marshall B and Celestine P. Bass Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caudle Advised Fund

Bill and Betty Gray Davis Advised Fund

Michael and Julie Baughan Fund

Cavanaugh Fund

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis Advised Fund

Bill and Louise Bazemore Fund

Steve and Tonya Cavanaugh Hope Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Davis, Jr. Advised Fund

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

Hobart and Adelaide W. Cawood Fund

Dr. James Day Advised Fund

Stewart and Tracey Beason Charitable Fund

Chuck and Bobbie Chambers Advised Fund

Deaton Family Advised Fund

Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. Advised Fund

Dudley C. and Winborne S. Chandler Fund

Louis Nelson Dibrell III Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett Advised Fund

Barbara F. Chatham Advised Fund

Patricia Ann Rudolph Dixson Advised Fund

Bentley Fund

Jerry and Brenda Cheek Charitable Fund

Kay and Dan Donahue Fund

Deborah L. Best Advised Fund

Children’s Enrichment Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Bettis Advised Fund

Christopher Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Douglas, III Advised Fund

David and Susanne Blanco Advised Fund

Nick and Jennifer Chrysson Advised Fund

Ashley H. and Graham P. Dozier Advised Fund

Frank L. Blum Fund

Jeff T. and René F. Clark Advised Fund

Dale E. and Luci H. Driscoll Advised Fund

June and Jack Blunk Fund

Gwenn S. and Michael L. Clements Advised Fund

Noel Lee Dunn Advised Fund

Paul Breitbach Fund

D. Elwood and Helen H. Clinard Fund

Eagan Brothers LLC Fund

Brendle Advised Fund

Kirtan Coan and Al Greene Advised Fund

Robert and Amy Egleston Advised Fund

Felice and Richard A. Brenner Fund

Sophia Cody Advised Fund

Eisenberg Family Advised Fund

Mike and Wendy Brenner Charitable Fund

Robert F. Coil Advised Fund

Jerry and Janet Enos Fund Non-Endowed Advised Funds – continued on next page

Non-Endowed Advised Funds – continued from previous page Gerald and Ann Esch Donor Advised Fund

Edna and Jeff Helms Fund

Marieanne and Jerry Long Advised Fund

Lisbeth C. Evans and Mr. James T. Lambie Advised Fund

Jay and Jane Helvey Advised Fund

Matt and Emmie Long Fund

Falken Family Fund

Page Daniel Hill Fund

Frank and Kay Lord Advised Fund

Donna and Michael Fina Advised Fund

Doris and William Hohman Non-Endowed Advised Fund

David and Libby Lubin Fund

Gary G. and Diana B. Fleming Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. Advised Fund

Gail Lybrook Advised Fund

Representative Dale and Synthia Folwell Family Fund

James E. Holmes, Jr. and Betty J. Holmes Fund

Dr. Mark P. Maier Advised Fund

T. Vernon and Jennifer K. Foster Fund

Homebuilders Association of Winston-Salem Charitable Fund

Richard A. and Carrie Wall Malloy Advised Fund

Alice Foster-Ficken Fund

Bob and Gwynn Hooks Fund

Deborah S. Marshall Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Cecil and Henrietta Foushee Advised Fund

Horton Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Advised Fund

Sheila F. and John C. Fox Fund

Wava Howard Runnymede Beautification Fund

Janet and O. C. Martin III Fund

Alice Dibrell Freeman Family Fund

Eric N. Hoyle Advised Fund

Dr. Richard Marx Advised Fund

Nella P. Fulton Advised Fund

Robert C. and Catherine C. Huber Advised Fund

Jane P. Masich Advised Fund

Paul Fulton Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Tom and Lucia Hughes Family Fund

Doug and Mary Anne Maynard Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Alex H. Galloway Advised Fund

Ann and Dudley Humphrey Advised Fund

Drane and Bill McCall Advised Fund

Camille and Jim Galloway, Jr. Advised Fund

John W. Hunt Advised Fund

Thomas P. and Anne B. McDowell Fund

Dr. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr. Advised Fund

Hunter Family Fund

Walter McDowell Advisory Fund

Caroline Gamble Charitable Fund

Frank and Margaret Hunter Fund

Sarah Murphy McFarland Advised Fund

Harold and Patricia Garner Donor Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin Advised Fund

Cathleen and Ray McKinney Fund

John and Linda Garrou Advised Fund

Jim and Dianne Iseman Charitable Fund

John and Grace McKinnon Advised Fund

Gfeller Family Fund

Susan M. Ivey Advised Fund

J.P. McMichael, Jr. Advised Fund

Matthew Alan Gfeller Memorial Fund

Francis and Adele James Advised Fund

J. Frank and Laura Turnage McNair Advised Fund

Jim and Mary Alice Gibbs Advised Fund

Jarrahi Family Advised Fund

Mrs. C.C. McNeely Advised Fund

John Munro and Flavel McMichael Godfrey Advised Fund

JG Advised Fund

Thomas C. McNeil and Sandra B. McNeil Advised Fund

Ted and Julia Ann Goins Advised Fund

Elizabeth G. and Stephen A. Johnson Charitable Fund

Judson J. and Alice C. Milam Fund

Tony and Vi Golding Fund

Ann and Halbert Jones Charitable Fund

Charles W. Miller Fund

Alice Jane Goodson Fund

JSCG Donor Advised Fund

Susan Dibrell Miller Family Fund

Alice and W. A. Goodson, Jr. Advised Fund

Pam and Fred Kahl Advised Fund

Mist Island Foundation Fund

Judy S. and William A. Goodson, III Advised Fund

David and Rachel Katzer Charitable Gift Fund

Richard and Laura Montgomery Advised Fund

Thomas O. and Leesa L. Goodson Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr. Advised Fund

Elsie L. Morris Advised Fund

William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund/Goodson Advised

Sherry A. Kellett Fund

J. Frank and Lynda K. Morris Advised Fund

William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund/Saunders Advised

Stanhope A. and Elizabeth Kelly Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Mulvey, Jr. Advised Fund

C. Boyden Gray Advised Fund

Charlie L. Kennedy, MD Donor Advised Fund

R. Frank and Mary Jo Murphy Advised Fund

Hunter Gray Advised Fund

Robert M. and Mary R. Kerr Advised Fund

Dan and Bonnie Murphy Charity Fund

Alfa and Gerry Gunzenhauser Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Nancy T. and Richard J. Keshian Fund

Murray Supply Company Advised Fund

Hall Family Fund

Cornelius Vanstory King Advised Fund

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Martha S. Hancock and James A. Hancock, Jr. Advised Fund

Robert W. and Candy E. Kiser Charitable Fund

Robert F. and Bonnie L. Naas Advised Fund

Hands and Feet Fund

Edith and Bill Knott Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal Advised Fund

Ann S. and F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Advised Fund

D. Joyce Kohfeldt Fund

J. & J. Neely Advised Fund

Helen C. Hanes Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson Kornegay, Jr. Advised Fund

David and Scottie Neill Advised Fund

Jim Hanes Fund

Pete Kulynych Advised Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Nelson, III Advised Fund

Marcus Hanes Fund

Gilmour and Nancy Lake Advised Fund

William Robert and Elizabeth H. Newell Advised Fund

Robin M. Hanes Fund

Lambeth Family Fund

Fred and Lillian Nordenholz Fund

Kathy and Jim Hardison Advised Fund

Susan and George Lautemann Advised Fund

Keith and Lisa Norman Family Advised Fund

Robert B. and Lisa B. Harrell Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Annette M. Leight Advised Fund

Robert S. and Marianne D. Northington Advised Fund

John and Anne Harrison Advised Fund

Margaret G. Leight Advised Fund

Novant Community Benefit Funds

Hash Advised Fund

Mary A. Leight Advised Fund

Anita and Tom Ogburn, Jr. Fund

Linda Adair Hatcher Memorial Fund for Eating Disorders

Kathy and Mike Lewis Fund

Laney and Merritt Orr Fund

Charles H. and Susan Hauser Advised Fund

Lillie’s Friends Foundation Fund

Judith R. and Samuel H. Owen Fund

Dick and Karen Hedrick Advised Fund

Dr. A. Stanley and Mary Margaret Link Fund

Ben C. and Mildred W. Paden Advised Fund

Dr. Eugene Heise Advised Fund

George and Susan Little Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Craven Page Advised Fund Non-Endowed Advised Funds – continued on next page the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [44–45]

non-endowed funds Non-Endowed Advised Funds – continued from previous page Mary Beth and Bob Parker Fund

Curtis Flynt Rudolph Advised Fund

F. Nelson Tomlinson Advised Fund

Margaret Weatherspoon Parker Fund

Mr. and Mrs. V. Carver Rudolph Fund

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole Advised Fund

Brookes H. Parrish Fund

Sanford Harrison Rudolph Advised Fund

Triad Academy Scholarship Fund

Joe and Britt Parrish Fund

James M. and Lorre C. Ruffin Fund

Triantos Fund

The Pathways Fund

Sarah Shore Ruffin and Dalton D. Ruffin Advised Fund

Mary Kay Tucker Advised Fund

John and Dominique Patrick Fund

Jill Runnion Fund

Eleanor James Vance Advised Fund

Lucie and Chuck Patton Fund

Dr. Wilson and Marcia Russell Fund

Stuart F. and Frances McD. Vaughn Advised Fund

Carol and Raymond Pearson Charitable Fund

SGK Fund

Peter and Carol Vrooman Advised Fund

Brenda B. Penney Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Sandridge, Jr. Advised Fund

Susan B. Wall Advised Fund

Peter Perret Fund for Young Musicians

William Madison and Phoebe Barnhardt Satterwhite Fund

Bruce D. Walley, M.D. Fund

Clifford and Elizabeth Perry Advised Fund

M. Garnett and Georgia G. Saunders Fund

Hans W. and Elizabeth K. Wanders Advised Fund

Ford and Jeanene Perry Advised Fund

Robert D. and Pamela B. Saunders Fund

Jack and Jean Ward Advised Fund

Pauline Davis Perry Advised Fund

Thomas D. and Katherine E.M. Schroeder Fund

William G. Ward MD Family Advised Fund

William H. Petree, Jr. and Katherine Weathers Petree NonEndowed Advised Fund

The Servanthood Fund

Leslie R. and Robert E. Warhover Advised Fund

Beverly Britton Rudolph Shaw Advised Fund

Bill and Judy Watson Fund

Pfefferkorn Company Advised Fund

Bill and Shirley Shaw Fund

Cornelia K. Weigl and Lachlan MacLachlan Advised Fund

L. Gordon and June D. Pfefferkorn, Jr. Fund

A. Lincoln and Nancy D. Sherk Fund

John M. & Nancy Kyle Wells and Frances & C.C. Graham Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps Advised Fund

Adrian and Bob Shore Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. P. Everett Wells III Advised Fund

Pine Hall Brick Co. Fund

Dr. Thomas E. Shown Advised Fund

Togo D. West, Jr. Advised Fund

David and Ingrid Pisetsky Advised Fund

Joe B. and Virginia L. Simpson Advised Fund

Harden and Janet Wheeler Fund

William Pitser Advised Fund

Martha and Tom Simpson Advised Fund

Ms. Elizabeth N. Whitaker, II Advised Fund

Margaret Scales and Graydon Pleasants Advised Fund

Catharine N. and Kenneth N. Sisk Fund

Louisa Whitaker Advised Fund

Nancy and Ed Pleasants Advised Fund

Debra Runnion Sizemore Fund

William A. Whitaker Advised Fund

Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Fund

Mike and Beth Skorich Advised Fund

Nancy and Monty White Advised Fund

Dr. Harold C. Pollard, III Fund

Kenny and Amy Smith Fund

Scott and Lauren Wierman Advised Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Pollock Advised Fund

Brant and Kay Snavely Fund

Paul and Jan Wiles Charitable Gift Fund

Robert S. and Wanda E. Pool Fund

Kathryn Hanes Snow Advised Fund

Arthur T. and Catherine R. Williams, III Advised Fund

T.J. and Nancy Pulliam Advised Fund

Snyder Family Fund

Dr. and Mrs. S. Clay Williams, Jr. Advised Fund

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick Advised Fund

John and Nancy Southard Advised Fund

John G. and Patricia G. Williard Advised Fund

George and Susan Ragland Fund

Spaugh Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr. Advised Fund

Rainey Charitable Fund

Mary Jo W. and R. Arthur Spaugh Fund

Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton Willis Fund

Ramona Fund

Ann Lewallen Spencer Fund

Robert M. Willis Fund

David B. Rea Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Nancy Spencer Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr. Advised Fund

Donald J. and Deborah R. Reaves Family Fund

Michael W. Sperry Advised Fund

W.T. Wilson Advised Fund

Reaves Family Charitable Trust

Bobby and Jan Sprinkle Family Trust

Winters Advised Fund

Burton and Frances Reifler Fund

W. Fletcher and Anna B. Steele Family Fund

Winston-Salem Rotary Benevolent Fund

Dick and Sandy Respess Fund

Stratford Rotary Benevolence Fund

Winston-Salem Twin City Host Lions Club Advised Fund

Reynolda Rotary Benevolence Fund

Rick and Kate Streng Advised Fund

Calder and Martha Womble Advised Fund

Dr. Vade Rhoades Fund

Richard and Nancy Sullivan Fund

Erna and Bill Womble Advised Fund

Lori and Pat Riazzi Fund

John J. and Betty Pratt Sutton Advised Fund

Ralph H. Womble Advised Fund

Richard T. Rice Advised Fund

Nancy King Tanner Advised Fund

William F. Womble Advised Fund

Rickelton Fund

Targacept TargaCare Fund

James and Johanna Yopp Fund

Jacqueline P. Rider Advised Fund

John A. Taylor Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Young Charitable Fund

John and Lynn Roach Advised Fund

Marguerite B. Taylor Advised Fund

Lynn and Jeff Young Fund

Pauline and Norwood Robinson Fund

Thomas Teague Fund

Stephen and Bonnie Zades Advised Fund

David F. and Martha Wilson Rowe Advised Fund

Ron and Merle Tedder Charitable Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Zegrea Advised Fund

Steve and Nancy Rowell Charitable Fund

Louise Dibrell Theberge Family Fund

Michael and Deborah Rubin Advised Fund

John B.R. Thomas Donor Advised Fund

[46–47] funds and donors

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Temporary and Special funds TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL FUNDS give the Foundation the ability to hold funds for a limited time for organizations and individuals for charitable projects. Black Philanthropy Fund

Hospital Hospitality House of Winston-Salem

Michael and Buffy Waltrip Charitable Fund

Butler Family Fund

iCan House Fund

Waltrip Brothers Charitable Fund

Children of Vietnam Fund

Douglas N. Marlette Memorial Scholarship Fund

Welch Advised Fund

Dog Park at Tanglewood Fund

Ricky Douglas Mitchell Scholarship Fund

Wiley School Fund

Billy Dwight Memorial Fund

New Winston Museum Fund

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Forsyth Country Day School

Equality Winston-Salem Fund

NCAPA Project Fund

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Rose Hill Free Will Baptist Church

Flow Automotive Companies Scholarship Fund

NC Canso Development Fund

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Senior Services

For Katie’s Sake Fund

Pitt Hopkins Syndrome Fund

Francis F. Willingham Memorial Fund

Forsyth Common Vision Council Fund

Roaring Gap Scholarship Fund

Winston-Salem Community Development Collaborative

Forsyth Fund for Teaching Excellence

Salem Lodge #139/Robert A. Miller Memorial Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Sports Medicine Fund

Friends of the Hollywood Cemetery Fund

Carl R. Sapp Field Enhancement Fund

Winston-Salem Children & Youth Fund

Gateway Environmental Initiative Fund

Stokes County Trust Fund

Winston-Salem Sidewinders Fund

Give The Kids A Reason Fund

Take the Lead NC Fund

Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem

Greenxscapes Fund

Twin City Youth Baseball Association Fund

Youth Activities Fund

Peter Hinkle Memorial Fund

Vigils for Healing Fund

funds and donors

Charitable trusts THE FOUNDATION SERVES AS TRUSTEE of charitable lead trusts (CLTs) and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) for donors and their families.

CLTs allow donors to direct income from the trust to the Foundation and/or other charities for a designated period of years. At the end of that period, the principal can be redirected according to the terms of the original trust documents. CRTs provide life income to designated individuals with the remainder interest of the trust ultimately going to charity. Abner Alexander Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Sara S. and Curtis E. Long 2005 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Elms and Harriet Allen Unitrust

William and Drane Vaughn McCall Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Stephen G. Anderson Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Nancy Davis McGlothlin Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Anonymous (2)

John B. and Grace D. McKinnon Irrevocable Living Unitrust

James L. Barnhardt Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Bonnie B. and James C. Messick Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Unitrust

Margaret W. Parker Charitable Lead Unitrust

Edna Newsome Blanton 2006 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

C. Edward Pleasants Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Edna Newsome Blanton 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Nancy T. Pleasants Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Frederick A. Blount and Charlotte F. Blount Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Ruth M. Pleasants Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Patricia Ann L. and Grady E. Boyles, Jr. 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

James A. Roddick, Jr. 2008 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Ann Blanton Breese 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

F. Conard and Jean Snyder Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Harry O. Corpening Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Nancy H. Southard Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Athalene Couch 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Nancy S. Spencer Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Athalene Couch 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Edward E. and Jean Jennings Stivers Charitable Annuity Trust

Joyce H. and James P. Dickerson Charitable Remainder Trust

John J. Sutton, Jr. and Betty P. Sutton Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Frank E. and Mary B. Driscoll Charitable Remainder Trust

David H. Tate Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Elizabeth T. Edmondson Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Jesse C. Temple 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Rita D. Fitzgerald Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

L. Frances S. Temple and Jesse C. Temple Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Donald F. Folger and Lucy E. Folger Charitable Remainder Trust

L. Frances S. Temple Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Thad W. Garner, Mildred B. Garner and Kathryn W. Garner Irrevocable Living Unitrust

M. Louise Thomas Charitable Remainder Unitrust

J. Beeson Grubbs Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Louvenia Cox Tucker 2006 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Nancy and Paul Gwyn 2005 Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Hans W. Wanders Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Lawrence R. Hine Irrevocable Trust

Arthur G. and Susanne S. Weber Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Edmund B. Hopkins Irrevocable Living Unitrust

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Charitable Annuity Lead Trust

Lucy Kaplan Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Willingham Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

William A. and Edith T. Knott Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Mathilda G. Wolfe Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust

William G. Koronis and Ava O. Koronis Irrevocable Living Unitrust

W.F. Womble Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Mary Annette Leight 2002 Charitable Unitrust

H.C. Woodall, Jr. Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Douglas Lewis Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Roma Lee Woosley 2005 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Curtis and Sara Long Charitable Remainder Unitrust

book of Memory THE BOOK OF MEMORY was established by The Winston-Salem Foundation in 1946 as a means of preserving the names of people in whose memory gifts

to the Foundation are made. The specially commissioned, leather-bound book is displayed in the Foundation’s reception area and contains more than 8,600 names. The Foundation provides an acknowledgment to the appropriate person(s) to let them know that a memorial gift has been made and that the name of the deceased has been inscribed in the Book of Memory.

the following names were entered into the book of memory in 2010: Eugene Wesley “Chip” Adcock IV

Mary E. Brown

Anna Lorraine Scott Folwell

Elizabeth Gilmour McLean

Richard K. Scott

Heath Allison

Dr. George McLeod Bryan

Charles O. Giles

Phillip Michalove

Sylvia Ferrell “Tibby” Sinclair

William H. Andrews

Jenny Wood Kimbrel Bunn

Samuel Bailey Glenn, Jr.

Jewel Voss Jones Mickey

Cecil Reid Smith

Arlene Ausen

Bertha Burch

Marcia Walder Gottlieb

Martha Scott Miller

George Custis Snow

Dan Walter Austell

David Bahnson Butler

Nancy Kent Hill Graham

Steven A. Miller

Kenneth Spainhour

Smith Bagley

Jeff Byrd

Irene Pace Hairston

Betty Jo Godwin Mitchell

Jonathan Mark Spaugh

Mike Bailey

Lynn Cann

Claude Hamrick

Jean Davis Moberg

John Davidson Spinks, Jr.

Cleo George Baity

Don Cecil Caudle

Thomas Hudson Helms

Anne Marie Hendricks Noble

Paul William Stephanz

Robert Edward Lasater “Ted” Barnes

Bonney Hermann Clark

Ruth Lee Herring

Fannie T. Parker

Thomas P. Stockton

Andrew B. “Bud” Beattie

Joel P. Clingman

Curtis A. Holland

Margaret Weatherspoon Parker

Samuel Carey Stone

James A. Beaty, Sr.

Herman Edgar Crawford, Jr.

Sgt. Mickey Hutchens

Bruce Calvin Pearman

Dr. Bate C. Toms

Ruth Brewer Beck

James M. Davenport

A. Ruth Hutchins

Jim Pope

M. Jack Trotman

Paul A. Birkner

Carrie Chamberlain Davis

Robert Earl Jackson

James Calvin Ratcliff, Sr.

Geraldine Crim Vice

Susanne Hall Blanco

Mary Louise Haywood Davis

Katherine Esmond Pillsbury Janeway

Barbara Butler Rickert

Forrest Mosby Vogler

Edna Newsome Blanton

Beverly Brooks Dawson

Sgt. James M. Johnson

Martha Lois Dorsett “Sybil” Ritchie

Carol Jarrett Waynick

Suzanne Dawson Blevins

Glenn W. Dobbs

John Griffith “Gick” Johnson

Dr. Prince Rivers

H. Ray Whitley

Sion Boney

William Daniel “Billy” Dwight

Albert S. Lineberry, Sr.

Sylvia Davis Robinson

James Edward Williams, Jr.

Clyde Bovender

James M. Edwards

Gerald H. “Jerry” Long

James Alexander “Jimmy” Roddick, Jr.

Francis Fries “Frank” Willingham

Edwin Ranier Brenegar, Jr.

Mary P. Edwards

John Franklin Lynch, Jr.

Alfred Joseph Rossi

Anne Thacker Wilson

Ninon Rose Bromfield

Harry Arnold Epperson, Jr.

Ruth Hamilton Butler Mallard

Dr. Walter Michel Roufail

Dorothy Elizabeth Wolf

Bill Brookshire

Harry Edward Epps

Joan Bruce Yokley Malmo

Judy Samson

Jane Gilbert Womble

Clifton C. Brown

Henry Bartow Farr, Jr.

Clinton Mason

Robert P. Sartin

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [48–49]

funds and donors

the Legacy Society THE FOUNDATION’S LEGACY SOCIETY honors those generous individuals or couples who have established or added to permanent endowments totalling

$10,000 or more at the Foundation or those who have made provisions of $10,000 or more for the Foundation through deferred or planned gifts, such as charitable bequests, charitable remainder or lead trusts, life insurance, real estate, or beneficiary designation.

The following individuals were members of the Legacy Society of The Winston-Salem Foundation as of December 31, 2010. If you have fulfilled the

Legacy Society criteria and you are not listed, please let us know. On behalf of future generations, we gratefully thank these donors for their plans to contribute to such an enduring legacy for our community.

Legacy Society Members Anonymous (14)

Mr. David Blanco

Mrs. William H. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Delia

Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr.

Ms. Katherine Acton and Mr. Gerald Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blount

Ms. Genie Carr

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Denham

Mr. John K. Gallaher

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hal Bolin

Ms. Jan M. Detter

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell Agnew, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Carter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Dr. and Ms. James P. Dickerson

Ms. Kathryn W. Garner

Mrs. Sylvia F. Alderson

Ms. Dorothy A. Caudill

Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Diggs

Mr. Harold R. Garrison

Judge and Mrs. Abner Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Caudle

Claude and Judy Booker

Mr. M. Campbell Cawood

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dillon

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gehring

Dr. Donna D. Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Julian R. Bossong

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers

Mrs. Elaine D. Dowdell

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Gladding

Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Boswell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Glenn, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Allen, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Dozier III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Andersen

Mr. and Mrs. Grady E. Boyles, Jr.

Mrs. Norma Charles-Sink

Ms. Grace Draman

Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr.

Ms. Gayle N. Anderson

Dr. Sherrill Braswell

Mrs. Barbara F. Chatham

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

James and Natasha Gore

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Anderson

Ms. Susan F. Braswell

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Chrisco

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll

Mrs. Bryce Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. John Appel

Ms. Ann Blanton Breese

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Dudley

Dr. Louis N. Gottlieb

Mr. W. A. Armfield, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Breitbach

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Cleland

Ms. Nancy Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gottlieb

Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Armitage

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Clements

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn

Mr. Vergil H. Gough

Mrs. Teresa R. Ashburn

Mrs. Ann L. Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. D. Elwood Clinard, Jr.

Ms. Mignon Durham

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray

Drs. Anthony and Katherine Atala

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Clodfelter

Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr.

Mrs. James A. Gray, Jr.

Mr. Philip S. Auchincloss

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Eidson

Mrs. J.T. Greene, Jr.

Mr. Robert G. Auchincloss

Mrs. Lenora J. Brown

Mr. Elmer Collins

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Einstein

Mr. J. Beeson Grubbs

Ms. Lisa L. Austin

Mr. and Mrs. Royall R. Brown, Jr.

Mr. George Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg

Dr. Caryl Guth

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock

Mr. John D. Budd

Mr. Harry Corpening

Mrs. Robert A. Emken

Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Gwyn

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baker, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Ewing

Mrs. William N. Hailey

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Budd

Ms. Athalene Couch

Dr. and Mrs. John C. Faris

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman Bunce

Mrs. Donna H. Craige

Mrs. Rita D. Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Barnes

Dr. Patricia P. Bundy

Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Cramer

Ms. Marlene P. Flinchum

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr.

Dr. David H. Burr

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borden Hanes, Sr.

Mrs. Diane D. Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Mr. Gary Flower

Mrs. R. Philip Hanes, Jr.

Mr. Marshall B Bass

Mr. and Mrs. K. Blaine Burton, Jr.

Mr. Jason Davies and Mrs. Julia Frost-Davies

Ms. Susan F. Harris

Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason

Mrs. David B. Butler

Mr. G. Franklin Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Folger

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

Mrs. Barbara C. Beattie

Ms. Jane Calloway

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis III

Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Cardwell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Mr. W. H. Fox, Jr.

Mrs. Claude B. Hart

Mrs. Marie Bellin

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II

Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Freeman Mr. David W. Fuller

Mr. William A. Hart

Ms. Sami O. Bills

Mrs. Anne Maddrey Carpenter

Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham

Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.

Mrs. James A. Fyock

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hauser

Ms. Rebecca M. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DeForest III

Legacy Society Members – continued on next page

Legacy Society Members – continued from previous page Mr. Donald G. Haver

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Millsaps

Dr. and Mrs. David G. Rice

Mrs. Bynum E. Tudor, Jr.

Mr. Peter E. Hawley

Dr. and Mrs. L. Andrew Koman

Mr. Richard G. Mock

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hege

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Koontz

Ms. Ellen N. Monahan

Mrs. John S. Rider

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Tuttle

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick

Bill and Ava Koronis

Dr. and Mrs. John H. Monroe

Mr. Clay V. Ring, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Underwood II

Mr. L. Stephen Hendrix

Ms. Brenda H. Kulp

Mr. and Mrs. C. Arzell Montgomery

Mrs. James A. Roddick, Jr.

Ms. Margaret M. Urquhart

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Henley III

Mr. Petro Kulynych

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossitch

Mrs. Deborah H. Vaughan

Mr. M. N. Hennessee

Mr. and Mrs. Donny C. Lambeth

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotgin, Jr.

Ms. Patricia A. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Herring

Mr. James Lambie and Ms. Lisbeth Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Morgan

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Moury

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rucker

Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Velez

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Marty Myers

Mr. and Mrs. C. Guy Rudisill III

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Wall

Mrs. Annette M. Leight

Mrs. Mildred Naugle

Ms. Avon Ruffin

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders

The Honorable Molly Leight

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Neal

Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. A. Thad Lewallen III

Mr. David L. Neal

Mrs. H. J. Runnion, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Washington

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. S. Waugh, Jr.

Ms. Nancy C. Lide

The Honorable Stephen L. Neal

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Sayers

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lineberry

Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

Dr. and Mrs. Dan S. Locklair

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Nordenholz

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schwartz

Dr. Glenda Weber and Mr. Wayne Weber

Mr. Joseph P. Logan

Dr. and Mrs. David Reese O’Brien, Jr.

Mrs. Lyttleton B. Scott, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wheliss

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long

Mrs. Algine Neely Ogburn

Mrs. Anthony W. Seamon

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr.

Mr. Rick Seamon

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wiles

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoover

Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett

Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn Orr, Jr.

Ms. Rebecca Ann Sebastian

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilhem

Drs. Judith and Marbry Hopkins

Mrs. Carolin Lowy

Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Overby

Mrs. Robert D. Shore, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Tab Williams, Jr.

Mrs. Edmund B. Hopkins

Ms. Annette P. Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Craven B. Page

Mrs. Rosemary V. Shortt

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Williams III

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hunt

Ms. Patti Ann Lynch

Mr. John V. Pappas

Dr. Thomas E. Shown

Ms. Cynthia A. Williams

Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin Maddrey II

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Pardue

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sinal

Ms. Sally G. Williams

Mr. John W. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. John Mann

Rev. and Mrs. Nathan E. Parrish

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Williams

Nancy and Judd Hunt

Ms. Debbie Marshall

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Paschold

Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith

Mrs. Francis F. Willingham

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hetrick Ms. Emily Millis Hiatt Mr. Hardin P. Higgins Mrs. Harrell B. Hill Mr. Lawrence R. Hine Mrs. Alice Hinman Mrs. William F. Hohman Mrs. Barbara Wall Holcomb Mrs. William E. Hollan, Sr. Ms. Leslie Hollan Mr. William E. Hollan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Holmes, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin

Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Irvin II

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Maselli

Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Dominique Patrick

Ms. Susan M. Ivey

Mr. David P. Masich

Ms. Julie J. Pearce

Mr. F. Conard Snyder

Mr. R. M. Wilson

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III

Mrs. Anthony M. Masich, Jr.

Ms. Brenda B. Penney

Dr. and Mrs. John K. Southard, Jr.

Ms. Betty S. Winslow

Ms. Mary Jamis

Dr. and Mrs. K. Frank McCain

Dr. and Mrs. Francis D. Pepper, Jr.

Ms. Ann Lewallen Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wohlford

Dr. Richard Janeway

Dr. William McCall, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jarman

Dr. Bruce R. McCune

Mrs. Clifford W. Perry

Mrs. William O. Spencer III

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, Sr.

Mrs. Nancy Davis McGlothlin

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Petree

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Sternberg

Mrs. Rochelle Wolfe

Mrs. Florinda C. Johnson

Dr. Timothy McGowen

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.

Mr. Ralph H. Womble

Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Johnson

Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt

Mr. Ed Pleasants

Edward Eugene and Jean Jennings Stivers

Ms. Beverly Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray McKinney

Mr. James W. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra

Mrs. Catherine M. Jones

Ms. Sally R. McLeod

Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McNair IV

Dr. Michael J. Pollak

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Means

Mrs. Richard E. Pope

Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Taft

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr.

Frances and Steve Porter

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Tate

Mrs. R. William Joyce

Mr. and Mrs. Billy D. Prim

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor

Ms. Lucy Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt

Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Prout

Mrs. Margaret Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

Mr. Grady R. Pulliam III

Mr. Jesse C. Temple

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell

Dr. and Mrs. John B. R. Thomas

Mrs. J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Ms. Susan Kerner-Hoeg Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Kiger Ms. Earline heath King Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. King Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr.

Mr. James C. Messick Mr. and Mrs. James E. Messick, Jr. Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Barbara B. Millhouse Mr. and Mrs. James H. Millis, Jr. Mrs. Molly Millis-Hedgecock

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Quick

Ms. M. Louise Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. H. Chris Ramm

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Thornton

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Reaves, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riazzi

Mrs. Louvenia Cox Tucker the winston-salem foundation annual report

Mr. William F. Womble Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woodall, Jr. Mrs. Roma Lee Woosley Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Worf Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Worley Bryan and JoAnn Yates Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Yena Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Young Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Young Mr. and Mrs. Yasser Youssef

funds and donors [50–51]

funds and donors

2010 Donors THE FOLLOWING two PAGES contain THE NAMES of those who made gifts to the Community Fund and Book of Memory in 2010. To review a list of

2010 donors to other named funds, please visit our Web site at Both the Foundation and the community are grateful for all of these gifts—from the smallest to the largest. Collectively these contributions reflect that the Foundation’s mission—to invest in our community by making philanthropy and its benefits available to all—is alive and well.

donors to the community fund and book of memory Gifts to the Community Fund and Book of Memory allow the Foundation to address the community’s best funding opportunities and most urgent needs through Community Grants. Contributions are listed alphabetically within the following designations: Visionaries, gifts of $5,000 or more; Benefactors, gifts between $2,500 and $4,999; Advocates, gifts between $1,000 and $2,499; Supporters, gifts between $500 and $999; and Philanthropists, gifts up to $500.

benefactors ~ $2,500 - $4,999

Visionaries ~ $5,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Estate of Forrest Vogler

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick/Mrs. Norma Charles-Sink

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wiles

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor

The Senah C. & C. A. Kent Foundation

Mrs. Calder W. Womble

Estate of Rebecca Nisbit

Advocates ~ $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. David Albertson and Dr. Liz Albertson

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Cleland

Mrs. Harrell B. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

Mrs. Rhonda A. Huff

Mr. John V. Pappas

Kate and Rick Streng

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps

The Strickland Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Glenn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. Richard O. Rogers III

Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Grover C. and Jane C. McNair Charitable Foundation Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr.

Ms. Ann Lewallen Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hensel

Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Murphy

Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen Mrs. Amy P. Barnhardt Mr. William G. Benton

Ms. Nancy S. Spencer

Ms. Susan B. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

Supporters ~ $500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gunter

Mr. and Mrs. Christoph Nostitz

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wanders

Mr. and Mrs. John Appel

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hanes III

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robins

Mr. and Mrs. Harden B. Wheeler, Jr.

Judge and Mrs. James A. Beaty, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Douglas III

Mr. William E. Hollan, Jr.

Mr. W. David Shannon

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham

Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett

Mrs. Elaine D. Dowdell

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dudley Humphrey

Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters

Ms. Hedda Boker

Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Dozier III

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kelly, Jr.

Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibbs

Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Slate

Mr. M. Campbell Cawood

Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Greason, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Knighten

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith

Greater Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lautemann

Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Tonnesen

Ms. Debbie Marshall

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mrs. Barbara F. Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Clein

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr.

philanthropists ~ up to $500 Dr. Jon Abramson and Dr. Cynthia Lees

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Drozen

Mr. John C. Jessup

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Nelson III

Mr. William P. Steele

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Dull, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Jones

Mrs. Elizabeth D. Orr

Dr. Carol Strohecker

Dr. and Mrs. William Elesha

Dr. and Mrs. F. Whitney Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Patton

Mrs. William C. Thacker

Mrs. Aurelia Eller

Mr. and Mrs. Milbourne L. Joye, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. V. Paul Pauca

Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Thomason, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Paolo Flezzani

Ms. Kay B. Justice

Ms. Brenda B. Penney

Ms. Ann M. Tillett

Ms. Lori Fuller

Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Kahl

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth C. Treadway

Ms. Cici Fulton

Ms. Sherry A. Kellett

Mrs. Clifford W. Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Erling S. Tronnes

Ms. Kathryn W. Garner

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott

Mrs. Helen S. Peterson

Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gay III

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kraft

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller, Jr.

Ms. Jo Ann Kyslinger

Ms. Susan Pfefferkorn

Walnut Cove Colored School

Mr. William A. Goodson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lambeth

Pine Hall Brick Company

Ms. Katherine M. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. James Conrad Graham

Mrs. Lucy S. Lancaster

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants

Martha Wellman

Mr. Jonathan D. Halsey

Mrs. Henry C. Lauerman

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wesson

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery L. Rann III

Mrs. Robert P. Whaling

Ms. Sally Dudley Harper

Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Loftis, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. C. Fredrick Reid

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitaker, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

Mr. John H. Loughridge, Jr.

Mr. Clay V. Ring, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lynch III

Ms. Margaret S. Roark

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hedgpeth II

Mr. and Mrs. John Mauceri

Ms. Daisy Rodriguez

J. Tracy Wilkerson and Barbara M. Wilkerson

Ms. Martha M. Higginbotham

Ms. Carolyn McBride

Mrs. Walter Roufail

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard

Mr. James C. Hill, Jr.

Dr. James A. McCool

Ms. Dee Ann Sanders

Mrs. Francis F. Willingham

Mrs. Cynthia P. Hine

Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt

Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Sanders, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton Willis

Mr. and Mrs. Miller Allen Dr. and Mrs. Philip R. Aronson Mr. Dan W. Austell, Jr. Ms. Ann Baker Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baldwin III Mr. and Mrs. H. Grady Barnhill, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Bazemore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blount Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Bouldin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr. Dr. J. David Branch Mr. William C. Brown Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Ms. Jo Ellen Carson Ms. Daisy R. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Harris F. Clein Mr. and Mrs. William Cook Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Cope Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. Gregory A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. O. Roane Cross, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Crowder, Jr. Mrs. Viola H. Crump Mr. Kerry G. Crutchfield Ms. LaRue P. Cunningham Dr. Courtland H. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II Ms. Rebecca M. Deaton

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sandridge, Jr.

Mr. Robert H. Holliday, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mickey

Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes

Dr. Henry S. Miller, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. M. Powell Winstead

Ms. Jane Milner

Mrs. Vernon H. Smith

Mr. John G. Wolfe III

Mrs. Frances R. Huber

Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Mitchell, Jr.

Ms. Dee E. Smitherman

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Yarbrough, Jr.

Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt

Mrs. Clayton Moore, Jr.

Ms. Louisa J. Sohmer

Mrs. Karl F. Yena

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach

Mr. Ralph W. Yokeley

Immedia Print

Mr. Thomas C. Munden

Mr. and Mrs. R. Arthur Spaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Zegrea

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stack, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi

NC Victim Assistance Network

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Neaves

St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church

Mrs. William F. Hohman

Mrs. E. R. Howard

Edy Hurdle Consulting, Inc.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [52–53]

financial overview

Financial overview Combined Statements of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets (Modified Cash Basis) Dec. 31, 2010 and 2009 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Securities









Receivables: Student loans Notes





Assets held in trust – real estate



Building, improvements and equipment





Investment in partnerships

Split interest assets held in trust (Note 1) Other assets TOTAL ASSETS





LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Amounts withheld from employees Agency deposits Split interest assets held in trust (Note 1)












Field of interest






Scholarship Student loan Donor advised





Donor designated



Real estate










Total net assets COMMITMENTS (Note 2) TOTAL liabilities and net ASSETS

Note 1: The Foundation serves as trustee for several charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. The portion designated for the Foundation was $24,341,829 and $26,835,426 as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. Note 2: Unpaid grant commitments from endowed funds approved by The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee amounted to $1,967,924 and $1,759,755 as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

Combined Statements of receipts, disbursements, and changes in Net Assets (Modified Cash Basis) years ended Dec. 31, 2010 and 2009 change in net ASSETS







RECEIPTS: Donations and bequests Interest, dividends, and other investment income Fees assessed on agency deposits



Other receipts



Total receipts









DISBURSEMENTS: Grants Executive office operations Trustee banks’ and investment management fees Brokerage fees



Other disbursements



Total disbursements














End of year



These financials represent information for The Winston-Salem Foundation only and do not include the consolidation of two supporting organizations, The Millennium Fund and Partners for Homeownership, Inc. If you would like a complete copy of the 2010 audited financial statements, please contact J. Todd Slate, Vice President, Finance and Administration at (336) 725-2382, e-mail your request to, or visit our Web site at

the winston-salem foundation annual report

fi n a n cial O v e r v i e w [ 5 4 – 5 5 ]


the Winston-Salem Foundation committee The community foundation concept that Colonel Francis Fries brought to Winston-Salem in 1919 included a critical role for community leaders.

The Foundation is fortunate to have an extraordinarily dedicated and generous group of community volunteers on its Foundation Committee, which is the primary governing body of the organization, as well as on its supporting committees, which are listed on the following page.

Kay Lord

J. Andrews Hancock

Paul M. Wiles

Peggy Carter


Vice Chair



Retired Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County

President Frank L. Blum Construction Company

President and Chief Executive Officer Novant Health

Vice President Forsyth Medical Center Foundation

Simpson “Skip” O. Brown, Jr. President – Triad Region First Community Bank

Lynn Brenner Eisenberg Community Volunteer

tommy hickman Senior Vice President – Operations R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

stan kelly Regional President, Carolinas Community Banking Wells Fargo Private Bank

M. Carlyle Kinlaw, Jr., CFA Retired Senior Vice President Bank of America

Davida W. Martin Forsyth County Attorney

Janet P. Wheeler Retired Vice President R .J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

cynthia a. williams Chief Corporate Communications Officer BB&T Corporation

H. Vernon Winters Retired Chief Investment Officer Mellon Financial Corporation

supporting Committees 2011 Asset Development Committee

Michael J. Fisher, Chair

Susan W. Mann

Napoleon Richardson

J. David Branch

Deborah S. Marshall

Amy K. Smith

Skip Brown

Ward B. Miller

Kimberly H. Stogner

John W. Burress, III

Timothy R. Moore

Michael A. Trawick

Black Philanthropy initiative 2011 Advisory Committee

Lynn Eisenberg

C. Edward Pleasants, Jr.

Randall Tuttle

Rev. Donald Jenkins, Chair

Andrea Jenkins

Gordon W. Jenkins

James K. Reaves, Jr.

Philip R. S. Waugh

Dr. Betty Alexander

Chris Leak

Susan G. King

Anna Reilly

Alison Ashe-Card

Paula McCoy

Greg Brewer

Corena Norris-McCluney

Tony Burton

Napoleon Richardson, Jr.

2011 Student Aid Committee

Betty Acey Alexander

Andrea Hulighan

Jane Suitt

Florence Corpening

Lydell Thompson

Mary Ellen Candillo

Lamar Joyner

Linda Tilley

RaVonda Dalton-Rann

Shannon Thompson

John Candillo

Carolyn Matthews

Paula Turner

Lynne Fuller-Andrews

Dr. Lelia Vickers

Algenon Cash

George McLendon

Becki Vanderklok

Gwenn Clements

Richard Gray Mock

Teresa White

Ernie Copenhaver

Janet Mullins

Nancy Wilson

Youth Grantmakers in Action 2010-2011 Participants

James Gallaher

Patricia Norris

Malishai Woodbury

Chase Beason

MacKenzie Kiger

Philip Grande

Kent Raymond

Karl F. Yena

Jamilla Benton

Ying Lin

Carolyn Gray

Daisy Rodriguez

Nancy Young

Taylor Cook

John Lineberger

Eddie Hernandez

Larry Stephenson

Samantha Creasy

Sofia Lyons

Erin Fulp

Kimberly Mayes

Treyaun Fulton

Leslie Rainey

Rachel Glock

Chris Snowden

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem 2011 Board of Directors

Mary Jamis, Chair

Michelle Cook

Lisa Purcell

Hannah Harris

Dezquan Wilkins

Allison Brashear, MD,

Tonya Deem

Karen Pranikoff

Tommy Healy

Carly Wolberg

Sharee Fowler

Claudia Zorn Schaefer

Tiara Jones

Holly Marion, Secretary

Sarah Holthouser

Renee Taylor

Lelia Vickers, Treasurer

Jane Martin

Mary Craig Tennille

Florence Corpening

Susan McBurney

Ashley Vogel


the winston-salem foundation annual report

c o m m itt e e s [ 5 6 – 5 7 ]


Scott F. Wierman — President Lisa P. Purcell — Executive Vice President Cici Fulton — Director, Marketing and Communications David Gore — Director, Information Systems and Technology Christina Perrin — Receptionist Leila Warren — Executive Assistant Todd Slate — Vice President, Finance and Administration Betty Johnson — Financial Assistant Carolyn McBride — Grants Processor Mary Jo Morgan — Accounting Associate Dee Smitherman — Comptroller COMMUNITY INVESTMENT

Michael Clements — Vice President, Community Investment Edna Barker — Administrative Assistant, Student Aid Betty Gray Davis — Senior Program Officer Robin Burr DeVane — Grants Manager Kay Dillon — Director, Student Aid Andrea Hulighan — Program Officer Sandra Fishel-Booth — Program Officer Brittney Gaspari — Director, Grants Tari Hanneman — Director, Women’s Fund PHILANTHROPIC SERVICES

Annette Lynch — Vice President, Philanthropic Services Jonathan Halsey — Donor Services Officer Jo Ann Kyslinger — Gifts Processor Marisa Ray — Development Officer Ann Tillett — Administrative Assistant, Philanthropic Services

Seated (from left) – Michael Clements, Scott Wierman, Leila Warren First row – Andrea Hulighan, Cici Fulton, Betty Gray Davis, Marisa Ray, Christina Perrin, Betty Johnson, Mary Jo Morgan, Lisa Purcell, Annette Lynch, Todd Slate Second row – Ann Tillett, Robin Burr DeVane, Kay Dillon, Edna Barker Third row – Brittney Gaspari, Dee Smitherman, Tari Hanneman, Jo Ann Kyslinger, David Gore Fourth row – Carolyn McBride, Sandra Fishel-Booth, Jonathan Halsey

Design: M Creative | Photography: Christine Rucker, Adam Sikora | Printing: Hutchison Allgood | Story Writing: Kathy Norcross Watts The inside pages of this annual report contain fiber sourced from well-managed forests.

[ 5 8 ] overvie w

the winston-salem foundation annual report

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The Winston-Salem Foundation is dedicated to growing leadership in our community. Recognizing that our success in this is ultimately measured by its sustainability, we are committed to creating a cooperative and creative environment that fosters generosity, inclusion, integrity, and excellence so that new leaders can work together on behalf of this great community.

860 West Fifth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2506 Telephone (336) 725-2382 Toll-free (866) 227-1209 Fax (336) 727-0581

Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations

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