Where Integrity Shines

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Integrity shines

The Winston-Salem Foundation 2 0 0 8 r e p o r t to t h e co m m u n i t y | 2 0 07 a n n ua l r e p o r t


O ve rview



Stu d e nt Aid

Fu nd s & Donors

34 38

Where Integrity Shines Radiant and unbound, integrity illuminates the best of who we are.

It is the shining light of a principled mind, a quiet conviction to live with honesty and decency. When we practice this in our lives, we might earn the right to hold our heads high, but integrity asks us to focus instead on the work of our hands, the path of our feet, the generosity of our vision —

because there is always more good to be done, more places needing light.

Integrity accepts neither assignments nor limitations; it exists broadly and abundantly for all. It is pure energy unlike any other, forever moving to make things right, scattering wide while settling deep, so all we must do is let it out in the world,

just let it out, let it shine,

and integrity will find endless places to call home.

WE ARE grateful

for the opportunity to help integrity shine in our community in so many ways, in

so many places, at the will of so many generous people. Trusted by both individuals and organizations to help channel streams of philanthropy, we accept this responsibility with an unwavering commitment to be prudent, disciplined, and transparent to all.

Overview Our Mission and Values


Message from the President and Committee Chairman


Year in Review


The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee


Financial Overview


Our Mission: To invest in our community by making philanthropy and its benefits available to all. The Foundation’s efforts are inspired by four core values:

Generosity – To support sharing in all its forms, linking resources with ideas that improve community life.

Inclusion – T o embrace the contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and perspectives.

Integrity –­­ To operate with respect, honesty, accountability, and fairness to all.­

Excellence – To aspire to the highest standards in everything we do.

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its enlightening rays extend to and emanate from all areas of our community, regardless of any geographic, racial, religious, or economic differences we may have. Integrity is the glue that binds us all together.” “We know that integrity shines —

Message from the President and Committee Chairman



As a broad-based philanthropic organization, we are blessed to see

As our community changes from year to year, and as we approach our 90th anniversary of serving the community, we believe that the ability to

integrity’s presence shine on a daily basis — in concerned citizens, caring

adapt and evolve is a fundamental strength of the Foundation. We will con-

nonprofits, generous donors, and successful businesses and corporations.

tinue to strive to provide sound financial stewardship while investing wisely

Integrity is one of the Foundation’s core values for a very good reason.

in the community.

It’s the basis of everything we stand for — adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character, and honesty. We know that integrity shines — its enlightening rays extend to and

We are here with integrity to serve the integrity of others. It is forever our privilege to help this light shine with purpose and with compassion upon this community we call our own.

emanate from all areas of our community, regardless of any geographic, racial, religious, or economic differences we may have. Integrity is the glue that binds us all together — and we as your community foundation are committed to helping strengthen our community, one grant, one scholarship, at a time. In this report to the community, we hope to further highlight the Foundation’s impact on the community through our competitive grantmaking program. These grants are made to a variety of organizations doing essential work in our community, ranging from the arts to education to social services, benefitting all ages — from youth to older adults, and all ages

Scott F. Wierman, President The Winston-Salem Foundation

Paul M. Wiles, Chairman The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee

in between. In 2007 alone, the Foundation made 89 competitive grants, totaling $2 million, to a wide variety of community organizations. How does the Foundation fund this valuable community grantmaking? We are grateful to donors who have established unrestricted and field of interest funds, placing their trust in the integrity of the Foundation to carefully evaluate which grants will have the most impact. Donations to the Community Fund also add to the resources available for this essential grantmaking.

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Year in Review The Winston-Salem Foundation Award At the annual Community Meeting in May 2008, the

Foundation’s highest award was bestowed jointly upon Amy Kuhlman and Penny Spry. Established in 1996, the award is given to individuals who have demonstrated the Foundation’s values of generosity, excellence, inclusion and integrity in their recent leadership role in a community activity or on behalf of a community organization. The award winners were selected by a committee comprised of members of various Foundation committees as well as the community at large. Amy Kuhlman and Penny Spry were recognized for volunteering their time and legal skills for the protection of hundreds of children in our community. For many years they volunteered at the Legal Aid Society of North Carolina, serving as Guardians ad Litem for children who had been subject

(from left to right) Scott Wierman, Foundation president; Amy Kuhlman; Penny Spry; Paul Wiles, Foundation Committee chairman

to abuse and neglect. In 2005 they founded The Children’s Law Center of Central North Carolina, a nonprofit agency exclusively dedicated to provid-

children under their wings, providing the emotional and financial

ing advocacy for children in areas including domestic violence, high-conflict

support they need to succeed. Kuhlman and Spry designated their $10,000

custody, abuse and neglect, and education. Both have personally taken at-risk

grant award to The Children’s Law Center of Central North Carolina.

The ECHO Award Established in 2001, the ECHO Awards recognize groups or individuals

who are connecting and building trust among people in order to make our community stronger — in other words, they are effectively creating social capital. Each award winner, selected by a committee representing both the ECHO Council and the Foundation, receives $1,000 to grant to a nonprofit organization of their choice. The 2008 ECHO Awards were presented to: Andrea Angelo, Rev. Willard Bass, Katherine Foster, Chevara Orrin, and the West Salem Neighborhood Association. (from left to right) Andrea Angelo, Rev. Willard Bass, Katherine Foster, Steven Shafer of West Salem Neighborhood Association, Chevara Orrin

The Legacy Society The annual Legacy Society dinner was held in

November 2007 at the vibrant new Gateway YWCA. Legacy members were able to tour the facility and hear speakers share personal stories that communicated the role that Foundation grants have had in improving the community. The Legacy Society honors individuals for having established permanent endowments in their lifetimes or having made a charitable bequest or other planned gift of $10,000 or more. For more information on The Legacy Society, please see page 60.

Above: Legacy Society members tour the new Gateway YWCA facility Right: Catherine Jones, Florence Corpening, Robbie Irvin

Leadership Initiatives The Foundation has chosen to work together with several groups in order to further philanthropy among individuals in our community.

Black Philanthropy Initiative Committee The Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI) seeks to build effec-

Advisory Committee:

Donald Jenkins

tive philanthropic relationships with the African-American community by

Jessica Bailey

Joseph Jones

expanding social capital and building relationships of trust. In 2007, the

Florence Corpening

Corena Norris-McCluney

BPI Advisory Committee launched the Black Philanthropy Fund, a fund

Richard N. Davis

Robin Paul

dedicated to supporting issues that impact the African-American community,

Brenda B. Diggs

James K. Reaves

with a special focus on education, financial literacy, and parenting and life

Denise Franklin

Napoleon Richardson, Jr.

skills training.

Danny Freeman

Janet P. Wheeler

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youth grantmakers in action

the women’s fund of winston-salem

Youth Grantmakers in Action (YGA) is a diverse group

Promoting philanthropy by and for women and girls, The

of teenagers from across Forsyth County who come together to develop

Women’s Fund continued to grow and expand in 2007. This diverse group,

guidelines, solicit pro-

now totaling over 650 women and girls, has joined together to pool their

posals, and make grants

financial resources to make grants that improve the lives of women and

to youth-led programs

girls in our community.

that serve their peers in

YGA Members at February 2008 grant celebration

Membership in The Women’s Fund is $1,200 per year, which can be

the community. Each

paid individually or by a group of up to 12 women. In addition to provid-

spring, youth between

ing funding, members participate in the grantmaking process by voting

the ages of 14 and 17

on the organizations and programs that receive grants. The Women’s Fund

apply to the Foundation

awarded its first grants in 2007, granting over $144,000 to seven nonprofit

to join YGA. Members

organizations. A portion of each membership is also invested in an endow-

commit considerable

ment fund, which has now grown to over $110,000.

time and energy dur-

In October 2007, The Women’s Fund held its second annual luncheon,

ing the school year to plan the application process and make grants to

an important event for showcasing the Fund’s grantees and connecting a

youth-led projects in Forsyth County.

community of female donors and supporters of issues that impact women

YGA is funded through the Youth Philanthropy Initiative Fund of The Winston-Salem Foundation. In addition to contributions from

and girls. The Women’s Fund’s

generous donors, our 2007-2008 YGA participants raised over $1,100

inclusive membership

to help grow the YGA endowment. In January 2008, YGA awarded five

model is designed to

grants in its third grant cycle, which included contributions to a city-

ensure that all women and

wide youth conference, a mentoring project at Kid’s Café, and a youth

girls, regardless of their

musical performance for small children at the YWCA’s Empowering

economic status, have an

Family Center.

opportunity to become active philanthropists, shar-

2007-2008 YGA Participants:

Brigett Brooks

Alexes Johnson

Ana Rice

Daniel Genung

MacKenzie Kiger

Karen Rubio

Tommy Healy

Amy Kosloske

Kelsey Saakvitne

Harleigh Hornsby

Michael Lang

Antonio Sunday

Matt Humphries

Evan Leon

Claire Wilson

Phanice Hunter

Megan Mills

Brittany Jenkins

Britney Onuma

ing their time, treasures, and talents to better the community. Please refer to page 74 for a complete listing of 2007-2008 Women’s Fund members.

2007-2008 Executive Committee: (left to right) Front row: Lisa Purcell, Lynn Eisenberg, Martha Logemann, Chevara Orrin, luncheon speaker Ruby Bright, Janie Wilson, Camilla Deyton Second row: Tari Hanneman, Lisa Alley, Evelyn Terry, Michelle Cook, Margaret Scales, Mary Jamis, Sarah Holthouser

Philanthropic Services


Community members gave generously in 2007.

In 2007 The Foundation made more than $30 million in total

Individuals, families, and organizations created 39 new endowed

grants to charitable organizations, including 89 competitive community

funds and gave over $17 million in gifts to the Foundation.

grants totaling $2 million. More information about types of grants and

Many of our donors continued to enable the Foundation

specific grants made in 2007 can be found beginning on page 17.

to leverage more grantmaking dollars for the community by participating in Grantmaking Partners. Community grant proposals that matched individual donor’s interests were shared with donors, resulting in approximately $62,000 being added to the pool of funds for community grants in 2007.

Student Aid For more than 85 years The Winston-Salem Foundation

has been helping students turn their dreams into realities. In the 20072008 school year, the Foundation’s 111 student aid funds provided 535 student awards, with $734,000 in scholarships and grants, and

Asset Development Committee The Asset Development Committee serves the

$176,000 in low-interest loans. For more information about the student aid application process, please refer to page 35.

Foundation in an advisory role through the development of new relationships, strengthening of current relationships, and positioning the Foundation with new community opportunities. Richard Budd

Harold Martin

David Branch

T. David Neill

John W. Burress, III

C. Edward Pleasants, Jr.

Dale E. Driscoll

Elizabeth Quick

Michael J. Fisher

Randall Tuttle

Gordon W. Jenkins

Robert C. Vaughn, Jr.

Kay Lord

Phil Waugh

Susan W. Mann

Janet P. Wheeler

Deborah S. Marshall

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The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee that Colonel Francis Fries brought to Winston-Salem in 1919 included an important role for community leaders. The Foundation’s basic structure remains the same today, with the addition of a professional staff to support day-to-day operations. The Winston-Salem Foundation is fortunate to have an extraordinarily dedicated and generous group of community leaders on its volunteer committee.

The community foundation concept

Simpson “Skip” O. Brown, Jr. is founder and presi-

Peggy Carter is vice president of the Forsyth Medical Center

dent/CEO of TriStone Community Bank. He serves on the Wake

Foundation, where she has responsibilities for general management,

Forest University Board of Trustees and on the boards of the Greater

strategic planning, and program development. She serves on the

Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, Winston-Salem Business,

boards of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

Inc., and the North Carolina Banker’s Association. He also serves on

at UNC-Chapel Hill, Winston-Salem Campaign Coordinating

the Chris Paul Advisory Panel. Brown was elected by the Committee

Committee, Ronald McDonald House, Marshall B Bass Children’s

in 2005.

Fund, and the Winston-Salem Public Assembly Facility Commission. She is also vice chair of the Greater Winston-Salem Chamber of

John W. Burress, III was president of J. W. Burress, Inc.

Commerce. She was elected by the Committee in 2005.

until he retired in 1997. He serves on the boards of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Triad Academy, ABC of N.C.,

Gregory A. Cox is the senior vice president and city execu-

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Executive Council, Hospice, and

tive for Bank of America in Winston-Salem. He is a board member

Senior Services, Inc. He has also served on numerous other boards.

of the United Way of Forsyth County, the Greater Winston-Salem

He was elected by the Committee in 2003.

Chamber of Commerce, and Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine; he recently chaired the successful Second Century Capital

Rence Callahan is vice president and treasurer of Walter

Campaign for Family Services. Cox is also a volunteer coach for

Robbs Callahan & Pierce Architects. He serves as a board member

youth sports and a volunteer in the public schools. He was appointed

of the Greater Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, Downtown

to the Committee in 2002 by Bank of America.

Winston-Salem Partnership, ECHO Council, and Hospice. He has also served on many other boards. He was appointed to the Committee by the Mayor of Winston-Salem in 2002.

Lynn Brenner Eisenberg has extensive volunteer experi-

Dr. HAROLD LEE MARTIN, SR. is senior vice president for

ence with local, regional, and national organizations over the past 30

academic affairs for the University of North Carolina system. He cur-

years. She serves on the executive committee of The Women’s Fund of

rently serves on the following boards: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of

Winston-Salem, the board of Summit School, the board of Brenner

North Carolina, the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, the

Children’s Hospital, and the Board of Visitors for the University of

Research Triangle Institute, the UNC Press, the North Carolina Center

North Carolina School of the Arts. She has also served on the board of

for Advancement of Teaching, the UNC-TV Foundation Board, and

the Arts Council. She was appointed to the Committee by the senior

the Wachovia Forsyth County Board of Advisors. He was elected by

resident judge of the State Judicial District containing Forsyth County

the Committee in 2002.

in 2003. JANET P. WHEELER is a retired vice president of R.J. Reynolds. Robert E. Greene is senior executive vice president and man-

She has a long history of community involvement and currently serves

ager of administration services for BB&T. He also is president

on the Kate B. Reynolds Poor and Needy Trust Board, Wachovia Bank

of Branch Banking and Trust Company, BB&T Corporation’s North

Advisory Board, Senior Services Foundation Board, Black Philanthropy

Carolina subsidiary. Boards on which he serves or has served include

Initiative Advisory Committee, Network 2000 Charities Board, and

Board of Trustees of Wake Forest University, Wake Forest University

St. Augustine’s College Board of Trustees. Wheeler previously served

Health Sciences, United Way of Forsyth County, Hospice Foundation

on the boards of Old Salem, Allegacy Federal Credit Union, the

of Winston-Salem, Board of Visitors at Winston-Salem State University,

YWCA, and the Crosby Scholars Program, as well as on the United Way

and !dealliance. He was appointed to the Committee by BB&T in 2003.

Campaign Cabinet. She was elected by the Committee in 2008.

J. Andrews Hancock is president of Frank L. Blum

Paul M. Wiles, president and CEO of Novant Health, serves as

Construction Company. He serves the community in many ways,

a member of numerous boards, including the UNC School of Public

including as a member of the Winston-Salem Rotary Club, a volunteer

Health Advisory Council, Wachovia Bank Forsyth County Advisory

for the Samaritan Soup Kitchen, and as a board member of Piedmont

Board, Winston-Salem Alliance, and the NC Emerging Technology

Triad Airport Authority, Winston-Salem Business Inc., Winston-Salem

Alliance. Mr. Wiles also chairs the board of the NCHA Center for

Alliance, and Wake Forest University Health Sciences. He was appointed

Hospital Quality and Patient Safety Advisory Board. He was elected by

to the Committee by the County Commissioners in 2006.

the Committee in 2003, and currently serves as committee chairman.

Kay Lord retired in 2004 as executive director/CEO of Habitat

Ralph Hanes Womble retired as chief executive officer

for Humanity of Forsyth Count, where she spent eight years helping to

of Hanes Companies in January 2006. He serves on numerous

increase affordable housing in our community. She has a long history of

community boards, including the University of North Carolina

community involvement, including serving on the boards of Old Salem,

School of the Arts, Winston-Salem Millennium Fund, Winston-

the Community Care Center, and the Center for Homeownership as

Salem Alliance, Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership, Downtown

well as involvement with the Winston-Salem Rotary Club, the Cancer

Arts District Association, and Winston-Salem Business Inc. He was

Patient Support Committee at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical

appointed to the Committee by Wachovia in 2004.

Center, and the Wake Forest Alumni Association. Lord was appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court in 2005.

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Financial Overview Combined Statements of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets (Modified Cash Basis) ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Certificates of deposit Securities

Dec. 31, 2007 and 2006









Receivables: Student loans








Assets held in trust - real estate

Investment in partnerships



Building, improvements, and equipment





Split interest assets held in trust (Note 1) Other assets TOTAL ASSETS





LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Amounts withheld from employees Agency deposits Split interest assets held in trust (Note 1)












Field of interest






Scholarship Student loan



Donor advised



Donor designated



Real estate










Total net assets COMMITMENTS (Note 2) TOTAL liabilities and net ASSETS

Note 1: The Foundation serves as trustee for several charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. The portion designated for the Foundation was $32,236,693 and $22,855,009 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Note 2: Unpaid grant commitments from endowed funds approved by The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee amounted to $2,307,637 and $2,255,147 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively.

T h e W i n s t o n - S a l e m F o u n d a t i o n A n n u a l R e p o r t m i s s i o n | O v er v i ew [ x – x ]

Combined Statements of receipts, disbursements, and changes in Net Assets (Modified Cash Basis) years ended Dec. 31, 2007 and 2006 change in net ASSETS







RECEIPTS: Donations and bequests Interest, dividends, and other investment income Fees assessed on agency deposits



Other receipts



Total receipts









DISBURSEMENTS: Grants Executive office operations Trustee banks’ and investment management fees Brokerage fees Other disbursements Total disbursements RECEIPTS OVER (UNDER) DISBURSEMENTS BEFORE NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAINS NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAINS INCREASE IN NET ASSETS













NET ASSETS: Beginning of year End of year





These numbers do not include the consolidation of two supporting organizations, The Millennium Fund and The Partners for Homeownership, Inc. If you would like a complete copy of the 2007 audited financial statements, please contact J. Todd Slate, Vice President, Finance and Administration at (336) 725-2382, or e-mail your request to todd.slate@wsfoundation.org, or visit our Web site at www.wsfoundation.org.

r eips os r ti oO v er i ew [ 1 4 – 1[ x5 –] x ] T h e W i n s ttohne-wS ianl setmo nF-osuanldeamt ifoonu nAdnantui oa ln Ra ne pnouratl m nv|er Ov v i ew

Grants 2007 across our region, nonprofit organizations are essential to making our community a healthier place to call home. Complementing both the corporate sector and governmental agencies, they care for individuals and improve the quality of life for all. These organizations, with a broad range of influence from the arts to education to community development, bring out the best in people. They contribute to the common good by investing in programs that will benefit the community for years to come.

Shining beacons of light

Types of Grants


Grant Story ~ Piedmont Craftsmen


Arts and Culture Grants


Public Interest Grants


Grant Story ~ Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods


Education and Recreation Grants


Older Adults Grants


Grant Story ~ Amos Cottage Therapeutic Day Program


Health Grants


Youth Grants


Human Services Grants


Religion Grants


Grant Story ~ Experiment in Self-Reliance


How to Apply for a Competitive Grant


Types of Grants In 2007, the Foundation awarded a total of $30 million in

advised by committees and others. While final grant decisions rest with

grants, including 89 competitive community grants totaling $2 million.

the Foundation Committee, donors’ preferences are considered carefully

The Foundation provides various types of grants including:

in awarding grants from these funds.

competitive community Grants from the Foundation’s

Designated Grants ensure long-term annual support from a

unrestricted and field of interest funds are focused in seven program

fund’s income for one or more organizations identified by the donor at

areas: Arts and Culture, Education and Recreation, Health, Human

the time a designa­­ted fund is created.

Services, Older Adults, Public Interest, and Youth. student aid scholarships, Grants, and loans are advised Grants connect donors with the power of philanthropy to

made through the Foundation’s student aid programs to assist individuals

help improve our community by using advised funds and funds that are

in their post-secondary education.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 1 6 – 1 7 ]


Moving a Mission Forward piedmont craftsmen


ight glows through hand-blown glass bowls

and multicolored scarves and weavings adorn the walls of the Piedmont

funded staff positions including a gallery

Craftsmen gallery. Nearby are slab, sculpted, and hand-thrown pots, beaded

assistant, an education

and silver jewelry, hand-hewn furniture and copper-toned sculptures — a

program manager and

sampling of the talent and artistry of Piedmont Craftsmen’s members.

a marketing manager.

“We do have people who work from a traditional perspective, but we

The quality

also have the contemporary,” says President and CEO Jane Doub. “It’s work-

of the organization

ing with your hands: artists envisioning an idea and using raw materials and

remains exceptional:

vision to create a piece of art.”

the work of Piedmont

Ensuring that the community has the opportunity to support that pro-

Craftsmen’s more than

cess and learn from the craftsmen has been the steadfast mission of Piedmont

370 professional artists

Craftsmen since 1963. After moving to several different locations over the

is showcased in private

years, Piedmont Craftsmen returned downtown and purchased space on Trade

collections and muse-

Street, viewing the move as a vanguard of downtown rebirth.

ums around the world,

“We were very positive in our thinking and excited about the potential,”

and the organization

says Tom Suomalainen, a founding and exhibiting member of the organiza-

continues to edu-

tion. Though the move was not without risk, “It was the time for all that to

cate the community


with outreach in area

The new Trade Street location not only provided more visibility for the gallery, but also served as an anchor for the Downtown Arts District. With an

schools and course offerings in the gallery. The creative energy of the craftsmen emanates from the organization,

economic impact of more than $5.5 million annually for Winston-Salem and

Suomalainen says. However, he recognizes that the organization’s success

the region, Piedmont Craftsmen operates a museum-like gallery and shop as

requires the joint effort of those who make the art, as well as those who mar-

well as providing arts education to the surrounding community.

ket and support it, and he adds, “It’s a hand-in-hand relationship, and that is

The ongoing relationship between Piedmont Craftsmen and The Winston-Salem Foundation enabled the 45-year-old guild to move forward

really essential for growth.” Showcasing its unique shimmer, color, and creativity on a now-vibrant

with its original mission. Since 2002, Foundation support has included a low-

Trade Street, Piedmont Craftsmen looks ahead to sharing another 45 years of

interest loan to purchase the downtown gallery location, as well as grants that

artistic integrity with the community.

[ 1 8 – 1 9 ] Gra n t s

the winston-salem foundation annual report


Grants The following organizations received funding for competitive community grants from the Foundation in 2007. These organizations,

listed by program area, cross geographic, cultural, and racial divides as they serve our community. Grant totals have also been provided by program area for 2007 grants committed from both designated and agency endowment funds and advised funds.

Arts and Culture Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Arts for Life Winston-Salem


to fund an artist fellowship program

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Charlotte Blount Fund for Theater Development, John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund

Carolina Chamber Symphony Players


to fund a performance inspired by the poetry of a breast cancer survivor

J. C. Tise Fund

Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership, Inc.


to help staff the production of a summer concert series

Samuel A. Harris and Roslyn S. Harris Fund, Deborah S. Marshall Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Friends of Richard J. Reynolds Auditorium


for a customized acoustical shell for the R. J. Reynolds Auditorium

Samuel A. Harris and Roslyn S. Harris Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund, L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Fund, Betty and Nick Hennessee Advised Fund

Little Theatre of Winston-Salem


to help fund a professional marketing and branding analysis

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

North Carolina Shakespeare Festival


to help start the Twin City Season, a series of plays in downtown Winston-Salem

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, John and Grace McKinnon Advised Fund, Charlotte Blount Fund for Theater Development

North Carolina Shakespeare Festival


to help support the Twin City Season, a series of plays in downtown Winston-Salem, for a second year

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Piedmont Opera


to help fund a special production for the 2008 season

Community Arts Fund, Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Salem Academy and College


to fund repairs and maintenance of two pipe organs

Samuel A. Harris and Roslyn S. Harris Fund

Salem Academy and College


to partially fund a project to encourage arts-based community development in the Piedmont Triad

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund



to help support the Contemporary Art Classroom Program

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

West Side Civic Theatre


to fund work with a fundraising consultant

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts, Inc.


to support a storytelling event in the community

Mary Reynolds Babcock Cultural Improvement Fund

Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts, Inc.


to fund a special performance of Late Night Suppers and Jazz

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund

Winston-Salem Symphony


to help fund a marketing and development assistant

Samuel A. Harris and Roslyn S. Harris Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to arts and culture


public interest Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Bethania Historical Association, Inc.


to fund renovations of a school house in Bethania

Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund Unrestricted

Darryl Hunt Project for Freedom and Justice


to support re-entry work with formerly incarcerated individuals

Barbara Lasater Hanes Fund, Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund

Experiment in Self-Reliance


for a feasibility study for a capital campaign

Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Discretionary Fund, Francis and Adele James Advised Fund

Forsyth Futures


to fund a comprehensive community approach to child and family well-being

John W. and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust



to help fund web-based services

Bess Gray Plumly Fund, Thomas H. Davis Trust

Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful, Inc.


to help support the 2007 Community Roots Day

Anne Hanes Willis Fund

Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods


for 2007-2008 annual operating expenses

Community Fund, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

Nonprofit and Volunteer Connections


to help fund costs for consulting services associated with a merger between NonProfit Connections and Volunteer Connections


North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Forsyth County Center


to continue funding the restoration of the Arboretum at Tanglewood

Anne Hanes Willis Fund

Old Salem Museums and Gardens


to begin developing the 1782 Stockburger Farm

Lillian S. Stultz Fund, Carl W. and Annie M. Harris Endowment Fund, Colin and Mary Louise Stokes Fund

Piedmont Land Conservancy


to help build the Land Protection Revolving Fund as part of the Protecting the Nature of the Piedmont capital campaign

Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund - Unrestricted, S. G. Dale Fund

Rufus Dalton Awards


to provide the Rufus Dalton Award to five officers who were injured or killed in the line of duty

Rufus W. Dalton Trust, Sam N. Carter and Pauline H. Carter Fund ECHO Fund

Wake Forest University Health Sciences


for participation in the National Social Capital Learning Circle

Wake Forest University Health Sciences


to provide operational support for the ECHO Council


Wake Forest University Health Sciences


to provide operational support for the ECHO Council


Wake Forest University Health Sciences


to provide operational and programmatic support for the ECHO Council


The Winston-Salem Community Development Support Collaborative


to support operating costs and technical assistance for mature and emerging community development corporations

Nancy T. Pleasants Community Development Fund, Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund, Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund, Isabel McRae Fund

Winston-Salem Institute for Dismantling Racism


to support a full-time program assistant

J. C. Tise Fund, Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund

Winston-Salem Urban League


to assist with resource development for a second year

Howard Gray Endowment, Bess Gray Plumly Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Community Appearance Commission


for a guest speaker for the 2007 Community Appearance Awards

J. C. Tise Fund

YMCA of Northwest North Carolina


for a mentoring program for Hispanic families for a second year

Margaret W. Parker Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to public interest


the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 2 0 – 2 1 ]

Stronger Neighborhoods for Living neighbors for better neighborhoods


f you plant love, that’s what you’ll grow: Love,”

says Leovardo Chavelas Nieves, who, with the help of Neighbors for

ships, exchanged information, and increased organizational capacity. Chavelas’s lessons are about much more than boxing: he offers workshops

Better Neighborhoods (NBN), founded the Lakeside Community Boxing

from the health department, and he discusses safety and bullying. His goal is


to build a healthy, active and safe environment for the children, who range

That may sound like an unusual way to describe boxing, but to hear him

in age from eight to 18. The program began in the Lakeside Latino commu-

talk about the children — their potential and the progress he sees — is to

nity, and interest has

understand that his love for children is what has made his program so suc-

expanded through-

cessful. That passion is what NBN harnesses when it works with community

out the city. He has


worked with approxi-

“Individuals’ personal passions have power for change in the community,” says NBN Program Officer Dee Washington. Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods began in 1991 as a program of

mately 70 children, and he wants the program to reach

The Winston-Salem Foundation to promote grantmaking to neighborhoods

more children and be

in order to improve the quality of life by using existing assets within those

better recognized in

neighborhoods. “We don’t focus on difficulties, we focus on strengths,” says

the community.

Executive Director Tamieka White. NBN encourages neighborhood leaders to be creative about what could be considered a resource. In 1998 NBN became incorporated with its own board of directors.

“There are a lot of kids out in the community that have

The Foundation has continued its financial support and has also funded

a lot of potential,”

their small grants program. The boxing program, which received a small

Chavelas says through

NBN grant, is an example of one of the unique programs that benefits from

a translator.

unrestricted funds within The Winston-Salem Foundation.

NBN has opened

NBN Community Organizer Lesbia Castillo helped Chavelas’s dream

doors for him to be

become a reality by providing technical assistance to the group. He participat-

able to reach youth

ed in NBN’s Neighborhood Institute for Community Leadership and received

and give them a

professional training and skill-building assistance. There, he built relation-

chance to shine.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 2 2 – 2 3 ]

GRANTS Education and recreation Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Arts-Based Elementary School


to develop a tutoring program using community volunteers

Jessica T. Fogle Fund

Children's Center for the Physically Disabled


to help improve information systems

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Children's Home, Inc.


to care for the animals in the barnyard

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund

Communities in Schools of Forsyth County


to partially fund the salary of an executive director for a second year

Jessica T. Fogle Fund, Elizabeth Lovett Education Endowment

Northwest Child Development Center, Inc.


to support a resource development professional

John W. Alspaugh and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Fund for Children, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Dwight E. and Annie E. Pardue Advised Fund, ABES Charitable Trust, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

University of North Carolina - Greensboro


to fund start-up costs for Beyond Academics, a college-based program for young adults with developmental disabilities

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust Fund for the Mentally Handicapped, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

Wake Forest University


to help the Museum of Anthropology publicize its education programs for school children in Forsyth County

J. C. Tise Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to help fund sustainable classroom technology at Forest Park Elementary School

Allan M. Hutcherson Fund, J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund, Harvey Seward Martin Fund, Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund, Mae W. Hubbard Trust, Jessica T. Fogle Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to expand the assistive technology equipment inventory

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to fund conflict resolution workshops

Jessica T. Fogle Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to continue Spanish-language radio programming for parents

John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to help support community efforts to enhance Parkland High School's baseball field

John W. and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust, Jessica T. Fogle Fund

YMCA of Northwest North Carolina


to begin the Y Sail program

John W. and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust, Sandehill Recreation Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund, Dwight E. and Annie E. Pardue Advised Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to education and recreation


older adults Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Goler-Depot Street Renaissance Community Development Corporation


to help improve the quality of life for residents of Goler Manor

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Northwest Piedmont Council of Governments


to help fund volunteer costs for senior volunteers through the RSVP program

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Senior Services, Inc.


to provide nutritious food to homebound older adults through the Meals-on-Wheels program

Otis B. and Genevieve Parrish Fund, Sturmer Samaritan Fund, Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Shepherd's Center of Greater WinstonSalem


to help fund the costs of expanding the facility

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Shepherd's Center of Greater WinstonSalem


to match funds raised for the organization's endowment fund at The Winston-Salem Foundation

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to older adults


[ 2 4 – 2 5 ] Gra n t s

the winston-salem foundation annual report


A Place for Help and Hope AMOS Cottage therapeutic day program


fter a trip to SciWorks, the young boys in the Amos Cottage

gram because they are unable to control and regulate their behavior and they

Therapeutic Day Program agreed: the highlight of their trip was the big

aren’t succeeding in school. The program’s staff diagnoses each child’s disorder

fat snake — or anaconda. Upon their return to the classroom, the children

and develops a treatment and behavior management strategy for the child

colored pictures of stars in the planetarium and fish and turtles. The diverse,

and family.

bright-eyed youngsters look just like any other children, but their families

“The family is the center of treatment,” says Director Mary Dame.

have brought them to Amos Cottage seeking help with significant behavioral

“In order for the child to change, the parent has to change, too.” This non-

and emotional issues. The results are both visible and hopeful. As one mother

judgmental, comprehensive approach gives parents tools with which to help

says, “He was finally able to tap into his potential and see himself as successful.”

their children.

The Winston-Salem Foundation has provided support to Amos Cottage’s

A child’s day begins with class time, followed by an array of music, art,

Therapeutic Day Program for six years. The facility is on the cutting edge of

water, pet, and recreation therapies, all designed to help the children learn,

helping children with severe behavior disorders. Youngsters come to the pro-

socialize, and move through the world. Children attend for six hours a day for up to six months, during which time staff members assess them to identify what is causing the behaviors. They take outings in the community, such as the trip to SciWorks, where they can practice their skills and staff can observe them in real-life situations. Each day children individually consider whether they are meeting their goals, and positive behavior is rewarded. The program provides counseling and training for parents and teaches them about support networks and resources for their child. By the time boys and girls leave the program, parents have learned how to be strong advocates for their children. As one mother writes, “The growth in our son and our hope and courage as his parents to face the future challenges that lie ahead are a direct result of the team’s intervention.” By educating families and recognizing childrens’ successes, the program changes lives and nurtures an expectation of success in the future.

[ 2 6 – 2 7 ] Gra n t s

the winston-salem foundation annual report


health Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


AIDS Care Service, Inc.


to start a mental health support service for HIV+ individuals and their families

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Cancer Services, Inc.


to fund, for a second year, the position of wellness coordinator

Jeannette Norfleet Fund, Lena Albright Memorial Fund

Hospital Hospitality House of WinstonSalem


to help support the start-up salary of an executive director

John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds, D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust, Robert and Amy Egleston Advised Fund, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund

Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem, Inc.


to support the capital campaign

Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable Fund Unrestricted, Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund, D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust, John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds

Wake Forest University Health Sciences


to continue to support group therapy at the Amos Cottage Therapeutic Day Program

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund, Aubrey Marcus Zimmerman Fund, Mary Neil Henderson Rice Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to health


youth Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Children's Theatre


to help fund a multidisciplinary summer performance arts camp

Community Arts Fund

Helping to Overcome Physical Expectations (HOPE)


to help expand the project for children with disabilities to additional college campuses and to create a Web site

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Mary L. Fair Gleaner Branch #137


to fund the expenses associated with the ongoing youth community services projects

Youth Activities Fund

Salem Gardens Youth Council


to help fund educational field trips and community service activities for youth

Youth Activities Fund

Salvation Army


to help support the capital campaign

Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund, Camp Robert Vaughn Fund, J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund

Team Phoenix


to help fund the registration fees of youth who cannot afford to play

Youth Activities Fund

United Stars 12U


to help fund team registration fees for four youth who cannot pay

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem Basketball Association


to help fund participation in the 11 and under Winston Lakers

Youth Activities Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


to help fund a cultural enrichment experience at Middle Fork Elementary

John W. and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to youth


Human services Organization Name

Grant Amount

Project Description


Bethesda Center for the Homeless, Inc.


to help support a development director

Community Fund, Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Catholic Social Services


to hire a part-time therapist for young children and parents

Joseph G. Gordon Fund

CenterPoint Human Services


to help parents and students learn more about evidence-based research on autism disorders

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund

Enrichment Center, Inc.


to help complete a national accreditation process

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust Fund for the Mentally Handicapped

Enrichment Center, Inc.


for a cultural exchange program for participants and staff

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust Fund for the Mentally Handicapped

Experiment in Self-Reliance


to hire a case manager for the Individual Development Account homeownership program

Robert E. Lasater Endowment Fund, Ann and Clay Ring Fund, Thomas B. Rice Memorial Fund Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Horizons Residential Care Center


to purchase two specialized bathing tubs

Next Step Ministries, Inc.


to assist with the salary of the executive director for a second year

Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund

Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Network


to partially fund a teacher appreciation dinner

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust Fund for the Mentally Handicapped

Prodigals Community, Inc.


to help stabilize the New Salem recovery program and increase the donor base

Shepherding Fund, Emma Jane Skinner Fund, Katherine W. Otterbourg Fund, T. Vernon and Jennifer K. Foster Fund, Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina, Inc.


to help fund additional food distribution costs

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Fund

United Way of Forsyth County


to fund the implementation director of the Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness for a second year

Winston-Salem Foundation Staff Endowment, Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund, Albert L. Butler, Jr. Fund, Fenwick-Rice Fund, William and Allan Hollan Charitable Fund, Etta Mae Pope Trust, Stokes Ivey and Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Family Trust, Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Council on Services for the Homeless


to fund an overflow shelter for the homeless

T. Vernon and Jennifer K. Foster Fund, Christopher Richard Eagan Fund, John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund

Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind


for A Brighter Path, a program to enhance the life skills of the blind and visually impaired

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund

Grants Committed from unrestricted and field of interest funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to human services


Religion grants committed from discretionary funds


Grants committed from designated and agency endowment funds


Grants committed from advised funds


Total 2007 Grants committed to religion


the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 2 8 – 2 9 ]

The American Dream experiment in self-reliance


maple tree shades James Harrington’s brick home —

the American dream, but one that seemed unreachable for him a decade

ago. In 1998 he was living in a Goodwill dormitory and had lost custody of his children.

“Everybody works together,” ESR Development Director Laura Elliott says. “It’s the thing you want to see a community do.” Thanks to ESR, James Harrington had the resources he needed to weather tough times in his life, and his future is brighter than ever.

When he walked through the doors of Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR), an organization providing structured programs for social and economic self-sufficiency, he found a steadfast partner that helped him take positive steps to change his life. His ESR caseworker discussed housing and establishing a record of employment. Still, he experienced ups and downs, working as many as three jobs to sustain his basic needs and save for his future. “When it seemed like I was at my end, I could pick up that telephone and call ESR, and everyone would just help level me out,” Harrington says. “I could continue the journey.” He moved into an apartment, where he lived from 2000 to 2005. He spent more time with his children, and he began working at Krispy Kreme, where he still works today. Even then he knew, “I just can’t stop there. I don’t have a house.” He asked to participate in another ESR program, the New Century Individual Development Account (IDA), where he learned about sound asset building. In 1999, The Winston-Salem Foundation had provided a grant to help pilot the IDA program, and in 2007 also awarded a grant to hire an IDA case manager. Harrington’s commitment made him eligible for IDA’s matched savings program for a down payment on a home. He is one of about 300 people that ESR has helped to purchase homes, and the program has less than a onepercent default rate on mortgages. The program is so successful because it is a true community collaborative comprised of nonprofit, corporate, private, real estate, governmental, and financial institutions. the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 3 0 – 3 1 ]


How to Apply for a Competitive Grant to make philanthropy and its benefits available to all. Our ability to achieve this mission depends upon our commitment to generosity, inclusion, integrity, and excellence.

The Winston-Salem Foundation exists

We value:

The Foundation does not award competitive

— The strengths and assets of community residents

grants to support the following:

— Lasting bonds of trust and cooperation that increase social capital*

— Individuals

— The contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds and

— Long-term operating support

— Projects that would ordinarily receive public funding

— Religious activities that serve only the members of a single congre-

perspectives grantmaking policies

gation or promote a particular faith (for more information, please

The Foundation makes grants to charitable organizations serving the greater

request our policy on grants to faith-based organizations).

Forsyth County area of North Carolina through a competitive grants process. Final grant decisions rest with our volunteer governing board, The

We make occasional grants:

Winston-Salem Foundation Committee.

— To capital campaigns in support of local facilities when the facilities will serve a wide cross-section of community members (please

We make community grants for a wide range of charitable purposes in areas

consult the Capital Campaign Coordinating Committee for cam-

including, but not limited to, arts and culture, education, health, human

paigns with a local fundraising goal of $500,000 or more)

services, community development, and building social capital.

— For equipment and special events, although these are a low priority

The Foundation is particularly interested in

The Foundation’s funding priorities may vary based on current initiatives,

these aspects of social capital:

economic conditions, and grantmaking funds available.

— Broadening and diversifying leadership and engagement

— Increasing trust, especially across lines of difference

* The Foundation defines social capital as connections among people, based on trust, which

— Encouraging people to do more with others rather than for others

enhance cooperation for mutual benefit. Social capital is built when people of all races, classes, ages, and interests join together to work toward the improvement of a community. Communities where social capital is high are most successful in all measures of community well-being.

How to apply for a grant

Special Grant Programs:

To request a competitive grant from the Foundation, the first step is to

— Youth Activities Fund

submit a Preliminary Application. Preliminary Applications are accepted

— Elkin/Tri-County Regional Grants

on the first of any month. The Foundation will contact you within 30

— Bill Johnson Trust to Benefit Stokes County Grants

days as to whether your Preliminary Application qualifies you to submit a

— Booke Teaching Awards

full application.

— C. B. Eller Teaching Awards for Wilkes County

For more information on these programs, please contact a Foundation If the first of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, proposals are due

Grants staff member or go to www.wsfoundation.org and select “Grant

by 5:00 PM on the first working day following the deadline.

Seekers” from the Web site’s home page.

To receive specific guidelines for submitting a proposal, please:

— Visit the Foundation’s Web site at www.wsfoundation.org and select “Grant Seekers”

— E-mail grants@wsfoundation.org and request that the guidelines be e-mailed to you

— Call the Foundation at 725-2382 and request that the guidelines be mailed to you.


Endowments are valuable assets for nonprofit organizations seeking longterm security. They help organizations leverage additional financial support from a broader base of new and existing donors. The Foundation encourages endowment-building efforts by financially secure organizations through the Endowment Match Program. For more information, contact the Philanthropic Services staff at (336) 725-2382.

Other Grant Programs:

The Foundation administers a variety of grant programs in addition to the Forsyth County competitive grant process. Many of these additional programs have separate procedures.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Gra n t s [ 3 2 – 3 3 ]

Student Aid How to Apply for Student Aid


Student Aid Story ~ R. J. Reynolds Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund 37

How to Apply for Student Aid continue to serve as beacons of light in our community and beyond. The Foundation’s student aid program is designed to help students and their families bridge the gap between what they can provide, what scholarship funds or loans are available, and their actual educational and related expenses. The Foundation streamlines the student aid application process by providing online application tools that make it faster and simpler for students and their families — with the intention of removing complicated barriers to the pursuit of their educational dreams. Institutions of higher learning



General Criteria:

General Procedures:

— Residency requirements:

— Beginning in mid-November, online applications are made available

- Bona fide residents of Forsyth County may be considered for educational scholarships, grants, or loans

- For Davie, Davidson, Surry, Stokes, and Yadkin county residents: educational loans and a limited number of grants and scholarships are available

for the upcoming academic year at www.wsfoundation.org/students — After entering preliminary information, the Foundation’s online database tools will match student’s qualifications with compatible student aid options. — Supplemental materials, including transcripts, will then be requested.

- Residents of all N.C. counties may be considered for student loans

Most scholarships and grants do not require an interview; however,

— GPA requirements:

interviews are required for loan applicants in order to discuss loan

- Scholarships: Minimum GPA varies by scholarship


- Grants and Loans: Minimum GPA of 2.0 to be eligible

— Eligibility amounts:

- Scholarships: Varies by scholarship

- Grants: Up to $2500 for an academic year

- Loans: Up to $5000 for an academic year

— Applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Student Aid Committee at scheduled spring or summer meetings. — Applicants are informed of student aid decisions as soon as possible thereafter. Instructions regarding the application process for scholarships, grants, and

Detailed eligibility criteria for student aid funds are available at

loans are available online at www.wsfoundation.org/students. Most applica-

www.wsfoundation.org/students. (The Foundation has over 110

tions are submitted electronically on our Web site.

student aid funds, and each fund has its own guidelines.) the winston-salem foundation annual report

STUD E NT A ID [ 3 4 – 3 5 ]

A Class All Their Own R. J. Reynolds Class of 1968 memorial scholarship fund


isten to the comfortable bantering among members

$5,000 college scholarship distributed over four years to an R. J. Reynolds

of the 1968 R. J. Reynolds High School graduating class, and it’s easy to

graduating senior.

see why after 40 years, the classmates remain close and committed to making a difference for future generations of the high school that they hold so dear. The Class of ’68 came of age at a time when their principal could hand

Class members, now living in Winston-Salem and other locations across the country, serve actively on the scholarship selection committee and remain in touch with scholarship recipients even after their college graduations. For

a student $2 and tell him to walk down the hill to have the barber trim his

2007 graduate Tim Hairston, who has completed his first year at Rutgers

sideburns, and when — during graduation practice — they learned Bobby

University, the scholarship meant more than money: “To be a part of some-

Kennedy had been assassinated. Their senior class gift was a set of steps down

thing that’s greater than you was a real honor.”

to Hanes Park — nothing flashy or even very attractive, remembers Sami Ousley Bills. “We wanted to do something practical.” The 1968 seniors claim

“We wanted to make this a truly living memorial,” says David Fuller, chairperson of the “40 in 40” campaign, which had set a goal of raising

that they didn’t graduate with plans to do

$40,000 by the 40th reunion this year. By the time of the

anything particularly significant as a group

reunion, the class had actually raised over $68,000. “You

in the next four decades, but this class has

look backwards to cherish the memory of people in the

done just that.

class who have died, and yet look forward to an invest-

When their classmate Ed Gannaway died in 1995 while piloting a commuter

ment that will continue long after this class is here. It’s an investment in the future.”

aircraft, his friends decided to honor him

Such a fund, supported by a graduating class, is

by starting a scholarship fund, which was

unique. But it doesn’t need to be, says Peter Hawley,

quickly expanded to memorialize all of

former senior class president, who manages the program

their deceased classmates. They established

with former student council president Woody Fox. He

the R. J. Reynolds Class of 1968 Memorial

encourages other classes at other schools: “You can do

Scholarship Fund at The Winston-Salem

this, too.”

Foundation and launched the fundrais-

And Fuller echoes the challenge, adding, “Our choice

ing campaign at their 30th class reunion

is to inspire.” It’s a thoughtful message from a group

in 1998. In ten years, the fund has grown

brought closer together by helping students following in

to over $125,000, supporting one annual

their footsteps.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

STUD E NT A ID [ 3 6 – 3 7 ]

Funds and Donors Donor Story - Emken Family Funds


Types of Funds


Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds


Donor-Advised Funds


Donor Story - Allan M. Hutcherson Fund


Designated and Agency Funds


Student Aid Funds


Advised Funds


Temporary and Special Funds


Donor Story - Jesse Temple Charitable Remainder Trust


Charitable Trusts


The Legacy Society


Donor Story - Margaret and Harrell Hill Fund


2007 Donors


Book of Memory


The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem


Generous donors,

investing in the long-term health of our community, allow the Foundation to shine its philanthropic light on a variety of causes from health to recreation to human services, enriching the lives of all ages — from youth through older adults. Our assets grew to almost $300 million by the end of 2007,

substantially — and the Foundation’s ability to provide community grants

ranking The Winston-Salem Foundation among the largest 40 community

has been crucial in supporting their programming.

foundations in the United States — a tangible sign of the generous spirit of our community.

These flexible funds are used thoughtfully and strategically to invest in our changing community over time. We are eternally grateful for the trust our

Knowing that they cannot predict the future needs of the community,

donors have placed in our organization, and we hope that you enjoy learn-

many donors demonstrate the highest level of trust in the integrity of the

ing more about a number of them in the stories to follow.

Foundation by establishing endowed unrestricted and field of interest funds that support competitive community grants such as those profiled

For more information on how your own legacy can shine just as

earlier in this report. These organizations, as varied as Amos Cottage,

brightly in the community, please contact a member of our Philanthropic

Experiment in Self-Reliance, Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods, and

Services team at (336)725-2382.

Piedmont Craftsmen, have impacted our community positively and

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [38–39]

funds and donors

A Legacy of Trust EMKEN FAMILY funds


magine giving your grandchildren the gift of philan-

thropy. That’s just what Grace Emken did in 1993 when she established

After their grandmother died, Robert Emken Jr., Judith Emken, and Janice Mullin honored her memory by directing funds to the arts, which

a donor-advised fund with The Winston-Salem Foundation. The Grace H.

had been her lifelong passion. Then in later years, after their father Bob was

Emken Fund now enables her three adult grandchildren to decide together

diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, they learned the value of the Elizabeth and Tab

how to distribute the income from the fund each year. Her gift began a

Williams Adult Day Center and Meals-on-Wheels, both programs of Senior

multigenerational commitment to giving.

Services, and contributed to those resources that had helped their family. “I think the beauty of what my grandmother did is that it allows us to respond to changing needs,” Janice says. “Our focus changed,” she adds. “Who knows what in the future will be important?” The siblings trust the Foundation to know just that. “We all have busy lives,” Janice notes, “and sometimes there are programs that are less visible, but important; the Foundation is in the business of knowing what’s happening in the community.” But Grace’s gift did not stop with her grandchildren. Her son and daughter-in-law, Bob and Connie, established the Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund in 2000. Their field-of-interest fund has already helped support educational programs such as an English as a Second Language class at the YMCA, an early reading program at Old Town Elementary School, and CareerStart curriculum development in public middle schools. “We both thought education was so important,” Connie [pictured here] says. After watching the administration of Grace’s fund, they knew that the Foundation was adept at evaluating the most effective community programs, and, she adds, “They know what they’re doing.” The generosity of the Emken family will benefit the community for years to come, ensuring that impactful programs continue to thrive. Grace Emken’s legacy of giving certainly shines brightly upon us all.

Types of Funds THE WINSTON-SALEM FOUNDATION as of December 31, 2007, administered over 1,150 charitable funds that serve a variety of charitable

purposes. To give donors the most flexibility, the Foundation offers nine different fund types, which include both endowed and non-endowed funds.

Endowed Funds:

STUDENT AID FUNDS provide students with the resources to pursue

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS offer the broadest option for charitable

their academic goals. Donors may establish funds to support students

giving. Income from these funds will be used to meet the changing

from a particular high school, church, or county, or those who attend a

needs of our community over time through competitive community

specific college or university.

grantmaking. REAL ESTATE FUNDS are properties designated for a charitable use FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS allow donors the opportunity to pro-

and titled in the Foundation’s name. The Foundation has continuing

vide community grantmaking support within a broad area (i.e., human

oversight of the use and care of the property as well as responsibility for

services, older adults, arts, etc.)

disposition should the designated use become impractical or undesirable.

DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS enable up to two family generations of

non-endowed Funds:

donors or outside committees to make charitable grant recommenda-

NON-ENDOWED ADVISED FUNDS offer donors a simple and

tions. Foundation staff can assist donors with background information

efficient process in which to fulfill their annual charitable-giving goals.

on charities or help identify pressing community needs. These funds are a convenient method of simplifying charitable giving and are an attractive alternative to a private foundation.

TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL FUNDS give the Foundation the

ability to hold a limited number of funds for organizations for charitable projects.

DESIGNATED FUNDS are established by donors who wish to pro-

vide annual support to specific charities. Should the organization(s) cease to exist, the Foundation has the responsibility to ensure that a donor’s original intent is met.

HOW TO ESTABLISH A FUND: Setting up a fund and establishing your giving legacy is simple. A member of Philanthropic Services will walk you through the steps to make sure that the fund you establish meets your charitable giving goals.

AGENCY FUNDS can be established by charitable organizations.

Please call us at (336) 725-2382 for more information.

The organization benefits from the Foundation’s professional investment management administration, allowing the agency’s staff and board to focus on providing the necessary services to its constituents. the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [40–41]

funds andfunds Endowed donors

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds UNRESTRICTED FUNDS offer the broadest option for charitable giving. Income from these funds is used to meet the changing needs of our community

over time through competitive grants. FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS allow donors the opportunity to provide community grantmaking support within a broad area (i.e., human services, older adults, arts, etc.). new funds in 2007


John W. Burress Community Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund

John and Julia Denham Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund

Eisenberg Family Fund for Arts and Culture

Established as a field of interest fund to support arts & culture

Margaret and Harrell Hill Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund

Louis and Jane Shaffner Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund

The Sunshine Fund

Established by Robert Jasinkiewicz to benefit domestic animals in Forsyth County

Hayes and Amy Wauford Fund

Established as an unrestricted fund

Art and Dannie Weber Education Fund

Established as a field of interest fund for education


year established

Louise and Sam Adams Community Fund Lena Albright Memorial Fund R. Worth Allen and Atha J. Allen Fund


purpose Established through a charitable trust to support the charitable needs of the community


Established by family and friends for organizations that provide comfort and benefit to those suffering from cancer, especially leukemia


Established by Mrs. Atha Allen in 1989 in memory of her husband, and moved to an unrestricted endowed fund upon her death

John W. and Alice Rose Alspaugh Memorial Funds


Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh to provide health care to underprivileged people

John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust


Established by bequest by John W. Alspaugh in memory of his parents, the fund supports programs for disadvantaged youth


Established by an anonymous donor as an unrestricted fund

Anonymous Trust #2 Richard E. Ashburn Trust Warren David Ashburn Fund

2002 1968

Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund Established for charitable purposes of the Foundation

Charles Babcock, Jr. Discretionary Fund


Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his life-long interest in responding to the emerging and changing needs of the community

Charles Babcock, Jr. Field of Interest Fund


Established with a gift from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to honor Charles Babcock, Jr. and his life-long interest in arts and culture in the community

Mary Reynolds Babcock Cultural Improvement Fund Nancy R. Baity Trust

1950 2000

Established for grants and loans to cultural and arts groups in the community Established in memory of her husband Ira W. Baity, Jr. to support programs for disadvantaged children and youth

Bank of America Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation's 75th anniversary

BB&T Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund in honor of the Foundation's 75th anniversary

Lila Church Bradford Memorial Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Albert L. Butler, Jr. Fund


Established by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust in memory of Mr. Butler for the poor and needy

Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund - Unrestricted


Established by the estate as an unrestricted fund

Carolina Steel Endowment Fund


Henry M. Carter, Jr. Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to support worthy public purposes Established by friends of Mr. Carter at his retirement as president of The Winston-Salem Foundation as an unrestricted fund

A. F. Clement Trust Fund


Established by bequest to provide funds for education of orphans and other Forsyth County youth

D. Elwood Clinard Charitable Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund by D. Elwood Clinard, Jr. in memory of his father

The Community Fund


Established by Col. F. H. Fries, this fund receives contributions from the general public and annual income from the Senah C. and C. A. Kent Foundation; component funds are Almeta Glenn Watson Estate, Hall Alexander Payne, Cooper D. Cass, and Glennie MillerHall funds

Community Arts Fund


Established to support programs of arts organizations Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued on next page

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established


Franklin Cromer Cordell Fund


Established by family and friends to support programs that assist individuals who suffer from substance abuse problems

Rufus W. Dalton Trust


Established by bequest to assist injured law enforcement officers and the spouses and children of officers killed in the performance of their duties

Eugene and Iola Daniels Memorial Trust Fund for the Mentally Handicapped


Established by the estate of Bobby A. Daniels to benefit mentally handicapped people of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, North Carolina

Marcus Lew Davis Memorial Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. G. Franklin Davis in memory of his son

Thomas H. Davis Trust


Established with special emphasis on programs for youth

James R. Deadrick Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Marian G. and Charles W. DeBell Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund

Robert A. and Constance C. Emken Education Fund


Established to support educational programs

Fenwick-Rice Fund


Established from the combination of the Ron and Muriel Rice Fund and the Elizabeth Fenwick Fund for the Downtown Church Center to support the homeless, elderly, children, and the underserved in the community

Victor I. Flow, Jr. Family Fund


Established by Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr. as an unrestricted fund

Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund


Established by bequest to benefit the handicapped, the elderly, or others with disabilities

Jessica T. Fogle Fund


Established by bequest to support the education and development of North Carolina children

Claire Lockhart Follin-Mace Fund


Established by family and friends to benefit physically disabled individuals in North Carolina

Louise Futrell Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Chrissy Gallaher Victim's Assistance Fund


Ava Gardner Fund


Established in honor of Chrissy Gallaher by family and friends for victims of violent crimes Established by the Ava Gardner Trust

Edna B. Parkin Georges Animal Fund


Established by bequest as a special purpose fund to benefit domestic animals

Edna B. Parkin Georges Youth Fund


Established by bequest to benefit disadvantaged youth

Vera Goldberg Memorial Fund


Established by Milton Goldberg in memory of his wife as an unrestricted fund

Joseph G. Gordon Fund


Established by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in memory of Dr. Gordon to benefit disadvantaged youth

James A. Gray Family Fund


Established as an advised fund, then converted to unrestricted at Mr. Gray's death

Howard Gray Endowment


Established as an unrestricted fund

William N. Hailey Fund


Bill and Helene Halverson Fund


Barbara Lasater Hanes Trust

Established with the remainder interest from the William N. Hailey CRT Established as an unrestricted fund from a bequest by John W. Halverson


Established as an unrestricted fund

James R. Hankins Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Carl W. and Annie M. Harris Endowment Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Samuel A. and Roslyn S. Harris Fund


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special interest in music education

Vicki Van Liere Helms Art Fund


Established in memory of Vicki Van Liere Helms by her family and friends to support organizations and programs serving aspiring painters, sculptors, and other artists

Bob and Ruth Herring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund by Mr. B. J. Herring

William and Allan Hollan Charitable Fund


Established with memorial gifts to William E. Hollan, Sr. and added to by his family for human services

Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund - Unrestricted


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Mae W. Hubbard Trust


Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund with special consideration for the development, welfare, and education of underprivileged and handicapped children

H.U.M.A.N., Inc.


Established to benefit incarcerated persons in Forsyth County

Allan M. Hutcherson Fund


Established by bequest for Forsyth County youth programs with special consideration to those affecting underserved minority children

Earline heath King Fund


Established to support art and art-related endeavors of the Foundation within North Carolina

Martha K. Knott Fund


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

R. Edward Lasater Endowment Fund


Established for general charitable purposes

Lassiter Animal Welfare Fund


Established with an estate gift from Allene D. Lassiter for the benefit of animals in Forsyth County

Lipscomb Fund


Established in honor of Guy and Margaret Lipscomb by their granddaughter Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [42–43]

Endowed funds

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established


Frank E. Llewellyn Fund


Established by bequest by Elizabeth P. Llewellyn for general health purposes with a priority for tuberculosis purposes whenever possible

Elsie Ann Long Memorial Fund


Established through an estate gift for programs and activities benefiting needy persons living in the Appalachian region of the United States

Elizabeth Lovett Education Endowment


Established as a fund to support education

Thomas Jack Lynch Memorial Fund


Established by an estate gift as an unrestricted fund

Harvey Seward Martin Fund


Established by bequest by Mrs. Martin for educational purposes at the discretion of the Foundation Committee

Masich Fund


John Alexander McClung, DDS-FACD Trust Isabel McRae Fund

1994 1981

Established by Jane and Tony Masich as an unrestricted fund Established by Mary Louise Gray in memory of her father to support Christian-related programs or organizations in the local community as determined by the Foundation Established by bequest as an unrestricted fund

Michalove Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund with 41 consecutive years of contributions to the General Endowment Fund

J. Frank and Mary S. Mock Fund


Established through a CRT to benefit needy children in Forsyth County

Algine Foy and Julius Dobson Neely Memorial Fund


Established by Algine Neely Ogburn in honor of her parents for empowering and encouraging individuals to improve their lives and the lives of their families

Charles E. Norfleet Memorial Fund


Established by Grizzelle M. Norfleet in memory of her brother, who served as secretary of the Foundation during its early years

Jeannette Norfleet Fund


Established by family and friends to support health and medical programs, with special consideration for programs that benefit people suffering from cancer

Dr. Calvin and Ruth H. Ogburn Trust


Established to provide support for general charitable purposes

Margaret W. Parker Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Otis B. and Genevieve Parrish Fund


Established to support programs for older adults with debilitating health conditions, especially Alzheimer's disease

Thomas R. and Georgia L. Pepper Family Fund


Established by Dr. Francis D. Pepper in memory of his grandparents as an unrestricted fund

Pfafftown Jaycees Community Fund


Established by the Pfafftown Jaycees

Kerr and Naomi Pinnix Discretionary Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund upon the termination of a testamentary charitable remainder trust created in the will of Naomi Ingram Pinnix to benefit residents of Forsyth County whose circumstances find them in need of financial counseling and advice

Nancy T. Pleasants Community Development Fund


Established to support economic development, education and training, leadership development, community long-range planning, community appearance, historic preservation, and regional cooperation

Virginia S. Pleasants Fund


Established by an estate gift as a discretionary fund

Bess Gray Plumly Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes of the Foundation

Etta Mae Pope Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his sister to support the poor and needy

Stokes Ivey and Orpha Maria Leonard Pope Family Trust


Established by Louis B. Pope in memory of his parents to support the poor and needy

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Fund Donna Germain Rader and Martin H. Rader Fund Mary Neil Henderson Rice Fund


Established as a part of the company's 100th anniversary celebration


Established as an unrestricted fund to honor the memory of Donna Rader's parents, Owen E. Germain and Emilie Drapalski Germain


Established by Thomas B. Rice, III as a memorial to his mother with income to provide support to organizations that provide services to children in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County and to Crisis Control Ministries

Thomas B. Rice Memorial Fund


Established by family and friends for general charitable purposes

Ann and Clay Ring Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Samuel and Elizabeth Rose Fund


Established by bequest by Samuel M. Rose to support general charitable purposes

Sarah Shore Ruffin Fund


Established by beneficiary designation of the Sarah S. Ruffin IRA

Kenard Eugene Sales Memorial Fund


Established in memory of Kenard E. Sales by family and friends to support programs benefiting disadvantaged youth Established to promote competitive swimming and water sports in Forsyth County

Sandehill Recreation Fund


Shepherding Fund


Established to support local human service agencies

Emma Jane Skinner Fund


Established by Frank B. Hanes to support human services organizations

Peggy and Ralph Stockton Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Ralph and Frances Stockton Trust


Established as an unrestricted fund Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued on next page

[ 4 4 – 4 5 ] FUND s a n d d o n o r s

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established


Colin and Mary Louise Stokes Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund to support charitable purposes in Forsyth County

Lillian S. Stultz Fund


Established by bequest for general charitable purposes of the Foundation

Sturmer Samaritan Fund


Established by Martha M. Sturmer in honor of her in-laws, Ernestine Hill and Charles A. Sturmer, to support organizations and programs providing for the care, maintenance, and well-being of financially needy patients and residents in nursing homes in Forsyth County, North Carolina

Edward and Mary Alice Tarulli Fund


Established with the charitable remainder of a charitable remainder trust to provide services or programs that benefit individuals who are visually handicapped.

Robert Edwin Taylor and Margaret Long Taylor Memorial Fund


Established with the remainder of the Margaret Long Taylor Charitable Remainder Unitrust

J. C. Tise Fund


Nelson and Dorothy Tomlinson Fund


Established as an unrestricted fund

Twin City Hospital Funds


Established by the executive board of the Hospital by bequest by John W. Alspaugh to benefit projects on behalf of the medically indigent in the community

Camp Robert Vaughn Fund


Established from the proceeds of the sale of Camp Robert Vaughn to support grants for children and youth

Wachovia Bank of North Carolina Fund


Established with a gift for unrestricted use and added to in 1994 in honor of all former and current Wachovia employees, and in memory of Herbert Brenner

Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable FundUnrestricted Anne Hanes Willis Fund Winston-Salem Foundation Staff Endowment Aubrey Marcus Zimmerman Fund

2005 1997 2002 1984

Established by bequest to support general educational purposes with an emphasis on programs providing enrichment and outreach

Established through the estate of Nell Kerns Waggoner Established by Frank B. Hanes in memory of his sister to assist landscaping, gardening, and beautification in the city where public funding is not available Established by B. Thomas Lawson in honor of his former Winston-Salem Foundation colleagues Established to provide recreational opportunities for the handicapped

Endowed funds

Donor-Advised Funds DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS ENABLE UP TO TWO FAMILY GENERATIONS of donors or outside committees to make charitable grant

recommendations. Foundation staff can assist donors with background information on charities or help identify pressing community needs. These funds are a convenient method of simplifying charitable giving and are an attractive alternative to a private foundation. new funds in 2007


Skip and Beth Boswell Trust

Established as an advised fund

Charley Fund I

Established as an advised fund

Charley Fund II

Established as an advised fund

Genesis Fund

Established as an advised fund

John and Kelly Merritt Family Charitable Trust

Established as an advised fund

Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. and Mary Ceile F. Ogburn Fund

Established as an advised fund

Nathan E. and Lisa J. Parrish Advised Fund

Established as an advised fund

Margaret Scales and Graydon Pleasants Advised Fund

Established as an advised fund

Gladys Cain Pulliam and Grady R. Pulliam, Jr. Fund

Established by the children of Gladys and Grady Pulliam as an advised fund

Benjamin and Avon Ruffin Family Fund

Established as an advised fund

Women's Fund Endowment

Established by The Women's Fund of Winston-Salem as an advised fund


year established


year established


year established

William T. and Sylvia F. Alderson Fund


John and Karen Budd Fund


Bill and Betty Gray Davis Fund

Allegacy Federal Credit Union Fund


Joseph R. Budd Family Trust


John and Terrie Davis Family Fund

Celeste Tucker Alspaugh Memorial Trust


Richard P. and Sylvia S. Budd Trust


DeForest Family Fund



Burr Family Trust


Ashley Holland Dozier Charitable Fund




J. W. Burress Charitable Fund


Driscoll Family Fund




Cardwell-Archer Charitable Fund


1999 2003

Joseph B. and Mary M. Dudley Advised Fund


Mignon Durham Charitable Fund


Philip S. Auchincloss Fund


Mary J. and Kenneth P. Carlson Advised Fund

Robert G. Auchincloss Fund


Carr Family Advised Fund


Christopher Richard Eagan Fund


William P. and Katharine T. Baldridge Endowment


Sam N. Carter and Pauline H. Carter Fund


EHI Fund


Marshall B Bass Children's Fund Endowment


Cawood Charitable Fund

Bartlett and Wyatt Bassett Fund


Lee Chadwell Fund

Charlotte Blount Fund for Theater Development


Chuck and Bobbie Chambers Advised Trust


C. B. Eller Education Fund


Lucy Hanes Chatham Fund


Grace H. Emken Fund


Alex C. Ewing North Carolina School of the Arts Campus Fund


Ted and Charlotte Blount Fund Karla Bolen Memorial Fund


1993 2002

Lucy Hanes Chatham Library Fund


Eleanor and Sam Booke, Jr. Fund


Richard T. Chatham Fund


Elizabeth E. and Henry M. Booke Trust


Thomas Lenoir and Anna Hanes Chatham Fund


Sam and Anne Booke Family Trust





Gerald and Lee Ann Chrisco Family Trust

Julian R. and Mary P. Bossong Fund


Robert Clark Family Fund

Braswell Family Charitable Fund


Phillip M. Clifton, M.D. Memorial Fund for Children

Herbert and Ann Brenner Fund


Brenda Kulynych Cline Fund

1998 1997 2003 1998

Mike and Wendy Brenner Trust


Clover Street Fund

Paul and Judy Moore Briggs Family Fund


Ron and Jeff Coppage Cancer Fund


A. Robert Cordell Family Trust


Royall R. Brown, Jr. Advised Trust


Royall and Alice Brown Advised Trust


Joan R. and David L. Cotterill Advised Trust

Budd Group Foundation


CP3 Charitable Foundation

Christopher David Budd Fund


Credence Fund


1994 2006

Lynn and Barry Eisenberg Endowed Fund


Elkin Community Trust


John H. Felts, M.D. Fund Finley-Anderson Fund Robert and Carol Ford Charitable Trust Paul & Nella Fulton 2004 Charitable Trust

2000 1994 1996 2004

James A. and Elizabeth K. Fyock Trust


Dr. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr. Family Charitable Fund


Thad W., Mildred B., and Kathryn W. Garner Trust


Glade Valley School Fund


Alice O'Kelley Goodson and William A. Goodson, Jr. Family Trust


William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund


1997 Donor-Advised Funds - continued on next page

Donor-Advised Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established


year established

Louis and Marcia Gottlieb Family Fund


Elsie L. Morris Fund

Grace Court Trust


Gene and Margaret Motsinger Family Fund

Margaret N. Graham Art Fund


Michael Andrew Nachman Fund

Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Advised Fund for the Community


Green Angel Fund


J. T. Greene, Jr. Charitable Trust


Emily Grousbeck Fund


Hanes Family Downtown Fund


R. Philip and Charlotte Hanes Community Trust


Happy Hill Garden Mart Endowment


Harrison Family Fund


Sam and Kathryn Hauser Fund


Hege Trust


L. Stephen Hendrix Fund


Sheila H. Hendrix Fund


Bill and Leslie Hollan Fund


Judith Hoots Family Fund


B. F. Huntley and Josephine Huntley Trust David A. and Roberta W. Irvin Fund Janeway Family Fund W. T. and Mary Cobb Jenkins Family Fund Bill Johnson Trust to Benefit Stokes County

1997 2000 1996 2005 1999

Florinda C. Johnson Charitable Fund


Garland Johnson Fund for the Benefit of Elkin Public Library


J. Michael Johnston Memorial Fund


Jones Family Fund


Christopher and Lucinda Kellam Jones Fund


Thad and Catherine Jones Charitable Fund


Leon and Renee Kaplan Fund


Dale and Mary King Fund L. Andrew Koman and Leigh E. Koman Fund Thomas J. and Lynne Koontz Charitable Trust A. Thad and Margaret W. Lewallen Advised Trust A. J. Linville Memorial Fund

2004 1999 1996 1994 2006

John C. Long, M.D. Fund


Lowy Family Fund


Lydia Phillips McCabe Advised Fund


McGowen Charitable Fund


McGuirt Family Fund


J. Frank and Laura Turnage McNair Charitable Trust


William and Kim Means Charitable Fund


Medlin Charitable Fund


Millbrook Fund


Henry S. and Martha S. Miller Advised Fund


Dr. John H. and Elizabeth B. Monroe Fund


1999 2006


year established

Nealie Belk Stevens Fund


Richard and Wendel Stockton Fund



Janice Kulynych Story Fund


Mil and Marsh Naugle Fund


Sturmer Spay and Neuter Fund


Neal Family Fund


Charles V. Taft Family Charitable Trust


Lucian and Robie Neal Fund


John A. and Marguerite B. Taylor Fund


Stephen L. Neal Advised Fund


Walter Thompson Scholarship Fund


T. David Neill Family Fund


Thornton Family Fund


Douglas Sean Toole Trust


O'Brien Family Fund


Orr Family Charitable Trust


Trust for Spiritual Development


Katherine W. Otterbourg Fund


Tuttle Family Charitable Fund

C. T. Overby Youth Golf Fund


Harry and Nancy Underwood Advised Trust


Margaret M. Urquhart Advised Fund


Marlene and Craven Page Trust



Dwight E. and Annie E. Pardue Advised Fund


Carolyn H. Vaughn Fund


Harry O. and Margaret W. Parker Family Trust


Wake Forest Baptist Church Fund


Eugene and Ann Paschold Fund


Wall Family Trust

Bob Pate Memorial Fund


Ward Family Advised Trust


Pauline Davis Perry Fund


Warthogs Baseball Community Trust


L. Gordon Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Trust


Sharon L. Washington-McBryde Memorial Fund

L. Gordon Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Trust - 2


Jean and Phil Waugh Family Trust


Piedmont Federal Fund


Edward Kent Welch Memorial Fund


Pleasants Hardware Company Trust


A. T. Williams Oil Company Fund


Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Trust


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Crime Prevention Fund


Michael J. Pollak Trust


A. Tab Williams, Jr. Public Education Fund

Julia Davis Pollard Memorial Fund


Catherine R. Williams Family Fund


Williard Family Trust

Ashburn Wright Wall Pollock Charitable Trust Billy D. and Deborah Prim Donor Advised Fund


Purcell Family Fund


David and Deborah Rice Fund T. Wayne Robertson Memorial Fund



1996 2003 1999

John W. and Donna H. Willingham Advised Fund


Diana Dyer Wilson Endowment Fund



Jane Butler and J. D. Wilson Family Trust



Paula Wimmer Memorial Fund


Roslyn Trust


Ann King Windham Fund


Rubin Family Fund


Winston-Salem Civitan Club Candy Box Fund


Tom and Kathy Rucker Charitable Trust


Winston-Salem Civitan Project Trust


Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Economic Development Fund


Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Excellence in Education Fund


Guy and Liz Rudisill Fund


Jack and Betty Runnion Fund


Pearl and Ray Sams Family Trust


Phoebe B. and William M. Satterwhite, Jr. Fund


Daniel and Linda Sayers Charitable Fund Andrew J. and Ellen N. Schindler Advised Fund

1996 2004

Winston-Salem Police Benefit Fund


Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS Charitable Fund

2005 2000

Sloan S. Sherrill Fund


Wolfe Family Fund

Adrian R. and Robert D. Shore Trust


Woman's Club of Winston-Salem


SKM Charitable Fund


Rick and Lyn Worf Fund


Katie Sleap Memorial Fund


Elizabeth L. Wyeth Fund


F. Conard and Jean Snyder Fund


Chris Yarborough Memorial Sawtooth Center Library Trust


Morris and Lillian Sosnik Memorial Fund


Rufus T. Stedman Memorial Fund


Emily P. and Scott F. Sternberg Family Fund

Youth Philanthropy Initiative



the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [46–47]

funds and donors

A Renewed Commitment to Youth Allan M. hutcherson fund


llan M. Hutcherson worked for years as a custodian

at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. When he died in 1944, he placed his

For 30 years, his fund supported the school, which closed in 1974. The Foundation realized that it must broaden the fund’s reach to support commu-

entire estate of $6,700 with The Winston-Salem Foundation to establish a fund

nity programs closely linked to his original intent: helping African-American

that would support Memorial Industrial School, a home for poor and orphaned

children. This would ensure that the intent of Mr. Hutcherson’s gift was hon-

African-American children.

ored, since the original beneficiary, Memorial Industrial School, had ceased to exist. The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee, using its variance power, subsequently approved changing the Allan M. Hutcherson Fund to a field of interest endowment fund for youth. Over the years, Hutcherson’s original bequest has grown to benefit a wide variety of community youth programs, with special consideration for those that benefit minority children. With this renewed focus, the Hutcherson Fund has supported many grants that give artistic, athletic, educational, and leadership opportunities to our youth. One beneficiary of Hutcherson’s philanthropic legacy is the WinstonSalem Youth Arts Institute, a program founded in 2002 to develop apprentice artists who publish, stage, and film their life experiences. Youth participants, who work closely with professional artists serving as mentors, are empowered to express themselves artistically, become leaders, and make a difference in the world. Other community grants supported by the fund include workshops and training for fathers of children in Head Start, as well as a swimming education program for minority youth at the Winston Lake Family YMCA. More than 70 years ago Hutcherson trusted the Foundation with everything he owned, and this hard-working man believed that it would support what he felt was important. His legacy continues to shine on youth throughout our community.

[48–49] funds and donors

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Endowed funds

Designated and Agency Funds DESIGNATED FUNDS ARE ESTABLISHED by donors who wish to provide annual support to specific charities. Should the organization(s) cease to

exist, the Foundation has the responsibility to ensure that a donor’s original intent is met. Agency funds can be established by charitable organizations. The agency benefits from the Foundation’s professional investment management administration, allowing the agency’s staff and board to focus on providing the necessary services to its constituents. new funds in 2007


Celestine Pate Bass Memorial Hospice Fund

Established by Marshall B Bass in memory of his wife

Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Fund at Livingstone College

Established to support student scholarships at Livingstone College

Hal Brownfield Endowment

Established as an agency endowment for Surry Arts Council

Community Care Center for Forsyth County, Inc. Endowment

Established as an agency endowment for the Community Care Center for Forsyth County, Inc.

Trey Jones Philmont Scholarship Fund

Established by Old Hickory Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America with gifts in memory of Trey Jones

Special Children's School Endowment

Established by The Special Children's School with a gift from Mary Carol Sapp to support general operating expenses

William Mills and Margaret Parks Taylor Fund

Established as a designated fund by Margaret P. Taylor

Art and Dannie Weber Fund for Forsyth Technical Community College

Established to support scholarships for students attending Forsyth Tech

Wilkes Playmakers Inc. Endowment

Established by Wilkes Playmakers Inc. as an agency endowment

A. Tab Williams, Jr. St. Paul's Building Fund

Established with distributions from a charitable lead trust for the benefit of St. Paul's


year established


Louise and Sam Adams Designated Fund


Gertrude and Morris Brenner Fund

Emily Allen Wildflower Preserve Protection and Management Endowment


Nick Bunce Friendship Fund

John Wesley Alspaugh and Celeste T. Alspaugh Memorial Trust for Children's Home


American Red Cross (Northwest North Carolina Chapter) Endowment Fund


Amos Cottage - Harry O. Parker Wing Fund Arts Council Endowment Fund

2004 1957

Ashburn Trust - Bowery Mission and Young Men's Home


Ashburn Trust - World Vision


Associated Charities Fund


Sarah Austin Child Development Center Trust


Sarah Austin Family Services Shelter Trust


Mary Ruth B. Barrett Fund Marshall B Bass Best Choice Center Endowment Fund

2006 1997 2002

Marshall B Bass Scholars Fund at Voorhees College


Nathalie L. Bernard Fund


Big Brothers Big Sisters Services, Inc. Endowment


Mary Leight Booe Fund


Bowman Gray Trust - Bowman Gray School of Medicine

2004 1970



year established

Enrichment Center Endowment



Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries Endowment


Bess Lee Burke Memorial Fund


Friendship Force of Central North Carolina

Hugh E. Bynum, Jr. and Elizabeth H. Bynum Memorial Fund - Designated


Guy R. and Florence M. Fulp Charitable Trust Germanton United Methodist Church Fund

Calvary Baptist Church Fund


Camp Civitan Fund


Camp Dogwood Endowment Fund Carr Family Fund - Designated Centenary United Methodist Church Sunday School Fund Children's Center Fund Perry B. Clark Memorial Fund of Leadership Winston-Salem Community Marrow Donor Program, Inc. - Forsyth County Area Endowment Nottie Riddle Cook Fund Ray and Jackie Cope Scholarship Fund

Marshall B Bass Endowed Scholars Program at Winston-Salem State University

Daniel and Jo Ann Boucher Industries for the Blind Endowment

year established

1995 2006 1927 2002 1987 2000 1986 2005

Dewitt Cordell Education Endowment Fund


Crimestoppers Endowment Fund


Crisis Control Endowment Fund


Crosby Endowment Fund


Selden Cundiff Memorial Trust for the Endowment of Holly Haven Care Home of AIDS Care Service Inc.


Bunny and Bill Davis Highland Scouting Fund


1987 2000 1988

Goodwill Industries of NW NC, Inc. Endowment


William (Billy) and Maggie Gordon Memorial Fund for Haw Pond Church of Christ


Bowman and Gordon Gray Trust


Gordon Gray Trust - Bowman Gray School of Medicine


James A. Gray Endowment


James A. Gray Foreign Mission Fund


Group Homes of Forsyth, Inc. Endowment


Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County Endowment Fund-II


Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Trust


Gordon Hanes Memorial Endowment for Crisis Control Ministry


Jacob F. Hanes for Superannuated Methodist Ministers Fund


Jacob F. Hanes Fund for the Children's Home


Joan H. Hanes Fund


Charles E. and Pauline L. Hayworth Fund Ada Hill and Jesse Davis Powers Fund

1994 2005

Elkin Public Library Endowment Fund


Mary Hill Habitat for Humanity Fund


Emergency Loan Fund of Northwest North Carolina


James E., Jr. and Betty Jones Holmes Fund


Designated and Agency Funds - continued on next page

Designated and Agency Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established

Lawrence Byerly Holt, MD Memorial Fund


Raymond B. Hooker, Jr. Fund - Designated



year established

Otis B. and Genevieve W. Parrish Endowment Fund II



year established

St. Stephens Episcopal Church Endowment


Lucy Paynter Fund


Lucy L. Stedman Memorial Fund


Fred Taylor Peden Trust of St. Paul's Wilkesboro


Ruth Stevenson Stewardship Endowment


Hope Trust of Crisis Control Ministry


Penland School of Crafts Fund


Ralph and Peggy Stockton Arbor Acres Fund


Judith and Marbry Hopkins Endowment


Francis D. and Fannie Byrd Smith Pepper, Sr. Fund


Summit School Endowment Fund


Francis D. and Phyllis Canup Pepper, Jr. Fund


Robert E. Taylor Memorial Fund

1995 2000

Hope Harbor Fund

Louise S. Hunter Fund



Viola and Dwight Jackson Memorial Fund


Louise A. Peterson Trust


Trinity Center Endowment Fund

Ella Mae Johnson Fund


Pfafftown Jaycees Designated Fund



Johnson Family Cemetery Trust Fund


Piedmont Opera Endowment Fund


Bynum E. Tudor Fund for Reynolda House Museum of American Art

Orpha Marie Leonard Pope Fund


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Endowment


United Way Caring Shares Endowment


June Porter Johnson Fund for Salem Academy and College


Junior League of Winston-Salem Endowment Fund


J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Family Fund


Peter R. Kellogg Fund of Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center Jane R. Kennedy Endowment Fund

Richard and Barbara Pope Trust

2006 1989

Petro Kulynych/Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Endowment


Peggy Bowen Leight Fund


Maintenance Trust for Lewisville United Methodist Church


Little Theatre Endowment Fund


Lloyd Presbyterian Church Fund


Jennifer Lowy-Dock Fund


Lowy Fund - Shepherd's Center Jerome Madans Assistance Fund

2000 1994

G. L. Millsaps Memorial Trust


J. William Moir Charitable Trust


William G. Montgomery, MD Fund for Senior Services


National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States


George S. Norfleet Bible Fund


North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants Endowment


Elizabeth C. and Ralph B. Ogburn Fund


Old Hickory Council/Camp Raven Knob


Old Hickory Council Endowment Fund


Harry O. and Margaret W. Parker Ophthalmology Research Fund


Margaret W. Parker Fund for Amos Cottage Discretionary


Margaret W. Parker Fund for Amos Cottage Operations


Margaret W. Parker - Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem Endowment Fund



Larriston Hill Powers Memorial Fund


Preservation North Carolina - Winston-Salem Regional Office Endowment Fund


Kenneth O. Raschke Literacy Initiative Trust


Stephen G. Richey Memorial Fund


Wood Richmond Memorial Fund


Golding H. Riddle Fund


Golding H. Riddle St. Paul's Episcopal Church Fund


Right Turns for Youth Endowment


Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem, Inc. Endowment Fund Lorraine Flynt Rudolph Endowment Fund

1985 2004

Samaritan Ministries Endowment Fund


Sawtooth School for Visual Art Endowment


Sawtooth School For Visual Art Scholarship Fund Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina Fund Senior Services, Inc. Endowment

H. and E. Vogler Fund


Voluntary Action Center Training Endowment Fund


Spencer and Nell Waggoner Charitable FundDesignated John and Pauline Hoots Waller Trust Ina B. Watson Trust

2005 1999 2000

United Way Joel A. Weston, Jr. Memorial Endowment


Wilkes Library Endowment


A. T. Williams, Jr. Family Fund for St. Paul's Episcopal Church


Mr. and Mrs. A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund


A. Tab Williams Jr. Fund for the Salvation Army


LuTelle Sherrill Williams Fund

1986 2001


Willow and Woody Memorial Trust for the Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center


Diana Dyer Wilson Organ Maintenance Fund

1993 1995


Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts, Inc. Endowment Fund

R. Y. and Eileen Sharpe Fund


Winston-Salem National Little League Endowment


James Reynolds Sheffield, Sr. and James Reynolds Sheffield, Jr. Trust


Winston-Salem Piedmont Triad Symphony Heritage Fund


Shepherd's Center of Greater Winston-Salem Endowment Trust


Winston-Salem Symphony Chair Endowment Fund


Winston-Salem Twin City Host Lions Club Endowment Fund



Wolfe Family Charitable Fund


Siloam Baptist Church Endowment Fund


Wolfe-Steele Young Life Trust


Paul and Sara Sinal Fund


World Law Fund


Frances Horne Smith and Howard H. Smith Memorial Fund


Bland and Ada Worley/Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Trust


Sprinkle Mission Fund

1982 1946

YMCA of Greater Winston-Salem Heritage Club Endowment


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Endowment St. Paul's Episcopal Church Mission Fund



St. Paul's Wilkesboro Endowment Fund


Special Children's School -Jacqueline Styers Young Fund

St. Philip's Episcopal Church Fund


Irving and Minnie Sheppard Memorial Fund Richard Edmund Shore Memorial Fund


the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [50–51]

Endowed funds

Student Aid Funds STUDENT AID FUNDS PROVIDE STUDENTS with the resources to pursue their academic goals. Donors may establish named funds with $10,000 or

more to support students from a particular high school, church, or county, or those who attend a specific college or university. new funds in 2007


F. A. and Charlotte Blount Scholarship

Established as a scholarship fund

Tien Bui Memorial Scholarship

Established by William H. and Thi Pham Longyard for students who will attend North Carolina State University's College of Engineering

The Brevard R. Hoover, Jr. Leadership Award

Est. by Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoover in memory of Brevard R. Hoover, Jr. to benefit an R. J. Reynolds High School graduate

Elizabeth Loving James Memorial Scholarship

Established by Martha J. Keiger to support students from Dalton L. McMichael High School in Madison, NC

Douglas Gray Kimel Scholarship Fund

Established by Calvary Moravian Church to support a music student at North Carolina School of the Arts, Salem College, Wake Forest University, or Winston-Salem State University

Millennium Charter Academy College Scholarship

Established as a scholarship fund by Millennium Charter Academy

Chester Arzell and Helen Miller Montgomery Scholarship Fund

Established as a scholarship to benefit Stokes County students

NC USSSA Scholarship

Established to support education for participants in NC USSSA

Alice Conger Patterson Scholarship

Established as a scholarship fund to honor Alice Conger Patterson

Art and Dannie Weber Scholarship

Established as a scholarship fund

Edwin H. and Louise N. Williamson Endowed Scholarship

Established in memory of Edwin H. and Louise N. Williamson to assist high school seniors attending UNC-Greensboro

The Winston-Salem Foundation Scholarship

Established by vote of the Winston-Salem Foundation Committee as a general scholarship fund


year established

William H. Andrews/HAWS Scholarship Fund


year established


year established


Marlene Marie Pope Flinchum Scholarship


Leinbach Chain-Breaker Scholarship Fund


Zack H. Bacon IV Scholarship


Forsyth County Nursing Scholarship Fund



Marshall B Bass Scholars Endowment Program at Forsyth Technical Community College


Joe E. Gaddy, Jr. and Margaret W. Gaddy Scholarship

William H. Lester Packaging and Graphics Scholarship Fund


Sam L. Booke, Sr. Scholarship Fund


The Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County Scholarship

Boyles-Eidson Scholarship Fund


John L. Gilmer Education Grant Fund


Jeanna Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund


John L. Gilmer Merit-Based Scholarship Fund


Bryon Tyler Burdick Memorial Fund


Wes Burton Memorial Scholarship


Leo Caldwell Memorial Student Loan Fund


John L. Gilmer Student Loan Fund James A. Gray High School Alumni Scholarship Anna Hodgins Hanes Student Loan Fund


1947 2002 1926

Elmer and Rosa Lee Collins Scholarship


Claude B. Hart Memorial Scholarship

Lloyd E. and Rachel S. Collins Scholarship Fund


Stanley D. Hartgrove Memorial Scholarship Fund



William T. Hatch and Mabel P. Hatch Scholarship Fund


D. C. Cornelius Memorial Scholarship Fund Mary Rowena Cooper Scholarship Fund


Serena D. Dalton Scholarship Fund


Joseph E. Davies Scholarship Fund


Bunny and Bill Davis Highland Scholarship Fund


Delta Fine Arts - Lois Bruton Allen and Simona Atkins Allen Scholarship Fund


Oliver Joel and Ellen Pell Denny Health Care Scholarship Fund


Wade and Marcelene Duncan Scholarship Fund

2004 1965

East Forsyth High School Alumni Scholarship Emergency Loan Fund


Walter R. Hoag Scholarship Fund


Fred Colby Hobson Scholarship Fund


Jack and Barbara Holt Memorial Scholarship Fund

Flora Royall Johnson Scholarship Fund Jimmy Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund


Diana Dyer Memorial Nursing Fund

Fred and Mozelle L. Hinshaw Scholarship Fund

John Russell Jarman Scholarship Fund

Joyce and Jim Dickerson Scholarship Fund



2000 1996 1996 2005

Stella B. Johnson Scholarship Fund


Lasater Student Loan Fund


Law Enforcement Benefit Fund


Law Enforcement Family Scholarship Fund



L. D. and Elsie Long Student Scholarship Fund


Edwin E. and Grace Kimrey Maddrey Scholarship Fund


Mary Speer Martin Scholarship Trust


Julia Yokeley Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund


N. W. Mitchell/Piedmont Federal Endowed Scholarship Fund


Gray W. Mock Family Scholarship


Montague Scholarship Medal Fund


Paul Holcomb Murphy Memorial Fund


Murray Supply Company Scholarship


Norfleet Memorial Fund


Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund


Orthopaedic Specialists of the Carolinas' Nursing Scholarship


William H. and Lena M. Petree Trust


Pfafftown Jaycees/Lynn Canada Memorial Scholarship Fund


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship


L. Gordon, Jr. and June D. Pfefferkorn Scholarship for Forsyth Technical Community College


Philo ABC Memorial Scholarship Fund


Dean Prim Scholarship Fund


Robert G. Prongay Memorial Scholarship


Student Aid Funds - continued on next page

[52–53] funds and donors

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Student Aid Funds - continued from previous page FUND

year established

Lucy Simmons Puryear Memorial Scholarship Fund


R. J. Reynolds High School Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund


Ray S. Church Memorial Scholarship Fund Patty Brendle Redway Fund W. N. Reynolds Student Loan Fund John S. & Jacqueline P. Rider Scholarship Evelyn Ripple Winston-Salem Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship Fund Dr. Eugene Rossitch, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Reynolda Rotary Memorial/Clarence 'Big House' Gaines Scholarship Fund

2006 1996 1931 2004 1996 1998 2005

Samuel K. Rowland Trust


Ray and Pearl Sams Scholarship Fund


Roy Eugene and Collie Byrd Sebastian Memorial Scholarship Fund


Sharpe Student Loan Fund


Bruce Shelton Scholarship Fund


Thomas E. Shown, MD Scholarship Fund


Paul and Evelyn Snow Scholarship Fund


Ann Lewallen Spencer Scholarship Fund


M. D. Stockton Education Fund


Stultz Scholarship Fund


N. D. Sullivan Charitable Trust Summit School Opportunity Fund

1971 2006

Virginia Elizabeth and Alma Vane Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund


Jeff Turner - Forsyth Audubon Scholarship Fund


Nell and Spencer Waggoner Scholarship Fund


Kapp - Weaver Scholarship Fund - Greensboro College


Kapp - Weaver Scholarship Fund - R.J. Reynolds High School


Erma Drum Webster Fund


George B. Whitaker Memorial Student Loan Fund


A. T. Williams Oil Company Fund - II/ H. Frank Steelman Scholarship Fund


A. T. Williams Oil Company Scholarship Fund A. Tab Williams, Jr. Scholarship Fund Elizabeth T. Williams Memorial Scholarship

1998 2003 1999

Winston-Salem Hospitals Consortium Nursing Student Loan Fund


Erica Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Fund


Yadkin County Association of Educators (YCAE) Scholarship Fund


Blanche Raper Zimmerman Scholarship Fund


Marcus Raper Zimmerman Scholarship Fund


non-endowed funds

Advised Funds NON-ENDOWED ADVISED FUNDS give donors the choice of making grant recommendations from the principal of their fund. Because of the simplic-

ity and efficiency of these funds, many donors use them for annual charitable-giving purposes. new funds in 2007 Anonymous (1)

Dorothy R. and R. L. Harlan Advised Fund

The Servanthood Fund

ARC Fund

Jay and Jane Helvey Advised Fund

Joe B. and Virginia L. Simpson Advised Fund

Michael and Julie Baughan Fund

Homebuilders Association of Winston-Salem Charitable Fund

Kenny and Amy Smith Fund

June and Jack Blunk Fund

Horton Family Fund

Nancy Spencer Advised Fund

Michael Britt Family Fund

Jim and Dianne Iseman Charitable Fund

Targacept Targacare Fund

Grace and Jimmy Broughton Fund

Susan M. Ivey Advised Fund

Triad Academy Scholarship Fund

Kenton and Amy Brown Fund

Pam and Fred Kahl Advised Fund

Stuart F. and Frances McD. Vaughn Advised Fund

Rick and Sara Crowder Charitable Fund

Lambeth Family Fund

Harden and Janet Wheeler Fund

S. G. Dale Fund

Thomas C. McNeil and Sandra B. McNeil Advised Fund

Winters Advised Fund

Jerry and Janet Enos Fund

Judith R. and Samuel H. Owen Fund

Dale and Synthia Folwell Family Fund

John and Dominique Patrick Fund

Tom and Jean Adams Fund

Tom and Carolyn Breese Advised Fund

D. Elwood and Helen H. Clinard Fund

David and Liz Albertson Fund

Paul Breitbach Fund

John and Kitty Cobb Fund

Hannah Albertson Fund

Brendle Advised Fund

Sophia Cody Advised Fund

Martha Albertson Fund

Felice and Richard A. Brenner Fund

Gary W. and Virginia F. Cole Advised Fund

Betty and Eben Alexander Advised Fund

James T. and Betty Brewer Fund

David Collins Fund

Elms and Harriet Allen Advised Fund

Bridgeford Charity Fund

Barry and Dottie Cook Fund

Gayle Anderson/Carey Hedgpeth Fund

Dr. Richard A. Brodkin Advised Fund

Ray and Jackie Cope Fund

Dr. Stephen G. and Cynthia Anderson Advised Fund

Brookfield Fund

Harry Corpening Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Andrews Fund

Henrietta Dibrell Brown Advised Fund

James and Barbara Corrigan Advised Fund

Anonymous (4)

Kirby C. Brown Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan Advised Fund

Marie and Guy Arcuri Family Fund

Patty and Malcolm Brown Fund

Nancy and Scott Cramer Advised Fund

Douglas D. Arnold and Lynn E. Calhoun Advised Fund

Rodney C. & Martha R. Brown Fund

Craven Family Fund

Dan and Margaret Austell Fund

Canary Fund

Jane and Penn Craver Advised Fund

Dr. Khosrow Bahrani Advised Fund

Angela and William Carr Advised Fund

Mrs. Elizabeth W. Crockett Advised Fund

Charles S. and Beth D. Baldwin Advised Fund

Thomas A. and Kay B. Carter Advised Fund

O. K. Crouch Family Fund

Pam and Bill Ball Advised Fund

David and Deborah Cassels Fund

Bill and Betty Gray Davis Advised Fund

R. Barrett Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caudle Advised Fund

Egbert L. Davis Advised Fund

Marshall B and Celestine P. Bass Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Cavanaugh Fund

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis Advised Fund

Bill and Louise Bazemore Fund

Steve and Tonya Cavanaugh Hope Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Davis, Jr. Advised Fund

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Advised Fund

Campbell Cawood Advised Fund

Dr. James Day Advised Fund

Kirk and Barbara Beaudin Charitable Gift Fund

Hobart and Adelaide W. Cawood Fund

Deaton Family Advised Fund

Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. Advised Fund

John and Victoria Ceneviva Fund

Louis Nelson Dibrell, III Family Fund

Bert Bennett Advised Fund

Chuck and Bobbie Chambers Advised Fund

Patricia Ann Rudolph Dixson Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett Advised Fund

Dudley C. and Winborne Chandler Fund

Kay and Dan Donahue Fund

Bentley Fund

Barbara F. Chatham Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Advised Fund

Deborah L. Best Advised Fund

Jerry and Brenda Cheek Charitable Fund

Thomas S. Douglas III Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Bettis Advised Fund

Christopher Fund

Ashley H. and Graham P. Dozier Advised Fund

David and Susanne Blanco Advised Fund

Nick and Jennifer Chrysson Advised Fund

Dale E. and Luci H. Driscoll Advised Fund

Frank L. Blum Fund

Jeff T. and RenĂŠ F. Clark Advised Fund

Noel Lee Dunn Advised Fund Non-Endowed Advised Funds - continued on next page

Non-Endowed Advised Funds - continued from previous page Eagan Brothers LLC Fund

Dr. Eugene Heise Advised Fund

Margaret Rose Long Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Robert and Amy Egleston Advised Fund

Edna and Jeff Helms Fund

Marieanne and Jerry Long Advised Fund

Eisenberg Family Advised Fund

Betty and Nick Hennessee Advised Fund

Matt and Emmie Long Fund

Gerald and Ann Esch Donor Advised Fund

Page Daniel Hill Fund

Frank and Kay Lord Advised Fund

Falken Family Fund

Doris and William Hohman Non-Endowed Advised Fund

David and Libby Lubin Fund

Donna and Michael Fina Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. Advised Fund

Gail Lybrook Advised Fund

Gary G. and Diana B. Fleming Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Holmes, III Advised Fund

Dr. Mark P. Maier Advised Fund

T. Vernon and Jennifer K. Foster Fund

James E. Holmes, Jr. & Betty J. Holmes Fund

Richard A. and Carrie Wall Malloy Advised Fund

Alice M. Foster-Ficken Fund

Pollyann E. and Gregory G. Holthusen Advised Fund

Deborah S. Marshall Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Cecil and Henrietta Foushee Advised Fund

Bob and Gwynn Hooks Fund

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Advised Fund

Sheila F. and John C. Fox Fund

Hamilton C. Horton, Jr. Family Advised Fund

Janet and O. C. Martin III Fund

Alice Dibrell Freeman Family Fund

Wava Howard Runnymede Beautification Fund

Dr. Richard Marx Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Alex H. Galloway Advised Fund

Robert C. and Catherine C. Huber Advised Fund

Doug and Mary Anne Maynard Fund

Camille and Jim Galloway, Jr. Advised Fund

Tom and Lucia Hughes Family Fund

Allison and Emmett McCall Advised Fund

Dr. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr. Advised Fund

Ann and Dudley Humphrey Advised Fund

Drane and Bill McCall Advised Fund

Caroline Gamble Charitable Fund

John W. Hunt Advised Fund

Thomas P. and Anne B. McDowell Fund

Harold and Patricia Garner Donor Advised Fund

Hunter Family Fund

Sarah Murphy McFarland Advised Fund

John and Linda Garrou Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin Advised Fund

Cathleen and Ray McKinney Fund

Jim and Mary Alice Gibbs Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Irvin Advised Fund

John and Grace McKinnon Advised Fund

John Munro and Flavel McMichael Godfrey Advised Fund

JG Advised Fund

J. P. McMichael, Jr. Advised Fund

Ted and Julia Ann Goins Advised Fund

Francis and Adele James Advised Fund

J. Frank and Laura Turnage McNair Advised Fund

Tony and Vi Golding Fund

Jarrahi Family Advised Fund

Mrs. C. C. McNeely Advised Fund

Goodrum Family Advised Fund

Edith A. and Kenneth A. Johnson Advised Fund

Judson J. and Alice C. Milam Fund

Alice and W. A. Goodson, Jr. Advised Fund

Elizabeth G. and Stephen A. Johnson Charitable Fund

Charles W. Miller Fund

Alice Jane Goodson Fund

Ann and Halbert Jones Charitable Fund

Susan Dibrell Miller Family Fund

Judy S. and William A. Goodson, III Advised Fund

JSCG Donor Advised Fund

Louise McMichael Miracle Advised Fund

Thomas O. and Leesa L. Goodson Advised Fund

David and Rachel Katzer Charitable Gift Fund

Richard and Laura Montgomery Advised Fund

William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund/Goodson Advised

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr. Advised Fund

Elsie L. Morris Advised Fund

William A. and Georgia H. Goodson Fund/Saunders Advised

Sherry A. Kellett Fund

J. Frank and Lynda K. Morris Advised Fund

Kathryn Hanes Graves Advised Fund

Stanhope A. and Elizabeth Kelly Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Mulvey Advised Fund

C. Boyden Gray Advised Fund

Charlie L. Kennedy, MD Donor Advised Fund

R. Frank and Mary Jo Murphy Advised Fund

Hunter and Lisa Gray Advised Fund

Robert M. and Mary R. Kerr Advised Fund

Murray Supply Company Advised Fund

Alfa and Gerry Gunzenhauser Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Nancy T. and Richard J. Keshian Fund

Walter V. and Martha W. Murray Advised Fund

Hall Family Fund

Cornelius Vanstory King Advised Fund

Robert F. and Bonnie L. Naas Advised Fund

Martha S. Hancock and James A. Hancock, Jr. Advised Fund

Robert W. and Candy E. Kiser Charitable Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal Advised Fund

Hands and Feet Fund

Edith and Bill Knott Fund

J and J Neely Advised Fund

Ann S. and F. Borden Hanes, Jr. Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson Kornegay, Jr. Advised Fund

David and Scottie Neill Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borden Hanes, Sr. Advised Fund

Petro Kulynych Advised Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Nelson III Advised Fund

Helen C. Hanes Fund

Gilmour and Nancy Lake Advised Fund

William Robert and Elizabeth H. Newell Advised Fund

Jim Hanes Fund

Lisbeth C. Evans and James T. Lambie Advised Fund

Fred and Lillian Nordenholz Fund

Ms. Robin M. Hanes Advised Fund

Susan and George Lautemann Advised Fund

Robert S. and Marianne D. Northington Advised Fund

Kathy and Jim Hardison Advised Fund

Megan and Tom Lawson Advised Fund

Anita and Tom Ogburn, Jr. Fund

Robert B. and Lisa B. Harrell Non-Endowed Advised Fund

Annette M. Leight Advised Fund

Laney and Merritt Orr Fund

John and Anne Harrison Advised Fund

Margaret G. Leight Advised Fund

Nancy and Ernie Osborn Advised Fund

Hash Advised Fund

Mary A. Leight Advised Fund

Ben C. and Mildred W. Paden Advised Fund

Charles and Susan Hauser Advised Fund

Kathy and Mike Lewis Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Craven B. Page Advised Fund

Don and BĂŠ Haver Advised Fund

Dr. A. Stanley and Mary Margaret Link Fund

Mary Beth and Bob Parker Fund

Dick and Karen Hedrick Advised Fund

George and Susan Little Advised Fund

Brookes H. Parrish Fund Non-Endowed Advised Funds - continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [54–55]

non-endowed funds Non-Endowed Advised Funds - continued from previous page Joe and Britt Parrish Fund

James M. and Lorre C. Ruffin Fund

Donald K. and Beverly L. Truslow Advised Fund

The Pathways Fund

Sarah S. Ruffin and Dalton D. Ruffin Advised Fund

Eleanor James Vance Advised Fund

Lucie and Chuck Patton Fund

Jill Runnion Fund

Robert C. and Carolyn H. Vaughn Advised Fund

Carol and Raymond Pearson Charitable Fund

Dr. Wilson and Marcia Russell Fund

Peter and Carol Vrooman Advised Fund

Brenda B. Penney Advised Fund

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Sandridge, Jr. Advised Fund

Bruce D. Walley, MD Fund

Clifford and Elizabeth Perry Advised Fund

William M. and Phoebe B. Satterwhite Fund

Jack and Jean Ward Advised Fund

Ford and Jeanene Perry Advised Fund

M. Garnett and Georgia G. Saunders Fund

William G. Ward, MD Family Advised Fund

Pauline Davis Perry Advised Fund

Robert D. and Pamela B. Saunders Fund

Leslie R. and Robert E. Warhover Advised Fund

Lena M. Petree Advised Fund

Thomas D. and Katherine E. M. Schroeder Fund

Bill and Judy Watson Fund

William H. Petree, Jr. and Katherine Weathers Petree Advised Fund

Scott Family Fund

Cornelia K. Weigl and Lachlan MacLachlan Advised Fund

SGK Fund

Henry and Martha Wellman Advised Fund

Beverly Britton Rudolph Shaw Advised Fund

John M. and Nancy Kyle Wells and Frances & C. C. Graham Fund

Roberta L. and Jimmy R. Pettit Advised Fund Pfefferkorn Company Advised Fund

Bill and Shirley Shaw Fund

L. Gordon and June D. Pfefferkorn, Jr. Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps Advised Fund John Piazza Advised Fund

Dr. Thomas E. Shown Advised Fund

David and Ingrid Pisetsky Advised Fund William Pitser Advised Fund

Martha and Tom Simpson Advised Fund Catharine N. and Kenneth N. Sisk Fund

Nancy and Ed Pleasants Advised Fund Ruth M. and Clifton E. Pleasants Fund Dr. Harold C. Pollard III Fund

Debra Runnion Sizemore Fund Jane P. Slick Fund for Miss Porter's School Brant and Kay Snavely Fund

Dr. Eddie Pollock Advised Fund

Snyder Family Fund

Robert S. and Wanda E. Pool Fund

John and Nancy Southard Advised Fund

Richard and Nancy Port Fund

Spaugh Family Fund

T. J. and Nancy Pulliam Advised Fund Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick Advised Fund George and Susan Ragland Fund

Mary Jo and R. Arthur Spaugh Fund Ann Lewallen Spencer Fund Michael W. Sperry Advised Fund

Rainey Charitable Fund

Bobby and Jan Sprinkle Family Trust

Ramona Fund

W. Fletcher and Anna B. Steele Family Fund

David B. Rea Non-Endowed Advised Fund Reaves Family Charitable Trust

Lee and Barbara Strange Fund Stratford Rotary Benevolence Fund

Burton and Frances Reifler Fund

Kathryn Kendrick Streng Advised Fund

Dick and Sandy Respess Fund

Richard and Nancy Sullivan Fund

Reynolda Rotary Benevolence Fund

John J. and Betty Pratt Sutton Advised Fund

Dr. Vade Rhoades Fund

Nancy King Tanner Advised Fund

Lori and Pat Riazzi Fund

John A. Taylor Advised Fund

Richard T. Rice Fund

Marguerite B. Taylor Advised Fund

Rickelton Fund

Ron and Merle Tedder Charitable Fund

Jacqueline P. Rider Advised Fund

Margaret Rose Tennille Fund

John and Lynn Roach Advised Fund

Louise Dibrell Theberge Family Fund

Pauline and Norwood Robinson Fund Michael and Deborah Rubin Advised Fund Curtis Flynt Rudolph Advised Fund

John B. R. Thomas Donor Advised Fund F. Nelson Tomlinson Advised Fund Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole Advised Fund

Sanford Harrison Rudolph Advised Fund

[56–57] funds and donors

Adrian and Bob Shore Advised Fund Ricky and Sally Shore Fund

Pine Hall Brick Co. Fund

Mr. and Mrs. V. Carver Rudolph Fund

A. Lincoln and Nancy D. Sherk Fund

Triantos Fund Jaime and Ilene Trujillo Fund

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Mr. and Mrs. P. Everett Wells III Advised Fund Togo D. West, Jr. Advised Fund Ms. Elizabeth N. Whitaker, II Advised Fund Louisa Whitaker Advised Fund William A. Whitaker Advised Fund Nancy and Monty White Advised Fund Scott and Lauren Wierman Advised Fund Paul and Jan Wiles Charitable Fund Joseph and Eileen Wilhem Fund A. Tab Williams, Jr. Non-Endowed Advised Fund Arthur T. and Catherine R. Williams, III Advised Fund Darryl and Leia Williams Advised Fund Dr. and Mrs. S. Clay Williams, Jr. Advised Fund John G. and Patricia G. Williard Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr. Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton Willis Fund Robert M. Willis Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr. Advised Fund Mrs. Nancy H. Wilson Advised Fund W. T. Wilson Advised Fund M. Powell and Gertrude S. Winstead Advised Fund Winston-Salem Rotary Benevolent Fund Winston-Salem Twin City Host Lions Club Advised Fund Anne S. Womble Advised Fund Calder and Martha Womble Advised Fund Erna and Bill Womble, Jr. Advised Fund Edith Womble Advised Fund Ralph H. Womble Advised Fund William F. and Jane G. Womble Advised Fund James and Johanna Yopp Fund Lynn and Jeff Young Fund Stephen and Bonnie Zades Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Zegrea Advised Fund

Temporary and Special Funds TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL FUNDS give the Foundation the ability to hold a limited number of funds for organizations for charitable projects.

Black Philanthropy Fund

R. J. Reynolds/Andrew Lane Memorial Fund

Antony Swider Art Education Scholarship Fund

Guy J. Bridges, Jr. Educational Fund

Douglas N. Marlette Memorial Scholarship Fund

TCYSA Winning Goals Fund

Jackie Brooks Memorial Fund

R. B. Matthews Student Assistant Fund

Tomorrow's Wise Working Women

Centenary UMC Youth Fund

Medical Mission Initiative

Touched By Technology Fund

Children of Vietnam Fund

Mark James Mendenhall Scholarship Fund

Twin City Youth Baseball Association Fund

Andrew Blake Clark Memorial Scholarship

Mineral Springs Fund

Vigils for Healing Fund

Craven Habitat Fund for Deaf Adults

Museum Fund

Maytrice Walton Scholarship Trust Fund

Stanley Michael Elrod Scholarship Fund

NCAPA Project Fund

Michael and Buffy Waltrip Charitable Fund

Flow Automotive Companies Scholarship Fund

Neighborhood Institute for Community Leadership Fund

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Forsyth Country Day School

Fondue Fund

North Davidson Band Improvement Fund

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Rose Hill Free Will Baptist Church

Forsyth Common Vision Council Fund

Page To Stage

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Fund for Senior Services

Forsyth Fund for Teaching Excellence

Parrish Scholarship Fund

Winston-Salem Community Development Collaborative

Denise Franklin Journalism Scholarship

Jackson Potter Paul Arts Fund

Winston-Salem Community Development Fund

Josh Gray Memorial Scholarship Fund

Peter Perret Scholarship for Young Musicians

Winston-Salem National Little League Capital Campaign Fund

C. Haberkern Charitable Fund

Professionals In Transition Paying It Forward Fund

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Sports Medicine Fund

Linda Adair Hatcher Memorial Fund for Eating Disorders

Salem College Student Philanthropists Fund

With Help From Friends

Lewis Lee and Suzanne Ellis Hawley Memorial Fund

Harry Scofield Fund

WXII Toy Drive Fund

Peter Hinkle Memorial Fund

Alexander David Settle Memorial School Fund


Hospital Hospitality House of Winston-Salem

Stokes County Trust Fund

funds and donors

Attention to Detail Builds Trust jesse temple Charitable remainder trust


esse Temple has spent his adult years paying

Frances helped him in the shop and on buying trips when she wasn’t teach-

attention to details. As a young man, he worked 13-hour shifts

ing, and he knew to take her advice. Temple was in the Exchange Club for

with the U.S. Forest Service watching for fires in pocosins of the Croatan

25 years and in the Ardmore Methodist Men’s Club, and he says, “I think

National Forest in southeastern North Carolina until he was drafted into the

Winston-Salem’s just a pretty great city.”

U.S. Army in 1941. When World War II ended, he was disabled due to a

Since 1999, Temple has worked with The Winston-Salem Foundation

shoulder injury, so he moved to Winston-Salem

to create funds to benefit some of his and

to study watch repair in a retraining program

his wife’s interests. In 2007 he established a

that benefited injured veterans.

charitable remainder trust with the remainder

On his way to class one morning, he

designated for use as an unrestricted fund at

noticed a young woman with a car, and he

the Foundation. For him, it was both good

and his buddies asked her for a ride. He began

business and a charitable decision. “I knew

courting his wife-to-be, Frances Smith Temple,

they would take care of it,” Temple says. “I

a teacher in Waughtown. “She was just a smart

did feel safer putting it in The Foundation.”

girl,” Temple recalls with clear admiration. Temple had been raised in Craven County,

The trust was funded over several years from a variety of investments he made

where his father had run a successful barge ser-

throughout his life. Though he claims he

vice floating watermelons, chickens and corn

was simply “lucky,” he’s read and kept up

down the Neuse River. When a cart path was

with the world around him. Over the years,

cut through to New Bern, his father’s boat busi-

he’d had a very positive relationship with the

ness dried up, and the family began working its

Foundation, and he says, “They did the right

tobacco farm. Temple rode a skiff across Club

thing as far as I was concerned.”

Foot Creek to go to school. He knows life would

Temple trusts The Winston-Salem

have been different had he remained in Craven

Foundation to pay attention to details, just


as he has throughout his lifetime.

In Winston-Salem, Temple opened Temple Jewelry and Gifts on South Hawthorne Road.

Charitable Trusts THE FOUNDATION SERVES AS TRUSTEE of charitable lead trusts (CLTs) and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) for donors. CLTs allow donors

to direct income from the trust to the Foundation and/or other charities for a designated period of years. At the end of that period, the principal can be redirected according to the terms of the original trust documents. CRTs provide life income to designated individuals with the remainder interest of the trust ultimately going to charity. new trusts in 2007 Anonymous (2)

Athalene Couch 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Edna Newsome Blanton 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Joyce H. and James P. Dickerson Charitable Remainder Trust

Patricia Ann L. and Grady E. Boyles, Jr. 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Edward E. Stivers Charitable Annuity Trust

Ann Blanton Breese 2007 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Jesse C. Temple 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Athalene Couch 2007 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Abner Alexander Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Douglas Lewis Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Elms and Harriet Allen Unitrust

Sara S. and Curtis E. Long 2005 Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Stephen G. Anderson Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Curtis and Sara Long Charitable Remainder Unitrust


William and Drane Vaughn McCall Irrevocable Living Unitrust


Nancy Davis McGlothlin Charitable Remainder Unitrust

James L. Barnhardt Charitable Remainder Unitrust

John B. and Grace D. McKinnon Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Edward S. and Barbara T. Beason Unitrust

Bonnie B. and James C. Messick Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Edna Newsome Blanton 2006 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Margaret W. Parker Charitable Lead Unitrust

George and Edna Blanton Charitable Annuity Trust

Margaret Weatherspoon Parker Charitable Lead Unitrust

Frederick A. Blount and Charlotte F. Blount Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

C. Edward Pleasants Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Dorothy M. Carpenter Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Nancy T. Pleasants Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Roma Lee Causby 2005 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Ruth M. Pleasants Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Joel P. Clingman Charitable Remainder Unitrust dtd 10/16/2000

F. Conard and Jean Snyder Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Joel P. Clingman Charitable Remainder Unitrust 1995

Nancy H. Southard Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Harry O. Corpening Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Nancy S. Spencer Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Frank E. and Mary B. Driscoll Charitable Remainder Trust

Gail S. Spencer Irrevocable Remainder Annuity Trust

Elizabeth T. Edmondson Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

John J. Sutton, Jr. and Betty P. Sutton Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Lynn and Barry Eisenberg Family Heritage Trust Fund

David H. Tate Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Rita D. Fitzgerald Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

L. Frances S. Temple and Jesse C. Temple Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Donald F. Folger and Lucy E. Folger Charitable Remainder Trust

L. Frances S. Temple Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Thad W. Garner, Mildred B. Garner and Kathryn W. Garner Irrevocable Living Unitrust

M. Louise Thomas Charitable Remainder Unitrust

J. Beeson Grubbs Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Louvenia Cox Tucker 2006 Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Nancy and Paul Gwyn 2005 Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Arthur G. and Susanne S. Weber Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Lawrence R. Hine Irrevocable Trust

A. Tab Williams, Jr. Charitable Annuity Lead Trust

Edmund B. Hopkins Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Willingham Irrevocable Living Annuity Trust

Lucy Kaplan Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Mathilda G. Wolfe Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust

William A. and Edith T. Knott Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Jane Gilbert Womble Irrevocable Living Unitrust

William G. Koronis and Ava O. Koronis Irrevocable Living Unitrust

W. F. Womble Irrevocable Living Unitrust

Mary Annette Leight 2002 Charitable Unitrust

H. C. Woodall, Jr. Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [58–59]

funds and donors

The Legacy Society THE FOUNDATION’S LEGACY SOCIETY honors those generous individuals or couples who have established permanent endowments of $10,000 or

more through the Foundation or those who have made provisions for $10,000 or more for the Foundation through deferred or planned gifts, such as charitable bequests, charitable remainder or lead trusts, life insurance, real estate, or beneficiary designation.

Members have full access to all donor services, including informational seminars provided by the Foundation. Donors who have an established relationship

with the Foundation will be invited to join the Society as they satisfy the criteria for membership.

The following individuals are members of the Legacy Society of The Winston-Salem Foundation as of December 31, 2007. If you have fulfilled the Legacy

Society criteria and you are not listed, please let us know. On behalf of future generations, we gratefully thank these donors for their plans to contribute to an enduring legacy for our community.

Legacy Society Members 14 Anonymous

Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Blount

Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.

Mr. G. Franklin Davis

Mrs. James A. Fyock

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell Agnew, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hal Bolin

Ms. Eugenie W. Carr

John and Terrie Davis

Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Gaddy, Jr.

Mrs. Sylvia F. Alderson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Mrs. William H. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Mr. John K. Gallaher

Judge and Mrs. Abner Alexander

Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Carter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Gallup, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen

Mrs. Judy Booker

Ms. Dorothy A. Caudill

Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DeForest III

Ms. Kathryn W. Garner

Dr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Allen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Julian R. Bossong

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Caudle

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Denham

Brittney J. Gaspari

Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Andersen

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Boswell, Jr.

Mrs. Roma Lee Woosley Causby

Dr. and Ms. James P. Dickerson

John and Jane Gehring

Ms. Gayle N. Anderson

Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr.

Mr. M. Campbell Cawood

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dillon

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Grady E. Boyles, Jr.

Ms. E. Jeanine Chadwell

Mrs. Elaine D. Dowdell

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Appel

Dr. and Mrs. Sherrill Braswell

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing

Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Gordon

Mr. W. A. Armfield, Jr.

Ms. Ann Blanton Breese

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Dozier III

James and Natasha Gore

Mrs. Teresa R. Ashburn

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Breitbach

Mrs. Norma Charles-Sink

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Gottlieb

Drs. Anthony and Katherine Atala

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brenner

Mrs. Barbara F. Chatham

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll

Richard and Liana Gottlieb

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock

Ann L. Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Chrisco

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Dudley

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark

Ms. Nancy Dunn

Mr. Howard Gray

David L. and Robin C. Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs

Mr. and Mrs. D. Elwood Clinard, Jr.

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn

Mrs. James A. Gray, Jr.

Mr. Richard D. Barnes

Mrs. Lenora J. Brown

Mr. Joel P. Clingman

Ms. Mignon Durham

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Greene, Jr.

Mr. Zeb E. Barnhardt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Royall R. Brown, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr.

Mr. J. Beeson Grubbs

Dr. and Mrs. Rolland Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Budd

Mr. Elmer Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Eidson

Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Gwyn

Mr. Marshall B Bass

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd

Mr. George L. Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg

Mrs. William N. Hailey

Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Budd

Dr. A. Robert Cordell, Sr.

Mrs. Robert A. Emken

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Beck

Dr. Patricia P. Bundy

Mr. Harry Corpening

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Ewing

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Mr. Bill Beckerdite

Dr. David H. Burr

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Mrs. Rita D. Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borden Hanes, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III

Ms. Athalene Couch

Ms. Marlene P. Flinchum

Mr. and Mrs. R. Philip Hanes, Jr.

Mrs. Marie Bellin

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Butler

Mrs. Donna H. Craige

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr.

Ms. Susan F. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham

Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Cardwell

Nancy and Scott Cramer

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Folger

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

David and Susanne Blanco

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Harrison

Mrs. George Blanton

Mrs. Anne Maddrey Carpenter

Mr. Jason Davies and Mrs. Julia Frost-Davies

Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

Mrs. Claude B. Hart

Legacy Society Members - continued on next page

Legacy Society Members - continued from previous page Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Kinken, Jr.

Mr. Richard G. Mock

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riazzi

Mrs. W. Mills Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hauser

Mrs. Louis Klaff

Dr. and Mrs. John H. Monroe

Dr. and Mrs. David G. Rice

Mr. Jesse C. Temple

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hege

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott

Mr. and Mrs. C. Arzell Montgomery

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III

Dr. and Mrs. John B. R. Thomas

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick

Dr. and Mrs. L. Andrew Koman

Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Morgan

Mrs. Thomas B. Rice

Ms. M. Louise Thomas

Mr. L. Stephen Hendrix

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Koontz

Mrs. William Mack Morris, Jr.

Mrs. John S. Rider

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Thornton

Nick Hennessee

Bill and Ava Koronis

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Moury

Mr. and Mrs. Clay V. Ring

Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Herring

Mr. Petro Kulynych

Mrs. Elaine Muir

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossitch

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hetrick

Mr. James Lambie and Ms. Lisbeth Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Marty Myers

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin

Ms. Elizabeth Lee Trotman

Mrs. Mildred Naugle

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rucker

Mrs. Louvenia Cox Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Neal

Mr. and Mrs. C. Guy Rudisill III

Mr. and Mrs. Bynum E. Tudor, Jr.

The Honorable Stephen L. Neal

Mrs. Benjamin S. Ruffin

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill

Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin

Randall and Claire Tuttle

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Nordenholz

Mrs. H. J. Runnion, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Underwood II

Dr. and Mrs. David Reese O'Brien, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr.

Ms. Margaret M. Urquhart

Mrs. Algine Neely Ogburn

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Sayers

Mrs. Deborah H. Vaughan

Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

Bob and Carolyn Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenn Orr, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schwartz

Tricia Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Craven B. Page

Mrs. Lyttleton B. Scott, Jr.

Dr. Ramon Velez

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Pardue

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wayne Seamon

Ms. Sheila H. Vogler

Mr. Hardin P. Higgins Mrs. Harrell B. Hill Mr. Lawrence R. Hine Mrs. Alanson Hinman Bill and Doris Hohman Mrs. Barbara Wall Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. Mrs. William E. Hollan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoover Mrs. Edmund B. Hopkins Drs. Judith and Marbry Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Howard Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt Mr. John W. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Irvin II Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III Dr. and Mrs. Richard Janeway Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jarman Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, Sr. Mrs. Florinda C. Johnson Mrs. P. T. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Johnson Ms. Beverly Johnston Mr. James W. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Jones Mrs. Thad L. Jones Mrs. R. William Joyce Ms. Lucy Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr. Mrs. J. Lee Keiger, Jr. Ms. Terri Kern Ms. Susan Kerner-Hoeg Ms. Earline heath King Mr. and Mrs. Jessie M. King

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr. Ms. Mary Annette Leight Mr. and Mrs. A. Thad Lewallen III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis Nancy C. Lide Mrs. Regina D. Lofland Mr. Joseph P. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Long Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett Mrs. Carolin Lowy Annette P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin Maddrey II Mr. and Mrs. John Mann Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Dr. and Mrs. John A. Maselli Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Masich Dr. and Mrs. K. Frank McCain Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. McCune Mrs. Nancy Davis McGlothlin Dr. and Mrs. Timothy McGowen Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt

Mrs. Harry O. Parker Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Paschold

Mr. Rick Seamon Mrs. Pat Moore Seawell

Ms. Julie J. Pearce

Miss Rebecca Ann Sebastian

Ms. Brenda B. Penney Dr. and Mrs. Francis D. Pepper, Jr.

Mrs. Robert D. Shore, Jr. Mrs. Rosemary V. Shortt

Mrs. Clifford W. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Petree Mrs. William H. Petree, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. Mrs. Clifton E. Pleasants

Ray and Cathleen McKinney

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Dr. Michael J. Pollak

Ms. Sally R. McLeod

Mr. Louis B. Pope

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McNair IV

Mr. Richard E. Pope

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Means

Mr. and Mrs. Billy D. Prim

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr.

Mr. Grady R. Pulliam III

Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mendenhall

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Puryear

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Messick

Mr. Greg Puryear

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Messick, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Quick

Dr. and Mrs. Henry S. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. H. Chris Ramm

Mrs. Barbara B. Millhouse

Mr. James K. Reaves, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Millsaps

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reavis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Wall Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Washington Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. S. Waugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

Dr. Thomas E. Shown

Dr. Glenda Weber and Mr. Wayne Weber

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sinal

Scott and Lauren Wierman

Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilhem

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith Mr. F. Conard Snyder Dr. and Mrs. John K. Southard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Arthur Spaugh Ms. Ann Lewallen Spencer Mrs. Gail S. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer Mrs. William O. Spencer III Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Sternberg Edward E. Stivers and Jean F. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Taft Dr. and Mrs. David H. Tate

Mr. and Mrs. A. Tab Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willingham Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham Mrs. Nancy H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wohlford Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wolfe Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woodall, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Worf Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Worley Mr. and Mrs. Karl Yena Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Young

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [60–61]

funds and donors

A Heart for Home margAret and harrell hill fund


ehind Margaret Hill’s shoulder hangs a watercolor of the

Foundation flexibility to use the funds. “They can put it where it’s needed

home she and her husband Harrell renovated when he retired in 1980,

most,” she says. “I’m a great believer in them.”

proof of his ability to see potential and her trust that he was right. Though they’d lived all over the country during his 27 years with Western Electric, when he retired as vice president in 1980, they returned to Winston-Salem. Margaret was born and raised in Walkertown, and her husband grew up in Reidsville. After Margaret graduated from UNC-Greensboro, she moved with her roommate to work in Wilmington, where they both met their future husbands. A UNC-Chapel Hill graduate, Harrell Hill had a busy career with Western Electric. His work took the couple to Manhattan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Chicago, and back to New York. “This seemed more like home to us,” Hill says. Both had relatives in the surrounding area. “We just felt like this was a good place.” Margaret appreciates Winston-Salem’s variety of opportunities in education, the arts, and business. In fact, for at least 15 years she volunteered in the busy SECCA Shop. “I just loved that little shop,” she recalls. She also volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House. Her husband supported the Boy Scouts, and they were both active members of Centenary United Methodist Church. In 2007, Margaret established the Margaret and Harrell Hill Fund with The Winston-Salem Foundation. Her provision that the fund be an unrestricted endowment will add to the Foundation’s capacity to make competitive grants in a variety of areas and will provide the flexibility to invest in programs for a changing community over time. “I think they know better what to do with the money than I do,” she says. “That’s their business. I thought they would spend it wisely.” She, like most people, has her “pet” projects, but she felt it was important to give the [62–63] funds and donors

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Thanks to Margaret Hill’s generosity and trust, the Foundation will be able to better serve the community that she and Harrell ultimately called home.

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [62–63]

funds and donors

2007 Donors INCLUDED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE THE NAMES of those who made gifts to the Foundation in 2007. Both the Foundation and

the community are grateful for all of these gifts — from the smallest to the largest. Collectively they prove that the Foundation’s mission — to invest in our community by making philanthropy and its benefits available to all — is alive and well.

donors to the community fund and book of memory Gifts to the Community Fund and Book of Memory allow the Foundation to address the community’s best funding opportunities and most urgent needs through competitive grants. Contributions are listed alphabetically under the following designations: Visionaries, gifts of $5,000 or more; Benefactors, gifts between $2,500 and $4,999; Advocates, gifts between $1,000 and $2,499; Supporters, gifts between $500 and $999; or Philanthropists, gifts up to $500.

Visionaries ~ $5,000 or more

benefactors ~ $2,500 - $4,999

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick/Mrs. Norma Charles-Sink

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Long

Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Cramer

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Mr. Noel Lee Dunn

Mrs. John S. Rider

Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wiles

Advocates ~ $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. and Mrs. David A. Albertson

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Cleland

Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Rogers III

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Dozier III

Mrs. Annette M. Leight

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Royster

Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Appel

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

Ms. Mary Annette Leight

Mr. W. David Shannon

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Armfield

Glenn Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Mr. and Mrs. Calder W. Womble

Mr. and Mrs. F. James Becher, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr.

Mr. Willis Slane and Dr. Caroline Chiles

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Ms. Judith B. Halverson

Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr.

The Grover C. and Jane C. McNair Charitable Foundation Trust

Dr. J. David Branch

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III Dr. John J. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Pappas

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Steele Ms. Kathryn Kendrick Streng The Strickland Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Prout

Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Supporters ~ $500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Daly

Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hill, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradford Myers, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Andronica

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dudley Humphrey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Naas

Mrs. Amy P. Barnhardt

Tom Davis Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kelly, Jr.

Mrs. Clifford W. Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Douglas III

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lautemann

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps

Blue Rhino Corporation

Ms. Jane Goodson

Ms. Deborah S. Marshall

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Greason, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hanes III

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McNair IV

Mrs. Sophia S. Cody

Mr. Weston P. Hatfield

Mr. and Mrs. C. Penn Craver, Jr.

Mr. M. N. Hennessee

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Mountcastle, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Clay V. Ring Dr. and Mrs. John E. Ritchie

Salemtowne - The Moravian Retirement Community Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willingham Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters

philanthropists ~ up to $500 Dr. Jon S. Abramson

Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hohman

Mrs. William Mack Morris, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Sprinkle, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis

Mr. C. Royce Hough

Ms. Sharon P. Mosley

Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sprinkle III

Dr. and Ms. Harvey H. Allen, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Judson D. DeRamus

Mrs. E. R. Howard

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Mountjoy

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Starbuck

Mr. and Mrs. Miller Allen

Dr. and Mrs. James T. Dobbins, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Hoyt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Mulvey, Jr.

Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Strauss-Cohn

Anonymous (2)

Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership, Inc.

Mrs. Andy Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Munden

Mrs. Lois H. Stuart

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Huber

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Myers

Mr. Kenneth L. Thomas

Mr. Robert Huber

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Nelson III

Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Thomason, Jr.

Edy Hurdle Consulting, Inc.

Dr. J. Nelson-Weaver and Rev. Michael Weaver

Mrs. Carroll G. Tompson

Dr. and Mrs. Philip R. Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Austell Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Baldwin III Bank of America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Barkley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Battle Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Bauer Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Blount Mr. H. Michael Britt Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown Mrs. Martha H. Butner Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor Campbell III Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr. Ms. Jo Ellen Carson Mr. and Mrs. Jere Carter Ms. Daisy R. Chambers Mr. Terry Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harris F. Clein Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Clein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clements Mr. and Mrs. D. Elwood Clinard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill Dr. Sharon Covitz Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Cox Mr. Gregory A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crawford Ms. Elizabeth W. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Marcus B. Crotts Mrs. Viola H. Crump Dr. and Mrs. Courtland H. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Davis III

Ms. Emma Gray Drew Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Dull, Jr. Ms. Nancy Dunn Ms. Phyllis H. Dunning Mr. and Mrs. C. Dorsey Dyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Edgeton Mr. and Mrs. James L. Einstein Dr. and Mrs. William Elesha Mrs. Aurelia Eller Mrs. Elizabeth Ervin Mr. and Mrs. David F. Eshelman Ms. Alice M. Foster Ficken Dr. and Mrs. Paolo Flezzani Ms. Judith W. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Furr Mr. and Mrs. John L. W. Garrou Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gay III Mr. Daniel Genung Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mr. Vergil H. Gough Mr. Thomas A. Gray Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Gwyn Mr. Jonathan D. Halsey Mrs. Miriam S. Harmon Honorable and Mrs. James A. Harrill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Haver Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hedgpeth II Ms. Martha M. Higginbotham

Dr. Larry Hungerford Mrs. Jacqueline S. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman Ms. Marjorie Northup

Mr. John W. Hunt Mrs. Addie B. Hymes Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi Ms. Kay B. Johnson Mrs. Maurice Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Jones Ms. Sherry A. Kellett Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kelly, Jr. Mr. John Kernodle

Mrs. Algine Neely Ogburn Ms. Marilyn A. Parker Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Dominique Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Patton Ms. Sharon G. Penley Ms. Brenda B. Penney Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mrs. Helen S. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Mr. George H. Knostman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Knott Mr. and Mrs. Carter Lambeth Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Loftis, Jr. Mr. John H. Loughridge, Jr. Ms. Annette P. Lynch Mrs. Edwin H. Martinat Ms. Carolyn McBride Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Dr. James A. McCool Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith

Ms. Susan Pfefferkorn Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purcell Ms. Donna G. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robins Drs. Walter and Mary Roufail Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Sanders Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sandridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Saunders Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Shealy Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Slate Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Trawick Ms. Elizabeth C. Treadway Mr. Erling S. Tronnes Dr. and Mrs. William W. Truslow Ms. Linda Turner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tytell Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Vaughn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Vaughn Dr. Francis Walker and Dr. Debra Liu Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wallace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dudley Watts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wesson Dr. Patty West Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. West Mrs. Robert P. Whaling Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. J. Tracy Wilkerson Mr. J. Lanier Williams Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willingham Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr. Mr. Eugene G. Wilson Mrs. John H. Winder Mr. John G. Wolfe III

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Messick

The Spartanburg County Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Spaugh

Mr. James E. Yarbrough, Jr.

Ms. Ellen N. Monahan

Mr. and Mrs. R. Arthur Spaugh

Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Yelton

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Moore, Jr.

Judge and Mrs. Ronald E. Spivey

Mrs. Ernest H. Yount

Ms. Susan Moretz

Sprinkle Foot & Ankle Center, PA

the winston-salem foundation annual report

Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Worley

funds and donors [64–65]

funds and donors

donors to named funds FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS that made contributions to named funds at the Foundation during 2007.

A. J. Linville Foundation

Mr. Paul W. Armfield

Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bost

Mrs. Winanne C. Brown

Dr. Jon S. Abramson

Mr. Douglas Arnold and Ms. Lynn Calhoun

Mr. and Mrs. F. James Becher, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Bost, Jr.

Mrs. Clifford Bryan, Jr.

Ms. Molly L. Beck

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Boswell, Jr.

Buckhorn Coal Co.

Mr. Richard A. Beck

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Bouldin, Jr.

The Budd Group

Mr. Dennis D. Becker Jr.

Boulevard Animal Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd

Ms. Christine Belcik-Griffith

Mr. Scott S. Boulware

Mr. Hoan Bui and Ms. Ngoc Nguyen

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Belk, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Edwyn T. Bowen, Jr.

The Bullitt Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bullock

Ms. Frankie D. Bell

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bowton

Ms. Leigh C. Bumgardner

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bell

Boyles-Eidson Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bunce

Mrs. Marie Bellin

Reverend and Mrs. Michael Bradshaw

Mr. Greig T. Burdick

Acme-McCrary Corporation Ms. Jennifer Acton Ms. Katherine Acton and Mr. Gerald Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Askew, Sr. Ms. Jan N. Assimos AT&T North Carolina

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Acton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Atkins

Mr. Alfred G. Adams

Mr. Alvin L. Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Atkinson

Dr. Sandra P. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Adams

Dan and Margaret Austell Lead Trust

Mrs. Joyce T. Adger Dr. Harley P. Affeldt Cameron Alakija and Wenlei Lian Dr. and Mrs. David A. Albertson Ms. Martha Albertson Mrs. Betty W. Alexander Ms. Martha B. Alexander Alfred Williams & Company Mr. Archie G. Allen, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Allen Allenstar Homes Allianz Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alspaugh, Jr. Amarr Garage Doors American Express Foundation Ms. Deborah O. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Anderson IV Ms. Gayle N. Anderson Mr. Lus A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Anderson Mr. and Mrs. James N. Andrews James N. and Rose S. Andrews CLAT James N. and Rose S. Andrews CLUT Angels Foundation Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Austell Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Austell Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Axsom, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock Ms. Eve J. Bacon Dr. Khosrow Bahrani Dr. Jessica Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baker Ms. Marcia T. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Baldwin Lt. General and Mrs. John L. Ballantyne

Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Berlin Mr. Wesley H. Beroth Ms. Ginger M. Berrier Ms. Yvonne H. Bethea Ms. Sami O. Bills Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Thad Bingham Mr. Harry C. Biser Ms. Jerri-Lynn Scofield

Bank of America Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blackwelder

Mr. James B. Banks

Dr. and Mrs. J. Breeden Blackwell

Ms. Margretta Barbee

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blancato

Mr. Nathaniel Barber

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bland

Mrs. Josephine S. Barbour

BLES Builders LLC

Ms. Phyllis M. Barnes

Mr. Jeffrey Blodgett

Mrs. Amy P. Barnhardt

Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Blount

Mr. Henry G. Barnhill, Jr.

Mr. Morris A. Blount, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Barnwell

Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Bartholomew

Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Blunk

Mr. Marshall B Bass

Ms. Gloria N. Blythe

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Battle

Mrs. Geneva Bolen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Baughan

Dr. John L. Bond, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. Bazemore, Jr.

Ms. Miriam C. Bonds

BB&T Charitable Foundation

Mr. Henry M. Booke, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Guy Arcuri

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Beach

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke

Ms. Margaret W. Armfield

Ms. Lori Beane

Mr. Sam L. Booke, Jr.

Ms. Chasity M. Branch Dr. J. David Branch Mr. and Mrs. James Braxton Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Breitbach Mr. and Mrs. David Brenner Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bridgeford Mr. Grant R. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Brimage Mr. Stacy Brinson Mr. H. Michael Britt Ms. Jacqueline E. Broach Mr. Charles Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brooks III Mr. Ernest Broom Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton Ms. Betty L. Brown Mr. Bruce T. Brown Ms. Carolyn Coles Brown Mr. and Mrs. David T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. Dayton Brown

Mrs. Johnsie Parker Burgess Ms. Edith R. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke Rev. and Mrs. D. Wayne Burkette Dr. David H. Burr Senator and Mrs. Richard M. Burr Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Christian Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Byrd Mr. and Mrs. John R. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Mike Byrd C T Taylor Enterprises, LLC Mr. Billy G. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Rence Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Calloway, Jr. Calvary Moravian Church Campbell Science Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor Campbell III Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. Campbell Mr. Alton Z. Canady

Mr. and Mrs. Kenton R. Brown

Cannon Wealth Management Services

Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Brown

Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Canter

Mr. Robert H. Brown

Ms. Karen Estelle Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown

Mr. Kurt M. Carlan

Mr. and Mrs. Royall R. Brown, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Brown

Carolina Logistics Services, Incorporated

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Brown

Donors - continued on next page

Donors - continued from previous page Ms. Maureen L. Carpenter

Coca-Cola Company

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll

Eugene A. Stead Society

Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Carr

Mrs. Sophia S. Cody

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cutchin III

Mr. Walter W. Driver

Mr. Mark R. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Carr

Ms. Rhonda Cohen and Mr. Samuel Cunningham

Dairy Fresh, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Drozen

Excalibur Enterprises, Inc.

Dr. Andrew M. Dale

Mr. Ralph Duggins

Fain Enterprises

Ms. Suzanne Gandy Dale

Duke Energy Foundation

Family Vision Center

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Daves

Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Dull, Jr.

Mrs. Hilda H. Farmer

Ms. Barbara D. Davis

Ms. Gwyneth M. Duncan

George Franklin Davis Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Duncan

Ms. Nancy Farmer and Mr. A. Everette James, Jr.

Ms. Irene Carraway Mr. and Mrs. Demarcus Carroll Ms. Susan K. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Carter, Jr. Mr. James H. Carter, Jr. Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Casey Mr. D. Christopher Cash Cassie Stone Photography Mr. Bernard Casterlow Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cavanaugh Cedar Creek Family Medicine Centenary United Methodist Church Ms. Hannah G. Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chambers The Chapman Company

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cole Community Alliance for Education Community Care Center for Forsyth County, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Conger Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Cook Ms. Michelle M. Cook Mr. George L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Cope Mr. Jason M. Cope Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver Dr. A. Robert Cordell, Sr. Corn Products International Ms. Nicole Corn Ms. Faye S. Cornelius

Ms. Lorraine G. Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Cornett and Ms. Wilda Lawrence

Chatham Family Charitable Trust

Mr. Harry Corpening

Ms. Barbara O. Chavious Ms. Tiffany Chavis

Mrs. Wayne A. Corpening Corporate Express

Ms. Bobbie R. Cheek

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Corrigan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cheek

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill

Mr. Paul Cheek

Mrs. Nettie T. Council

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Chellgren

Dr. Sharon Covitz

Shiping Chen and Lijie Sheng

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan

The Children's Center

Mr. Stephen J. Cox

Mr. Richard Chojnacki

Ms. S. Gail Craddock

The Christopher Fund

Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Cramer

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr. Mrs. Hessie Church City of Winston-Salem Housing/ Neighborhood Development Mrs. Mabel B. Clagett Ms. Frances A. Clanton Clarity Imaging Technologies, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Clary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clement Mr. William L. Clement Dr. and Mrs. Orrin W. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb, Jr.

Ms. Jane Craven Mr. and Mrs. C. Penn Craver, Jr. Mr. Frederick B. Crawford Mr. Dale P. Crim Ms. Elizabeth W. Crockett Mr. and Mrs. O. Roane Cross, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Crouch Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Crowder Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter Crump, Jr. Ms. Linda A. Crumpler Mr. and Mrs. R. Perry Crutchfield Jr. Mrs. Doris E. Cunningham

Ms. JoAnn E. Davis

Ms. Frances Y. Dunn Ms. Jennifer B. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis III Ms. Julia P. Davis

Ms. Nancy Dunn Mr. Noel Lee Dunn

Ms. Katherine Davis

Ms. Phyllis H. Dunning

Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Davis Mr. R. Theodore Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis Ms. Joan Dawson

Mr. and Mrs. Julian F. Dunton Mrs. Doretha D. Dupree Mr. and Mrs. Erik Durchman Ms. Mignon Durham Mr. J. Allen Dyer

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Farmer Mr. James T. Fatzinger Mr. James C. Faw Mr. James O. Faw Mrs. John H. Felts Mr. William T. Fenimore Ms. Dinah Ferguson Mr. Tom Ferrell Ms. Alice M. Foster Ficken Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Fields

Dean Prim Scholarship Fund

Dr. John Dykers and Dr. Carol Dykers

Dr. Richard Dean

Eagan and Sons


Mr. and Mrs. William Dean

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr.

Ms. Jean Fincher

Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlton Deaton

Mr. Timothy C. Ebert

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Fink

Mr. Charles W. DeBell

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Eddington

Mr. Edward S. Finley

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Denham

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Edgeton

First Christian Church

Ms. Elizabeth Dennis

Ms. Karen R. Edmundson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fisher

Ms. Melodie B. DeSanctis

Ms. Martha Shore Edwards

Mr. Samuel R. Fisher

Diamond's Bridal and Formal

Mr. and Mrs. Knox Efland

Mr. Harry Q. Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Diggs

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egleston

Mr. James E. Flanders

Ms. Betty S. Dilda

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelious Flood

Dr. and Mrs. Sewell H. Dixon

Lynn and Barry Eisenberg Family Heritage Trust

Flow Companies, Inc.

Mrs. William N. Dixson III Mr. and Mrs. Dan Donahue Mr. and Mrs. James R. Donald

Mrs. James C. Eller Mrs. Inez C. Elliott Ms. Shellie Dawn Ellis

Ms. Marjorie Donlin Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Douglas III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Emanuel Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Engram Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A Enos, Jr. Enrichment Center, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Esch

Ms. Worth Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Dozier III Mr. Ron Drago Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Driscoll

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Eshelman

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Figan

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr. Estate of Harriet Taylor Flynt Ms. Jennifer A. Fogle Ms. Judy C. Fogleman Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III Ms. Lynn Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Folwell Ms. Alberta Ford Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford, Jr. Mrs. Rupert Ford

ESP Systems. LLC

Forsyth County Criminal Defense Trial Lawyers Association

Ms. Diana Y. Essick

Ms. Frances M. Foster

Donors - continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [66–67]

funds and donors Donors - continued from previous page Mr. and Mrs. T. Vernon Foster

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Glaze

Ms. Pecolia Josey Grove

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Haunert, Jr.

Mr. David B. Hodgson

Fountain Graphix

Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Glenn

Mr. Kirk D. Gulden

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser

Ms. Margaret Ann Hofler

Ms. Charletta Fowler

Mr. Thomas R. Godkins

Mr. Thomas J. Gunn

Ms. Janice L. Hauser

Mr. Frank R. Hoguet

Ms. Deborah T. Fox

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goins III

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gunter

Mr. Ricky N. Hauser

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hohman

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fox

Ms. Julia Ann Gold

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hauser

Ms. Sylvia W. Holcomb

Mr. W. H. Fox, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Golding

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Gunzenhauser

Mr. Robert B. Hawkins

Holder Construction Company

Ms. Jan Fox-Cain

Ms. Jane Goodson

Mr. Peter E. Hawley

Mr. Robert R. Holder III

Mr. Dean Fragakis

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson

Mr. Culous M. Hayes, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr.

Frank L. Blum Construction Company

Mr. and Mrs William A. Goodson III

Mr. and Mrs. Ricky D. Hayes

Mrs. William E. Hollan, Sr.

Mr. G. Scott Haynie

Ms. Joy W. Hollar

Mr. Edward C. Hedrick

Ms. Nancy R. Holt

Ms. Theresa C. Hege

Mr. Ralph H. Holthouser

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Helvey III

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Holthusen

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hempstead

Mr. Martin L. Holton III

Mr. Charles R. Hemrick

Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frank Ms. Denise Franklin Mrs. Alice Dibrell Freeman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Freitag Friends of the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County Ms. Mildred B. Frye Mr. David W. Fuller Ms. Nella P. Fulton Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Fulton, Jr. Ms. Rochelle W. Fulton Ms. Laura B. Gaddis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Gaines Mr. James A. Gallaher Mr. John K. Gallaher Ms. Penelope L. Gallins Ms. M. Caroline Gamble Ms. Cornelia Mason Garber Garden Club Council of WinstonSalem and Forsyth County Ava Gardner Trust

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goodson, Jr. Mr. Robert F. Goodwin Ms. Pamela I. Gordon Mr. Ralph F. Gordon, Jr. Ms. Natasha Gore Dr. Louise Y. Gossett Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gottlieb Grace, Holton, Tisdale & Clifton, PA Ms. Jennifer Graham Mr. Scott Graham

Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County, Inc. Mr. Jimmy M. Hailey Ms. Kyana L. Hairston Ms. Vera Hale Mr. and Mrs. Romas Hales Ms. Daphne M. Hall Mr. Joseph M. Halloran Ms. Lauren A. Halstead Ms. Lyn W. Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Halverson Mr. and Mrs. Greg K. Hampson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock, Jr.

Mrs. Ruth V. Henderson Ms. Susan L. Henderson Ms. Virginia C. Hendricks Ms. Marjorie Hendrix Mr. M. N. Hennessee

Ms. Janet L. Grassia

James A. and Martha S. Hancock Charitable Annuity Lead Trust

Mr. C. Boyden Gray

Hanes Companies, Inc. Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hensel

Mr. Howard Gray

Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Herring

Howard Gray Charitable Lead Unitrust

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borden Hanes, Sr.

Mr. Lee Herring

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter C. Gray

Mrs. Gordon Hanes

James A. Gray High School Class of 1957

James G. Hanes Memorial Fund

James A. Gray High School Class of 1958 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Gray Ms. Pamela A. Gray Mr. Murray C. Greason III

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Garner

Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Greason, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller Garrison

The Great Indoors Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. W. Garrou

Ms. Donna H. Green

Mr. John A. Garwood

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Greene

Brittney J. Gaspari

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Greene, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gay

Mr. Stephen M. Greene

Ms. Kathy H. Gentry

Ms. Carlota G. Haberkern

Mr. Edgar B. Gregory

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Genung

Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Gregory

Ms. Emily Gibbons

Ms. Molly B. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Gibel

Ms. Tori Griffith

Mr. Eric B. Giles

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groce

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hanes III Mr. and Mrs. Herman K. Hansen Happy Martin Interior Design, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hardison III Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Hargrave Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris Ms. Crystal Harrison Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Lott G. Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott Hart Mrs. Claude B. Hart Samadhan John Harter Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Hartley Ms. Marie W. Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Hatchell

Ms. Linda Henry

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Herring Hess Foundation, Inc. Mr. Scott Hicks Highland Builders Supply, Inc. Highwoods Realty Ltd. Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hill Ms. Gladys M. Hill Mrs. Harrell B. Hill Mrs. Laura L. Hill Ms. Bunny J. Hinkle Mr. Henry N. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hinkle, Jr. Hinkle's Inc. Mr. David C. Hinton, CPA Mr. Robert T. Hitchcock Ms. Jane Hixon and Mr. Ron Morgan Mr. Fred Colby Hobson, Jr. Mr. Jay W. Hobson

Mr. Richard F. Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hoppe Mrs. Hamilton C. Horton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Horton Mr. and Mrs. William F. Horton Mr. C. Royce Hough House of Life Family Practice, PLLC Mrs. E. R. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Howard Ms. Julia C. Howard Ms. Rebecca L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William K. Hoyt, Jr. Mr. Julius C. Hubbard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Huber Mr. James M. Huffman Mrs. Dorothy Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hughes Ms. Ann F. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. G. Dudley Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Humphrey Mr. John W. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Hunter Mr. John F. Hunter

Donors - continued on next page

Donors - continued from previous page Ms. Phanice Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones

Mrs. Debra Kovalak

Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Linville, Jr.

Mrs. Theresa E. Martin

Ms. Sandra M. Hutchens

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Jones

Krankies, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Little, Jr.

Mrs. Edwin H. Martinat

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ingle

Mr. and Mrs. Halbert M. Jones, Jr.

Krupa Family Foundation Inc.

Roger Littlejohn

Ms. Kathleen Martinelli

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Ingram

Rev. Doctor Joseph Jones

Kulynych Family Foundation II, Inc.

Ms. Cheryl F. Livengood

Dr. Richard S. Marx

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Jones, Jr.

Mr. Petro Kulynych

Ms. Cynthia R. Livengood

Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Irvin

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kusterer

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Maselli

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Iseman, Jr.

Ms. Victoria P. Jones

Mrs. Emmett H. Lacy, Jr.

Lloyd E. Collins Scholarship Committee

Ms. Susan M. Ivey

Mr. and Mrs. G. William Joyner, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilmour Lake

J. La'Verne Designs

Mr. Curtis H. Judge III

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold N. Lakey

Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Jackson

Dr. and Mrs. Frederic Kahl

Mr. Dilip Lal

Mr. and Mrs. Logan Jackson

Kaplan Companies

Mr. and Mrs. Donny C. Lambeth

Ms. Volnetta C. Jackson

Ms. Lindsay Kasper

Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobius

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Mr. James Lambie and Ms. Lisbeth Evans

Ms. Deborah L. Jakubs

Ms. Lauranita Katende

James R. Tally Builders, Inc.

Katherine Anderson Society

Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James III

Ms. Rachel Katzer

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Janeway

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Jarmond, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Keesler

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jarrell

Mrs. J. Lee Keiger, Jr.

Mr. Ben L. Jarrett Jr.

Ms. Sherry A. Kellett

Mr. Charles B. Jenkins

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Kelly, Jr.

Rev. and Mrs. Donald Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope A. Kelly

Mr. Lewis Hill Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. W. David Kelly III

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jennings

Ms. Betty P. Kenan


Ms. Michelle K. Kennedy

John Dillon Insurance Agency

Mr. Thomas J. Kent

Ms. Judith Phelps Johns

Mrs. Mary R. Kerr

Mrs. Dell C. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Keshian

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson

Mr. Barry S. Key

Mrs. Florinda C. Johnson

Ms. Martha H. Key

Ms. Irene K. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Kidd

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead

Mr. John G. Johnson

Mr. Robert Bart Killam

Mr. Kenneth A. Johnson

Kilpatrick Stockton L.L.P.

Mr. Marc Johnson

Mr. Douglas Kimel

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lovett

Ms. Celesta W. Lane

Ms. Mona W. Lovett

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Laney

Ms. Gladys Lowe

Mrs. Laura K. Langley

Ms. Elizabeth W. Lubin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lassiter

Ms. Annette P. Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lautemann

Charles C. Lyon

Law Enforcement Family Scholarship Fund

Ms. Amy Lytle

Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson, Jr. Mr. James C. Lawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lawson Mr. Michael Leaf Mr. Richard Leary

Mac Door Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Macintosh

Ms. Susan W. Mann

Mr. Robert E. Lee III Ms. Valeria Lee Legatus Foundation Mrs. Annette M. Leight Mrs. Margaret G. Leight Ms. Mary Annette Leight The Leonard G. Herring Family Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Patricia Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Hodge Kitchin

Mr. and Mrs. A. Thad Lewallen III Lewandowski Architecture

Ms. Yvonne Johnson

Mrs. Peggy Ethridge Koblenzer

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis

Johnston Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson Kornegay, Jr.

Ms. Jeannette T. Lewis Lexington Senior High School Ms. Dixie H. Linville

Ms. C. M. Mabe

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Malloy, Jr.

Mrs. Faye M. Leavy

Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Leovic

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kovach


Mr. Ronald T. Macklin

Mr. Curtis Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Joines

Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Lord III

Ms. Kay Landry

Ms. Nancy Jane King

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kostelnik

Mr. and Mrs. William Longyard

Mr. John H. Loughridge, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur T. King

Mr. Robert T. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Long, Jr.

Ms. Sarah Lancaster

Ms. Mary Beth Johnson

Ms. Vivian H. Kline

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Loftin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Long

Mr. Mark E. Johnson

Mr. Phillip W. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Whitman P. Loflin

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Masich Mr. Scott W. Masters Mr. and Mrs. William Mather Mrs. Mildred Matthews Mr. Daniel E. Mattingly Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxwell Mr. and Mr. Scott E. Maxwell Ms. Tracey S. Maxwell Mrs. Grace Frank Mayberry Mr. Ellis O. Mayfield Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. David McBride Mr. Clifford E. McCain Dr. and Mrs. K. Frank McCain Ms. Shirley L. McCall Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Ms. Mary G. McCandless Ms. Britt Anne McClelland Dr. and Mrs. Willard L. McCloud, Jr. Ms. Wendy J. McCorkle

Ms. Robbie H. Marbaker

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dan McCulloch

Mr. David N. Marion

McCullough Tile

Mr. Wade H. Marion

Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough

Marley Drug, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. A. McDeson

Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Marley

Ms. Rhonda M. McDonald

Ms. Deborah S. Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McDowell

Mr. G. Thomas Marshall

Ms. Sarah M. McFarland

Ms. Kathleen Marshall

Dr. W. Frederick McGuirt

Ms. Lucia J. Marshall

Mr. Harvey J. McIntyre, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Martin, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray McKinney

Ms. Holly E. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Emm McKinnon

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon

Mr. James P. Martin and Ms. Rogeria Lombardi

Ms. Edithe B. McLean

Ms. Jane M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McNair IV Mrs. John F. McNair III Mrs. C. C. McNeely, Jr.

Donors - continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [68–69]

funds and donors Donors - continued from previous page Mr. Mike McNeil

Mrs. William Mack Morris, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Nelson III

Mr. and Mrs. Craven B. Page

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McNeil

Mr. Joseph W. Morris

Mrs. Donna M. Nevius

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Pardue

Karen McNeil-Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Morrow

Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Newell

Mr. Charles N. Parker

Mr. David McNeill

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer W. Morten III

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman

Mrs. Harry O. Parker

Ms. Jessie B. McNeill

Dr. and Mrs. B. D. Morton III

Ms. Sonya C. Newton

Mr. Joseph M. Parker, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William L. McSwain

Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Motsinger

Thanh T. Nguyen

Ms. Barbara D. McWhorter

Mount Tabor High School

Tran M. Nguyen, DDS, PA

Margaret W. Parker Charitable Lead Unitrust

Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Mealy Dr. and Mrs. William E. Means Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Meeks Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mendenhall Mercedes-Benz of the Triad Meridian Realty Group Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Messick Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meyer Mr. Gary Michalove Mr. Bob Michel Mr. John E. Mickey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Don Mikush Reverend and Mrs. Judson J. Milam Millennium Charter Academy Mr. Charles G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Henry S. Miller Mr. Ralph Miller Ms. Teresa Miller Ms. Joann S. Mills Mr. Leroy Mims Ms. Juliette K. Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Mock Estate of Mary Mock Mr. Richard G. Mock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monk

Mount Tabor United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mountcastle Dr. and Mrs. John R. Mountjoy Dr. Thomas E. Mullen Ms. Sara Joyce Munden Mr. George A. Munford Mr. Jonathan Murfee Ms. Dee Dee Murphy Ms. Edie Murphy Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Murphy Murphy's Kids, Inc Murray Supply Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Murray Myers Park Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradford Myers, Jr. Ms. Margaret Ann Myers Mr. and Mrs. Marty Myers Mr. and Mrs. William R. Myers Alix G. Myerson N. C. Academy of Physician Assistants Chhaya and Kiran Nathoo National Basketball Association Nationwide Marketing Group Mr. John P. Naughton Mrs. Mildred Naugle Ms. Susan W. Naythons

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson Mr. Raymond G. Nifong Ms. Ella H. Nix NonProfit Connections Norman Stockton, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Norris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Norris North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc. North Carolina School of the Arts Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parrish Rev. and Mrs. Nathan E. Parrish Ms. Elizabeth F. Partin Mr. and Mrs. William M. Patete Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Dominique Patrick Ms. Joyce A. Patrick Mr. Gordon Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Paty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lee Paul

Novant Health Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Paynter Jr.

Ms. Ann Nusbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Pearson

Mr. Chester T. Nuttall, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Peatross

Ms. Sylvia Oberle

Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Pederson

Dr. and Mrs. David Reese O'Brien, Jr.

Ms. Nancy H. Peebles

Octagon Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Odell Mr. Roosevelt D. Odom, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ogburn, Jr. Old Hickory Council/BSA Ms. Melvernia M. Olford Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Oliver Mr. Iroegbu Onuma Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Opoulos Mr. and Mrs. Laney G. Orr III Ms. Katherine W. Otterbourg

Mr. and Mrs. C. Arzell Montgomery

NC Association of Workers for the Blind

Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Moodie

NC USSSA Sports Inc.

Mrs. C. T. Overby

Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Moore


Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Overton

Mr. Ellis O. Moore

Mr. David L. Neal

Ms. Ina A. Owen

Mr. Kenneth Otterbourg

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Owen

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Moore Jr.

The Honorable Stephen L. Neal

Mr. and Mrs. David V. Owens

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Neely

Mrs. Mildred W. Paden

Ms. Betty L. Pelsey Ms. Brenda B. Penney Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perkinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry III Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr.

Philip and Linda Lesourd Lader Foundation Mr. Michael W. Phillips Ms. Leigh Anne Pickup Piedmont Ear Nose and Throat Associates, P.A. Piedmont Land Conservancy Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pierce Pine Hall Brick Company, Inc. Dr. Ingrid B. Pisetsky Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Pitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tomas H. Pizarro Mr. Tim Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. Mrs. Clifton E. Pleasants Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Poe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Pogue Dr. Michael J. Pollak Mr. Richard B. Port Mr. and Mrs. Leon Porter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Porter Mr. and Mrs. James M. Potter Mr. Norman D. Potter, Jr. Mrs. E. K. Powe Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Preslar, Jr.

Mrs. Clifford W. Perry

Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson Preyer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dane T. Perry

Ms. Marcia M. Priddy

Mr. Wesley Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pringle

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Peterson

Ms. Jennifer Propst

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petree, Jr.

PSA Partners 1 LLP

Mrs. William H. Petree, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pulliam

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Pettit

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick

Pfefferkorn Foundation, Inc.

R. J. Reynolds High School

Gordon Pfefferkorn Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ragland

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. Pfizer Foundation Volunteer Program

Dr. and Mrs. David Y. Rainey Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn A. Raker Ms. Voncille Randolph Ms. Betty C. Rash

Mr. Hieu T. Pham

Ms. Lorraine Rashwan

Ms. Margaret W. Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ratcliff

Donors - continued on next page

Donors - continued from previous page Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ratcliff

Dr. and Mrs. George P. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Sanders

Dr. Dariel L. Rathmell

Col. and Mrs. Hugh C. Robinson

Mr. W. Kirk Sanders

Mr. Alvin Ray

Mr. Sherman L. Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. Clemens Sandresky

Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Ray

Mr. and Mrs. David P. Robson

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sandridge, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ray

Mr. and Mrs. Art Roch

Dr. Beverly S. Sanford

Mr. and Mrs. Brad C. Shinaman

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sonbert

Mrs. Anne R. Shinn

Sony Ericsson

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Shock

Dr. and Mrs. John K. Southard, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shore Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Spach

Mrs. M. Garnett Saunders

Dr. Thomas E. Shown

Rev. Laura Spangler

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Saunders

Wayne and Sandra Shugart

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Spaugh

Mr. Christopher G. Sawyer

Dr. Ricky R. Sides

Mr. and Mrs. R. Arthur Spaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Scanlon

Ms. Jeanette B. Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Spears

Ms. Joy T. Scheidt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Simon

Special Children's School

Ms. Kate M. Scheuer

Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Simpson

Spector Limited

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scheviak

Ms. Sally T. Simpson

Ms. Ann Lewallen Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Schmitt

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sims

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Spencer Jr.

Schneider Development

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sinal

Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schroeder

Dr. Madho Singh

Mr. John H. Spencer

Ms. Elizabeth L. Schultz

Ms. Wilma M. Singleton

Ms. Nancy S. Spencer

Scintellix, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Sisk

Judge and Mrs. Ronald E. Spivey

Mrs. Lillian Scofield

Mr. and Mrs. Kim E. Sizemore

Sprinkle Foot & Ankle Center, PA

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Skarzynski

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scurry

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Slaughter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stafford

Ms. Beverly T. Seay

Ms. Elizabeth A. Sloan

Mr. Mark Stamaty

Mr. James A. Sebastian

Mr. Jules Sloane

Stedman Foundation

Miss Rebecca Ann Sebastian

Amy and Kenny Smith

Mr. and Mrs. W. Fletcher Steele

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Seippel

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith

Mr. Jack Steelman

The Senah C. & C.A. Kent Foundation

Ms. Carol B. Smith

Ms. Susan S. Steelman

Mr. and Mrs. E. Gray Smith III

Ms. Anne Sterchi

Frank L. Smith Revocable Trust

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. James N. Smith

Mr. Thomas P. Stevenson

Ms. Judy L. Smith

Mr. David H. Stewart, Jr.

Ms. Laura Smith

Mr. John R. Still

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill Stockton Ralph and Margaret Stockton CRT

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Roche III

Ms. Mary Carol Sapp

Mr. Paul A. Rodgman

Ms. Jennifer J. Raye

Rev. and Mrs. Cedric S. Rodney

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reece II

Ms. Victoria L. Roemer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Reece, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rogers

Ms. Evelyn J. Reeves

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rogers

Mr. James A. Reid

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rominger

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Reid

Dr. and Mrs. Junius Rose

Ms. Anna Reilly and Mr. Matthew Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reilly Mr and Mrs. Jack Timothy Renegar Reynolda Rotary Club Dr. and Mrs. Vade G. Rhoades Mr. Milton Rhodes Mr. Ross Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Riazzi Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riazzi Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Rice Mr. David J. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richardson Ms. Barbara Rickard

Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Roseman Ms. Bernadette M. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossitch Dr. and Mrs. John C. Rossitch Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rossitch Rotary Club of Stratford Rotary Club of Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rousseau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rowell Mr. and Mrs. John D. Royster Ms. Deborah Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rucker

Mr. and Mrs. David K. Rickelton

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Carver Rudolph, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rickert

Mrs. Benjamin S. Ruffin

Mr. Gwyn F. Riddick

Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riddle

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin

Ms. Barbara A. Rierson

Ms. Roseann S. Rush

Ms. Shannon L. Rieser

Kenneth M. Sadler, DDS Associates, PA

Mr. and Mrs. Clay V. Ring Rev. and Mrs. Prince R. Rivers R. J. Reynolds Foundation Mr. Edward D. Robbins, Jr. Ms. Arnetta W. Roberson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Roberson Robert Backer & Associates Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts Mrs. M. Stewart Robertson, Jr. Mr. E. Norwood Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Stan Senft Senior Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Settle Mr. Scott Settle Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Severs Mr. J. William Sexton

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sagartz

Mr. David E. Shaffner

Ms. Mary Leith Sage

Ms. Beverly R. Shaw

Dr. Paula Smith and Mr. Raeford Sawyer

Salem Academy and College

Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Smith, Jr.

Salemtowne - The Moravian Retirement Community

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Shealy

Dr. Sylvia Smith and Dr. Audie Bloise

The Salmon Family Trust Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Sanders Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sanders

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snoke F. Conard and Jean Snyder Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Ms. Michele S. Ray

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Roemer, Jr.

Mr. James M. Sheridan

Ms. Janet M. Sneed

Mr. A. Lincoln Sherk

Mr. Mack Ray

Mr. James K. Reaves, Jr.

Shepherd's Center of Greater Winston-Salem

Ms. Ann Hinshaw Shearon

Mr. William F. Smith

Shelco, Inc. Ms. Deborah F. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Shelton

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Smoak Mr. James N. Smoak Mr. and Mrs. Brant R. Snavely, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart Stogner Ms. Barbara A. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Stone Stonebreaker, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra Ms. Leonorah H. Stout Ms. Mary Anne Stowe

Donors - continued on next page

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [70–71]

funds and donors Donors - continued from previous page Ms. Mary E. Stowe

Mrs. Beulah Timmons

Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Strawsburg

Ms. Mary Ann Todd

Mrs. Carolyn H. Walker

Ms. Nancy G. Streblow

Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.

Ms. Perbena P. Walker

Ms. Kathryn Kendrick Streng

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace

Ms. Carol Strohecker

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Toole

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Sturdivant, Jr.

Ms. Velma R. Torbett

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ward

Mr. Bill Sugg and Ms. Carole Wells

Mr. Alan Toy

Dr. William G. Ward

The Suggs Family

Ms. Debbie Tran

Mr. and Mrs. David Wardlow

Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Sullivan

Jaymes and Ashle Tran

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Warhover

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Trawick

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Triad Business Solutions

Reverend and Mrs. Garfield T. Warren, Jr.

Surry Arts Council

Triad Dental Studio, Inc.

Ms. Melba R. Sutton

Triad Guaranty Insurance Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Svenson Mr. Michael Swain Mr. Tom Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Swofford Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Syms Mr. and Mrs. Randall Taikowski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Talley Targacept, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Jo Abbott Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell L. Taylor Ms. Renee A. Taylor Ms. Sandra Taylor Mrs. W. Mills Taylor Ms. Cozette Teasley Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tedder Ms. Terry Tembreull Temple Emanuel Mrs. Margaret Rose Tennille Mr. Jason C. Thiel Murugappan Thirugnana Ms. Ann S. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. John B. R. Thomas Mrs. Nannie B. Thomas Ms. Virginia R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bob C. Thompson Mr. Howard E. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Claze Washington Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Washington Mr. Joseph L. Washington

Mr. Steven Whitney and Ms. Cheryl Teague

Winston-Salem Regional Association of Realtors, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Whittington

Winston-Salem Twin City Host Lions Club

Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Wierman Wilco Hess Wilkes Playmakers, Inc. Mr. Matthew E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. John S. Willardson A. Tab Williams Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Winston-Salem Warthogs Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters Ms. Helen S. Wishon Ms. Kathy P. Wishon Mr. and Mrs. James N. Witherington Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron P. Williams

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice

Ms. Belvia Williams

Mrs. Anne S. Womble

Mr. Darryl T. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Calder W. Womble

Mr. Edward Williams

Ms. Christine W. Womble

Elizabeth T. Williams Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Mr. Ralph H. Womble

Triad Multiple Listing Service

Ms. Linda F. Washington

Mr. James Triantos

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Watson

Mrs. Virginia B. Trivette

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Watts, Jr.

Ms. Blondelia W. Tucker

Ms. Ramona Watts-Sutton

Dr. Daniel J. Tulman

Mr. and Mrs. S. Hayes Wauford, Jr.

Fred L. Turner Trust

Mrs. Philip R. S. Waugh

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Turnicky

Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Weatherford

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Tussey

Mrs. Cathy D. Webb

Ms. Rustine Unger

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weber

United eWay

Mr. John M. Weiler

United Way of Forsyth County

Welch Agricultural Services, Inc

Mr. Craig G. Uselman

Mr. Douglas C. Welch

Minister and Mrs. Thomas R. Williams

Mr. Bill Vaassen

Mr. John S. Welch

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Williams

Mr. Quy Van Duong

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Welch, Jr.

Mr. E. H. Williamson III

Yadkin County Retired School Personnel

Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr.

Ms. Katherine B. Welch

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard

Ms. Carolyn R. Yandle

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Mrs. Martha Wellman

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willingham

Mr. James E. Yarbrough, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Everett Wells III

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Willis, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yates III

West Forsyth Red Cross Club

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scott Willis

Ms. Susan V. Yates

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Whaling, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. Willis

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Yeager

Mr. and Mrs. Harden Wheeler, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Yena

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wheeler

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Wilson

Ms. Ann G. York

Ms. Bonnie N. Whitaker

Mr. and Mrs. G. Gray Wilson

Mr. Horace B. York

Mr. John C. Whitaker, Jr.

Mr. Harrison M. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Young

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Jr.

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Villines

Mr. Edwin White and Ms. Gwen Overturf

Mrs. Nancy H. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Zegrea

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Vonseggen

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. White

Ms. Tammy Wilson

Mr. Jon G. Zeliff

Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. White

Ms. Deborah Winfield

Mr. Marion B. Zollicoffer

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Vassar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vaughn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Vaughn, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vereen Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Vestal

Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Thompson

Mr. Jeffrey L. Wade

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson

Mr. Daniel E. Wagoner

Ms. Carol B. Tillman

Ms. Ashley W. Walker

Ms. Judith S. White Mr. and Mrs. Monty White Ms. Alice J. Whitfield Ms. Constance L. Whitmarsh

Mr. James G. Williams Mr. James R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John P. Williams Mr. Jonathan L. Williams Mrs. Mertice S. Williams Ms. Minnie B. Williams Mr. and Ms. R. Sanders Williams Dr. and Mrs. S. Clay Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Williams

Ms. Carolyn Miles Winfrey Winston-Salem Kiwanis Club Winston-Salem Police Department

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr. Mrs. William Z. Wood, Sr. Ms. Marian Woods Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Wooten Mr. John Wooton Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Worley Mrs. Robert P. Worth Ms. Doris L. Wright Ms. Mona W. Wu Xi Delta Gamma Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi

Book of Memory THE BOOK OF MEMORY was established by The Winston-Salem Foundation in 1946 as a means of preserving the names of people in whose memory gifts

are made. The specially commissioned, beautiful leather-bound book is displayed in the Foundation’s reception area and contains over 8,400 names.

The Foundation provides an acknowledgment to the appropriate person(s) to let them know that a memorial gift has been made and that the name of

the deceased has been inscribed in the Book of Memory.

the following names were entered into the book of memory in 2007: Carrie May Allgood

Graham Davis

Gwendolyn Allen Ivey

G. Emmett McCall

John A. Sidden

Camilla Edwards Arrington

Paul James Doby, Jr.

Shirley May Merritt Jackson

Mary Jane Means

Robert Sills

Margaret Bagnal

George Wilson Douglas, Jr.

Shelby Jarvis

Woodford R. Middleton, Jr.

Linville Slawter

Richard Bagnal

John Robert Elster

Edith A. Johnson

Sara Natalie Miller

Earl F. Slick

Zeb E. Barnhardt

Chloe Anne Middleton Fain

Frank Johnson, Jr.

Sidney Tidwell Milner

Zachary T. Smith II

Celestine Pate Bass

Frank Faircloth

Katharine King Johnson

Linda Arnold Moriarity

Frances Jane Snow

Ruth Brown Belyea

Vance Brown Field

Lemuel L. Johnson

William Daniel Noakes

Ethel D. Soefker

William Blackmon

Dr. Robert Darlan Fox

W. Connette Johnson

Jean Norris

Stancil Spivey

Wesley Bland

Ed Gannaway

Harry M. Jones

Len Norris

Frances Jenkins Sprinkle

Dale E. "Dee" Bodenhamer

Cornelia Mason "Neely" Garber

Judy Jones

W. J. O'Brien

Mary Thomas Spry

Pansy L. Boger

William Leo "Bill" Gibbs

James Henry Kellett

Mildred Rice Orr

Herman Dean Steinbaugh

Shelby Love Boger

Bobby Gray Gibson

Gladys Williams Kilgore

Jackson Potter Paul

George Steward

Eleanor Vann Rose Booke

Samuel Page Graham

Vera Konstantinow

Beryl Lillian Persons

J. Paul Sticht

Nancy Davis Bowen

Anne Correll Austin Ham

Elaine Krantz

Phelon D. Peters

Robert Lee Styers

C. C. Brown

Grace Robertson Harrill

Richard M. Lee

Harold R. Petree

Bernice Mitchell Swanson

Tien Bui

Dave Harris

Charles Roscoe Linville

Harry W. Phillips

Robert L. "Bobby" Sykes

Marsha Young Butler

Mary Ann Smith Harris

Martha Jean Misenheimer Little

Mary Cornelius Phillips

Roy Thompson

Lynn Thomas Cann

Erma Hicks

Matt Ransom Long III

Walter W. "Brownie" Pitt

Mattie White Tomlinson

Dorothy Mitten Carpenter

Dr. Felda Hightower

Zachary Adam Lowe

Joanne Dull Poole

Joseph Tribble

Carolyn A. Carter

Harrell B. Hill

Harvey Lupton, Jr.

Len Broughton "L.B." Preslar

Ray Troxell

Ames Christopher

Jane Farr Hobbs

B. R. Lynch

George Edward "Skip" Prosser

Eleanor "Elkie" Tulman

Carl "Wake" Clark

William David Hobbs

Lois Thomas Macy

Jerry Raker

Stanley Tulman

Rev. Dr. Edward Dudley Colhoun, Jr.

Thomas M. Holland

Douglas N. Marlette

Joseph H. Reich, Sr.

J. Clifford Vaughan

G. S. Coltrane

Mack Holt

Ann Marshall

Charles F. Ridenhour, Jr.

Mary Margaret Wade

Mabel Clark Corpening

Marc Allen Holton

Carl Marshall

James M. Robinson

Linda Wallace

Yvette Covell

Georgiann Honeycutt

Lily Mebane Marshall

Pauline Louise Gray Robinson

Philip R. S. Waugh, Sr.

Margaret Grayson Covington

Ruth O. Hutchinson

Janice Martin

Jane Roscoe

Herbert Wilson

Gordon Delmont "Del" Cranfill

Kay Swaim Hutson

Dr. William Joseph May

Alexander David Settle

Robert B. Wilson, Jr.

Judson Davie

Charles Eugene Ivey

Ann Garner McBryde

Kathryn Hutchins Shugart

Constance "Connie" Ketchie Young

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [72–73]

funds and donors

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem 2007 – 2008 Members (as of 6/30/08) Jean Adams

Mindy Bloom

Dianne N. Campbell

Nancy Cotton

Shirley W. Dunlap

Martha Albertson

Phyllis Sample Bonds

Susan S. Campbell

Christine Nero Coughlin

Evan K. Dunnagan

Betty Acey Alexander

Rhonda Bonfield

Morgan D. Cannino

Sharon Covitz

Phyllis H. Dunning

Annie Alexander

Katherine M. R. Bosken

Brittany Elizabeth Cannino

Perry Craven

Vanessa Duren-Winfield

Ruth V. Alexander

Sandra C. Boyette

Patricia W. Capps

Jacqueline Haynes Crawley

Mary M. Eagan

Harriet C. Allen

Anne M. Boyle

Martha B. Carlisle

Karen L. Cross

Pateah East

Simona Allen

Susan H. Boyles

Eugenie W. Carr

Lila J. Cruikshank

Jean Eastwood

Lisa Alley

Lynn V. Bradsher

Kathryn K. Carr

Luellen Curry

Martha Edwards

Gayle Anderson

Robin Brantley

Catharine R. Carruthers

Janine B. Cutchin

Maureen Eggert

Sharon A. Andrews

Allison Brashear

Susan K. Carson

Jennifer I. Dale

Lynn Eisenberg

Grace M. Andronica

Carolyn Breese

Lisa Carter

Suzanne Gandy Dale

Aurelia Eller

Susan P. Andrus

Felice Brenner

Peggy C. Carter

Eurica Daniels

Kate Elliott

Shawn D. Angell

Wendy Brenner

Carmen Caruth

Betty Gray H. Davis

Kristine K. Elliott

Vera C. Angell

Frances Brenner

Jennifer Casey

Brenda Smith Davis

Margaret P. Elliott

Gail M. Applegate

Tree Bright

Barbara A. Cassidy

Carol T. Davis

Sophie Elliott

Stevie Armbrecht

Susan Brittain

Mackenzie C. Cates

Kirsten S. Davis

Jeanine Elster

Johnne Armentrout

Katherine B. Broadhurst

Virginia Caudill

La Venta Davis

Julie Englebert

Anne O. Armfield

Anne K. Brock

Aracelli Cetina

Linda G. Davis

Mary Margaret Evans

Margaret W. Armfield

Linda M. Brock

Shelby L. Chaden

Terrie Davis

Angela Evans Everett

Jan N. Assimos

Henri Dribrell Brown

Dee Chambers

Artina Lynne Dawkins

Andrea M. Falden

Katherine D. Atala

Mabe Brown

Caroline Chiles

Joan Dawson

Laura B. Farren

Kim Autrey

Mary Ellis Brown

Claire C. Christopher

Vicki B. Day

Susan L. Faust

Melissa A. Avent

Jere C. Browne

Kay F. Clark

Tonya Deem

Dorian Faye

Carolyn Bailey

Elaine P. Browne

Pat Shore Clark

Tricia DeForest

Lynn Felder

Anita Bain

Melanie Broyhill

Wilma Clark

Annette Deleot

Kitty B. Felts

Linda Baker

Carol Connolly Bruce

Catherine Clegg

Cathy Denning

Margaret H. Felts

Suzanne B. Baker

Velvet E. Bryant

Alice Cleland

Nancy Dennis

Heather Ferguson

Beth Baldwin

Tracie Bryson

Gwenn S. Clements

Pamela Denton

Carolyn R. Ferree

Betty T. Barnett

Nadine Buckinger

Wenda Clinard

Sally I. Deramus

Jacquelyn S. Fetrow

Edie Barrett

Sylvia S. Budd

Rebecca N Clingman

Jane DeSantis

Pamela J. Fish

Kate Dunn Barrow

Donna M. Burke

Louise W. Clover

Jan M. Detter

Gail Fisher

Karen L. Bartoletti

Jeremy P. Burnett

Mary Boone Coan

Robin DeVane

Martha Fleer

Elaine M. Bates

Molly Burnett

Kirtan Coan

Camilla Deyton

Trayonna Floyd

Toyoko Beaty

Mary Louise Burress

Bunny Coates

Joyce Dickerson

Ragan P. Folan

Linda Beerman

Candice J. Burris

Kara K. Cochran

Sharon Dobbins

Gene Foster

Diane Behar

Marjorie Williams Burris

Jennifer Collins

Mary Ruth Dobbins

Jennifer K. Foster

Helen Beloof

Laura Burrows

Margaret Collins

Rita P. Doran

Daisy G. Fowler

Mosé Belton-Perry

Parker Burrows

Jane Combs

Anne J. Doss

Bonnie S. Fowler

Deborah L. Best

Jocelyn Burton

Michelle M. Cook

Julia Doub

T. Sharee Fowler

Ellen Hofheimer Bettmann

Shilpa S. Buss

Kelly Cook

Erin K. Doughty

Sue Fowler

Sylva Billue

Missy D. Butler

Florence P. Corpening

Hunter B. Douglas

Sheila F. Fox

Lucinda P. Bingham

Nikki Byers

Leigh Cortesis

Marian Douglas

Jodi Frichner

Carolyn Black

Dianne W. Caesar

Joan Cotterill

Luci H. Driscoll

Alison B. Friduss

Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman

Eileen Cahill

Cathy Cottle

Mimi Driscoll

Cici Fulton

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem Members - continued on next page

[74–75] funds and donors

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem Members - continued from previous page Mary Irwin Furey

Susan Hauser

Deborah Isbister

Kayla Landers

Sara-Peyton McCormick

Candelas Gala

Robin Bullins Hedrick

Dianne Iseman

Brenda Latham-Sadler

Anne B. McDowell

Elizabeth Gamble

Ruth Helein

Cynthia Jackson-Hammond

Lula M. Leake

Shippey K. McDowell

M. Caroline Gamble

Elizabeth C. Henderson

Adele James

Margaret R. Lee

Rhonda M. McIlwain

Kathryn W. Garner

Susan L. Henderson

Lena M. James

Claudine Legault

Anna Claire McKeen

Linda D. Garrou

Doris S. Herrell

Yolanda James

Mary Annette Leight

Cathleen M. McKinney

Courtney Gauthier

Suzanne Hess

Mary Jamis

Margaret K. Leinbach

Laura H. McKinny

Ann Geiger

Ann C. Hinkle

Annie M. Jenkins

Michelle Merritt Leonard

Cathy L. McLaughlin

Pat Gibson

Linda A. Hobbs

Sarah Jenkins

Diane Leshin

Sally R. McLeod

Eileen K. Gillis

Kimberly A. Hobin

Charlene A. Johnson

Lois Levin

Gail McNeill

Lisa Glenn-Jones

Brenda T. Hodge

Constance Johnson

Emilie Lewis

Monica McSwain

Shirley L. Goodman

Henrietta S. Hodge

Jackie Johnson

Nancy Line

Patricia Mead

Louise Y. Gossett

Kate Winstead Hodge

Kay B. Johnson

Susan P. Little

Savannah Meeks

Jennifer E. Gottlieb

Amelia H. Hodges

Starr Johnson

Adrienne Livengood-Baker

Katherine K. Memory

Liana Gottlieb

Elizabeth L. Hoekstra

Anne Coggan Johnston

Susan Locke

Margaret S. Mertz

Marcia Gottlieb

Patti Hoffman

Beverly Johnston

Faith Bannister Lockwood

Chi-Chi Z. Messick

Simone Rose Grace

Shelley S. Holden

Susan Leake Jones

Lea H. Loftis

Patricia O. Messick

Amy Koman Grady

Elizabeth A. Hollan

Janet L. Joyner

Martha Logemann

Diane Messick

Joan W. Greason

Debra E. Holliday

Pamela P. Kahl

Kay Lord

Lucinda Meyer

Priscilla J. Green

Sarah R. Holthouser

Lucy Kaplan

Mona W. Lovett

Tamara Michael

Eliza B. Greene

Pollyann E. Holthusen

Lisa Denise Kay

Gail Lybrook

Susan Mickey

Laura A. Greer

Marjorie T. Hoots

Patricia A. Kelly

Jessa L. Lyders

Laura C. Miller

Jennifer E. Grosswald

Rosalie Hanes Horton

Patricia W. Kennedy

Annette P. Lynch

Nola G. Miller

Ann H. Guill

Francoise Houenou

Mary R. Kerr

Patti Mandel

Piper Millsaps

Sally H. Gulley

Gretchen Hoyle

Megan Kilpatrick

Heidi R. Mann

Sandra Mikush

Gloria T. Hairston

Katherine Hoyt

Amanda King

Kimberly Kelly Mann

Rodessa Mitchell

LaShonda Dionne Fields Hairston

Patti Hubbard

Susan G. King

Claudia Manning

Helen Monroe

Annie R. Hairston

Catherine C. Huber

Susan T. Kirby

Agnete Mansori

Jenny M. Moore

Carol V. Hall

Doreen L. Hughes

Lisa Kirkman

Meriwynn G. Mansori

Mary Lou Moore

Nancy M. Hall

Lucia M. Hughes

Cheryl Kiser

Holly H. Marion

Peggy C. Moore

Donna Hamilton

Sydney H. Hughes-McGee

Mary Knott

Deborah S. Marshall

Megan Bishop Moore

Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin

Patricia W. Hull

Nola Reed Knouse

Jane Z. Martin

Jacqueline Morgan

Kelly K. Hane

Cashin Hunt

Leigh E. Koman

Mary Allen Martin

Olivia E. Morgan

Ann S. Hanes

Ginny G. Hunter

Ruth Kooken

Nancy Martin

Karen R. Morrow

Charlotte Hanes

Sarah O. J. Hunter

Karen R. Kooken

Betty A. Mauceri

Elisabeth M. Motsinger

Copey C. Hanes

Kirk M. Huske

Hilary L. Kosloske

Marinda Maxwell

Jo Ann Mount

Jane Craig Hanes

Jamie Huss

Mary Krautter

Tracey S. Maxwell

Portia R. Mount

Jane G. Hanes

Laurie L. Hutchins

Britta Kunzer

Joyce S. May

Lucy Mullen

Tari Hanneman

Addie B. Hymes

Anita B. Kurtz

Mary Anne Maynard

Anne Murray

Delois Harding

Elwanda D. Ingram

Andrea S. Kurtz

Mary McAfee

Mollie S. Murray

Donna L. Harney

Carol C. Inman

Jo Ann Kyslinger

Judy T. McAllister

Susie Nance

Martha D. Harper

Jean R. Irvin

Brenda Laffoon

Lisa McBride

Joyce R. Neely

Sherri S. Harris

Sandra Irvin

Gail Allen Lake

Susan McBurney

Emily Neese

Elizabeth M. Hatcher

Lizzie Irvin

Lesley-Anne Lamb

Allison McCall

Joy Seterra Nelson

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem Members - continued on next page

The Women’s Fund of Winston-Salem Members - continued from previous page Rosemary Nelson

Annette Porter

Beverly R. Shaw

Lamar S. Taft

Judy Watson

Stephanie V. Newstedt

Frances G. Porter

Cindy C. Shearer

Lucy Arlayne Tate

Dolores Kay Watson

Linda M. Nicolotti

Karen Pranikoff

Maddie Shearer

Anne G. Taylor

Jean Waugh

Rose Marie Norman

Ramelle Pulitzer

Judy Shepherd

Gwynne Taylor

Virginia R. Weiler

Corena A. Norris-McCluney

Rosemary Pulliam

Anne Kesler Shields

Marguerite B. Taylor

Hazel Weisner

Marjorie Northup

Lisa Purcell

Sandra C. Shugart

Rachel Taylor

Annissa Welch

Drewry Nostitz

Elizabeth L. Quick

Sally Shumaker

Jo Anne Tedford

Kathy Welch

Tara O'Brien

Mary Anne Ramsey

Barbara Sifford

Rosalind Lee Tedford

Gretchen L. Wells

Anita Ogburn

Marisa Ray

Marjorie L. Silber

Jessica R. Harris Telligman

Janet P. Wheeler

Phyllis C. Oliphant

Deborah R. Reaves

Kami Chavis Simmons

Mary Craig Tennille

Cristin Carr Whiting

Dawn S. Opel

Eddis P. Reinhardt

Anna Singer

Evelyn Terry

Melicia Whitt-Glover

Roanne F. Ornelles

Elizabeth C. Rhoades

Betsy Sloan

Jo Anne M. Thomas

Mary Lynn Wigodsky

Chevarra Orrin

Lynn Rhoades

Elizabeth A. Sloan

Francie Thompson

Camilla P. Wilcox

Andrea Ostberg

Lori Riazzi

Donna Smart

Lee N. Thompson

Joan E. Wilkins

Susan B. Ott

LaTonya Richardson

Anna M. Smith

Barbara L. Thornton

Montine P. Wilkinson

Susan Overman

Juanita C. Richardson

Julie J. Smith

Linda G. Tilley

E. Danielle Thompson Williams

Kimberly Pace

Shawn A. Ricks

Kathleen H. Smith

Lisa A. Todd

Kathryn B. Williams

Mildred W. Paden

Patty Ricono

Margaret S. Smith

Linda Lee S. Tonnesen

Mary Jane Williams

Theresa Palmer

Anne D. Rigby

Sara E. Smith

Patricia W. Toole

Mitzi Williams

Wendy Marie Parker

Julie A. Risher

Maggie Vaughn Snoke

Camille H. Townsend

Parepa M. Williams

Emily H. Parker

Christine D. Ritchie

Margaret Vance Snoke

Margaret Townsend

Theldora S. Williams

Khaki K. Parks

Teresa Robbins

Lisa Snowden

Mary Lyle Townsend

Tillie Willis

Britt Parrish

Sondra G. Robinson

Susan S. Sommerkamp

Reilly C. Townsend

Sharon K. Wilmoth

Leigh W. Pate

Mary H. Roemer

Marge Sosnik

Jodi L. Turner

Anne G. Wilson

Lucie M. Patton

Sandra Romanac

Mary O. Sotile

Laura Davis Turner

Annette Morgan Wilson

Patricia Pence-Sokoloff

Suzie Ross

Diane Spaugh

Linda Turner

Emily H. Wilson

Randon B. Pender

Cynthia B. Rothschild

Ann Lewallen Spencer

Carson Tuttle

Holly Rae Wilson

Brenda B. Penney

Bertha T. Roundtree

Nancy S. Spencer

Claire Tuttle

Janie Wilson

Allison C. Perkins

Deborah Rubin

Gale St. John

Virginia C. Underhill

Lara S. Wilson

Jill O. Peters

Kathy D. Rucker

Wanda V. Starke

Peggy Valentine

Patricia S. Wilson

Kelly Jo Petersen

Betsy Rudolph

Susan K. Stephens

Rebecca S. Valla

Remi Davis Wingo

Patricia H. Petrozza

Shirley T. Sadler

Cynthia M. Stevens

Eleanor Vance

Leslie J. Winner

Roberta L. Pettit

Susan Sassmann

Preston Stockton

Joanna C. Vaughn

Frankie P. Winters

Susan Pezzullo

Margaret Scales

Deanna M. Stokes

Lelia L. Vickers

Deborah Wishon

Jane M. Pfefferkorn

Jennifer Schiller

Christine Storch

Mary Lou Voytko

Mildred S. Wood

Susan Pfefferkorn

Cheryl A. Schirillo

Mary E. Stowe

Helen Waite

Amal Wood

Sarah H. Pfeiffer

Donna M. Schmid

Lucy S. Strawsburg

Janice L. Wakefield

Amy O. Wright

Josephine O. Phillips

Nancy C. Schneider

Carol Strom

Susan B. Wall

Mona W. Wu

Kay McGee Phillips

Meyressa Schoonmaker

Carole M. Stuart

Bernadette Wallace

Sallie S. Yena

Maribeth Pierce

Katherine Schroeder

Brooke J. Suiter

Corinne Ward

Laura F. Young

Mary Jane Pishko

Marianne Schubert

Myra R. Summers

Marygrace Ward

Lynn D. Young

Nancy Pleasants

Emily Scott Seawell

Judith J. Sutherin

Debra Wardlow

Nancy Young

Ronda T. Plummer

Anne W. Sessions

Martha S. Sutton

Leila L. Warren

Kathryn F. Zagoria

Robin Pope

Lenore T. Shamey

Olivia C. Swinton

Najar D. Washington

the winston-salem foundation annual report

funds and donors [76–77]

Map and Directions


W. 5th St.

Scott F. Wierman — President

W. 4 1/2 St.

Cici Fulton — Director, Marketing and Communications Cherry St.

Marshall St.

Summit St.

Lisa P. Purcell — Executive Vice President

W. 4th St.

David Gore — Director, Information Systems and Technology Christina Perrin — Receptionist Leila Warren — Executive Assistant Todd Slate — Vice President, Finance and Administration

2n W.

Betty Johnson — Financial Assistant

t. dS

Carolyn McBride — Grants Processor Mary Jo Morgan — Accounting Associate

N. Bro

ad St.

W. 1st St.

Dee Smitherman — Comptroller COMMUNITY INVESTMENT

Exit 5B

Business 40 < To Statesville, Asheville, Hwy 421, 1-77 To Greensboro, Raleigh/Durham, Hwy 52, 1-85 >

Michael Clements — Vice President, Community Investment Edna Barker — Administrative Assistant, Student Aid Betty Gray Davis — Senior Program Officer Robin Burr DeVane — Grants Manager


Kay Dillon — Director, Student Aid Andrea Falden — Program Officer


Sandra Fishel-Booth — Program Officer

Street. Parking is available from 4 ½ Street. To get to our

Brittney Gaspari — Director, Grants

office parking lot from Business 40, take the Broad Street

Tari Hanneman — Women’s Fund Coordinator

exit, turn right off the ramp, and go toward downtown. Cross Fourth Street and turn left on 4 ½ Street. Just before the end


of the block, turn right into The Winston-Salem Foundation

Annette Lynch — Vice President, Philanthropic Services

parking lot. The door to our reception area is on the left side

Jonathan Halsey — Donor Services Officer

of the building.

Jo Ann Kyslinger — Gifts Processor Marisa Ray — Development Officer Ann Tillett — Administrative Assistant, Philanthropic Services

Seated (from left) – Michael Clements, Scott Wierman, Leila Warren First row – Andrea Falden, Cici Fulton, Betty Gray Davis, Marisa Ray, Christina Perrin, Betty Johnson, Mary Jo Morgan, Lisa Purcell, Annette Lynch, Todd Slate Second row – Ann Tillett, Robin Burr DeVane, Kay Dillon, Edna Barker Third row – Brittney Gaspari, Dee Smitherman, Tari Hanneman, Jo Ann Kyslinger, David Gore Fourth row – Carolyn McBride, Sandra Fishel-Booth, Jonathan Halsey

the winston-salem foundation annual report

d i re c t i o n s a n d s ta f f [ 7 8 – 7 9 ]

Integrity asks us to focus on the work of our hands,

the path of our feet, the generosity of our vision—

because there is always more good to be done,

more places needing light...

Design: M Creative Photography: Christine Rucker Printing: Hutchison Allgood The inside pages of this annual report contain fiber sourced from well-managed forests.

860 West Fifth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2506 Telephone (336) 725-2382 Toll-free (866) 227-1209 Fax (336) 727-0581 www.wsfoundation.com

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