INTERESTED IN HELPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF ECE ILLINOIS STUDENTS, BUT NOT SURE WHERE TO START? You’ve got talent and passion. We’ve got students who are eager to learn and grow. Consider this handbook your guide to giving back—it includes ways to help from both near and far. We hope you’ll use it to make a difference in the life of an ECE ILLINOIS student today.
COMING TO CAMPUS? BRING YOUR EXPERIENCE. If you’re planning to be back on campus, then plan to share your wisdom with current students. Or help in another way. Recruit students for your company. Speak in a seminar or other forum. Mentor or meet with students through student groups or career services. Be a judge during Engineering Open House in March or during an entrepreneurship competition. Did you know that alumni often play an important role in driving company recruitment efforts on campus? That could mean actively recruiting on campus, or making sure your company knows where to find more great engineers.
HELPING IS EASY. BEING ON CAMPUS MAY NOT BE. Fortunately, you can have an impact on ECE ILLINOIS from your home or office. Participate in our freshman welcome calling program. Nominate a fellow alumnus for an on-campus award. Attend an alumni gathering or work with the department to host your own. Be a champion at work: you know ECE ILLINOIS is awesome, be sure to tell someone. Did you know that alumni help make important connections that can lead to research partnerships and corporate philanthropy?
WANT TO CONNECT? WE ARE JUST A CLICK AWAY. If you’re online (we know you are) stop by and say hello. Your presence makes a difference. Join the online community: we love social media, but we’d love it more if you were following, sharing, and contributing. Let us know what you’ve been up to! ECE alumni are some of the most successful people we know. Share your good news with us so we can share it with your fellow alumni. Update your contact information so we can keep you in the loop on ECE ILLINOIS news. Did you know that over 3,000 fellow alumni are in the ECE ILLINOIS Alumni LinkedIn group? Join them!
FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL GO A LONG WAY. There is power in our numbers. With 22,000 alumni, gifts at any level add up to big impact. $50 provides clean room garb for three Fab Lab students each semester. $100 provides supplies for a student research project. $250 can enable a student to present his or her research at a national conference. $500 puts a solar panel on the roof of ECE’s new home building, making it a highly-efficient, living lab. Did you know that alumni support can also provide needed scholarships and awards for students? And, alumni can help support and retain outstanding professors through the establishment of named professorships and chairs.
CHARGED UP AND READY TO HELP? Great! Then let’s connect. It’s easy. More information available at ece.illinois.edu/alumni/giveback Or contact the Office of Advancement 217.265.6285 ece@illinois.edu