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“On the road with Jo”

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Events Calendar

Hearing Aids Open House SaleWhile Wearing A Mask You Experience A 12% Decrease Celebration and Thanksgiving


FINAL 3 DAYS! February 18th, 19th & 20thSPECIAL FREE 2 YEARS OF BATTERIES In Speech Quality! All who attend this event receive the following, FREE: OR BLUETOOTH REMOTE with qualifying purchase Ear Canal Exam Hearing Evaluation Hearing Aid Demoof Bluetooth Hearing Aids

Use your phone as a Authorized Dealer REMOTE for FREE!


100% Micro CIC


Fits up to 40 db Loss

The innovative Silk click and fit $995 Now

Retail Price $1990



The world’s first rechargeable SLIM RIC that combines style with high-tech hearing.

We have the latest technology. Free demonstrations on-site.

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Digital BTE Digital CIC 3 Mirco CIC

(Behind-the-Ear) (Completely-in-Canal) (Completely-in-Canal) $695 Now EACH $795 Now EACH $995 Now EACH

Retail Price $1290 Retail Price $1490 Retail Price $1990 Covid-19 has affected the Hearing Impaired more than anyone else.

You may no longer be able to read lips with the Covid-19 mask ordinance.

Relying on your ears to help you communicate, will make your hearing get worse.

Safe distancing is also a detriment to hearing and understanding.

American Discount Hearing is proud to introduce the latest technology in Hearing Aid Systems available!

You could already be suffering from high frequency hearing loss and not even realize it! But you can find out for yourself with this simple speech test. Ask your spouse or a friend to cover their mouth and randomly read these words: PATCH TEACH CHIEF PASS SEAT PASTE SEEP PATH PASS FEET CEASE FACE SAFE FAST Advanced Technology Benefits PATH TASTE CHEAP PEACH CHAT TAP

• No volume controls to adjust • No wind noise • No more plugged up feeling 2013’s favorite hearing aid center Highest Rated Customer Satisfaction!

We pride ourselves in providing you with CALL (956) 702-7777 NOW! the best sound quality in the industry. LIMITED APPOINTMENTS!

Pharr - Mike Pruneda

PHARR, TX 78577 300 E. Interstate 2 - Ste. G, Pharr 300 E. Expressway 83 - Ste. G • 956-702-7777 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm (closed 12-1:30pm for lunch)

• Reduces background noise • Cosmetically appealing • Comfortable

Performance levels

7 5 sDemo

Enjoy Hands Free, Self Adjusting, Smart Technology, DO YOU HAVE DIFFICULTIES HEARING? Let us take a look inside your ear canal. It might be ear wax. • 30 DAY Money Back Guarantee • Repairs & Adjustments For Most Major Brands

• Eliminates feedback

• Telephone compatible Care Credit Patient Plans • Rechargeable 24, 36 & 48 Months Available. Also 12 mos. 0% Interest. Subject to Credit Approval

12 mos. 0% InterestWe Guarantee You Will Be Satisfied With Our Services upon approval

• Contemporary design with clean surfaces • Portable rechargeability ο 3 hour full charge resulting in up to 19 hours daily use ο 30 minute fast charge resulting in 5 additional hours use ο 3 full charges on the go • Most natural own voice and best speech understanding in noise with Signia Nx platform • Robust fixed receiver and IP68 rated† for unmatched reliability • Size M receiver (60/119) available in lengths 2 & 3 Uncompromising Audiological Performance – Signia Nx technology is clinically-proven improve the most common communication issues. • 80% improvement in acceptance of a wearer’s own voice with Own Voice Processing • 25% better speech recognition in noisy environments for Signia wearers over people with normal hearing with Narrow-Directionality (offer your patient “better than normal hearing • 60% reduced listening effort in demanding environments lessening wearer fatigue

iPad 9:45 AM 100%

Happy Thanksgiving. And we iPad • Contemporary design with clean surfaces • Portable rechargeability 9:45 AM 100% ο 3 hour full charge resulting in up to 19 hours daily use have so much to be thankful for. ο 30 minute fast charge resulting in 5 additional hours use ο 3 full charges on the go We live in a beautiful, wonderful • Most natural own voice and best speech understanding in noise with Signia Nx platform • Robust fixed receiver and IP68 rated world alive with trees and flowers • Size M receiver (60/119) available in lengths 2 & 3 and friends. Blue skies and warm Uncompromising Audiological Performance improve the most common communication issues. sunshine. Most of us have plenty of food, a warm bed, and a sheltered • 80% improvement in acceptance of a wearer’s own voice with Own Voice Processing • 25% better speech recognition in noisy environments for Signia wearers over people with normal hearing with Narrow-Directionality (offer your patient “better than normal hearing • 60% reduced listening effort in demanding environments lessening wearer fatigueFREE TABLET FOR home waiting for us at the end of HEARING IMPAIRED each day. But not everyone is so Restrictions apply. blessed. Some families are without See dealer for details. jobs and have too many mouths to feed. Or maybe they are handicapped or a single parent with just more than too much responsibility. Let us all give thanks for what we do have. Truly the months of November and December are months of celebration and thanksgiving.

Almost a month ago, the phone rang with a request for help. Unfortunately, the only help that I could offer were telephone numbers and names of local companies that might be able to help the caller with her transportation needs. Then just a few days ago, a picture in our local newspaper caught my eye. Somehow that caller managed to find transportation for the group that came all the way from Houston to share their blessings with those, who perhaps were not so blessed.

It seems this particular group had a multitude of shoes to share with children whose parents may have been struggling to buy shoes for their children. But they did not just bring shoes - they brought love and concern for those who needed their help. The picture in the paper said it all. One of the volunteers was washing the feet of the little child who was about to receive a brand-new pair of socks and new shoes. Would you wash someone’s dirty feet? Would you wash those feet with love and understanding? Would you travel seven hours to help someone you did not even know? So many people share and care. Just the least little smile or a thank you is all that someone may need just to make their day. We all need to make time to greet those we meet on the street. We all need to make time to say please and thank you for the kindness that others show to us. Let us all be thankful for what we have. Some may not have much but they are still thankful. After all, to have a little is better than to have nothing at all. In fact, that reminds me of what my husband used to recite - “Christmas is coming, and the geese are getting fat. Please to put a penny in an old man's hat. If not a penny a half penny will do. If not a half penny, God bless you.”

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