How to write seo friendly content for google in 2018?

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How to Write SEO-Friendly Cont ent for Google in 2018? It is an unspoken rule that a website's content is its best asset. It is one thing to be well versed with Search Engine Optimisation, and a totally different thing to have high quality content on that optimised platform. Google values high user experience and high quality, original write up. These are the two driving factors that can earn you traffic in 2018. So, you must be acquainted with different SEO friendly content writing tips. Periodically, Google l aunches its spiders to do a crawl of all websites and keep a note of the quality of write up, its user experience and its credibility. If you convince Google of your worth by producing high quality content, you can improve your Google ranking. The basic aim is to improve SERP rank. This is done via a cumulative effort put in by different factors including a sound SEO content marketing strategy. Below are some of questions that deal with how to improve one's rank.


How effective is a "user-friendly" approach?

Very effective! Google wants to see a credible website that makes the user's experience worth it. Google values original and unique content that leaves the user satisfied. This has to be kept in mind during web content development.

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ďż˝ What do we exactly mean by "user-friendly"? Google wants to give users the answers to their questions. This means that instead of targeting just what the user might be typing into Google, we should look for the user's intent. The pages that are most relevant to the






experience fruitful. It is imperative that a website covers various topics under its niche to give to the user what he is looking for. Google no more depends only on keywords to figure out what a website is all about. It has a Knowledge Graph that has been populated with "Named Entities" and sometimes, such information is used to display SERP.

ďż˝ How important is High quality content? The simple question to consider is: When Google already has better, more informative and original websites to choose from, why would it settle for a website with low quality, unoriginal content? Google aims at providing top quality user experience. Irrelevant keyword searches do not need to be optimised. P rofessional companies offering SEO content writing services would not disagree to the said. There are many indicatives to show whether or not your write up is "low quality". Duplicate content is a major problem. So are manipulative back links. Needless to say, if your entire website is full of such pages, it is a huge problem. Another important thing to note is that Google likes long write up. It is not a strict rule that only long write up ranks in Google but it was certainly being preferred in 2017. So, 2018 is least likely to be different in that front.

W hatmakescont entHi ghqual i t y?

An i ndept h and i nf or mat i v e pi ec e ofwr i t e up c ar r i esv al ue.The wr i t e up needst o be per i odi c al l yupdat ed.Awel lwr i t t enpi ec eofc ont entc anal way sbeopt i mi s edt hewayot her c ont enthasbeen,i nt hepas t .Thepages houl dnotl ooks pam orf ul lofadv er t i s ementor s pons or s hi psbec aus et hatdr as t i c al l yr educ est heus er ’ sex per i enc e.Thewr i t eupneedst o beupt odat eandt r us t wor t hy . Ther ei snor ul east ohowmanywor dst het ex tneedst ohav ewheni tc omest opr of es s i onal s eoc opy wr i t i ng.I tv ar i esf r om paget opage,ac c or di ngt ot heni chei twor k si nandt heSERP t haty ouar ec ompet i ngi n.I n2018,qual i t ywi l lbemor ei mpor t antt hanquant i t y .Keept he s ear c her ’ si nt enti nmi ndwhi l eopt i mi s i ngapage.Themor et heuni quenes sofapage,t he bet t erGoogl er ewar dsi tbys endi ngmor et r af f i ci t sway . or ankf ori t sHeadT er m orH1.Al lt hei mpor t antk ey wor dsneedt obe A pageneedst ment i onedi nt hebodyoft het ex tj us tonc e.Av oi dKey wor dSt uf f i ngasGoogl ef r ownsupon i t !I ti shi ghl yc ount er pr oduc t i v e.

Doest he hi ghqual i t y


al s oneedt obe opt i mi s ed?

Yes .SEO ex t r ac t smor ewor t hf r om c ont enti n an or gani c s ear c h. Whi l e Googl e s t i l l ac knowl edgest he ol d SEO t ac t i c s ,i tgi v es i mpor t anc et oc ont entt hati smor ei nf or mat i v e aswel l .Youc anc r eat ewr i t euphowev eri t f eel snat ur alt oy oubuty ouhav et oopt i mi s e t he page wi t h a dec entnumberofr el ev ant k eywor ds .Sear c hengi neopt i mi z edc ont enti s i nf ac tt hebas i cr equi r ement .

How i mpor t anti si tt ouset hecor r ectgr ammar t oi mpr ovet her anki ng? Goodgr ammardoesnotmeanagoodr ank .Googl el ook st omat c ht hes ear c hedk ey wor d wi t ht heSERP.Howev er ,wr i t eups houl dnotbef ac t ual l yi nc or r ec t ,ol dandi r r el ev antor mi s l eadi ngast hatdampenst heus er ’ sex per i enc e.Poors pel l i ngsnegat i v el yi mpac tt he Googl er ank i ng!Keept het ex tr ef r es hi ng.Usegoodv oc abul ar y ,r emov eout dat edl i nk sand r educ ek ey wor ds t uf f i ng.

Shoul dIwantt or ankf oraSNI PPET? Yes !Thati st hef i r s tt hi ngt heus ers eeswheni t ss ear c hr es ul t sar ebei ngdi s pl ay ed.Gi ve Googl epr ec i s eans wer st hati tc oul dquot ei nas ni ppet .Wor koni mpr ov i ngy ourpages .Head t er mswi t h“ How t o”and “ Whati s ”ar ev er yc ur r entand s i gni f i c anti nt er msofs ni ppet r ank i ngs .Ex per tc ont entwr i t i ngagenc i esi nI ndi ac anas s i s ty oui nt hes ame.

Doesi tt akeal ongt i met owr i t eSEOf r i endl y cont ent ?

I tdependsont hes etupandhow wel lt r ai nedt hepr of es s i onalc ont entwr i t er sar e.Ot her i mpac t i ngf ac t or sar et heni c heoft hewr i t eupandeas eofwor k .I ts houl dbek epti nmi ndt hat ev en34l owqual i t ypagesc anpot ent i al l yi mpac tt heent i r ewebs i t e.So,t hequal i t yandSEO oft hec ont entr eal l ymat t er s .Tr us tandqual i t yar et wot hi ngst hatGoogl ek eepsal ookout f or . Googl el i k esf r es h wr i t e up.I tneedst ok now t hatt he s i t ei sbei ng mai nt ai ned and i s per i odi c al l yupdat ed.I ti spr et t ys i mpl eac t ual l y .Googl ewant st os how r es ul t st hatwoul d s at i sf yt heus er ’ squer y .Thatway ,Googl el ook sgoodandt hen,r ewar dsyoubybet t er i ng y ourGoogl er ank i ngs .

W hataboutConver si onRat es ? Theul t i mat eai mi st ogi v et heus ert heans wert ot hei rquer y .Youwanty ours i t et obeI Tf or t heus er .Youdon’ twanthi mj umpi ngbac kt oSERPt of i nds omet hi ngmor eac c ur at e.You wanty ours i t et obet heHol yGr ai l .Suc c es si swheny ouear ny our s el fs omes ubs c r i ber sand r et ur ni ngv i s i t or s .Thati swhy ,s at i s f y i ngus eri nt enti sv er yi mpor t ant !











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