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A1MW biogas-fuelled Jenbacher 320 gas turbine been installed and commissioned in Khlong Khlung district, Kamphaeng Phet province, Thailand, to power a key tapioca starch factory, reports the installer SOUER.
Aside from their basic nutritional uses, starches manufactured here are used in brewing and as thickening agents in baked goods and confections. Starch is used in paper manufacturing to increase the strength of paper and is also used in the surface sizing of paper.

The genset is the 4th such unit installed at this power plant. Based on Innio’s proven Type 3 platform established in 1988 and continuously developed ever since, the next generation Jenbacher Type 3F engine offers proven robustness and reliability while delivering more efficiency than ever, reports the company.
Features of the equipment include:
-Electrical Output 792 - 1,067 kW
-Thermal Output 947 - 1,311 kW
-Voltage 400V, 6.3kV, 10.5kV
-Electrical Efficiency up to 43.3 %
-Thermal Efficiency up to 49.9 %
The Jenbacher Type 3 offers long service intervals, maintenance-friendly engine design and low fuel consumption ensure maximum efficiency in the Type 3 Jenbacher engines.
“The Jenbacher Type 3F engine offers proven robustness and reliability while delivering more efficiency than ever.Jenbacher Type 3 proven - reliable - flexible ~11,000 Type 3 engines were delivered since 1988,” reports a spokesman.

Regarded as the “workhorse” in the Type 3 engines family, the Jenbacher 320 offers the highest power output and electrical efficiency up to 41.4%.
Jenbacher Type 3 engines offer proven savings on service and fuel consumption, offering customers excellent efficiency.
Two-stage mixture cooling enables high flexibility
In the Jenbacher 32o turbocharger bypass evens out extreme operating conditions. LEANOX lean burn controls ensures minimal emissions within the system.
Applicable gas types for this engine include: natural gas, associated petroleum gas (flare gas), propane, biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, coal mine gas, other special gases (e.g. coke, wood, and pyrolysis gases).
The engine offers others advantages: enhanced components prolong service life even when using nonpipeline gases, such as landfill gas.
According to INNIO Type 3 engines offer an outstanding service interval with up to 80,000 operating hours until the major overhaul.
This engine type stands out in its 400 to 1,100 kW power range due to its technical maturity and high degree of reliability.
Jenbacher Type 3 proven - reliableflexible ~11,000 Type 3 engines have been in use by industry since 1988. The Type 3 engines suits combined
Heat and Power Module (CHP Module) solutions where the engine allow customers to generate power and heat simultaneously at a very high total efficiencies, reaching 90% and even more.
CHP Modules can generate hot water or steam at various parameters and can be integrated with a company’s existing heat infrastructure. End users can select the option tbest fits their project’s needs among the various heat recovery schemes provided by Jenbacher.
The scope of supply can be extended further with various balance of plant options (BOP) offered by Jenbacher.
About the supplier
Based in Phitsanulok, Thailand and in business for over 30 years, distributor Souer Co Ltd specialises in the supply, service and support of gas & diesel engines in both the oil & gas industry and power generation industry.
Souer Co. Ltd’s mission is to offer a first-class, proactive, total solution service in regards to the universal supply of INNIo products and technical support and service.
www.souer.com www.jenbacher.com www.innio.com