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An emergency diesel generator has been installed by EUROGEN in one of the most important telecommunications nodes of North East Italy. EUROGEN is a member of the Italian DataCenter Association.
The genset is a Model GS2000BAD/CF nominal power 1600 kWe PRP ISO8528 with a Baudouin engine 20M33 SERIES.

The engine features a cast-iron cylinder block with an inspection door per cylinder, cast iron cylinder liners, wet type and replaceable valves guides and seats and separate cast iron cylinder heads with 4 valves.
Other points of interest include a hardened steel forged crankshaft with induction-hardened journals, crankpins and radius, lube oil-cooled light alloy pistons with high performance piston rings and an advanced cooling system.
Radiator and hoses are supplied separately. There are two separate circuits and the high temperature circuit is equipped with a thermostatically-controlled system with two gear-driven coolant pumps.
The Baudouin engine has 20-cylinders, Bore & Stroke 150 X 185 mm, a total displacement of 65.4 litres and a counter-clockwise engine rotation. The Rated Speed is 1500/ 1800 RPM.

The engine’s lubrication system includes full-flow screwable oil filters, a lube oil purifier with replaceable cartridge and a water-cooled lube oil cooler.
The engine’s fuel elements include a high pressure common rail system with one high pressure electrical driven coolant pumps in the V-angle of the cylinder block.
Two rails are mounted on the sides of the engine, double wall, under inlet manifold. There is a duplex fine filter and water separation filter assembly with transparent cup for better efficiency. An electric fuel priming pump ihas been ntegrated into the filter support. There is also a special rear mounted air filter with restriction indicator, plus an exhaust manifold shield for heat isolation.
In the Air Intake and Exhaust System 4 compressors are feeding a single water-air intercooler, mounted over the exhaust system flywheel housing, with vertical flow. There is a special rear-mounted air filter with restriction indicator.
The engine’s electrical system has a 24V DC electric starter motor and battery charging alternator, with low oil pressure & high water temperature sensors. There is also an SAE 00 flywheel housing and 21”
Ratings definitions
Emergency Standby Power (ESP):
This is the maximum power available for a varying load for the duration of a main power network failure. The average load factor over 24 hours of operation should not exceed 70% of the engine’s ESP power rating.
Typical operational hours of the engine is 200 hours per year, with a maximum usage of 500 hours per year. This includes an annual maximum of 25 hours per year at the ESP power rating.
Data Centre Power (DCP)
Data Centre Power is defined as being the maximum power which is the generator set is capable of delivering to a Datacenter, while supplying a variable or continuous electrical load and during unlimited run hours.
Prime Rated Power (PRP) www.eurogenpower.com
Prime Power is the maximum power available for unlimited hours of usage in a variable load application. The average load factor should not exceed 70% of the engine’s PRP power rating during any 24 hour period. An overload capability of 10% is available, however, this is limited to 1 hour within every 12 hour period, according to the manufacturer’s specs.