Pe dept newsletter autumn 2013

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Autumn 2013

Wirral Grammar School for Girls | PE Newsletter

IT HAS BEEN AN AMAZING AUTUMN SEASON OF SPORT Autumn season has brought great success, achievement and sporting endeavour. Some individuals and teams have started the year in magnificent form. Some of their achievements are documented in this newsletter.

Netball County Round of National Schools’ Tournament Here at Wirral we hosted the County Round of the National Schools Netball Tournament on Saturday 9th November. All of the teams played some really excellent netball and dominated the competition. The first Senior VII played against Birkenhead High Academy and won 24-1, Liverpool College and won 13-2, Merchants Taylors and won 20–0, Sacred Heart and won 15-2 and West Kirby and won 13-6.

The second Senior VII beat Birkenhead 12-1, Liverpool College 8-3, Merchant Taylors 20-2 and West Kirby 7-5 and Sacred Heart 6-3. The U16 team beat Chesterfield 17-4, Range High School 13–5, West Kirby 8-0, Rainhill High 12-5 and Merchant Taylors 15-4. The U14 team beat Chesterfield 18-1, West Kirby 18-4, Sacred Heart 11-3, Wirral ‘B’ 11–5 and Merchant Taylors 24-2. The Year 8 team playing in the U14 competition a year young

had excellent wins against Chesterfield 8-5, West Kirby 13–5 and Merchants 16-2. They drew against Sacred Heart 6-6 and lost to our Yr 9 team 5-11 but this was an excellent effort against teams in the next year group. Our Year 9 team cited them as their toughest opposition. These are excellent results and reflect the hard work and effort the girls have put in already this season. We now look forward to t h e R e g i o n a l ro u n d o f t h e competition on the 1st of February.

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The Year 7 showed their dramatic learning curve and improvement again when Altrincham returned for the home fixture, all of our teams As well as a huge number of local won, a great achievement against victories, our netball teams have very strong opposition. performed amazingly well in all Manchester High visited us at the Saturday fixtures. The start of the start of December and 5 out of 6 2013-2014 season has been a very teams won. successful one.


Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 beat Loreto in the first fixture of the season and the senior team endured a 49-49 nail biter. Most notable from this fixture was the improvement made by the Year 8 team who lost significantly to Loreto in Year 7 and got revenge this year winning 41-26. Away at Altrincham our Year 8, 9 and senior teams were victorious and our Year 7 team had their first foray into playing against very strong opposition. Wilmslow was our next game and it was another victory for Wirral winning 3 out of 5 games. We travelled to Bury and won 5 out of 7 matches, winning the fixture again. The highlight of the fixture was the Year 7 team coming back from 8-2 to win 9-8.

Netball Festivals In addition to local fixtures this year we hosted a number of Netball festivals in a similar system to the rounders 'come and play' festivals that we hosted in the Summer. These proved very popular and were a great opportunity for all of our teams to play against other schools and gain valuable match practice. The Year 7 A team won all of their games but most impressive was the number of Year 7 teams who stayed to play. We entered 5 teams all of which had reserves showing the dedication of all players to their sport. The Year 8 and 9 Festivals were a similar story with Wirral entering a number of teams in each age group.

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chance to prove themselves and show their progress in March when the Cheshire tournament will again be hosted by Queens This season our Hockey players school. have been using the Astroturf The hockey teams have played a pitch at the Oval for Tuesday n u m b e r o f fi x t u r e s l o c a l l y night practices. This has really including Birkenhead Academy helped all players to develop their and West Kirby and we also skills and the hockey players helped to organise and host a have showed great commitment Year 7 and 8 festival at the Oval. so far this term. A number of Year 10s dusted off The first challenge of the season their sticks to play for the first saw the U14 team take part in the time in a couple of years and the Cheshire round of the National new Year 7 team are showing Championships which was held excellent promise. on Saturday the 5th of October. As the nights got darker and The tournament was hosted by colder the Year 7 & 8 teams Queen’s School and held at enjoyed some great Indoor Chester hockey club. Our U14 hockey at Birkenhead Academy t e a m w e r e d r a w n a g a i n s t and we finished off the season Q u e e n s , Ty t h e r i n g t o n a n d with a Christmas tournament. Wilmslow in the rounds. They started the day with a narrow loss The Year 7 team deserve a special mention as they are so far of 1 – 0 to a strong Queens team, unbeaten and are showing they drew 0 – 0 with Wilmslow and beat Tytherington 3 – 0. This excellent potential, commitment meant that they narrowly missed and skill. Both A and B teams out on a semi-final place. The beat West Kirby and the A team beat Birkenhead Academy, both girls played really well and very good hockey schools. showed great spirit throughout the day. They will have another


CROSS COUNTRY The cross country team has showed a new lease of life this year with a large number of steely girls facing the elements to train two lunchtimes a week. This is great for the team and for general fitness. On Saturday 6th October, a number of girls entered the Wirral School Cross Country. It was a fantastic morning for the girls in year 7 and 8. They raced hard and achieved excellent results, with Ella Head winning the year 7 race and the year 7 team also coming first. The year 8’s also had a great result with Juliet Hodder coming in 2nd place and the team coming 3rd. A number of girls have also raced in The Merseyside Cross Country league, there has been a number of fantastic races. Juliet Hodder has raced well coming in a fantastic third in the 8 and 9’s race and Ella Head achieved fifth in the year 7 race.

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The year 7 & 8 football players have enjoyed coaching from Mr Thor neycroft and Mr Trussell this term. They have been committed to training and have not been put off by the dark evenings and weather.

A basketball festival was hosted at Woodchurch High School and a number of girls represented Wirral at this competition. Some of our Year 7 and 8 players had their first match experience and improved throughout the competition. The Year 9 team won all of their games convincingly. They showed skill, determination and teamwork and are looking forward to the National Competition which starts in March, they will be hoping for similar success to last year when they reached the finals.

On a cold Tuesday afternoon 7 of the most talented girls from Year 7 & 8 took part in a Wirral based football tournament organised by Tranmere Rovers F.C. An injury sustained by our goalkeeper in the first couple of minutes rocked the team and we unfortunately lost the first game. However after a series of motivational team talks from their coaches, the girls rallied and won the next game with a thrilling performance. The final two games were extremely competitive and ended in hard fought draws. So overall we finished with a re a l l y c re d i b l e a n d w e l l deserved second place. WELL DONE GIRLS!!! The U16 football players, who look very smart in their new kit provided by the parents association, have enjoyed coaching from Paul Smith and have also shown excellent commitment to training. They got through to and played in the 4th Round of the ESFA Competition at the Oval on Tuesday 12th November. Although they were knocked out of the competition at this stage, they conducted themselves brilliantly. Their opposition were a very strong team from Bury. The team were down at half-time but came out fighting in the second half; impressing Mr Trussell and coach Paul Smith with their determination and improvement. Well done to all girls involved. Â

Indoor Athletics The Wirral Schools Indoor Athletics Championships were held at South Wirral on Tuesday 19th November In the Year 7 Age Group we were represented by Megan Waters, Lara Buckle, Erin Brennan, Ella Head, Kiara Wild, Grace Rogers, Callie

Rainbow Hardman, Emily Price and Emily Casford and in the Year 8 Age Group we were represented by Juliet Hodder, Faye Hankinson, Phoebe Ashworth, Emily Mercer, Libby Crombie, Ruby Garrigan, Millie Osborne and Georgia Ellis. The girls were fantastic with the Yr 7 winning the competition and the Yr 8 finishing as runners up. Both teams progress to the County Finals in March, congratulations.

A number of our footballers play for clubs outside of school and this term Sophie M c A v o y i n Ye a r 9 w a s selected to represent M e r s e y s i d e . We l l d o n e Sophie.

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semi finals. Wirral E who were playing up in the tournament unfortunately just missed out on The schools’ Volleyball players their chance to reach the final by have been very busy this term two points and finished 4th in the and practices are always buzzing competition. with players. Wirral Grammar A won their semiWe have hosted a number of local final and made it through to the games and tournaments; one of final against a very strong Pensby the most exciting being the Wirral club team. They played their S c h o o l s U 1 4 V o l l e y b a l l hearts out in front of a very Championships which took place supportive crowd from both on Tuesday 15th October at schools. The game was extremely Wirral Grammar School for Girls. close and very exciting, with both teams taking it in turns to take the Eighteen teams from across the lead. We went on to win the set Wirral took part. Wirral Girls 15-13 and finished as overall entered six teams from Year 8 & winners of the tournament. Well Year 9, we also provided three done to Becky Helsby, Brianna very talented referees from Y11 Ta y l o r, L i z z i e F o r s h a w a n d and Y12 to keep track of the 7 Georgia McNally. minute matches. The Year 7s will start Volleyball All teams played extremely well practice in January and will a n d p l a y e d s o m e f a n t a s t i c hopefully be inspired by the older Volleyball. The Wirral Grammar A players success and enjoyment. and E teams were undefeated in their pool and qualified for the


TRAMPOLINING Trampolining continues to be a popular sport at Wirral at all levels from beginner to elite. The club is having to run on two evenings a week to cater for all the keen bouncers we have. A number of girls from year 7 to 13 visited Robin Park, for the Regional Schools Trampolining Championships. It was a fantastic morning, with some exceptional performances and great results. Chloe Farthing won the U13 Elite Girls, and Lucy Steele came 3rd in the same category. And the Under 13 Elite team of Chloe Farthing, Lucy Steele and Olivia Griffin achieved 1st in the group competition. Ellie Parr also competed in the U15 Elite and achieved an amazing 3rd place. All girls will now progress to the next round of the competition in Hull. Well done.

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WINTER WONDERLAND REWARD TRIP During the last week of term over 90 of our committed and talented sports players visited Winter Wonderland at Chester racecourse. It was a great o p p o r t u n i t y t o re l a x a n d socialise with our friends outside of school and clubs. The PE department want to thank all of the games players, dancers and sports stars for their contribution over the term.

DANCE SHOW The annual intra-school dance competition took place during the last week of term and it was a great chance for 10 of our best dancers and dance groups to showcase their talent. All acts were selected from a large number of hopefuls so they did very well just to gain a place in the competition. From this event the top 3 performances were selected by the judges to take part in the School Dance Show next year. All class dancers are also being polished and practiced ready for the dance show. This leads on to one farewell we made at the end of the term. Miss Sutherberry from Liverpool John Moores University was on her final placement at Wirral and she made a real impact on staff and pupils, especially our dancers. Her hard-work in dance will be apparent in the dance show next year.

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Over half-term Lauren Woods, who is currently U12 dance champion competed in the Clwyd Festival of Stage Dance which was held in the Catrin Finch Theatre in Wrexham. Lauren was very successful in the competition and achieved 5 gold medals, two silvers and a bronze in the U12 category. She also won highest mark junior in 5 of her dances.

Maddy Lloyd in 7H has been awarded 3 prizes at the Haddon Equestrian Presentation evening. She collected awards for junior dressage and points scored throughout the season. Well done Maddy.

Two of our athletes have received awards at Wirral Athletics club presentation evening. Emily Darroch in Year 9 was awarded a shield for outstanding performance and for best under 15 female athlete. Ella Johnson won a shield for outstanding performances in field events especially pole vault. Both girls have competed most recently in the indoor sports hall athletics where their team came 2nd despite only having 4 in their team so that had to compete in 5 events each. This is a huge achievement, well done to both girls.

Lauren’s next endeavour is playing the title role in Little Red Riding Hood in January at the Floral Pavillion. Lauren was one of the winners of the dance competition so everyone will have a chance to see her perform at the dance show.

Year 7 Interform

INTERFORM For Winter interform all pupils take part and compete for their form in either netball, hockey or volleyball. The results of every team re then added up to give an overall winning form.

Year 9 Interform T h e Ye a r 9 c o n d u c t e d themselves brilliantly in miserable weather. The overall winners were 9S. This was a notable win for 9S whose previous success in interform competitions has been limited. However, they made a resolution as a form to improve and I don't think even they thought that their improvement would extend to this victory. Well done 9S for your commitment, resolve and team-work.

Year 8 Interform Cancelled due to frozen courts, rescheduled for January.

Year 7 had their first experience of interform competitions this term. They organised themselves well and conducted themselves brilliantly throughout the afternoon. Well done to 7G the overall winners.

ROWING The indoor rowing team have been competing in the online Schools’ League and are currently doing very well. At the end of term teams from Year 7, 8 and 9 were all in top 10 positions. Information on the league can be found at the following address http:// A number of girls have been competing for clubs in Chester and Wallasey including Katherine James, who has been accepted onto the famous GB world class start program, the program was responsible for producing many of our gold medal winners from London 2012 so watch this space. A competition open to all pupils in all years took place throughout the term, the winners were: In Year 7 - Rebecca Benjamin, Year 8 - Jessica Smith, Year 9 - Sophie McAvoy, Year 10 - Amber Lamkin, Year 11 / 6th Form - Katherine James.

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BOYS VS GIRLS NETBALL At the start of December the girls teams in all age groups challenged boys from Wirral Grammar to a charity netball match. The boys were great sports and picked up the complex rules and skills quickly. However, most of them not quick enough and it was a resounding victory for the girls. A great afternoon was had by all and big well done and thanks to everyone who collected money, umpired and helped to organise this event.

Thank you


Fixtures List

As you can see the term has been characteristically busy and very successful, the PE department would like to thank: parents for their ongoing support; staff and coaches and of course all of our budding athletes. If you have any successes that you wish to share please contact the PE department. We like to celebrate the success of our pupils both in and out of school.

All achievements, fixtures, results and other news can now be found in the parents section of the school website, under Physical Education.

Is available on the website

Twitter @Wirral_PE

P.E NEWSLETTER Autumn 2013

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