A wirral mums guide to craft ideas for kids

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Introduction Many adults tend to shy away from crafting with kids. There are several reasons but the top reason is they don’t feel qualified. They think it’s a job for an “artist” or someone who is more talented than they are. They may even be remembering a time in their childhood when they were teased or were disappointed in a crafting attempt. Another reason may be that they just have trouble coming up with craft ideas appropriate for the child or situation. Well, here’s an eye-opener – You don’t have to be an artist or even have one little bit of talent to help encourage kids to experiment, grow, and use their imaginations in crafting projects. As for the problem coming up with crafting ideas, there are oodles of projects right here at your fingertips. All you need to do is realize that neither you nor the kids are perfect. So what if a project doesn’t turn out like you anticipated? The Leaning Tower of Pisa didn’t turn out as expected either but look how amazing it is! Now, let’s get started on those potential masterpieces with these ideas.

Craft Ideas for Older Children Many feel that crafts are just for young kids, but this isn’t the case. There are many teenagers and “tweens” who still enjoy crafts. The difference is the skill level involved in the types of crafts these kids do. Below are a few craft ideas for older children that your kids might like doing. Creating a Flower Vase Items Needed:



• Clear glass bottle (should be slender) • Enamel glass paints • Glue • Decorative items to glue to the bottles (if you can’t find the enamel glass paint at your local craft store) The first thing that needs to be done is the washing and drying the bottle. Then, your teen can create interesting designs on the glass with the various colours of paint and different sizes of brushes. Once the bottle is painted and your teen is happy with it, bake it according to the instructions on the paint bottles. If you weren’t able to find the enamel glass paint, your teen can use white glue to attach the decorative items found. Your teen can also get more creative by cutting out images found in magazines and attaching them to the bottle using decoupage too. Trinket Box Items Needed: • Cardboard box w/lid (can use a shoe box or find a box at the craft store) • Decoupage Medium • Paint Brush • Various magazines that can be cut up • Scissors This is a fun craft as your teen or tween can take the magazines and cut out the pictures and images she likes and use the decoupage medium to attach them to the box. The decoupage medium will need to be applied to both the underside of the images and the top of the images too. 3


Jewellery Items Needed: • Upholstery thread • Sewing needle (small) • Various styles of beads • Needle nose pliers • Necklace clasps The first thing your child will need to do is play with the beads by laying them out on the table to decide on the pattern she wants. The key to creating a nice necklace is to try and make it look even on both sides. For instance, if there is a specific pattern your teen is using, it should be mirrored on both sides. However, if your teen is working on a more artistic design, the pieces on each side should be similar. This is why it’s best to lay it all out on the table first. Once the design has been determined, your teen should take the upholstery thread, thread it through the needle and string it out to the size she wants. Then begin poking the needle through the beads in the pattern laid out on the table. Once finished, use the pliers to attach the necklace clasp.

Crafts by Season Winter Snowy Necklace Materials Needed:



• Needle Nose Pliers • Necklace Wire • Bead (White, Blue and Clear) The first step is to make a snowflake pendant by bending the wire in a small circle (about the size of a five pence) and loosely string beads on it. Then, twist the ring shut. You will have a small ring of beads that will still allow beads room to slide (it shouldn’t be “tight”). Next, attach about eight pieces of the necklace wire in between the beads (try to make them evenly spaced). The pieces of wire should only be about 2 inches long. Place beads on each piece of wire with about 3/16 of an inch left at the end of each wire. Use the needle nose pliers to fold the 3/16 inch piece in a small loop that will keep the beads from falling off. Finally, decide where you want the top of your beaded snowflake to be and make sure the small loop is big enough for a piece of necklace wire to go through it. Finally, put the necklace wire through the top of your beaded snowflake and string more beads on each side. When you are finished, twist the wire at the top of the necklace and attach the necklace clasp to complete the piece of jewellery. Spring Decorative Door Hanger • Materials Needed: • Green Pipe Cleaners • Metal Coat Hanger • Hot Glue Gun



• Flowers (may be dried, tissue made flowers, construction paper flowers, etc.) Instructions: Take the metal hanger and form the triangular part into the shape of a diamond, leaving the hook alone. Then wrap the diamond part in green pipe cleaner. Finally, glue the flowers onto the pipe cleaner and hand on the door when finished. Summer Hanging Tea Lights for the Garden Materials Needed: • Little glass jars (baby food jars work perfectly) • Tealight candles • Needle nose pliers • Thin wire • Beads Instructions: Bend a ring of wire around the top rim of a jar and then remove it. String beads on the wire ring and then place loosely around the jar. You can close the ring with the needle nose pliers if needed. Next, take two pieces of wire and attach to the beaded ring with the pliers as these are the candle “hangers.” Place more beads on each piece of wire and complete by forming the wire into to hooks at the end. Tighten up the beaded ring if necessary and take a tealight and place in the jar to complete the candle. Autumn



Autumn Placemat Materials Needed: • Clear Contact Paper • Autumn Leaves, pressed and dried • White glue/Decoupage medium • Construction paper • Scissors • Stiff bristled paint brush (small) Instructions: Pick a coloured piece of construction paper that will look nice up against your coloured leaves. On each leaf, carefully brush the decoupage medium/glue on each leaf and put it on top of the construction paper. Next, use the glue or decoupage to smooth the leaves in place (put it on top of the leaf this time). Finally, cover the top of your leaves with clear contact paper and then flip it over and cover the backside of the construction paper with clear contact paper. Trim to make even and you’ll be left with a beautiful fall placemat.

Crafts You Can Wear Little Girls’ Tutus Items Needed: • Scissors



• Ruler • Measuring tape • Elastic strip (about ½ inch wide) • 6-8 yards of tulle Instructions: Using the tape measure, measure your little one’s waist and cut the elastic strip for that measurement. Next, take the tulle and cut it into strips that are roughly 18 inches long and 6 inches wide. Then, lay three pieces of tulle on top of each other, fold in have on top of the elastic and tie into a knot. Do this until the entire piece of elastic is covered. Once you get to the end of the elastic, you will need to sew the ends of the elastic together and cover the sewn part up with tulle. Shoes Decorating shoes isn’t a new craft, but it’s still one that isn’t done a lot, which is a shame because it’s a lot of fun for both young and old people. You can purchase a new pair of shoes to customize or you can use an existing pair that you already own. The best way to decorate shoes is to use acrylic paint and paint your favourite designs on them in the colours you want. Have fun! Sandals If you enjoy wearing sandals, such as flip flops, in the summertime, then why not make your own? Items needed: • Foam (1inch thick) • Hot glue gun • Cardboard 8


• Box Cutter • Plastic cording or fabric strips (this is for the sandal straps, so it’s your choice) Instructions: On the cardboard, trace your feet leaving about half an inch or so away from your feet. Then, cut out the pattern and trace on the foam. Cut out the patterns on the foam by using the box cutter. Next, you need to stand on the foam “platforms” to determine where you should put the thong at. Don’t forget to mark the spot with a pencil by poking a hole in it. You also need to poke holes at the sides of your feet where you want the thong to attach to. Next, take the cord or fabric (you will need two pieces) and measure the place between the pencil mark and the two side marks. Be sure you allow a little extra length before cutting the cord or fabric. Finally, using the hot glue gun, fill the central hole in with glue and poke the material or cords down into it. Make sure they are fused together. Then, separate the cords/fabric and glue one in one side hole and the other in the other side hole. Repeat this process for the other shoe. You can even dress up the flip flops by stringing beads on the cords before gluing them down.

“Green” Plant Crafts If you enjoy promoting “green” activities, or those that are environmentally friendly, you’ll enjoy doing the following green plant crafts with your children. Your children will learn a lot about the ecosystem, recycling and gardens with the three crafts listed below. Create a Terrarium Materials Needed: 9


• 2-liter plastic bottle (clear and stripped of wrappers) • Small pot to fit inside the bottle • Small gravel • Various plants or seeds • Scissors (or knife) Instructions Take the scissors/knife and cut through the bottom of the bottle. Next, put the gravel inside the bottle (at the bottom) to allow moisture to drain. Next, add the soil and plants inside the bottle…or plant seeds if you have seeds. Add water and screw the bottle cap back on. Place the bottle in a sunny spot and let your kids watch what happens over the next few days.

Recycle Cans for Decoration Materials Needed: • Used metal cans (like vegetable cans, coffee cans, etc.) • Potting soil • Plant seeds (or seedlings) • Hot glue gun • Large nail • Decorative objects to glue on the cans (beads, buttons, ribbons, etc.) Instructions:



The first thing that needs to be done is removing the labels from all cans. Once this is done, use the nail (and a hammer) to poke 3-4 holes in the bottom of the can. Then, allow your kids to decorate the outside of their cans however they would like. After the decorating is complete, fill with potting soil and plant the seedlings or seeds. Water and place by a window and you’ve got a decorative recycled potted plant! Build a Garden (In a Container) Materials Needed: • Potting soil • Hanging plant baskets • Strawberry seedlings • Compost Instructions: This is a great project for children because it allows them to learn how fun gardening can be without the hassles of tilling and weeding. Plus, they will get to eat the fruits of their labour! First, take a hanging basket and fill it with potting soil mixed with compost. Then, in the middle of the container, dig a small hole and plant one strawberry seedling in it. Water and hang in a sunny location. Be sure your kids continue to water it and feed it by mixing in compost from time to time. You can also do this project with cucumber when you choose a small pickling cucumber to plant.



Group Craft Projects When you plan a craft for a group of people, you have to think about crafts that are easy for all ages attending to do, but they still need to be interesting. Additionally, prepare crafts that can be done with items purchased in bulk. Below are a couple of ideas to help make your group craft more interesting and fun. Refrigerator Initials (Ages: preschool through beginning infant school) Items Needed: • Construction Paper • Blank 4x6 index cards • Magnet adhesive strips (flat) • White Glue • Hot Glue Gun • Fun stuff (glitter glue, beads, markers, buttons, small shells, paint, etc.) Directions Each participant should receive three index cards. Have each child outline the initials of their name with the index cards. Then, using the fun materials, have the children glue on their favourite items within the letters’ outlines to better form the letters. (You may need to help the younger children with this step.) Once the fun stuff has been glued on, have the children glue their index cards on construction paper. (The construction paper should be pre-cut into to rectangles that are just a tad bigger than the index cards.) Finally, stick the magnets on the back of each index cards and the craft is done! Candle Making (Ages: Older Children, Teens and Adults)



Items Needed: • Crayon Stubs • Old Candles • Old Metal Cans • Essential Oils • Electric Skillet • Hot Pads • Hot Glue Gun • Packing String • Cut Candle Containers (jars, tea cups, mugs, etc.) Directions Take the metal cans and place pieces of crayons and old candles in them. You should sort the candles out by colour. Next, put the cans on the skillet after adding about two inches of water and heat until simmering. Once the wax has melted, add one or two drops of the essential oils for a light fragrance (optional). Prepare the candle container while the wax is in the process of melting. To do this, cut the string to form wicks and use a hot glue gun to attach the wicks to the bottom (centre) of each candle container. You can either hold the wick straight while pouring the wax in or attach it to a pencil and rest on top of the jar in order to keep it straight. Place the container on a hot pad and slowly pour the melted wax into the candle container. This needs to be done slowly or else the glass containers may crack. Once the wax has hardened (cooled) remove the wick from the pencil and trim down. Then, the candle is complete! 13


Kid Educational Craft Ideas Crafts can be a great way to help kids learn because they are hands-on activities, which have been proven to help kids retain information. Below are some kid educational craft ideas. Food and Fractions Materials Needed: • crayons, markers, etc. • 3 paper plates (white) • scissors • dolls, action figures and other “friends” Instructions: Help your child turn the paper plates into fun food like cookies, pizzas, pies, cakes, etc. Then have your child bring in all his “friends” from his room to “eat” the goodies. Help your child determine how many pieces he/she needs for the friends and begin cutting the paper plate food into pieces. You can review fractions by cutting into fourths, thirds, halves, eighths, etc. Bridge Making Materials Needed: • Toothpicks • Mini Marshmallows Instructions:



This activity helps children learn what all is involved in building a sound structure and can help explore an interest in engineering. Before you begin the project, sit down and look at pictures of bridges and different tutorials on how to build a strong bridge (you can use books or go online to find ageappropriate material. Next, use the toothpicks to stick into the marshmallows to begin connecting the toothpicks and forming a bridge. You will have to stick the toothpicks in at different angles and may even need to stick more than one toothpick in one marshmallow. There may be design issues that come up, this is a great opportunity to help your child problem solve his/her way out of it. Be sure to explain why some designs work better than others. Book Making Craft Materials Needed: • Crayons, paint, markers, etc. • Glue • Stapler • Brown paper bag • Scissors • Hole punch • White/coloured paper (or card stock) • Yarn

Instructions: If you have a child who loves reading, then this is an excellent craft idea! The first thing you need to do is have your child decorate just one side of the 15


paper bag using the crayons, paints and markers. This is where you child should put the title. Next, take a few pieces of white paper and trim down to sizes that will fit in the paper bag. You will need to title each piece of paper with the name of a colour. Then, help your child gather a few small objects of things that represent the colours you have created pages for. Next, list the objects out under each corresponding colour page. Next, take the stapler and staple all the pages together, or punch a hole in the pages with a hole punch and bind them with the yarn. After this is completed, place the book and all the objects inside the paper bag. When your child looks at the book he/she can sort out the objects according to colour as he/she reads the page lists.

Nature Inspired Craft Ideas One of the fun things about nature is that it doesn’t have to stay outside. The nature inspired crafts below will let your kids bring some of nature’s objects inside and create something fun with them! Bonsai Trees Bonsai trees capture many people’s attention every year due to their small size. These trees are often not taller than six inches to a foot, depending on the type of tree that is planted. These trees look like they’re difficult to create, but they really aren’t. This is a craft that will require the help of an adult, though. Below are the items needed: • 2-3 Bonsai Pots (different shapes and sizes is preferred) • Potting Soil • Pruning Shears/Cutters (sharp)



• Coffee Filter • Small Gravel or Rocks • Trowel • Pruning Scissors The first thing you need to do is research whether it be online or at the library. You need to education yourself (and your kids) about the various types of trees commonly used for bonsai (Japanese holly, boxwood, maple, barberry, juniper, etc.). You also need to get an idea of what bonsai trees are and how they are grown. When you go shopping for a small tree for your bonsai tree, look for one that contains a unique trunk shape…it should also be thick. If you find your seedling in the woods (or the garden) use the trowel to dig it up and place it in a small plastic bag that contains water for the roots. You can always purchase a seedling too. Once you get the seedling home, you need to trim the roots, removing about 1/3 of them. Then, put the bonsai tree in a pot that has been prepared. To prepare the pot, take the coffee filters and cut the sides to form squares and put them over the pot’s holes in the bottom. Then cover with some gravel and top with potting soil. Once you’ve put the seedling in the pot, cover up the exposed roots with more soil. Finally, trim the branches and foliage of that the seedling contains, making sure you remove the same amount of foliage as you did roots. Shape the tree into a shape you find attractive and as the tree grows, continue to keep it pruned and shaped in the same manner. Don’t forget to water the tree regularly. Wood and Stone Cabin This is a fun nature inspired activity that most kids enjoy. Your kids will need the following:



• Small rocks or stones (quite a few) • Hot glue gun • Wooden craft sticks or Moss-covered cardboard (this is for the roof ) After the materials have been gathered, line up one layer of rocks in a square on top of a strong platform. Then, glue the rocks together as this is the cabin’s foundation. (These rocks should be a little bigger than the ones used for the side of the house) Next, form walls by gluing rocks together vertically around the edge of the foundation. To form doors and windows, cut the craft sticks down and frame the opening out and glue rocks around the openings. Once the walls are done, you can cover the top of the cabin with some moss-covered cardboard or you can use the craft sticks to form a roof. The decision is entirely up to the one building the cabin! There are a lot of things that can be done with various objects found in nature. For instance, you can press flowers you find and create a pretty card with them by decoupaging them on the card stock. You can also make cute little wreaths by gluing pine cones or acorns, or both, on foam wrings. Just use your imagination and the nature inspired crafts you can do are endless!

Paper Crafts for Kids There are a ton of crafts that can be done using the various types of paper such as magazine paper, newspaper, tissue paper, construction paper, etc. Below are a few paper craft ideas for kids to get you started! Lantern Items needed:



• Paper (any kind) • Scissors • Glue Instructions: Take one rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. About ¼ to ½ inches apart, cut slits along the fold. Stop about a ½ inch from the top edge. Unfold the paper and turn sideways. Attach the short ends of the rectangle by curving the cut paper around and gluing. Make a handle by taking a strip of paper and gluing each end across the top. Bagged Fun Paper bags are so easy to have fun with, especially when making crafts. Below are a few ideas: Gift Bags – Create a nice gift bag for one of your friends or co-workers by using stamps, stencils or paints to create a unique design on the outside of a paper bag. Hand Puppets – Take a paper bag and lay it down with the flap side facing up. Then, use cut outs and other craft items (feathers, beads, buttons, eyes, markers, etc.) to create a face and you’ve got a hand puppet! Luminary – Take a paper bag and cut out various designs by using various types of hole punches. Open the bag and place a layer (about an inch) of sand in it. Next, place a tea light or votive candle in the middle of the bag (away from the sides) and light it. These should be used outdoors away from foliage. Paper House You’ll have to get ideas off the internet or at the library for a suitable paper house template. Once you find one you like, print it off on your preferred type



of paper. You can colour the various parts of the house if you want before you assemble it. When you’re ready, cut out the template and begin folding along the dotted lines and gluing the tabs together. When you’re finished, you’ll have a constructed paper house!

Toddler Craft Ideas The problem many people think about when trying to come up with toddler craft ideas is that they make them too difficult. Toddlers are easy to please as long as the craft is fun. Therefore, enjoy the simple toddler craft ideas to ensure everyone has a great time! Pizza All kids enjoy learning about food. Therefore, why not help your toddlers make their very own foam pizza? This is a simple craft that anyone can do (with a little supervision). Materials Needed: • Brown, Green, Red and Yellow Craft Foam • Scissors (for adult use only) • White Paper Plate • Glue Instructions: The paper plate is going to be the crust of the pizza, so you will need to cut a red foam circle to lay on top of the paper plate for the pizza sauce. Using the other colours of the foam, cut different shapes for the pizza toppings. Let your toddler help you decide which toppings to make for the pizza. With your help, your toddler can glue the sauce to the plate and the toppings on top to 20


complete the pizza. Or you can save the pieces and let your toddler remake the pizza whenever he/she wants if you choose not to glue. Coloured Sand Pictures You may be worried that your little one is too young to play with sand, so this craft eliminates this worry. Instead of using sand, take cereals such as fruity pebbles and separate the coloured pieces into groups…then crush each group and place in a separate bowl. (This is your sand) Next, on a piece of construction paper, help your toddler make different designs with glue. Finally, allow your toddler to grab different colours of the “sand” and put on the paper. Shake off the excess and you’ve got a coloured sand picture! Colourful Butterflies Materials Needed: • Pipe Cleaners • Tissue Paper (Assorted Colours) Instructions: Using the coloured tissue paper, cut various colours of rectangles out. Then, help your toddler layer the coloured tissue paper and take a long pipe cleaner to wrap around the centre of the rectangles. (It will look like “U” going around the tissue paper) Then, at the top, twist the pipe cleaner ends together until the tissue paper begins to bunch together. You’ll have a colourful butterfly complete with a body and little antennae!

Toy Crafts If you’re looking for some craft ideas that will entertain your kids after the craft is finished, try some of the toy craft ideas below. Most of the materials needed



are things you’ll find around the house and would normally put in the garbage. Baby Rattle There isn’t any need to run out and buy a rattle for your baby as this craft will keep your little one just as happy. All you need is an empty plastic bottle (used for water or pop) and some colourful dry beans. Simply unscrew the cap of the bottle, put the beans in it and put the cap back on. That’s it! You’ve got a homemade baby rattle! Miniature Drums Little ones love to make noises and “music” which is why so many rush out and buy their toddlers little drum sets for Christmas. Well if you’ve got an empty oatmeal container with a plastic lid on it, then you’ve got a drum! Just make sure all the oatmeal is all gone. If you’ve got a container that doesn’t have a lid, simply cut a balloon and stretch the material over the canister, using a rubber band to secure it and you’ve got another drum. Blocks Little boys love to build, and so do many little girls, so why not create your own blocks for them to play with? Simply take unused cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes and cover them with wrapping paper to make lightweight blocks young children can easily build with. They will stay busy for hours with these! Floating Balls Your kids will love watching this “toy” in action. Grab a couple of table tennis balls (or a similar ball) and your hair dryer. Turn the hair dryer on and put it upside down. Next, drop the table tennis ball in the airstream of the blow dryer. You can try to add one or two more balls into the mix too. Marble Slide and Catcher



There’s just something about watching round objects like marbles roll around that fascinate kids. For this craft, you’ll need the following: • Various sized cardboard tubes (like those from toilet paper and paper towel rolls) • Flat magnets • Small plastic container (yogurt and butter containers are perfect) • Hot glue gun Once you’ve got all the necessary supplies, use the hot glue gun to glue together the various sizes of cardboard tubes. They should be in a straight line, with the holes matching up. Next, take the flat magnets and glue two or three on to each tube (the magnets also need to be straight). Then, take some magnets and glue to one side of the plastic container. Finally, attach the tube to the refrigerator at an angle with the container at the bottom. Get some marbles and let the kids have fun watching them land in the container!

Conclusion Kids love crafts and they love to share the final product. However; the thing that makes the project special and more meaningful is your participation in the process. Whether the child is young and needs lots of supervision and instruction or the child is older and mainly needs encouragement and a sounding board, you play an important part in each and every project. Every time you work with a child on a craft project, you strengthen communication skills, small motor skills, problem solving skills, and so much more. But, most importantly, you help to give the child a sense of importance. That’s why we urge you to pick and start a craft today.


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