Gaea naturum - bachelor thesis | Albert Wischer

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gaea naturum

Architecture - In the Contemporary Bachelor thesis by Albert Wischer

gaea naturum Bachelor thesis by Albert Wischer

AAHF30 Architecture - In the Contemporary Spring semester 2020 Course held by: Per-Johan Dahl, Gediminas Kirdeikis and Olga Voisnis


Gaea naturum is an elaboration with parametric architecture and context-oriented design. The essence of this project was to create a naturum (nature reserve center) that highlights one of the UN:s 17 sustainable development goals (SDG:s) through metaphoric architecture driven by digital methods. By choosing one of the SDG:s as the driving force, metaphoric design experimentation becomes a communicative tool for reflection surrounding the urgency of environmental crisis. Gaea naturum will explore the interaction between architecture and nature with the intention to clarify, educate, and problematize areas connected to the SDGs. Gaea (Gaia) is Ancient Greek for land. The word comes from the Greek deity for life. She is the personification of the earth, the mother, and the protector of all that is living. The idea of Gaea naturum is a solitary place for humans to observe nature without interfering with it. Gaea naturum is located so that visitors can get a good overview of all the unique habitats that resides within the quarry. The building is observing its surroundings, it silently watches over all the life the quarry enclose.

pp. 03 - 10 05 - 06 07 - 08 9 10 11 12

site analysis The Quarry Access points & paths Atmospheric gradients Vegetation Geological formations Scale

pp. 13 - 20 15 16 17 - 18 19 - 20

process SDG workshop Metaphor matrix Form process Parametric development

pp. 21 - 42 23 24 25 - 26 27 - 30 31 - 34 35 - 40 41 42

finalization Implemented metaphors Site plan Axonometrics Plan drawings Section drawings Visualisatons Video Reflection

site an


The Quarry

Limhamn limestone quarry is a giant open-pit mine located near the city of Malmรถ in southern Sweden. The quarry dates back to 1866 and was opened to meet the rising demand for cement, the main ingredients in concrete. The quarry measures 1300 by 800 meters and has a depth of approximately 65 meters, which makes it the largest open-pit quarry in Northern Europe. The quarry was active until 1994 when all production stopped. The industrial complex surrounding the quarry was torn down in 2010 to leave room for new housing development. Due to the reduced human activity on the site between 1994 and 2010, nature started to reclaim the quarry. During this time multiple rare and endangered species of plants and animals were found in the quarry and therefore the site became a nature reserve in 2011. 5

gaea naturum

Limhamn limestone quarry



Access points & Paths Access Points

Access point one. As I see it, there are three reasonable access points to the limestone quarry. Access point number one is the easiest one. It is a well-maintained asphalt road that goes directly from the main road on the north side of the quarry down to an asphalted parking lot nearby the reed field. If a naturum was placed on this parking lot or close to it, this would be to the logical choice. Access point one could also be used to reach the wetlands, although it is a longer route than using access point two.

Access point two. Access point two is an old quarry railroad. It is a rough road, covered with large flintstones and limestone boulders. If this road is to be used by cars or pedestrians it will need some construction work. This access point leads directly out to the wetlands. This road would be the best choice if the new naturum is to be located near the wetlands. Another advantage of this road is that it passes all the different cliff levels on its way down. Therefore this road could also be used if the naturum is placed on any level of the cliffs in the eastern part of the quarry including the lime steppe.

Access point three. Access point three was hard to reach from the analysis path without getting caught by the staff working in the quarry. Therefore, I don’t know a lot about the quality of the road but one could easily see that it reached the island. If a naturum was placed on the island, or the lime steppe, access point three would be an easy choice. But if one would build some kind of bridge or pathway between the parking lot and the island, access point one would be a better choice. Why? Well because the road there is shorter, better maintained and it allows cars to park in the quarry without reconstructing the landscape.

Parking Lot

2. 1. Wetlands

The Island Reed Field

Lime Steppe





gaea naturum


Path of analysis Access point one Access point two Access point three

Reed field

The Island Lime Steppe

Parking Lot



Atmospheric gradients Atmospheric Atmosphericgradients gradients Wetlands. Wetlands.The Thewetlands wetlandswere werethe thefirst firstdistinguished distinguishedarea areathat thatII reached reachedduring duringthe thestudy studytrip tripto tothe thequarry. quarry.This Thisarea areaisisdefined defined by bythe theshifting shiftingground groundtextures. textures.The Theground groundisisspot spotwise wisecovered covered with withshallow shallowwater waterponds, ponds,moist moistclay, clay,and andflat flatground groundwith withshort short bushes. bushes.The Thewater waterisisclear clearand andhas hasaadistinct distinctblue bluetone toneto toit. it.The The bottom bottomisiscovered coveredininalgae algaeand andseaweed. seaweed.The Theponds pondsresemblance resemblance resemble oxidized oxidizedcopper, copper,the theclear clearclay claybottom bottomtogether togetherwith withthe thewater water vegetation vegetationcreates createsthe thecoppers coppersaged agedpatina. patina.The Thescene scenewas wasframed framed with withthe thedistant distantsound soundof ofaawaterfall. waterfall.The Theponds pondsresemblance resemblanceto to copper coppershows showshow hownature naturereclaims reclaimsand andchanges changesthe thewound woundmade made ininthe thelandscape landscapeby byhumans humansininthe thesame sameway waythat thatnature natureweather weather and andchanges changesthe thecopper copperover overtime. time.This Thismaterial materialcould couldbe beaavisual visual representation representationof oftime timewith withaastrong strongconnection connectionto tothe thevisuals visualsof of the thequarry. quarry.

Reed Reedfield. field.The Thereed reedfield fieldisisone oneof ofthe themost mostnotable notableareas areasof of the thequarry. quarry.ItItstretches stretchesover overan anarea arealarger largerthan than77hectares hectaresor or70 70 000 000sqm sqm(measured (measuredon ongoogle googleearth). earth).ItItlooks lookslike likeaasea, sea,waving waving ininthe thewind, wind,whizzing. whizzing.Around Aroundthe thereed, reed,one onecould couldsee seestomped stomped pathways pathwaysmade madeby bydeer. deer.When Whenyou youlook lookatatthe thereed reedfield fieldfrom from the theisland islandone oneof ofthe thethings thingsthat thatpop popout outisisthe thecliff cliffon onwhich whichthe the parking parkinglot lotisisconstructed. constructed.ItItcreates createsaadramatic dramaticbackdrop backdropto tothe the scene. scene.An Aninteresting interestingway wayto toexperience experiencethe thereed reedfield fieldwould wouldbe be to toconnect connectthe theparking parkinglot lotcliff cliffwith withthe theisland islandwith withaapathway pathwayon on poles. poles.In Inthis thisway, way,one onecould couldwalk walkabove abovethe thereed reedand andexperience experience the thevast vastdistances distancesof ofititclose closeup. up.AAmetaphor metaphorthe thenaturum naturumcould could center centeraround aroundmight mightbe bethe theBaltic Balticsea seaand andthe thebad badcondition conditionititisis in. in.One Onecould couldbuild buildon onthe thesymbolic symbolicrelation relationbetween betweenaasea seaof ofreed reed and andthe theocean oceanthat thatlies liesless lessthan than22km kmaway. away.

Theisland. island.The Theisland islandisisthe thecenterpiece centerpieceof ofthe thequarry. quarry.Located Located The betweenthe thewetlands wetlandsand andthe thereed reedfield, field,the theisland islandisisslightly slightly between raisedfrom fromits itssurroundings surroundingsand andmakes makesfor foraaperfect perfectviewpoint viewpointinin raised alldirections. directions.The Theisland islandisisconnected connectedto tothe thenorth northand andthe thesouth south all partof ofthe thequarry quarryvia viaaaridge. ridge. On Onthe thenorth northridge, ridge,there thereisisaaroad, road, part accesspoint pointthree. three.On Onthe thesouth southridge, ridge,the thevegetation vegetationhas hasbeen been access leftunchecked uncheckedand andmade madeititimpossible impossibleto towalk walkon. on.IfIfaabuilding building left wereto tobe beplaced placedhere hereit wouldbe beininthe thecenter centerof ofititall, all,imbedded imbedded were IIwould withthe thetwo twodistinct distinctenvironments environmentsof ofthe thequarry quarrywith withaanatural natural with viewover overboth boththe thewetlands wetlandsand andthe thereed reedfield. field.Here Hereaanaturum naturum view couldeasily easilydisplay displaythe thequarry’s quarry’sdiversity. diversity. could

One Oneof ofthe theponds pondsininthe thequarry. quarry.

Anaerial aerialview viewof ofthe thereed reedfield. field.The Theparking parkinglot lotisisvisible visibleininthe the An downleft leftcorner cornerand andthe theisland islandininthe theupper upperright. right. down

Northern Northernview viewfrom fromthe theisland. island. Tracesof ofman. man.All Allover overthe thequarry, quarry,one onecan cansee seethe thetraces tracesof of Traces humanactivity. activity.At Atthe thebeginning beginningof ofthe theanalysis analysispath pathright rightwhen when human enteredthe thequarry quarrythere therewere werebeer beercans cansand andpackages packagesspread spread IIentered everywhere.But ButIIalso alsosaw sawolder oldertraces tracesof ofman. man.Timeworn Timewornplastic plastic everywhere. pipingrecently recentlyexposed, exposed,weathered weatheredby bythe theyears yearsititwas wasleft leftburied buried piping theground. ground. Rusty Rustyequipment equipmentand andmetal metalparts partswere werespread spreadover over ininthe thearea. area.AAreminder reminderof ofthe thequarries quarriespast. past.An Anold oldsweater sweatercovered covered the moss,reclaimed reclaimedby bynature. nature.The Thequarry quarryacts actsas asaatime timecapsule capsule ininmoss, forthe thehuman humanactivity activityfrom from1866 1866to tonow. now.AAmonument monumentof ofthe the for changeshumans humansopposes opposeson onits itsenvironment, environment,for forthe thebetter betterand and changes worse.Evidence Evidenceof ofhow howthe thewounds woundswe weas asaaspecies speciesinflicts inflictson onthe the worse. landscapeand andour oursurroundings surroundingscan canheal healover overtime. time.Our Ourimpact impact landscape onnature naturecan canevolve evolveback backinto intoaanew newliving livingecosystem ecosystemififwe welet letit. it. on

AAsheet sheetof ofoxidized oxidizedcopper. copper. 9

gaea naturum

Anold oldsweater sweatercovered coveredwith withmoss. moss.Reclaimed Reclaimedby bynature. nature.ItItisislying lying An onaahill hillsheltered shelteredby bysnail snailshells, shells,flintflint-and andlimestone. limestone. on

Vegetation Vegetation Variations. The environment in the quarry deviates from its surroundings and resembles more southern continental environments. The large variations in both humidity and temperature are noticeable both during summer and in winter. In the summer the quarry acts as a giant greenhouse. Due to the depth and vertical walls, the variations in sun exposure and in the water flow create a large range of different microclimates. Southfacing slopes become sun-exposed, hot, and dry while northfacing slopes can be shady and therefore constantly moist and cold. Because of the quarry depth, the environment is well protected from the surrounding noise and is therefore one of Malmös quietest environments. The depth also protects the quarry from allot of the light pollution that comes from the surrounding cities and settlements.


Lime Steppe

Lime steppe. This biotope is a barren steppe without any topsoil, were the upper layer consist of lime and flint grabble in varying sizes. The scattered bush vegetation in these areas consists mainly of svartvide and vårtbjörk. All around the quarry, there are smaller areas with the lime steppe biotope, where the soil consists of finer lime gravel and chalk clay. Common plant species in these smaller areas are, for example, gulreseda, gråfibbla, käringtand, blåeld, mursenap and wild carrot. In these environments, the threatened kalkkrassingen grows, the only known location in Sweden. Wetlands. The wetlands lie mostly in the eastern part of the quarry. The wetlands get its water from a slow but continuous flow of groundwater. In this area, the vegetation is sparse and consists mainly of ryltåg, blåsäv, krypven, sträfsen and sparse reed. In the slightly deeper waters between 20-100cm borstnate dominates and in some parts leaf reed is also common. (Malmö Stad 2010)








Blåsäv 10

Geological formations Geological formations Form. The appearance of the quarry, as it appears today with cliffs, slopes, and road systems, is a result of the industrial operations at the site. The shape of the cliffs, slopes, and road systems have changed as mining has progressed. The structure today is essentially the same as when the quarry was most recently in use. Humans still affect the quarry today, if we did not, the quarry would be a 55m deep lake. The old pumping station from when the quarry was active is still in use and pumps out groundwater with a speed of 70 liters/s. So one can call the quarry a semi-artificial environment. With the help of humans, nature is allowed to reclaim the quarry and create a unique fauna (Schlyter, 2010).

Stone types. The most common rocks found at the site are mainly flint- and limestone. Booth types are sedimentary rock types. Flint occurs commonly in chalk rich stone types or in limestone. The flint and the limestone in the quarry were formed in a subtropical sea between 65-62 million years ago. It consists mainly of deposits from prehistoric microscopic algae, mosses, and corals. In some lime layers, there are plenty of shark teeth from a relative to the White Shark, which for millions of years swam around in this prehistoric sea with other now extinct species (Malmรถ, 2019).

Here you can clearly see the different sedimentary layers of the quarry cliff walls.

The white rocks are limestone and the darker stones are flint. As you can see the two different rock types are often merged.

The quarry is 65m deep, about a third of the turning torso (190m). The form of the cliffs was made level-wise intentionally in order to dig deep without having the cliff walls above collapsing. Because the quarry is so deep it would quickly fill with groundwater if it were not for the pumping station.


gaea naturum



Understanding scale. One of the biggest problems with a site this large is grasping the scale of it all. The site in total is around Understanding Onesqm. of the biggest problems with a site 100 hectares or 1scale. 000 000 That’s the same size as 140 this large is grasping the scale of it all. The site in total is around football fields. Another thing that is messing with the perception 100 hectares oreverything 1 000 000 sqm. That’s the same size as trees, 140 hills, of scale is that is visible, there is no forest, football fields. Another thing that is messing with the perception or anything else blocking the overlooking view. Everything is of scale is that everything is visible, there isIts noshape forest, trees, hills, visible. Everything is pointing downward. resembles or anything else blocking the overlooking view. Everything that of a football stadium but with the difference that thereisare visible. Everything is pointing Its shape resembles few points or objects that can downward. help one understand the scale. that of a football stadium but with the difference that there The best aid I had during the study trip was the parked cars are of few points or objects that can help one understand the scale. the quarry workers. Having these familiar objects gives a visual The best aid I had the It study parked cars of representation of during distances. actstrip as awas toolthe of measurement. the quarry workers. Having these familiar objects gives a visual representation of distances. acts as a tool of measurement. A building at this site will beItswallowed by the sheer scale of it all.


One cannot construct a building large enough to embrace or fill Athe building thisneeds site will be swallowed by the sheertoscale of it all. quarry.atOne to work small. One strategy connect the One cannot construct a building large enough to embrace or fill different areas of the quarry is through well-defined walkways. the quarry. One needs to work small. One strategy to connect the Either designing multiple smaller buildings, connected through different of theorquarry is through well-defined walkways. a web of areas pathways, through one central building that radiates Either designing multiple smaller connected through outwards. Thereby connecting thebuildings, different levels, directions, amaterials, web of pathways, through oneDefining central building that radiates textures,orand habitats. the diversity by outwards. Therebytoconnecting thethe different allowing visitors interact with habitatlevels, from directions, above. Walk materials, textures, and habitats. Defining the it, diversity bypeople over the reed field without directly impacting allowing allowing visitors to interact with the habitat from above. Walk to interact with the life bellow without interfering with it. Let over the reed field without directly impacting it, allowing people them walk above the ponds and creeks of the wetland, observing to interact with the life without bellow without it. Let frogs and salamanders leavinginterfering as much aswith a footprint. them walk above the ponds and creeks of the wetland, observing Without obstructions, level varieties and with a flat hard surface frogs andcould salamanders without leaving as much as aeasier, footprint. visitors experience this nature reserve much on Without obstructions, level varieties and with a flat hard surface equal terms, for both humans and wildlife. visitors could experience this nature reserve much easier, on equal terms, humans and wildlife. Another wayfor to both help with the visual scale orientation on the site could be by placing familiar objects around the quarry. Giving Another way to with the visual on the site visitors tools ofhelp measurement. Overscale timeorientation the quarry will reclaim could be by placing familiar objects around the quarry. Giving these objects, making them a part of its environment. Leaving a visitors toolsmark of measurement. Over time the quarry will reclaim permanent of scale. these objects, making them a part of its environment. Leaving a permanent mark of scale.

Sources Malmö Stad (2010) Bildande av Naturreservat Limhamns kalkbrott Available at: Beslut%20naturreservatsbildande%20kalkbrottet.pdf [Accessed 22 Mars 2020]

The quarry is as long as the height of 6,5 turning torso (190m), 12 football fields after one another, or 260 double-deckers (5m) stacked The quarry is as The longquarry as the area height of 6,5 turning torso (190m), 12 on each other. corresponds to 140 football fields. football fields after one another, or 260 double-deckers (5m) stacked on each other. The quarry area corresponds to 140 football fields.

Schlyter, Olga (2010) Limhamns kalkbrott: Industrihistoriska lämningar Available at: [Accessed 25 Mars 2020]




SDG workshop

The aim of the workshop was to create metaphors by linking aspects of the site to the different SDGs. When an aspect was found it was to be broken down into multiple spacial or form related metaphors. These metaphors would then be used as a driving force to create a design that could act as a communicative tool for reflection surrounding the urgency of environmental crisis.


gaea naturum

On the right page are all the metaphors created by my group. The metaphors I choose as my engine was flowing levels and connecting clusters. These metaphors would later be used as guiding elements throughout the digital tool experimentations. All design-related decisions would have to be weight against these metaphors. Image source United Nations (2015) From the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Available at: [Accessed 4 June 2020]

Metaphor matrix 15.1: By 2030, ensure the conversation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements. SDG related site aspect

Space/form related metaphor 1

Space/form related metaphor 2

Space/form related metaphor 3

1. The different levels of the quarry

Change in levels

Materiality gradient

Morphing networks

2. The connections between ponds and creeks

Connecting clusters


Flowing levels

15.2: By 2030, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally SDG related site aspect 1. The passage through the quarry the vegetation changes in density, height and width in sequences.

Space/form related metaphor 1

Space/form related metaphor 2

Space/form related metaphor 3

Rytmic meters


Directional alterations

14.3: Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels

SDG related site aspect 1. Show the damaged condition in which the baltic sea is in from acidification and overuse of fertilization (The Baltic Sea lies less then 1.5 km away from the quarry)

Space/form related metaphor 1

Space/form related metaphor 2

Materiality oxidation/ acidification over time

Dead vs living zones (contrasts) 16

Form process This is an early version of Gaea Naturum. Just like the final result, this version has volumes with intended purposes, for example, one volume would educate about wetlands, another about the reed field, and a third one about the cliff sediments. This concept was scaled down to four volumes as this version would be approximately 50m high. These volumes were later on shaped with a 3D Voronoi grasshopper script (see the picture in the bottom right corner).


gaea naturum

Volume 1. Focus on lime steppe

2. Main building




Reed field 4.


3. Main building

4. Focus on cliff sediments

Lime steppe 6.

Cliff wall

5. Focus on reed field

7. Wetland macro Wetland micro

6. Focus on wetland macro

7. Focus on wetland micro

The arrows show the direction of the volumes. 18

Parametric development

Basic form Volumes without parametric alterations.


gaea naturum

Voronoi 3D The volumes with an applied voronoi 3D grasshopper script.

Contoured The voronoi 3D volume reshaped with a contouring grasshopper script.

These pictures are of the grasshopper scripted model after it has been cleaned up and placed on site. When the model is cleaned up, all the spaces within the Voronoi 3D pattern are visible. Also, the first version of the floor slab is added to give a hint of what the final product might look like. 20



Implemented metaphors Life on Land 15.1 By 2030, ensure the conversation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements.

Metaphors Flowing Levels Connecting Clusters

Lime steppe Reed field

Lime cliff

Wetlands Macro Wetlands Micro

Flowing Levels

Connecting Clusters

This project has implemented flowing levels in three different ways. One. The volumes that make up the building are placed in a way so that they are both embedded into the cliffside and hovering above it. Two. The shape of the volumes resembles the characteristic cliffs on the site. Therefore the building becomes an extension of the site idiom. Three. All the volumes are connected through a flowing structure of wooden beams. The structure is blurring the line between where one level ends and the other begins, connecting the levels into one continuous structure.

The different habitats of the site are clusters of environmental characteristics, animals, and plants that make each one of them unique. Each habitat deserves equal acknowledgment in order to stay true the what makes this quarry special. Therefore Gaea naturum needs to make a visual connection with all these clusters. That is why each level is twisted in a way so that it overlooks its dedicated habitat, making it possible for the visitors to enjoy the diversity of the site.


gaea naturum

Site plan Parking Lot

Entrance slope

Lime steppe

Reed field




The walls surrounding you get higher as you move towards the naturum, at the end the walls be over 4 meters high. The building itself is not visible from the ramp. In the middle of the ramp, the north wall opens up and reveals the impressive landscape. At the end of the slope, a door is all you will find. As you enter through the door, a giant panoramic window opens up towards the reed field and the wetlands, framing the view.


Wetlands 5m

15 m

10 m

The visitors and the employees enter the quarry via the north-west entrance on one of the pre-existing roads (Access point 1 from the site analysis). Through this access point, one can reach the naturum booth in a car and on foot. From the parking lot, the visitors continue via a 100 m long slow descending ramp that leads them towards the naturum.

25 m

20 m




Exploded Axo

Entrance Level Ticket Counter Museum Shop Office/Staff Area Exhebition 11 (small) (small) Exhibition Level -1 Movie Room CafĂŠ/ Restaurant Exhebition 22 (small) (small) Exhibition Terrace Level -2 Exhibition 3 (large) Exhebition (Large) Level -3 Aquarium Exhebition 44 (large) (Large) Exhibition

Movement through the building


gaea naturum

Structural Axo

Entrance Level

Meeting Room

Staircase Meeting Room

Window glass

Staircase 1 Level -1

Staircase 2 Level -2

Window frames Level -3

Staircase 3

Wooden beam frame


Plan drawings

The entry-level will be the visitor’s first interaction with Gaea Naturum. Here they will be greeted by the huge windows behind the ticket counter and museum shop. This area also contains all the necessities for the naturum employees, such as an office, staff room, and a meeting room that is suspended from the roof above the staff room. On this floor is also the first exhibition, it will mainly focus on the lime steppe and the cliff sediments. This exhibition will educate the visitors about the quarry’s history from when this site was nothing but sea bottom to when the mining started and how nature has reclaimed the quarry.

Ticket Counter Museum Shop Office

WC Staff room/ meeting room


Exhibition 1

Entrance Floor Plan 1


On floor -1 the visitors will enter directly into exhibition 2 and the movie room. Exhibition 2 will focus mainly on the reed field and the animals that live there. On this floor, the restaurant/café is situated and visitors can also enter the large terrace. From the terrace, the entire quarry is fully visible. During warmer months the terrace can act as an extension of the restaurant/café with outdoor serving


Restaurant / Café


Movie room Exhibition 2

Floor -1 Plan 2



Floor -3 is one giant exhibition hall. Its main focus will be to educate about the wetlands on a macro-scale and how it interacts with the other habitats. Due to its size, this exhibition hall will also have room for temporary and rotating exhibitions.

Exhibition 3

Floor -2 29

gaea naturum

Plan 3


On floor -3 the visitors will find the fourth exhibition and the aquarium. Here they will learn about the wetlands on a micro-scale, with a focus on all the species of animals that live there. This includes rare and endangered species as the smooth newt and the green toad. The aquarium will be an accurate representation of all the life the wetlands contain and here the visitors will get a chance to see and interact with its inhabitants. The building itself is also partly lowered into one of the wetland ponds. Through the east window facade, visitors will get a close look at this landscape, without interfering with it.

Exhibition 4


Floor -3 Plan 4



Sections Sections


gaea naturum

Section CC




gaea naturum

Section AA


Section BB




The arrow shows the position of the camera on the site.

Visualisation 1 Exterior. 35

gaea naturum

The wood on the building’s exterior will turn grey over time. Algae and moss will grow on its surface. Time will blend the structure with its surroundings.



gaea naturum

The arrow shows the position of the camera on floor -1.

Visualisation 2 Restaurant and CafĂŠ Area. 38

The arrow shows the position of the camera on floor -3.

Visualisation 3 Exhibition 4 with its aquarium. 39

gaea naturum



Augmented reality glasses With the aid of AR glasses, the exhibitions at Gaea naturum can be enhanced. This experience is called God Mode.

Edutainment The AR glasses ads an extra dimension to the exhibition and makes the exposition more informative and more fun.

Video screenshot 1

Video screenshot 2 41

gaea naturum


This project has been incredibly challenging but immensely fun and it has taught me a great deal. Since a project of this size and complexity normally would need a large group of architects coming together to solve the many challenges over a long period of time, some aspects of Gaea naturum was left unpolished. I had to make the decision to move forward with the project even though some details were left unfixed or in need of extra work. But I am nevertheless very pleased with the result.

naturum. The other aspect that I would like to fix is the integration of the aquarium, as it is today it is more of a solitary object than an integrated part of the architecture. One solution could be to skip the aquarium all together and let the building be even more integrated with the wetlands. The building could allow visitors to interact with the real ponds instead of an artificial one. If there would have been more time, this aspect together with the ramp would have been my primary objective to resolve.

Some aspects of Gaea that I would like to fix are the entrance ramp and the aquarium integration. As for the entrance, I would like to make the walk down the ramp more interesting and meaningful. I would like the ramp to act as a path of mental preparation before one enters the

This project has pushed me forward as an architect, booth in the way I approach and think about architecture as well as my design techniques. My new knowledge of how to use more advanced digital design tools and design parametric architecture will be extremely valuable in future projects. Thank you for reading! - Albert Wischer


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