2 minute read

t ime flies when You’re haV in G fun

by Christine Tanzer, Field Trip Program Director


c hr I st I ne tanzer’s 25 years lead I ng nr F’s F I eld t r program

It is hard to believe that I have been at the helm of the Field Trip Program for 25 years now. As I say to the young professionals who are starting their careers with NRF today, “Be careful, you too may find that your first job out of college ends up being your life’s work.”

When I started in 1997, NRF did not have email or a website. We offered 30-40 Field Trips annually, and registration meant mailing in a form with a check and waiting weeks to receive a postcard with registration confirmation. I would spend hours poring over people’s selections, making sure everyone got at least one of the Field Trips they most wanted to attend. Trip details letters were mailed out with a photocopied map, where I painstakingly highlighted the driving route and meeting location. Decades of digital advancements have made things more efficient. Now, we offer over 250 trips per year. Registration is online, and trip details arrive in your email inbox with a

Google-map link. In some ways this is a simpler time.

The most enjoyable part of my job has always been our members. Seeing families and muti-generations exploring Wisconsin together—that is priceless to me.

I have also been able to bring my own kids out on Field Trips through the years: banding kestrels, saw whet owls, and trumpeter swans, and learning about frogs, snakes, and bogs. Not yet born when I started at NRF, they are now in college, and I like to think these experiences helped shape the people they are today. My parents get out in the field too, sharing their love of Wisconsin with other family members and friends. Field Trips have always been a catalyst for shared experiences and creating community.

I believe that curiosity is an important pillar of happiness (along with gratitude and kindness). I hope that exploring Wisconsin has sparked curiosity in the 68,000 attendees on Field Trips these past 30 years. If you too are a curious lifelong learner, join us in the field. You will be in good company.

30 Y Ears

68,449 attendees

3,793 F I eld t r I ps

There’s still lots of great trips available! Make sure your membership is current and then go check them out: wisconservation.org/field-trips

In 2022, the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin granted $1,030,650 to support 241 conservation and environ mental education projects across the state.

NRF’s grantmaking is made possible through the support of our donors, supporters, and members. We are grateful to everyone who supports our work to conserve Wisconsin’s lands, waters, and wildlife and connect generations to nature. Last but not least, thank you to our grant recipients for the important work that you do for Wisconsin!

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