Establishing Faith • Building Committment • Training for Service
UPCOMING May 4 Gymnastics Home Show May 5 Academy Day May 11 Spring Concert May 24-26 Graduation Weekend More events online at: www.wisacad.org
Join the Family at Wisconsin Academy!
isconsin Academy in- about unique classes being dents we find at each stop. vites you to be part offered next year, such as
Many of you have ques-
of our family. Our family in- welding, small engine repair, tions about our online procludes members from all over ground school and others. the globe, from China to Co-
gram. We are pleased to
This year we are working announce it is going to con-
lumbus and from Mexico to to do all applications online. tinue. Rice Lake.
Our actual registration day is
Also, some of you have
On May 5, we are invit- August 18 for dorm and WA- been asking about other state ing anyone interested from online students. Please be voucher programs outside of grades 7-11 to visit our cam- sure to register ahead of time Milwaukee, please note, we pus and preview our school. at www.wisacad.org to help are only participating in the Please call (920)623-3300 if streamline the process. you plan to attend and we will
Milwaukee program.
We have visited our Wis- private school in Wisconsin
reserve a spot for you. There consin Conference schools can only choose to be part
Camp Meeting 2013 Feel free to stop by the Wisconsin Academy cabin at camp meeting this year. Find out what’s new on campus, catch up with old friends, flip through recent yearbooks, and pick up an application for someone you know. The Wisconsin Academy cabin is located on administration row next to the little red schoolhouse. It will be open most days.
will be opportunities to earn and are excited about the of one city program. Unforscholarship dollars and learn many friends and future stu-
continued u
May 2013 Vol.1 No.3
Students help organize toy storage at Cardinal Country Daycare in Fall River during a recent community service day. Students also volunteered at a non-profit lending library, a nursing home, and a food pantry.
Don’Chavel Hickman ‘15, packages fiber mesh (a concrete additive) into one-pound bags at Lighthouse Thrift Store. The program has converted nearly 40,000 pounds of fiber mesh in the past few weeks.
Join the Family! (continued)
Thrift Store Blessings
tunately, that means only Mil- well. If you are interested in eligible.
Lighthouse Thrift Store has
throw rugs, stuffed animals,
contact the registrar at exten- been greatly blessed. Folks
etc. Many are sold on store
We are starting several sion 13. new industries at WA and will
n the weeks since it opened,
waukee, city residents will be our summer program, please
from all over have been com-
racks or shelves. Items that
Thank you for the your ing in to shop and enjoying
might not “make the cut” are
be hiring some students for prayers and support. Wiscon- the wide selection of furni-
compacted into 1,000-pound
our summer work program. sin Academy is your school, ture, bedding, books, toys,
bales and shipped out to
They can live in the dorm and we hope to see you soon! fitness equipment, etc.
make new fabric. We’re also
and earn money toward next
needing GLOW and Signs
school year. If they work the
Keith Nelson WA Principal
The biggest blessing by far has been seeing custom-
tracts to stuff bags with.
full 8 week program, they may
ers pour over the books! Re-
The packagaing program
be eligible for extra funds as
cently we had a gentleman
is almost done converting our
spend about an hour in our
first 40,000 pounds of fiber
book section and leave with
mesh (a concrete additive)
8 of our church’s publica-
into one-pound bags. The
tions. As he walked out the
students are doing an awe-
door, we prayed that the Lord
some job!
Marlin Miller Heads West
arlin Miller has served
would use that purchase to move in his heart.
Wiscosnin Academy as
We want to thank the
plant services director for the
members of the Wisconsin
past 7 years. Now, he and his
Conference churches. When
wife Lynette are moving west
they saw the DVD about
to Bismarck, ND. Marlin has
Lighthouse Thrift Store sent
managed a mixed bag of old
out in January, they opened
and new buildings and equip-
their hearts, their closets,
ment and has kept the campus
and their basements. They
running despite an aging waste and hard work you invested into continue to call and ask, water facility and many 60+ Wisconsin Academy. May the “How can we help?” year- old heating and plumbing Lord bless you on you new joursystems. Thank you for the time ney in life.
Here’s how. Currently, we are gathering fabic items:
Your generous donations, financial
prayers are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much! John Campbell Wisconsin Academy Industries Director of Operations
Annette Campbell Lighthouse Thrift Store Manager
Pastor Kameron DeVasher, his wife Emilie, and son Henry hail from Muskegon, Michigan. Students appreciated DeVasher’s enthusiasm and biblical insights during the redent week of prayer.
Myles McKnight, a student at Hillside Christian School, sings a solo in “Thy Will Be Done,” the closing number of Sabbath’s concert. The program also included performances by the Choralaires and the bell choir.
DeVasher Holds Week of Prayer 130 Attend Music Fest
f Jesus conquered Sa-
“He made the Great Con-
tan at the cross, why is troversy
Satan still around?” asked Adam
n Thursday, April
over 130 students from with a concert Sabbath after-
“He Adventist
across noon. The festival choir per-
Kameron DeVasher, speaker opened my eyes to a Chris- Wisconsin and parts of Il- formed with musical groups for Wisconsin Academy’s re- tian’s role in God’s plan.” cent week of prayer.
linois gathered for Wiscon- from the academy.
“This is the perfect mes- sin Academy’s annual Music
DeVasher answered this sage for us to hear,” added Fest. question
more Melanie Román ‘13, “Espe-
Arick Lund, of Maranatha SDA
The 5th-10th-grade stu- weekend. “It was awesome
during the morning and eve- cially for us seniors as we dents practiced choral ar- and fun. I will definitely come ning meetings he spent trac- head out into the world.”
rangements under the di- back next year!”
ing the major themes issues
Greg Edge WA Online Director Publications
of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan from
Anderson, choir director at Upper
its beginning to its dramatic
and brother to our own music
director Clinton Anderson.
Reporting by Suny Gomez Class of ‘15
Fathers and Daughters Enjoy Special Day Together
unday, April 7, fathers the same section and en-
per meal. During the week day well spent bonding Fa-
from all over Wiscon- joyed
before our special day, each thers and daughters together
sin, Illinois, and Minnesota, The game went into extra in-
girl in the dorm had written and making memories that
at nings, but the Brewers just
their father a personal let- will last a lifetime. Thank
Wisconsin Academy for our could not get the runs they
ter, expressing gratitude and you, WA girls for making one
Father Daughter Day. We needed and lost by 1 run.
love for all they do in their of my dreams come true!
all loaded onto buses and
After the game we head-
daughters’ lives. Each girl
headed to Milwaukee to en- ed to the Waukesha S.D.A.
gave their father their per-
joy the Sunday together at Church, which had gracious-
sonal letter and enjoyed the
a Milwaukee Brewers game. ly agreed to let us use their
ride back to WA.
All 117 of us sat together in fellowship hall for our sup-
It was a long day, but a
Melissa Mekelburg Dean of Women
Alumni Homecoming in Pictures
From the Development Office:
Alumni Homecoming 2013
lumni Homecoming 2013
Saturday night featured the
has come to a close. The traditional basketball games
last goodbyes have been said between current and former and the voices of classmates WA students in which a friendfrom years past have faded. The
ly spirit prevailed. The men’s
celebra- game turned out to be a very
tion began on Thursday eve- close match in which the alumning with a special banquet ni team was edged out 52-48. for members of the Wisconsin
This year a new program
Academy Council of Advocates was added to the weekend Former roomates Beverly Vergin and Lou Ann (Steffen) Headlee, both from the class of ‘83, reconnect between Sabbath School and church services at Alumni Homecoming Weekend.
(WACOA) and leaders of the lineup.
Wisconsin Conference. Keith brunch featured a live concert Nelson, principal, gave a re- by the WA Choralairs and the port detailing the current state WA handbell choir, Bellissimi of the school and “The Road Cerchi. Over 100 alumni atAhead.” Roger Dunder, Direc- tended. After the concert, a tor of Development, presented number of gifts were made to an analysis of donor giving help the music department purcovering the past two years. A chase a new set of standing question and answer time fol- risers. We remain about $2900 lowed.
shy of the needed goal. In the
Roland Swanson ’83 spoke short business meeting followfor Friday evening vespers. A ing brunch, a vote was taken visitation time with snack fol- to move alumni homecoming a lowed in the cafeteria.
week later to avoid conflict with
During Sabbath school, Dr. the Easter holiday. The new Larry Stotz ‘73, is awarded alumnus of the year. Larry started dating his wife, Cindy (Thompson) Stotz ‘75, at an alumni weekend and their five daughters have all graduated from Wisconsin Academy.
Curtis Nelson ’73, who is a co- dates are April 25-27, 2014. faculty advisor for the Walla
For Enrique Serna ’09, this
Walla chapter of Engineers was the first alumni homecomWithout Borders, made a pre- ing he had attended. “I am sentation on the humanitarian beginning to understand how development work he has been important it is to reconnect with involved with.
my academy classmates,” he
Pastor Bob Stauffer, former said. boys’ dean, delivered a grace-
The WA faculty, staff, and
filled message during the Sab- students extend their thanks to bath morning worship service. all those who attended. Thank Following the Sabbath after- you for sharing this wonderful noon music program, the hon- weekend together with us and or classes separated to their helping make it a success. respective meeting places for Wisconsin Academy’s bell choir performs at the Alumni brunch and business meeting held Sunday morning. Over 100 attended. During the meeting, the alumni voted to have the next Wisconsin Academy’s Alumni Homecoming Weekend on April 25-27, 2014.
class reunions and enjoyed a lovely evening meal catered by students from the WA chapter of the National Honor Society.
Roger Dunder Director of Development