2 minute read
From the President
Wisconsin Lutheran College, affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a Lutheran liberal arts college for Christian men and women. The college is committed to providing quality teaching, scholarship, and service that are rooted in Holy Scripture; promoting the spiritual growth of students, faculty, and staff; and preparing students for lives of Christian leadership.
Dr. Daniel W. Johnson
Richard Mannisto ’94
Melanie Buellesbach Adam Heinzen ’06 Michael Kuether ’24 Lisa Leffel ’98 Jonathan Lorenzen ’11 Alissa Rauh ’17 Curtis Wech ’09, MA ’16 Jeff Wilson
Amy Kuether ’96
Wisconsin Lutheran College Magazine is published for and distributed free of charge to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the college. For more articles and photos, visit WLC Magazine Online at magazine.wlc.edu.
All letters, news, corrections, and comments should be directed to WLC’s Office of Marketing & Communication, 8800 West Bluemound Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226, or publicaffairs@wlc.edu.
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For 49 years, Wisconsin Lutheran College has been blessed to carry out its mission, and we are courageously planning for the next half-century to expand our reach across this hurting and broken world. We are preparing and sending Christian servant leaders to places where we cannot go. Whether it be the nursing floor of a Level 1 Trauma Center or helping nonprofits thrive in East Asia, our Wisconsin Lutheran College graduates are bringing the love of Jesus to places you and I cannot.
This spring has seen fewer pandemicrelated issues, and I pray COVID-19 is finally receding in the rearview mirror. Despite many challenges, WLC has continued to operate as normally as possible. Our gym was filled with fans cheering on our women’s basketball team to another trip to the Division III NCAA Tournament. We offered a full complement of performances and art shows that attracted larger audiences than we saw pre-pandemic. We are thankful to our alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and students who attend our events, show their support for our Warriors, and champion our cause of Christian higher education.
WLC continues to draw upon its track record of academic excellence. We are thrilled to announce the accreditation of our sport and exercise science major, the first in the state of Wisconsin to be accredited and among a small handful of programs across the Midwest. In this issue, you will read more about this accomplishment and many other areas where God continues to bless WLC.
We praise God for all of the blessings showered on WLC and thank you for your continued prayers and support. Now is a great time to recommend a future Warrior − please visit wlc.edu/refer. Already this year we have broken records for the number of visitors and applicants. We would love to host anyone you know who is looking for an exceptional academic experience in a vibrant, Christian culture.

2 From the President
4 Campus News 6 Center for Christian Leadership 8 Student Clinicals and Internships 10 Marine Biology 12 Sport and Exercise Science 14 Athletics
16 Fine Arts
Spring 2022 | Vol. 34, No. 1
FRONT COVER: Alexandra Demma, B.S., Biology, Chicago, Illinois, at December Commencement