2 minute read

Tracking Down Wildlife



Andrea Zani is managing editor of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine.

In winter, it’s no surprise to see signs of wildlife that have passed by on their way to find food and shelter from the cold. The DNR’s nature discovery kit, “Tracking Down Animals,” provides great kid-friendly activities to help identify the animals that went walking through the snow and mud.

Grab the kids and head outdoors to try some of these tracking tips.


When you see a track, think about where you are — near a forest, field or lake? Now, think about what animals might live in that habitat. They’re more likely to have left their mark here.


Study the track to learn more. Does it have claws? Is it solid or in parts? How many toes does it have? Getting a good look and noting what you see can help figure out what left the track.

Also take a close look at the pattern the animal’s footprints made and ask some questions about how it might have moved: Was it a diagonal walker or perfect stepper? A waddler or pacer?


You can use your hands and feet to try to imitate an animal’s movement. A white-tailed deer walks like a baby crawls, moving limbs on opposite sides of their body at the same time. Dogs, cats, hoofed animals and humans all walk this way.

A raccoon moves both limbs on the same side of the body together, with a kind of shuffling gait. Bears, skunks, beavers, porcupines and muskrats also walk this way. Try waddling like a raccoon!

The animal might have been a bounder, such as an otter, weasel or mink. These animals walk by reaching out their front feet and then bringing their back feet up directly behind them. Can you get down on all fours and bound like an otter?

A rabbit is a hopper, of course! It pushes off with its back feet then lands on its front feet and brings its back feet forward, past the front feet. Hares, mice and squirrels also move this way, as do deer when they’re on the run. It’s fun to try, especially in the snow!



Here are some words biologists use when looking at tracks animals leave behind:

Print: Impression made by one foot

Track: A series of prints

Straddle: Width of the track

Pattern: Arrangement of individual prints

Stride: Distance between the heel of the front foot and the heel of the back foot

Rabbit Tracks

Wisconsin DNR

Bear Tracks

Wisconsin DNR

Deer Tracks


Coyote Tracks

Linda Freshwaters Arndt

For more tracking tips, activities and a printable animal tracks identifier sheet to take out into the wild: https://widnr.widen.net/s/knxrrrvwpz/outwigo_naturediscoverykit_tracks

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