\ Heinz Aunt Bessie’s: Case Study \ The Hydramist® High Pressure Watermist systems were chosen by Heinz to protect their deep fat fryers from the risk of fire at their factory in Norfolk. Heinz process roast potatoes under the Aunt Bessie brand. Description of Solution: The deep fat fryers are contained in the centre of the factory and adjacent to other process machines. Each fryer measured around 8 metres in length and contained nearly 2 tonnes of oil. The Hydramist® system had been designed to protect under each fryer canopy, within each exhaust duct, around the in and out feed areas and over each fines box area all connected to a common 120 l/min Hydramist® pump unit located in the plant room.
Within their factory they have two large industrial deep fat fryers and to chose to instal the Hydramist® high pressure water mist system following a fire that devastated the factory. The Hydramist® system had ungone extensive fire testing and research had proved that Hydramist® is far more effective at both fire fighting and preventing re-ignition of the fire than the original CO2 system that was installed.
Description of Risk: Hydramist® has been tested for large industrial fryers to the satisfaction of Insurers and fire suppression
equipment specifiers alike and was the obvious choice for Heinz as they looked for a effective and efficient form of fire suppression to protect their risk. Hydramist® systems use only small amounts of water at high pressure to quickly and effectively suppress and control a fire, this results in less production time being lost and is harmless to people and the environment.
Working closely with the team at Heinz, Hydramist® were able to design a system to protect the fryers that meet with the approval of both the company and their insurers.
Each fryer had its own dedicated fire detection system controlling the pump unit and a zone valve to direct the water mist to the affected fryer.
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Fireworks Fire Protection Ltd Amber House Station Road Attleborough Norwich, Norfolk NR17 2AT 0800 975 7462 www.fireworks-ltd.com fireworks@fireworks-ltd.com