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March Astrology Forecast: Lambs and Lions
March 2020: Lambs and Lions ASTROLOGY:
By Ahwen Avalon
“March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb.” -From Thomas Fuller's 1732 compendium Gnomologia: Adagies and Proverbs; Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British.
early three centuries later, Fuller’s adage still rings true, and March 2020 is no exception. Since February 17 th , we’ve been under the influence of Mercury retrograde, and have had quite enough of computers crashing, running into exes, and finding out we sent that email to the oh-so-wrong address! N
Hopefully, you’ve reaped the underemphasized rewards of the infamous Mercury’s tailspin. Perhaps you’ve been reconnecting with old friends, culling your wardrobe, and catching up on old bills? Either way, life is about to turn right side up, and not a moment too soon. As the days grow longer, the shadowy parts of ourselves and those around us are illuminated. We face the fears, embrace the wondrous mysteries, and are ready for the evitable new beginnings of springtime. Let’s take a look, shall we? notebook on your nightstand to scribble down details from revelatory dreams, as this month will bring some intense ones.
March 4 th : Mercury Retrograde Enters Aquarius
This final lap of Mercury retrograde is full of surprises; expect to chase down creative means for solving unexpected issues which may arise.
It’s okay to ask for assistance, and under this planetary influence a fine source would be either a former mentor, that cousin you haven’t touched base with in years, or phone call to your counselor? It’s been awhile, after all. Review and reconsider your old beliefs and theories, leaving room for fresh perspectives. Keep a March 5 th : Venus Enters Taurus
Sexytime. Have you lost that lovin’ feeling? Bring it all back with Venus’ unbridled sensuality and Taurean devotion. Whether you’re trying to light up a new flame or reignite an old one, this is the time to reopen the “naughty drawer” you’ve left closed for far too long. Enjoying your solo time? Treat yourself to new high-thread count sheets, a fascinating new toy, or maybe even a Superbowl-inspired poledancing class. The key words: pleasure and persistence.
March 9 th : Full Moon In Virgo…and she’s SUPER-DUPER!
Also known as the Worm Moon or Storm Moon, this is the first of two 2020 supermoons (next is April 8th). Dreams continue to be intense, and secrets are being brought to light. You are just now rubbing the sleepy dust of winter from your eyes, soaking in the silver moonlight. And under her influence the world is your oyster. No more ennui, self-doubt, or giving in to old fears; the moon calls you to rise and act.

Time to renew those January resolutions, spread your lunar moth wings and fly to the stars. Since tomorrow (March 10 th ), Mercury is going direct in Aquarius, soit’s less likely you’ll get lost on the way.
March 16 th : Mercury Enters Pisces
Pisces, that dear little fish, brings all things dreamlike and whispers secrets of the subconscious. Continue to draw wisdom from your dreamscapes, scrying, and readings but beware that with Mercury entering Pisces some can lose touch with reality. Remember to stay grounded and centered. Don’t forget to close your circles when ending a ritual. And above all, remember to laugh at yourself from time to time.
March 20 th : Sun Enters Aries; March Equinox
Spring, sprang, sprung! It’s the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. All over the planet night and day have equal length; open your heart, mind, and soul to The Big Hum. In these troubled times, equinox invites us to feel the worldwide camaraderie, psychically tapping into the collective unconscious of all Earth’s creatures.
Begin anew. Breathe in the fresh spring air. Celebrate the new life and new growth with simple equinox rituals. Go for an early morning walk – preferably surrounded by woods, but a park will do —and select a small branch to fashion into a wand, inviting the magic of spring to carry you through the seasons. Perhaps find a body of moving water and splash your face with the stream’s icy sweetness for eternal beauty. Ancient faerie beauty secret. You’re welcome.
March 22 nd : Saturn Enters Aquarius
After three years of lounging about in Capricorn, Saturn enters Aquarius, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Not only is this a fabulous time to clarify your goals for the next three years, but it’s time to broaden your inner circle of friends. That’s right. Saturn in Aquarius brings together like-minded folks, not only for romance and friendship, but business collaborations as well.
Keep your antennae up for opportunities to mingle outside your usual comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to hit the “going” button on all those events invites you’ve been avoiding. Once we make room in our lives for our true crew, they arrive to fill our space with laughter and love. Sometimes they even bring good books and wine.

March 24 th : New Moon In Aries
Between the new moon’s power of a fresh start and the intense fire Aries brings to any situation, this will be one of the best days of the year to start a grand new project. You’ve been laying the groundwork, planning, and puzzling. But now it’s all hands on deck. Time to act.
March 30 th : Mars Enters Aquarius
Still riding high from that Aries new moon? Or are you needing to take a breather? This past week has been beyond productive, so take a little time for reflection and quiet, steady work. Your energy is unique, and for the first time in awhile your actions and exchanges feel like they’re coming from your authentic self. Honor that, because you are channeling from a higher plane.
Take pride in your recent accomplishments and dedication to leading the life to which you’ve been called.
Tomorrow (March 31), when Mars conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn, you can come back to earth, excited to put in the work to make this next big adventure come to fruition. Revel in the healthy expression, communication, and energy which is starting to come ever-so-naturally to you. A blessed spring to all.
March Astrology Correspondences

Tarot: The Emperor XI
Elements: Water (March 1-March 19) and Fire (March 20-March 31)
Deities: Mars, Demeter, Cerridwen

Stones: Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Tiger Eye
Trees: Lilacs, honeysuckle, cherry blossoms, dogwood, pussy willow
Herbs: High John, wood betony, and apple blossom, and pennyroyal. ***Do NOT take pennyroyal if you may be pregnant or are trying to conceive.***