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Get the best reachGet at the be CAPTURING A SHOT: “Picture of His Life,” a documentary about photographer Amost Nachoum’s efforts to swim underwater with a polar bear, is among the highlights of this year’s Princeton Environmental Film Festival.
Environmental Film Festival Goes Virtual This Year
349 Nassau St. Princeton, NJ 609 688-9840 Tues-Sat 12:30pm-5pm www.thecloakanddagger.com
The Princeton Public Library’s 2020 Princeton Environmental Film Festival (PEFF), set for this month, was a done deal when the pandemic forced the library to close its doors last March. By the time summer arrived, it was clear that a week of live screenings and discussions was not going to happen.
Now in its 14th year, the annual, free festival is a much - ant icipated event. Instead of scrapping the series exploring urgent environmental issues, the library has transitioned to digital. The festival opens Monday, October 12 and continues through Sunday, October 18. Some 20 films, with presentations by some of the filmmakers, make up the virtual roster.
• 8.5″ • Flye • Men F • Boo etc.
a quirky Singaporean and crusader in global sanitaReach· Postcards over 15,000 homes in tion. A former entrepreneur, he uses humor to campaign Princeton and beyond! for a crisis that impacts over · Books two billion people. Town ·Topics puts you in front “This is a very funny story Catalogues about a really interesting of your target customer for less guy who takes on the problem of sanitation that most · Annual Reports than what it would cost to mail people don’t have to know about,” said Conlon. “There a postcard! are people in our world who live in some deplorWe c able conditions. He wants For additional info contact: to turn attention to bring alm people together and come melissa.bilyeu@ up with solutions that make witherspoonmediagroup.com these people’s lives better. It’s a really tough subject and there are some difficult moments to watch, but it is “We had pretty much fi- done with such humor. This 4438 Route 27 North, Kingston, NJ 08528-0125 nalized the whole event is a journey. He is a force to 609-924-5400 when the library closed in be reckoned with.” March,” said librarian SuContinued on Next Page san Conlon, who is head of youth services and plans the festival with library staffer Kim Dorman. “Everything was viewed, considered, and selected. We had made arThe entire Hamilton team rangements for filmmakers looks forward to welcoming you! to come. So we had to put the brakes on. But we actually have gotten to show two of the films before now, and in the meantime picked up a 4 couple of others. So here we are with 20 films.” Town Topics is the only weekly paper that reaches EVERY HOME IN PRINCETON, Town Topics making is theitonly a tremendously weekly papervaluable that reach pro Going virtual means films are available on demand. “People can gather toWn with toPIcs neWsPaPeR • 4438 Route 27 noRth • KInGston,toWn nJ 08528 toPIcs • tel: neWsPaPeR 609.924.2200 • 4438 • Fax: Route 609.9 2 friends and family and watch 4438 Route 27 North, Kingston, NJ 08528-0125 what they want, when they 609-924-5400 want, and that’s a kind of nice element,” said Conlon. “It’s a little bit of a different experience. And it’s all free.” Among the highlights is Picture of His Life, a film about Amos Nachoum, the underwater still photographer whose lifelong dream is to swim underwater with a polar bear and capture it face-to-face on film. Nearing the end of his career, he is determined to give it one last shot. Dani Menkin, the filmmaker, will appear in a Q&A session about the film. Hamilton strives to create beauty and happiness, and to help our clients “He’s Israeli, and had celebrate all of life’s moments. Despite the challenges that this year has presented, done the film Dolphin Boy, commemorative occasions and happy events continue to occur and we which we liked, a few years treasure being a small part of your life celebrations. ago,” said Conlon. “Like that film, this one is beautiWe have been working hard over the summer to provide the best ful to watch. It’s an interestluxury shopping experiences that are customized to your needs. ing combination of a person Please visit our website for more information on our updated services. looking back on their life and what they need to do to We can’t wait to see you. feel like they really accomplished something, with the plight of the polar bear. The film is really showing us the dire plight of our planet, through these two characters.” Then there is Mr. Toilet: 92 Nassau street, PriNcetoN. 609.683.4200 The World’s #2 Man. The shoP oNliNe at hamiltoNjewelers.com film focuses on Jack Sim,
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